Trump: 'We’re going to work something out' with Dreamers
""By Seung Min Kim 12/07/16 08:33 AM EST""
Trump: 'We’re going to work something out' with Dreamers
""By Seung Min Kim 12/07/16 08:33 AM EST""
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Send them back
Just a refresher.
IKR get these burrito niggers the fuck out of muh Murica pl0x
Hire them to paint their side of the wall.
Yeah and he said he was "softening" before he went full Hitler saying that immigration "needs to conform to historical norms" after name dropping Hart–Celler in his immigration speech.
Another broken promise
Trump is cucking. He is becoming part of the swamp. He is doing barely anything to stop the hispanic invasion.
And reported.
How can Trump be made to mobilize ICE in the hours following his inauguration? I think that's what everyone here wants.
Based on all of his statements, my personal plan is that he's going to give these people some kind of enhanced priority in readmission to the country after deporting them. He has said that the only "path to citizenship" is to leave and come back in legally and has never hedged on his promise to repeal DACA and enforce immigration law, so I suspect that's what he's talking about.
*my personal theory
Go suck trumps dick elsewhere
Touchback amnesty. It's amnesty with a caveat. It's the same thing Mike Pence pushed years back and destroyed himself with.
I love me some Trump but this is not good news.
Get Mexicans to start riots bigger than the LA riots all over America.
He's always said he would work a deal out with underage illegals so how about you fuck off with your bullshit lies about broken promises.
Trump's gotta go, we should've voted Hillary Trump is just another jew.
This. Wait for hitler.
Yeah that's classic Trump, flip-flopping and lying to cover his sleazy politician ass.
And of course note in the article that he's offered no specifics so it's all just speculation at this point.
Fuck no, Trump. I want them gone, out of here.
Those wonderful education opportunities belong to Americans. Those wonderful jobs belong to Americans. Those opportunities and subsidies are OURS.
My college is full of Mexicans, they all speak with accents, they all are stupid as fuck. I want them gone. They do not belong in a space faring nation.
Fuck that. I want these assholes to have reduced priority in readmission for being entitled la raza brats. I want to see them have to get broken by the truth that their only option is to unfuck their own country instead of freeloading on ours.
Dude fuck you buddy, we expect these fucking illegal anchor babies to fucking go back.
We need Coulter in Trump's cabinet .
I'm in a blackpill mood so you can disregard my posts but I feel like with Hillary at least the rage would build up now a lot of people a dickriding Trump and if Trump cucks on his campaign promises a ton of people will still back him up because he triggers lefties and keeps companies in the USA. Meanwhile USA becomes brazil but who cares because le TRUMP xDDD
They're whiter than you nigger.
Meme it
dubs of truth. we need to meme this.
Early on in his campaign he went onto Bill O'Reilly and said that birthright citizenship wouldn't hold up to a court challenge and he was quite clear he was speaking retroactively as well as in the future sense.
Hopefully just a work permit and not full on citizenship.
DACA needs to be repealed, it's a massive gibsmedat, and republicans who support it need to be pulled out by their noses.
Trump got Time person of the year?
In a sense, but if he also keeps his word on reducing overall legal immigration it's still a net benefit. Assuming that is indeed the plan, it would take years for even a small fraction of the illegals to come back, and many of them simply won't bother applying. Obviously not as good as I would like, but I'm still cautiously optimistic.
I agree, I want them and most legal spic immigrants out while we're at it, but unfortunately that doesn't seem likely at least under Trump assuming he doesn't gradually become more and more like Hitler while in office, which I'm still holding out hope for.
Yeah brah 4d chess he has to say he's not going to do it so that he can do it later, sure
No surprise there, every president-elect got it for the past 40 years.
They have to go back(and stay there.)
No, it isn't. It is a negative of staggering proportions.
I meant compared to our current policy, not compared to the theoretical policy of deporting all non-whites.
And you're still wrong.
he is honestly just a regan a small conservative backlash he was never going to end anything
get them the fuck out. every last illegal and anchor baby has to go.
You want to know what'd fix the immigration problem in a month?
Invade Mexico.
That's all there is to it. Offer all these illegals military training and equipment to drive the drug cartels out of their home country. Purge lettuceland of the libshit-manufactured disease that started this immigration nightmare in the first place.
Wouldn't worry about illegals stealing your jobs if you are middle-class. Immigrants can create more jobs than they displace via increased consumption. The only people who have to worry are worthless niggers with no skills or assets.
You don't belong here, faggot. Go suck nigger dick elsewhere.
Read this post over and over again. This is the true mindset of Trump's base. This is the fetid stink of British colonialism, the polar opposite of National Socialism.
You think about that when you really try to ascertain how salvageable this nation really is.
Are you saying that deporting all illegal immigrants and maybe letting some of them back in eventually is not in any way better than just letting 90% of them stay?
Don't you understand? It doesn't matter how smart or qualified you are, many opportunities which would otherwise go to a white person are being squandered by appeasement to minorities.
Everyone has to worry about illegal immigrants you dunce. It's not about muh jobs, it's about the essence of a nation.
It better be working out a resettlement program for them in their home country.
Agree completely. All these worthless bodies are occupying liberal arts and general ed programs. They aren't contributing shit to this nation after they graduate.
Which gives me an idea. If you are an immigrant and you want a subsidized education, it HAS to be in a subject or industry we are hurting for labor in.
If they are so Americanized I can't tell they are a mexican EXCEPT by the color of their skin, they can stay. %99 of all mexicans I have met would fail this test (and I know a lot of them are 2nd and 3rd generation here).
This idea of having cultural enclaves from lesser nations embedded in this country has go to fucking stop. I thought this is what Trump was talking about when he said we don't have a country. A 3rd generation immigrant, should under no circumstances, be speaking English with an accent.
Absolutely disgusting.
Where are these Trump loyalists and "muh civic nationalism" faggots coming from?
Ah yes "based" civic nationalism. It's nice to see Holla Forums has finally become reddit.
Things you may not have considered:
Have a little bit more social Darwinism, friend!
Say it with me:
Fuck. The. Poor.
I'm saying that anything less than a full and total deportation of all illegal immigrants along with full and total revocation of all anchor baby citizenship – the entire chain, e.g. if an anchor baby had a baby, they are all getting deported – is a complete and total killshot on White America, no matter how much you restrict legal immigration.
They can't fucking be here anymore and if they are going to be here, then we need to go to war with them and the federal government and destroy every last bit of this fucking country. If we can't have it – all of it – nobody is getting any of it.
jared kushner
They are Trumpcucks
Easy there user, I never said they get to keep their balls/ovaries if they decide to stay.
This guy is the gift that keeps on giving.
Both of those options are completely unacceptable.
What the fuck is wrong with you TRS goons, do you honestly think public opinion is more accepting of forced castration than deportation?
Most likely Reddit. I'm fairly sure we've been swamped by a major influx of r/the_donald and (((alt-right))) cucks.
You're probably right, but I'm still holding out some hope that if we can make the atmosphere hostile enough toward Mexicans/Muslims that many family members and friends of those deported will voluntarily leave. I'm not quite ready to give up on peaceful options yet; I certainly don't worship Trump, but there is hope if he sticks to his proposals.
There, we worked something out.
No, I'm unquestionably right.
And you're wrong. That's three times now.
give them a commemorative ebola shot before they leave.
lol not at all, but it would be fucking awesome if we started doing forced castration.
Stopped reading there, fuck off PR kike.
ITT: shills and subverters.
And so the radicals drift back into complacency. The ZOG machine sputters on as once again, they've hoodwinked the goyim.
That goes for any thread here. Contribute something meaningful.
We gave Mexico billions of dollars of weapons (thanks king nigger), turned out great.
I just don't see white genocide as inevitable yet. There may come a time when we're forced to stop it by violent force, but the tide is turning in our favor and we may yet be able to deport all the non-whites (relatively) peacefully.
As far as feasibility goes you might as well just fucking shoot niggers in the street if you're going to talk about castrating people.
Sterilization would be seen as genocide, you might as well just build ovens and gas all the non-whites if you can get away with one you can get away with the other.
How the fuck is it genocide, they're choosing to come here and play by our rules. If they are already here we put a GPS anklet on them, give them reasonable time to leave, and if they don't… eunich time.
Obviously important; I didn't address.
Easy, make citizenship tests harder. You don't know our system of government and constitution better than 85% of the native public, you can't be a citizen.
Don't let immigrant workers into shitlib states where they can politically mobilize.
Ban 'em. Fine/sue businesses that use them.
This is the mentality that will turn usa into mexico 2.0. A small white and (((white))) elite living in gated communities ruling above a mongrelized mass.
Sounds "great."
Good idea, arm a bunch of spicniggers when they'd be more likely to take over cuck white cities in the US rather than those in Mexico, less resistance.
Gas yourself my man. We don't want them sharing territory with us much less workspace.
What will it take to end the MUH PEEAAR cuckoldry? How many times do you people have to learn how pointless this is?
You're delusional if you think physical castration would work. Constitution doesn't allow cruel and unusual punishment, so we can't just machete their nuts off. We could maybe do it chemically like Israel but it'd be tricky as fuck. Right now we can only militarize the shit out of ICE and deport like crazy. Maybe in 4-6 years public opinion will have shifted and we can start actually using the military to airlift spics out by the truckload, especially if we go to war with the Cartels.
Something to think about though, the United States Air Force has:
You could pack 300+ spics into a galaxy, 200+ spics into a C-17 and probably 100 into a Hercules. You could spend a billion bucks on a giant airport/military base/distribution center in Mexico and airlift captured illegals out 24/7. It would take probably a year or less to deport them all with a dedicated airlift effort. It would cost a shitload short term, but with the Wall going up and paramilitary ICE prowling the border, how would they get back in?
You gotta stop thinking "WW2 Anti-Nazi propaganda Auschwitz solutions" and start thinking "What do we have on hand to actually get these spics outta here".
If we started a war with the cartels we could justify the imprisonment of essentially all hispanics in the country as well thanks to the Japanese Internment Supreme Court Case.
wtf I hate trump now
>>>Holla Forums
in case anybody actually believed them; consider that a working american citizen would not only consume, but would also do work that he gets paid for
you could import white people from the islamic caliphates of germany france sweden and the UK or the boers from south africa instead of letting mexicans jump the border
and furthermore, that legal american citizen would also pay taxes
This smells like the press putting in its own ideas into Trumps rhetoric again.
They did the same thing with global warming a week back and then the full transcript got released it was revealed that he wasn't changing, he just blew em off.
Bottom line is you can work with them but they all have to go back and stay back. Compromise will of give incentive for more to come, you have to cut the head off with deportations, benefits shutoff, punishing employers and the wall, if you give them a loop hole to swim through, they will.
leftypol pls
Are you serious?
but muh 6,000,000 D chess
The constitution doesn't give the President power to order illegal nut chopping you retard.
It DOES give him the power to imprison every spic in the country and use the military to deport them though. Use your head, we have the biggest airlift capability of any nation that's ever existed. We won't be deporting illegals by the person, we'll be deporting them by the ton.
Take Sholmo's dick out of your mouth. He isn't even president yet, retard.
We need to weed out non-whites, but we also need to purify our own race. The weak cannot inherit the earth; gibsmedat for whites is dysgenics.
And this is why you lose.
Ideological consistency and high-minded intellectualism need to be trashed for now. We can worry about enhancing our people once we assure the existence of our people.
Thanks I will then
Fuck off TRS
If all we're left with is a bunch of fat, borderline retarded hicks with no skills, the white race will be doomed, and you can guarantee jews will suck us dry.
People are going to be so fucking pissed if this shithead betrays us
Why on earth would that be what we were left with? If you make it easier and less expensive for people to acquire skills – instead of completely gutting technical, vocational, high school academics – then more people will have them. You don't get to make it cost tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars to go college, or cut community colleges until students need to go to another state or across the state to get into the technical program they want, and then turn around and say "fuck the poor".
You're creating a self-fulfilling prophecy because you're a functional kike who has an overwhelming need to feel like he's better than someone else.
You always need the hicks for something, the strong should breed more.
You should check out this thread , anons are talking about how educated rural people are the ultimate nightmare for lefties because of the mix of intelligence and practical common sense. It's good read and on-topic to what you're saying.
I stand corrected, you are right.
Good find, I guess we can sterilize THEN airlift em back.
This is the equivalent of "I'll consider it" he used often in the election. It means he won't actually do it, but doesn't want it to be a news story at that time.
never change, Holla Forums
no probs, friend.
If the whole world wasn't against us, it just wouldn't be fair.
They're here.
Eh wasted, hicks are not strong, MAYBE physically but not mentally.
toasting in an Holla Forums bread
Look out, he has an opinion!
Only people I know who call rural people are hicks are kikes or pozzed up city dwellers, often both. The history of the white man is written in the rural snowdrift laden European lands. Anyone who talks down to "hicks" is clearly no friend of their heritage or their race.
Usually they're both, because they haven't been inundated with ZOG propaganda their whole lives. They live in productive all-white high trust communities. How can you possibly look down on that?
>>>Holla Forums
fuck off with your shit raid.
Quarantine them all in California and cut our ties with that state.
So are we still not allowed to even question this guy?
Nobody has a problem with honest, rural farmers; it's these two-toothed morons with broken familes living in trailer parks, who are completely brine soaked by the MSM and vote for shitlibs. The latter is getting more frequent, unfortunately.
Fix'd. What you are talking about is the white trash that lives in the cities with low income niggers.
So recruit the best and kill the traitors. You don't have to put down your rural brothers to feel like a bigshot.
You shifted the goalposts from "all rural stupid hicks" to "just the MSM loving rural whites" as well, don't think I didn't notice.
He hasn't done anything whatsoever to stop the beaner invasion because he isn't in office yet. Try harder.
You are pretty spot on, a lot of people here seem to have a pretty unaware of the type of welfare queens that live in rural areas
They can have uses.
Fuck lazy, poor people in general. They can fall down the ladder to what they're actually qualified for, which is to scrub floors and serve happy meals.
I am aware being poor takes a lot of your time. But those who have discipline and are committed to embettering themselves and their communities by hard work (and taking some risks, where necessary) will succeed. That's why rural farmers are based as fuck.
I'll reserve judgement when we're in the thick of his administration.
I think he's smart enough to walk softly (keep liberals off guard) and carry a big stick (kick lots of shitskins out).
That's the best way to do it. If he goes in all bluster and commanding with the senate they will just stall and block progress.
At any rate he is going to go through employment to enforce immigration. Work permits doesn't mean they are citizens btw.
Baby steps… while sneaking in some really powerful stuff while nobody is looking.
Inb4 "shut up kike".
Surly poll isn't so naive to not understand how a politician politicians. Even Hitler took steps to full power.
does trump care about white people and western civilization or not?
Yeah, I've been hearing that shit a lot.
Know the problem?
Many of the arguments in favor of Trump utilizing this argumentative foundation were of a sort implying that he was saying such things because he had to in order to win, that IN REALITY, Trump would, as a theoretical example, deport all the beaners and build a fuckhueg wall, despite saying there would be a big beautiful door in the wall and that something would be worked out with the illegals. In other words, the argument was that the data was purposefully flawed out of requisite in order to succeed, and that the genuine position was tougher – and now its coming to light, in fact, the data was genuine, albeit, from our position, flawed.
The other night, I heard Trump talking, as regards immigration, saying we want "10's of thousands, hundreds of thousands of people to come in - but they have to come in legally".
In the past, the argumentation has always said, "No, no, Trump knows the score, he's not going to do touchback amnesty, he's not going to cuck out, he's going to tackle the sanctuary cities and recover the White demographic via European immigration and and and…", and now all that shit seems to have gone out the window.
… Anyone else remember, way back in the campaign, pre-primary, where he briefly floated "the race-horse theory" for a rally or two? What happened to that? What happened to "They have to go back"?
I'm more and more inclined to suggest Trump may well be just another Jew, in many regards at least.
But the notion that we should have voted for Hillary? No, voting for Trump was the right thing to do given the data we had at our disposal.
But when it turns out after the fact that data is wrong, and someone or something demonstrates this, the answer is not to imply that only someone arguing in favor of the other choice, based on that faulty data, as though it were favorable.
If Trump betrays us now, after all this, it shows that this system of electing the biggest sociopath, with the most connections and cash, all of whom serve the same masters.
It shows that trust in democracy is a failed endeavor, as if that hasn't been demonstrated so many times before.
Checked for won't happen.
She named the Jew.
Baby boomer or Holla Forums shill detected
b-b-but the window.
This is exactly the correct choice though.
How about instead of a door there is a big beautiful window, so they can look in from their shitty country and get ideas about how to make it a better place.
I don't even…
Didn't you know everyone who isn't a socialist is a lolberg shill
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
Newspeak in action gentlemen, fucking WEW LADS
We need to pressure Trump
The hispanics which are already here are going to outbreed us, even if immigration is reduced to zero. It's pretty much too late, we'll probably have to cede the entire southwest of the country eventually.
The one DANGEROUS problem we can still reverse is the yellow tide:
He shifted the window, and now he's shifting it back via his actions.
He had pushed so far right, he's got the legislature with a gun to their head, there's really no excuse for pulling back now – and that seems to be what he's doing, or rather, perhaps that's merely the perception that was purposefully maintained in places like this, the whole implication that what Trump was saying was what he had to say to get into power (and not necessarily what he had to do when in power) and not what he intended to do when in power.
How about there's just a big ugly fucking wall of death (from their side) that truthfully implies the people on the other side don't particularly give a shit about them in any meaningful sense?
How about they go back to their corrupt shithole braindrained homelands and never turn their fucking eyes toward our lands ever a-fucking-gain?
How about Trump stops being such a god damned pussy and thinks about America – because, lest I need remind you, a nation is a thing of blood, not a thing of ideals, and if the American people - the European-American population of the United States of America - go, then so goes America, regardless of how many statues and nigger-twats in suits they parade before masses of latinos while waving the flag and blaring the songs of a dead people.
Trump keeps talking about "America First" – well, we fucking ARE America, and he's not putting us first, in the most fucking meaningful sense of the word: He's not acting to preserve our existence, he's indicating a willingness to engage those who seek to supplant us, to allow them to remain, for the sake of fucking what?
Feels? Cheap slave labor for the corporate globalist scum, or perhaps cheap child slaves for the same and their political elite chums?
This Jew York City faggot better not fuck this up – we can't see the whole map, but there's simply no way in fuck-mothering-hell there's any way to justify 'making a deal' with these fucking vermin… Granted, there may yet be strategy in implying you might, and then not doing so later… But asking a fella to buy that, well, that's expecting a lot of faith in a goy with alotta kikes and cucks in his company, even if he is Donald J. God Emperor Fucking Trump, I tell you hwat.
many such cases!
The ideal situation would jave been Trump building a ton of momentum and then losing. Then we could have elected literally Hitler in 2020. Now it's all going down the toilet.
Is he cucking out?
Because it's starting to look like he's cucking out.
Please stop with this shit. I'll be the first to burn a Trump effigy when he betrays us, but this is baseless fear-mongering right now.
That's not our brother you dummy it's a shill. Don't talk to them with respect.
I don't think America has the political will to do that, unfortunately.
Personally I would like to see then all killed as an example. That way they will learn what happens if they try to invade our country again.
Don't get me wrong, I've loved the man so far, but that doesn't mean I trust him.
These people have to be removed.
Reagan's amnesty has to be rescinded.
Bush's, Clinton's, Obama's, same thing.
These people have got to go back – and we're not talking about the ones who came here, or remain here, illegally.
If we cannot get to that point, and FAST, then there's really not much that's going to change the demographic trends, and you can expect all these sheboons and Squats ranting about how White people are being replaced to be proven right.
He's been a CivNat from the beginning. Don't pretend otherwise has been the case. Just like Hitler, his condemnation is merely a facade of the lying press. Latinos for Trump. Free Arabian Legion.
If you believe the media, you deserve to be disappointed. Personally, I'm glad for his economic policies, alone.
You're not my brother either, pal.
It doesn't matter what America has the will to do. It matters what the Air Force loadmasters loyal to the President have the will to do.
Interning Mexicans is legal.
Deporting Mexicans is legal.
Using the military to deport Mexicans is legal.
All he needs do is arm ICE and let the military know they'll have a shipment of spics to send back. Couple that with the DHS's incredible bus fleet and they'll be long gone.
Yeah, unfortunately Americans are all kiked out goy slobs with no will for anything except weed.
Here's some truth about Mexican Americans in the work place, those who fought the hard and arduous battle to become a citizen. Those guys hate border jumpers. Its not fair to those who had to endure the struggle to just pretend there is no border. From experience idiots. 90% of the employees at my facility are "Mexican" and 80% of that 90% ADAMANTLY voted Trump. So you tell me, what's this really about? I knew less about Trump than these blue-collar AMERICANS. You gotta get your stories from the factory you idiots, not news.
Any of you dummies actually read art of the deal? Or, ya know, observed how this guy behaves over the past 2 years? He's all over the place in public statements, and little by little masterfully building a coalition for whatever he always wanted to do in the first place. Read art of the deal.
I'm going full false flag.
These posts are plants from kike MSM soros backed cucks - trying to get us to abandon our God Emperor and erode the base.
Don't give in niggers!
This. Frankly, we can only judge Trump by his actions. So far, he has already got some wins with carrier and Japan. He very well may cuck at any moment and we should be vigilant for when he does, but it is obvious there are many who are dying to be ahead of the curve on Trump failing so they can demoralize Holla Forums users.
When he says 'America', I believe he's also referring to the leadership.
You're implying he's going to do something that WAY beyond what we can reasonably expect from him.
Is it physically, conceptually possible?
Is there any reason, whatsoever, to suggest Trump, or anyone in his administration, would actually be likely to pursue such efforts as you've described? Well, its a more dubious suggestion by the day, that much I would offer.
That's not even addressing the core of the matter, which is that if (god willing, when) that should transpire, even the first stage of what you've described, it will become open combat in the streets in many places throughout America.
And that's just if he did that with the illegals – nevermind the notion of rescinding citizenship to spics that've been here since Ronnie let them stay.
Basically, you're suggesting Trump could and would start the 2nd US Civil War over the deportation of legal spics to preserve the White demographics of America.
And such implication is, quite frankly, utterly ridiculous based on what we've seen from him thus far… And so I reach the conclusion I have reached in all categories with Trump: If what he is saying and presenting is accurate as to his desires, then what you're implying/describing is absolute fantasy to the degree that its insulting that you would expect anyone here to buy it; and if what he is saying and presenting is inaccurate, the probability of what you're implying/describing increases by only a very small margin, further supporting the notion that such actions are almost-certainly well-beyond the realm of reality.
Not trying to be a dick, but at this point, you're basically arguing that everything Trump is saying is a bold-faced lie as part of a clever negotiating tactic… Which given his character, IS POSSIBLE, but that he would go SO FAR in the opposite direction of what he's saying – and noting that going THAT FAR would be requisite to achieve a meaningful conclusion – still seems rather dubious.
I take it you would disagree?
His posting style never changes, user.
Trump stated a number of times that he would never tip his hand before playing his cards. he's just placating them by lulling them into a false sense of security.
All he really has to do is to eliminate sanctuary cities, require verification of citizenship for recipients of all entitlement programs, and require employers to utilize e-verify as well.
Make the penalties for noncompliance harsh enough, and they'll deport themselves!
Why would you use heavy lift cargo airplanes for people? Do you like wasting money? Use jet liners and get Mexico to pay for it.
You need to go back. To reddit.
I'm not defending Trump or criticizing him. I am merely presenting the fact that deportation would be physically and logistically possible. My assessment is disconnected from Trump entirely, it's just a matter of plugging statistics into a calculator.
C17 Globemaster has a cargo lift capacity of 170,900 pounds. Assuming the average spic weighs 200 pounds that's a carry weight of 850 spics per flight. There's not space for that many though, so let's say it's 350 spics per flight.
Two flights a day, with 100 planes a day. That's 600 people a day per plane, times a 100 planes. That's 60,000 spics per day deported.
20 Million spics, divided by 60,000 is 333. It would take less than a year, using half of JUST OUR C-17's,not even our C-130s or C5 Galaxies, to deport every illegal spic in the country. If you do 1/4 of those flights per day, it takes less than 4 years to deport every single illegal. Add in buses, civilian deportation flights and people sneak back in and it would take probably two years to deport every single one with a concerted effort.
So it would take less than 1 term to deport every single spic, but it's totally hopeless right guys?
You're exactly right. Airliners fit more people and are cheaper. I'm merely showing that with American military cargo planes it's possible, let alone our gigantic fleet of civilian-spec government owned airliners.
stack 'em higher, pack 'em tighter, drop 'em out the side door from 10,000 feet
hey, the mods are actually doing their job right for once
"We've got the best planes folks, believe me, we're gonna be dropping pallets of illegals out of planes like you wouldn't believe."
Imagine a condensed pallet of illegals getting dumped out of a plane, no chute. Makes me giggle just thinking about it.
… Or just tell Mexico that if they ever want to see another American tourist and their greenbacks, they will need to use their commercial aviation fleet to repatriate their citizens.
I really do not want America paying for the deportation effort, especially not in the form you are suggesting.
What if we crated them like pets then paletized them. We could stack them high and not worry about resistance when offloading them.
I don't care how hard or arduous it is – I'd make it harder and more arduous if I could.
So they hate competition in the form of members of their own racial clade who act in a manner which makes it harder for them to be accepted, and thus to bring in more of their kind?
Indeed. Its also not fair to imply that struggle is all that much of a struggle, that there's any nobility in pursuing such 'struggle', or that we should care about what is 'fair' in this context as regards the continued existence of our demographic and its survival as the majority racial clade in these lands.
Annecdotal evidence is some of the worst kind of evidence, particularly witness testimony.
And I assume they're all legals, and as we've already addressed why there is no nobility in their struggle to arrive in our lands (and thus supplanting us) and that these peoples' opposition to illegals is more in the vein of hardship it creates on their behalf in terms of personal self interest, I don't particularly give a shit.
For them? Civic Nationalism, vested self-interest, and (conscious or otherwise) duty to blood.
Then you're a piece of shit – and those people will never be Americans, because to be an American is not to ascribe to an idea, it is to be an American by blood, to have been born of the people who fought and died and ACTUALLY STRUGGLED to make this land what it was, to be born of the people that are slowly being eroded by progressive policy (the same sort which seeks to bring in more and more of these vermin each year) and being outbred by your lovely 'AMERICAN' Mexicans (who have an average IQ of 87-89; pic related).
Nobody gives a shit what the spics in your shitty factory job have to say about Trump – they have to go back.
This is worrying, but I really hope it's just to save face, give a good image and when the time comes, Sessions will uphold the law.
You are exactly right. A Civilian fleet running around the clock would be even cheaper fuel and personnel cost wise, and it wouldn't tie up our military logistics with pallets full of spics.
If it's a private airline we'll have to pony up some of the cost though, there's not really a way around it, especially when squeeze Mexico's tits to pay for the wall.
It's about 3,495 per flight hour for a 747 according to some dude on StackExchange, so if we pay for half we'll still have an a spic-free country within a year.
If you won't do it, yes, yes it is.
Note that I never suggested it was not logistically possible – I argued it was not politically probable, given the response to such action as would be necessary.
You completely deflected, and returned to the logistical argument, despite the fact that I never had any doubt there was logistical certainty as to our capacity to remove them if we committed ourselves to doing so, including the prospect of military action inside the United States at myriad locations; my statements had more to do with the likelihood of such action being taken, given what we know about the circumstances and individuals involved to date.
It makes more sense for DJT to run a reality show-style deportation campaign, does it not? Can we meme this into reality?
It's politically possible because it hinges on the Air Force logistical command, which because Trump will be Commander in Chief, will have to do what he tells them. It is 100% within his political and constitutional power to do so.
He could even have the Army sterilize them before they got deported as that other user pointed out, there's constitutional precedent for it.
Tell that to all the lefty Americans.
It was spoken, exactly as you explain, less than 2 hours ago in Holla Forums. Something about how Trump should be casually defamed and the opinion of his supporters changed. Similar things have happened between both "sides".
Trump, without even sitting on the throne, has already proven much more "tri-partisan" than Obama. You have far Left and you have far Right, where is the gray area where things can be discussed?
I understand that all of you really need to get laid and no one likes you, but that's okay, because they invented pills for that (the blue ones I think).
Seriously, you guys are sheep.
Haha totally dude! We sure love our based immigrants don't we guys? Upboats to the left :)
Where all the corpses, of those who fail to realize when the time for discussion has passed, end up getting piled?
He could also nuke Tel Aviv if so chose, based on the evidence widely available as regards the Israelis routine act-of-war tier bullshit toward the US.
Its just not very probable.
You're still stuck on the issue of logistical possibility while I'm talking about political probability.
And even if I were to engage you on the logistical probability, it relies on the notion that the Air Force logistical command would follow such an order – an arguable notion in and of itself.
Trump is a man who, at the very least potentially, has the power to save his people - the question is whether or not he will do what is necessary to achieve such, and that remains highly questionable based on the data we have at present.
huh, this is /nu-pol/, its like half pol only instead of questioning gamergay its now questioning trump
Fuck off Chaim
somewhere between California and the interior, I would assume? good enough answer for you?
This article is based on one quote taken from an outside source meant to frame the conversation toward a liberal bias.
This is only meant to sow discord between the president elect and the people that supported him. Its what the lying media has been doing since Nov 9th and will continue to do for the foreseeable future.
No, it isn't.
You mean traitors? Let me ask you this, what is more valuable and needed in America right now, more men like Zimmerman or more "men" like Anthony Burch and Zukerburg?