Guarding Trump's America

Becoming a border patrol agent

I'm thinking about actually doing this. Shitposting isn't enough for me, I want to actively protect what we have here. I'm not a shill trying to recruit, I'm just seeking some advice from anons here that may already be in. Also would it be better to wait until after inauguration? I'm thinking Trump may have some sort of recruitment deal or something to bolster numbers. may be worth waiting for if it means extra benefits.

I've thought about this before, but obviously with the poz'd nature of the Obama admin, I've heard all they do is catch and release, or actually take these fuckers in, because apparently all you need to do is say "I'm fleeing oppression" or something
inb4 personal blog, this seems pretty relevant

Other urls found in this thread:

What's the main difference between ICE and CBP? Here are the sites if anyone's interested.

godspeed user

You could get skin cancer, be careful

Well, remember that not only do you have to deal with illegals you need to deal with libtards trying to tunnel under the wall.

I had a coworker to tried to get in on it. He was at almost 2 years of background checks and interviews with no commitment or offer from them before I moved.

No harm in starting that process though, and if there's a big push for officers after Trump is in, apready being in line can't hurt.

Good luck passing that background check while being a Holla Forumsack. It's easier said than done.

Just don't use sunscreen and you'll be okay.
Use long clothes though.

Why the fuck is this a thing? This shouldn't be a thing.

It's a check to make sure you'll follow orders and keep your mouth shut no matter what. Everything related to security or that can see confidential material has to go through it.

I'm sure a background check goes into internet history.


Seems like fun really.

My grandfather was in the border patrol, had some great stories. Once he hid a circuit board in his sleeve and managed to convince some dumb spic he had a robotic arm.

The old guy was a vigorous shitposter, I hope his stories live on somewhere in more detail.

Don't listen to this fuck, I was shitposting on Holla Forums for years before I got a secret clearance for the army.
Any backround check that border patrol does isn't going to be any deeper than that was, and all they do is check for a criminal record, talk to your relatives and friends to see if you're a fuck up, and then give you an interview asking if you've done anything illegal.


I applied when drunk after graduating from USF on the website. They immediately gave me a testing date for the entrance exam and artificial language test (Spanish proficiency if you speak it). I studied for it went to the hotel and took both tests. Got a good enough score to be contacted two weeks later. I then had an appointment to drive to the west palm beach office from Tampa to do an oral board interview. I waited in a lobby with a bunch of other white guys in suits and their small talk was about what branch they served in..and one guy was an FBI reject. I was a waiter.
So three BP officers are sitting behind a desk asking me "what if" scenarios. And every answer you give gets picked apart from three people who try to make you change your mind and self conscious about your answers. Pro tip: always shoot first if someone is a threat with a weapon. I tried to give warnings and they didn't like that.
I ended up passing and a month later getting a physical done and performing a two minute step test.
We are now 12 months post getting drunk and applying and I get an email where I have to fill out anything I've done before the official ship off date and possibly polygraph.
I wrote down that I smoked weed at college graduation and a month later got rejected.
Later found out they only polygraph 15% of applicants.
I fucked myself

Was that anything you've done after the initial interviews?

Did they reject you specifically based on smoking weed, or because you had only been a waiter?

They typically reject you if you lie about smoking weed.

They aren't interested in putting you in jail, they are interested in seeing if you have something hidden that can be blackmail-able.


That's pretty much the way it's always been. I'm sorry, user, but nobody is going to give you free reign to shoot women and children crossing the border.

Also, if Trump's wall gets built, then there will be no more need for border patrol. Just the occasional pass with a drone or two and job's done.

Apply now, the process take a while.

no sunscreen?

Good luck Holla Forums lol

If you bury the bodies 6 ft down animals cant smell them and wont dig them up, this essentially reduces the chance of them being found to 0.

I thought about this years ago, apparently you have to speak spanish (dumb) and they want people who have good credit and other shit like that. prob afraid people who have bad credit might take a bribe. not worth it imo.

Libtards would never live in Mexico. They would move to a lily white place like Canada or Sweden.

That's not what I asked. He said he reported smoking weed, and was later rejected. I asked why.

No sunscreen, get sunburned. Sunscreen, get low T. Pick your poison, or dress like a sandnigger.

I think cbp is for stopping illegals/drugs from entering, while ice is finding and removing illegals who have and are within the states.

why user, why?

why not get a real job, make real money and attain real power?

Because half the people here are NEETs or degenerate thrill seekers who prefer murder to sex.


Getting into Border Patrol is not has hard as you think. Was in CBP Unless you're a fucking drugie, NEET, slob, retard or someone that can't bass a background check. Tons of Hispanics in CBP Hopefully Trump unties CBP hands and lets them do their job, CBP has had its hands tied behind their back for far to long, and I mean since the Reagan area.

If everyone is too scared to run a background check, look into working for a Private Security firm for wall construction.
God knows there's going to be "protesters" from both sides of the wall.

Holy shit how embarrassing.

I dont use any security.
Come at me.

All I can say is good luck and Godspeed.

I remember, they ask you this when you join the military. The recruiters instruct everyone to lie their asses off. "You've never done any drug in your fucking life, remember that"
I joined a security firm later on. They brought me into a little room with this guy. Had a polygraph machine against the wall. Had to answer a bunch of questions in writing, and then this guy went over each question with me. Some questions, like the drug one were repeated over and over again. They just rephrase the question, or give it different context. This guy was fucking grilling me on this shit. he'd say stuff like, "C'mon, don't lie you can tell me, everyone tries it at least once." I lied my ass off, fucking boy scout all the way. It was pretty intense. The interview was over, I got the job, walked right passed the Polygraph machine. I asked about it. he said it doesn't even work, it's just their to scare people.
turns out, like 90% of applicants just start spilling their guts during the interview.

moral of the story: always lie

Please explain.

It's going to get rough down there. I wouldn't go unless I had military training & could maintain focus in a warzone.

If you go you'd better be prepared to face a warzone. You've been warned.

Even if they realize you're lying, they also want to see if you're going to crack under pressure. Border patrol may not be Area 51 type shit but still, if you dump your life story from a slightly raised voice what are you going to do if you get caught by spics?

Pauline, is that you?

For admitting to smoking weed

It's a honeypot, obviously. Obama is still in power right now.

Lel they have that 'watermelonium' nog on their front page

Its an honorable job that fulfills many of the manly urges for adventure, danger and hunting. I'd start practicing spanish on Rosetta stone or similar.

Put your time in on the wall/border and when you get older you can transfer up to the Canadian Border and deal with mostly whites.

Pays good, hours are long. Capturing and kicking the shit out of Mexican Criminals before you and your friends let one "run" off into a dark, rock filled hole? Absolutely priceless amigo.

Damn. I wish I could. I was kicked out of the Marines for smoking a joint on pre deployment leave. Oth discharge. And I don't do drugs.

Now I can't serve in uniform and do door kicking. Or policing. Or fire fighting. Don't ever do drugs or even try it user's if you have a childhood dream of being a warrior.

I'll be trying to get it over turned next year but you know. Even the french foreign legion didn't take me and went all the way there to try out.

One. Stupid. Joint

Do you think you'd be in the clear if you have a juvenile record? I got tagged for falsification at a point. Had to do with getting my back back that was stolen and a few guys got their shit shoved in by me and a friend.

bike back

This. The Border Patrol is literally shitskin central. Most agents can barely speak English. Jet black Indios as far as the eye can see.

Haha thats what you get for being a degenerate

Nice to see that you've internalized Mamon and put money above national security.
If Whites don't guard their own border, who will?

Try Duolingo to study Spanish. Its free and easy. Good luck user

God bless you sir. You are a IRL hero if you carry through with this. Ima pray for you, yea?



Find another route to greatness user.

That depends, but what you described should not affect you. Shit that will get you barded is if you have shit on your juvie record that is sealed by the courts. Since they can't access what you did and why it has been sealed.

user, pls.

How did they find out?

I can vouch for this. Most general background checks are just to make sure you aren't a felon. They ask for a lot of information, but they really don't do anything with it. The worst they do is interview some friends of yours to see if you aren't bad with money and/or some criminal scum.

^this. I recently went from nEEt to armed private security with a 3 day class for patrol and a week long class for armed carry. The pay is still shit but I find my position existentially amusing.

ICE should be done away with. We need marines to guard our border. We tear down every scrap of civilization within 50 miles of the southern border and lace it with mines, patrol the border with armed humvees and shoot anything that moves on two legs, any unauthorized vehicles destroyed by drone strike.

he's right. sunscreen is shit, it is also known to melt plastics and has many toxic chemicals/fragrances. it's a rip off scam IMO.

cover your exposed skin areas once you develop a slight burning sensation and then gradually build a tan on your skin. your skin will develop a natural immunity over time to the sun's harsh rays as long as you don't overdo it and get badly burned. sunscreen actually prevents your body from intaking vitamin D. also, washing sun-exposed areas with soap shortly after absorbing a lot of sun is a bad idea as it removes the vitamin D from your skin. do your own research, come to your own conclusions, that's just my two cents.

best of luck.

pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
I'm autistic

What do they look for in their hires as far as personality traits, previous experience, etc?

pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws

+1 lurking for interest

No buddy, I dont have student loans to pay off like you.
you can work on those "skills" at home, just saying.

Yuri is just way beyond their limited consciousness, that's all.

With 3d you mean golden venture folding?

this is nice bord of gloriouse maymay for true enlightened funposters but some idiods cant handle that and insist on posting garbage like filthmonger peddling sewage as if it is desirable commodity…

That's not why you were rejected. Someone else had a better resume. They don't care about stuff like that, and they assume everyone has.

Who the fuck are you responding to? You daft faggot.

The old rule of thumb for woodworkers is the old rule of thumb.
The height of the workbench should be about the height of your thumb when you're standing straight with your arms at your side. This is the height that will let you easily manipulate and grab things on the table without stooping.

6'4" woodworker bro here. I would think you would want to get a chair and sit @ closer visibility when soldering though.

it's a bot, report/hide. took them long enough to break the captcha, you'd think with the whole zog machine on the line it'd be easy

He's just mad that someone didnt buy an old road bike


Once more thanks to ya

trips confirms retardation

Rolled 93 + 20 (1d100 + 20)

It's a shame about the lie detector. I've seen tons of ways people try to beat them and fail. I wonder if you could just ignore the question in a sense, maybe force your mind to not understand it and then reply "No" (which seems like the safest bet).

Fuck Windwaltz. Seriously, I hope he dies in his sleep.

i like forty creek but i like royal reserve more

Turks are roaches and should be exterminated. Allying with them is a bad move, but a needed one.
They are right now digging their own grave by trying to push unto Syria.

Pffft, good luck nuking us to death, buddy.
Ever heard of MAD?
You'll get a fun taste of it along with some fresh sarine and a nice cupful of anthrax.

You two should stop seeing Russian proxies everywhere.


Guy on the radio, didn't you read the op?

Finally, the real story is told.
t. /commie general/


Think it's okay to breed with spics? That your children will be White?

Well, here are Jeb Bush's children. You decide.

Claim them like we claimed this continent

Why don't your countries use superior the English language and imperial measuring system?