Excuse for my english

Excuse for my english.

Why this is considered "normal" or "Acceptable" in America?

Don't need to read the rest of my text because of my poor english, but only read this

Why this is considered normal and not something fucking insane, and bizarre, this kind of news and propaganda within of America made by this buzzfeed website? CNN is a disguised version of buzzfeed and huffinton post who the democrats of hollywoodn try to force in their movies?

Thread for discussion about how sick the AMERICAN NEWS AND MAINSTREAM SHIT MEDIA AND ESTABLISHMENT IS and how horrible the american globalist influence controled by these groups are for other countries who copy and paste Buzzfeed, CNN, hufington post and similar garbage

Wich level of sickness a country need to have to some bizarre american left-wing media think that it's normal, healthy and awesome? They don't even tried to hide or manipulate the news for this in the buzzfeed anti-white stormfront who is just a experiment of CNN, my country in the mainstream left-wing media who only copied the democrats media in the whole Hillary Clinton propaganda copied news garbage from fucking buzzfeed

Why every sickness of the people who represents vote, support or power for the democrats party even being trash piece of shit groups, are normalized in America?

Why this sick piece of shit country is the globalist shithole who other garbage left-wing media in other countries of world copy and reproduce?

twitter. com/PrisonPlanet/status/806467405321007105

dailycaller. com/2016/12/06/buzzfeed-white-people-are-a-plague-to-the-planet/

I'm not talking about this, I'm talking about words, media, propaganda, narrative, manipulation and things like this CNN and Buzzfeed

Seriously, i would vomit in the face of anybody who said that read or take anything from CNN or buzzfeed, they are total jokes, disgusting and trash

It's so disgusting see other countries of the world like my own country (I'm not american) copying this inasane disgusting piece of trash because the american mainstream establishment sell the media controled by democrats like the source who they need to take the news to keep the lobby and propaganda of one evil disgusting little sick group who created sickness within of USA and other countries wanting to be slave of these group with huge lobby wanting to copy them

Fucking CNN


Bizarre CNN (And I'm not even saying about the wikileaks who had CNN, Huffington post, MSNBC, Buzzfeed, and many other american trash in the hacked emails on the wikileaks who the american garbage media is trying to be cynical and now is using the word "fake news" for everything


Fucking CNN.


Because Americans like to talk tough but individually are as cucked as the average European. Apparently the second amendment exists only on paper and is dwarfed by the military industrial complex.

Go away eurofag

These Emojis are a forced method of mind control on the low intellect.

Do something about your 6 million kikes then. I'm waiting.

don't even try it burgersnap.

This video was made before the demoncraps media establishment invented the fake news excuse to relate everything.

My last comment, go to hell this far left, alt-left, left-wing, regressive, bigot, insane, media working for a tiny elite who don't want to lose power and want monopoly of everything.

Always trying to create labels for others, demonize others, and being arrogant, cynical and piece of shit, i hope they become destroyed and nobody believes in them anymore

Sorry, my real last comment, i will not even bump and i will put sage in my comment.

Demoncraps everything who i don't like is hitler propaganda, the demoncraps in the fucking years 80s played this game with Ronald Reagan, they called ronald reagan hitler, every republican candidate is hitler and every demoncrap candidate is god by default in any propaganda since they have a great lobby over american media and told for other countries with left-wing in the power or in the media to copy only the propaganda of the demoncrap party media, and every candidate who is not demoncrap in their propaganda, they tried to put Hillary Clinton like god, I'm not american, but if I'm not wrong i think Nixon had a impeachmant for much less things than Hillary Clinton, i don't know about this story.

What I'm saying is that the whole "mainstream" american media is controled by the demoncraps, who create narrative, manipulation and try to make their candidates sounds like gods using their own media and the opposition representation of demons.

If Jesus Christ was in some american election against the demoncraps candidates the whole American mainstream media would create the narrative that Jesus Christ is satan and the demoncrap candidate is god.

And in a already illegal server and I'm not even talking about the other trash of Hillary Clinton who was a godesses of the media propaganda.

Because you know who runs our country.

your impotent rage sustains me.

Stop that.

because niggers and muh slavery



I'm actually going to bump this just because the "muh spacing" argument is retarded.


I was going through some old screencaps just to make sure I wasn't crazy and I found over 300 examples of "reddit spacing" in fairly well-spread caps from between 2004 and 2014.

I kind of want to make a thread and dump some of them just to shut these idiots up for a day or two. Maybe I will one of these days.

Anyway, is this faggotry an attempt to get Holla Forumsacks to post walls of text that no one will ever read?
Or maybe it's newfriends who came from rebbit and think that site developed line breaks or something?
Just another way to dismiss a post when you have no counterargument?

I really don't know but I do know that it is fucking stupid and wrong.

It really isn't, it is frequently very obvious. "reddit spacing" started on Holla Forums and it started because there were very obvious cases of newfags using it. Reddit uses a modified version of markdown which doesn't actually do a linebreak if you enter a linebreak. That apparently makes it a habit for them to write their shit like the OP. Same thing with spaces in front of greentext and so on, it sticks out.

It's been a thing since before reddit existed.

Seems to me it's a bunch of autists getting triggered by something they don't like.

This makes me like it more.

Under usual circumstances it isn't in your interest to help redditors blend in, same reasoning why you shouldn't spoonfeed. All im telling you is that you really can pick them out by that with pretty high certainty.

I think I'll make that thread sometime this week. Keep an eye out.


Goddammit. Stop being cucks. Stop blowing cash so that you can go to schools invaded by Dindus, Durkas, Fags, and unattractive women. Higher education personifies the Left: Gibsmedats and producing zip

Jewish communist subversion.

Stop being so easy to colonize then.

That 2nd image makes me ready to fucking shoot.
I don't care what context I might be missing; how dare anyone bastardize Rockwell's work like that.

didn't we have this thread with same op pictures

what pisses me off most about this shit is how blacks and other non whites actually think if they turn America brown again its going to be all kumbaya and the blacks, Arabs, Mexicans will all get along. What a fucking joke, It will turn into another third world shit hole Brazil probably filled with mostly Muslims after the Muslims conquer every one, the blacks will probably be enslaved again if whitey disappears.

i really oughta name these files for easier access

Blacks can't even get along with other blacks. They kill each other more than any white policemen could ever hope to.


Already happening in Africa with chinks. People really fail to understand the "equality" and liberty of the modern world isn't the natural state but something Europeans fought numerous wars around the globe for.

(lol so edgy)

Listen fags it's not just about the spacing. It's a combo of the spacing and stupid fucking newfag questions. Often times an user who just seems off in general.

OP should already know the answers to his dumb fucking questions:
If this faggot OP lurked for more than a week he would already know the answer
Because cultural subversion. Because when mixed with our American right of free fucking speech it allows the luggenpresse, media and interest groups to run rampant. Because guys like Yuri went over this shit over 30 fucking years ago. Videos and reading material that go over this very exact topic have spread on Holla Forums like wildfire to the point where it's practically common knowledge on 8/pol/

The OP never names the Jew. Not once. And he seems so stumped on his questions.
Sounds pretty fucking newfag to me.

Santa Clause, The Tooth fairy and the Holocaust. What do they have in common?

We do have a tremendous social problem in America, but it is worth noting that the Democratic party was blown out in the Presidential election (Trump won >300 EV's) and Republicans maintained and actually increased their seats in both Houses of Congress. Republicans are also projected to gain even more Congressional seats in the 2018 elections, so while we have a long way to go, the anti-white tactics of the Democratic party appear to be backfiring.

The biggest social ill facing my country isn't so much an anti-white sentiment but rather a complete lack of white identity. What you posted OP isn't actually the political mainstream but is mainly found in our universities which function as indoctrination centers for communist thought. Most white Americans would disagree with the presentation in those photos.

However, most white Americans don't consider themselves "white" but just as "American" and feel more connected to a shitskin born in our country than a fellow white of similar blood born in Europe. White people in my country desperately want America to function as a meritocracy where you can succeed regardless of race if you work hard enough, and are willing to ignore than millions of worthless niggers who leech on our welfare programs for the one or two exceptional niggers who produce more than the average white person.

Our biggest issue is with the mainstream media and the educational system which indoctrinate whites with a sense of civic nationalism while racial nationalism is promoted in every other minority population (just look at how Dicky Spencer's speeches are attack in the media while violent terrorist groups like BLM and La Raza are praised). Too many white people are naive that shitskins can be just like us once we "assimilate" them and they don't realize just how much these shitskins hate us and can't wait until we're a minority in this country.

Especially their ugly-as-fuck, obnoxious "women."

This is Christmas.
Kikes have turned it in to a materialistic degenerate festival, but the gift of sharing an experience and creating a family experience is the most important thing about Christmas.

It isn't. Only in jewish-owned marxist universities and schools, along with jewish shithole cities like San Cucksisco does this faggotry get pushed.

Kill yourself.

You had an identity several generations ago and you were this close to achieving an ethnos on par with Europeans. This identity existed from colonial era down to the early 20th century, when "democracy" replaced the republic as a political idea and suddenly America became a meritocracy for everyone, as opposed to being an Anglo-Saxon nation with pure North European core.

Sad thing is, you won't regain that, as mainstream ceased to be "white" and whatever remained from the old culture was destroyed by the consumerist conformity and the happy merchants.
What you see in Rockwellian paintings is a mere shadow of what you had and unless you purge your own country of some 60 million people and roll back clock to 1950s, United States will remain a "proposition nation" that is an imagined country with no nation or blood to call its own.

There is no American nation that possesses an ethnos bound by blood or custom, there is only an American "public" composed of negroes, shitskins and mongrels, with disempowered and ignored "whites" who were stripped of identity or failed to acquire it when their ancestors immigrated few generations ago.
Even the purity of whites was compromised as they mixed among themselves with other (non-Northern) Europeans but did little to preserve the Anglo-Saxon culture that reared them all in their new land.

Nigger schools run by cucks and other niggers. No wonder they "graduate" and can't even speak English. These people will be perpetual failures and blame whitey all their lives. And still die penniless and dumb.

Because you’re racist.

Is that a mulatto gay couple? God fucking damnit.

day wuz kangs an sheeeeet

you can't have one without the other.

They're historically ignorant since they don't read history outside of their Marxist or otherwise SJW approved trash.

Shitskin women are at the bottom of the dating scene and "queer" women are the unfuckable ones.

Niggers and other shitskins pretend they're better off in Muslim lands.

Buddhism in its Pali form isn't a shitskin or leftycuck creed.