When there is a run on the banks, will your precious Pepes be there?
There is only one way to be sure.
Hard memes. Real memes. I'm talking we put our money where our mouths are and MAKE PEPES REAL.

A few weeks ago I came here asking if anyone would be interested in some dank Pepes.

Real Pepes.

Well, today I fucking did it. The coins were minted, are sitting on my desk, and now we can all have tokens to commemorate the Meme War.


Other urls found in this thread:

Shit thread sage

If Holla Forums ever starts its own nation this should be the official currency.

You pussy.

Add in estimated shipping, boyo

missing 38 cents

Im slightly impressed.
Not enough to buy one, but enough to smile and laugh with you.


What? My estimated shipping was $3 flat.

user delivars

bump because op delivered


also if trips i buy 3

you all must realize this is exactly how banking started

It's alright CTR, we know you're only salty because you can't afford one now the paychecks have ended :^)

the kike is strong in this one.



Its a shit slide meme thread


wish I weren't such a NEET or I'd buy a few. not sure OP thought this through all the way

Sage is not a downvote lol

Fuck, good point. description updated.

You fucked up OP, people will buy /k/ and moonman patches, because people have shit they can put them on. Who the fuck wants a coin?

I bought one, challenge coins are cool.


he should sell patches too though, that faggot on /k/ refuses to sell more Holla Forums octopus patches


People who don't want to go outside.


I look forward to slamming down my memewar coin when I finally meet a Holla Forumsack in person.

I would be ok with a coin if it was Silver.

have another bump

you're all retarded


I plan to buy one of these. Thanks OP.

Thing is that for OP to mint silver he would probably have had to spend like 10k on this, and spending all of that effort, painting the silver which would damage its value/purity


itt: jews shill their wares

sage and reported

Gimme your address.

Assembling orders now. Shadilay!

Hope they're still in stock tomorrow

what the fuck?

>>>Holla Forums off you go, commie.

This guy is selling a desired product for little gain, what's all the whining? You want them to be free? :^)

Can Jet Fuel melt them though?

I believe I expressed my personal concern about the subject without directly telling anyone what they should do.
But you actually give a shit, do you? :^)

Your concern is valid, didn't mean to reply to yours

that would be simply ebin

These look pretty cool. Glad you took your time to have them made. I just might buy one!

mods confirmed kikes

I was honestly pretty fucking worried about this, but oh well.

only reason i'm not buying one

but 2016 was undoubtedly the year memes had a truly global effect. It's celebrating the year of the God-Emperor's ascension.

Quarter for scale!

Not sure what to tell you guys. I'm normally the paranoid one, but shit:

Kek is dank, all the time!
And all the time…?

it should of at least said 2017

Shit, you're right.

Still, it was the year everything turned around.

Bullshit. Kikes and their ilk LOST…..HARD. If it isn't commemorating the Ascension, it's commemorating the victory leading to it.

About time op. I bought one.

Buy an ad, OP. Also, anons, this is a very good case of why you should get an anonymous P.O. box, pre-paid credit card and practice your irl opsec.

I just bought one, send me a low numbered one OP.

Bellaire, that should be enough so you know who I am by a word in my address.

Sent you a message on ebay m8.

How many are there? 100, 999?

Imagine 20, 30, 40, years from now. Reminiscing about the saving of the western world with your buds or kids. And you can slam this sucker down and proudly say "I memed on the frontlines those dark days".

OP, I hope you don't let anons pay for cool numbers or dubs/trips. it should be random like kek wants


Glad I got to this thread before it vanished. Shame it got anchored. I really cant see why it needed to be. I bought one as well just now. Will you make anymore after these sell out? I collect a lot of various nick nacks and bullshit and figure this will look real good on my shelf next to a few others like it, if you plan to make more that is. pic unrelated

Also It has been about 3 years since I have used ebay for anything so I cant be sure but I assume this is false when I see the thing is apparently already shipping.

Well, I printed the labels out-
I actually just ran out of paper in my printer, so I can't print out any more tonight. I'll be -actually- shipping in the morning!

S H A D I L A Y !

Anywhere I can keep up with you in the event you produce more? It seems making another thread related to this would just result in a shit show

Making a site at! It is a shitty cuckspace site right now, but I'm not that sort of codemonkey, so I'm working on it. You can subscribe to the mailing list there though!

Tough luck, bud. Looks like you missed out. I got mine though.

Love the design OP. Probably going to buy myself one for Christmas. Ignore the shills here - the last thing they want is for Holla Forums to continue spreading into real life.

Bought one. I would also buy the shit out of swastika cookie cutters, just saying.

Thanks for the heads up man Ill be sure to check it out, be sure to shill it a bit when its ready and hopefully I will see that before the mods anchor that as well.

Shitposter from STRAYA here. Just ordered one. Praise Kek.
If you ever get these minted in 1 Troy Ounce .999 fine silver, I want.

Oh also, if you get them done in silver, don't go the paint/color route. Plain silver like a Silver Dollar is just fine.
Here's a design idea I stole from a thread somewhere, might have even been one of yours. (Although for minting in .999 fine silver, I'd add the words "ONE TROY OUNCE" somewhere on it.

uh oh

Why does my antivirus say this is a malicious website user :^)

What shit browser do you use? My firefox isn't saying that

Not sure why then. What is that forum anyway?

I'm starting to panic. pls help

they hate Christ because he's a reminder they are not God's chosen people

“The funds have been spent for fabrication costs, equipment rental, permitting, legal fees, educational components, road improvements, reclamation, staff and studio travel over the 5-year timeline, ongoing project management and more. The funds will also be allocated to de-install and land restoration at the end of the two-year period,” she explained.