Google only displays black men when you search "happy white American"

Search "happy white American" on jewgle white american&client=safari&hl=en-us&prmd=ivsn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjpn4yxqOPQAhWBPCYKHUGPDcYQ_AUIBygB&biw=414&bih=628#hl=en-us&tbm=isch&q=happy white american

Other urls found in this thread: White American's_Eve_sexual_assaults_in_Germany§ionid=8&id=73

*this also happens if you search "European inventors" or "white couple"

Heh, I thought you were bullshitting. Then again, I've seen it a bunch of times with other results that people have mentioned here. It's fucked up.

Browsing from (Canadian) if that matters at all.


top kek


Just to get the potential excuses they'll use out of the way:
All but 4 of the images have a white background.
It's seeing American as 'African American'
"happy white background african american man"

Got the same result, keks were had.


what did they mean by this?

"European people art"

Use Startpage then faggot


SJWs are fighting to take over Google, and it appears that they are succeeding.

Could it be that some actors (state or non-state) are manipulating SEO to get these results to the top page? Or is Google involved in this?

Startpage is powdered by Google, faggot, you'd get the exact same results.

Use duckduckgo or ideally searx.

did I meme good

Shitty slide thread we had a million times already


Leave out "white"

I still don't understand why any of you still use Jewgle or give them any relevancy. The thing to do with them is get as many people as possible to boycott those kikes so they eventually lose their place as the top search engine.

Sure, enjoy getting datamined by kikes.

Society needs a mass purge. That is the first result on regular search.

This makes no sense. I mean the only explanation is Google ACTUALLY fucking with the search results, but it's just so fucking blatant. Even normalfags would see this one.

There are two types of sites that will directly reference "White [almost anything]": ones like Stormfront, and the propaganda mill. Guess which one is vastly more pervasive. The enemy talks about race more frequently than the so-called racists. Guess which race, when named specifically, has pretty accurate results (much to their dismay).

"Jew," because we're the only ones that bring them up.

I guess its a retard award. "Couple" an other positive words are always white. The second that word is connected with any racial word, the blacks are shown.


not bad

no escaping the jew

Shit, you're right.

It's based on what you search, you literal cuckold.

It only gets worse the lower you scroll down




Jewgle is anti-semitic.

nice digs

btw google knows if you are a Holla Forumsack so they put you in the white supremacist category and pull bullshit like this (showing niggers when you search for whites) just to piss you off.

fucking jim has youtube thumbnails load directly from google instead of downloading them first

Make no mistake, this has been done deliberately. Google is attempting to start a meme that White people never existed, in anticipation of succesfully genociding us.
It's going to be all-or-nothing this time around, either Whites will remove kebab and nigger permanently or Whites will be permanently removed.
These are the stakes now.
Google is merely positioning itself at the forefront of the "Whites never actually existed, black people made them up." lie that will be told to the coming generations of brown Eurabian Union "children" if this comes to pass.


Here is a fine example of a true "happy white American" my good, hywhite comrade! He fought for your freedom!

Google loves niggers, what else is new

It's not even just google… (((Bing))) and DuckDuckGo also return roughly the same images. Something related to file naming + traffic must be at fault here.

Fucking hell… Is there a non-pozzed search engine out there?

Search "white woman" and you'll see there are many pictures of white women with dindus and nigglets, but literally none of white women with white men and white babies. There also used to be a "black baby" category up the top, but no "white baby" category! It seems they've finally removed it though, they probably realized it was too blatant.


What could you expect from a site made by a kike? is #1
Use in the unlikely case you'll ever have to use Google again (it filters Google results through its own proxy and has some breddy gud privacy extras).

What the fuck is happening over at (((Google)))?

What's the point of this thread?
Are you surprised, just learned about Cultural Marxism and left-wing control of the institutions?
No? Then what?
Of course they perform such manipulations, the same manipulations which have been conducted on television media for the past 30+ years.
Portray Blacks as superior to Whites, ethically, morally, intellectually and sexually, thereby instilling attraction in White women and pessimism/feelings of inferiority and subservience in White men.
This is nothing new.
It is especially easy to identify in the television media of countries with a low Black population, for example, the UK.
The UK population is around 3% Black, yet Blacks account for anywhere between 25 and 50% of actors appearing in television commercials and enjoy a similarly skewed representation in "sit coms" and daily TV shows such as "the news".

This isn't new, it isn't surprising, it is simply another manifestation of the art style known as "socialist realism."
Briefly: leftists use art as propaganda, by portraying the world as they wish others to believe it is, rather than the way it actually is.
Hence, the genius Black, the incompetent and useless White man, the strong warrior woman who also raises 3 children by different men.
Nothing new, watch any advertising break.
Of course, people from TRS and other fake-right-wing groups like to post threads here, pretending it is something new, in order to generate outrage (switch Holla Forumsacks from a reason-based thinking to emotion-based thinking) which makes them easier to control.

At this point they arte doing it to troll us
They know normies are waking up and there is nothing they can do to stop the Shoah
They are desperatelly trying to tighten their control over old media while squashing the new before Trumps sits on the Throne
But this will only last until Trumps force them all to respect the first amendment



Well memed

for best results, google "happy caucasian american"

So, Google is returning useless search results because of their political agenda. Well, now I can avoid using it not only for it's lefty / nigger bias, but also because it fails at it's only purpose, providing what I searched for.

Thanks Google, go fuck yourself.


First google result.

How the fuck did Tim Mcveigh get in that search?
This shit is just plain fucked up.
Years ago I could find almost anything I wanted using google I was a master at "keywords" now it is fucking crap and just plain frustrating to use

Yandex is better for most image searches (not just racially, but also better image results in general)

The word "white" often grabs people in white clothing, and "American" can grab hyphenated americans. Google is still pozzed, but the search terms are also a factor.

Great job Google. Really well done. Very useful.


Same thing happens on Startpage.

Please don't start a shitstorm DIRECTED at Google for this because it will only make "us" look like idiots. We need to investigate WHY the websites behind those pictures are relating them to "White".

I know both Yahoo and Google (no doubt Bing as well) are compromised, but Google is probably the worst for in-house SJWism and for being in cahoots with alphabet agencies. All the worse since Google Analytics are likely embedded in the vast majority of the pages you visit, and invisible to the average user. Wouldn't surprise me if this is just one more instance of Google being ovenworthy.

You even get a shit ton of pictures of niggers as a result when you look up "happy caucasian americans", try it out.

Fuck this its not even a geo lock thing, its the same way if you google it form a Europen or Russian proxy.

Fuck this

Still 99.99999% nigs

The engine has become self aware.

Trips demand it.

How/ where do I even start getting intel on this?

Well there is a fix for that they killed off Tay didnt they?

A quick glance at them tells me it's probably due to the white background on the photos more than anything else.


It's because white people don't use the word "white" to describe themselves, thanks to jewish programming. Most people believe "White" is a racist description with evil overtones. Blacks and spics and moslems of course have no qualms describing themselves as black and brown though.

Startpage returns the same results. They're pumping this shit out to everyone.


I went to his kikebook page, he has images of communism and he's also glorifying/praising that kike castro.

Feel free to search for illegal shit using my search engine, goy! I'm not datamining or sending your information off to the NSA, promise!

startpage uses Google underneath

ddg doesn't though, as far as I know

Like I care; lumping all Europeans together for convenience sake is bullshit. Just like many "asian" people come from cultures that hate each other. Why the fuck are Middle Eastern goat fuckers considered "caucasian"? What the hell does an Arab have in common with an anglo?

Reject labels like "white"

Use labels they can't infiltrate like anglo-saxon, germanic, nord. Fuckem.


Seems fine to me


Around google never relax!

Got that as 5th result when I typed that lmao.

The other stuff is all from the same website.

The (((CIA))) is part of the (((NWO)))

shock wave really took its sweet time there
that explosion must've been huge

She looks malnourished.
Capitalism to blame?

oh yeah, you sure showed me with your anecdote.

No need to even attempt to disprove anything in the OP (because you can't) or crack open a history book (because you're wrong)
Better just rely on your forced bravado and faulty anecdotes, that will show me! (it won't)

Quick, Better leave the thread and bury your head in the sand again while screaming aobut how superior you are, as all atheists do when proven inferior. Your culture is trash, your moral fabric is sociopathic at best and your overall views are heavily apathetic/dependent on government/people.
You ARE the jew.

It can't be disproven, it is fact.

now i get it

I also forgot weed.

*smacks lips*

Naturally, the only good white family is not a white one at all. :^)

Have you even read the Quran?


I'm here voluntarily really wondering


Sure thing Chaim.

I hate to praise a Microsoft service but I compared Bing Vs Google today and I used to think Google was the best but either I was wrong from the beginning or Google has gone to shit lately because I got consistently better results – pages or pictures – with Bing, no matter what key words I used, and Google's results were barely better than Yahoo's.

this is truly why conservatives will die out. because they fear change

Just stay in Western Europe.

I'm sure Habib and other Germans and Brits will love playing boytoy games with you at the mosque.

Seriously, you're probably safer in Eastern Europe once SHTF than you are at home. The muslims will torture you to death.


But you are describing the jew?

Bolton is a warhawk, but Tillerman isn't. Trump going with the combo. People who meet with Bolton better be scared.

You're disgusting for wanting to rip a baby out of a womb because MUH QUALITY OF LIFE.

Fuck you and burn in Hell forever.

Because fake information is seeded into pol to discredit other authentic information, cointelpro methods essentially.

Therefore all information must be verified or at least have a credible source before spreading everywhere.

Naturally everything in the pic is happening but the veracity of the document matters.
We cant surrender to confirmation bias.

Follow the money

aids pool party woohoo

Also, here's a fun read's_Eve_sexual_assaults_in_Germany

Can't wait to see New Year 2017

Stay safe roach

Heard there were 2 attacks so far, one near the football stadium targeting police and one in another part of the city targeting civilians. It's common for PKK to target police and uncommon for ISIS to do so, but common for ISIS to target civilians but uncommon for PKK to do so NOW even though they have targeted civilians in the past.

Turkbros, do you think this is ISIS, PKK / kurds, or another group and/or joint attack? Is social media still up? I heard that the media has been shut off.

I honestly like Kelly Mantle.

Bernie Sanders

this is alt-retarded

And by "gas the kikes", Holla Forums meant give them fuel.

Ignore the island and keep the 100k

You must have had horse blinders on because that was still happening and very much a joke back then as well

it was the mess you made by being willfully and intentionally ignorant.
my job is done; I voted for Trump to stop the wars you were trying to foist on the world.

don't be such a stupid fucking retard next election and I won't have to wakeup and save the country from uneducated fucks like you.

To be frank, for all we know, these people could be very talanted regardless of their affiliation

Obama is probably the greatest president in american history. He saved you dumb redneck fucks from a depression worse than the great depression


l i t e r a l l y the walking dead IRL.

Would you believe me if I told you?

Accurate if you bump up the Brits and Scots.


the point is that africans should have defended themselves and created a society which can actually put up resistance to europeans militarily.
you don't have a choice to not care about facts either, why care about anything if you can just pcik and choose what to believe. you stupid fucking leaf

Google search results of anything that you're not super specific about have been shit for years. And sometimes even if you are super specific they're still terrible and as this thread demonstrates sometimes even worse. The second google started allowing people to pay money either directly or indirectly to bump their shit to the top of search ranks. Is the second google and internet search results in general went to shit.
You use to be able to search for basically anything and find all kinds of weird obscure shit by the time you reached to the end of the second page of results. Not so much now days. If you don't end up on a page that whats you to sign up for something. You'll end up in a place that wants you to buy something. Lets not even get into the fact of wikis destroying fan sites for basically everything.

My nigga. Which state?

is a screenshot of the archived page though.

Canadian education

There are a lot of Central Asians, not East Asians.

If you ever go on r/Canada they get extremely butt-hurt about him

OP's a faggot nigger

I'll save a American, conservative,patriotic black man over a white European anyday.

Personally I think that all this checkpoint attacks were done to have SAA where ISIS wants them for a next attack that'll happen soon.

Hopefully not.

Don't make fun of Libertarians too hard. Libertarianism is the gateway to Fascism.


If anything it should be raised or replaced by an adulthood test.

In the past 15 year olds were more mature than today's 20-somethings.

I'm wondering if anybody with half a brain is falling for these articles.

Give it a rest faggot, you sound like a homo with these catty little shit-talk threads

Isnt it usually degenerate ethnics who engage in cannibalism?

OP, its good to start out with a simple map without any extra shit. But maps with bonuses are more exciting. Wish you luck



Gives off a Trump vibe in that pic

i think it's just sort of a junk science/fashion trend at this point. i'm reading a p good article right now that you might find interesting:§ionid=8&id=73

fluoride in our water was a scheme by the phosphate fertilizer industry to dump their waste into our water and get paid for doing so

Basicly liberal ass media trying to recover and damage control Trump getting elected. Truely sad.

And they're not being called conspiracy theorists because ((((MUH EXPERTS))))

well if animation is not garbage I might pick it up, thanks.

And no I'm not into dubbings. But I'm curious now.

Also: this is barely Holla Forums related. Yes, Adolf, Jesus etc.

This is why you study the classics and have a traditional education.

All of Dick's books are paradigm altering.
The show takes liberties on the book, so it's different, but still in keeping with the book's basic idea.
It's worth watching just for the entertainment value.

they have higher test T levels than the average euro

I don't need a gun for self defence, I have several of them already.

low energy post fam

They should shut these down because it costs the taxpayer way too fucking much for literally nothing
send these cunts back they aren't our responsibility

I am the Jew. I hope these goys are buying nice meals for these generous chosen people!

Fuck off Satan

Joe Rogan would rip you in half with his bare hands

I am allied with the Spanish. We can all work together.


Does this sound familiar Drumpfkins?

Everything he says is a lie, but you're all brainwashed. Faggots.

Printing that would shoah the black ink in your printer.

Where would I take them though? I'm not some cuck in college.

we're done here

Well, if you're gonna use them I did white edits of the others. There's a campus near me, but I don't think I could get near it unnoticed. I also hear that certain printers add an imperceptible identifying code on your paper so if you print these out & put them on a campus, even with gloves, there are certain printer models that could be used to identify you.

It's sad that such tame preservation slogans could have university yids kvetching so hard that they force police to hunt you down & lock you up. Regardless, all these anti-whites really should have such slogans staring them in the face as often as possible.

The copier coding thing is easy to beat, you just have to spend a few bucks on it. They are at every thrift shop and yard sale around. The toner cartridge is the expensive part. Pay cash for both-dispose of when done. Problem solved.



Could see this happening. 23andMe collecting millions of goy genomes for the purposes of developing unstoppable and pervasive CRISPR/Cas bioweapons to bring about the genocide of the goyim once and for all.

Jokes on them, we do it for free.


also dubs

Damn, RIP
Time to shitpost

If one were to upload to sites like image shack white resistance comics with the files name happy white american we could possibly get these images to the top pages and red pill the masses.
