Praise Kek for leading me to this knowledge. This answers the ultimate question that plagues our minds. What to do about women and how to convert them into perfect traditional wives.
How to Wake up White Women
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nice qt though
I'll try to articulate what Prof. Peterson says in the video for the spergs that just want to shit post negativity.
In order to wake up females (sleeping beauty) in myths, its always up to the males to confront the dragon (reptilian underworld) and thats what makes men attractive while at the same time making women great again. You free the virgin from the dark spell.
Watch the video though. Better yet, watch the whole series on myths on the Professors youtube channel. He's explaining everything like Carl Jung.
They ARE woke.
It is you user who need waking.
moar redheads please
Will watch later
And when does this revelation occur? I'm 5 minutes in and it's not correlating to traditional women
I watched a little bit of the video; I like when people draw ideas of any sort from nature. However, even though I agree with Prof Petersen, I think solution puts the cart in front of the horse. Its a fine solution for after the women have woken up, and currently, most white women don't even know they are asleep. The biggest and tallest hurdle we face is convincing white women that there is a problem, that they are asleep. My opinion of course
You wake up white women with your dick.
Whatever she believes she gets it out of whatever dick she is s/fucking.
I set the time to 11mins in when he's talking about Harry Potter fighting the basilisk, theres death and rebirth pheonix and he loves the virgin redhead Hermoine.
… The women are asleep and the only way to wake them up is to take on the heroic path by facing the (dragon) we fear most. You don't wait for sleeping beauty to wake up then become a hero. You're obviously the one putting the cart before the horse and I don't see why you cant see that.
And for anyone thats ever been in that type of fairytale love will know its true. When you finally face that thing you've been hiding from, your true desire in life, there's usually a girl that will become all doe eyed and fall in love with you. Its happened to me twice.
Get out kike.
You can't wake up women, I'm not going MGTOW. I love my wife, I love my sisters, I love my mother but the truth of the matter is that by default they rely on their empathy, altruism and most importantly their social status above logic. There are exceptions but this is default and it makes sense from an evolutionary stand point to be hardcoded to do so.
The best way to "redpill" them is to reframe the argument. It's a jew technique but it works. When she says "those evil nazis" you explain the hardships of germany and how hard the german children had it thanks to jewish tampering. That's my go to for a starting redpill. I say "I hate when they use children for an agenda. Kids should worry about which level of Super Saiyan Goku is getting not gender rites" and continue from there. My wife is apparently as NS as I am but still laughs at SNL, still often told me she didn't like Trump because "her friends wouldn't accept her" etc etc.
Reframe and appeal to emotion, I know it's the worst way of doing anything but they won't listen to data, they'll listen to their heart ultimately.
why does your picture imply race mixing with asians?
And faggot, all the european fairtytales say this is the way to wake women up and it does work. Your opinion is shallow and parroted by others normies who don't think things through.
Force them to watch Mexicans beheading each other.
"you cant wake up women"
I don't see any white man with her.I don't see her kissing a gorilla. I think you're projecting your desires.
also before throwing out insults how's this. How is the idea of making her feel the tragedy and aim for the heart first some form of shallow tactic or are they goddesses that demand our worship and placed upon a pedestal?
I am telling you to lead them. I understand it's easier to larp but there is no dragon you can physically slay infront of her but there are societal and programming that you can. Understand? You're missing entire parts of the female psyche and equating how they are coded and claiming fairy tales are a far more viable source. I didn't dispute your claim that showing them strength and what not is a decent idea but this is a far more idealistic or last solution.
Learn to handle criticism.
Not what I said.
Here's the fault with pol. They want to change women via the keyboard. Doesnt work. You will only suffer.
Its the very first thing you said.
This, I don't know how many times this has to be said. DO NOT ARGUE WITH WOMEN USING FACTS, women LOVE cotton candy arguments which appeal to emotion. Are there women who don't? Yes there are, and they're fucking rare, I've only met two women like these. One was my debate coach, back when debate in Texas wasn't about how fast you can speak, the other was a career woman who despite her knowing she was wrong didn't care because she was autismal about biology.
The flaw most folks here do is that women are in a Tabula Rasa state when you engage them in arguments, like most rational men are. This couldn't be farther from the truth! Women go into arguments with their preconceptions firmly cemented and nothing you throw at them will make them budge. You have to wound them emotionally, or appeal to them emotionally.
Japs actually and not the greatest of evils, but certainly not advisable here in the west. Specially with the low white birth rate, arguably not advisable over there since they also have a very poor birth rate. Not as bad as whites, but it's getting pretty close to 1.0 replacement levels.
You can't, they're creatures who are EASILY pliable by social pressures or emotion. It's why woman's suffrage, affirmative action, public education being subverted and the sexual revolution has made them so brainwashed in the first place. Once you remove social pressures women start to ape men while trying to avoid the repercussions that comes with it.
This has been seen as far back as the Ancient Greeks.
Women go with the trends. Its why white women mostly voted Trump. It was becoming a trendy and fun thing to support him.
Women will go full 14/88 one day, but very easily could go full good goy globalist, suicidal cuck the next.
How to wake up white women is a pretty simple thing.
Have a handsome smart guy they respect extol traditional virtues and ridicule leftists, post-modernism, and degeneracy.
If they argue, laugh at them. Say they're outdated. Compare them with fat purple-haired trannies and Anthony Burch.
This only works if you're handsome and charismatic. If you're some spergy NEETnot that there's anything wrong with that please don't attempt this.
I thought about making this thread for awhile and decided I should let other men know the mythological truths Peterson is describing that are mind blwoing to me. But now I see that none of you want practical advice. You actually like yoru situation of bitching online about how the current situation is. You aren't actually people. You are meme's. Theres no point talking to any of you.
You're missing the point and you're missing the meaning.
It's not that you can't "wake them up" it's that you can't do it in a conventional stance. You can't ask a social being to become anti-social.
but you also can't scold a dog for barking.
I just stated, my wife claims to be NS but I catch her "worrying" about her social status.
It's about waking them up understanding a female psyche differs from men.
Also go out and murder some jews and niggers right now then. I'm sure it'll get you so much pussy.
Think things through user.
This guy gets it.
Learn to handle criticism.
Surprised to see actual good information in this thread. We shouldnt waste time arguing with women. When women support their men, they become a reflection of that man, and women will only support their men when it's attractive to do so. We become attractive by self actualizing and effecting change for the good. We do that by organizing amongst ourselves, not wasting our breath on someone that will go with the flow no matter what it is.
This. Confidence is key. I told my sister not to date any blacks. She told me that's racist. I said "so?" she didn't have an answer so I appealed to her emotion ("Ancestors, years of development, all wasted") and told her I would never speak to her again and laughed at her. She agreed she wouldn't - but guess what, she probably will if one is alpha enough.
Read your sentence to discover why people aren't taking you seriously.
Your wife is a spineless coward.
So are you.
Art thou enraged?
I guess i have to explain in simpler terms. Right now, women dont see a problem. They feel justified in their liberal views, and anything/one that challenges those views is seen as an enemy. The dragon in this case is liberalism, which women are happy with. You can't slay it and expect them to throw their pussies at you. That is like shooting your cute neighbor's dog because it annoys other people in the neighborhood, and then expecting her to suck your your dick in return. You need to present liberalism in way that defines it as a problem to white women, before you go ahead and slay it.
Yeah, it's a myth, not reality you dumb nigger. It's like saying that anime or VNs are an excellent tool on how to learn how to be a pussy slayer. You have to be SEVERAL layers of fucking stupid and autistic to believe such bullshit.
Fiction and myths are nothing more but depictions of what an author considers an ideal something. Reality isn't fucking ideal, there's too many fucking factors to take into consideration. Due to this what you have to do is approach women from the most problematic but pliable angle.
Which angle is that? The fact that they're much more social creatures, the fact that their biological development is geared towards the herd mentality. Ever looked at Sororities and their cult like rites of passage? You should, because it's some creepy ass shit that goes to show just how little individuality females lack.
If men have to do all the hard work/fighting the dragon then women shouldn't have the vote.
22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.
23 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.
24 Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.
t. father of 2 (soon to be 3)
kys tbh fam smdh
Think. It. Through.
user. You're saying what we're saying about it but taking it the wrong way. You want a war so I encourage you to go ahead and go shoot some niggers, go blow up a building, see what happens.
Or maybe, just maybe, you're looking to much into fantasy and not realizing strength and confidence don't have to come from from LITERALLY killing something but rather displaying masculine traits and stoicism?
But no, Holla Forums is wrong and myths are correct and not just idealistic views of both man and women.To display liberalism as evil to a woman is NOT the same way as you would do it to a man. You have to appeal to emotion and social status whether real or not. laugh at them when they're being stupid.
You're such a cuck. Total fail with redpilling your sister. You almost made it certain that she will race mix now.
(((dragons))) love ""'tacos""'
Your comment just seems like complaining, the work is still waiting for males to do, that the mistake of letting women vote is with us doesn't change that.
You don't even have to do that. There are countless chick youtubers with their entire shtick being "sjw is bad".
All you have to do is widely mock something for it to be considered taboo among the fairer sex. That's why The Daily Show was so successful in getting women to vote left. It's also why the internet hate machine is so successful in getting women to vote right. That's why goons are so triggered by MDE content.
Of course women can be smart, and of course they can be engaged in political issues, but for your regular bitch? Just play them parody songs and laugh at them when they disagree. Most women don't need a twelve point lecture on fiscal responsibility and the rothschilds. They just want to laugh along with you.
absolutely subversive of you, Rabbi.
I get it's "taboo"ifying and objection creating passion but it's an example that confidence and trends sway people, not some imaginary idea that women are walking goddesses. They are people with programming. It's why feminism works so well but also only works on men if they're already feminized.
This. Create a trend, mock, dismiss.
The myths are thousands of years old and can be trusted more than anything because they are prechristian and truly work, thats why they lasted the test of time.
Get raped you cucks. You all piss me off. Why aren't you watching Petersons videos and become philosophers and heroes?
and what peterson keeps saying about whats makes a good story is the balance or archetypes being just right. Thats why some stories are better than others. He called Frozen disney feminist propaganda and praised pinocchio. Die useless cuck.
Social Status.
Nope. All trash.
Look here christcuck
You're so transparent it's comical.
You all got it wrong.
The defining question is: Why were blondes invented? Forget vitamin D etc, What is the evolutionary advantage for a race to have females that every other race want to fuck?
Answer: prostitution. The stream of white females going south to become whore slaves goes back as long as history. This is also why Northern Europe stagnated while the South developed civilisation.
They want it. It's part of their genome.
Peterson teaches all those things in his lectures. Ignorent faggots are unbelievable. Peterson is Kek. Listen to him. Hear his kermit the frog voice speak divine truth and enlighten the goyim.
Tests done on a woman's brain structure as well as cognitive studies have shown TIME AND TIME AGAIN a woman does not do logic or spatial reasoning. The parts of the brain that are used for logical thinking patterns as well as spatial recognition lack a significant amount of cephalic folds, axons and dendrites as well as over all mass which is present in men. It's why they always score lower in spatial reasoning and logic tests but excel in language based tests.
This isn't about being a pagan or christcuck, this is just the cold and objective truth. Women are not our equals, and because of this they simply do not have the capacity for cold logic us men have. Of course there are exceptions, but exceptions do not break, or make the rules.
ban this kike. I cant believe the people on here. seriously, WAKE ME UP.
But YOU are not understanding them or taking them into account. He's stating how myths are used to create social standards and inflate an ideal. He's using the exact same argument we are but it's only PART of the puzzle. Yes creating and inflating trends works but guess what? we aren't the ONLY ones pushing narrative, trends and stories. This is why we're laughing at you. You're pretending that we're in a vacuum and that white women are not only eager to listen but would want to listen in the first place.
Again, it's not a bad thing in a vacuum, it's not a terrible ANGLE but it's not the only angle. It is just one aspect.
The dragon itself is what is making it attractive for females to vote in the first place: automation and passive consumerism. You are making the correct observations but you have to go a bit deeper than that. The whole point that men are the ones fighting the dragon is that this whole battle is intellectual, men have to find alternatives better and more trancendent. And when they have proven themselves and as a consequence the alternative, the women will express their affectionate characteristic towards that which is proven.
When you prove yourself, you automatically prove what you stand for.
The thinker thinks and the prover proves. None of our ideas are really original, its all a civilization of the dead, worshipping people of the past passively. Thats a feminine characteristic (the church is a feminine construct, a vessel). Meanwhile the will which sets out action to prove ideas is masculine. The seminal force of will makes receptive ideas fertile and applicable once more and ultimatelly gives meaning and will attract people since you have produced a set of values that not only people can hold on to (feminine, attracts women) but can also act out (masculine, attracts men).
Why do you think our outdated century old school system is so feminized? its all a bunch of theories you cant prove in the real world that were invented by dead people. It's a feminine mourning of the old. This is the underworld, you have to save women from the underworld.
You have so much to learn. You have to shame women. Why do you think women think an argument is
It's because shame works on them, so that's their go to attack for others.
Much more effective would be
And when I said that I laughed at her that's all I did, isn't it? No. I mocked her and ridiculed her. I told her how my friend was beaten and that girl stuffed between rocks.
You're not the only one on Holla Forums.
By being a hero you appeal to their emotion and even something deeper in them. Im getting so mad at you all. Has lefty pol taken over or something?
Look at this
What the fuck is that doing here? You faggots are nothing like me. You dont care for the only prechristian stories we have left, our fairytales. The jews got the traitors to burn the rest.
And reported. Try harder, intl.
He's stating myths for the soul purpose of showing people how to deal with life and avoid hell and that these architypes never change.
You’re not even trying.
Here's another song to wake up women. Bitches love Disney.
Sets up 14/88, anti-whites, and kosher-free as in-jokes in under 30 seconds.
Report and filter, fam.
This guy knows what he's talking about. Lift and read, faggots.
Okay, is this a woman or one of those faggots that dresses up like one? Because I was close to a girl who looked almost exactly like her and it pains me every time I see these images. I just don’t want to feel bad in liking the images by finding out it’s some queer.
user. You're not getting it.
You're using woman logic.
And so we explained yes, you need to be confident, assertive and stoic. You need to be a man. You need to be masculine but you seem to equate "Hero" in fables as literally going out and being Conan the barbarian not that fables are idealized versions of reality. There is a reason why Heracles never looked at the blood on his hands and pondered why he did it.
You're oversimplifying a very simple thing. Calm down, we're in agreement with the idea just not the execution. Learn to handle criticism.
Idealized versions of reality we must strive towards are not reality.
I think she is a tranny since she used to be posted a lot on Holla Forums
One search later:
Name: Lana Rain
that's all I got.
By the sheer fact you think that women can be "awoken" from their self induced slumber. By the sheer fact you think that women have the mental acuity to actually be able to understand pro-white/pro-ethnic propaganda. By the sheer fact you think we're not CONSTANTLY competing against a system that constantly plays against their biggest weakness, which is social conformity.
As one user said, you can't take out the social aspects from a woman, she will always listen to the shaming tactics. Due to her always being subject to social pressure she will never be fully awoken, just another piece on the chessboard that needs a strong leader. When dealing with women you just have to accept this, she will never be "woke" as the niggers put it. You will constantly have to shame her, and constantly show her you are her social superior.
It's in their nature to seek out those who stand out in the social ladder as strong.
fuck off.
dumb cuck its like you want her to date blacks. first you admit you created passion by making it tabboo then you say that blacks are killers and implying theyre extremely masculine.
this user is correct. Telling her no one will want her if she dates a black will appeal to her because social status is all they care about. This is the problem with so many white cucks forgiving girls who date blacks. Its telling them they will be just as attractive if not moreso.
See how wrong and cancerous you are? Now stop posting faggot and lurk for a few years.
Keep projecting.
heres an interesting video, bill cooper relates Lion King to the Mystery Religions.
Peterson reaches similiar points but is so stark how conspiratorial Peterson isn't about any of this at all. I think of this as more organic, and greedy people manipulate the knowledge gap of the occult. Its all illusions of control.
Bread and butter starts at
Essentially the mythological cycle in lion king is the same narrative structure as the assassination of JFK. There is a killing of the king archetype and the priests of the mysteries take over.
Okay Mr fedora how does one attain hero status in current year?
Where do I get started with Peterson? Is Maps of Meaning a good one? Also, how does he compare to Jung and Campbell?
Women follow strong leadership. The best way to "redpill" women is to get a girlfriend, be a leader, marry her and father her children and be a leader to your children as well.
Alexandra Gaier, a russian girl.
her name is Alexandra Gaier.
not her. another misinformation kike promoting race mixing pornstars.
In the same way I view young Molyneux, I view Peterson It's hypothesis in a vacuum but still equates to good ideas. Jung is a lot better. Maps of Meaning is a good way to travel.
Welcome to the autism user, this is what we've been saying but apparently that's wrong because…fairy tales.
Her name was Alexandra Gaier
By being a pro Israel, CoD playing, WoW playing cuckold who was just a false flag to illegitimize conservative movements in Europe? Wow man, that's the very definition of heroic. I'll sort of give him credit for killing those future pozz pill dispensers though.
She doesn't look like a tranny, notice the neck and the hands.
You can't "wake up" women, moron. They will ultimately need to be raped into submission and then enslaved. It's really the only way to solve the women problem. Men must begin to view women as a natural resource of the nation instead of viewing them as people.
just lurk goy.
Women just follow the beliefs of whoever is the most attractive male in their social group. Women are attracted to power, so for modern women, that either means apathetic hedonistic manwhores, or the government/media. If a woman enjoys your company, respects you, or considers you a viable mate, she probably won't disagree with your politics or will openly support them.
Pot, kettle, you know the rest faggot.
Well it's good to know that arguing with your autistic ass won't be a constructive thing. Or even worse, you're an FBI/NSA shill trying to instigate violence for your next false flag. Regardless, have fun in your fantasy land you retard.
Good point. Humor is a great way at mocking things that make sense, which is why the left uses it endlessly. Unfortunately for them, they dont have a monopoly on humor. I think we will see a shift to the right soon, too bad many millenial women are shit.
Okay. You're either a women or trolling so I'll just downright say it.
What, to you, is heroic action?
what is "heroic" to you?
Because you dismiss emulation of idealized males, you dismiss doing anything but literally an hero race-warring in the current climate. Again, if this is heroic then I encourage you to go do it and prove to us that you are a god to women by doing so.
He allowed cultural marxism to grow without counter ideology as balance because everyone would go >reeee remember Breivik
Because that is currently happening right now and not at all made up.
I'll watch the video later but converting white women into housewives using logic and mythic beauty ends up the same way as trying to convert promiscuous sluts by sending them to church.
The reason white girls end up with black and arab thugs is simply because they are unironically impressed by their charisma and so-called strength. If you want a catch a woman's eye, just do the fake-charisma routine.
He was a pro Israel cuck who made all the conservative movements at the time look like EBUL GUNAHZEE KILLERS OY VEY! Whatever good he did by killing those shitty underagedb& Marxists was undone due to the irreparable damage he did to the conservative and nationalist fronts in Europe, specially to those in the Nordic countries.
Peterson says similar with the Egyptian myth of King Osiris (tradition) being killed by Set (marxist chaos) and Horus has to save his father (tradition) by defeating Set and giving his own Falcon eye to his dead father that brings him back to life (restoring culture).
Petersons message is that thats what we have to do.
There is a reason why jews use humor. It disarms the opponent and makes you seem weak.
reminds me of a joke that encompasses jewish rhetoric perfectly:
"Young man, young man, come you must taste this soup!"
"No, no I insist! Come and eat of this soup!"
"Come and try this soup! It looks divine!"
"Ah, my good Rabbi. There is no spoon, how can I eat?"
"And that my good boy is the problem"
Extrapolation of myths and trying to fit them into current situation is just a waste of time. Instead, do what most sensible people in the thread already suggested and fulfill your potential as an assertive, self-realizing male. Women will respond positively to that and you will get your woman and kids that way.
We are past the stage of philosophy and rational arguments, the battle is now down to the simple evolutionary do or die.
No amount of arguing about economics or politics will be a counter to the plain fact of white population growth that must happen for our survival. The rest will follow.
This only really works if you are physically attractive. If you are reading this and don't currently have an exercise routine or are generally physically unfit, it's time to work on that.
LOL… you think this is good advice? You're like a normie who says "just forget her" when yoru friend is heartbroken and traumatized.
Why do you want a conservative movement? This isn't a time for conservation its a time for action. There is nothing left to conserve at this point.
The kike media is going to continue being the kike media regardless of any actions we do or do not take. Unless that action is gassing them. Your entire argument is muh PR and Trump showed how little you need to actually care about that.
What's her name?
David Duke
Great difference between saying offensive shit and actually killing someone you autist. Also how are we supposed to reproduce and expand the white populace if we're behind bars, or put to death in places where capital punishment is a thing? I'm starting to think this is just the NSA/FBI/some other Alphabet Soup shitposting right now trying to look for their next "fake news" false flag narrative.
Go fuck yourself.
Thanks for the wisdom bomb JT.
This is the cancer of PUA and MGTOW.
This is bizarre. Nice video.
Exactly. Comedy is our best bet. Leftists are losing the humor war.
Look at the people they push. John Oliver and Amy Schumer. Collapsing jellyfish bodies who are barely sentient. They rally against even the dumbest shit we do. Not even "we". Look at their spastic rage at fucking Milo. They're infuriated over this nigger-fucking faggot jew because he disagrees with them. . Look at them ripping their man-panties over Emily Youcis or Lauren Southern. They froth at the mouth over a handful of mic'd cuckservatives. It's textbook shit. Laugh wildly at anyone who agrees with you, but if a Holla Forumsack laughs at MDE they'll say "He's unfunny you only like him because he agrees with you you're just like the SJWs".
Everyone on the left has grown old and everyone from SA is pushing 40. Their age is starting to show.
We should push comedy. It's an area where they can't win simply beacuse they've been the comedy establishment for so long.
sage for tangent.
Great analogy user.
Now it's really getting suspicious.
We don't need more reproduction. We need to kill our enemies. We can reproduce all we want, but if our enemies are still flooding our nations with shitskins we will be bred out eventually. We need to kill our enemies, pure and simple. It is the only way to fix the problem.
I don't think you belong here friendo.
No just think about this.
Tell me this doesn't sound like fucking FBI.
It just sounds like you don't belong here.
I don't need to tell you that for it to happen (and it will happen, but that's just history).
Okay FBI thread it is. I'm out.
Any anons, I totes think going out and bombing the shit out of people and going on mass shooting sprees will get you all waifus and is the only way to be a hero, furthermore it won't fuck things up further and surely those mass shooting won't be used to polarize the kikes against the rising right-wing climate. "Just wait for Hitler" goys. They will all hang but no, it's better to go on a mass shooting.
Think this through you morons.
Also (((Heroes))) pushing for this. Go out and do it today then. Go show us all that you are not trying to create false flags. This definitely will only end well.
FBI only advocates specific crimes. Just saying "we need to kill our enemies" is not the MO of law enforcement because they cannot entrap anyone with that. They say stuff like "hey, we should go kill X tomorrow" or something like that. They suggest specific people and actions because those are the only things that will get a conviction in court.
Its not about going out and killing blacks and jews etc. Its about facing yoru personal dragon. For me its becoming a professional mma fighter. I've always half assed it because of not leaving my home town and the underlying fear of failure.
We do need to kill them but listen to the rhetoric.
We all agree they need to hang but is it not suspicious that they seem to be advocating lone shooter action? That instead of the arguments provided the only way to "get a woman" (a prize) and be a "hero" (status + title) is to be a lone gunman?
…Literally that's what others (and myself) have been saying all thread.
But then:
Anyway. Good luck FBI, maybe you'll get another "Pizzagate ebil nazi" to go one a shooting spree.
No. You faggots have been saying "just lifts weighst and get a gf bro". I'm OP and I'm saying these myths and archetypes apply directly to our success on the paths we are born to take in life. you just arent understanding. Its not about just getting a gf by being successful. By becoming a world champion you have a platform and can really change the world through yoru sacrifice.
You seem to panicking a lot, even making assumptions (excuses, really). This is your fear in the face of it's rotation, and it will rotate faster and faster as we approach the inevitable; the force will separate the weak from the strong and you have already displayed your weakness. Keep it up and Samsara remains your home. I don't even care about the OP, I'm talking about the man to come which you're definitely not.
I doubt the entire premise of the thread. Women cannot be redpilled or woken up unless they are autistic. Literally every redpilled girl is on the autism spectrum. The other 99% of normal girls cannot be redpilled and will need to be raped into submission and enslaved.
Dear FBI,
You do realize we have post ids, right?
Go instigate a violent shooting somewhere else you kikes.
With love,
White women voted majority trump. We need to focus on loser white male shut in's, first. We need to focus on helping ourselves and each other first and foremost, before we branch out to other groups. There is a TON of propaganda being targeted to specifically us, to convince us that white women are our enemies.
In one of the original tales the sleeping beauty woke up during the birth of the child the prince had given to her while she was asleep.
For what it's worth, Varg Vikernes said the exact same thing in one of his videos. His wife is autistic though, so that fits with what I wrote here:
Is it beating them? 'cause I already knew how to beat them.
Voting for Trump doesn't mean much. White women also got us to this point in the first place, where someone like Trump is considered "racist' and extreme. White women also just destroyed Austria and voted for unlimited Arabs to colonize their nation.
Exactly. This is how (((liberalism))) became "cool".
I didn't know white women were jews.
Didn't men in Sweden try that last year and Swedish women called them racist?
Swedish men are shy, effeminate pussies. That effort was bound to fail, since those guys acted like a bunch of spergs. They tried "protecting" their women but ended up throwing their spaghetti all around.
White women are jews by proxy. Since they are simply a reflection of the popular culture, and the popular culture is Jewish, then yes they are effectively Jews.
Of course the fault ultimately lies with men who allowed women to vote in the first place, but now it is a problem that we will need to deal with. And the only solution will be what the feminists claim exists now: rape culture and patriarchy. Women must be raped and enslaved until they are cured of their Jewish programming.
Make up your mind faggot.
Then you are a retard. This didn't deserve it's own thread. Where are you from OP? Your butthurt and all caps is telling.
If someone did something like that ishygddt do you want them to have notebooks full of swastikas and a copy of the turner diaries and protocols and Holla Forums as their homepage, or look like a pro-israel psycho normalfag with a facebook account?
Samantha Heighton
Women are basically jews by nature, just ones we need and are attracted to. It's in their nature as parasites of men (not a moral judgement, just their place biologically).
makes sense
That's just the media representation.
Everyone I know from Europe is anti-immigration. Even the people who immigrated FROM Europe are anti-immigration. They don't want to see their homeland destroyed and sharia'd. They are also usually good-looking guys who read books and are generally charming. I've never met a European cuck. It's just an angle the media tries to sell. Very similar to what we're trying to do here.
"Oh everyone loves immigration so you do too" doesn't work on men. Only women.
"Oh, everyone thinks the white race is dying so we should prevent it" also doesn't work on men(numales).
Women, though. It works on them.
Laugh at them when they make mistakes. Reward them when they do good. It sounds stupid and cruel, but with normalfag bitches it's the only thing that will change them. They need the Pavlov's Dog treatment.
waking up white men is more important. women will follow strong white men
that is fucking retarded, you're just not strong enough in your convictions for them to follow you
How many women do you have following you?
Which is not the same as 'waking up.' I can get a dog to follow me, doesn't mean that dog is redpilled.
In other words, he goes through the (((underworld))) which is his internal/external struggles of life and through that experience of hardship he becomes a man and bitches see him as a quality mate by his display of success(externalized confidence he built through the journey). Of course the "sleeping beauty" means the women are (((brainwashed))) leftists who need a male leader to red pill her and guide her.
So the red pilling of women happens on an individual basis by their red pilled boyfriends. Of course when society returns to normality, it will be the norm to have sane views and women will confirm to them automatically.
>tfw you will never marry this grill
>but Trump is president and you can't stop being smug
It's not only that. I would suggest that our men become warriors. Women are not attracted to weakness or irresponsibility. Any men or women who disagree with natural sex roles are defective and go into the oven.
You don't merely "wake up" women. They are craving strong men–so get fucking strong. I have been a warrior most of my life now. It is more mental than physical, but you need to gain strength and endurance to aid you in becoming a badass. Find a veteran. Get trained. DO IT. We not only need warriors for normal relations with women, we will also need them for the war. The kikes are not just going to let you gain independence because dank memes.
I redpilled my wife and now she won't stfu about racial differences and psychological differences between races.
Yeah, honey. I fuckin' know all this shit already.
Neurotypicals are one hell of a drug.
Not sure how to interpret this tbh.
For better or worse neurotypicals can't keep their mouths shut and always need to talk about something.
Brb, gotta find my sperg folder.
one time i was at a hipster burger bar for breakfast and it was a week before brexit and the chief their was from Portugal and we started to talk about brexit and the anti immigration stances he had towards islam god he made bnp look like the snp. The look on his hipster co-workers, is one I will never forget.
I googled what neurotypical meant, and it basically meant not on the autism spectrum.
But when you put it that way, yeah, I get what you're saying. Basically a fancier form of "normalfag."
Sorry, our purity signalling/spiraling/buzzword won't let us click that. Break links.
you hadn't heard that? look into sjws and 'neurodiversity'
Pretty much. I'm not a fan of diagnoses for everything, but I'll admit that it's kinda funny to read criteria for "neurotypical personality disorder" instead of asperger syndrome etc. for a change.
They are actually worse than Jews, and Jews get many of their bad ideas from white women.
If anything, I would say Jews are white women by proxy.
Don't really want to get into this topic too much deeper
Is his wife legit autistic? She does give off a funny vibe, but I never considered that
Diagnosed assburger confirmed.
So he agrees with Varg?
It's right in the comments
I can explain this in a simple sentence. Women will go along with whatever you tell them to. That's all there is to it. If you aren't a loser, you will be confident enough to find a decent woman and turn her into a full on white nationalist or whatever you want.
The only women who won't go along with what you say are ugly Feminist dykes you won't want to fuck anyway. They are what you might call genetic dead-ends. That's the best thing about women. The women who want to protect their race will inevitably end up being the women most likely to breed and produce children like them.
Explain Gertrud Scholtz-Klink then
The wikipedia article on her is fairly accurate for once. Then again she was a fervent Nazi until her death.
Also this article tickled my funny bone; take a look at the comment section.
I like how Holla Forums forgets Romney got 3 percent more of them then Trump did.
This is a super high quality lecture series for meme magic redpills and social psychology. Plus you'll understand, although he doesn't discuss , that this informs us about the aryan racial mind from which we are formed.
You have to remember how long Anders had been planning to do something. He thought it over for at least 8 years. He did join a Masonic lodge at one point, but only ever went to four meetings. Since the attacks, he has admitted that the things he did leading up to them and some of the views in his manifesto were to hide his militant nationalist views behind a veil of counter-jihadist Christianity and to protect like-minded Norwegians from media scrutiny and reactions from lawmakers; Anders has also admitted that he is an Odinist, and that his beliefs in National Socialism are what keeps him going through the isolation of Norwegian prison.
Anders Behring Breivik is not a Zionist, and although there is no evidence that he ever browsed Holla Forums, he is one of us.
lol You don't know that.
He's talking about himself. He's mentioned it in his videos as well.
Takes a while but you will get it. Start with babby's first Banepost and work your way up the tower.