Holla Forums embraces terrorism and actively nourishes and encourages it.
This does not surprise me one bit.
Either half of Holla Forums is trolling or they're dumber than I thought.
Faggotry aside, if what they say is true it will be inconvenient although one caliphate more or less makes little difference.
Holla Forums is a festering ditch of ignorant underage brats and completely retarded manchildren. There is not a single adult to be found in there and they are no threat to anything beyond your sides
Retarded and gay, but expected.
Fuck off Holla Forums, raiding those children is a waste of time. By the way, opposing ZOG's white genocide project is also terrorism so Holla Forums is also on the list of potential domestic terrorists.
have you checked our stickies OP?
top kek noice edit
I don't think op is Holla Forums… after all he never actually said, "raid them" and second off you're retarded:
Dude lmao. Nice dubs.
Yes they're retards who think Muslims will just walk away from their own ideology once they defeat the evil imperialists and neocolonialists.
They're much dumber than you thought. I just looked at their unaesthetic board: the snivelling pretentious moral superiority. The whining self-hatred and undank memes. I pity them, but at the same time am happy that they're so pathetic.
There is a really funny meme in left wing circles that Islam is a communist religion. Just very hilarious.
Whatever road is taken, the destination is always the same.
For a long time I thought Holla Forums was a satirical board.
I would take them more seriously if they were in any way satirical.
Leftism is literally the result of immature and underdeveloped brains. It's why people typically become less leftist as they age, because their brains (particularly frontal lobe) physically mature and grow out of it. The true leftists are those whose brains never fully develop, so they remain mentally children all of their lives. This is also why shitskins tend to be more left wing, since they have less developed frontal lobes as well.
For a long time I thought Holla Forums was a satirical board.
I would take them way more seriously if they were satirical.
*dual post, ignore.
It's a fine example of Poe's Law.
Holla Forumsacks go to Holla Forums to shitpost, redditors there take them seriously, the cycle of cancer begins.
Makes sense. It's cute they think they're rebelling from an evil system whilst wondering why we don't give communism another go.
I think they were always serious. They saw how successful we were and thought if they emulated our way of doing things they'd be successful. But it's like the Voltaire quote, they attracted real idiots by joking about leftist stupidity and now they wade through an ocean of piss.
Rest in piss Holla Forums, strangled in the crib before you could make one good meme
They never wonder why all of these imperialists are advocating open borders, I guess.
I think it's dissonance with them. A lot of Holla Forums are the shitskins that got bullied off Holla Forums. Because we hate subhumans here they go to Holla Forums and figure "well I guess I'd rather have a mongrelized slave class ruled by kikes as my brothers" because it benefits their shitty subhuman halplogroup.
They're all going back though. into the ground Lefties only ever protest and agitate in places like New York City or Seattle, so they'll never change anything except in pozzed up niggerzones anyways.
I am a leftist that supports removing kebab.
Why are you a leftist? What the fuck is wrong with you?
Whoever said that we should respect Holla Forums because they are our honorable arch nemesis or something should knife themselves in the neck.
You will be gassed last.
Requesting Holla Forums screencaps. I know we got plenty here.
And for the record, I said that we needed to keep an eye on Holla Forums before they grew as big as they are now, and everyone laughed, and look where we are now.
Holla Forums needs to be shoahed into the ground. They are nothing more than a front for goons and sjws so they can seed and subvert this site with their endless kvetching.
They always have. Nothing a bunch of sick degenerates. Like nogs they're quick to violence. Report them :)
We should shill them in support of refugees. The best thing to ever happen to the far right has been the left's pants on head retarded support of Islamic extremism. If we want to continue to accrue power, logically we should keep trying to make them look retarded.
They're wholly irrelevant. They don't understand the concepts they try to argue, and best of all is that they neuter themselves by assuming their victory is inevitable without effort.
See the first image. They fail to understand the nature of man, in fact even the mention of human nature there is met with derision. They apply logic to situations where it does not fit: They understand that work will be done even without wages, but they assume this will be extended to upkeep and maintenance work.
See the 2nd image. They do not understand the nature of labor itself as much as they try to claim they're experts on "labor theory". They do not understand the idea that resources are finite, and think they can achieve "post-scarcity society". Even more retarded is that even if such a post-scarcity society were possible, they believe in expanding it on a global scale and putting MORE strain on that already flimsy system.
See the 3rd image. They rationalize any and all actions as victories for themselves because they cannot accept defeat. When Hofer lost, we had a thread or two lamenting the subject and went right back to the Italian power vote to ensure and observe victories. They merely claim that all defeats are victories because they truly honestly believe they can't lose. This is what neuters them.
And the last is the simplest, but most damning. They, as all leftists do, deal in pilpul. They are posed with an analogy and instead of attacking the idea they go straight for the analogy, confusing it for a factual observation. Notice that they never actually do anything to show that the anecdote is in any way wrong, and even the final post gives some evidence that supports the theory, which they mock regardless. They scoff at the strong and the victorious. That's how we see our path is true. Because when leftists are laughing at you, they do so because they fear you. They don't know any better.
Is part of it that they refuse to admit real life is a zero-sum game? Also remember Communist and Marxist believe the "good fight" never ends which means executing them is the only way to truly stop them.
Overall, life is a zero-sum game. This is true. But the way they avoid admitting it is by sectioning off the aspects of life they care about so that the negative sums are cast to the wayside. For example, giving drugs to a druggie provides him with emotional positives, but autonomous negatives. He has more happiness, but he becomes dependent on this fleeting happiness and is less free for his actions. Now they know this over at Holla Forums, so they rationalize it by saying they don't care about the autonomous aspect. If you completely ignore the autonomous aspect of this scenario, given what I've said it looks like a solely positive experience. This is how they view the world, with factors they negatively impact with their policy and ideals (such as spirituality, autonomy, prosperity and culture, mainly the immaterial) cut out of their sphere of relevancy so they can pretend they don't exist.
This is one big red flag that a group has been subverted. Self improvement should be at the heart of any non pozzed ideology.
Digits of truth.
They're like cockroaches. After proven time and time again that their cancerous ideology is retarded most people just realize and leave communism for good, however it leaves the most retarded lefties to shitpost for all eternity. It's like Evolution on crack, survival of the fittest.
Holla Forums is like three jewish communist mods and a bunch of 13 yr olds. i wouldn't worry about it
This is news? Got another one for you, OP: Holla Forums encourages buggery, as well.
They think "better dead than red" is only a joke. Also the wiki for it is pretty funny.
Is this a 'go to Holla Forums and bring something back' thread?
Big fucking whoop.
For some reason, many liberals seem to think its a secular new age movement invented by blacks that has never had many followers throughout history.
You learned too late.
Is THAT how that "suicide squad" movie actually went?
I did not see it, I just know that the title fits.
They are basically saying "who cares if they want to kill us, we must fight the ebil whiteman." I am glad I never ended up like some brain dead leftist.
Let's make it one of those, they are fun.
I tried giving them a chance, but it's all just pro-communist bullshit spouted by college kids and obvious high schoolers, with some shit skin "i'm a gommie because I think I'm equal to the Sons of Frya" rhetoric thrown in.
I hate commies more than muslims tbh
So do I, fam
I can understand why the US allied with the Taliban to stave off Soviet expansion.
I think we should have an inauguration day raid. January 20th, when President Trump is being sworn into office, we need to Shoah Holla Forums to the ground
If you guys want practice, here's a live thread
Fucking this. It would be the most hilarious shit ever. We could also get 4cucks pol to help us. Who cares if leftypol does a backlash against this board. Holla Forums and it's community has been through a lot this year and it wouldn't matter in the slightest if some butthurt leftypol losers try to raid us back.
Pick one.
that was … I mean, I … this, uh, video, here …
is this enough to get that board shoah'ed at last?
Don't expect to rely on 4/pol/, they're pretty much a Hispanic supremacist board now.
Not all Syrians are bad
People forget that there is a large population of syrian christians refugees.
I dont see a problem with those people
LARPagans are literally retards that think they are viking warriors that are going to cleanse the land of non-whites.
Deus Vult!