The Oera Linda Book

The Oera Linda is a ancient manuscript in Old Frisian. It contains information about the real history of Europe where a advanced ancient Frisian civilization controlled Europe until 2193BC when a giant flood destroyed it. Because of this flood the Altland was submerged. This is where the Atlantis myth comes from. The survivors of the flood over time lost more and more control over Europe due to invasions from Magyars, Finns and Gauls. In the end the Frisians as we know them were the only ones that still lived like Frya's people(the old Frisians). For example they had Frisian Freedom instead of Feudalism. The book also contains the old laws of Frya's people. For example criminals where sent to the Tin and iron lands, which is now Britain.

The Oera Linda Book came to light in 1867 when Cornelis Over de Linden (1811–1874) handed the manuscript, which he inherited from his grandfather, via his aunt, over to Eelco Verwijs (1830–1880), the provincial librarian of Friesland, for translation and publication. Verwijs rejected the manuscript, but in 1872 Jan Gerhardus Ottema (1804–1879), a prominent member of the Frisian Society for History and Culture, published a Dutch translation. Ottema believed it to be written in authentic Old Frisian. The book was subsequently translated into English by William Sandbach in 1876. Over the next few years there was a heated public controversy, but by 1879 it was claimed by (((scientists))) that the text was a recent composition. In a similar way that The Protocols Of The Elders of Zion is claimed be a forgery.

More than forty years later, beginning in 1922, Dutch völkisch philologist Herman Wirth revived the issue. Wirth published a German translation of what he dubbed the "Nordic Bible" in 1933, as Die Ura Linda Chronik. A panel discussion on Wirth's book at the University of Berlin on 4 May 1934 was the immediate impulse for the foundation of the Ahnenerbe. Because of the infatuation of Himmler with the Oera Linda Book it became known as "Himmler's Bible". This added to the stigma against the realness of the book.

Currently Jan Ott is doing some excellent work on it and making a new translation. He has his own blog( ) about it and has been interviewed by Red Ice Radio about the OLB( ).


Other urls found in this thread:–Arabic_numeral_system,_Latin_Emperor

This is a pdf of the Sandbach translation from 1876.



So far it seems legit


Frya's people are the ancestors of what we now call Germanics/Nordics, but the Frisians are the ones that tried to keep the old culture intact after the bad times. And it's not really a surprise that the ancestors of Brits were criminals.

And this is the Jan Ott interview with Red Ice Radio.


So that means it's real, isn't it?

get out

Himmler held it in high regard, that's enough proof for me that it's legit.

I believe it is. It's very complex and would have been very hard forge it. It's language for example had words from different dialects spoken across germanic Europe. It also contains knowledge that wasn't widely available in 19th century.

It still could be a forgery. Mysterious ancient manuscripts have always been in high demand.

I'll definitively read it though OP, thank you!

Reading comprehension helps. I was saying that because wikipedia kept repeating that it's fake (a known kike tactic no less), that meant something fishy was going on. Look at the Protocols page, it has

36 results for antisemitic
8 for hoax
29 for forgery
That's odd how they harp on about how fake it is. The jews always do that, it's like they've got some sort of OCD to cover their shit up with like 10 layers. Same with the holocaust, same with Assyrians running wild over the jews. Or how evil the Amalekites are.


It could be fake, but there is no proof for it. The problem is that the people who have the original are biased against it and refuse to do proper research to it authenticity. That's because it is (((scientifically))) agreed that it is a forgery.

I'm convinced this is real 100%

What the fuck is this book? Outside of the matriarchy shit, it reads like Holla Forums the book. Did you niggers read this shit or something?

Fuck, I can't put my finger on it, Frisians reminded me of this… Theres a meme about how these guy's art is chaotic and you can't understand it.

This is the dutch people before the (((merchants))) move in

Why do you think we are the most Germanic of europe's people ?

sisters serve them, and they slew each other for the mastery.

(((Sons of Finda)))

Someone didn't keep up their end of the bargain.

No shit

"muh forgery"
"muh forgery"
"muh forgery"

I may have to read into it.

The worst part about Pizzagate (aside from those faggots raping and devouring children) and meme magic is that reality is now officially up for grabs. How does one determine what's real and what's just farts in the night? More to the point, if we say a fart is the truth and get dubs, is it still a fart, anymore? Reality is far to malleable these days.

Truth makes itself known, and the law of nature exists whether or not man wants to admit it.

Why do you think (((they))) claim it to be a forgery.

In the oven they go.

This book is nigger-tier faggotry


Shame on you for prefering man up bullshit to real Aryan history!

id imagine one of the bigger reasons that they claim it to be a forgery is because its existence asserts that there WAS a giant flood over 4000 years ago in the first place, which can be used as evidence for the existence of God

I theorize that they had spaceworthy technology back then, and that not all of them were on Earth during the flood
and since fallen angels had slept with human women, and impregnated them, before the flood; I'd say that its not out of the question that at least some of their race may have some fallen angel blood in them
given what I'd read back when I used to browse /x/ about human-looking blonde-haired extraterrestrials, I'd assume that their modern-day descendants on Earth, from the survivors who weren't on Earth, are blonde as well
and for all I know blonde hair isn't worldly either

Now this is a strange post.



We need to figure out this lost technology of getting women pregnant by drinking semen. It could be the solution to the white woman and declining population problem, just dump some of whatever this is in a white town's water supply and all the women will get pregnant.

Gauls are white, you Romeaboo

correcting the record, are we?

The Nordic Bible

Just in time then…before we cease to exist

What is "white". When the supreme god Wralda created everything he created the three earthmothers Frya, Finda and Lyda. From them the the three races came Frya's, Finda's and Lyda's children. Lyda's lived in Africa and were dumb and had no morals. Finda's lived in Asia and were smart but had no moral. Frya's children were smart and had morals. Both Gauls and Romans are not Frya's children.

I finished reading it. A lot of it just history and going over the hows and whys Frisian based societies fell. Quite a bit about going into India. The bit at the end is interesting, because it feels similar to today, what with the denigration of society, the lack of faith, the insane promiscuity, and the speaking of languages that are meaningless.

Another thing to note is the reference to Budhism (Konered calls him Jessos, unique because Jessos was hundreds of years before Jesus), and quick perversion of it. Interesting that Europeans apparently knew about Buddhism before Christianity. The book also claims that Frisian societies invented language and started Athens.

And race mixing is bad. Real bad.

From what I gather, Atlantean scientists were fucking with SOMETHING related to the earth, because there's quite a bit about volcanoes, earthquakes and floods. Nothing about the gods striking them down for arrogance.

You finished reading it? What do you mean reference to Buddhism?


Oh look, a productive thread about Völkisch paganism. I wonder why it's not bumplocked, yet.

why, what knowledge are they trying to jew us out of?

13:30 it shows that our numbers and letters do not come from Arabs or Greeks but from the sun wheel cut into proportions.

That's pretty fucking intense

imkampfy always fucks with non-christian theology, magic, and philosophy threads.

Because he's a quarter-Jew piece of shit Brony who defends Christianity like it's his DeviantArt OC.

Its like an improved version of a 7seg display

PLEASE SAVE if interested in your volk

And you're basing that on what, exactly?

Semen contains five different drugs that calm women the fuck down, sucking dick regularly(and swallowing) is good for them.

dubs confirm
can we meme this into mainstream?

How are we supposed to apply this knowledge user?

The origins of the alphabet are not Arab or Indian but are based on the Sun Wheel. In the video they explain that in Yule (Christmas) time Europeans bakes sun wheel or time wheel cakes. They do this in India too. The legend is that Freya (or Kali in India) created letters from the sun wheel and it is celebration of that.

We're talking about the ayys, aren't we?

I must be missing something–the Indians and Arabs developed alphabets and knowledge of the sun cycle on their own as well, or no? Was the Aryan method superior? I'll watch the video, I'm just looking for some context.


We love our autistic Nazi nerds. We are they.

You enjoy being on the other side of the fence, my boy?

Well, it's a link. I don't know what "superior" is when it comes to alphabets and numbers. It just shows us the ancient writings of Europeans

The fact that that image is reversed always triggers the fuck out of my autism. Neat pic though.

I see that SJeWs have access to time travel too, with their goons going back in time to decry the things that oppose their world view as either racist and/or sexist.

Well it's interesting, thanks. I'm always looking for those deepest of roots of the culture, because somehow they persist to this day, but we don't always know how or why.

Listening to the Red Ice interview on the book now. Don't know if it's good but this is the guy who made the video I think.

I can prove that (((they))) don't have time travel: we're still alive.

Christcuck screaming race-ism like a Jew is the guy famously "debunked" the book. Figures.

Only because forces opposing them (thank the divine patrons for that) also have time travel, and their waging a temporal war even now. We were probably erased from existence then saved and brought back instantaneously several times over already without us even realizing it. Why else does reality seem so malleable now?

Arabs did not develop shit, the numeral system is indian, the glyphs are indian mixed with some persian flair. Arabs naturally take credit for it because they are semites.–Arabic_numeral_system

No arab has done anything useful for mankind ever. They would be just as bad as jews if they were a bit smarter. Maybe arabs are proto-jew, and the jew is an unholy mix of arab and pre-aryan mesopotamian.

Damn. I'd secure the existence of our people and a future for white children with that.

It would explain my migraines.

The problem with that theory is the paradoxes. How does one retaliate when one has been wiped from existence? The goodies and baddies would need some sort of time-stasis to protect themselves from the changes the other side makes. Not to mention that what you're describing would mean some sort of linear logic to the movement back and forth through time.

Sure smells like they did.

Common sense tells me that, but figured I'd ask anyways. Funny that the arabs seem to openly hate the jews, but maybe that's just the palestinians on the other side of the wall from their land.

Inspiration mai waifu (Serrano referred to this archetype as the Valkyrie). I have come to understand "reality" as a canvas, that's it. We come here to paint our story or have others paint it for us (as is the case when jews or foreign blood is at play).

This sounds like the Art of Hyperdimensional War content. I find these ideas fascinating.

Magnetic, electrical and sonic energy similar to what Tesla was engineering on a much larger scale. They used it to make artificial islands by messing around with gravity. There was some sort of atmospheric disturbance that disrupted their systems and sunk those islands, among other things. All the the tech was "wireless" and so it was really susceptible.

Also look into the Phoenicians, they knew everything.


They're the ones who invented the window blinds, right?

shills attempting to degrade the thread into total shit out of jealousy for our race. Calm down Sinead

The arabs got jewed, of course they would be mad. If europeans weren't so pozzed, they would be mad too for getting manipulated by the kikes out of their wealth and land. Sadly, after WW2 it really hit the fan in a big way. (((sexual revolution))), (((feminism)))… . We must ask why the European continent has gotten so cucked. Could the aryan foothold over europe have died out in the world wars, allowing the cuck civilizations of pre-aryan europe to resurge? Thankfully it feels like the aryan dominion is returning after a few generations, maybe because cucks don't like to reproduce.

The Oera Linda goes into detail, that the Phoenicians were a bastard race, made of Frya, Finda and Lyda blood.


So, jews?

reading about this, shit seems really fascinating.
Honestly, a pre-roman/greek sea-fairing empire in the north isn't that far-fetched, the Scandinavians had ridiculously advanced technology, especially in nautical tech, and only fell into a period of violence (the vikings) because the temperature dropped substantially, killing all their crops.

Nice thread


will do


Epigraphically, this is really interesting.

When you know Frisian and Dutch it gets even more interesting. There are a lot of connections that just make sense.

I think Churchill was actually a cryptokike. It has been years since I read it, and I think it was on his mother's side. Sage for offtopic.



Holy shit. Fascinating read. Thank you.


Why can't modern techniques be used to date the paper and ink? If the original manuscript purports to be a 13th century copy, surely we can test within a reasonable margin of error.

That might put a conclusive dent into the "b-b-but it's a fake!" camp because nobody seriously think a bunch of forgers in the mid-19th century would go out of their to aquire paper from the 13th century for their fake. And even if they had procured some, scraping or washing it of the original ink would produce a palimpsest detectible even today.

Would it matter? Believers would say the manuscript was just a more recent copy and non-believers would say it was a 13th century hoax.

The problem is that Tresoar, the institute that has the original, only allows (((scientists))) that are based against it do research. These (((researcher))) presume that the paper analysis of 1876 is right. While analyst of that time didn't even now that arab paper was of high quality in the 13th century. So they presumed it was modern paper.

The "paper analysis" of 1876 wasn't even an analysis. The guy who made those judgements didn't even see the paper

Holy fuck did I go autistic trying to figure out what color Netherlands matched on that list.

Britain was settled 10,000 years ago.

Meant for

By the Celts? That is Jewish history. The Celts invaded Frya's lands bit by bit after the great flood.

A question to those who read it. Does this book specifically mention certain dates, like 1000BC, 13th century, etc.? Or are the dates interpretations of the researchers, who connected certain facts with our history, i.e. if the book mentions Alexander the Greatand then they assume it's 330 BC and so on.

After reading a bit of Fomenko's (a russian mathematician) research about our global chronology, I agree with him that it's faked. Our chronology is based on Joseph Justus Scaliger who included Persian, Babylonian, Jewish and ancient Egyptian history into our own. His and his father's faces look (((suspicious))) to me.

The noble family of the Scaliger were Lords of Verona. This is near Venice, a commercial powerhouse, i.e. Shakespeare's play The Merchant of Venice… Their insignia is a ladder, this looks very masonic to me.

tl;dr: Does this book offer a chronology that differs from our mainstream one?

This is horseshit.

Plato is the only source we have for Atlantis. Plato claimed the tale had been passed down in his family, having been learned from Egyptian sources.

Atlantis lay beyond the pillars of Heracles. The site of Atlantis proper is today known as the Eye of Africa. Atlantaen territory extended to the north, beyond the Atlas (founder of Atlantis) Mountains, and to the west, where it encapsulated nearby islands (ruled by the descendents of Atlas). It operated trade colonies throughout the Med'.

If, and this is a big 'if', the Oera Linda has any basis in historical fact, then it likely refers to the submersion of Doggerland and other areas about the Northern European 'coast' which had joined Britain to continental Europe.

Doggerland was prime real estate at one point in time, with probably the richest hunting, fowling and fishing grounds in Mesolithic Europe. It became an island by around 6000 BCE and remained so until at least 5000 BCE - we can't be certain of when it finally breathed its last, but its loss would have had pretty seismic effects on the surrounding peoples at the time.

Also important to dispell a common misperception that European civilization was stuck in the stone-age until the Romans came along. This isn't even the consensus among main-stream historians. It's a popular assumption that's given life because most people don't learn anything about pre-Roman history (not part of most primary education curriculums). But it's just not true and no historian seriously argues that it is. The Romans were more advanced, yes, but this doesn't mean that all Barbarians were cavemen (a modern comparison). The tribal kingdoms of Britain had been trading with the Roman Empire for generations, and limited technology exchange was commonplace. Some of the Bythonnic elite, for example, were learned in Latin and read the Classics - the same was likely true across northern Europe at the time, in places such as northern Germany and Jutland. Even if your land wasn't part of the Empire, its tentacles still reached you if you were relatively close by.

Contrary to common myth, the Romans did not 'invade' Britain. They were invited in to help 'mediate' local disputes, and then decided to 'mediate' as much of the island as they could. Most were happy to attend 'mediation' with the Romans, with the exception of a few wayward Brythonnic tribes and the Caledonii (Picts) - only the latter maintained their independence.

The Romans did not 'erase' the history of Britain when they came. There was little written history to erase, and the oral history was left unmolested. The only thing the Romans really fucked with was the Druids, not because of their religious convictions but because of their political power. Other than that, the Romans were the liberal multi-kulti's of the day.

It was Bede who fucked with the history of Britain, in an effort to stigmatize Celtic speakers who he deemed to be Pagan enemies of the Church - deviants who were clinging on to a deviant past. Bede literally invented the concept of 'England' and 'Englishness', where none had existed before. 'England' became the promised land; a kind of self-fulfilling prophecy.

Bronze age Europe was perfectly civilized before the Roman's showed up. In Britain, farming was widespread across the land, people lived in collective towns/villages, cross-country trade thrived (including by sea), as did mining. Impressive art was produced (indicating a level of social organisation that allowed either significant amounts of leisure time or, more likely, allowed a person to pursue a career as an artisan - this is actually a pretty huge deal in anthropological terms). Coinage existed (in the Roman style). Most significantly, religion was organised and institutionalized - the Roman's were scared shitless of the influence of the Druids.

Don't get me wrong, user. I'm willing to buy into most of this shit, for a number of reasons I won't cover here, but we don't need to be claiming that Atlantis was in Northern Europe, or that Atlantis is the only ancient civilization that was wiped out by a catastrophe. Don't be a nigger.

No, the Celts are Fryan heretics that mixed with the Goles.

The OLB has dates which are dated from the Great Flood onward (X years after the sinking of Aldland), and is independent from conventional chronology.
Having read Fomenko's New Chronology 1 and am halfway through volume 2 myself, I can say that OLB chronology does not contradict Fomenko's findings.

That is a blatant falsehood, lying kike. Not only does the Oera Linda Book write about it, Herodotus also explicitely mentions the Atlantis tale and how Plato's family got the information from the Egyptian libraries.

Not just any nigger, but Kang Nigger himself, talking to me, little old me.


So what are you that this is making you so salty?

i'd love to believe this as a frya fries but don't you think it's a little coincidental that a guy named over de linden finds a book that's supposedly thousends of years old and it somehow bears his name in frisian?

Herodotus fucking went to Egypt and conversed with the priests there, idiots. He then also traces how the knowledge got to Plato. Learn to read

It is his families book. Traditionally given over generation on generation. Of course it bears the family name. The name was changed to the Dutch version with the Napoleonic registration of last names.

What I was sayin is that Doggerland plus Frisland is Altlandis, you mong. Athens and the Hellenic civilization was founded by refugees of Frya's volk around 1600BC. Plato wrote about Altlantis in 360BC. The great flood of the Alt Land was in 2193BC. You think that Plato had the whole Altlandis story correct? If you think that's the case you are just a lying Finder.

en skyt

Where will australians send their criminals next?

Did they predicted the vietnam war? :^)

Semi related:

It's like poetry.

Would be awesome if they'd find armour. Hard to believe they'd just be wearing animal hides and tunics in such an organized battle.


The comments talk about it being troyan war. The Oera Linda Bok mentions Ulysses in the part above and that was written in 1189BC(2194-1005).

Have you guys heard of doggerland, it was a huge landmass that connected Britain to the continent and was sunk by a giant flood several thousand years ago


We know and that is what is meant by the Atland(old land) in Oera Linda.

No. No Celts have ever inhabited Britain in any significant number.

Prior to the Roman invasion, only the Brythonic speaking peoples and the Caledonii (Picts) occupied Britain. It hasn't been determined whether or not the Picts were also Brythonnic, though most historians think they were. They were not, however, Celts, and neither were the Britons.

Neither were the Gaels (Milesians). It's unclear where the Gaels originally came from, though they have genealogical links to the Basques and, curiously, the Berbers. In any case, the Gaels didn't make much of an impression on Britain until after the Romans had left, when they began to send missions to Britannia and founded a colony in what is now western Scotland. That kingdom was ruled by Irish clans known as the "Scots" and eventually merged with Pictland, to form Alba, and Pictish culture was subsumed. Later, the lands that had comprised Alba, merged with lands that had compromised 'Scotland', but the 'Scots' of Scotland were mainly people from the extinct Kingdom of Northumbria and their Norman overlords who had adopted the name of Scotland for political reasons. The 'real' Scots were best represented by Clan MacDonald, which ruled the 'Kingdom of the Isles'. The MacDonald's were eventually defeated in battle by 'Scotland', their power diminished to the point of being petty lords, or 'Lairds'. There's a famous Gaelic poem which refers to their final defeat. (The Chief of the MacDonald's was called the "Lord of the Isles", a title now held by Prince Charles.)

As for the Britons, they are still in Britain, not only in Wales, but up and down the entire length of the western half of England. They're traces are found in mitochondrial DNA. Male DNA in the same areas is genetically indistinguishable from Frisian male DNA, indicating that a genocide of 'British' males occurred at some point in the past 2-2.5k years. There is genetic evidence that the Milesians carried out a similar genocide of extant males in Ireland, when they first invaded Hibernia from Iberia, and the Vikings did likewise to the Pictish males in northern Scotland, Orkney and Shetland.

Neither the Roman, nor the Anglo-Saxon so-called invasions had much effect on the British genepool. They were primarily cultural invasions. There is no evidence of the Anglo-Saxons committing genocide on the local population of East-Anglia, for example. In fact, the evidence shows that the Anglo-Saxons interbred with the locals and that they had little impact genetically, implying they were relatively few in number. They did, however, have a huge impact on the culture, in the same way that the Romans had, and the Normans would have later.

The locals adopted a Germanic language, but the structure of the language follows the structure of the Brythonnic Celtic languages, rather than its continental relatives. From a linguistics standpoint, this indicates that adoption of the Saxon language took place organically, over generations (with Saxon words replacing Brythonnic words), rather than by the alternative hypothesis of introduction by wholesale migration (in which case there would be no Brythonnic contribution to 'English').

So, yeah, no, the Celts didn't invade shit when you're talking about Britain. The Britons were in communication with the Celts and adopted some of their customs - that's now the consensus, though it was at one time considered to be conspiracy theory.

FYI, there is far more Nordic blood in Britain than Celtic. The MacDonald's were a Norse-Gaelic clan - the product of intermarriage of Irish warlord families with the families of Viking rulers of Irish kingdoms. There is the remnants of the Danelaw, and while historians now agree that there was no mass migration of Angles, Saxons, or Jutes, there was at least some significant migration. If you want to find Celts, you need to go to France, or Southern Germany…

Speak for yourself

Why did they go to the Netherlands and those other places?

Fryan criminals confirmed.

For fuck sake

Because their country was swallowed by the sea

Well yeah I assumed that but I wasn't sure if that first picture you posted with the map and legends were places they controlled at the time or had to move to later on.

That is a meme map only very loosely based on some OLB things, mostly names. And also Dutch crusading accomplishments and rightful clay. I did not want to press too much OLB clay claims, as I'd be painting the whole map orange that way. (Duke of the Netherlands),_Latin_Emperor (Count of Flanders)

I also missed London being glassed car park.

It was spooky since all of my family comes from far north Holland and my great great grandmothers last name was Zandstra and every other surname going back are old town names.

"far north-holland" = West-Frisia.
although technically all of North- and South-Holland is/was part of the County of Frisia

And the hypotheses is that The house of Holland(Gerulfingen) are most likely descendants of Kening Redbad.

Finding out the Zand part of Zandstra being Frisian for sand was neat and I only looked it up because of where my family was from and the picture you posted. Just thought it was a funny coincidence seeing this thread. I had never heard anything about this stuff before.

There's literally not a single mention of Plato nor of Atlantis in Herodotus' History, neither there should be since Plato was born twelve years after the it's publication.

You can check it yourself.

h ttp://

Zand is also sand in regular dutch

I have already read Herodotus' Histories, have you actually done so?
He talks about it in his Egyptian chapter, the second chapter in the book iirc.

I've always figured that civilization is older than we think it is today. Like how the epic of gilgamesh is actually a retelling of a much, much older story, with the flood portion likely being based on the flooding of the black sea or the Persian gulf.
Plus, the invention of writing taking so long for places outside of the middle east and china is dubious to me.

they were traitors to their kin though, they invaded the frisian sealands and thy saw the frisians as subhumans






Hiragana is well known as a feminine alphabet.

Oh shit! And I didn't even notice my Hitler dubs…We're definitely on to something big here!


I circles the eye of africa for you, pleb.
They invaded the West because the Celts had been printing gold coins. That's how Cesar took Rome with the biggest army. And that's why after he went for Egypt. He wasn't that brilliant, he was rolling in gold and a sociopath while the Celts were more moral and not expecting such a fight.

Plato got his info from Egyptian laughing at Greek historical knowledge. It wasn't a family legend.

Out of curiosity who are the current Finda's people. They are described as 'yellow' are they the Finns?

>mfw I can read some of it thanks to Ultima and autism

Lessee, here…

Okay, so that's from the first Hobbit movie, obviously. Anyone know if Garriott stole the alphabet from Tolkein or was it just the Hobbit prop guys having a laugh?

What website is this?

Oera Linda isnt pagan. The Frisians were against idol worship. The book tells the stories of Odin, Freya, and Minerva, who were PEOPLE (not gods). Corrupt priests used the names of these wise and popular people to sell idols to stupid peasants.

I'm pretty sure those are bog-standard ango-saxon runes

For number five, Indian "panch" could be similar to Polish "pięć" pronounced pee-ehnch.

Interesting. I've only ever seen the Nordic ones before and they're obviously different.


Scandinavian and Anglo-Frisian runes are almost identical.

this went unchecked

Not really.


Explain that picture pls.

I can, but you might not like the answer. Or you might love it, especially if you understand how meme magic works.

"The flood" is an archetype which resurfaces fairly regularly in people. I've personally never really studied it, so I can't tell you much about it, but the pattern is that of an event which washes away civilization, cleaning the slate for it to start over.

the proto-Ligurian celtic alphabet is also basically this
thats 1500-900 BC in the Alpine region of France

nigga that's a statue in honor of the guanches, an island off the coast of Africa that was inhabited by stone-age, blonde, fair-skinned tribals who fought off Spanish colonization by figuring out how to use their guns against them.


Yeah, the left overs of Atlantis…. "the eye of Africa"

Sorry, I was unclear. What I meant was that I'd tried to read the Scandahoovian runes but that they'd made no sense (because of the language differences).

sage negated

Interesting stuff

Pure Finda's are yellow and live in Asia. They are smart but immoral. Sound like Chinese people to me.

you are a fool.
man needs no priest to see the archetypes, cosmic forces, greater powers or whatever else you wish to call them.
Why do you think the god of wisdom carries a spear, one of the most ancient weapons used for hunting? because hunting is 95% sitting and waiting. without a smart phone that sitting and waiting becomes contemplation of the world around you.
how could they be corrupt when there was no money involved in the organization? this is a christian jewish concept.
its easier and more sacred to carve your own you stupid fuck

your whole post reeks of ass pain that the world didnt begin 6000 years ago

Your knowledge is history is on par with you spelling… But since you believe that retarded book, not surprised!

Hope your are 12, otherwise I would worry…

Finda= Liliths real name?

The original jew Matriarch?

This is Finno-Korean hyperwar tier. Might read for laughs later.

What are Finns

Absolutely disgusting, putting us on the same level as those deceitful Finns.

Thanks, but my spelling isn't that great. What you might mistake for mispellings is deliberate nomenclature, faggot.

Lilith is just Canaanite-Phoenician for 'Godess'. But the Pajeets themselves proclaim themselves to be the purest offspring of Finda in the OLB. Semites are mongrelspawn of the three root-races.

Just because you don't understand someone's post, doesn't make him the fool, but you.

This is simply not true, and a fabrication of yourself. Temples were trading and banking hubs in the world. Go read 'The Babylonian Woe' by David Astle, and learn something for once.

I just leave this here.
Also, some of you need to read into the /swastika/

You might also want to look into Celsius, Peringskiöld, Rudbeck, Vetelius, Linné and Snorre.

Are you also going to tell me next that pre-1000 AD Germanics and Scandinavians are just mongrel race-mixers too, user?

The etymology of the OLB is just so interesting. In German/Nordic language the word for enemy is vijand, fiend, fiende. Looks a awful lot like Fynda.

Strange post indeed. I wonder who could have wrote it.

There is no mention of Atlantis or Plato in the Histories doofus. I've read it and just grabbed my copy and looked through the index. Nothing for either one of them.

sage as fuck for being late

so when tacitus says that germans had no money and only bartered real goods he was lying and the priests had all the gold horded up in their hut?
so money changers in the temple was a fake as well.
im not pulling shit out my ass, im taking well known facts and drawing conclusions based on those facts, faggot.
And i dont see what i am misreading in the post I responded to.

Cause you can't be bought with goods.

pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
Low grades. Brain is fried, can't concentrate.

I'm an international student so probably will have to go back to my country while the rest of my family is here. Still haven't told them. How to get back into college? :(

pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws

Sort of fell apart in the last 10 years

Franco's Spain was stable until Franco's successor was assassinated in 1973.

I haven't looked into the language yet, but I wonder if "yellow" is a mistranslation for brown, i.e. Semitic.

It looks super comfy

ULA is all made in USA AFAIK

some weird dodge stratus

Speaking of late UC tech, how viable are beam rotors anyway? They seem kind of silly.

Ok :(

Hey buddy if you are headed through Portland feel free to swing by my house for a hot shower laundry wash and a meal I'm on the outskirts of the city and would appreciate your company


Thrift thick! I love her. She has a million reviews of foundations, etc and has oily skin like I do.


So it's basically a furry meet and fuck type thing?


Every girl ive been with has been impressed

Why does poor Yayaka always has to suffer?

Spoiler tag that please.

Anyone been to Christiana Mall lately?

Good man, Illidan is cool

Theeey have a power and a force that you never seen before.

Holy shit.
Your voice is seriously so fucking sexy.


we dindu nutin'

weed wont help this, get a hobby.


So Europeans come from the Frisians who once lived in Atland/Atlantis but their land sunk due to a flood, at which point they were enslaved by niggers and possibly Jews. Norse/Germanic Paganism traces its origin to the ancient Frisians, seeing as deities like Freya were once living people, albeit great and influential people. Runes come from an alphabet derived from the Sun-Wheel, which itself may be the so-called Black Sun . Anything else?


"According to the 'Middledutch' Dictionary (Middelnederlandsch Woordenboek) that is about the period c.1250-c.1550, the original meaning was more like our 'blond':
"Yellow, the known colour, but the actual meaning is more that of our blond. 'Gelu haer' is in Middledutch the common word for what we call blond hair; the combination 'gelu blont' was also used.""

"Finda's people were not (only) our 'yellow' (Asian) race, but more likely (also) southeast-Mediterranean"

More here:

"blond" in this context meaning light-brown.

Relevant fragment (Sandbach p.81):
"Teunis wished to sail through the straits to the Mediterranean Sea,
and enter the service of the rich Egyptian king, as he had done before,
but Inka said he had had enough of all those Finda's people."


Stop making these threads

forgot pic

They can have whatever they want in their little art galleries, if they own it. The problem is most of them are illegally occupying dilapidated buildings, and they are horribly unsafe.

what is the video?

None of this is real. Its a fake revalation and a fake thread brought about by christian deus vult larpers that want to erase our native kekite culture and supplant their jew woeship onto us.

Cite sources you filthy lying christian.

and here come the D&C shills

try to be a little less obvious next time, m80. i can only give you a 1/10. gotta work your way into it, not immediately start off with non-sequitur ad homs.


Even our president does it.

You make baseless claims and never cute your sources you lying fag.

Cite it.

Youre the shill, shill. Theres ten fucking threads of you fucking up completly snd getting BTFO every fucking time.

Pol is keks board, we are NOT christian. You are a shill and nothing you have posted/samefagged on this thread is true.

There are also fragments about what seems to be the eternal parasite, where this unfolk is not explicitly named, for example:

Those who come to the market
are strictly forbidden to commit usury.
If any should come,
the maidens are obliged
to make them known through the whole land,
that they will never-ever be chosen for any office
for such have a vulture-like heart.
To accumulate wealth, they would betray all;
the folk, the Mother, their siblings (or: relatives)
and ultimately themselves.


but tell us
what is the meaning of the night-owl
that always sits upon your head;
Is that light-shunning animal the symbol
of your clairvoyance?
No, answered Hellénja; he helps me remember
that a kind of people roams about the earth
who, like him, live in temples and holes,
who grub in the twilight, though not as he,
to deliver us from mice and other plagues,
but to invent wrencs (tricks)
to rob the wits of other people,
in order to take advantage of them,
to make slaves of them,
and to suck their blood
like leeches (or vampires) do.

Holla Forums is full of newfags who hate chanculture and only post here because there is no moderation.

"representing the Republican side week after week". That was the best part. It's like a Jewish banker with a Nazi lawyer.

Yeah, cause the UK really needs more power to the state

last question, if you have the time:
Do you think UKIP will last in any meaningful sense after Brexit, or are they more of a temporary party for this reason? (are their financial policies popular, or is it mainly the brexit thing that has made them so)

You're about as retarded as that kangaroo that got punched

Why don't just hack a date?


bamp for grate justice

Good points, one of the reasons I left the Catholic church (besides all the pedo shit) was b/c it was too liberal for me

Perhaps you should learn how to read. Just because Germans had little mineral wealth, does not equate to no temples were not currency hubs in Europe. What kind of retarded logic is that?! All pagan temples were used as exchange hubs due to their stability. As I said, read the Babylonian Woe to perhaps learn something, but considering your reading comprehension is this abysmal, you probably wouldn't be able to get anything out of it, lobotomite.

I already told you where you can find it. It's too bad I lent my copy of the Histories out, or I'd show you a picture of it. It is right there though
So, stop lying.

Just a clarification for the lurkers: Herodotus talks about how Plato's family through Solon got the information from the Egyptian priests.

Ik wist niet dat je een gebruiker was hier. Geweldig om te zien.
Je doet uiterst belangrijk werk, ga zo door!

Wellicht is het vruchtbaar om naar Anatoly Fomenko's New Chronology te kijken. Fomenko werkt aan een chronologie die voornamelijk zich bezig houdt met de deconstructie van de conventionele chronologie en het opbouwen van een chronologie voor het Magy Rijk in het Oosten.

The religion is monotheistic with Wr.Alda (cognate with world) as Logos.
Strict racial laws, miscegenation means banishment for life, and all offspring, if they can't be convinced to refrain
Matriarchal ecclesiastics, like the Vestal Virgins and Oracle of Delphi, which are derivatives of the Mother and Maidens
Strict family/sexual values, males who at 25 still haven't found a wife are banished because something must be wrong with them.

The shills are set lose. It looks like they really don't want a thread about this.

Welkom en bedankt voor al het werk op de OLB!

Geweldig, hebben we Jan Ott in de draad en juist nu worden we gespammed.

Welkom Jan, dank voor je werk!

what about this thread is Christian? you seem to have some psychological hang-up from Christianity. did a priest fingerfuck you? get over it.


In de Nederdraad hebben ze ook al lopen schijten. Het zullen die koeken van britpol wel zijn.

The Tărtăria tablets are three tablets, discovered in 1961 by archaeologist Nicolae Vlassa at a Neolithic site in the village of Tărtăria (about 30 km (19 mi) from Alba Iulia), in Romania.[1] The tablets, dated to around 5300 BC,[2] bear incised symbols—the Vinča symbols—and have been the subject of considerable controversy among archaeologists, some of whom claim that the symbols represent the earliest known form of writing in the world.

Is this just paddy propaganda?

hibernians are the true master race
sorry nords and germs but it's true

Was the picture supposed to prove they are shit but you implied they aren't?

All pervasive at least on a casual level, and rising

is it bad that I see what seems to be an aincient form of loss?
is this an iron age meme?

it was to prove we already rule over you

I guess if being shit leaders and not being able to run anything properly is ruling.

Jasper is a funny kid
He has a boot tied to his finger

A fucking quief


Way to pull some random information out of your ass. The nords at one point were rewarded wives for battle valor. Banishing fighting age males for not finding a wife in a culture that has a disproportional male to female ratio is just fucking retarded. It's time for you to go back to reddit friendo.

This is my point. White genocide's a term that (((they))) have been fighting for a while in the media, saying it's a conspiracy theory.

If we can simply get normies to look at this phrase, they will start to connect the dots.

The UN can't possibly hide or remove all this evidence either.

But I don't care about Satan. Why should I give creedence to something so boring?

seeing as Trump is on the verge of sending America into a deep dive, people will be clamoring for a progressive president by the end of it.
Honestly not sure if America can survive four years of this, given his warmongering cabinet and the fact that he's already sucking up to lobbyists and big industry

Whichever city has a small amount of secular millennials, and is mostly Christian (and the people there do not give into multiculturalism)


Praise Kek

Because fake information is seeded into pol to discredit other authentic information, cointelpro methods essentially.

Therefore all information must be verified or at least have a credible source before spreading everywhere.

Naturally everything in the pic is happening but the veracity of the document matters.
We cant surrender to confirmation bias.

Happy early birthday friend

Shit I remember these.

How long before they get rid of the app after all the harassment happens in black neighborhoods?

Praise Wralda!

Ave Frya

citation needed

It's the aryan soul. Behavior is largely inherited through genetics. Are you so surprised that unjewed whites have a similar culture to whites who want their culture unjewed?


The fact that it appeals too closely to modern day conservative sentiments is probably part of the reason its suspicious.

Weird bot comment

That shouldn't be the case for real historians. They should know that Marx social progress is a meme.

It has nothing to do with 'social progress', just that different societies hold different values and that there usually aren't clear ideological comparisons with today. It would be very interesting for the lost records of a prehistoric civilisation to seem so well-oriented to modernist, quasi-Christian Western European sensibilites.

Someone translate this fucking thing and read it to me with cool picture on youtube

Genetics -> Culture -> Politics


If social values come and go. Why wouldn't these values at a point have been in old societies. And if I recall correctly even the Greek or Romans had times with social justice.

or maybe it is the other way around. Christianity change a great deal as it entered Europe ans remained in Europe. The reason why Europe prospered was its retaining of many old values.

Dank voor jullie aanmoedigingen!
Iemand had me de link gestuurd, kende 8ch/4ch alleen van naam. Ik zal af en toe nog eens kijken, maar vind het niet handig hier, m.n. door de hoeveelheid flauwekul. Ik zou liever aan een nieuwe NL vertaling werken, maar wil eerst Engelse afmaken i.v.m. de grote internationale belangstelling.

What does Fris mean? Free!?

Take this shit to /x/

Even that fagit communist would throw you in a bog where you belong.


Ja, hier heerst een aparte internetcultuur met oa een bepaald soort humor. Daarnaast heb je ook de zogeheten "shills" die expres discussies proberen te ontsporen. En vervelend genoeg werd precies dit weekend Holla Forums en de thread bestookt door spambots.

En hou rekening mee dat wanneer er te weinig gepost wordt dat de thread kan verdwijnen. In de Nederdraad( ) zullen mensen het bij tijd en wijle het over de OLB hebben.

No (((Christian))) this is white history

What the fuck is this?

I made a thread about this book forever ago and there was a Frisian guy who said there were certain passages in the book that had to be modern jokes and innuendos. I can't really remember but it was something about matriarchs having the same title as "go to bed" or something.

Perhaps you mean a name instead of title, as the only title they have is either Mother or Maiden. They also aren't really matriarchs in the common sense of the word, but function as religious and domestic councilors and arbitrors. Filling the same function as the Hellenic Oracles or the Roman Vestal Virgins did

There's also the theory of a grand cataclysm that occurred at the end of the younger dryas period 12,000 years ago where, they assume, a comet nailed the glacier heavy zone of North America, instantaneously melting the ice, provoking a biblical flood, scouring all remnants of civilization from North America, and sparking a 40 day global super-storm. This would have raised sea levels substantially and drowned any coastal cities at the time (the majority of civilized populations), leaving only the rural retards to pick up the pieces and restore humanity's greatness.

This book kinda fits in line with that theory: a small collection of people took the knowledge from before the fall and built it into a civilization. Unfortunately, with any situation where a cataclysm reduces humanity to the stone age, almost all collected knowledge will disappear within a generation, leaving only fragments of what was. I think this book could be one of those fragments.

Oh, sure, blame the Finns.

Everybody keeps forgetting that Finns wuz literally kangz of everything and that the Frisians were too weak against the might of the Finno-Korean-Mongol empire.


Yes I've read the book thank you for explaining it again, but a lot of Frisians don't believe the book because of the modern innuendos I've mentioned.

Could have written it. Use the participle, namefag.

But is this actually the case? Can you give an example?
There are a lot of lies spread about the OLB by supposed (((academics)))

I decided to pick up the book and happened to find a second print in Dutch from 1876. There is an interesting technical discussion about paper in the introduction, where the writer gives a lot of different arguments for why the manuscript must be written on at least 13th century paper, no younger than that.

The writer also mentions the Herodotus / Plato connections and that he checked them himself and that according to them it seems to fit.

He also mentions maps of Ptolomeus and how one of the maps shows a place called Minnagara on the western bank of the Indus river. Minnagara is according to the writer a purely Frysian name (I do not know if this is true, since I am not Frysian). If this is the case, then it is a huge sign that this writer was on to something with this manuscript. According to him, it was a Frysian colony setteld in 1551 BC.

Another part of the puzzle is found with the Greek writer Strabo, who writes about the Germanes, a people within the Brachmanes.

I would love to hear a Frysian opinion on this though..



This is we wuz kangs shit for white people.


No, this is:




Daily reminder Non-Whites have literally accomplished nothing.

Daily reminder that the fate of all civilization rests on our shoulders.

Possibly related.

But weren't they on an island that flooded?

Maybe they were criminals sent from their home planet.

Thats fucking creepy, learning code unleashed?

Frisland is certainly part of the atland.

are you for real, dude?

what's your counter claim?

Magyars were back near the Urals not anywhere near to Europe until the end of the 7th century.I think OP could mean the Huns not the Magyars, but Huns didn't appear until the pre 370s so I can't really imagine any connection.
This part is clearly bullshit.

If you are in need of some reproduction secrets you better ask Indian or Chinese. History shows us that they were definitely more effective on that matter than any other people.

Graham Hancock

More strange shit

According to Jewish history. We are talking about real history here.

ok I will look into this hypothesis in detail. I don't want to be the one shilling your thread

It's no longer really a just a theory that a comet hit the NA icecap 12800 years ago and there was massive flooding in north america. It happened, overwhelming evidence is there.

Download Magicians of the Gods on /pdfs/ and go to about page 70 if you have any doubts, Hancock cites over a dozen studies.

The comet melted 10% of the 2 mile high North American ice cap almost immediately upon impact, causing absolutely massive flooding.

Nanodiamonds formed during the event have been found as far away as Syria, so the area effected was enormous.

The particles kicked up into the atmosphere may be what incited the Younger Dryas cooling period from 12,800 - 11,600 ya. Also, the cool water from the ice caps entering the Atlantic gulf stream would have significantly disrupted the climate patterns.

You also can listen to him and Carlson talk about it on Rogans show.

Is this worth listening to? I don't like manlet Rogan.

Give it a chance. There are few podcasts where Joe shuts the fuck up more than Hancock/Carlson ones. Carlson's first two solo appearances in the 500s and 600s range I think are probably the most information dense of all.

Carlson? …Tucker Carlson?

anyone who believes this literally is a halfwit ape retard

anyone who believes this is literally a halfwit ape retard

Just look at that fat cunt. He wasn't British, he was a traitor to Europe and especially to Britain and the Empire which he just gave to the US and native shitskin-inhabitants FOR FREE
If there is a hell then I'm 100% certain that that old twat is already burning in it!