What does Holla Forums have to say about this?
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Wew, sure is summer 2014 in here
Don't support the Soviet Onion lel
i have to say that yuri is the purest form of love
Holla Forums is appalled at your attention whoring for views,comrade.
My brain read this as "YUI is the purest form of love"
Like the other guy said, it's a Soviet defector playing into right-wing paranoia for money.
There was a fair amount of espionage going on, but I seriously doubt that the EVIL SOVIETS were TRYING TO DESTROY SUPERIOR WESTERN CULTRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
Especially since it was the US that was afraid of superior Soviet culture spreading into the West
the reason for IDPOL that arent leftists calling themselves leftists
We dont hate men that speak against (economic) tyranny
Slimy brown nosing traitor who deseved a firing squad.
No wonder right wing cowards fawn over him.
Being reminded El Salvador and Oscar Romero, I think he was talking out of his ass when he says, with no real reason given, that religion will always be against leftism.
He also seems not to know the point of meditation.
very intelligent discussion going on in this thread
Yeah you don't have to be a communist to realize this is a dumb bed time story.
No, plz
Lots of dislikes there.
nice b8
What did the KGB say or do to convince western academics to give up on their values, and instead take up Judaism?