Who else here extremely depressed and worried by the future. Seriously, the world is headed towards rapid ecological collapse and unrest and all I do is distract myself from this and the rest of my shit life with entertainment and porn. I'm too subdued to either take action or kill myself and I feel like all people experience this to some degree. Is it all completely pointless? Are we all too subdued to do anything before it's too late?
tbh become a nihilist, give up your notions of hope and continue to fight for the pure negation of the existent. There is value in the struggle itself when the world is this fucking intolerable.
I feel like I don't even have the strength to fight, and I'm in no position to change anything. I feel trapped by my shitty job and by modern "spectacular" entertainment. Sometimes I have fantasies of striking out on my own and living against everything I hate, but all these dreams seem suicidal or cowardly in nature. Despite that they still seem better than living like this at times.
Why do these threads always read like babbys first political epiphany?
Get a hold of yourselves faggots.
Be nice to the babby. Everyone needs to be born once.
Everything is by definition pointless. Luckily we as humans can carve out some corner of meaning, even if it is without the bounds of our own enjoyments and hobbies.
Eh problably.
north america and europe are headed for a fascist regime in the not so distant future, and economical collapse is bound to occur (before fascism takes hold) as well as environmental issues. Drumpf's stance on climate change as well as his supporter's approval speaks volumes about our future.
All in all, it's bleak af fam
why worry
this is a good time to be alive in my opinion. We will all experience a great ammount of technological progress and social change directly related to said progress
We'll also be alive to witness great amounts of suffering and death, and possibly the extinction of the human race if those climatologists are right.
Whatever comes in the future won't be called fascism.
It might look like a duck and quack like a duckā¦
There's one of you in every thread.
I feel this. I often toy with the idea of selling all my shit and moving to East Wind. But I don't know if I'd ever be able to morally reconcile that with abandoning my class.
I am too dumb to grasp theory, too apathetic and cowed to know fury, and too scared to get out into the streets regardless. Vastly more talented and dedicated people have put everything they had into making change that didn't materialize. The damage that unchecked neoliberalism has already done to the planet has rendered it nonviable to widespread civilization in the long term. And The chaos that will be wrought in the short term will only lead to reactionary fascist hegemony in the first world. Can't be helped. Can't be bothered.
then enlighten me on what its about
top kek
It will be if it causes mass ecological collapse and destroys our ability to grow food.
With crisis comes opportunity. I plan to be in a position to do something about this shit when it goes down. How about you?
Eskimos would probably survive thought.
Might as well just go to Rojava and start over
Not really, since their entire livelihood is based on he ocean, and that's one of the ecosystems in the most danger.
Tangentially related to user's question, is it strategically better for those of us who want to kill ourselves to do so in some cop massacre/terrorist attack, or quietly offing ourselves?
Would it do any good to be violent and take some pigs down with us or would it just hurt our image in the long term?
Individual terrorism is always an option you know? but in the long game is not really fruitful and you should stick to read theory and find a hobby.
Go on a rampage but make it look like you were a white nationalist or some other right wing nut. Basically gun down brown people and scream Holla Forums memes, that would be helpful to us.
Everything under the heavens is in chaos. The situation is excellent.
I fucking hate mao but his quotes are pretty good, not gonna lie.
I plan on making tons of money, then buy myself a self-sustainable house in a region that profits from climate change.
Why fight the end of the world? Our species is going to get what it deserves. Time to let the cockroaches have their turn.
Heehehe I just made up a corruption of someones original surname from a few hundred years ago, see his old name was Trumpf which is a german surname so his fascist nazi grandmother changed it to avoid discrimination in America, IT'S FUNNY TO CALL PEOPLE BY NAMES THEY HAD NO CONTROL IN CHANGING BUT ONLY FUCKHEADS DARE CALL SOMEONE BY THEIR REAL NAME BEFORE THEY DECIDED TO CHANGE IT OMG HIS NAME IS JON STEWART FUCKING NAAAAZISSSSS DRUMPF DRUMPF DRUMPF based meme tbh
The only thing I find distressing is that the current system is still desperately trying to keep the status quo in place. Every day I pray for a crisis, a massive downturn, the sooner and deeper the better. Because a crisis allows the old to be smashed and the new to take hold, and releases so much human energy that can hopefully be redirected towards the Left and revolution.
The longer a crisis is delayed, the deeper people retrench into denial and ignorance, and the further away from Communism we stray.
For me it's AI. Human evolution as it is doesn't come close to how quickly machines will be able to gain brain power and all the strategic advantages that come with it.
a y y l m a o
Illegal drugs and alcohol are waiting for you.
Whenever the power goes out I pray it doesn't come back on. Something about cutting up the fallen trees with my neighbors and eating and drinking together by a fire is so wonderfully counter to our currently way of living.
Though sadly capitalism is well equipped for crisis now, and is aided by small crises and fear.