Remember, global warming is real goyim.
Remember, global warming is real goyim.
Other urls found in this thread:
Also, it's important to remember that Breitbart is actually a conspiracy by the fossil fuel industry (which is also probably russian)
Aww, isn't she cute?
Jesus her tone, calm your shit women.
Well I'm convinced, now.
Let's save the planet from the mud races by exterminating them.
inb4 she cuts her hair.
jesus christ we've failed hard on un-meming global warming
the internet is still blue pilled AF
That's nice dear, now show us your tits.
blog.dilbert com post/154082416051/the-non-expert-problem-and-climate-change-science
I like how all current global warming models take into account solar activity and explain the rise of Mars' and Io's surface temperatures by 10°C over the last fifteen years despite the startling lack of SUVs.
I get that she's an attention whore (no other reason to go into media of any form) but with a figure like that she really shouldn't be claiming to be a scientist. Scientists aren't sexy, ever, it's part of why they became scientists. If you don't have severe autism and/or a fugly body you are incapable of science, period.
SHUT UP! Only a scientist can read teleprompter.
We need to fucking off the climate change Jew once and for all. It should be easy enough, only a but harder than getting trump elected. Meme it dead.
We need to emphasize that global warming is a red herring excuse for global control. The environment got much worse with Obama letting chemical companies just dump shit everywhere and cutting funding to clean up the great lakes. They are currently letting toxic algae grow uncontrollably so they can point to it as a reason for needed legislation. In reality trump is going to take out the biggest waste of fossil fuels which is shipping materials to China and back.
She should be glad the wall is being built. Any more mexicans and she'd have to get but implants to compete.
Also, check 'em.
Just kill those faggots w/ napalm, just to hurt the envirenoment while killing them
you ever had a mother who would go out of her way to fuck things up and make problems just so she could bitch about it and blame it on someone else? that's the essence of liberalism.
muh sides, fucking scott bringing the bants as usual
The retards with no arguments make themselves easy to spot.
What is the Holla Forums consensus on global warming anyways?
Fake, pushed by globalists to establish a global taxation system and therefore a global government.
You literally could not make this shit up.
It's real, listen to the TV and news sometimes, silly.
Wew lads
Lurk more.
Never mind; get out.
Doesn’t exist, isn’t happening, exists solely to destroy the Western world.
Made a higher quality webm.
I knew there was a reason I liked Dilbert as a small kid.
Adams is the master of bants, I still remember when he triggered the fuck out of KC Greene (Pic Related) when he wrote a blog post about how fucking awesome it is to be male. Unfortunately I can't find the article at the moment
I'm not Holla Forums but i guess it goes like this:
After looking at the facts with a critic perspective, i agree with this view.
Climate has a cycle to it
Man-made climate change is statistically insignificant
It's a scam
Trips of truth. Man releasing CO2 back into the atmosphere causes some warming, but it's bullshit compared to the natural variations and won't cause doomsday, and can even have positive effects. Actual pollution is 1000x more important (CO2 is not a pollutant).
My grandfather said they were trying to push "Global Cooling" back in like the 70s, I guess during the gas crisis.
Trips of truth. Holla Forums was right again
Add their retarded style of debating where they go: "Here's a 100 page pdf, debunk it or I won't accept your argument, heh".
yeah they talked about dumping soot on the ice caps back then. don't know if they ever did it, not that it'd have escaped the memory hole by now.
Nice try, rabbis.
Any reason they couldn't have just given us the temperature differentials in the timeline Brietbart used for ocean temps?
Pretty much this. Ocean acidification is serious, so is pollution in general. Fertilizer and pesticide use fucking up waterways and oceans is a big deal, as well as overfishing. However, my solution to overfishing is sinking any trawler within 100 nautical miles of our shores. When you dig up millions of years worth of biological matter that has sequestered shit out of the atmosphere, don't be surprised if the atmosphere returns to the previous conditions.
The biggest trouble with increasing temperatures is third world diseases coming north. Malaria, dengue, yellow fever and now (thanks to bill gates) zika.
jews are always looking for a way to make a buck, sell some oil, sell survival supplies, get votes for political capture, and jew around. Doesn't help that they didn't have good climate modeling back then, climate science is relatively new and is only really possible because of the advances in computing.
I figured the best solution to overfishing would be wiping out China.
Pretty much. The japanese are pretty bad too, but overfishing is actually used as THE example of "tragedy of the commons." It's great for game theory.
Someones BTFO'd that's for sure.
They must be assblasted that Trump nominated Scott Pruitt to head up the EPA
Underrated post.
Anytime you see someone bring up "muh 97%" just remind them that science is currently going through a massive crises of replication and there's no reason to trust fucking anything in any field of science purely because a lot of people happen to say its true.
Form your own opinions by looking at available data. That said, I'm highly skeptical of anthropocentric climate change. Obviously the climate is always changing in some way, that's why we have weather. We're also on the tail end of an ice age.
With all that in mind, I think it's a good idea to wean western civilization off of fossil fuels to the extent that we're able. They will run out- Eventually.
so much salt
every day
mfw it's just a prelude to the FIRE COCK
or ask them to disprove the 3%. not many tend to even try.
I have a magazine with an iceball earth on the cover, yes. It was the Big Scary Thing at the time.
Yes it will, but it just lying down there doing absolutely nothing. There's no reason you shouldn't use it.
Of course not! We should still look for other sources of energy, though. It doesn't make sense to rely almost entirely on fossil fuels, or any other method of power generation. It also can't hurt to keep our living space clean, right?
I'm not sure that site is a credible source.
In any case, having diverse and potentially redundant means of power generation can only be good. If you lower the amount of smog in the air and heavy metals in the soil, that's a bonus.
You, I like you. You pointed out something that has been bothering me greatly about modern science. This combined with them saying that an experiment's data needs to match existing theory for it to be accepted means that modern science has abandoned the scientific method in favor of a more cancerous model.
Female on TV?
Enjoy hitting the wall.
Even were man caused warming the dire threat claimed, the best way to counter it would be to limit industrial farming in advanced countries to subsistence levels ofr the home country and let are the turd world shitskins starve. Ball's in your court, science chick.
BREAKING: Woman who got a B+ in high school science class shows Breitbart what real science is with an appeal to authority and bandwagon fallacies. Statistics = Fake News. Climatology = Fake News. Observation = Fake News
I think you're missing the bigger point, she openly admits 2017 will be colder than 2016.
I like how their arguments are always
When the fact is we do… the worlds climate always is changing. WE are not the ones changing it.
this has the exact "front page of reddit" amount of views meaning that it was on reddit (probably where op got it from) and all the comments are them virtue signalling
not to mention 90% of scientists aren't climate scientists
even if they are really alluding to climate scientists
Their argument is "Wow just wow, uh, didn't you hear my social authorities say it's true??"
You got it bass ackwards. Erosion control is creating a scarcity of fertilizer which is causing fish populations to decline around the first world. Look at Haida Salmon Restoration Corporation, they quadrupled the regional salmon harvest in 1 year for a total cost of 1.4 cents per fish by with iron sulfate fertilization.
If Trump's administration did the same to the Gulf, we'd be up to our eyes in cheap all-you-can-eat shrimp by 2019.
Instead of a constant stream of natural fertilizers being carried downriver, with erosion control now all we get is pulses of fertilizer when it floods, which cause algael blooms, which deplete dissolved oxygen and shoah regions of the sea all at once. The problem would go away with constant low-level fertilization keeping things constant so they could withstand flood-pulse events, nay, flourish with them.
please post the results of Haida Corporation.
From the wikijew
This is off the coast of British Columbia between Washington and Alaska. They dumped it in the current going toward them. The envirojews jumped all over them
The 2013 salmon runs defied all expectations, more than quadrupling, from 50 million to 226 million fish.
You know what's funny? There was a time when scientists thought chirality was incorrect, and that organic substances could not be created from inorganic substances. Wöhler questioned this, even though he was ostracized, and was proved right. I wish people who have no background in science (Kait Parker) would fuck off already, if they don't know the chemistry, statistics, or ethics behind science.
The thing is, the atheists (neo-commies) don't actually want control of the press, because then they would have to take responsibility and they're silly people who would drive everything right into the ground. Freedom of speech is how they keep the facade of competance over their degeneracy.
Forgot to mention, the leaf feds jumped on it and shut it down before the second dump scheduled in 2013 and salmon harvest is dropping fast. 5 truckloads of rust is a cheap way to buy 176,000,000 salmon.
this sounds like something out of an episode of Sea Lab 2021.
Only 5 truckloads of rust we can easily get that from cheap Chinese shit steel.
She didn't say what's causing the warming. It could be all the nigger breeding facilities the U.S. built. Let's shut them down before it's too late!
It is all the ovens those evil nazi bastids have warming up for the jews and their golems. OY VEY SHUT THEM DOWN.
Could you guys expand on this? Does modern science have a problem where people don't try to replicate results or are scientists reporting results that aren't being replicated when retested or are they simply using experiments that aren't repeatable?
The whole situation regarding science is pretty damn pitiable. The left seems to think they have claim to it. However, they always get onto Christians for questioning evolution, and then they go and deny that it could have affected humans. At some point, we should remind them that the brightest scientists came from Nazi Germany and make it clear that we're the ones who hunt the truth.
tesla was pretty good looking, so was newton
well so much for them.
There are people in here that actually don't believe in global warming? Is that what OP is trying to say? I'm not sure if this is a troll..
Humans do have an affect on the environment but so fucking little its pointless to spend billions of boys money on it
decent bait I give it a 5/10.
So you are saying that op is just trolling? I don't get this. Is this supposed to be funny?
That's right, my fellow Redditor!!!! XD lol cool beans so randumb!!! : ^ )
ironic shitposting is still shitposting, you fucking asshole
As I'm seeing this, at fault is extremely potent for slacking/forging results high ed system in stem. It became quantity over quality. Students often fake their data just to turn paper when it's due or to get better correlation, stuff like that(I myself was forced to do it 2 times at uni), and this precendent lingers. Newer and newer generations of scientists are less and less repulsed by ideological betrayal of science's most precious virtue - truth. As some wise man said eons ago - Once you go black you never go back.
Even if we were to completely accept their version that man-made climate change exists and is caused by CO2, it still does not follow that their means to address it, global communism, will work. Their scheme is to allow "developing nations" to have a greater allowance to pollute more than everyone else, so essentially it means that developed nations will continue to outsource jobs in order to mine carbon credits. It's a globalist incentive system that punishes countries like the USA and rewards niggers and pajeets.
Of course these countries would not be even at their current population sizes without the investments and charitable contributions of white Europeans; in reality, the better option would be to stop aiding them so millions die, reducing the overall global demand for petrochemicals and leaving them in the hands of those who can actually utilize them effectively. Pajeet, Muhammad and Paco are never going to have the intellect, presence of mind, concern for scarcity or the future to address global issues. We can't even prevent them from striking the death blow to endangered species. The environment is strictly a white Western concern, so the best way to see those concerns are responded to with action is to do everything in our power to eliminate mud races. Investing in them economically so they can grow in numbers and use even more resources inefficiently would accomplish exactly the opposite.
Their plan to address environmental issues is to continue the process of white genocide. Interesting how all of their proposed "solutions" are exactly what kikes have been reinforcing elsewhere and for other reasons.
The genocide of non-whites is a environmental imperative
The thing is, the fucking Jewish international corporations are funding the global warming or man-made climate change myth so that they can sideline the blame from themselves on directly harming the environment over to every human being on the planet and then saying they're causing "change" that is affecting the waterways, ocean and plants, all because of muh CO2 which is absolutely essential for life and atmospherically viable at over 10x the percentage it is right now.
All these libtards saying it's a fossil-fuel company conspiracy to hide global warming, when they're actually funding the myth as well, companies like Shell, BP and the like certainly are.
This, that's the underlying goal, foment a source of monetary and political power from nothing (as Jewish as it gets) while using said power to crush any country or people you do not like by issuing sanctions. Crippling Europeans across the world is obviously their major goal.
Hey Kiddo. I was a meteorologist for the Air Force and now am retired from it. You are wrong.
Can Trump just issue an outright public ban on anyone without a degree in:
Ecology (of any kind)
And MAYBE chemistry as it applies to atmosphere (no idea if there's specific degrees for this)
From EVER speaking about this shit? It needs to fucking stop. I'm so fucking tired of the politicization of science. It gets us nowhere. We've been stuck doing this for nearly half a fucking decade and we are no closer to resuming regular discussion on this topic than we were. Kikes in oil, kike environmentalists, libtard scum, idiot philistines. Everybody has a fucking opinion and talks out of their ass.
Fortunately the PC cunts have lost power and more studies pursue alternate theories besides the anthropocentric model are emerging, but now we've got the oil Jew trying to reassert his powers.
We've been bouncing back from the last major ice age for thousands of years.
The world has been heating up and cooling down over and over again through the centuries, why do people act like this is the end of the world when it's clearly not?
Did people forget about the mini-ice age we had during the 70's?
Stopped watching when she said consensus. Bitches love consensus but that has nothing to do with science.
i'd still hug her
Old enough to remember when the media promoted a new global ice age ..
What a dumb bitch.
I don't know what the consensus is, I'm not this Holla Forums character. I believe that global warming exists from what I've read and heard but don't trust the predictions that are being made all the time because most haven't come true, it's like the whole Iranian nuclear program, none of the established predictions for right now have been met.
Seems to me that there's more to agree on than not regardless of climat change being true or not. Nationalism actually keeps both sides happy, which is why a lot of users don't go for each other's throats on the topic:
Not everyone should live a first world lifestyle
Keep our lands beautiful
Still expand and provide for the next generation
We have dominion over the earth, not the other way around
Hedonism and excess weaken a population
Build a sustainable future for our people
Achieve energy independence
Cut down on waste
Preserve biodiversity
People are tied to their lands
Work towards keeping jobs in our country and reduce reliance on other people
All of these things both help our people and the environment without pretending we need to give up what's ours. Agenda 21 and the like don't care about the state of the world, only how to exploit the people that live on it.
Their "solution" is to destroy White countries, transferring production to the east and the turd world, same fucking pollution output just a different location with money not going into White pockets. That's how you tell it's fake.
Same here. "Not a consensus" my ass, not an argument.
Try these vids nignog. I wasn't a climate skeptic until very recently, it's because the alarmists are desperately trying to shut down actual opposing arguments.
Not really subhumans pollute on such a scale you can't even compare it to almost non-existent amount from other places.
holy shit the reasonable atheist
Can't wait to see her in a compilation video after we're all buried in snow.
Same. A lot of the anti- material looks like schizo youtube shit or has fatal weaknesses, so I just ignored the subject. Then I saw that there were serious arguments and looked into it. This book for example is a good bag of sourced info from many perspectives.
that town looks so comfy
At least the Japs actually give a shit about the environment for the most part. They might overfish, but at the same time I find it difficult to say shit when yurop razed its wildernesses into pasture centuries ago and in North America we more-or-less exterminated our endemic ungulates and large predators so we could desertify the west with cattle. But the rest of Asia… Jesus fucking Christ. China and ASEAN are nightmare-tier when it comes to environmentalism.
Holla Forums doesn't have a consensus over things we do not know they are the truth, like kikes being facilitating White Genocide and Whites being the masterrace.
Fimbulvinter when?
checked and agreed.
(((Global Warming))) is a hoax but the kikes and cucks are changing the environment with new tech and pollution. The disgusting yid has many tools for White Genocide and "control" of the slave masses.
Should we start dumping the real facts?
Just think of how wild it would of been to observe neanderthals in their day to day life.
Kikes and cucks spray toxic chemicals and metals in the air and tell us its "to fight global warming" What is the true reason they are expending all this time, money, and man power to dump shit into the atmosphere?
I'm sure this type of /x/-tier shit is a psyop to discredit us.
Have you ever flown on a plane? You can see vapour trails coming from the wings.
Has anyone else noticed a marked uptick in all kinds of shilling since the election?
No psyop faggot they are spraying shit and people like you lie and cover for them
People will believe we can colonize mars but not that the government can manipulate weather that they have admitted for decades.
yea its a cohencidence, kek.
My mom is lost to this nonsense. She is conservative and voted Trump, but buys all the hogwash from Dane Wiginton and we can never drive anywhere together without her complaining about how "they" are "spraying". It is no mystery to me why more women believe this stuff than men. She is always using woman logic, like saying, "See, they're spraying in front of the sun!"
You are already dead if you don't believe it to be at least a possibility.
There are none so blind as those who refuse to see. Sounds like your mom is a good deal more observant and wise than yourself.
What an insufferable bimbo.
Did you see how he tried to use shame by saying "only a dumb women would believe that" line? They think everyone is as unintelligent as them. Next he will imply you are a christian.
what a load of bullshit :D
oh really :D fossil fuel literally means that it renews in time but far greater than it is sustainable compared to it's usage
fossil, because biggest parts of coal and oil are decayed material from time of dinosaurs
second pic, 3,4% is caused by human activity
true, but all the other activity is basically natural and sustainable
biomass decays and new biomass ties the CO2 to itself
occasionally a volcano erupts and the nature shits its pant for a moment, but the greenhouse gasses which the environment can't absorb are mainly from human activity, that's a fact
you don't need more than 3,4% if it's all a constant surplus that keeps adding
it's like arguing that CO2 doesn't affect the climate because it's so little as 400 ppm (parts per million) so dude weed lmao stahp wurryin' brah :D
All that being said, I myself am a critical to the idea that CO2 has that great an effect on climate, it sure does to ocean acidity which kills for example corals in an alarming rate, don't forget that. Climate changes, different species die and we can't really determine that this moment or a state fifty or hundred years ago was or is a optimum. There is no such thing in a climate.
That's why the global warming is not such a big concern for me. Sure if the sea levels rise many nigger countries and even some white countries will suffer but that's life. I'm more concerned about other kind of pollution that the use of coal and oil emits. Also, combustion engines and burning oil or coal for power in general is hugely ineffective. This means more expensive energy for you.
Weather modification is indeed a fact. It is technically feasible and has been done for many years by governments around the world.
And that's what people should be talking about, WEATHER MODIFICATION, not Chemtrails or whatever.
Why? Because weather modification is verifiably and undeniably true and because the method used to modify the weather doesn't matter.
When people talk about Chemtrails they use 1) a term which discredits you in the eyes of the normies and 2) fixate themselves on one method which has never been conclusively proven - while there are plenty of other methods which have never been denied nor doubted in the first place.
Dude, that chick is fucking hot.
The only people watching this are leftists looking for an ego stroke. Tomorrow they'll go back to not giving a shit about the Weather Channel. Audience grab failed.
I always fucked with my dad saying that nigger Obama caused that EF5 tornado that went through Joplin in 2011 but I never really looked into it too much.
What are the chances it's one of us trolling?
I honestly have no idea. Reddit is so far up its own ass it's impossible to tell if they're serious or just taking us on a long ruse cruise.
4/300 words concerns something about oceans
yeah sure, you pickin' that cherry so gud maybe you should pick some cotton as well
if and when Antarctica melts (how ever long it may take and for what ever reason) coastal cities will drown :D
And yes, more CO2 in atmosphere means more CO2 in sea and even if it really doesn't warm up the climate it affects the sea in a different way. But yeah you keep shouting alarmist all you want :^)
what a coinkidink that Tennessee started getting a shitload of rain right after they found out the wildfires were being caused by arson.
The jews will stop at nothing to drown us in their lies.
Friendly reminder that this dude was a MASON, just like several of the mods here :^)
Read the comments section. Total Cancer has one of the top comments with his usual cocksucker brigade in tow. It was definitely on reddit if that faggot is chiming in. You know ass cancer doesn't watch The Weather Channel.
Holla Forums isn't an entity, but here's the way I see it:
Whether it's real or not, we should always be looking for ways and developing technology to better utilize our resources and lessen any impact it may have on the environment.
Just keep Government regulations and other political bullshit out of it.
never seen a female t-rex before
Underrated but thing is that vaportrails and cloudseeding act against global warming due to their albedo.
We need more gasses for our "greenhouses"
when air is forcefully moved faster than it should (speed of sound), it condenses. Anything moving in air faster than the speed of sound will leave trailing clouds.
Nothing quite like errant smugness, these fucktards will never get anything right.
I love you Winter Chan!
(1) didn't fuck up today
also sage for such a low effort 4pol tier thread
Genocide the squatemalans to save the rain forest, and in turn, save us from climate change. :^)
Go back to reddit
This last year convinced me liberals engage in politics for no other reason than feel smarter by parroting John Oliver and what the see in "I fucking love science"
sure thing chaim :^)
Weather manipulation and mass pollution is another weapon for kikes and cucks to use, nothing more. Keep in mind the jew unlike Aryans has no connection to nature or humanity and will make the impossible possible to spite the goyim. Like spraying Naled allover Florida to "fight Zika virus".
I bet someone's posted the 3% CO2 statistic without taking into account that the 3% we humans pump does not get eliminated since it's not part of the natural CO2 cycle. All while retards who hace never taken a calc or statistics course thinking that curve smoothing and normalizing is Jewish science despite being used in multiple fields. Threads like these remi d me that Holla Forums is still vulnerable to the retarded false dichotomy paradigm of right vs left.
this is a shitty post and you should feel bad for not trying harder.
It's a little cartoon in a powerpoint. Do you get triggered when Santa pops open a can of Coke with his polar bear pals?
Not an argument.
this. they can't accurately predict the weather correctly predict the weather within a 24 hour time period. Why would I trust them for a 10-20 yr. prediction?
holy fucking shit, what did I just write?
All the people using the term "muh fake news" are shills. No way people can eat this shit.
Because it's easier to predict
than accurate temperatures you fucking mongoloid.
If that's the case then why are you listening to the words of a kike owned news tabloid without using your head?
The public global warming debate shows we're in the dark ages of science. It's become a religious debate, not a scientific one.
Let's go over pic related one dumbfuck point at a time.
Trails of steam look different based on how high up they are, how long they've been in the air, and how hard the wind has been blowing on them. Even a trail of magic chemicals would be subject to these forces, because fucking vapor, retard, so a "chemtrail" would twist and dissipate just like a contrail.
See the above point about forces acting on the trail. Even if a cloud is heavy in magnesium sulfate (or whatever), the temperature, humidity, and wind speed will determine its duration. If the trail is made from something heavier than water, not only will it not linger, it will almost certainly precipitate out faster than water droplets.
Contrails are made of condensed water, CO2 from combustion of jet fuel, and CO from incomplete combustion. They become visible when nearby air is saturated with water vapor and cannot absorb any more. Think of cold, moist air as a sponge – pour more water onto it, and the extra water just spills off because it can't hold any more. Squeeze the sponge, and water comes out right away. The leading edge of the wing compresses air (squeezing the sponge) and guides it back along the swept profile to the wingtip, where a small vortex forms and holds the squeezed-out water. Hot, moist exhaust also leaves a trail because the water vapor being added to the air (pouring water on a saturated sponge) cannot dissipate.
This gap is proof positive that we're looking at condensing water vapor. If ebil chemicals were being cropdusted out the back of the plane, they would presumably look the same from emission to dissipation. The gap here shows that the moist hot air has a higher capacity than the moist cold air around it. Hot air is analogous to a bigger sponge, you see. As heat flows from the exhaust to the surrounding cool air (see: Second Law of Thermodynamics), the exhaust cools. This is the equivalent of squeezing the sponge and releasing that moisture.
Jesus, nigger. I understand paranoia, but at least pretend to be caucasian when the subject is high school science.
Reminds me of this.
This bitch reminds me of the girl on The Young Cucks. She looks similar to her and talks the exact same way.
damn sonny.
Bump and reported for obvious /x/ shill.
The weathergirl is actually qt and not a hideous crypto-jew tbf
Her nose doesn't look jewish. Is she actually a kike?
t. pro jew spotter
wow, you must be newly h'redpilled, your past faggotry and borerline personality disorder still shows itself, doesnt it.
You are one pedantic dumb motherfucker watch the videos you triple nigger they are spraying shit. Quit being a condescending twat and do some research. Contrails disappear shortly whereas what they are spraying does not. Contrails do not come from nozzles on the wings they come from condensation from the engines, so what is coming out of the wings you brain dead motherfucker?
Here is a video of them bragging about spraying it, but don't let the truth get in the way of your bullshit.
also see
Surgery, my friend
No, but she is an Armenian
Yea these disinfo shills are hard at work hiding the obvious truth
Report yourself for being a subversive faggot and/or filthy kike
First, go back to reddit with that spacing. Second, kill yourself.
I am rubber, you are glue. What bounces off of me sticks to you.
"Shit" is not illuminating as a term. Pray, what "shit" are "they" spraying, exactly? I'm not joining your army until you at least try to explain who is spraying chemicals on us, what those chemicals are, and what purpose this is supposed to achieve. Until you have specifics, you're operating on nigger-tier "hands up, don't shoot" territory.
Says the user who thinks research involves watching YouTube videos.
Asserted without evidence or appeal to what we know about physics. Strictly magical thinking. See the post you're angrily replying to for clarification of why you're retarded.
Nothing is coming out of the wings, Corky. I explained why vapor forms along the leading edge of the wing in my post, but I now realize English isn't your first language. Does your primitive tribe of African hunter-gatherers have a written language I can use to explain it to you a second time?
Who the fuck is "them," why the fuck am I supposed to take a random YT video as evidence of anything but your autism, and what caliber of narcotics would I have to be high on before I believed you were within light-years of having the "truth"?
Pic related is you, my new nigger friend.
It's a leftist technique. Most people agree that climate change exists the argument breitbart was making is that it wasn't man-made (or rather a small percentage is/we can't really do shit about it)
What does she do? "HAH! IT IS REAL!" yeah fucking wew you won a reframed argument and even then failed ("THE CONSENSUS IS").
seriously dude stfu
I have provided much info but as a typical cuck or kike shill you have provided none. Keep masking your lies with shitlib snark. Here is a Air Force document straight from the government you get your shill checks from asserting the veracity of what I have said. You provide NO evidence to your lies, you merely obfuscate the truth with a salty cuck attitude.
can be derived through judicious exploitation of the solar absorption potential of carbon black dust.”3 The
study ultimately found that this technology could be used to enhance rainfall on the mesoscale, generate cirrus
clouds, and enhance cumulonimbus (thunderstorm) clouds in otherwise dry areas.
The technology can be described as follows. Just as a black tar roof easily absorbs solar energy and
subsequently radiates heat during a sunny day, carbon black also readily absorbs solar energy. When
dispersed in microscopic or “dust” form in the air over a large body of water, the carbon becomes hot and
heats the surrounding air, thereby increasing the amount of evaporation from the body of water below
This is what they resort to all the time. It's the reason they hire Chad and Chelsea to present the news; a blue pill doesn't like listening to words uttered by nerds, but they love it when barbie or ken is telling them the news. Notice that at every climate conference or larger forum like the UN they have to use top tier celebrities to appeal to normal people, otherwise nobody would give a flying fuck about muh global warming. Lies and beauty go hand in hand.
Noone can answer for Holla Forums but i can answer for me.
The earth has dealt with supervolcanoes and asteroid strikes that put so much shit into the atmosphere it blocks out the sun for years. It dealt with such a thing as recently as 1816. We do not need to worry about the natural chemicals we emit.
We should be concerned with the manmade chemicals that are harmful such as CFCs and HFCs. We banned CFCs in the 80s and the ozone layer is healing. These chemicals can have a devastating effect on the environment as it has no way to deal with them. What convinces me that the current narrative is bullshit is that the paris agreement and other "global warming" initiatives talk about levels of CO2 and other gasses that the earth has been dealing with for billions of years and make no mention of the two biggest environmental problems facing us. Namely, the plastic "island" in the middle of the pacific and the massive amount of animals dying off through loss of habitat due to pollution or seizure of land by humans.
This isnt even mentioning that the earth has been over twice as warm on average as it is now. Or the fact that the earths temperature goes up and down very regularly and if you look at a graph of the last 100,000 years or so. Where we are now is a small uptick that is of no statistical significance whatsoever.
Interesting paper, Shaka. If you could read, I'd direct you to a short passage the Jews tried to hide way down in a corner on Page 1:
United States Air Force, Department of Defense, or the United States government.
events, other than those specifically cited, are unintentional and are for purposes of illustration only.
In English, this means that nothing in the paper should be taken as actual government policy. You know, like how the US government keeps giving you food stamps? Not like that at all. It's actually just speculation by officers who have some ideas they'd like to run past command.
Unless you believe that Lt. Col- and Major-level officers in the US Air Force are on the distribution list for our secret weapons projects?
for public release.
Whoops! Looks like the super secret crimes against humanity they've been committing dun got fucked up and were released to the public. Better luck next time, fellas.
Look, Nkunda, I know that among your people, a flock of geese flying in a weird formation is enough to trigger a witch hunt. But whites usually try to examine data before accepting counterintuitive and unnecessarily complex conspiracy theories. I'ma hep you out with some E-Z things you can do to woke me good on this subject:
1) You can try to tell us what mysterious chemicals are in the spray. Please do not "explain" this with a YouTube video by LookingAtTruth69Revelations, or a similarly unreliable random asshole. If you can find a chemical analysis of collected spray, that would be aces because then we'd know what we're dealing with and whether it has any purpose.
2) You might try to explain how a secret conspiracy that declassifies and publishes its plans on the internet for a nigger like you to find is operating at the very highest levels, across many countries, with thousands of people involved, for decades, without one believable confession or revealing fuck up blowing the secret wide open. Shit, son – even Iran-Contra got BTFO when a single plane crashed in South America carrying weapons.
3) Another fun way to persuade skeptics would be to explain why the laws of nature are mysteriously suspended when applied to your pet chemtrails. Like, why would chemtrails persist in the air, when any other compound would dissipate. Tiny metal hooks? And why would chemtrails squirt out of the wingtips of a plane – where we already know water vapor forms and runs off the edge – without a visible canister to hole the "chemicals"?
4) Explain why Boeing, Airbus, and presumably every other aircraft manufacturer is going along with this charade. Those people have kids, and presumably they wouldn't be down with crop dusting the public, you know man? The airlines themselves, whose planes are being used for this, might also object to running secret weather-weapon missions every time the DoD wants Lufthansa to spray down the Northern Hemisphere. I don't think American Airlines has a really good internal security department, so I'd expect somebody there to leak.
5) Stop being a nigger. Pic related
Attempts at weather alteration are not /x/tier bullshit, we know they're doing it. Cloud seeding, for example. There's no question that shit is being sprayed into the air above us, the question is exactly what is it.
Can confirm
If you look up the wording in the patent you can see HAARP was built for strategic manipulation of weather.
The problem is not the science but the solution.
It's like why all the science professors at my college voted for Clinton and proudly say "Not my president" about Trump and w/e they hear from John Oliver, Colbert and more.
They're are imbeciles when it comes to the harsh reality of politics. That is why historically the alchemist or the boat builder was an advisor to the King and never the King himself.
The only solution the scientists have is to create a one world government which espouses dictates. And modern science is all about sharing your best research with shitskins for free. Also importing them because muh diversity or muh colonization mentality or w/e.
This is exactly what the (((Globalists))) want.
For the thousandth time – what is "shit"? This is not a technical term. What specific fucking chemicals do you imagine are being sprayed? You need specifics, or else I have to wonder where you're even getting this from.
See how that's a specific list of chemicals? It looks as if I've gotten my information from a man with a test tube, because there's a definite and falsifiable list of chemicals there. Just saying "there's some shit in there" doesn't inspire confidence that you know what the fuck you're talking about.
This is all public knowledge you malformed crusty kike pecker. The mist contains Aluminum, Barium, Ethylene Dibromide, and many other chemicals. You could find this yourself but that is not your intent, you just want to discredit fact and stroke your ego like the mong you are. The more I show evidence and you ignore it, the more I believe you to be a jew. You could just read the links and watch the videos to answer your questions but no, then you cannot heckle someone trying to spread info so others may come to their own conclusions. Below is a link to a list of chemicals, alongside the Air Force Paper and videos I linked which tlk about the ingredients as well. I am sure you will not believe it unless its on Snopes. or whatever livberal rag you read for news. I do not care if you believe any of it, this is for everyone who seeks the Truth so that they may come to their own conclusions.
LOL is that guy for real or he's a troll?
Fucking excellent. Now this is something to work with. I'm not sure what "independent testing" refers to, but I'll be glad to assume it's public-spirited scientists until proven otherwise. Let's have a look at what we're dealing with now:
All occur naturally. Any attempt to position this as deliberate spraying has to show how we know these aren't just floating in the air already which they are
Also occurs naturally, though it has certain applications in agriculture. It's emitted by sea kelp and some types of algae. Normal atmospheric convection regularly carries it up into the air and down into groundwater.
No idea what this means. There are a lot of different types of polymer fibers in existence, and none of them – to my knowledge – are toxic, poisonous, or capable of persisting in the air longer than anything else small and lightweight. Not sure why this would be incorporated into a weather device.
I have no idea what this is supposed to be, or what significance it has to your tribe, Kwame, but a quick search of this term in quotation marks shows that the phrase (spelled and punctuated exactly this way) is all over the place online. I don't know where the claim originated, but it seems to have been uncritically copy/pasted onto a million blogs. I have been unable to find peer-reviewed literature that even tells me what the fuck it is, so I'm going to have to put it on the shelf as "not proven" for now.
Doubtless this was collected from underneath those masturbation machines.
I've been careful in this thread so far you nigger, because I just came off of a five-day ban for chronic shitposting related to an earlier global warming thread. It seems that not instantly listening and believing tales of the Israeli Air Force monkeying with the weather are enough to bring the mods out of their synagogue and get me banned. This is not conducive to the free exchange of ideas. Here's hoping I don't have to go away because I tried to reason with Zulus, again.
I'll leave you with an amazing discovery I just made. Look at pic related.
IT'S BEEN GOING ON FOR DECADES! REEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She's a real scientist that means we have to give up our freedom,
Dammit didn't take out the first frame.
You guys sound like fucking feminist right now, that plus the hypocrisy when the left protested in the street when you guys were ready to take arms if Clinton won make me think we are going full circle and becoming the SJWs.
Fuck this and fuck you all.
Holla Forums is always right, while their comments somewhat malformed are correct
she's married to a wealthy Jew so
Thank God these (((environmentalists))) have our best interests in mind, truly our (((greatest allies)))
This is irrelevant since I am not asking anyone to be moderate and showing that you guys are going full left-retardation.
You guys became the moderate after Trump won.
Shut the fuck up you white knight retard.
I believe in things when I see noticeable difference, especially things like the atmosphere.
My summers are just as hot and my winters just as cold as they were 5 years ago, antarctica and arctic are still there. The coastal cities are not flooded yet.
It used to be "Global warming" now it's "Climate change". I don't believe a single word when you change the whole fucking term and proves you do not know what the fuck you are talking about.
Other than that, somebody should fucking execute those who dump their pesticide wastes into the water.
Kill yourself you fucking moron.
Another good one.
whatever stupidity I'm using, it's unfortunate that I'm right more often than the weather by just looking at pressure maps and satellite motion. I'll take my 'retardation' over the (((climate science))), as it were
*weather channel
(((weather channel)))
I watch it every once in a while, trying to get the actual fucking weather, and they have to mention something related to climate change atleast once every 10 minutes.
Red pill me on the carbon tax? why is this needed to "stop" or "slow" global warming?
Is the Weather Channel not run by NOAA? We should all know that NOAA is a corrupt organization owned by the establishment.
>>>Holla Forums
you are a faggot of the upmost degree
Have you been to the beach lately, cuz it sounds like you've got some sand in your vagina.
Sounds like Chapterhouse: Dune.
I think part of the problem is culture in general these days. But what I personally think it boils down to is people aren't taught about history in depth enough, and thats likely a result of our current cancerous culture, since people overly aware of their past and place in the world and how it actually works are difficult to control, especially in groups. Particularly a group of people who can properly apply the scientific method to their every day lives, it frees them from the dependence on their isolation from their own kind.
Since is love. Science is life.
What amounts to nothing more than opiate like distraction at best, or often times a prime example of the criminalization of free thought and expression, science has been stripped of its philosophical connotations, or to be more conscience, metaphysics (and philosophy in general) is completely foreign to entire swaths of people. The people who prefer we stay hidden away from what knowledge and truth that is before us, do so in either of two ways.
Simply exclude the study of philosophy and narrate a perversion of history in public education, or for those who are a bit more ambitious than others, guide them towards an ideology that uses dogma rather than reason, and brands it as science. Nihilism is the real litmus test. Many fail. The notion that nothing in life matters, that there is no meaning to anything is used to promote the chemically iand socially induced hedonism our enemies use as the only reconciliation to their false conclusion of nihilism.
Instead of conquering the universe with your own hands using nothing but the power of truth, then you are liberated from the meaningless void and absurd world we find ourselves in. Which is dangerous to parasitic scum that thrive on their own inability to see past primitive master/slave view of reality. Even in their own simplistic minds, even they understand who is master above all; the person who understands that truth is power, and power derived from proper application of the scientific method will have you more than synthesizing remedies or recreating innovation. The scientist is powerless to the laws of nature and will never be above it.
They don't want us to come to the conclusion that they bleed if you cut them too.
That means the US will never vote democrat again.
Bump against subversive yid and shabbos goyim disinfo shills.
In the words of a wise man: "The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day."
John Coleman, meteorologist and FOUNDER OF THE WEATHER CHANNEL, BTFO the current Weather Channel!
You lying kike shill, your opinions and what you assume are worth less than a lock of your kike Grandmas pussy hair from the Shoah.
So Epstein, every single one of your posts is conjecture on your part, with no verifiable information, you are too fucking stupid to understand or actively trying to cover up SAG, SRM, Weather Manipulation, etc. So go blow a nigger Mordechai, you do others a disservice by lying through your teeth about the recorded and verifiable facts. Look Esther this "weather manipulation" (spraying toxic chems and metals) to cool (((global warming))) is as real as the yamulka you wear to synagogue every Saturday. Go crawl under whatever rock you came out from and do us all a favor by shutting that bloated, scabbed, herpes infected cock holster you call a mouth.
(((Pure Cohencidence)))
The last example is the EM Drive, 90% of scientists did not believe the EM Drive could work because "muh law violation" and guess what motherfuckers, it did(here the NASA data)
Aryans will go to space leaving this rotten planet of arrogant rabbis
Tesla made EM drive tech 100 years or so ago, the kike JP Morgan and our traitorous government have kept all his history changing tech to themselves like the greedy tyrants they are.
Tesla - the greatest autist of all time.
Wish I could have known you.
Good caricature, but you don't quite fit in yet. You can stop posting.
He sure was user, I would have liked to talk to him and try to learn, he was a truly awakened Human Consciousness. There should be Colleges in his name and statues of him, and all his works taught to students to better huamnity. He gave Light to the World with the creation of the alternating current, and many other inventions.
Kikes feared and marginalized him as it would mean free energy for all, as he had planned. The goddamn jews made sure he died poor and forgotten, or at least they tried their best, after they had stolen all his work for themselves. He is a hero. Hopefully one day the public can get access to his "confidential" and "redacted" files, knowledge like that changes Human History.
Low energy, contribute or fuck off you pompous faggot
Pathetic. She's good looking but not THAT good looking, plus she married a jew. Fuck off.
Reported you for misusing reports
The beaners do get a few things right tbh.
There's irrefutable evidence that both the atmosphere is warming up slightly, and that's having various consequences. There's also solid scientific evidence that this has been a natural cycle that has been going for literally billions of years.
Having said that, there's also little doubt that the rate has accelerated slightly beyond the norm since the Industrial Revolution (but is still well within error margins).
I don't know this 'Holla Forums' person personally, but imo it's a combination of factors that are both natural and man-made. As a Christian, I also point out that we are at least a couple thousand years overdue for the next Ice Age, and in all likelihood God specifically timed things to allow us to reach advance civilization w/o being thwarted by an ice age.
So yea, we have something to do with the warm-up, but that's actually a good thing.
aquire miso paste
it will do you good my dude
You need to seriously reconsider your position if you fell for the hole in the ozone layer fear mongering. There was never a "hole" in the ozone layer. What they were showing you was just a measurement of the ozone at the north pole, but what they declined to tell you was that the ozone layer is not uniform and is also weakest at the poles. The southern part of the planet shows the exact same thing that the northern part showed. The Ozone is thinnest at the poles, thickest at the equator.
Stop with the fancy names, it's just a fucking anteater with a vest.
Wolf dog hybrids are dangerous and stupid to own
There's no question that the Ozone level at the poles saw a dramatic decrease in PPM concentrations over the last few decades user.
try to invoke a gun rights advocasy movement in your country. Europe sure as hell needs one. Maybe assemble stats and arguements into facebook memes.
/jp/ has gone over this before, the current solution is to use DownThemAll to grab the .flv before it locks you out
Fucking garbage quality for free users… Still waiting for them to roll out HTML5 so we can at least get back to 1280x720 again…
What a feeble thread
There's demonstrable evidence that the Ozone level at the poles saw a dramatic decrease in PPM concentrations over the last couple decades user. It is also a demonstrably provable chemical reaction sequence that CFC and other Chlorine compounds can break down Ozone.
The transport of CFCs into the upper atmosphere, while plausible, it yet to be proven however. Regardless, the vast bulk of the upper atmosphere Chlorine and Chlorine compounds inarguably originate from the world's oceans, not from man-made systems. Therefore, it's probably a similar, ages-old natural cycle happening that we are only just now able to observe thanks to advances in space-borne satellite imagery. Unlike global warming, which has left many tell-tale signs for billions of years back, we as yet have no way of determining the past upper atmospheric conditions.
Carbon tax is memeing that human activity is responsible for climate change while everyone with half a brain knows climate change are cyclic
Fuck em.
You have my attention.
You're an idiot if you don't do commercial and/or freelancing on the regular. The smaller products I can understand, but unless you got a student discount on it, your money was ill wasted. That being said, everyone should buy their software if they go into commercial projects or freelance and etc. Let's not be indians, shall we?
Okay I'll be sure to check em out. Thanks buddy.
I think global warming is real but I think that the human contribution to it is minor and if it was significant it is already too late to stop.
I can't see much wrong with what she said and I would be pissed too if I was used one a video to support an idea I opposed.
regardless of the cause if global temperatures rise 4degrees I think it has been predicted to wipe out over 80% of all species. This seems very high to me but considering when it was 4degrees cooler new York was under a kilometer of ice it doesn't seem impossible. the huge ice sheets of Antarctica have also started splitting recently. Shit could be getting real in 20 years.
I hate however how the environmental movement is split on this and fragmented. Surely the argument to plant trees, preserve rainforests and fight desertification would do a lot of good generally and help stop climate change more than castrating our industry. Looking at all the rainforests cleared and burned in the last 50 years and the sahel region could be a better argument for man induced climate change.
If some of you don't know, humans can have a huge effect on the atmosphere. Due to CFCs making an ozone hole down south the sun here is hellishly bad and Australia has the highest rates of skin cancer. We get radiation warnings in our weather reports over the summer. Sunscreen works but you can be so badly burnt here in just 1 hour in the sun that all your skin will fall off. That is all thanks to a man made phenomenon. I'm not saying we can be causing climate change here but it is easy for people to see the connection between human actions and a greater effect on the environment. Probably popular in Europe too where they had to deal with acid rain.
Thanks for the advice. The problem is it's a really casual thing, a friend of a friend who liked some of the stuff I've done. The initial sum I said was just me throwing out a number, so I said £20, but I've been told by people and friends to have at least gone for £100. But you guys are right, it's my mistake.
I'll just stick by the original plan, thanks again.
Route 66 in my opinion
Never done a trip like this but would like to
I wouldn't mind smaller boobs though.
I just don't want them to be deflated lol.
Whats the best way to start??
Oh baby.
It honestly was likely she is a liberal and found a way to platform herself hopefully for some sweet talk show shekels. Don't be surprised if she takes the route of Bill Nye or Magical Negro into public discourse.
What the fuck did I just read
ye that's what I get for opening 10 tabs at a time kek
Since i can't find a thread i will ask here.
Is Amachan good? I recently watched all GTO.
fuck off Jimmy.
Makes sense. Barry never seemed like the type to make an AI anyways. Also, is that point ever going to come up again?
In a certain vein, you are correct. A physics professor I know who is a Communist Poland defector, then a "New Jersey defector", cannot fathom why his colleagues across other disciplines are so intent on providing a basis for government policy. In a conversation we had regarding results that cannot be reproduced reaching journals he commented that they do have agendas, and they act with the undertones of hoping a change in policy will be accredited to them, or even revolution. "its done with such a romantic zeal [for the possibility of empowering a movement], I doubt they are even considering grant money."
And Rick or Kentarou get credit for it because fuck Rance.
what the fuck is wrong with u cunt?
now that ur friends with chad just hang around him and go to parties and fuck sluts for reps.
Holy shit was that book bad. It's basically a "wiccans and minorities are good and Christians/fucking white men are bad". I bailed on it before I got through 100 pages.
To answer your question, OP, I would try to organize my neighborhood as we've got lots of land and cattle around us. Also a Cabelas is right down the street, so we could raid it for all the archery and other equipment we would need.
If that feel on its face then, I'd pack up the family and walk/bike to muy brother's house or near the Brazos river. It'd take a couple of days using back roads to avoid the main part of Fort Worth, but we could make it.
pro tip : Tesla was a eugenicist.
Oh no!
btw. Global warming deniers most likely never went to college. They are most likely D&C agents trying to divide and ridicule the nationalist movements.
I know exactly what you're talking about but I can't seem to find it in the archive
If the princess will be first, you saved a life by borrowing me a guide and getting one slave out of the mines. If the King, you officially helped one of his servants plus got an awesome vanguard up and running. Either way, you win.
At times, if there wasn't an identifier for who was typing, I couldn't tell you two apart
There is literally a correlation, since a far higher number of Putnam winners go on to do Fields Medal winning work and publish top cited papers than would be expected from a normal pool of mathematicians.
Yep somehow population control and the fact that third world immigrants have a massively larger carbon footprint when they come to developed countries is ignored. Also ignored is that shitholes like China and India are exempted from these bullshit climate accord because of muh "developing economies".
Oh fucking please! We don't do shit like that overseas.
We are the nicest shitskins, you fucking cuck. Whine about the niggers and sand niggers who are raping you.
The problem isn't that Russia was sold a commodity.
The problem was Clinton, as Secretary of State, was paid by another country in order to make a deal happen. The Uranium deal is just the tip of that iceberg.
We don't have to worry about that, (((they))) will just import diseased shitskins anyway
You'll have to prove that irrefutably before being taken seriously when making a straight-up blanket statement user.
There could be literally thousands of contributing factor to Ozone depletion, man-made one of which only contribute a portion.
The earth is flat, there is no ozone and Yellowstone is going to explode and kill everyone in the US… this story is shit. Chick has nice tits though, nice grab rabbi.
Look Pajeet, you and all your "POC" brown (((diversity))) parasitic brethren can fuck off to whatever awful hell hole spawned you. If you are in your home country then buy some toilet paper and have a toilet installed, as you most likely reek of diseased maggot infested dog anus ,and week old rotten Tandoori Chicken. I don't care if you are a Professional Street Shitter, filthy nigger, goat fucker arab, usurious genocidal kike, traitorous cuckold, "No Habla" mexicant, etc., you can go fuck yourself. What I do care about is these kikes and their cuck and "POC" proxies poisoning and destroying my people and the Earth.
Whether the method is the Hooten Plan, Coedenhove Kalergi plan, Agenda 2021, Open Borders, Cultural Marxism, Fractional Reserve banking scams, NWO, etc. Or whether its these yids and their shabbos goy traitors dumping chemicals and other toxins into our air, food, "medicine", water, and minds. The end result is the same, Aryan people suffering and paying to be genocided and replaced in their own countries, by kikes,cucks, and shitskins. All because they follow their precious fee fees and kike propaganda, not Knowledge, Family, and History. That is quickly changing however as more and more wake up to the truth of the murderous, inbred, child raping, blood thirsty jews.
Aryan people's true place is among the stars, creating new life and new empires on new worlds, not fighting over old curry and naan bread scraps with you, while shitting in the streets in a world ruled by Talmudic Central Banking kikes.
That being said, most people of the world need to unite against these kikes and their globalist bullshit as it will effect us all. Once the jew is dealt with, we can all attempt to work out our problems afterwards.
Remember dear Pajeet clean water is a good thing, not a sign of Kali being displeased, and for fucks sake use a goddamn toilet you filthy bastard.
What a disgusting cunt.
Polls close at 8pm!
Is this guy openly admitting to being a pedophile? What a kike.
That depends entirely on whats in the vapor etc.
It is entirely possible that chemtrails et al are 100% entirely done in good faith to "manipulate the climate to prevent cataclysmic climate change"
But the history of the past 150 years, specifically the past 25, allows be to deduce that while that scenario is in fact entirely possible it is also the single most unlikely of all possible scenarios.
This is the first thread I could locate in the catalog on the fake news bullshit so Im gonna post this here:
For all anons that are letting the concern trolls get to them about the fake news narrative check out this link
Read the comments. No one is falling for this shit.
Pic related for anons that really dont want to give them a click but im a bit under the weather so im not gonna take caps of every comment
We're going to get you filthy hook nosed heebs
bump against Moloch and his children
Go get a soda bottle and a bike pump, put a teaspoon of water in the bottle, pressurize it and then take off the cap. It's literally exactly the same phenomena.
These ones are not examples of that natural phenomena.
These ones are disinfo.