haha faggots

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Another blow to MSM, now from their own lapdog



I'd bet a thousand shekels that the "white" employees who were being promoted over him, were actually Jews getting promotions from their Jew bosses. Classic nepotism.

And the fire rises

this seems less an accusation of wrongdoing and more one of not enough rightdoing.

That steleter kike is younger than me, I thought he was 45 lel

This, fucking kikes just can't help themselves lmao



this is hilarious

we need to help meme this around the internet

Yeah. You can't get much more pozzed than CNN. What do they want? If we don't find a way to change the current trajectory, there will be ultra-SJWs in the future. The most outlandish versions of of satirical Holla Forums SJW sockpuppets will become reality.

>Plaintiff: Your honor, CNN promoted me to upper management for being an oppressed PoC, but when I demanded reparations sex with all the white women at the company, they discriminated against me. Crackas was like, "Those women ain't white. They Jewish n shiet." like an oppressed person like me can even tell the difference. All I wanted was some light-skinned pussy to ease my pain, and to these racists, that was just too much to ask for.
>Diversity judge: "Hell yeah! I feel you, muh nigga! Judgment for the plaintiff. *looks at CNN lawyers* You kosher muthafuckas had better present this man with pussy reparations from the nearest synagogue or pay him six million dollars."

Look at this dude's fucking face

Daily Reminder

Yup. Worked in Atlanta for a while in a professional office. Sounds exactly like what I saw.

He looks like some half gook nigger what a sad creature.

for all i know they didnt not promote him because hes black, but because hes not as liberal as the rest of them

maybe he just is a lousy employee?

Brooke Baldwin better get fitted for some Kevlar after getting that guy to say nigger live on tv, that was pure tactical Watermelon.

Win win situation.

Nigger wins: a cancerous network suffers loss.
Nigger looses: nigger looses.

Nepotism? In capitalism? Not possible, thats the flaw of gov, not private corporations. Youre just jealous jews are better than you.


The poor, little nigger, if he'd just pay a bit more attention to the differences of these white employees he'd arrive at the truth. Hopefully when he meets his lawyer he'll notice this difference.


We have been given a rare and potentially powerful opportunity. I assume Kek is behind this. Shaddilay As you all know, the Jew uses the nigger as his personal army. Niggers are, after all, more evolved physically for war, as they're physically prone to strength being they're not prone to intelligence. But the Aryan is prone to such intelligence which allows him to often dissolve disputes without brute force, and when not deceived by the Jew, he is even stronger! But in their current state the typical Aryan is not strong.

It may be in our benefit to manipulate the perspective of the nigger even further than our God-Emperor has done. For Trump has inspired the least barbaric of the niggers, through his own style of redpilling, to rally against Neo-Cons and the (((Elite))), and in the spirit of this example I propose we inspire the more barbaric to rally against the Jew.

It's quite simple, lads: We meme.

To spread memes on Twitter, Facebook, Mocospace and wherever else the nigger may be found, is to potentially change the course of this war; the war between Aryan and Semite is coming to an end, with only one victor, and as it stands now the Jew is in the lead, for Trump - future leader of the Free-World - currently stands as our last hope. We must generate a New Hope. It's our duty to do everything which prevents the success of the Jewish Plot, lest we by law signed by the penny-scented claw of Juden, be forbidden to even exist! You see it even today as they promote an anti-white atmosphere through media and education. And the skitskins cheer. They hate us. Little do they know - the nigger and the spic - both applaud their own demise! For once they succeed with purging the Aryan the Jew shall pursue them!

So let us make sure the niggers know who their real enemy is.

No question that this is the case. Someone should tweet him with some of the names of those that were (((chosen))) ahead of him and ask why he hates Jews.

Not even really. Fast twitch muscle fibres make them more adept at sprinting. Notice you won't find many blacks at strongmen competitions.


yes great point

you wanna take control of the nigger hoardes or not, fag?

screw you guise ill use these dumb niggers anyway

Fuck off

nigger detected

I want them shipped back to Africa, ideally. You can control them, but not for any productive purpose. You turn them against the Jews, and then what? Kikes in entertainment and the MSM will have niggers classes as privileged within five years, and push how freed nigs from back min the day used to torment Chinese railroad workers and in modern times attack innocent spics for wanting to overthrow their shithole ghettos.


So far Jews have used niggers to turn society against itself. It makes a country easy to conquer because its been weakened. There are two groups of Jews:

and what's called the
or Jews living elsewhere, especially America and Europe.

By redpilling the nigger about the Jew and by proxy shifting his the nigger's anger to the American Diaspora (american Jews), this will severely cripple their ability to work against us. This may be how we buy the God-Emperor the time he needs to do what he needs to do. Otherwise, Trump will be spending the next 4 years trying to fix the racial divide before its a total race war.

Something is not right, it feels as if someone shopped together two different heads. Like from the cheeks and the nose up is a different person than the mouth.

fuck, wrong thread

We also have a thread on this already stupid.



the two types of fast twitch are also very related to strength. more likely i suspect european body proportions in general provide better levers to apply force

interesting. i'll need to re-investigate this area.


Judge Shekelstein should give the niggers full ownership of CNN. Nigger sweat built that company. Without niggers, something like CNN could never ever have been created. If the judge gives them petty cash, the niggers should burn down CNN. It's theirs after all. They can do what they want with it.

so how does Holla Forums go about pouring gasoline on these flames?


The "based niggers XD" reddit crowd will pick it up and roll with it if you shove it in their lap.


ohohoho yes

The niggers must see this
Also they ==must== understand and learn that the kikes, are the ones that were running the slave trade.

FFS 60% of kikes had slaves

Another thing
Ethiopian Kikes are not allowed into Israel, which is supposed to be for all kikes
And they are legitime kikes, their King who died in the Soviet-US proxy wars in the 70ies….
The linage was about 3k years old, came from Israel/palestine with the arch and everything which is there to this very day

tranny detected

Wasn't there an article about them injecting Ethiopian girls with birth control every couple of months lying and saying it was an injection for some random medical reason?

ethiopians are good people. I've met them before. They are intelligent as whites but still blacks.


Would not fucking surprise me at all!

their lying fucking snake tongues

They are whytu supremacists! You even see they fight with the ones from russia


It was actually huffpo,salon,dailybeast and all those that were reporting on it too if you look it up.

So either you are retarded or you have never met a white person with a normal number of chromosomes

This might actually work because a lot of niggers are red pilled about kikes. Wait holy shit this is perfect.

Let's concoct a dank meme. Perhaps we can somehow get harness the collective rage MSM triggered over the last several years with the all the nobody niggers shot by cops. Get niggers to think that the Jews keep them them poor and in prison because kikes know that a free blackman, united with his white brethren, will rebuild the pyramids and take their rightful seat as KANGZ of africa.

That's why the jews caused the slave trade! To kick Africans out and away from egypt. White people were tricked by the jews as well! If blacks cannot live in their rightful egyptian clay, then they lose their divine power that built the pyramids. That's why the jews built a country right next to egypt! They want to tap into the source of divine knowledge and power. Except where the blackman would be a peaceful, loving being in his homeland, the jews just want to enslave both whites and blacks and keep them away from their birthright.

Then after we domesticate all the feral niggers in urban centers and train them to hunt down jews, the final solution is when we send the sons of the KANGZ themselves, to fight a holy battle in egypt with all the blacks crusading over to the Sinai. They get to achieve the glory of fighting the evil jew slavemasters and reaching the land of their KANGZESTORS. Then they look up into the heavans and a divine bright light overcomes the sky and shines brighter than the sun over the victors. The light itself coming from the source of reality.

Perhaps the niggers thought that they've tapped into the power the jews desperately tried to attain before their defeat, but the thought faded even before the egyptian sand under the niggers Jordans turned to glass from the thermonuclear carpetbombing.

We told the niggers if they couldn't defeat the jews on foot, to retreat and that we would nuke the jews from the states. Thus we finished Abraham Lincoln's vision of sending that farm equipment that became illegal (the southerners knew of the latent KANGZ power) back to its rightful home and away from the union

Who would've guessed?

I think I fucking remember this now
these snakes

nåw bed so muscles can grow

130 Genius

nah brah, then I'm zweistein

Cooper's not a kike, but it's clear why he has a job in the first place.

Why do you worship these weak wittle fire cunt when she gets speared by the righteous like a wittle bitch over and over again?

Why does he have a lastname as first name

I find this very susp, also pic related.

I smell a crypto

Pic related is artist's depiction of the initial court hearing.

Trump should throw this back in their faggot faces whenever they call him a racist.

This is a a red guard in character creator from morrowind.


Can it be done? If they could be turned to the NatSoc side, they would make powerful chimpouts. Just imagine them 'peacefully protesting' Jewish privilege in employment at the Federal Reserve! Can you imagine #SocialScienceMustFall protests that involve them peacefully beating the shit out of Marxist professors? This is a good plan.

Send them here to Dontell Jackson. He knows the truth about the slave boats.

(Pic unrelated and is a not a good way to gain ground with niggers.)




You'd be surprised how many annoying retards it gets you rid of.

ahahahaha, faggots


I'd like to see that broken down into ethnicities. I'd bet good money that Amharics and Tigray are about a standard dev away from Oromo.

can we spam this on black twitter? Would be incredibly good for us if blacks started attributing slavery to Jews in the mainstream.

Blacks think whites and Jews are allies thanks to cuckservatives. Many know the role Jews played.


Geez, nigger. Welcome ot the real world.

You can do it more effectively another way - focus on how the jews are the "white elite".
Point all the benefits they get, all the positions they hold and all the and decisions/laws/things they did that hurt the black man.

All newscasters/media pesonalities of this type have fake names, right? Wolf Blitzer and Anderson Cooper are just camera names, I thought.

That fuckin website is almost as old as the people on it.

cartoons are just a replacement term for lolis I hope you realize 10-12 year old girl cartoons are increasingly popular among western countries at least.