Trump GAINS 146 votes in Wisconsin
Clinton LOSES 46
Jill "no returns" (((Stein))) protests in front of Trump Tower.
Trump GAINS 146 votes in Wisconsin
Clinton LOSES 46
Jill "no returns" (((Stein))) protests in front of Trump Tower.
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Here is the Jewess speaking in front of Trump Tower. On videos of the entire protest, Jew after Jew gets up to do a song and dance.
Meanwhile in all cases the recounts are showing Trump was actually ahead.
(((Ilann Maazel))), lead counsel for the Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein campaign, called Pennsylvania's election system 'a national disgrace'
The foot soldiers are angry bitter "won't take no for an answer" women.
I swear if they reheld the election Trump would still win again and lefties would still keep on crying.
No means no, bitches.
Stein is really trying to make a name for herself and is becoming an even bigger embarrassment. She is chimping out over this recount even though she barely got any votes, Gary Johnson has more of a case to make for a recount. I hope her attitude ends up destroying the Green party forever.
That woman is making a complete joke out of herself.
Please, continue.
how do they get in any place of power?
they are literally retarded.
Stein really is desperate for attention. Typical woman.
Green Party credibility is good for us, they snag votes from the Democrats.
One of the better scenarios (short of full RWDS, obviously) would be to split the dem vote between the shitskin Keith Ellison wing of the dem party and the Jill Stein progressive wing.
Actually I think he would win the popular vote as well in a cage death fight rematch.
Also the Russians hacking the vote is just another case of M$M fake news memes they are just fucktards now in their implementation.
I knew this would happen. It's Kennedy-Nixon all over again. First it was Truman-Dewey, now it's Kennedy-Nixon. They're repeating all the good elections.
Yep, hey should be 3/5th.
We would have never found ourselves in the situation of needing to make America great again if blacks and women had never been given the right to vote.
I swear, watching this shit from here in Canada, I'm positively hard seeing this recount backfire on Clinton. Liberals need their shit pushed in something fucking fierce, and it's finally happening. I could fucking cum.
Based Comrade Putin has once again hacked his way into the voting machines!
full version
This is amazing.
Never a dull moment with this woman.
(((Steven Spielberg)))
Checked and thank you for the full version.
In fairness, Clinton herself didnt seem to want the recount to begin with, and only sent their reps in after the fact. My take on it is that she and her whole group knew from the start they rigged the results but even rigging couldnt hand her the win in the end, so she had no desire for recounts which would show all the (((anomalies))) and throw her votes into question and possibly even force vote audits which would show fraud and ruin any chance the left has of ever winning again for the next half a century and have the bulk of the democrat party thrown in jail
I think the only reason her camp even sent anyone in the first place was to try to help make sure the results stayed as much the same as possible, she gave up winning already and likely has other plans in the works, just to make sure the true extent of their fraud never came to light
Its the likes of stein and soros who are so fucking assblasted they've screwed up and pushed for this which threatens to undo all the rigging systems they've put in place over the years. Neither of them could stand the US being great again, or even to see the pace of our destruction slowed down from the fucking warp 9.9 they've had it set at for years, so they were asshurt enough to try this shit.
Soros likely thought they could rig it MORE during the recount and get her in, the man is nothing but a fat pile of hubris after all. While Stein was likely hoping for nothing more than to jew some bux out of stupid goyim AND make a name for herself so she could try to draw more people to the (((green party))) next go around OR get herself a position in the democrat party higher up so the democrats could effectively keep her quiet but also for her own personal financial gain (since after all fame and money is all she really gives a rats ass about)
Basically its just two old jews being two old jews, trying to destroy the white western world, and going apeshit when their plans are stalled or stopped or heaven forbid reversed, with each one also having a personal agenda in it, the old cunt jew wanting fame/money, the old fat jew trying to slam his foot on the gas again and get as much done before he dies.. and both of them salty as fuck that they failed
Autotune, lionizing communism even though Russia is no longer communist. Tune's okay, kinda. Concept's somewhat fun. On average, it earns a 'meh' from me.
thanks for that hot opinion friendo
would fug
Every vote counts.
I thought the niggers wanted equality?
Upper picture, they're mad because they listened and believed, they still are doing that now.
dont ya gittit she is doing it for hillary as the hag got 4D chess shrekted into claiming that refusing an election result is unamerican yadayayda
i believe a fari election would give Trump over 65% pop vote, at the very least and i wouldnt be too surprised at 75-80
the bitch had nothing but lies, deception and big money behind her
and a few straggler fans who should really be euthanized
Look at all those conspiracy theorists! I bet they listen to Alex Jones. :^)
goddamn we just keep winning.
W-why would she do that user?
Don't use the real votes, secure our votes!
i try so hard and got so far in the end it doesn even matter
So wait did the recount flip it from blue to red?
That Cyrillic made no fucking sense.
You've been had faggots, have fun becoming a minority in your own country under the "god emperor" lel
There needs to be a Trump version/response
Now, perhaps. But if you take the illegal votes out of the Nov 8th election, I'd say Trump wins the popular vote by a couple of points.
Shut the fuck up hooknosed rat. You're wasting your time.
You'll realize in 2024 when Trump ends his second term and America is 10% white with a population over 1 billion that you were fucking duped, who am I kidding you goys won't realize it no matter what.
How is it going to become less from his anti-immigration stance than the Obama administration?
That's literally not pronounceable.
Reported for not even trying.
As opposed to figuratively not pronounceable?
Can secure your votes until you secure your borders, ladies :^)
Oh Yeah WoW
Why are there so many beta male faggots in the North-East and North-West?
Music sucked ass but the animation saved it.
Have you ever read Asterix the Gaul? It's called "painting the medium"
What the hell? That's some kind of shitty redubb over the original audio. Here
What's Russia right now then?
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
thats 1 step up from superimposing 3d models on a prerendered background
its not impressive
why would you cut out the original song?
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
they're making history
Call them cunts and make aggressive motions towards them for about an hour straight before fucking off, doing a burnout, and punching out a kangaroo
The 20 year old could be some high ranker's trophy wife. I'm not into bondage, I'm into fucking practicality.
Christian for the most part
Vita will be big in the future, but right now it's not worth the investment. Wait til the price drops, or grab a PSP to tide you over.
If you have a buddy with an N3DS they don't want, look into that. Current hacking guides are pretty much idiot-proof, and it runs everything up to SNES handily. Not to mention CPS2, NeoGeo, Quake, Doom, Duke Nukem, and the system's own N64 ports.
The numales of the west coast are largely a byproduct of San Francisco and its colonies of Portland and Seattle. Not exactly sure why Seattle and Portland are somehow more pozzed than San Fran. My current theory is that the virus morphed when it became more exposed to the untamed wilds of Canadian faggotry, producing the faggiest fags to have ever fagged.
Marina and the diamonds
4AD desu
Yeah, they're used. Should I try to haggle them down?
Meltabombs seems like a good idea. With combi-bolters on the vindicators, that gives me two. One on the biker champion, but the other might go on a terminator.
No, but you should always practice safe firearm handling even when a gun is unloaded. To double check if a gun is loaded, point it at you head and rapidly squeeze the trigger multiple times. This covers revolvers and semi auto guns. You should be so confident the gun is unloaded after doing this that you'll be able to sleep very soundly.
youre gonna enjoy them then, they are essentially unstoppable when levelled, even if real slow, but you can always speed them up by spell
Mods are asleep, post Moon/Lusamine
you are too sarcastic to succeed and your sarcasm sounds too hate filled. success is about personality at the end of the day.
think we will see her feet in this kino?
Please, stop acting like Hanyo doesn't defile Rin on a daily basis, when she talks about idols.
I'm able to flip eggs this way with like a 60% chance of not majorly fucking it up:
Med heat. Oil or butter. Coat pan evenly. Let egg cook until bottom is full white. Use spatula and coax the egg white free of the pan (use gentle, small scraping prods). Once it's free, it should slide around easily in the oil. After doing this, grab the entirety of the bottom of the egg with the spatula so that it can be lifted fully off the pan. Now, tilt the egg just slightly to the side with a spatula, and GENTLY let it flip over onto the yolk. If you're careful it won't break. Let it cook for 20 seconds while basting with oil. Then it's ready.
This will yield perfect fried eggs which still have a liquid yolk. However, it's not always successful.
'Gardening Leave' clause
Thanks Holla Forums.
I suppose we will find out Monday.
Still mad about Bernie and Jill submitting to Hillary?
lol because it's fucking disgusting to pretend something with such obvious evidence didn't happen.