Plan going forward: Operation Final Solution

As we all know genocide occurs in countries throughout the world.
It has even occurred throughout the united states in the past; I;e: with the native population, both internecine, and manifest destiny.

There must be some correlation between them.

Hypothesis; there exists a set of "event flags" that exist in all human society, so as when the conditions are right a group can be exterminated for the greater good of another group.

Now how does this effect us?
Our goal should be to identify and apply those "event flags" so as to further the collective goal of exteriminating the Semites.

Other urls found in this thread:–19!U84XjT6I!MwXlUfoYpJUbDQ84V-1YtjQzXVTdRZe3VbaEFOYGpGQ

I propose a collective research effort into all known genocides and mass exterminations, as well as looking into research of others and what they have found.

We must find the ultimate triggers. It's time to research the Final, ultimate solution to the Jewish and degenerate problem.

Resources to get us started:

I myself am a historian and do work in genocide research and studies so I too will be working on this.
It will be my life's goal if nothing else.

But I come to Holla Forums to ask this because it is a swarm intelligence without peer, and it can process this far better than I.

Oh, and thread theme

Genocides are almost always prefaced by internment camps. And the internment en masse of ethnic groups is almost always a knee-jerk reaction to prevent espionage, sabotage and so forth by said ethnic group, usually one the host nation is at war with. (All you goys already know this.)

Point being, it's more likely – albeit still unlikely – that Muslims will be interned, here, in the United States.

Skypes? Not so much. Maybe we could give them free plain tickets to visit their homeland they "care" about so much. I'm spit-balling, here.

See: continue to watch anime and shitpost memes

It would be the memetic equivalent of researching the atomic bomb.

I can't wait for our version of Trinity.

Opinion discarded.

No, it should be possible to even eradicate them.
A weapon as proposed by op would be just that, a weapon.
Noone would be immune.

Without winning the consent of the People its not happening. But the Jew is crafty and prepared for this, so we must be craftier and first

By doing this the Jew will be too busy fighting himself to realize what we're doing.


This must be a campaign which lasts a number of years - not weeks or months. If you want the Jews gone you must be willing to work towards. We must cultivate disgust and hate for the Jew based in their religious beliefs.

Then the stage will have been set.

We need to take the lynchpin out of the Holohoax on our way.
Also stoking division among the Jews is a great idea.
To an extent, they already do it to themselves.
Now how to exacerbate the situation.

OP asked for these flags, I gave the obvious ones, that's all.

Also, my reference to Jews as Skypes is bothering you, I can tell.

There, apologies.

I think maybe "othering" and dehumanizing of the Jews must occur before we can destroy them.

Said, we need to find a way to sow disgust and hatred in our culture for the Jewish parasite.

I would say that their traditional circumcision ritual, and the fact that it gave kids herpes is a good place to start.
Also, we should remind many other groups that they hate the Jews as well.

very good. dont forget the pedophile angle - sexual crimes against children is enough to turn almost anyone against the Jew, especially women.

To show them as they truly are wouldn't convince very many people simply because the amount of subversion that would have to be undone wouldn't be efficacious. However, this
I think is a good idea. Impose their own standards of what a society should be like upon them and then make the narrative deafening until they have to respond. Or, they stage another false flag and we're back at square one.

We are going to have to use emotional language and themes again.
Everything we have learned so far is going to need to be employed.
We need to press a two prong attack strategy;

Equal parts divide and conquer pitting open borders kikes against Zionists, while we hit mainstream culture with truth bombs, and attacks on Israeli/Jewish culture.

sounds like a plan. may be a good time to start creating maymays, videos and other redpill media

I tried to look this up and it was pointed out the Talmud also says girls have puberty at that age, so it probably is a mistranslation or the original source used the wrong number. I know most here won't care, but if anyone could deal with that issue I would find it helpful.

try harder moshe

You dont think its possible to destroy jewish influence without killing them?

Mass sterilization and destruction of their culture would be fine too.

Yeah, let's just try to exclude them from public life. I'm sure they'll just go away and not bother us anymore.

Amen. We must eradicate them all.


Implying we even need to that, the jew is doing that himself. Best part is he doesn't even realize it. The best thing we can do is attempt to show the people what these jews are really like, a deliberate attempt to remove them will only cause sympathy for the jews.

I believe justice would be best served by:
1) Send all jews back to Israel
2) Take control of the UN
3) Force Israel to tear down its "racist" border walls and unify with Palestine politically
4) Create NGOs which will funnel millions of Sub-Saharan African to Israel
5) Let the rape gangs do their thing
6) …
7) The only living descendants of the Jewish people are niggers who pray towards mecca 5x per day

It's all about karma and poetic justice.

Gun bans
Dehumanization propaganda overdrive

There is only one solution to the Jewish Question. A lot of people on the "alt. right" or with white/ethno nationalist views think kikes just have to go back to Israel and they won't bother us anymore, and everything will be great.

This is a seemingly reasonable view to pleb-tier WNs just starting out. What everyone needs to understand, is Israel is only around because of Jews outside Israel. Hitler offered Jews their own state. They were too embedded in Germany to take his offer. The Jew is deeply embedded in the West, both to further the Protocols whether it's real or not makes no difference, it's being played out word for word or to have the goyim die protecting Israel. This will be controversial, but I personally think a mass killing of some kind happened to the kikes. Evidence points to it certainly not reliable or consistent evidence, and vastly over exaggerated numbers, but something happened. We'll never know for sure. However, I don't view the the attempted extermination of the jewish race, if it happened, to be anything to be ashamed of. They richly deserve to die. It is justice. They will never "all go back to Israel". They have it too good. They are a cancer, and the only way to beat a cancer is to kill it; exorcise it from yourself. You can't reason with cancer. You can't 'keep it in one spot' Israel. You can't take half-measures. You can only exterminate it. First the jewish elite in the West must die. Then the average kike. Finally, we take out Israel. That's the end goal. Who knows if we'll ever reach it, and I know it seems almost cringeworthy LARPing, but this is the only way.


Someone in another thread complained that the Jews false flag is all the time, why don't we do the same to them? Think about it, we're good at supremacy and memes, let's make some really horrifying (to the normie) Jewish supremacy memes, all goyim should be killed, our high IQ justifies genociding the non Jews, maybe that list of Talmudic passages, and start posting it in normies spaces. Get them freaked out that Jews literally want them dead and then we can ride in as fucking heroes instead of misunderstood villains.

This is acceptable , but we should always make then believe we are on the edge of lolercausting them.

And if we get the chance we should a couple times.

Not obliterating the UN outright, cmon user we don't need that dinosaur.

Yep I'm on Holla Forums.

Nice try FBI. Maybe next time.

That's your pathological altruism talking. For any other species, the ecological solution is clear: you cull the problem species and any hybrids they've produced with the one you're trying to protect. You do not undertake some massive and pointless task such as trying to capture all members of the problem species and train them to be nicer before releasing them back into the wild and hoping the conditioning works, as well as providing ongoing recapture/retraining programs. That's absurd.

The Jew has been punished on an individual and collective basis for his crimes for over a thousand years; disincentivizing usury, better financial law, and expulsions have done exactly nothing to curb their behavior. It is a game for them where, every time the White man gets angry, the Jew slithers off somewhere for a generation or two, before relying on the White man's descendants' naivety and pathological altruism to claim that the stories they've heard about them are greatly exaggerated or entirely false, and that they were horribly mistreated, and the lest those filthy goyim can do is let them back in. And every single time, it works. With unprecedented historical perspective as we have now, it is clear what you are proposing cannot work, and you are either ignorant, stupid, insane, or Jewish for suggesting it in the face of this. It's time to be free of this cycle, because it's a losing cycle for us: each time, we lose a little more of our traditional land, each time our genes get a little more polluted.

If they can't have their "beige horizon" this time before another uprising, I am not going to give them the opportunity to try again to wipe us all out after I'm no longer there to personally fight against it. You will either get behind me, or you will die along with them.


Obviously, but we will get rid of it after we have finished using it for our purposes.


I offer this hand drawn Gondola only ever seen by one eye before as tribute to our memetic victory

It's stickied.
This is a nat-soc board


Damn, you were just missing another 8

They have control of the media (news and Hollywood), and are embedded deeply into government institutions. They will never allow any sort of event flags to take place.

The only event flag that would ever matter would have to be so huge that normies encounter a situation that puts into question their very livelyhood (in which case they'll be open to blaming outside factors). So basically an economic collapse.

This. It'll be a huge waste of time/energy attempting to undo the Holohoax programming. It'll be easier just convincing people that the Jews deserved it.

"national socialism = unfeeling genocide" has been the exact call to keep any aspects of its political views out of the public sphere of acceptable opinions, and it's why the holocaust is such a cherished narrative in the hands of our enemies.

Your image is also low-energy.

Yeah, and we are working to make it acceptable.
We already brought racism and nationalism back.

Surely there has to be a way.



AND it just so happens that trust in the mainstream media is at an ALL TIME LOW

Normalfags are in a transition period right now from Television to the Internet as their main info source. That means we absolutely must strike while the iron is hot, strike while the internet is still somewhat ours.

Now is the ideal time to drop redpills anywhere and everywhere across the normieverse of the internet.

This is our chance to finally show everyone the true nature of our enemy.

That's pretty much us.
It's not a false sentiment.
Also, if your intent was to somehow make that look bad, it didn't work.

I see a bunch of happy huwhites.

Wew lad.

I just thought it was a fucking hilarious sentence. Fly on the wall, that whole deal.


Despite your optimistic opinion, don't you think it's a little weird to have this stickied while the thread was so young? I could imagine outside groups would love to co-opt the board management and get something like this stickied, as It's the sort of subject-matter that would push away new users while also possibly bringing the law in here.

This is legal.
We are just drawing frog swastikas in a Malaysian tapioca pudding vat.

Don't mind us.
This must scare you quite a bit. There aren't even very many shills in here.

In all cases, there was a strong will in the people perpetrating the genocide. The biggest precondition is creating unified will within whites. Jews already position themselves as enemies of whites, but whites do not feel unified enough to oppose this. If we get white unity, then genocide of Jews will naturally happen.

Oh, and we would obviously need to get rid of christfaggotry, since the most they will do to jews is expel them or try to convert them, and 99% of Christfags would strongly oppose extermination of all Jews.

Or convert the christfags to Orthodox Christianity.

But we need to not talk to hard on the topic for now.

you spelled kikes wrong

can definitely be interpreted as a call action close to the legal grey-zone. I have been here for years and we have always been conscientious and careful, especially of outside influence, which this stinks of. It's warfare 101 to try to make your enemy's opinions more extreme to the point of internal fracture.


Also; muh pr

They oppose killing Jews, too. And they marched with Martin Luther Koon for desegregation. All denominations of christfaggotry are bluepilled and treason. We will need to treat Christfags the same way the Bolsheviks treated them, but sending them to gulags, executing their priests, and demolishing their churches.

I'm glad your avoided the D&C normally associated with christianity issues, but I'm confused how you don't see genocide as potentially polarizing

Why is this stickied?? Anyways, i believe there was posted a whike back, a pattern with jews being ousted from nations. The people are almost always aligned against jews except the skypes use their money and influence to garner support from the ruling class. Whenever there is upheaval or collapse in a country is when they people were allowed to assert themselves and excommunicate the jews since the jewish money and influence would be worth nothing (after a collapse there is nothing to bribe).

In todays terms, the same thing would happen if the economy were not able to support its most corrupt institutions: the media which gaslights and prevents the peoples' minds from entertaining notions that actually are in their best interest, and the school/higher education schemes which perpetuate marxism and supply the subversive elements of society with useful idiots which shout down and oppress those who would call the emperor has no clothes on the massive shell game they're playing.

The only thing that is different now is the internet which is a massive game changer and can be used to circumvent the need for societal collapse to actually steer our ship in a non suicidal direction.


No. You need to relax. The point of the image is that it's a compelling meme. I'm just considering what I know about human psychology that would allow us to make use of the existing Holohoax hysteria to condition people against Jews. Consider that they have spent decades "educating" the masses on the topic, so a lot of the intellectual groundwork has been laid. I believe it is possible to repurpose it though memes similar to the one I linked above.

There has actually been quite a bit of research on the topic, though the Jews obviously call them "conspiracy theories". What I see is the potential, under certain conditions, to use memetics to rapidly redefine what people consider to be true, which as Mr. Goebbels once said, will work all the better if the message we give them is actually true. So, we find "triggers" such as the ones being searched for above with reason alone in:

Mostly intuitive; the sense of a "loss of control", and "stress". More recently, I read this paper which many of you should find interesting, especially in this thread:

>Conspiracy theories, or in general seriously distorted beliefs, are widespread. How and why are they formed in the brain is still more a matter of speculation rather than science. In this paper one plausible mechanisms is investigated: rapid freezing of high neuroplasticity (RFHN). Emotional arousal increases neuroplasticity and leads to creation of new pathways spreading neural activation. Using the language of neurodynamics a meme is defined as quasi-stable associative memory attractor state. Depending on the temporal characteristics of the incoming information and the plasticity of the network, memory may self-organize creating memes with large attractor basins linking many unrelated input patterns. Memes with fake rich associations distort relations between memory states. Simulations of various neural network models trained with competitive Hebbian learning (CHL) on stationary and non-stationary data lead to the same conclusion: short learning with high plasticity followed by rapid decrease of plasticity leads to memes with large attraction basins, distorting input pattern representations in associative memory. Such system-level models may be used to understand creation of distorted beliefs and formation of conspiracy memes, understood as strong attractor states of the neurodynamics.

Again, framing the research in terms of conspiracy theory, but of particular note is the part in bold. Emotional arousal increases neuroplasticity; short learning followed by a rapid decrease of plasticity leads to memes with large attractor basins, i.e. which link many "unrelated input patterns".

So, combine this with what we know of the psychological mechanism "reaction formation" (either for or against our cause):

And we are tantalizingly close to an empirical theoretical basis for reconditioning those brainwashed with "muh Holocaust".

You don't get it. It's always been the plan.
How many posts over the years have you seen discussing this?

I bet 1in10 posts on Holla Forums either make a holohoax joke, or talk about gassing them.

The sentiment is real. Not a joke.

Welcome to Holla Forums come for the funny memes, stay for the genocide

Oh, well carry on.
100% agreed , just my shilldar is sensitive.

Alternative version

1) Send them all to Israel
2) Take away their nukes
3) Cut off aid
4) Embargo Israel
5) Let the Muslims do what they will

This is probably doable in the next 20-30 years.

Calling for genocide is not illegal.

Somewhat true, but that's off the mark. Hatred of the jews and other racial enemies are there, but the widespread acceptance that genocide (in the kill 'em while under our state's control sense) is the solution is not. Expulsion first, as this fits into a framework based on honor. From my standpoint, this doesn't fit with the way the board has been evolving as of late (too big a leap in too short a time), and seems to be something our enemies would want us to do.

Not really. I've seen impassioned defenses of this for almost a decade first on cuck Holla Forums and here.

I'm for anything that's feasible.
And the best part is expulsion pretty much is a pogrom.

I am equally for neutering their power and killing only those that resist/making them open borders.


There is nothing honorable about allowing your enemies to regroup so that they can attack you again. Killing your enemies is the only honorable action.


We're in agreeance on going for what's feasible.

That's a strawman. There are truths beyond survival (although survival should commonly take priority). Honor, beauty, and the spiritual needs of our people must be considered.

Altruism aside, is there any practical reason to preserve certain individuals? Individual variation inevitably would suggest that there would be some who would be worthy of exemption. Even if it is only a 'you hang last' sort of thing. The Machiavellian problem of not being thorough in brutal fashion is obviously the point being made, but is it too generalized? If there is a reason for preservation, how would one select for it and ensure no backlash down the road?

Likewise, you would need an extreme suffering event to occur in society to make such an idea even permissible to think about among normies. Germany arguably only came to the point it did due to the ravages of post WWI and the horrifying depression its people suffered, which allowed them to so enthusiastically support Hitler's Natsoc. People who are not suffering to such an extent will be harder to convince of a new direction so out-of-line with previous thinking.

But then again, the world is on the brink of economic collapse that should hit us any month now, so… Perhaps therein lies an opportunity for something to happen to whomever gains dominance of it.

Anhero at your local role supplier immediately.


You clearly are not ready for this board. Maybe stay on cuckchan for a few more years.

Go back to the L-1 forest cuckchanners.

Support doesn't need to be there, all we need is a hatred, which we already have, no sensible person likes niggers, jews or spics, as an innate prerogative. All we need is a strong leader to support and the people will follow him, they will support it then. Not many people have the capacity to read through all the material we do, even if they would come to the same conclusion. I believe it is destined for a champion to rise among us.

With the right leader, yes, anything is possible. But to sticky this sentiment now seems like a co-opt to me.

I think it's a immunoreaction to the uptick in shills saying we shouldn't kill Jews, and to stop being racist.

Considering there are other threads of similar or greater importance/popularity, yes. It does seem strange this is stickied.

Native Americans, Armenians, and Tutsis have very little in common.

Making me a bit nervous as well. But you know the greek myth where a dude just can't not look at some kind of horrific sight.

But it helps to study mega-satan.

We just need to subvert the sjw white male meme to nigger/jews genocide.

Postan in this bread so I can be on the news

Suddenly ghettos. And the camps.

First: turn evil nazism into something "fun" for normies through jokes. i.e., "haha swastika", "lol hitler", "omg that's like an holocaust" etc. This is illegal in some places, of course.

Second: now that it's "fun" and "edgy" to be a nazi (we all went through this stage, and this is why this board started as just that: edgy and rebellious), teens will identify because they want to become the counter culture. So show them how the system is against this ideology, and basically just tell them the raw truth about how jewish the elites are.

Third: keep antagonizing this group. Help the system in the worst ways possible: make anti-white flyers (not TRS! fuck!) and put them in campuses. Make overly anti-white propaganda that normies will hate (like the brown power video which not even the cucks liked). The elites are so incompetent they're doing this for us, but we can do more.

Fourth: group together, make it into a political party, even if in a partial form. Get elected with more tame versions of what now everyone wants (just a bit over what Trump already is)

Fifth: keep antagonizing the now-majority with "bad help" for the commies.

Sixth: Establish the power needed to genocide those that everybody hates.

Seventh: Do what everybody wants, but, dress it up nicely. Make them feel you could be doing more, like stroking their collective cock too slowly to orgasm.

I love this place sometimes.

Well if the (((mods))) agree then it must be okay.

removing niggers likely to happen before we solve the jew problem, as more people can identify with nigger hate. people see niggerdom in their daily lives, whereas if you didnt read about jews or something, you likely wouldnt know much about them. the most important thing is getting whites to unite behind behind their best interests. once we remove niggers, whites will have a good taste and they will want more. once that happens, it will be easy to shift the momentum over to jews. we just need to get our foot in the door and get the ball rolling. a good time for a race war is this summer. the weather will be warm and trump's policies will be starting to take effect. niggers and shitskins will not be happy with the progress that whites will be making. trump is currently a nigger lover though, so there will likely have to be massive chimpouts before he starts revealing certain power levels. we will see

momentum is our greatest strength in this. if we have momentum we can keep pushing. it is likely that whites as a whole will not be the ones to be responsible for starting the race war

Those digits suggest Kek does not agree with you. To take this further and address OP's topic of triggers: the world is run by the thoughts of autists as autism is unfiltered divine soulless insanity - most of Holla Forums are spergs (higher functioning autists who have enough of a soul to control the divine) who control a horde of autists through memes further magnifying their power. To do as you suggest and use this group to make anti-white flyers would start an anti-white genocide, this is why you're idea is bad and you are (even if unwitting) a shill for TRS.

Harold Covington's Ghost Dance goes into this shit a bit

You suddenly realize:

Everything jews have touched have ruined your life.

Reminder that Jews have nukes and will use them against anybody that threatens their existence. If you want to make the Holocaust real, you first need to find a way to neutralize them.

My plan for niggers in America, Europe and natives once we claim Africa, tbqh. Maybe use the young women as surrogates.

With chemical rather than surgical means I expect less of a backslash.

The ideal thing would be for someone to develop a genetically targeted virus. This is both my greatest hope and fear for the future. It all depends on who does it first.
By modifying viruses you can do all sorts of crazy godlike stuff, not just making people sterile, but mass scale genetic engineering. You could make nonwhites give birth to Aryan Übermensch (By rewriting the DNA of their sperm and eggs).

We need to make the general public feel that it is either them or us. Then they would go to any lengths, provided that before that, the jews are pogrom'd, hated and spit on on the streets. It's really fascinating how fast violence progresses. Then we would have normalfags who don't care what happens to them at worst, and at best, actively participating in the purge. This would take years, of course, and gradual steps, but it is doable.
My proposition in steps:
Now my points end. I'm not sure as to starve them, maybe start a plague, gassing in my opinion would not be the smartest thing. Any ideas?

reminder that a race war is brewing and its going to start pretty soon

Do you think it will help us with tve plan for later or during the rahowa?

If there is a race war, I'd just troll my niggas to fucking lose.

Jews are the 'women' of our life'


Genocide or eradication wouldn't make a difference because Jews aren't proactive, they're reactive. They just do the same actions that gentiles do, but amplify it tenfold because most gentiles don't want good values anymore. Look at how many race traitors and libshits there are, it's disgusting.

Things like the CBC Comedy white genocide video trigger the fuck out of people. Clearly it has the opposite effect they intend it to. Perhaps inducing a larger American outlet to produce something similar but with higher production quality would have a greater effect.

I swear the SPLC moderates this board.

Got a fund drive coming up soon? Need some recent examples of internet extremism? Why not pin a thread asking us to LARP another holocaust?

Since we're LITERALLY HITLER we might as well co-opt his playbook.

Start small and subtle. We need to reclaim the Internet (our ancestral homeland, if you will) and free the normies from the yoke of SJW "hate speech" policies. Here we will take a three-pronged approach:

Team 1 is subterfuge and dissent spreaders. No doubt the enemy is watching Holla Forums closely, especially after pizzagate. Team 1 will infiltrate normie ranks a la facebook, twatter, reddit, and other normie sites. They make sleeper accounts, post like a normie for a few weeks, gain followers, gain credibility, etc. Then, slowly, they'll post soft redpills - nothing overt - and gradually boil the frog in the water. Since Team 1 is effectively undercover, the enemy won't be able to tell the infiltrators apart from the crowd.

Team 2 is the Kek Posters. They'll effectively muddy the waters by posting overt, noisy redpills. These guys will be the banned, the shunned, and the Holla Forumstards. They're the edgy faggots who will smokescreen Team 1. Here is where you'll stretch the agenda, post Holohoax shit, name the Jew, act effectively like its 2004, push the enemy to the offensive and make the MSM go nuts about nazi frog magicians. Be as ridiculous as possible.

Team 3 is the Offense. Remember our friends CTR? This team takes down paid shills and their useful idiots. Our primary targets, however, will be the JIDF and associates. These can include the mods of popular reddits or forums, high profile information companies, and exposing the trails of money through doxxing and honeypots. Once Team 3 has secured its object, Team 1 can start pushing the envelope even further.

Anybody got copies of Goebbels' strategies?

I think the only way at this point is to get the jews to do it themsleves.
Make it profitable to turn on eachother.
They cant say no to profit, it is literally the most important tenant of their "religeon"
Create a situation where they are absolved of the crime of killing other jews, then tell them they can "keep what they kill" they wouldnt be able to stop. Then all we have to do is kill the"gigajew" that beats the others.
Sorry if typos on my phone.

Get a picture of a Rabbi sucking a bleeding penis… should be a good start, I concur.

They're only that way because of propaganda from Jewish media you dumb faggot. Eradicating Jews would solve most problems immediately.

This is something we need more of tbh. Black propaganda is extremely effective here. The fastest way to make whites start uniting as a race is to put them on the defensive. Fastest way to do this is black propaganda.

No internment camps for Rwandan genocide. 400,000 dead in a week.

Well said.

This got stickied? Kek.

I have a theory on this thread. I'll bet behind the scenes, the kikes are proving… recalcitrant… to remove their greedy claws from the levers of power. This thread is the Deep State posturing. I mean, it's obvious that alphabets play a role in the chans, there's absolutely no getting around it. Perhaps they are signalling to the kikes that they really can raise up battalions of American Schutzstaffel at any time they choose. The memetic angle isn't a red herring, memes is how you would do something like that. Or, perhaps they're trying to get input on to build such a "memetic bomb" from the people best qualified to explain it - us, obviously.

Quality post. I wonder if perhaps the Jews are threatening to crash our banking system if Trump isn't somehow contained. The threat would be, "If you crash our banking system, we'll invest the emotional energy generated into exterminating you once and for all. Tread lightly, kike."

The moment idiots start talking about systematic murder as a 'solution' is the moment me, and probably 90% of right wingers, are out.

Of course they're "recalcitrant." They're mentally ill nihilists whose entire purpose in life is the destruction of everything good and beautiful so they can become the masters of shit. They want everything to be shit, and they want to be the owners of it, covered in it. They are entropy in the flesh. They are an existential threat to everything good in the universe and MUST be put down, permanently.

>We shouldn't eliminate polio, that's raciss

It has even occurred throughout the united states in the past; I;e: with the native population, both internecine, and manifest destiny.

You poor, brainwashed goy. You need to read.. a lot.

It wouldn't solve anything at all because Jews only amplify what's already existing. They didn't start the porn industry nor did they have anti-white attitudes initially. Those two entities began with white folk. It began with white figures like Eugène Pirou and Harriet Beecher Stowe. Jews only saw that anti-nationalist and anti-white attitudes were accepted so they took it to the next level.

It's true that that elite Jews provide poison to gentiles, but it's because gentiles love that poison so much that they'll buy it in bulk. Be it lies from the press, porn, dishonest academia, etc. In order achieve prosperity, you have to fix the problems within your race. You're more likely to lose in a bicycle race by having a tire slashed or having your pedals broken.

If you don't buy it, then they are completely harmless.

I loathe the paranoid, vindictive, dishonest, and narcissistic attitude of Semitic press, entertainment, and politicians as well, but remember how they became that way in the first place. It's because we funded degenerate ideals that have only hindered us. Fix yourself and your people before you fix others.

Here are a few examples: Subway guy, Roman Polanski, Woody Allen, Bryan Singer, David Neuman (Disney).

Also, add in sexual perverts like Howard Stern, Dr. Ruth, and John Money.

The posters calling out anti-whiteness are a great step. Makes die normalfagen feel under scrutiny, if not attack. Combined with the current establishment's proclivity to double down, it's a recipe for racial awakening. Any NEET with nothing to lose should be getting in on it.

I tried something similar among family not long ago. I was in a… dispute… with an aunt. She said something dumb and I jokingly posted pic related. She decided to make a retarded comment about the jews being gods chosen people, so I posted several memes about how jews see goyim as cattle, want to exterminate the white race, etc…

She became horrified and left the conversation, refusing to believe. Normies are too asleep for true memes. We need to find a way to trigger jews to do the same things as muslims, it's likely to be the only way to turn the public at large against them.

Flag the muzzies, them will kill each other

>this is why you're idea is bad and you are (even if unwitting) a shill for TRS
You have to understand what 7D chess is. Don't do what makes sense for you to do, do what will work as future events will unfold. Kek works by mysterious ways.

Oh, and, you know Poe's law, right? It means we can just take what the media has said (maybe even reference it) and magnify it. Just take the beige power video, make a QR code out of it and include it in printed propaganda.

Many whites don't know how hated they are by the media. Just show them the media, doing a terrible job at it and making the already-prevalent white hate portions and highlight them as in jest. Like we're laughing at the normie's face for being an idiot.

You need to make her/others horrifyied about what Jews believe. How many people have seen how Jews think behind the scenes? Don't make it sound like it's just your opinion, because it isn't. Use memes that work for her.


They became that way because they're degenerate down to their DNA. They are a disease. Very much like the prion diseases that infest them due to their cannibalistic practices.

Maybe I pushed too hard. I used some of this stuff.

Those are good. Archive links or any other source would improve them. Just don't start by "kill jews man".

In fact, just push for "do you know jews hate white people, right? here, see…" until they hate them themselves. "It's not like I hate jews, but they do hate white people… it's sad". I've seen this work more than once.

(((Martin Schulz))) looks a lot like my (((culture and philosphy marxist cuckery 101))) teacher. Used to come in to class ten minutes before the bell and talk to his sockpuppets who parroted and sponged every bullshit thing he used to say in class.
Perhaps we could meme jews as being the annoying teacher everybody hates. If we can associate the kayaks on unsecured public wifi, don't want to get flagged with unappealing and unhappy experiences, we could hit a wider audience and hit hard by connecting it with the normie's personal experience. i.e. as much as I hate to say it, ingrain a negative pavlovian response to jews.

Are you guys conspiring again? Remember what Capt. Price said, Holla Forums.

This is an interesting angle. Inoculating goy minds with yid antibodies will give herd immunity.

The trouble right now is that goy minds are infected with a worldwide plague of memetic AIDS - a cocktail of memes instilled in the formative years and constantly bolstered through indoctrination and brainwashing in school, social situations, exposure to mass media, (((social networking))) and (((google's))) "hey goy what can I help you find?" technologies. The end result is that the mind's memetic immune system attacks itself (strengthens pro-yid, anti-white beliefs) and causes weakness/submission of the goy mind, and consequently, its gonads and/or ability to raise resilient offspring (if any).

We first have to give goy minds a "cultural infusion" in order to restore their probiotic memes. Healing of the mind by repopulating it with the right kind of diversity (the kind that we breed here on this board). Only then, when the memetic immune systems are functioning, can we most effectively inoculate against the yid.

Not all minds can be inoculated. That is one weakness of the plan.

Why you'd hate to say it? Dubs confirm. Most people are like dogs on the mainstream leash.


This is a good point. We love the Nazis and understand why they did what they did. But we have to invent an entire iconography of American patriotism that revolves around the successful, prosperous white family, we should have a fondness of the Swastika, but we need something autochthonic to our own zeitgeist. A fascist nostalgia can only take us so far.

Look into my eyes, Schlomo, I am the kike now.

For a kike genocide, it's almost impossible, they need to be hated, but they are always the fucking victim. You would need to unmask the fuck out of the kikes, and unfortunately the fucking normalfags are too lazy to even get spoon fed, if not outright brainwashed to ignore anything starting with 'hitler was right'.

They need to be dehumanized first and foremost

weird sticky, tbh

anyway, I believe we're now going through something our species never went through before. Remember, (((they))) have been expelled from many nations, many times. What would make it different this time around?

This time around they overplayed their hand -globally- and they have come very near to accomplishing their endgame (nwo, goys slaves for every jew, etc.).

I see antisemitism rising as I've never witnessed in my life. talking about jew's being the bad guys is no longer taboo. You can see on normie newspaper webpage's comments a lot of stuff against them. This is definitely a new trend.

I don't know if it will escalate fast enough since they have total control on the media. The only place we can somehow escape that control in the internet, but I don't know for how long.

My point is, this is a global diaspora brewing. If it reaches boiling point, it might be the time where we ACTUALLY get rid of this cancer that has done so much damage to our people.

I really hope it happens.

Hitler realised this, that's why he sent them to camps. That's also why kikes scream MUH SIX MILLION and brainwash everybody that Hitler is the worst person in history; they're fucking terrified somebody like him will rise again and actually Holocaust them.

There it is. It's called transmarginal inhibition.

Why just American? You can base it on broader concepts of white civilization.

I became quite the white nationalist not because of border lines but because of why whites built everything good under the sun.

In my opinion in order to cull the modern jewish problem we have to cut the source of their power. Economics. It will have a devastating effect on their global power structure. I don't know how this could happen however, unless we go back to the gold standard, which is what got JFK and co killed.

A resource backed currency is bad for the Jew, because they can't manipulate the markets if someone actually owns their own wealth. With gold currency, your money is your own and not someone elses, inflation doesn't affect you as much.

If we restrict them economically, it will REALLY hurt their power and influence on the western world, once they become vulnerable, it would be the perfect time to strike in one fell swoop. Declare Judiasim a religion of hate (Like modern Islam), talk about pedo cults, cannibalism, chomping on baby dicks, drinking blood, etc… Really ramp up the propaganda. Then equate the Palistine conflict with that of the Nazis seizing surrounding lands and BAM. It's annuddah shoah.

It is mildly jarring to discuss the matter seriously, mostly because of the urge to keep one's hands clean.

I can't see myself participating in this discussion - if it is actually taking this serious tone, from here on - beyond keeping up with it and being a neutral party.

I'm half-expecting to see a screencap of this thread show up in the msm at some point hi mom, heil hitler

The tall tale of the Jews being burned has passed into literature by those whom herd the stories first hand that were passed originally, and secondly by those looking to amplify the cause. I would write for stories that benefit us and tarnish the Jews, lets get a politically incorrect press, and Holla Forumsack authors to further our agenda to the common people.

I dont get that analogy, but I agree with the rest. Holla Forums, and natsoc in general, often decends to the level of a drugee wishing he had the balls to kill his dealer.

Duterte killing dealers is not what will win him his war on drugs. Mexicans do that every day, and it gets them nowhere, as long as there is a market for it. Because most of the Mexican drug trade goes to America, there is no way they can win their war on drugs short of invasion, killing every American addict in the proces. The American war on drugs is no better off. Its easier to focus on the problem across the border, than the fact that there will always be a provider to a degenerate nation. Duterte killing drug-addicts is what might win him his war on drugs. Its the habbit which creates the market. Make that habbit unfeasable and you win.

Basically the same. And pretty much what user I respond to said. Virue can never be optained by anyone but yourself. If all jews vanished tomorrow, neither NY-times, cocaine or pornhub would lie dormant for more than a few houers, tops. Then the next group would take over, and your loathing would have found a new object. A great many people says that jews project a lot on this board. And they do! Their own racial biases mostly. But White Nationalists tend to do it also. When they realise that they are unable to help the people they love from their own degenerate desires, they project desires of white people unto another group. There is nothing Übermenscish about turning your own insecurity into murder-plots.

Holocaust would not solve shit. As I see it, right-leaning waifufags are currently during more to save the white race than this entire thread! The do at least have the courage to admit that there is something wrong with the beaviour of whites, which whites need to fix. This is not so much meant to encourage waifufags as it it meant to demonstrate how bloody futile this endeavour of your really is.

To all those worried about pr;
Holla Forums has already killed quite a few over the years.
I dont think this is anything.

This sort of cucked mindset is what will make us lose. Jews are trying to wipe out our race and you want to play nice with them?

Then don't discuss it online, but don't think anything good will come from sitting back and enjoying the show of your race being destroyed.
Also good luck for MSM having any credibility.

Can western countries reliably use gold if China controls Africa and half of South America?

No, you also shine a spotlight on them so everybody can see them, Hijack the media and broadcast the dick sucking rituals, broadcast pedowood kikes obsessing over feet and israelis calling for the genocide of palestinians, send reporters to cover the gas chambers and scientists testing if it's actually possible to burn over 6 million corpses at a rate of 148.8 bodies per minute.

Then you have the jew where you wanted it. He has been found out, he has nowhere to hide, he can no longer kvetch and victimize itself out of problems. Don't worry as their soldiers can't even face armed opposition without shitting themselves; no amount of literal gene stealing (breeding with whites or asians, not some zergling tier shit) can help their kind.

No they don't. You don't know anything about mass psychology becauss you're a fucking retard, so you should refrain from speaking on the matter. You should also go back to reddit and then kill yourself.

Anyone interested in the topic of genocide should read Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland.

Regular people, even people that don't grow up with hatred for anyone, can be made to do horrific things to other people given the right circumstances. The aforementioned book clearly states that the men were given multiple opportunities to not take part in killing, but due to peer pressure, loyalty, and career opportunities, almost everyone participated in at least a few rounds of shooting. Even more brutality is possible from people that see the ways in which Jews exert their influence, such as the eastern Europeans that volunteered for the Germans.

Dehumanization is necessary, but so is a military willing to engage in atrocity, and good soldiers loyal to their country. Most western militaries are too cucked for this as of right now, but Russians might be capable.

And again, completely false. Seriously, traitors like you will be killed when we take power. I hope you are prepared for that.


It doesn't HAVE to be gold, silver, platinum, any precious metal based currency would work, or a combination of all three.

But we can't do those things if they have the finance to refute and hide those claims behind the MSM and news propaganda outlets. They have the scientific field in their paw, see global "warming" Now climate change Any modern archeology (brown washing history), education (liberal colleges) and more.

maybe. but the subject has to be introduced somehow.

I don't actually believe a real holocaust would be the final solution to the world's problems, but identifying the jew as a major problem IS important.

I'm blessed to have a job that I can't get fired over "muh pr". Amazingly enough, most people I have subtly started to spread redpills to, have received them well. Why? Don't forget the truth is on our side, and the truth is the most powerful meme.

a few years ago, saying "this fucking jews" was insane, now it always gets someone chuckling around me. The issue must be spread. If you can't do it IRL, do it online. I know I've done my part in both instances.

friendly reminder that everyone who talks about the gold standard is either

a)from 4chan
b)a newbie on Holla Forums questions
c) a jew

there is NO POINT in implementing a gold standard when jews control that very same resource.


I think I just don't have it in me to make good OC, but I tried.

The point of implementing something as the gold standard is inherently damaged from the start. If a (((certain group of people))) owns the majority of the resource your basing your standard on, it opens the door to market manipulation, just like on today's fiat money system.

Money should be backed by labour. Give "web of debt" by Brown. It'll clear those things up.

I think you maybe protest too much user. Hear me out: maybe the greatest problem is the one you just identified. To our people, they have to really, truly come face-to-face with a very refined form of evil to even consider how the necessary is truly necessary. These crimes need to be made plain as day, and I think the reaction will take care of itself, don't you?


True, but if (((that certain group of people))) were to lose control of that market, it wouldn't be much of a problem anymore, I'm also talking only about internal economies, a resource backed economy wouldn't work for the global market we have today, even if every country was nat soc. however I do see your point. Unless the government using that market backed currency fairly controls the distribution of that resource, it would cause problems, even more so for other countries using the same resources.

Either way my point is/was getting rid if the fiat money we have today and give it a physical backing, either with labor like you said, or physical resources. It would weaken their hold over global economics.

For a few weeks now I've really considered creating a news-politics podcast. I figure that because of the weak position of the MSM and the change in political winds, it would be ripe to put our own narrative out there. The reason for a podcast is because I feel that the audio medium is under-utilized by our side. unless you want to include TRS. Also I have a decent speaking voice I intend to make a proper thread about it soon, but in the meantime I've been wondering what would be more valuable to us. Should it be a normalfag-friendly news podcast that focuses on the issues important to Holla Forums without going full bore? Or should it literally be Holla Forums the podcast?

Better luck next time, pal.

Effectively dissolving the dollar as it's presently constituted is 1) necessary; 2) inevitable; and 3) massively destructive. The powers that be were intended to ride it until it blew up and then flee to another nation, as is their usual bag of completely unchanging tricks. Trump might be able to pull off a controlled demolition but either way our currency is a dead man walking and a lot of people are not going to get what they believe themselves to be owed.

That's when the RWDS swoop down like winged Hussars.

You guys are fucking retards. 90% of people are not conscious sentient beings. They do not have a natural sense of morality. They just follow what society tells them to do. This goes for whites as well. This is not a bad thing, since civilization would be impossible without it, but it is the truth. Jews control what "society" tells these people to do. So Jews are the problem itself. Exterminate them and replace their media with correct values and the problem would be solved within one generation.

Basically, expecting people to just not be degenerate is dumb liberal/christcuck thinking and you should be ashamed for even considering it. People are naturally subhuman faggots and need to be forced to not be subhuman.


getting rid of fiat money is probably the final boss in this game, it is literally showing who the man behind the curtain is.

What to implement afterwards is another challenge.

you're right–absolutely blanketing the earth with the truth is the final solution. memetic warfare, beta tested and proven in election 2016, needs to go global, on this issue, starting now, for as long as it takes.

the time might be ripe, but it's still dangerous as fuck to pull a Holla Forums podcast with your own voice. Remember, most of the things we discuss here are wrongthink, and illegal in many places.

No it isn't. Jews initially rose to power under the gold standard.

Jews manipulated the market all the time with the gold standard.


Rare earths have been already been claimed by them, you can thank all those retarded liberals and injuns that dance around a bonfire chanting hakuna matata just to protect some faggot bird.

It's not, they didn't achieve complete control yet.

CIA-funded ISIS destroying sites.

King nigger's gone.

I don't mean this to be an endorsement, but doesn't TRS use their own voices? AFAIK they are just as bad as Holla Forums according to outside observation. Please note I said by outside observation I know that TRS != Holla Forums != means not equal to in many programming languages

Wait until Trump cuts federal funding for Underwater Feminist Studies and Advanced Jew. We'll start seeing some serious shit come that day, mark my words. Nothing is more dangerous than a lefty kicked off the taxpayer tit.

Can you carry on a conversation?
Even the TRS podcasts beyond TDS and FTN are hard to listen to some times, due to autism.

I think doing something Samule Al hoidel esque podcast could potentially be yuge. It would have to have both humor and philisophical insight however.

Oh what a (((coincidence))).

Individuals will be judged on their actions.
Extermination is weakness in your ideology.

You guys are so stupid it's not even funny.

This. This. and This. People severely underestimate how much division there is in the Jewish community, especially in Isreal. A lot of the orthodox Jews there don't work, don't enlist, consume welfare and piss away all of their time on "seminary" i.e. microanalyzing the Talmud as a full time job, all while producing 4-5 kids each which makes them a major voting bloc. The secular Jews and zionist Jews in Isreal fucking hate the orthodox types, and the Zionists and conservative Jews fucking hate the liberal NY Jews. If it weren't for holocaust mythology and the constant threat from their neighbors unifying them Civil War would have already happened. Psyops people and agent provocateurs could easily get the Jews in Isreal to kill each other given the time and resources. This would also circumvent the Samson option, and covert 4th generational warfare is infinitely more effective than rah rah rah gas the kikes race war now rah rah.

Because you're well-spoken, I bet.

People here have no idea how learning to speak well (and also, if possible, having a job and looking presentable) can help your efforts of slowly redpilling normies. Don't go full REEE and the effects will always be good. Just come from logic and reason even when they don't have that - talk them through it all.

Also I wouldn't hate jews if they stay in their corner of the world and don't try to destroy us 24/7 like it's their only role on earth.

Not how Aryan justice works, Shlomo.

No it isn't. It is standard practice in Aryan society since the beginning up until the 20th century when we got cucked.

So you are not from here good to know.


pretty much

Thanks, Satan.


I mean you're not 100% wrong, I think this sticky was obviously strategic and part of a scheme… but you know what? Fuck it, I'm having fun, let's gas it and see what happens.

We gonna be on the news again lol

Also, checked

fuck this honeypot thread this is how this website gets shut down.

Actually that is the european way, or preferably the anglo way. The semite and hun way is to cut down the tree.
Anglo way is to prune the weeds from the tree individually. The anglo way is to put in the effort to weed the darkness.

You cannot sleep next to a savage dog.
But dogs shouldn't simply be put down due to their nature. At point does that stop? At what point does the abyss begin to reflect off us.

Work out how to put it to good use. Treat it with caution but also train it to attack.

Shouldn't we then publish the full talmud here then so it gets put out there right with all our shit? No one here is talking about fucking 3 year old girls, but it's their ((((religion)))) so it's ok.

I've been here since day 1. I thought the aim was to improve on the past, not repeat it.

So we just treat people like robots?
People are not robots.
They do not function well as robots.

You do not force a tree to grow a certain way without destroying the natural strength of the tree.
Humans do not differ. The tree and humanity both grow from the mix of chaos and purity. We are both in the likeness of satan and god.

This was already done pretty well by some guy I listened to on War College, but you have to avoid the stuff about climate change and focus on what he says about Mein Kampf. Imo, this is a pretty good podcast to listen to in general. (((Reuters))) may not exactly be trustworthy, but the guys running this and involved are all military. The recent episode on Syria is stunning in it's brazenness. It's a good rage-listen and a pleasant reminder of the future we didn't choose.

Here, take a listen to the genocide episode (sorry, can't archive in commieville):

Then we go to a new site coward fuck.

Nigga, I bet you don't know who w.t. snacks was.

Nice image. Also, worth keeping in mind how open the normie mind is now that they don't have a religion. The timeline, feed and dashboard are their new churches.

Just put it on watch later. The audience is a bunch of faggots though (TNW).

A filthy pedo.

Yeah because the goyim aren't human cattle to them? This terminology just recently popped up? They haven't been kicked out of country after country because of the way they conspire against the population but because everyone ELSE is evil instead?

Lurk moar faggot.

Ok that's true.
But still. This is some good shit.
They may not even report on it.

1. The holocaust didn't happen.
2. How do you propose we "improve"? A humanitarian effort? Fuck off.

Besides it's not a call to arms.
It's a call to manipulate society, and didn't they pass a bill making it legal to propagandize the American people?

So all this is completely legal.

No, it isn't. You think Europeans hesitated to exterminate Saracens? That Anglos hesitated in wiping out natives in North America? That Spanish judged Aztec savages as individuals? It's only the European way for fellow Europeans, retard. Outsiders can always be killed and genocide is encouraged.

No it isn't, dumbass. At least not before they became completely christcucked and their society was taken over by kikes during the British empire. Before they became liberal faggots, English had no problems with killing the enemy. There was no "white man's burden" during the middle ages or before.

I'm currently in cambodia. The mausoleums of skeletons and the frail fear of the locals as they approach it have put me off resorting to genocide. Only when the enemy resort themselves to genocide can we presume to retaliate likewise.

What i see is moral decline of jews and whites, not active genocide.

The jewish population has shrunk like the white population remember. Are you suggesting that they genocide themselves while they are at it?

Maybe some individuals need to be judged. Not the whole basket.

Teach. Fight the subversive media with your voice. Speak out.

You blame others for subversion, yet most do not actively speak out against it. You lurk in the comfort of the shadows. Like a communist.

Eye for an eye. If you have no evidence of the attack, you have no casus belli.

What is the European refugee situation.

The European refugee situation is attempted genocide.

Early-era 4chan is so fucking cringey to look back on. The worst part is that I remember making posts like "zomg stop being so racist guyz xD"

I always get my best ideas in the shower. Government-funded Intelligence baths when? We'd need .gov help for this though.

1) Start a .gov site in Hebrew and Arabic that's deebly concerbed about human aid going to Palestine having been intentionally tainted with pork products.
2) Have user archive it.
3) Delete it a few minutes later, badly. Leave breadcrumbs on other .gov web pages. Only delete them once they're discovered.

Most are.

Actually, most do function essentially as robots. See the image here:

I am sensing that you are a christcuck or at least heavily christcucked/liberalized. It is a degenerate dead religion with no vitality left and you would do well to abandon it.

Then why act like such a newfag?

That is not true whatsoever. Maybe in some configurations but I guarantee you there are ways that actually improve strength.

Using phrases just because they sound clever doesn't make you intelligent and apparently neither does 'being here since day 1'.

It was a different time. A more hateful, less serious time.

Surely it's a simple matter of going to GoDaddy and registering it. :^)

Again, you are applying standards that are reserved for fellow Europeans to outsiders. Jews are fair gane for extermination and traditional Aryan justice demands that they be killed to the last man.

Sabaton are chastising us for this

You forget the roman period. The reason why the caledonians would not join is because the romans behaved like robots and lost empathy. The caledonians fought to preserve their humanity.

We need to preserve our humanity. Our good.
To turn to darkness is the fall of man. To shy from it is the ignorant complacency of man.
We must balance the ways to fight. Judge individuals and bring them to trial. Teach fools to become wise.

Admit it, you just don't like killing.

Everywhere the corporate media would normally air Dindu gun crime, air an example of Jewish financial crime instead. Package and simplify it for a 4th grade level - DURR ANOTHER SNEAKY BANK JEW.

Publicize stories of US soldiers dying in places no one has ever heard of (Yemen, "North Aleppo Provence.") Insinuate they're there to defend Jewish financial investments.

Interview some Jews and encourage them to talk about white people. Do what the Daily Show does - cut it down to the most incriminating and absurd comments.

As i said before. Who is genociding? The jews? You mean the race that is declining like the europeans?

Open your eyes. This is not genocide, this is apathy and cultural decline.
That is what we must destroy.

Implying we only lurk in the shadows and aren't speaking out. You know you can't back this claim up, especially with the pendulum currently swinging to the right.

Jews were never moral. And you see incorrectly. You will also be killed alongside them once we take control, so you won't have to worry your pretty head and feel christcucked guilt over killing disgusting subhumans.

Reminder that the phrase "final solution" is a misinterpretation of what was actually a "total solution".
If you use "final solution" you're contributing to a Holohoax myth.

Then we destroy their excuse to flee their homes. Time to take their countries back.

If they still flee on machiavellian terms then we have the casus belli.

Mercy on your enemies is not "good," moron. You are irredeemably christcucked I'm afraid, and you will need to be killed.

When Israel pays for people to enter Europe that is genocide.
You don't blame the gun, you blame the user.

Poor bastard. He'll never know what it means to be an Aryan trying to save his race from total annihilation.

Israel payed for those refugees.
That is as good as them doing it themselves.
We discussed this when it was happening,
The Jews are responsible for the refugee crisis, ergo they attempted to destroy us.
That is genocide.

And I don't know where you get this idea anyway. Sounds like some gay libtard historical fiction. It certainly wasn't reality.

Fish are inquisitive. Lemmings will jump off ledges with the right bait.

This is my point. This is the path to teach.
To beat the conditioning requires counter conditioning.

To defeat the white rabbit you need a holy hand grenade.
They need light brought to their eyes. A light that terrifies them.
If they have fallen then they need to fear god himself.

It's actually quite simple. Literally every single person who understand what a jew is agrees they need to be wiped out for the betterment of mankind. That alone is what is necessary to make people want actual genocide.

The only challenge comes in with trying to figure out what to do with mixed race people as behavior in genes can skip a generation and cause a family of well-to-do mixed people produce a black sheep that jews people on instinct.

Also i have no certain religion other than truth.

Don't forget the '08 housing crisis, the student loan scam, QE1, 2, 3, etc., the dotcom bubble where they consolidated the early internet, the repeal of glass-steagall, 9/11 false flag and all the subsequent wars, the destruction of our culture with poisonous trash music, movies and television, the income tax and federal reserve…

better luck next time gentile some OC dropping by

Who here thinks Trump is redpilled on 9/11? I mean, the man fucking builds skyscrapers for a living. If anyone knows whether or not jet fuel melts steel beams, it's gotta be him.

This. The real white genocide is in birthrates and demographic collapse. Every white baby I can't afford to have - and every Mexican baby my paycheck goes to support even though I can't afford to take a white girl out to dinner - is another blow against our race. It would be better if they declared war on us and attacked us under an open banner. We should have eliminated them after the attack on the USS Liberty.

>>>Holla Forums

Am i the newfag? It seems like most here have not opened their mind beyond Holla Forums. The blind are leading the blind so to speak .

To grow a tree better requires better soil or perhaps fertilizer or even bait.

Have you read outsider history?
They ARE like us user. It's a natural conclusion to the mix of chaos and order.

Our way is the best way to manage diplomacy. Jews themselves manage diplomacy in the same way, just more hidden and subversive.

Subversion can be proven on the chain of circumatances. You do not need discrete or direct evidence. You will not find it for subversion.

I do not. Is that so bad user?
Look at yourself. What have you become.

You're like them.

oh, did i forget to mention affirmative action? theft by taxation and wealth redistribution to drain the middle class to the top and the bottom. the list is fucking endless.

It's funny the way the JIDF showing up to shill our board makes me want to kill every last individual kike all the more. It's like they can't not be subversive no matter how counterproductive it is for their well-being. Oh wait, I just described the entire problem.

Wrong. This is precisely the base assumption that Holla Forums has disproved the last two years. The collective meltdown of this election cycle is amble evidense that it is not the case. Memes are effective because they offer paths of thinking which descripe the world people experience daily, better than any media-outlet has done since times imemorable. Old media tried their memes, but they did not catch on, as they would require your statement to be true in order to do so. If your statement was true, 90% of all Americans would have voted for Clinton along 90% of all Brits for stay. A precise statement would be that within any given group 50% of all individuals are less concious and sentient, than the average for said group.

Memes cant insert new ideas into empty brains. As puts it: Emotional arousal increases neuroplasticity and leads to creation of new pathways spreading neural activation.. The power of the memes lies in creating pathways between already existing memory. Not in some hyperbole Orwellian insertion of material that wasn't already there. You can only affect the dirrection of thought patterns already in existence. If you stand by your words, you will fare no better than 1960s Soviet Communists, who honestly thought ideologically aproved experiences, could replace the everyday learning, experienced by its citizens.

A natural sense of morality is something which is optained through upbringing, peer-preassure and biological potential. The biological potential is like tallent in this regard. You can have have enough tallent to become the greatest in anything, but without the hard work it will get you nowhere. I advocate for training. You advocate for what exactly?

Now that you have already stated that you are a special breed of the 10% aristocrachy who wake up every morning, you are going to tell me that you aren't a part of society which is comprised solely of equal part sleepers and jews!?.

Cultivating conscious beings within a strict moral fabric is what constitutes civilization. You can never get rid of 100 % of all human beings having different levels of sentient consciusness. You either work with it or it ends you! Again, you are closer to comrades than anything based in right-wing ideology here.

If this was true, there would be no reason why anyone should shitpost here at all. The media you are talking about has showed itself to be just as incabable of inserting false/fabricated memory into anyone, as you and I. Again, the memes may create new thought patterns, but they cannot replace what is already there No matter how little you believe anything to be there in the first place.. You have said nothing so far that indicates that you wount fall into the same trap as jewish media does. Why the fuck should anybody cheris natsoCNN more than CNN? Your plan is the same. Assume everyone is shit and fail when they are not.

You are right about the expectation part. But you overestimate the power of media and underestimate the power of punishment-driven morals. And your understanding of the human mind is on par with a junior peoples commissar.

Either create an in-group culture of virtue or accept the fact that your plan has no future.

Im not concerned regarding . Your underestimation of your fellow man will keep you far from power.

Carried over christcucked metaethics through cultural inertia. Literally a cultural substrate of dead christfag religion. Not truth.

Then we are already teaching user. Now we do what is needed to curb the present spontaneous extremism and sit tight. The weeds are being pulled.

I disagree, good and evil have always had an overlaying law or structure common to both.

Then you've just given me the casus belli to fight back user :^)

Derp. You do not get it.

Who said i was fucking Christian?

I see a new faith combining the teachings of all religion and philosophy.
You are pointing me out as a christian when i have not spoke of such.

You are a sophist, a misleading corruptor or a logical fallacy user. You attach thorns to my arguments that are not there.

No they aren't, you libcucked faggot. Do you even read what you post?

I am a sophist, because sophists are the fucking people who are equipped to win the war of ideas. The Jew has been defeating whites with sophistry. Our most effective tool to combat him is to develop superior sophistry and be constantly increasing our ability to emotionally manipulate our people, lest we be overpowered by foreign memeplexes like multiculturalism.

I agree, effective memetics and rhetoric is infinitely more persuasive to the masses than any logic or dialectic, even if logic and reason is more valuable. Just like propagandists, good sophists need not lie, but give the truth to the masses in an effective manner. However you can just as easily lie to the masses and be just as persuasive as a sophist or propagandist so it is of crucial importance that the meme manufacturer is aligned with certain principles. The vast majority of sophists are full blown shills with kike AIDS who use sophistry to profit and create useful idiots.

The more they shill the more I want them dead.
Could you imagine a shill-less Holla Forums?
It would be glorious.

No, it really hasn't. A civic nationalist barely scraped by. The most people did was drive to the polling place and vote. That is as far as their commitment goes.

I am not. At all. I do not consume mainstream culture and do not share any values with the mainstream.

Incorrect on both. Reread my image. It is not simply about the media. It is the system, which media is only a small part.

If you won't help us stop/destroy them you are not wanted here.

Maybe cuck/pol/ is more your speed ?

All of your posts. It is simply a post-Christian carryover of christian metaethics and viewpoint. It isn't "truth," it's simply laziness. You are a perfect example of the lemmings in the image I posted.

Soros, not israel has paid for this. Soros tried to do the same to israel.
I have yet to see obvious israel connections yet.

I am neither but nor do i hate either.
You are a fool that sticks heads in the sand and ignores ideas on the identity of the source.

Is what i say breaking you so much that you resort to attaching identities unrelated to me? That's a sign of a flaw in your ideology.


There are good and bad memes in christianity. You'd be a fool to reject everything attachable to the religion.

It is not black and white user.

I stand by it. What happened in the past on all corners of the earth has happened in europe. It is the natural consequence of chaos and order.
There should not be any differentiation.

Sure the understanding may have little differences, but it is largely the same everywhere.
I guess we may have more pessimism, but then again it is not missing from asia or america either.

Soros, Israel
Both jews, all collectively guilty.
They will either be destroyed or neutered of all power and culture/sterilized/forced to accept Muslim buttrape.

We caught them with their hand on our wallet and no amount of talking is going to save them .

No, you are both.

Sophists are ignorant because emotions blind them.
If you're a sophist, it means you lack wisdom.

Does he want to help dehumanize the kike?
If so he is needed.

Where do I get a sweet computer like the one on the right? the after Holla Forums image for you autists that can't tell your left from your right

So are you if you use thought terminating cliches like that kike boy.

So we are the same as leftypol?
Well then why is your movement of more justification than theirs?
I thought we sought the truth, not rely on our unchecked emotions.

Everytiem 10/10 gg no re.

You are either too stupid or too lazy to examine your thoughts and understand why you think what you do. This is why you carry over Christian viewpoint, yet believe it isn't Christian.

Sophism is a memetic weapon. I did my time in theology; formal logic; and algebra. That's why I know that 92% of the world could will never respond to a sophisticated logical argument but 95% of them will respond to a crude, emotionally-driven argument. The memetic weapon is not logical. What logical person, or 10 million logical people, would ever sit down and invent Pepe the Frog? Yet that meme blew into the normiesphere like Hurricane Andrew.

Stickers make computers, like cars, run faster.

We must destroy the lies. That is what we do.

I do not seek lies. You seek lies.
If our people are endangered we need to find the evidence of individual actions and judge them by trial.

a fucking thinkpad?
you get in on

You are so stupid user
Therefore everything you say is false :^)

Israel rejected soros though.
Therefore this is not an israel problem.

Judaism might be an issue though. The religious practice has a "chosen one" meme that effectively makes them alien to all of humanity.

I just seek the destruction of my enemies and victory, as well as placing the white race in its proper position as the master race.

If you don't like it go
I bet it's because you have kike blood.

No. All Jews must go. The fact that you defend Israel and the jews at all means you don't belong here.

Begone jew enabler.


Apparently im both now because you said so user.

And you're a reptilian :^)

Yes, we're all equal and the same and should be treated as individuals and blah blah

>>>Holla Forums

But you won't tell me why?
How can i work out why when you don't give me a frame of reference?

All you do is mudsling.

I dare you to listen to this from start to finish no matter how uncomfortable it makes you. It will make you uncomfortable. It's only 5 minutes long. If you can't endure this, I don't see how you have any hope of parrying an Aryan man in a spiritual fight.

I think you just thought the genocide part was a joke and now you are discovering that group you are part of isnt joking.

Due to you considering yourself a "good person" you are now trying to be some sort of hero.

Or you are just a jew.

Sophists are ignorant because they ignore that their emotions blind them, they ignore that they avert logic purely on an emotional basis and resort to terms with rigid repetition that they do not understand.

This tbh fam. It's either a cuckchanner or a Jew - it's almost like we've been saying all along, 4/kids/ is full blown GRIDS.

2 sides of the same logical fallacy coin.

What is a sophisticated argument?
Also pepe is another meme that deludes people. Sure it is better than most, but it still deludes people through bias.

I find Buddhist chants to be rather relaxing, tbh, but only when you're chanting. This didn't make me uncomfortable at all.

Maybe that means I can take on an entire army of Aryans in a spiritual fight.

Someone already did that decades ago:

Well you point me out as leftypol when I'm not. So i simply did likewise to highlight the flaw in your logic.

We have uncovered holes in our logic.

Totally. You are smarter than the ENTIRE HIVEMIND

Which part are the jews on in regards to the whites? polarization

Does christianity make you butthurt user?
Can't take the ass pounding of god?

Im not a christian, but maybe i should pretend to be just to annoy you :^)

You are a great source of salt.

I already told you why you are. You maintain Christian ethical assumptions, such as individualism, and outgrowth of Christian thought such as liberalism.

Thank you user, you do KEK's works.

That's what we must make ourselves into, as a people. Probably we'll never do it by chanting the Heart Sutra in Tibetan or Pali or whatever the Hell he's speaking. But we've got to do what he does with that chant, here, with the tools we possess.

Yup. The Jew depends on tearing down his betters, not coöperating and trying to help them. The Jew is the opposite of learning. The Jew is the opposite of love. The Jew is the opposite of peace. The only thing it delights in is destruction. We all know about the crab bucket phenomenon with niggers; Jews serve the same role when it comes to white people. The best of us, they exist only to try to tear down and destroy. They want the rising tide to sink all boats instead of lift them.

This seems like a case of why didn't David Duke do it instead?. Then get David Duke to run! Trump did win with nothing but persuasion and 3 talking heads on FOX, which was overwhelmingly shilling against him. Hitler had better grounding within the Weimar political system, than Trump had, when he won the election in 1933. I read your pamphlet again. It is precisely that kind of anarcho-elitist crap that will keep you from winning, and ensure a quick fail, should you ever optain power anyway. Its materialism and dead-pan nihilism at the same time. At least remember to include procreation and the all encompasing need for security of life. Both are closer tied to the fabric of morality than any of the parameters shown in your picture. Why they where probably left out. If your picture was true, Multiculturalism would be perfectly viable. Only it isn't. The System the picture describes can have multible lemming cultures within it. But the most important moral virtues are created in the daily interactions of people. So no law can keep multiculturalism from failing.

That was a rethorical question. Unless you write from a hidden compartment in the international spacestation, you are a part of society. You interact with people. Politics are formed far more efficiently on community basis than on larger scales. Your fucking bumbersticker renders you a part of society. Whether you chose to owe up to that fact and use it is completely up to you. If you bought grosseries you are a part of society. If you bought the seeds for your innawoods farm from anyone, you are a part of society. If you stole the crops from someone and made you innawoods farm off that, you are still a part of society albeit a shitty one which needs punishment and better morale

To elaborate. The system is the sum of institutions, laws and norms. The media is how the system repressents itself to its subjects. Correct? Then how can the media ever be wrong about anything? It shouldn't be apple to according to your picture!? Again. This picture derives on the assumption that anyone besides the radicals who made it, doesnt understand anything. The only way to keep it plaussible in the picture, is to omit the concepts which leads to the formation of morale. Primarily security and procreation.

The only places I can think of which even vaguely resembles the concept in your picture, are degenerate hippie-collectives with drugs. They are no near as stable as any society save Syria atm, and never procreate anywhere near 2.1 kids.

Actually it's because i think german blood pollutes both kikes and non anglos with a sado maso unreasonableness or lack of pragmatic flexibility.

It's not a clear less no answer. You must ask is it reasonable in order to establish a righteous functional society.

It's not that the jews are incapable of understanding this, it's that they're incapable of allowing anything beautiful to exist. They are identical to the Holla Forums shitskins in that they must destroy. It's a core part of their being, just like the "wherever I go, I must rape" nigger, this destructive behavior is innate to the jew, and trying to make them do otherwise would be like trying to teach a duck how to not be a duck. It goes against their very nature, and their very nature is to hate everything good, just like the mudslimes, poo-in-loos and other subhumans. They don't admire beauty, they hate that they can never attain it, they are ugly in mind, body and spirit, they have no desire to strive for something better. They are the crabs in the bucket down to their DNA, they instantly hate anything which could eclipse them.

Why do the jews, goons, mudslimes and degenerate trash hate anime? They hate it because it's beautiful and reminds them of their own failures. They will NEVER EVER try to fix their failures and become something more. The aryan is noble because we sweat and bleed and think and work to overcome our limitations. The degenerate merely wants to sit, eat and consume until they die. Look for the patterns and parallels, anons, and see it for what it is.

Then you are enforcing groupthink.
If you are happy that you believe in groupthink then continue.
But i fight groupthink.

Get a fucking load of the audacity on this kike.


Genetic hypothesis? Holla Forums is basing all of it's actions on assumptions that have yet to evidentally eventuate. It posts the actions of a few individuals and ties the rest of the community to those actions.

Pol pot did the same with the Vietnamese and eventually killed even his own countrymen. I fear Holla Forums is doing likewise.

Also; you don't seem to be doing much of anything.
Every poster here speaks against you.
You quite simply don't belong here.

Crazy dubs popping up towards the end here and holy shit I just figured out who you are and why you're here.

No i was one of the induviduals that spread that meme and now it's becoming too politically correct

I thought this was politically incorrect

First you argued we couldnt do it, then you argued we shouldn't do it,
Now you admit we can.
It's like some twisted version of grief coping.

Humor like that only reinforces that the holocaust happened.

It's very simple, user, the jews are working to genocide whites. You can either actively or passively genocide a population. Right now they are working at passive genocide with a side of active.

1. Political exclusion
2. Economic exclusion
3. Social exclusion
4. Sexual exclusion

Once you are excluding them from the levers of power and denying them the ability to reproduce (which if you brainwash and propagandize you can get them to do to themselves, and if you control their environment you can make it exceptionally disadvantageous for them), you essentially have a winning hand.

Getting something like Rwanda happens when a large part of the population hates each other, and one side has more guns than the other. There are lots of ways to actively commit a genocide, but the BIGGEST thing is to get the consent of the most physically dangerous specimens (fighting age males) and manipulate them into doing what you want them to do. Then you work on the breeding age females.

I could have constructed this post more cleanly, but you should get the general idea now.

Did you honestly hold the view that all of this was simply a fun game?
Isn't said in jest. Jews are the ones trying to wipe us out and are trying to pervert everything beautiful in our world. They are our objective enemy have and struck first. An appropriate response is warranted.

Or are you simply afraid of the real holocaust on the horizon, kike? Ku-ku-ku~

The holocaust never happened, but it will.

I am a longtime 8pol user but i use all boards to prevent my mind from being clouded by potential groupthink.

This board is still the best, but has begun to "fall" like the left did.

How long until we push for the legalization of pedophilia?

You guys know how the jew takes on a white identity to complain about white privilege and then shifts back to his normal self to complain about oppression? How do you feel about assuming a jewish identity to complain about the jewish crimes. It doesn't matter if you're ethnically jewish or not; jews have conditioned people to not connect facial features and such with race. I feel like doing this would reach a pretty broad audience. Niggers and nigger sympathizers would be willing to believe a "white" man would do something so terrible, and we could try to make the cucks think that we're just their jewish counter parts and that we're totally respectable just like them. I get the feeling that jews would try to defend themselves against the accusations, and in the current year defense against racism is impossible. If you are accused, you are guilty. Going on the offense by attacking them from within seems like an effective strategy. Also, because of the confusion between jewish blood and religion, we have an excuse if we get doxed and found to be goyim.
>We're converts and we're connected to the past jews by something deeper than blood: G-d. :^)

You know what's funny, kike? I already think of myself as a dead man. Literally the only reason I wish you'd stop subverting us is to save your own life at this point. I have no faith in a future that has been stolen from me, and I lack total confidence that my efforts can do anything to change that; the very last thing I want to save in the entire world isn't me… it's you.

And you're going to commit suicide-by-copAryan anyway.

I love how it comes across as a joke, especially when it's said in all earnestness

No you aren't.

We are liable to attract sophists and people focused on creating and spreading propaganda. We can take advantage of it rather than rely on it. When we get into an argument, then that is where we apply reason and logic while also ensuring that we take every opportunity to humiliate our opponent. We are attempting to win over observers, not our opponent. If an opponent is sufficiently humiliated, then it should be amplified with memes.

And why are they bad user?
They have weeds, but i reckon we can weed them.

That's perfect actually.

No I'm better than you. Kys.


You sit alone.
You either where never part of the hivemind, or strayed from it

You cannot sense the lulz the death of the jew would bring, and as such have lost touch.

I would like anons to remember: active versus passive violence is effectively the same. This is the way to redpill normalfags.

If you create a situation where someone dies it is ABSOLUTELY equivalent to outright killing them Cutting someone's brakes so they die in a car crash is absolutely equivalent to crashing into them with a semi-trailer. Denying someone life-saving medication is ABSOLUTELY EQUIVALENT to poisoning them. The jews exploit the naivety and lack of logic in the white population, so their passive methods are not recognized for what they are: attempted genocide of whites. The methods don't matter when the logical end is exactly the same, and intent is irrelevant. The jews are ABSOLUTELY using methods which will result in complete white genocide if unchecked and are therefore guilty of attempted genocide. Not only that but they are so pernicious that they will continually attempt this as they have been doing since ancient sumeria, so the only way the white race, any race of aryan nature, any beauty, any technological progress, the only way we save the UNIVERSE is if the kikes are completely, fully eliminated.

oh woops apparently im jewish for breaking the groupthink status quo!

Anons.. think or you'll never break memes.


Judaism is a supremacist religion.

I didn't think of this, I heard it from somebody else before. There is a lot of literal truth to it and it should be easy to make it feel emotionally true. The jews have programmed the masses distrust or even outright hate anything supremacist. The only intolerance the masses tolerate is the intolerance of intolerance. This golem could prove to be their ultimate undoing.

To be effective we'll need to disarm the jewish counter-meme of "We don't think we're better, just specially burdened by G-d. :^)"

Was your intent to prove that support of genocide is a historically consistent position for Holla Forums?

Because all people are the same, right Shlomo?

Don't you understand yet that your Jewish masters sent you into Hell without a guide? That's how little they think of you. You're just cannon fodder, sent to bleed and die against the most powerful memetic demons humanity has ever produced. We are what goes bump in the night. We are the boogeymen that hide under the bed when you're all alone and frightened and a branch falls on the roof of your house.

You are alone. You have been sent against chuthulu you fool!

Yep. :^)

I'm thinking along similar lines to these anons. We need to embrace the tactic of divide and conquer. Now, what I have to say may sound at first glance like heresy. But hear me out. While this is ultimately a white crusade, we would be foolish to think we must fight the god damned semites alone. The other races have been shit on by the Jews in their own respective ways, have no doubt, and some of them already are more jew-wise than you might expect. I happen to be surrounded by relatively tame blacks on a daily basis, and many of the quiet ones I have no problem with. I'm not saying they have to be your best friends. But some of these folks have potential to be sleepy-Ben tier allies. I'm sure there are many Latinos who would love to be informed about the Jewish roots of racial tensions as well, my community isn't full of them thankfully though. I have been steadily hinting to these black folks, when appropriate, that there is a dedicated effort to push further division, divide and conquer against Americans like them and myself, and it's driven by liars. And funded or told by Jews. Even though I am ultimately a White Nationalist, and would prefer separate societies for all races, I know that we will need allies to get there in the short term. Uncle Adolf had allies of several suits. The art of the deal, folks. Find respectable minorities and redpill them, were gonna need all the allies we can get. And it's gonna be a hilarious prospect to have the golem call out the master on the news.


I'm nurturing the hivemind user.
I'm the weeder.

Well, I'm more for just reminding the other races how much they hate the jew.
I don't want to work with them, I'm not into making golems that will turn on me.

But remind them, that we all hate the jew.

Do you not know the story of Sabaoth? He was a Jewish demon who turned against his ersatz-father when he heard the voice of his mother Sophia. You have been given a rare opportunity. For your sake, you should choose not to squander it because of outdated and stale teachings which do nothing to protect you from our astral power.

I said kikes have the same german blood. They are the other side of the irrational germanic ideological coin.

Because they are false.

No, they are false and pure cancer.

You aren't us.

No, you are just a man, and now you are sounding desperate.

No, it was a videogame reference. Also I'm advocating jew removal.

We do, but truth by itself is not persuasive, and does not win over the masses of ignorant normies. Truth needs to be presented in the form of memes, propaganda, and sophistry, in order to gain substantial influence. I do not disregard truth but the fact is that the majority of people in general do not care about facts, reason, or argument, but are affected by rhetoric, emotion, and dank memes. If people were effectively influenced by reason instead of emotion, and dialectic instead of rhetoric, etc. then the political landscape would be vastly different and there would be no need to unfuck America. It is doubly important to rely on sophistry, propaganda, and memes because Alinskyite kike scum who do not care about truth in the slightest use it to their advantage constantly and we need to counter it.

Agreed. We need as many Honorary Aryans as we can collect, at least at this stage of the fight.

Jews are Semites.
Khazars are Jews, but not all Jews are khazars.

I'm thinking and rerationalising user.
I planned that from my first post this thread. By thinking we are now an inch wiser.

Sorry! Aimed that at the wrong target.

Hurray, now you see what i just tried to do.

It's called the fool user.

No. You have simply become delusional. You have no power to persuade here anymore, but your ego won't let you see that, so now you argue that you have done at least something.

But you have in fact with your constant shillposting hardened the hearts and resolve of those posting here.

No you weren't.

Yes. Life's a game user. Until you die.
If this thread was promoting jewish intentions would say "gas the kikes"

The ambivalence is a way of training people to recognise the issue of poe's law.

I'm not advocating for a lovey-dovey ebony and ivory romance here, fuck that. I'm saying that spics and niggers have just as much to gain as we do from the eradication of the Jews. And it's our duty to remind them. This is not the only idea I have. Just a first impression based on a conversation I had today about pizza gate. You'd be surprised how much minorities hate faggots, especially pedophile scum. They are more intolerant than your average white by a longshot. Don't underestimate their usefulness.

I have several ideas I'll be depositing here, because I am genuinely thrilled at this thread's appearance. Heil Hitler

I am, you are not 8/pol/.

I think i tire of the blind leading the blind.
Open their eyes!

If the jews won, it would be the death of all races, of all humanity. Once the brown morass of mixed slave races were no longer needed, they would be discarded for robots. I fight for the survival of my nation, true, but I also fight for the survival of all humanity. China stagnated for thousands of years under the yoke of nihilists, bureaucrats and corruption, exactly what would happen under the rule of the jew. Eternal stagnation would leave us a single meteor impact away from extinction. The jew may or may not progress, but they will work to exterminate all that is not the jew, then they will likely attempt to pollute the universe with their sickness, and whether they succeed or fail all of humanity will either be killed by the jew or by natural disaster as they wallow in stagnation. Progress or stagnation, in either case, if the jew wins, then all of humanity dies. There is no future, there is merely a bleak, depraved road that ends in a whimper. If the jew won, it would be a small mercy if a more advanced species simply sent our sun into supernova and destroyed our solar system.

You don't get to weasel out like that.
You spent this whole thread being a shill, and a heretic.

You can't pretend to be retarded when you are retarded on a genuine level.

Your desperation is palpable. I honestly feel sorry for you. You've been sent to bleed for a cause you don't understand against an enemy you don't understand, and you've been deceived about everything on purpose. I think you're a rare, talented creature, at least as your kind goes. The best thing you could possibly do is to be honest instead of subversive. Maybe then we'd be willing to love you, instead of desperately wanting to drive you into the vacuum of space.

There is nothing but hate in the jew's heart, user. Hatred for all that is bright, good and beautiful.

And more prone to violence as well.
I would love to see violent anti-Semitic thought among the blacks.

That would be wonderful.

I've already had success in this thread.
Now im smug.


Are you me? No.

We are similar. Not the same.

He is the part of the hivemind. The normie hivemind. He uncritically clings to post-Christian dogma and believes this to be "rational." Would fit in perfectly at reddit.

I know. I just stupidly wish that weren't true and that we could negotiate a settlement instead of having to commit a hideous and uncomfortable genocide.


Jews seem awfully ignorant of the threat to them from above or outside.

I'm a spook hydra user. No match.

That naivety is what got us into the current predicament. It's a strength and greatness of the aryan spirit, but also a weakness and failing.

This time, user, we must have the will to do what must be done. No half measures.

Why are they false? Who told you? A neckbeared anime watching nazi?

This is the kind of accidental quality I'm talking about. You almost want to admit the threat you face. But you desperately try to rationalize to yourself that it's not real, that you can somehow subvert it, instead of facing it head-on and negotiating a peaceful surrender. Even the Japs surrendered after two atom bombs. Only the gods know what it will take to make the kikes surrender.

No, I'm not a tard

Truth is persuasive if it is brought across clearly and charismatically. Otherwise you will be outspoken by lies.

No more talk, only dreams soon.

It's far, far too late for that.

Any surrender would only ensure mass sterilization and executions.

The influential ones are largely germanic in origin.

Giga Jew confirmed

That's some depressing shit user, however you must not fear the Jew. For time and again he continually makes the same mistakes. The Jew overplays his hand, and constantly raises on a bluff, not realizing his bluffs will eventually be called. This is what has happened with finances and banking for literal centuries, like clockwork really. And guess what - America is due for a fucking shoah. This thread is perfect, because the storm is in fact brewing right now. Conditions are falling into place such as push back against censorship. The media is being called the lugenpresse. The world economy is balanced on a fucking twig currently. The same conditions that made people believe a civil war was possible are the reasons that an ACTUAL American Holocaust is possible.

You admit them as a problem , but them you shillpost.

Don't worry, soon the inbound artillery shell will hit you and you will disappear, and another will take your place.

Face it. This board thrives when we refute shills. Lately they've disappeared as more ignorant people are drawn to this board.

We need the Devils advocate to overcome poe's law.

I would accept a surrender of Jews at my doorstep tomorrow. But they will have to come in supplication to negotiate the terms. Beyond that, I have literally no control, and neither the best of my sophistry or reason can save them from the fate they have, once again, arranged for themselves. It honestly makes me feel tired and sad. I am so sick of re-living this history over and over.

No i was not pretending to be smart. The point i was making is that people are born stupid.

I will break your neck, kike. Please stop refusing to understand that for the good of both of our peoples.

Do you think you're better than me? I want to get it on record before I pass the mic.

Or you could get out of our way or help us figure out how to exterminate them instead of being a faggot.

Jew here love these threads. . so much
(((Fun))). Reading these kinds of threads . you kids should really make a movie or write a book. At least make some money off all this wasted time.

I said earlier i saw the mausoleums of cambodia. That awoke me. Genocide is a seductive natural consequence of war. It can be largely avoided if we take the effort to judge individuals. First we need to be in a position of judgement.

It's time to remove the judiciary and legislative distinction. The two need to be run by the same people.

We sticky a topic on genocide, and suddenly some very dedicated (((anons))) start arguing to derail the thread. If you're not a kike, then don't respond: Just get the thread back on fucking track.

This sounds like the bargaining phase of the genocide Aryans are about to uncork on your people. Beg harder, kike. The more you beg without surrendering the more we move onto the "depression" phase of answering the JQ.

I actually don't mind working with other races at all. A lot of them aren't enemies per se, just the ones that invade us. Some east Asians or civilized levantine people can be allies. A problem today is that people have forgotten the ally category. They think working with someone else means they are "one of us." People used to be able to make a distinction there but seem to have lost that mental capability for some reason or another.

Lol, no. They are sandniggers. There are no Germanic Jews unless they are converts, in which case they are traitors and deserve even more to be killed.

We totally don't know what we are doing or saying.
Go back to sleep kike.

Aaaaand you start to shill again.
You are NOT playing devil's advocate.

We need to remind all of them that they hate the Jews as well.

I grok your point, fam. I'm just bored and I think the only purpose of this sticky was to get our cadre out of the woodwork. This was a calculated, tactical move obviously. I took that as a signal to fight to my heart's content. This sticky came relatively late in the day, and I don't think the people who made it were ignorant of the kind of content it would develop. The alphabets are here… let's try to give the people what they want, or at least that's how I think about it.

Specifically Rwanda went full RaHoWa when political figures died. Does this mean that Pence's death made to look like a black muslim terrorist illegal who then unfortunately shoots himself leaving behind a typed manifesto conveniently naming BLM and infatuation with Huma + muslim brotherhood?

It's tough, but possible. I think those events would trigger the grand shadilay.

Besides, (((they))) passed a law making it legal to propagandize the American people.

Let us pull the rope and see where it leads.

Go away Bernstein. Reminder that we know where you live and most here are NEETs with nothing to lose.


More Important (than you getting involved in local politics, having children, etc):

we need to get Magnus Carlsen to train Baron in 5D chess:
the Aristotle to our Alexander

just lampshade yourself you little piece of shit

You mean like the Sanhedrin? Oy vey.

And Cambodian genocide was great. Mostly killed academics, journalists, and other (((intellectuals))) who deserve to be six feet under.


Trully, his butthurt is legendary.



[citation needed]
Kill yourself.


Yes to your question. Wait, are you saying that those podcasts are hard to listen to because they have autism, or because you do?

gas the kikes

This guy gets it

About goddamn time!

Race-mixing isn't a solution to the jewish problem.

They should be sterilized and contained.

While this topic is a pretty good one, don't you think this is a bad idea stickying this thread? The most popular board on a site that has been listed on various MSM outlets as a threat to the status quo having the first thread you see about purging the (((chosen))) from your homeland is going to raise A LOT of red flags and precautions must be taken. I'm like 90 percent sure that this shit is gonna make international news and when it does there's gonna be an influx like no other. Doesn't 8ch have a long list of unlisted boards in which this shit can be discussed out of sight from unwanted eyes?

Fuck PR.
This is a nat-soc board.
Deal with it.

Your kind is the only resource we're gonna burn, Schlomo.

wait a second.. why are the controlled opposition mods pushing this? be skeptical guys

I'd like to take the time to remind you gentlemen about the Katyn Forest Massacre. Every one of us knows the Reich invaded Poland, which led to thhe blitzkrieg and WW2. Many forget that it was a deal, with the Soviets. The biggest mistake Hitler ever made, imo. From then on, the kike Soviets had leverage with western governments, corrupted by jewa. I digress, the deal was west Poland for the NSDAP and east Poland for the kikes.In the shadow of history, the NKVD in east Poland executed thousands of Polish officers, artists, and intelligentsia. They were carried east in "Black Ravens", black prison buses. Then escorted to mass graves and shot in the head. Sometimes the Polish would see the rotting bodies and resist. They would be either bayoneted or shot. Either way, in the pit.

The interesting thing about this event is that the NSDAP discovered it in the infancy of operation barbarossa. They discovered the crimes, and called in the red cross and multiple international observers. Yet for years, propaganda and people believed it was the Third Reich.


We no president nao because we apologized.

Freech plz…

I smell a jewm.

It's a monumental task, but simply destroying the jews and eliminating their influence won't be enough. Part of the reason we became redpilled is thanks to the previous existence Hitler's reich, whose ideas and incredible achievements have been since suppressed but not really eliminated/suppressed to the point of criminality. Esoteric Hitlerism books talk in length about it.
Incidentally, every commie socialist state has collapsed, but as the traces of that kike ideology were allowed to exit, weak willed degenerates have formed followings around it to a point where they have enough people to form sizable marches through city streets around the world as the useful idiots of the jews.

In other words, we don't truly win until every single trace of kike influence is erased from humanity's memory. I doubt I'll live to see that day but my children certainly will if we keep a winning streak going.

Does this count as us making the news?


You'd think something that has absolutely no historical precedent or real life examples would be forgotten…nah, I'm sure it's just those evil Christian goyim making up shit to oppress the chosen once more.

We must make it as though they never lived at all.

Daily reminder that jews were accusing Christians of ritual murder long before anyone realized that they (the jews) were actually doing it.

If you think about it, the holocaust is the greatest meme of all mankind

It is the greatest thing to ever exist, the idea of killing every kike on the face of the earth,


I love it. Everything they claim they don't do, they do.
Every last one of them, into the oven.

Memeing the implosion of Chinese and Indian industrial civilization would probably be a good start. We also need to find a way to curb African population growth, because otherwise there will be 4 billion niggers in Africa alone by the end of this century.

Even dr.Toaff?

We really need to have another jewish ritual murder thread.

He eventually backed down and said the kikes really bought the blood from Christians, or something retarded like that.

The moment Western economies meet the consequences of their unsustainability that's the moment billions of niggers will die by overpopulation and lack of gibs to sustain it back to the point of the subshahara's natural equilibrium of ~300 million.

Even if you aren't religious, these evil creatures have got to be purged. There is something truly Satanic about them. I refuse to believe Christians thought we ever had the same God. There is no way medieval Christians could reconcile the message of love and compassion of Jesus Christ and the demonic evil of Moloch/whatever Satanic thing they worship.

That's probably not a whole lie you know. It wasn't particularly rare for Christian households that were impoverished by usury to sell their children.

Yeah, it's obvious kikes were doing it. No other way they would have these same accusations everywhere they went across all different kingdoms and language barriers.

Naw don't overthink it. Literally all we have to do to destroy the Jews is stop using the debt-based banking system. Money is their lifeblood.

>Around the Bunker in Berlin even the young children fought. They were immolated heroes who today return to another Round, to continue the heroic combat against the Enemy of their lineage and ancestors. In no other way can we explain the fact that everywhere in the world, more and more, the young are "born Hitlerists." Resisting the gigantic propaganda, their controlled education and even family pressures, they are Hitlerists, born as such. I believe they are heroes who, there, next to the Bunker in Berlin, gave their lives and now return to continue fighting and await the return of the Ultimate Battalion, with their Fuhrer Adolf Hitler, to unleash, together, the combat that will end the Darkest Age, the Kali Yuga.
Seeing the world in its current state feels like it's killing my soul. Now imagine the fact that something always rubbed me the wrong way about "reality."

It hurts to live in this pathological era.

Still too many. I want Africa to be ethnically cleansed so we can rebuild some of the colonies and make sure flagship species like the African elephant don't go extinct.

Alright Anons, here are some essential conditions, in what I believe to be chronological order, which would be necessary achieve the Great American Shoah of 20XX. I believe some of these conditions are already in place, or works in progress, but not necessarily in the optimal state. This post will be sectioned, forgive formatting.

Section 1.) Racialization of Society. Difficulty: Low. This step is currently underway, sadly propogated by the Jews themselves. To this point it has succeeded because of Whites being passive.

In order to eliminate the Jews, the very first step I would posit lies in racial identity. The enemy must be identified, and considered a unique and foreign outgroup. Racial groups must willingly identify as distinct from the Jew, and for best results must have high in-group cohesion.
Most critical in this step is the matter of Whites embracing their own unique identity. The Negros have already embraced their tribal affinities, and Hispanics are in a similar state. The Jews are, needless to say, are experts in this field.
As previously stated, the catalyzing step will be Whites understanding that they are members of a family, and our race is our nation. Like him or not, Richard Spencer has made this point one of his pillars in public speech, and for that alone he has done a great service to the movement.
Key events, or process goals, of this section should include the following:

1.) White Identity Politics - This is in progress, but not to a strong enough degree yet. We must ride the existing wave, first of populism, then of outright white interests.
2.) Normalization of White pride - Speak up. This is your most powerful tool, your voice before an audience. You must be confident and not hesitate. Know your facts and talking points. "Im proud of my heritage" etc.
3.) Elimination of White Guilt - Separate from (3). This is a weapon of choice that has kept whites docile and pacified for years now. It is disappearing, but we can accelerate the process. "My family had nothing to do with slavery." "History is full of conflict and whites were best equipped."
4.) Disarmament of "Racism" as a tool - You must make this term fucking meaningless. State firmly that we all have biases, which are innate self-defense mechanisms and perfectly functional as nature intended. "Of course I have biases, everyone naturally prefers their own kind and there is nothing wrong with this."

Many of the process goals can be achieved through simple speech. Every conversation is an opportunity, and you must know when to strike, and strike appropriately. Additionally, propoganda during this stage should be humorous or inspiring as opposed to angry or hateful (these come soon). Whites must realize that they alone are the foundations of stable civilizations. Whites must accept harsh truths that there is a very specific, distinct outgroup making decisions which are INTENTIONALLY detrimental to White populations.
Whites must become galvanized against out-group forces, and achieve solidarity. Once we have thrown off the shackles of the terms "racist" or "bigot" (which are already happening), we can begin the next step.

Section 2.) Normalization of Hatred, Radicalization, and Propoganda. These ojectives go hand-in-hand. Difficulty: Medium. This process is currently an undercurrent, becoming more forceful by the day. This is also the most entertaining element of the operation.

This process has several routes it can take, but they include commonalities.

1.) The first process goal is to dehumanize and mock the outgroup, in this case Jews. This begins with verbal attacks made indirectly in speech, followed by direct verbal attacks to a target. Start with generalizations, to season your audience. Then come public jokes, associating Jews with negativity, greed, dishonesty, you name it. Pepper these into conversations about money: "My bank is really jewing me on the interest." In regards to a lie, "That's pretty Jewish."
This has the most potential for gut-busting keks and is quite liberating. Your aim should be initially amusement, but leading to serious negativity. You can subtly identify Jews to your audience: "He has Jewish X(hairline, glasses, nose, mannerisms)." Learn to spot a Jew from across a room. It could save white lives ;^).
Destigmatization of National Socialism: Educate others on history when it is fitting. Normalize the Roman Salute, subtly. Raising your right arm as a "wave" is plausible deniability, but may plant a seed. Attack Jewish organizations whenever possible. Show disdain for "special interest" groups, and call them what they really are: Jews and faggots.
Bring attention to just how overrepresented Jews are in media, government, and education. "I mean, they're only 2%. God they make an awful racket for being such a small group, do they do anything but kvetch?" "Oh yeah they get us into wars." Educate people as to why we are involved in the Middle East. "Lucky Larry SilverSTEIN and the MOSSAD did 9/11".
My examples here are just that, and situationally you can be very creative. Memes are indispensible and should be used in all phases of this operation.

2.) A companion to this process goal is to gain White allies. The theme should be white unity, and values. We must be the change we desire, and others will follow suit. Display the best qualities of whiteness, and you will gain an audience.
Whites excel in quality over quantity. I would recommend redpilling your most trusted associates and contacts, only in small numbers to begin. They may know more than they let on, or be struggling for affirmation. Choose wisely, and never trust a cuck. They will always reside in the same camp as our enemies.
Keep in mind that the NSDAP began in a beerhall - we must always be on the lookout for opportunities to orate and gain allies.

3.) Unity across the movements: Time and place for everything. There are several groups professing white identity values. I don't care if thats the Alt-right, American Renaissance, NSM, Stormfags, IronMarchers, Holla Forumsacks, Aryan Nation prison gangs, or the good ol' KKK, these movements all need to be welcomed.
This point is non-negotiable if we are to be serious about genocide. Bear in mind the multitude of divisions in the 3rd Reich. Even the brownshirts, although eventually disposed of, had their time and place. We cannot put the cart before the horse with elitism and must take what we can get.
Even Honorary Aryans cannot be overlooked, if they embrace white culture and agree to staying separate post-Shoah, we need them for the coming storm. I'm not going to waste time nitpicking whether Jared Taylor or Andrew Anglin or whatever e-celeb of the moment is an informant, controlled op, etc, as their followers are going to be welcomed as our followers.

I will continue momentarily

Israel is moving arabs out of the Middle East to Genocide Europeans and make room for Greater Israel. Soros works with them, thats why he shut down BLM for a few months after they started talking about Israel, his problems with Israel are an act. Jews gonna jew. Look up Coudenhove Kalergi Plan and Hooten Plan, if you want to know more about the genocide they are perpetrating against all Aryan peoples
Below is a news article from Israel, bragging about sending murderous rapists to genocide Europeans. Also here is a video about a rabbi bragging about destroying"old Europe" with his arab brothers. ..

Genociding the kikes is survival. Expulsion has been tried plenty times before. Every last one of their tribe has to be hunted down, or they will come back in a few hundred years, with an even bigger chip on their shoulder.

Good. I want to meme it into existence.

This is extremely important. In the current narrative whites have been 'othered' - all the POC bullshit has been successful in uniting shitskins of all races against whites, turning us into the outgroup.

This is where the difficulty lies. How are we to turn non-whites against Jews? Even if you manage to get non-whites to differentiate between whites and kikes, it will result only in furthering the kike narrative. The jew is actively working to destroy us, and has already convinced non-whites there is a moral imperative to do so. Making the distinction between whites and kikes is of no benefit to us; it could even present further problems in that it would reinforce the fact that kikes are a non-white ally.

In fact, I expect to see many more kikes abandon the white facade altogether, taking on a new identity as part of the non-white alliance. Playing the role of 'spokespeople for whites' has served them well up until now, but with racial tensions escalating and things becoming increasingly polarised, their ability to seamlessly play both roles won't continue much longer.

Section 3.) Crisis point. Difficulty 10/10 (not unrealistic estimate). Every genocide has had a critical "activation energy" or tipping point. This is the most vague, and also most flexible section.

Genocide is generally frowned upon by the masses at this time. A crisis of large proportions would be necessary, whether that be in the form of a war (most common), terrorist event, famine etc… The crisis can either be used to justify, mask, or solidify a genocidal effort.
Process goals are too numerous or hypothetical, making this the most difficult section to trigger, and once triggered a genocide is still not guaranteed. A STRONG WORD OF WARNING: FALSE FLAGS CANNOT BE OUR MODUS OPERANDI.

1.) A war could lead to genocide. If a second American Civil War broke out, this could be a flash point that leads us to divide along racial lines. Once the wheels of war turn, all bets are off. A Civil War would be the best case scenario to commit genocide, likely under the mask of purging traitors or instigators (who would conveniently be jewish).
The "good news" about war, is that an unjust war that the American People do not support could also serve as the kickoff to an internal war - see Red Team Planner post.

2.) A government purge. We all know ZOG is real, and was probably solidified sometime in the 1960s. The good news is, that if there were a "legal" purge of treasonous agents in the government, it could implicate several others and call into question a whole race - Jews, obviously. However, likelihood of this resulting in a full-scale genocide is slim.
Unless heavily propogandized, the public would not support this effort in the absence of a Civil War. That is still the most likely scenario.

3.) An economic crash. This has a lot of potential, as it would likely lead to Civil War as mentioned in (1) of this section. It is no coincidence that the bankers and the Fed particularly are responsible for inflation, debt slavery, and economic sickness in this country. The 3rd Reich was arguably not possible without the necessity of restructuring an entire economy.
If a new currency were minted, or the Fed deposed, this would likely trigger a war. And again, in war, all bets are off.

4.) This is simply a disclaimer, False Flagging or intentionally causing an event listed here does not align well with Aryan values or honesty. Our movement is founded in truth and cannot be confounded by the same lies that our enemies use.

You guys really need to stop LARPing about this terrible shit.


Rejoice user, we're the generation that's going to make things right.

The future is so bright I can see it with my eyes closed.

It's not like we were subtle about it before. Fuck off.

THIS should be emphasized. Truth is our strength. Nature and reality are on our side, as recent history shown all lies eventually crumble like towers of cards no matter with how much blood, money and effort you have fortified their foundation with.

It was a actually a purely semitic practice. Nowhere the White man has been did he try to exterminate other ethnoi unless he was severely provoked into, usually gradually, doing it without this explicit intent. Kikes are the "chosen" people in the sense that they are the first nation that have to be wholesemely eradicated in order to secure the survival and well being of not only our people but humanity as a whole.

to be honest i think we are already past the point of return.
Just look at the ignorance of liberals and antifa around the world.

I dont think that words will be enough to get rid of those who keep sucking the dick of soros and co.

also the rapefugees here in europe are already militant and agressive, but so are the right wingers, so its really only a matter of time if this level of (((political correctness))) continiues.

I don't know. I think it's a natural human tendency to band together against an hostis humani generis, but I also think there are much worse things out there against which you could direct your collective energies than the jews.

Seriously, imagine a world, or an America, without them. Then what for the white race? Colonial re-expansion over the globe? Enslavement of all non-whites? This already happens essentially under the neo-colonialism of capitalism. Its capitalism and its forces that have led everyone to be derpy mouth-breathing phillistines. You think without jews people will pull their faces out of their screens and start appreciating Michelangelo and chatting about the Platonic forms? You think it's anything but weakness and fairy-tale fetishization to return to the "folk" roots of religions and spiritual beliefs we've long since outgrown? What is the ideal destiny of the white man? Fascism thrives off of hatred for the other. The spiritual exaltation it gives you now, to be one with its ideology, is illusory. It is only hatred of the Other ideologically spiritualized. The content of Fascism on its own is wholly negative. Once the hated Other is gone (which will never happen, you crazy larpers) fascism is nothing, has nothing. No positive end. No goal. No unifying energy.

"Greatness for the white man" you say. "That's the end goal." Sure, but what is that greatness?

Fascism is a chimera, and nothing more than the projected primal hatred of the Other. You cannot kill all the jews, and even if you could, the moment you did would be the end of your fascism and the moment of your profound regret.

You talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded.

Do the impossible, see the invisible , row row fight the powah!

The board needs new mods. They completely lost their shit right before the election. I've never seen it this bad.

It was never a joke.
We always wanted to have the Jews.
121 unique IDs and over 100 of them supporting.

Do you know what that means shill?

This is a national socialist board.

Race-war and genocide is a Biblical concept. Around 2,000 BC a tribe of Oriental slaves left Egypt to go supplant the population of Palestine in order to establish a racially and religiously homogeneous society exclusively for themselves within that territory.

The ensuing genocide was justified because the Caananites worshipped sex perversion, infanticide, and debauchery. By evil they incurred the sentence of death for themselves and for their children.

Nevertheless, the invaders did a half-ass job of annihilation and within a short time were racemixed with the former inhabitants, become just as perverse, and eventually suffered a like destruction.

These are lessons for all time for all people. Race-mixing and immorality go together, and what follows is perversity and destruction. National suicide race-mixing: it is disrespect for father and mother, son and daughter: rejecting the past, and scorning the future.

We are not immune. The fate of the white nations under Christendom was victory everywhere we turned - America, Australia, Africa, Asia - but with perversity and race-mixing its all being lost - even our homeland Europe is under siege.

The perversity of one nation is the opportunity of another to achieve conquest. And when that happens, the job must be completed lest perversity arise again from the remnant left behind.

We need to seek the God of our fathers, discipline ourselves, cherish our own posterity, and return to uprightness. And then, Godwilling, the torch of conquest will be put back into our hands. If so, we must remember never again to make the mistake of not finishing the job.

That is pretty easy being that the Talmud disproves it itself.

Gas. Not have.

Agreed. That doesn't mean though that we are not morally justified to use genocide against (((parasites))). After all it's not like it's completely above Aryans to commit genocide when they are morally warranted to do so, like we did in the Iliad.

Also, they struck first. They attempted to genocide us.
This makes it fair play.

We should not let all that fattened biomass go in waste should we?

Self-heal and begin rebuilding.

Where necessary to sustain our population.

Not necessary.

Whom does a capitalist system benefit most? Those with capital, or those with the ability to create capital: bankers, usurers. Kikes. Considering that money is the ultimate

If the responsibility for dictating mainstream culture were taken from the hands of Jews, any number of cultural outcomes are possible. The vast majority of people appreciate whatever they're told to appreciate. Popular culture is defined by those in the position to decide what is popular.

Many people are returning to folk roots and religions of their own accord.

What is the ideal destiny of the white man? Fascism thrives off of hatred for the other. The spiritual exaltation it gives you now, to be one with its ideology, is illusory. It is only hatred of the Other ideologically spiritualized. The content of Fascism on its own is wholly negative. Once the hated Other is gone (which will never happen, you crazy larpers) fascism is nothing, has nothing. No positive end. No goal. No unifying energy.

Agreed. The only reason wider White Genocide is not using Armenian Genocide methodology yet is numbers being still on our favor, that's why the are pushing for urgent demographic misplacement by their shitskinned genocide proxies. That isn't the case with the Boers.

This is how we know you've gone too far. I should have seen this coming; when a group gets more and more powerful, it attracts more and more psychopaths. They eventually take over, warping the initial aims of the group into something evil.

Hitler didn't want to wipe out the jews. Trump doesn't want to wipe out the jews. I don't want to wipe out the jews. You're a psychopath who gets off on killing, or at least on getting other people to do evil shit.

Or maybe you're just a jew.

Another element that has long accompanied verbal ostracization of the target group has been boycotting. The BDS (boycott, divest, sanction) movement against Israel, which was ironically led by the left, generated major assravaging among the Tribe. The reality is, boycotts are effective, if not as a damaging economic option then as a dog whistle. Since kike pockets run deep, the message would be symbolic more than anything, but we all know how they tend to exacerbate their own problems…. Could it escalate?

Right, so when it's an elite group of white people with capital and in charge in a capitalist system, they will disavow the system under which they are personally thriving through the exploitation of cheap labour and fairly distribute their money among all the whites? Because they will realize the muh race-realism meme? No. They will continue to exploit you and drive you into the dirt, regardless of your ethnicity.

You all preach elitism here, and believe it. You believe you are a part of some intrinsically elite class because you are white. You think that when the jews are gone, you will all collectively rise to the top once again, the kings of the earth regaining their rightful crowns.

This is an illusion! Under capitalism, even if there were only whites, you would still be the disenfranchised and exploited proletariat you are now. The only difference would be that instead of seeing black people in your nonsense and culturally vapid mass media, you would see only white people.

What a tremendous victory!

You all point to history. Look at the greatness of white men in the past! Sure, but look at how many whites in such situations were the basically enslaved labour force. You seem to think without other races, the basic hierarchical ordering of all societies in history would change. "Now ALL whites get to be the kings and princes of the world!" Think about this logically. There. is. no. fucking. chance that this is how things would pan out.

No. The vast majority of people have to work back-breaking or mind numbing jobs for 8 or more hours a day, and only have the soulpower to burn their brains out with mass culture nonsense afterwards. As such, this garbage is easier to sell. As such, it is what will continue to be created and disseminated, regardless of the ethnicity in power.

This. This whole thread is pure bait, and this shit is gonna paint 8pol as the bad guys to the whole world.

making Holla Forums into a specific thing is completely and utter faggotry. The newfags are the ones trying to enforce an echo chamber here. Also stickying this after Holla Forums got a lot of attention in the MSM stinks fucking bad.

To all true believers, this is called defeatism
I'm sincerely sorry that you do not as yet understand fully the situation we find ourselves in, if you are even white. Reality is not always easy to accept. The problem with your arguments is that you fundamentally do not comprehend our values, leading you to put words in the mouth of the believers of National Socialism. I'm sorry that this board has evolved beyond your comfort zone, wherever that may lie. I strongly encourage you to look into the ACTUAL ideals we profess, and to gather why Jewish interests (or Muslim, or black, or Hispanic interests for that matter) are largely incompatble with them. I do not claim to know how long you've browsed this board, but the knowledge gained here takes some time to really sink in. Hence the phrase, "lurk moar." If you do not understand something, do this. rather than attempting to convince us of something we do not believe in.
Heil Hitler.

Sorry user. They were kicked out of the Iberian Peninsula in 1492, and the conversos were kicked out just to be sure a couple of years later.
This year there was an article on a little village in Portugal where the inhabitants have been pretending to be Christian for 600 years. A new law (passed in the same week in Spain and Portugal) allows citizenship for any Jew who can trace their ancestry back to those who were kicked out.

You are dealing with a tribe that derives its identity not from culture or land, but from winning against others.

Why is this thread stickied? This is us shooting ourselves in the foot. We know Israel is a sham state, we know how it was formed and for what reason and most of us know the difference between trendy jews and literal "Its anudda shoah" zionists. Israel needs to be disassembled, the jews fare fine globally, they don't need "an insurance policy" in case of another genocide. Dismantle Israel and let them move where they will. To keep them from taking over the world they are not supposed to have their own state, rather they are to remain a nomadic people.

At the end of the day making a
Is counter productive and makes me question the mod who did it.

My great grandmother was in kiev during the occupation and did see germans execute jews. My great grandfather on the other side of my family was a German officer in ukraine who has been known to put kikes up against the wall.

I do believe that jews were treated like shit and did have to fear for their lives, because the Germans known for their many proud displays of applying the scientific method and achieve marvels, realized that through european history, the kikes constantly shuffled around as an infestation that cause pathogenicity of host nations. The only rational thing to do is to get the kikes.

Which is why I have a hard time believing aryans used pesticide instead of easily producable nerve agents and a couple of shitty ovens killed and burned better than modern state of the art cremation ovens

If you're too weak to strike the enemy that is actively trying to kill you, you will not survive.

Cultural marxism, mass immigration, defeatism, are being pushed on ONLY white people by one small group.

In a globalised world we are all ethnic tribes. The ones who don't organise will be split up, deracinated and destroyed by the better-connected.


Let (((them))) know that we know and that we are not backing down.

We know Pizzagate is them.

We know it's part of their traditional blood rituals.

And we know the only solution is the final one.


The more (((they))) panic and the more (((they))) point and shout "anti-semitism" at us the more they expose (((themselves))).

Psychopathy is and always has been the real enemy of the human race. Killing jews won't fix it. Science will win this fight, as long as we can hold them off long enough for it to work.

preach it

They have a high percentage of psychopathy genes.

gee, holocaust "evidence" that is merely anecdotal
never seen that before

oops, too late

This feels like a set up due to pizzagate.

It isn't. Quit being a pussy. I'm loving it. Even if it is a false flag, I don't care.

Fuck pr
Also, Jim just said in livestream he hates Israelis.

Dubs mean I'll assume your right for the sake of argument. Now what?

You don't understand the core principles of National Socialism - I can tell that you haven't bothered to do any reading about its principles, because otherwise you wouldn't be saying what you're saying. I'm not going to debate you on them, but what I will tell you is that National Socialists do not advocate keeping today's corrupt capitalist society intact. We are not advocating simply striping kikes from their positions of power, replacing them with whites, and perpetuating the same horribly corrupt establishment. The ideology is much deeper than that; we have a much grander vision for our people. You would do well to study Mein Kampf.

We continue to work to destroy the jews.
There is no escaping a horrible fate for them.

Jim, in his livestream was asked about the jewish question.
He doesn't mind.

Life is a game even after you die.

I know this is a politically incorrect opinion out here, but a lot of rage on this board comes from the anti-human atrocities committed by Jews, right? Second, we all know that anti-semitism before Hitler was much more common. In my belief, Hitler's final solution essentially made anti-semitism the worst thing ever, when, prior to him, it was openly discussed. What if, then, we were less like Hitler and other Jews and DIDN'T commit mass atrocities? Our outrage comes from them doing bad stuff, so why do bad stuff ourselves? Aren't we better than the Jew? I say yes.

Part of European culture is adherence to law; Germanic law, Salic law, the Lawkeepers of the Norse, Saxon law, they are all related and we are all instilled with their rightness. For example, how natural does it feel for a son to inherit what was his fathers? Well, Jewish marxism says the son is not entitled to that.

Jews have always thrived on the outskirts of the law, not considering themselves fully part of one nation or another people besides their own. Further, they submit to an entirely different and extremely Jewy law. But, Jews wish to live off and profit from communities of which they don't consider themselves part.

So, rather than be Hitlers and in that way, Jewish, we should be upright human beings. Our outrage over pizzagate and any number of scandal is justified. The actions and ideals we abhor here are not natural. To be upright Europeans, and honor our ancestors, we should be men of law and true principle. Murder of people (and yes, argue there if you will) is bad. What's bad for them is bad for us: it is what justifies our anger. Therefore, do not exterminate the Jew, but outlaw Jewry from usury in all it's forms, to blood libel, to assault on European heritage. They want us to forget our ways. We must make them forget theirs. Ours are actually good and theirs are actually bad, so writing laws in this accord will work. Thus the Jew will convert or be starved and his parasitic relationship with his host community will die. Then they can all go to Israel and make all the jewy laws they want, until they are conquered in just rightness.

Charlemagne followed the law, he was not a barbarian. Charles Martel followed the law, he was not a barbarian. The Vikings followed the law, they were not barbarian. I implore us here to hang on to our goodness. Let's not be barbarians, let's make our ancestors proud. Don't exterminate the Jew, punish the subject guilty of Jewry. I understand there is a war of cultures. Ours has always been the righteous (and victorious) one, let us be righteous. And let us hang those who who don't live in accord with our law, in our land.

Removal of the invaders in Europe will have to happen sooner or later. Now that the Emperor is elected, the chance of the US intervening when a European country tries to uncuck itself is far lower.

What can trigger such an event? A new terror attack on an even larger scale than what happened in Paris?

a place like this that only grows, despite repeated and at times massive wawes of shills makes you think what goes through the "mind" of JDF for example, it must be because of their badly managed organisation or old senile leaders that this continues, despite the absent desired effects they continue to send them, must be boring to me a JDF internet troll.

It costs them money though, so thats pretty funny.

I've come to not be favorable to Christianity at all. What will we do for religion then?

That's a crock-full of shit if I've ever read some.
The only reason Jews weren't killed before was because they were useful as money-lenders before banishing them. Not to mention, jews were mysteriously dissapearing when crusader armies marched on the way to Jerusalem :^)
You also have a skewed vision of what is an "European". He's not the type to "uphold the law" or "Be good", He's the type that hopes his neighbours house catches on fire simply out of spite. Much more do they hope for the neighbour beyond the border to catch on fire.

Sounds like you got your version history from your personal Crusader Kings II play through.

I do admit that an idea like mine can only work in the case that it's possible to remove the Jewry from the Jew, and it's possible to fully enforce the law. I think both are possible, but have the most doubt about the first question. I'm here for discussion so, your critique is graciously accepted and noted.

I certainly don't dispute the controversy of Jews in Europe throughout time. I guess I'm saying "Go be jews somewhere else" is preferred to becoming authoritarian socialists: "we don't need Jews because the German folk will take care of themselves, under order of Fuhrerjew."

More Aryans died in WW2 than Semites so that solution wasn't good. German fighting German over a false narrative that Jews were getting exterminated. The thing is, Hitler is only a good guy if you believe the holocaust happened. But you're on Holla Forums so you'd better know the facts about the holocaust, and therefore, it was a myth that resulted in the end of questioning semitism. Hitler killed anti-semitism. Prove me wrong there, and if you can, we'll consider your jewish human sacrifice pagan method.

No it comes from anti-white atrocities committed by Jews. If the kikes only genocided niggers and asians I wouldn't give a single fuck about them.

Just make a law that forbids jews to exists.

Of all people, what that masonic pedophile wants should be the last concern of pol

More complete rubbish?
Really? I don't remember any civil wars happening within Germany over jews.
Why are there anti-anti-semite groups (like ADL, for example) established by jews?
There's nothing pagan about genocide, friend. Albigensian crusade ought to show you that.

You're the idiot who thinks the Jewish Question will be solved by herding them into Israel. Do you know what the "Samson Option" is? I think (((they))) will be way more likely to use it in rough situations since all the jewish population will be in Israel.

You need citations on that world population graph.

That is a concern, but you have to remember we're dealing with foes who ARE monsters, who HAVE stared into the abyss.

If you're not refrencing Nietzsche, then you're referencing the Bible, which as we all know is a Jewish tome. The old "Do the opposite of what the jews say" applies here.

We know the jews say one thing to the goyim while doing the opposite. Open borders? Buld walls aroudn isreal. Be multicult? Isreal is and must be a Jewish ethnostate.

We have to fight fire with fire.

Also Nietzsche was against antisemitism, take everything he says with a grain of salt



Trump won this election cycle because he was seen as stronger than the opposition. He promised jobs, safety, dominance in world politics, a wall to keep out mexicans, and better education. He appealed to those desires better than Hillary or the media did, and that's why he won. Trump is 4-8 more years of the system, albeit that system will be a bit more livable than if hillary won.

The endgoal is the removal of this easily subverted and weak democratic system that benefits the jews, and to replace it with one that is hardened and competent and almost immune to subversion. That system is outlined in Mein Kampf, a race-based state, where the point of the state is the preservation of the race.

Of course, different time, different thread. The proles will follow anyone so long as he gives them their bread and circuses. The ideology they follow will come from whoever provides from them.

My grandpa was of German heritage going to Germany to fight men of German heritage. This is what I mean.

Speaking of ADL and the popular culture, which groups get more airtime, the ADL or the Neo-Nazis? It's the ADL, whether you like it or not. That's the modern world we live in. Before Hitler there was no ADL, people just knew how terrible the jews were and only did business with them when they had. Since Hitler, if you say the word "central bank" on Facebook you get banned for anti-semitism. So yeah, anti-semitism is alive and well according to you. Yeah right.

Your problem is that you want old solutions to a modern problem. You think the world will stand by while you remove the Jew. This would have worked in the middle ages maybe, but it's not the middle ages bub, and we have the ADL and any number of normie, uninformed people to deal with. They will reeroo so loud that you'll be the one exterminated.

This was supposed to be a thread about solutions to a problem, and not wide-eyed naive hope for a lost cause. Hitler ruined anti-semitism, I'll say it again. The Jews are a problem, but so are the VAST MAJORITY of gentiles who have been blinded and stupefied by the ADL et al.

Thank you for at least considering what I'm saying. I'm not doing so because we disagree about the problem. Only the solution.

None. Which is why we cannot rely on us simply "Deserving" to win because we are "Righteous and true"

Might makes right my friend. When we win, we can tell our kids all the stories of how we valiantly fought and maintained the moral high ground over our foes, about how they were backed by lies and deceit, and us by truth and honesty.

Until then, get your gloves on and grab your guns. We have work to do, and its not going to be pretty.

If there's any question this board has gone downhill, it's this. But whatever, I'll probably be accused of being a kike whore shill.

Lugenpresse influenced jew puppets, big surprise.
If they keep this up, it'll come back with a strike of thunder next time.

I mean it's 2016, right guys? According to you, not a single solution will be viable because everyone will stop us. We can't deport them, because it'll be another shoah. We can't question them because it'll be another shoah. We can't genocide them because it'll be another shoah. In all these situations, the mainstream people will chastise you or kill you.
That means there is no solution to a problem.
I think we should push on all solutions so that atleast one of them would be available in the future because none of them are possible now. None of them.

He isn't wrong though, Christianity has some good memes for controlling lemmings.

That's essentially pay your taxes and be a good boy to the state, and wait until you get your just reward in heaven.

The universalist shit llike you mentioned will have to go, but all that takes is some scissors and a few hours or some editing software and we'll have a perfectly good NatSoc Bible, free from semetic influence and universalist bullshit.

This. This thread was probably created deliberately to be ammo for MSM and the mod are in on it. Probably created it themselves.

The reason mullticult is failing is because it is removing the safety from society, removing wealth and most importantly removing comfort from the people.

MC asks them to accept dangerous people into their society, give up with cool toys and shames them for being white and rich, even if they or their parents earned that wealth. That is why its failing. Not because the people prefer truth over lies, but because the system, through its own machinations, has failed to give them their bread and circuses.

However I would like to add that your "solution" is simply accepting the problem and being enslaved by jews. The jew is biologically and culturally neurotic. He will pursue you no matter how much love you show him. Simply because he views you as an ancient and modern Amalakite enemy that must be wiped out.

Well you understand where I'm coming from. It has nothing to do with current year meme. I'm just being a realist here. If you want to go on thinking now that Trump won everything is gonna be fixed immediately, you're a dolt.

I'm not saying don't push for solutions, I'm saying, let's be honest with ourselves about the culture we live in. My grandma would disparage jews and italians and niggers. She lived in a different world. Was hers better? Yes. Is our challenge greater? Yes, and it's because Hitler did it the wrong way. He was a jewish pawn as much as anyone is today. This is the point I'm trying to get across to you. And if you showed up at my door saying "time to fight another globalist war to remove the jew" I'd shoot you on the spot. Any solution I accept will not be a socialist one. Hitler was a socialist kike. Deal with it. I don't need any state, nazi or otherwise to tell me what the fuck to do with my life.

Carry on with your Brownshirt LARPing.

Outlawing jewry is more viable. Outlaw jewish influence in media. Or make us the target of the globalist machine. Call me defeatist, but we don't live in a world where our ideas have the same power as the jewish ideas, thanks to Jewish influence. We have to win that before it's time for RWDS. Killing people isn't going to win that, it makes us look stupid. Outlawing jewry is the 3D chess. Remove their actual power, then if we still need to, remove them, but for violating the law. I knew going into this argument that it was an unpopular choice. I think it's only pragmatic though.

The "Hitler did nothing wrong" is a joke exactly because he did not try to gas them.

That's not possible. Killing and genocide is the only solution that worked through centuries. Hitler didn't gas the jews, but he should've. We wouldn't have Israel or "jewish influence" now if he did.
Your own argument is destroying your own solutions.

This is the type of argument that will eventually convince me to drop mine. The challenge is getting a majority of people to understand and accept it. We are already enslaved by the jew.

The joke here should be "Hitler did nothing right, because he didn't gas the jew." He tricked the west into hating anti-semites, instead of listening to anti-semites.

This but I disagree on the "None." part. (((They))) gave us every justification to extinguish them and every memory of their degenerate corrosive ethnic "culture" within the last century of domination, exploitation and genocide attempts.

What's the point of accepting enslavement if it it'll end in our own genocide before everyone understands the problem?


Cool story, Schlomo.

If it wasn't him it would have been something else, it would have made no difference. He was just used as a scapegoat. His existence and nazi germany's existence is actually the only thing that can wake people up.

As the other user pointed out:

Nice try, (((schlomo))).

I would like to be proved wrong, believe me. Perhaps my problem is that I'm only considering Hitler's solution and I need to look more into prior exterminations.

I'm afraid if I call for an Inquisition I'll be called a Christcuck and I'll have more people telling me National Socialism is the best way to do it. See my problem? I'm Roman Catholic. I do love a good burning. But those jews were guilty of heresy, a crime! I'm in a tough place to argue from.

Where'd ya go OP?

Then (((they))) tricked the West into fighting against Hitler, meaning that we've been cucked since before Hitler. So all the previous solutions were in fact failures, because by the time the war started Jewish influence was already at levels high enough to start and end the war. You're proving yourself wrong here too.

doesn't matter. we don't depend on secrecy to win. quite the opposite.

Let's also not forget that we are not talking about niggers, arabs or even our greatest physical enemies, the turkroaches, here.

We are talking about the parasites that were expelled from every country they've been to for their misdemeanor just to parasitize to the next host and return to destroy their previous hosts out of spite, psychopathy and inability to self-reflect and accept responsibility for their crimes.

Even our ideological "allies" in (((Breitbart))) will cry and moan "antisemitism" instead of acknowledging the rampant kikery in the institutions they criticize and the jewish gross overrepresentation in globalist cancer think-tanks that most of its readers are already aware of. They have exhausted almost every potential for redemption at this point.

Big fucking news, Mordekai!

Yes. Exile and regulation was proven again and again to not being enough.

A-fucking-greed. Jews always project their vices to their victims.

Another good solution I would like to propose is taking away all their newborn children, never to be seen by their parrents again.
This worked on Christian born Jannisaries in the Ottoman empire and was done to a lesser extent by USSR communist agents in the US education system, though the children weren't taken away in a literal sense.


Notice the kike faggots who run this board also sticky this obvious shill thread.

So it's time for an Inquisition. To bad you think the people who have done all that are Kikeslaves instead of realizing that the Catholic Church has always been on the correct side wrt Jewry. The funny thing, the attack on the Church is the most basic and tested D&C that the jews use and you fell for it 100%.


Okay kike you faggots were using chainguns to shoot down civilians in berlin before hitler was even a thing–19

Kikery is genetic though.

This worked because European Christians were of a better genetic stock than islamo-dysgenized arabo-mongolic mongrels. The only benefit the White race would get would be slightly greater IQ for a clusterfuck of genetic diseases, neuroticism and socially detrimental vices.

Our outrage comes not at "bad stuff," but at the threat to us and our children. It doesn't matter if we are "morally better" than the jew if we are dead. Ideals and morality does not mean victory, and right does not make might.

This is not a saturday morning cartoon where we will win because we're the good guys and always look both ways before crossing the street and never litter, we'll win because we want to survive more than the jew does.

Adhering to the Law is only as good as that Law is. And right now, our laws are designed by Jews to the benefit of non-whites.

No war was ever won by sticking to the moral high ground. No battle was ever won by refusing to pick up a sword because violence is evil and can't we all just sit down and talk about this? No race has ever survived by believing that his "moral superiority" will keep him safe.

We are in a war, we have been for a long damn time. The time to talk is over. It was over thousands of years ago when the Jews decided that their Roman masters were "evil" and they were "good."

Morality is simply rules we make up to survive in the current situation. We made ours up to survive the hungry European winters. For Jews under Roman rule, it was to keep ones head down and wait for a chance to strike back. Now it is lurk in the shadows and make sure the goyim can never rise again.

I was talking about germans fighting germans over jews. That revolution was just kike ussr rearing it's ugly face to the german public.

As an Orthodox by ethnicity I was always mistrustful of the pope and its pets but I have to fully agree with you on that one. After the Reconquista and the Inquisition Spain, free of kikes, managed to exploit its full potential for many centuries afterwards.

For reference

He was saying what justification do we have to impose our views on the masses over them. The only justification we have is that should we win, who will stop us? We will have proved ourselves stronger, and that is right enough.

I was not saying that we have justification to genocide them. Our justification there is survival, and that's all we should need.

I am deeply opposed to any form of genocide. It is plainly wrong in all forms, yes, even the Jew, the parasite of all civilizations, it is wrong.

What must happen is forced relocation of all Jewish persons to either the former Soviet Jewish Oblast, Israel or an island somewhere in the Pacific.

1. The demolishment of all synagogues worldwide

2. The forced relocation of all Jews to a homeland

3. The forced inter-mixing of Jews to Non-jews; black, white, asian, etc for four generations

Problem solved. Some Jews, particularly Ashkenazi are in fact brilliant, genociding such a gene is harmful, but slowly mixing until it is undisguisable from other genes is preferred.

The Byzantine solution of preventing Jews in certain fields made it the longest lasting Empire of all time. The active assault on everything Jewish will alienate Jews who share our views.

Hey chaim

The only thing more deserving of genocide than kikes are tripfags.

And who opened the Kerkoporta to Mehmet again?…

bad enough
And your retarded too

You cocksuckers realize that the holocaust didn't even happen, only severe persecution of the Jew and look what they did to get back.

If you're going through with full genocide you better make sure it fucking sticks man because the white race will be done.

Furthermore, to persecute a people for their father's crimes is wrong, you yourself know what it is to espoused of nonsense such as white privilege.

Children? Even children? Women? I understand the ZOG bankers and their kin must be scrubbed off the Earth as dirt, but even a poor Heeb?

Perhaps not whites, but Christ, real genocide? This isn't any good for any of us, to throw the final blow such as that, it discomforts me.

Also, just for being a faggot, im stealing that pepe



Genocide is moot.
That's what the Jews never figured out, where they fucked up and lost their way, by intending genocide. Now everybody hates them.

Focus on creation, not on destruction. Focus on creating a better race. If you have to pull some weeds along the way, well okay then, but full on intention for genocide is destructive. If you must get embroiled in the JQ, the thing todo is to help them progress so that they are not poisonous to other groups of people. And an even better solution is to focus on improving your own good self, and that of your own race.

How will they get back on us if they are all dead?

It is hard to tell the difference between people willing to do terrible things for the promise of a better future and people willing to use the promise of a better future to do terrible things, but its not like what he is saying is wrong.

im just not fully convinced that there isnt another, better, less extreme way to deal with the situation than acting out the holyhoax. theres another kind of corruption that should be avoided, where you try so hard to preserve your physical security that you lose who you were in the first place.


Its a damn good thing they're commiting crimes too isn't it then?

Rest easy knowing that we are freeing our children from this burden by taking it upon ourselves. Yes, this will be dirty, but at least our kids don't have to do it.

Every last one. Even mischlings like me

there's gotta be a way to neutralize psychopath DNA

You sound like a weak faggot who will be treated like a traitor when the day comes.

Let's start with fixing the jew's psychopathy, then? They have the highest rate of schizophrenia and related disorders, moishe.

What must be done is have Trump announce that one country in particular has not given anything positive back to America, despite the US protecting it.
This is the Perfect Punishment and this is What MUST Happen.
May KEK Make It So.

>Even mischlings like me
You have your uses.

you sound like a larping bitch

that's what I implied, you retard

There is. Gas all kikes and its occurrence of it will become much less frequent.

Desperate times call for desperate measures. We're at the goddamn breaking point for the white race, and our actions will decide whether whites die out or jews die out.

We are in prime position to get rid of this problem once and for all. Either we capitalize, or we let them slip away, lick their wounds and plot even harder next time.

If it's psychopathy to not want your kids to suffer, then I'm Jeffry Dahmer

Yeah. Also fuck the immune system. If you are infected by something focus on creating new cells, not destroying the invader. Also don't ever wash your clothes or anything to destroy mites, just sew new ones.

Hey chaim.

I'm suspicious it's stickied so the MSM will have something to write about. I don't trust our mods one lick.

I will say your idea to let them "move where they will" is deplorable though. Come on, user. That would take us right back to square one.

Like it or not, the reality is that the Jews are not termites, but people animated with human spirits.
Maybe they only belong among their own kind until they learn to play fairly with others, but depriving them of their opportunity for self-improvement is taking the need for protection of our race too far.

If you go too far, there will be negative repercussions. It's a karmic law.
For the sake of the Aryan race, don't get drawn into doing something we will all regret. Instead, focus on doing something that will make us all proud. It may be a harder row to hoe but in the long run it will be worth it.

Here's the problem with it.

Where do you stop?

Niggers have the most profitable and abundant continent in the world and still build straw huts to this day, why not wipe them out?

Arabs hold valuable oil all across the Middle East and use it for perverted purposes to try and subject Europe, why not them?

Asians are ant-like inferior whites who pollute and desecrate their environment to no end and breed to no end, why not them?

What comes next? Slavs? Poles? Sub-whites? Where do you draw the line? Is it whites against all the world? We may not be able to make that bet.

Germanics against the world? That was tried and failed. Where do you say who goes and doesn't go into the gas chambers? It's problematic at the least if not entirely not plausible.

Because imkampfy is a shitskin kike faggot who does (((their))) bidding and this thread is proof of it.

and here's this NSA faggot appealing to morality because the kikes play both sides of this subject

And another kike responding to their own thread playing both sides

I know my use. Infiltration while the system stands, weaken from the inside. When the fighting breaks out, I can still either sabotage or join and use the jewish sociopathy to execute the nonwhites that some aren't willing to.

When the war is over, I either get offed or off myself, knowing my work won't go in vain, or live out my life as sort of an uncle to the new white race, telling stories to the children about the dark times.

Looking forward to it.

m8, they want to exterminate every last one of us and they think it's funny. If anything I would say genocide is too good of a destiny for them.

Somehow I suspect that you are the Jew, here.

Ayy lmaos

Kike playing both sides.

Meanwhile the OP of this thread is an actual alphabet-tier advocacy for actually useless rhetoric.

Then you have one-off shills like tihs who appeal to muh PR and say wow, you're justa jew if you want to kill jews.

This is a perfect example of post-2014 subversion Holla Forums where the vols and BO work hand in hand with JIDF and alphabet to play both sides.

I understand the anger, and feel it myself. But when we act out of anger, we've already lost.

A better solution to the JQ is not to kill 'em all and let god sort 'em out, but to establish what we want for ourselves, and move the obstacles outa the way. By focusing on creativity, rather than destruction, we will go farther, faster, and everyone will be happier in the long run.

Jews. They are the only ones who really are a threat to our very existence. Get rid of them and the rest falls into place. If that doesn't makes sense to you then you haven't dug enough.


samefag fail
this thread is bringing all the kikes out of the woodwork it seems

I hope you're not being serious. You realize the reason we can't build what you say we need to build is because of them, right?


holy shit guys…!!!!

guess its time to burn my PC for just posting in this thread

Thanks for contributing to reaching the bump limit on this NSA thread

Muh RP ain't gonna spare you the ZB, Moishe.


This is a good example of NSA shill advocating violence in unproductive ways and then d&cing against other whites.

Hey newfag, just gtfo. You got your 'subversive' thread stickied, and maybe you can paint 8/pol/ in the lamestream as a place where genocidal movements and homegrown terrorism spring up, but the truth is, most people here simply don't subscribe to hurting/killing other people for fun and racism. We engauge in the time-honored tradition of insulting each other to derive the truth of things.


so you first pretend to be for gassing the kikes, and now your true colors are showing

When all the shitskins are removed.

Precisely. Anyone defending it staying that way is retarded.

No reason. They are a hostile race and will not cease their hostilities until they are gone.

Most of the chink races have to go. Some East Asians are pretty cool so the rest will have to be on a case by case basis.

About there's were you draw the line. They are certainly a bit slower than western Europeans but when they are anti-communist they are pretty based. It's not like they posses a third of the world like the niggers so they can keep their clay.

Are you retarded? The rest of the world can barely string together an armed force even with whites holding their hands all the way. It would be over in about six weeks.

The solution is you don't. Bullets are so much cheaper.


I bet you thought 'gas the kikes' was ironic shitposting

aaaaaaand he's broken

I bet you will not stop shilling because you get paid to play both sides.

Meanwhile the OP of this thread is an actual alphabet-tier advocacy for actually useless rhetoric.

Then you have one-off shills like tihs who appeal to muh PR and say wow, you're justa jew if you want to kill jews.

This is a perfect example of post-2014 subversion Holla Forums where the vols and BO work hand in hand with JIDF and alphabet to play both sides.

Meanwhile the OP of this thread is an actual alphabet-tier advocacy for actually useless rhetoric.

Then you have one-off shills like this who appeal to muh PR and say wow, you're just a jew if you want to kill jews.

This is a perfect example of post-2014 subversion Holla Forums where the vols and BO work hand in hand with JIDF and alphabet to play both sides.

The ride never ends, faggot. Kikes are champions of hide and seek. You'll live a long life in service of the race of the better half of you as counter-Mossad.

Sageing a sticky, Chaim?

Surething, Holla Forums.


You don't speak for Holla Forums and you should kill yourself.

He also implies that golems are people, which is even sillier.

anything that helps this get closer to the limit


How fortunate that we have DNA profiling.

we do the same thing though, which is why it's so hard to take the JQ redpill. it's very hard to conceptualize that this behavior towards your (((((fellow humans))))) is taking place, since it's not in our nature. but the reality persists nonetheless.

How about this?

Jews, aka golems, lost their connection to Yahvee back in 160AD.

Are you a kike or just a kike sympathizer?

Who the fuck are you, the head of the alt-Right?
Why don't you fuck off and die, already, bitch?

Does it make any difference?

This is the equivalent of predicting storms by tossing bones in the air or reading tea leaves.
It's interesting that this thread was pinned but the premise is completely flawed. OP could have been forgiven for believing that chaotic systems could be predicted in a mechanistic way, if we were writing this 100 years ago; but today there is no excuse.
We can't even accurately predict weather a week in advance, how much more impossible the task when the system in question is the infinitely more complicated human society.
There is a final solution (I would suggest that the answer lies in genetic engineering, i.e an ethnic bomb), predicting the outcome of a system with sensitivity to initial conditions is not among them.

Not necessarily. Golems are animated objects without a soul, just like kikes are since 160AD when based Hadrian built the Wall and severed kikes' connection to Yahvee.

Can't disagree with the first half of your post.
Thread is obviously as you describe and pinning suggests moderator complicity.
They want grist for the press mill and to act as underpinning evidence for the coming ban on "dangerous speech".

Kike sympathetizers are just pussies who might one day see the light and embrace the truth

Kikes are irredeemable

Overt BO subversion seems to peak on a yearly cycle. It peaked around this time last year, you may remember, when they tried to push a new ethos on Holla Forums by way of sticky threads and open posts by vols, that time it was "we have to start being nice to immigrants."

proof or gtfo

Seems to me if somebody is fishing for a reason to shutter Holla Forums, or at the very least limit access to it, this thread would do it.

>oy vey, don't speak the truth because it's controversial
Yeah, let's stop calling out the jew as well. It could get us on a list on something.

The truth is that this is us or them. They are trying to exterminate as we speak, and are halfway successful, and they do not have any second thoughts about it what so ever. You want to jeopardize our entire race and civilization to preserve that?

OK, so we get them out. Then what? Do you think they will just sit there? Do you think they will not use the emerging bio tech do design a hundred racially targeted plagues to release unto us for revenge, and do you not think that in 100 years, when all the rage has long since cooled down, moralfags like yourselves won't let them back in because "you can't blame them for what their ancestors did" ?

The Jew never change. Like no other he hates the whole world, and it is in his genes. The truth is there will never be peace until he is gone, and that is a truth that must be spoken.

you seem to want to limit our free speech here, does this thread trigger you?

I wonder when >reported for Holla Forums will show up.

Maybe its the same guy

Calling out 'FIRE!' in a crowded theater is not only stupid, it's against the law.
Calling for genocide when racial tensions are already being built up by the lamestream media only plays into (((their))) hands.

I like Holla Forums. Don't wanna see it go away. Do you feel impeded?

Make love, not war.

Sentimentality got the better of me I suppose.

Either way, I'm ready. I'm already setting up internships in media through my relatives. Unsurprisingly, alot of those connections lead to CNN.

If we can't have a gas the kikes thread here on Holla Forums then where the fuck else will we be able to? Hang thyself faggot

You must be an actual kike, projecting this hard.

Go die in a fire, hippie faggot.

And do tell me the last time Holla Forums posters gave a fuck about what msm thought about them? Glad you at least admit to not being from here

A purely theoretical gas the kikes thread is fine, but try to organize that shit without expecting the hand of the FBI to come slamming down on you. Say what you want, as long as no one gets hurt. That's how we've limited the First Amendment.

Instead of focusing on hurting others, Jews, Spics, Niggers, etc, etc, ad nauseum, why don't you focus instead on the bright side of life? On making our world better by improving our people? Hmm? There's value in that too, you know.

Is calling for genocide even illegal? I am not familiar with Philippino hate-speech laws.

Don't touch me you filthy casual!

Because there can't be a brighter side of life until you are all gone.

and that is exactly what you want, Holla Forums to sit and mentally masturbate and not get anything productive done irl. Oh well, time has come. Enjoy the warmth of the ovens

Funny thing is that we did not even advocate for a full genocide of non-Whites based on "might makes right" or darwinian rhetoric, just of (((those))) who fully and irredeemably deserve it.

that's exactly right: violence is *only* acceptable when it's done by a government agency

the lack of trigger discipline is triggering me.

there is a genocide right now in Burma that Kofi user just denied so there is that.

This made me laugh.

You can't advocate for the killing of anyone doesn't truly deserve it. To indiscriminately hurt and kill others is why war is so horrible.
It would be easy if all black folks were stupid, but that's not the case, if all Phips smelled like fish, but it ain't true, if all Jews were genocidal racists, but the truth is, even if most of them are, we can't make that blanket assumption. Our path ain't easy, it's hard. We must assess, the best we can, each person based on the faults and merits they exemplify. That's America. It ain't easy, but it's fair.

Elaborate. Both the genocide and Coffenigger's denial have slipt past me.


Yes but all kikes do deserve it.

If you like anime, then you are a subset of these people, anime means rejecting Western standards of beauty, so nice job projecting.

That has not been proven to me.

Thats not what might makes right means. Its not an explanation or justification, its a view of history and an observation. Whoever is strongest writes history, and they tend to put themselves in a good light whilst writing it.

then you need to fucking lurk moar and not post for another year on this board


You need to lurk more then.

its also very immoral to take that diamond

those smart few are much more important to their own people

Zionism, satanic homosexuals-turned-pedophiles, yeah these are the globalists we all rail about. They are the instigators of so much strife resulting in damaged psyches whose impacts echo throughout the world, but not all Jews are Zionistas, not all Mexicans want to claim the Southwest, not all people are the same.

What I want is for a peacefully creative world, not one that stumbles into a self-destructive civil war over petty racism. There is enough to take of right now with some DnC on Holla Forums about starting a teenager's race war.

This is one of the smarter posts in this thread. There's obvious reasons why our mods would sticky this thread and it seems many of you don't fully get the fragility of the situation, men in power's lack of control, and the inherent demands that the system makes of us.

I'm going to dump a . pdf here. It's Ted Kaczynski's latest work, released in August. I'll post a copy on some of the other chans since it's too large for 8ch.!U84XjT6I!MwXlUfoYpJUbDQ84V-1YtjQzXVTdRZe3VbaEFOYGpGQ

Anti-Tech Revolution: How and Why.

Agreed but still does not make it the main argument in favor of the well-deserved kike genocide.

Lurk moar then.

You can advocate for war. Checkmate.

Well too fucking bad then, sweetbums, for as long as kikes, and possibly non-Whites exist, you can't have it.

You can advocate for war, then. I cannot. I focus on the beauty of Life instead, and on it's preservation.

That may be.
That may be.

lel, babby's first assignment on Holla Forums

Sure, there are a few (5-6) jews and mexicans out there who don't want those things, but the vast majority do. Would you spare the ants invading your home because there's some ants that don't want to invade your home?

Besides, we've already heard the old "not all x" schtick, and we're far past it. Reddit might fall for that, not us.

Wew lad

I wasn't saying that either. Racial survival is all the arguement we need for genocide.

No, it's not even that. It's not about who can present themselves as righteous but about the fact that the only thing that can assert a right in this world is might.

You can for example proclaim that you have a right to travel freely all you want but unless you have the might to enforce that, or someone else has that might and asserts it out of pure mercy to you, it doesn't exist. Someone has to claim the right and in the end it can only ever be claimed by might. That is true even for the gods.

Yeah, you're right. I focused too much on the historical aspect of it. Capping that for future reference.

in that context, everything comes down to a corruption of the turn-the-other-cheek meme, and you end up cucking yourself

Warning: Shill Thread


Jews, Spics and Niggers deserve a genocide. For Africa, you cut off the food aid and send in the RWDSs to reenact operation Dingo. Haiti, those starving dindus that after a couple two hundred years have accomplished nothing but die to tornados? Firebomb South America as it's full of Chinese bases and some nasty bugs that use people as breeding chambers while literal subhumans get together to protect the fucking bugs because "DA AMAZON DINDU NUFFIN 6 MILLION SPECIES AND THEY'RE ALL BENIGN".

Spics are a failure that the spaniards didn't take care of, Jews aren't human and niggers have to be put out of their misery. The World could use a few billion less Indians and Chinks, while stuff like Abos and those grass smoking Injuns are a parasite to whatever country they host.

Only ones that should be allowed to live besides Whites would be the Samurai-tier Asians.

how is tel aviv at this hour?

That's an argument for any genocide.In the case of kikes and even sunni muslims we don't even need that since we have full multi-layered ethical justification over it.

Funny how your rhetoric goes to the other extreme when the rope tightens around your neck, doesn't it JIDF?

Now you can only look forward into having memed your own demise.

You don't need to go looking for a racewar, it will find you. The Lefty/media is so butthurt right now, and thinking that their communist dream is over, that they are purposefully driving a racial wedge into America, DnC. Idunno, maybe this thread is just another aspect of that attempt. That's the simplest answer for me: this thread is a settup. I haven't seen a thread advocating for the outright genocide of other races get stickied here before, and I been here awhile. If this is where Holla Forums is going, then maybe I've been here too long.

I just like pretty women. Before I came to Holla Forums, I never knew what white women looked like… and I'm white myself, the product of decades of Jewish mental subversion. While I hate the Jews for what they've done to me, personally, which is not insubstantial, I still cannot advocate for their genocide. To me, all people deserve a modicum of respect, even when they offer none. Maybe that's one of the things that makes me so gullibly white.

But can we find reasons NOT TO genocide?

If you want to preserve something you must remove those things that will destroy it. That means getting rid of the kikes.

Can you? You're the one trying to convince us not to genocide the other races.


Pogroms were carried out on Jews many times when Jews were caught kidnapping goyim children and using them for ritualistic sacrifice and/or rape. See blood libel the ADL has a page dedicated to debunking it. If we can expose pizzagate into a national outrage and tie it to Jews that could be the key.

No, I'm entirely pro-genocide. I just thought it would be easier to find the reasons against genocide and deconstruct those than to agree with each other forever.

You could say "culture" but I don't think that dindus running around with pepsi cans in their heads is reason enough to ignore all the risks.

This post is stickied and here I got banned for a month for posting that the "day" of the rope is "on its way"

I disagree.
When all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. We have other solutions available to us, from benign to something abit stronger. We don't have to resort to a final solution right out of the starting gate.

Too, the field of genetics is fast making many of these concerns moot, just moot, just plain moot. Genetic surrogacy is a becoming a thing.

Who were you quoting, Moishe?

Holla Forums is an American imageboard. Advocating genocide in America isn't illegal. What's illegal in America is specific targetted threats plausible; when, where, who, how. Obviously one person can't genocide every Jew in the world so it's not a credible threat.


Alright, I'll try devil's advocate

I figure there's more, but those are the only one's I didn't automatically laugh off

After nearly a decade of relevant discussion, no, not really.

For a person lurking the chans you certainly don't have a developed enough sense of humor.

Is that a challenge?

That implies that technology won't be used against us. We know how easily jews subvert inventions for their own means.

post scap or gtfo kike

There is plenty to be pissy about, no doubt.

Forgiveness has to start somewhere. Once segregation can be enforced, and I believe that's what America's race war will result in, then we can focus on other things. We won't have to annihilate our enemies, just remove them. Then we can get back to the regularly scheduled opportunity to have a life.

I mean the ones I knew even liberals would call strawmen. All of those (aside from we are all equal) I've seen used here on 8/pol/. I know they're all bullshit, and anyone who lurks for a good while could easily debunk them.

But the guy asked for reasons NOT to genocide.


Yes, that's your problem. You are weak so you can only think about solving the problem with hugs and kisses.

No. All have been tried, none have ever worked.

It's not out of the gate. It's been over a thousand years. It's overdue.

Most of it is useless hype to get funding, the rest is going to lead to world killing pandemics being possible to create in the basement of every artists. If anything the field needs to be stomped out until we have gotten rid of the other races and bred insanity out of our own. We are approaching a situation where one single man could kill all larger life in all the oceans and only a complete idiot can think that will end well in our current situation.

Genetic surrogacy will certainly be used against us. That's a given.
But it can also be used to save us.

If we make asses out ourselves, then no one will want anything to do with us. If we are nice, show them the way, then they will welcome us into their homes and hearts in ways that have not yet even been conceived. Having patience for the miscegenistic missteps of other races, esp. the race-mixing Jews, will prove to be our greatest ally.

Just wanna say guys, I'm a member of the demographic you hate (jew, wealthy, well-connected), and I voted for Trump, pushed against multi-culturalism, and am an economic nationalist.

If I could have told my ancestors not to immigrate here I would have, but here I am and I consider myself an American. As a matter of fact I love America and I'd love to see the entire elite class french-revolutioned, whether they're jews, nigs, or whatever.

And if Jews control the media and politics, wtf would false flags do anyway. You guys have no media to talk about the false flags other than on here! Let's execute all the elites and if the Jews come with that, so be it.

We tried that. We built entire cities for niggers, and when they rejected that kindness and asked us to leave, we left them the cities intact, with the instruction manuals and the keys in the ignition.

They destroyed them.

We let jews in hundreds of times, let them into the higher echelons of our societies. LEt them assist in writing our laws, ruling our nations.

Look where we are now.

Your "just love everyone" rhetoric proves you don't belong here. Either lurk, or leave.

Thanks for the advice, fellow white person.

No shit. And you're clearly so brain damaged that you accept your slavery as an inevitability. Or you're a Jew trying to get us to accept ours. Either way, your 'live and let live' bullshit doesn't belong here. And it certainly doesn't apply to the JQ. Yes, there are psychopaths in all races thanks to bloodline mixing, but you can't argue with the fact that wiping out the only population with a 12% incidence rate (compared to the 1-3% of all other races) would drastically improve the lives of everyone else on the planet, for centuries to come.

12 fucking percent. 1 out of every 8. And they have an ancient religion designed specifically to maintain/increase that rate while simultaneously brain damaging the infants of non-psychopaths so that they will fall into line.

This whole webiste is a joke. A genocide thread stickied, CP over on Holla Forums RIGHT NOW. Cmon people. Jim pretends to ban CP yet leaves it. All jim actually does is ban those who talk about his data collection or software shilling. All the work you do on Holla Forums is being analyzed in order to form new subversion tactics to use against the masses.
While %90 of the pizza gate shit starts here a mod figured it would be a good idea to sticky
the final solution

It feels to me that someone wants Holla Forums to look extremely illegitimate and retarded, as well as to simply push away anyone who is curious enough to wind up here. This whole god damn website is fucked. I feel like this shit is some kind of set up and I don't like it. Everyone on this god damn board knows the issues surrounding Israel, zionists and jews in general and none of us have the power to do anything major about it yet, so why is this even being discussed?
I know just by saying what I'm about to say I'm a shill. Im shilling for people to quit this website. Its about time to start talking to people in your community and making connections. We saw the election, there are right wing people in real life who don't just pretend like jim does. Jim goes all out to look like one of the guys so we continue to engage him and his website. Im not even saying go to a new site, I'm saying its not fucking illegal to hold right wing views, maybe its time we did shit in real life instead of congregating around a fucking genocide thread.
Im quitting this place for 2 reasons
1: CP
2: JIM

I think we agree

First 20 posts samefagged (check the writing style) and then this
Are you the jew who did the hitler salute infront of the msm some weeks ago? Anyways its always easy to spot co-opting and hyper radicalization by their retarded effors to create context FOR the enemy to use later. Just like the guy who, in WW1 created thw anti-english song and wrote several poems about exteminating the english was actually a jew that was shunned by other germans for being an 'un-germanic fanatic'. But that didn't stop the allies from picking this up as evidence for the alleged vileness of the german people and their new empire. I wouldn't be suprised that the same who called for violence against jews were the same who on the next day claimed to be victims of the kristallnacht to foreign journalists after smashing their own shop. I wouldn't be suprised if this thread was picked up by some 'investigative journalist' tomorrow in washington time article about the second shoah.

And to the kids and maybe autists who actually believe genocude is for some reason an actual option or even a solution: no it isnt. Its not only babaric, but also a monumental efford that totally overshadows the realitivly simple act of deportation by far. The only reason why thos meme even exists is because jews had revived old Bible stories of ovens and babylonian genocides and claimed the germans were more concentrated on putting them into Ovens (oy vey just like Nebuchadnezzar tried in Daniel; 3) than on winning the titanic war of the century. Don't fall for shills that probably got a new budget raise and a couple fresh antifa minds recruited from the campus to meme fake history into existance for rabbis to tell their children about in the future.



Read up on the links between anger and immunity and get back to me on that one buddy.

Gee whiz, what a great idea. FUCKING LURK MORE.

What does that matter when they are in a pit?

We built societies for ourselves, and allowed other people to live among us. But when a people gain access to a technology or a society that is too advanced for them, they don't know how to maintain it. We should have known that. We should have known better. We cannot give children tools and expect them to build a masterpieces, that's just common sense. The fault is not entirely our own, when Jews are constantly pushing for an equality that is impossible to fulfill.

But that's looking back at what hapened to get us here, deep in the hole now. Maybe we can learn from our mistakes, and dig our way out. Let's not do it by killing other people, but by helping them build the kinda cities that they can successfully live in: differing models for different groups. America was founded on the principle of letting Europeans walk in here and build their own communities. That's the model that worked for centuries. We can't build communities for blacks, they've gotta build their own… though with our help and guidance. Still, that's a far cry from genocide.

Oy vey Holla Forums,
Let's talk about finaly doing what our great leader Hitler and the KKK did: genocide us jews … I mean those jews! Amirite?

if (((they))) remove borders, we must make borders inside the previously existed countries, gated & guarded communities protected from degenerate filth like in the pic

Agree. It would be enough of a trigger to abolish the fed and switch to real currency. That's the crux of the whole thing–you do not have a sovereign nation when you let private interests control your money supply.

I got fucking banned by Snacks maybe 3 days after discovering 4chan


Any kindness will be thrown in our faces

Such a common misrepresentation. It's not about doing what they did, it's about not repeating the errors they committed. We are not supposed to mimic them but becoming something better and superseding them. That begins with mending the areas where they were too lenient.

they are doing it to themselves for free.

covering up pizzagate. just need to make it obvious it is media kikes covering up for other kikes because rich kikes are all talmudic pedos.

an intrepid user can also find out the end result of the Lible case. This summer a rich canadian kikes son was in LA and killed his goy GF by draining all of her blood. the trial is set for nowish.

if a kike judge lets a rich kike forigner off after killing a pretty blonde by draining her blood.

blood libel will be proven for the 110th time. and the fuckers name is litteraly lible. KEK is teeing this one up for us. someone will have to take the baton from here i am off.

Yep. Totally doable. 36000 anons will take over the world and force their will upon the masses of everyone else. Doublechin is full of retards.

Don't let the door butthurt you any further.

Like detaining kikes instead of planting a bullet through their skull.

You mean like how 36000 anons catalyzed a shitlord into presidency?

That's true, it will. But that doesn't negate the fact that it's our human obligation to help, not hurt, help others.
Let's just stop giving them the weapons to hurt us with.

And if a group honestly considers us an enemy, if that is absolutely true (Jews…), then, only then do you show no mercy. However, most groups are diverse, more so in the case of Jews. Their only real binding centrality is their tribalistic ethnoreligion. Remove that from them, and the Jews become mere mixed race people living amongst us. The only effective enemy I've seen thus far is the one which hides behind other causes, the revolting Satanists, the greedy globalists, the idiot Islamists, the Marxist, Zionists, and subversive Communists. These are the only people which deserve our full ire.


Holy fucking shit what are you even doing here? If you're playing devil's advocate, bra-fucking-vo, 10/10


Wew lad, who would've guessed?

What sort of thing do you have in mind, user?

NYPA, faggot.


This was a good post. Thank you for sharing.

delete this

Challenge accepted.

bump for obviousness


The problem we have is that people don't get their values from the people around them (at sunday market, at church, at the bus stop) but from television and the likes.
The real answer is return to tradtion, real community [outside of the TV imposed fake culture] and Natalism! Killing the jews wont heal our ills. Infact our ills are the wounds that enabled jews to corrupt the culture even more. Even if we were to cut off the festering flesh of the wound we would STILL have a big fat bleeding wound. There are alot of people around who unironically believe that removing blacks and jews from society will somehow magically cure our ills and (in the case of the US) we can go back to what we did before. But these kind of people are just LARPers. Real fascism was a battle for the soul of the european race. It was about becoming Ubermensch again. The whole Jew thing was a side note to the message of national socialism. Yes jews are parasites but you saw how much they were able to do in an awoken society as NS Germany: absolutly nothing. They were rendered defenseless parasites their words nothing but hot air in contrast to the monumental glory of the Reich and the hearthy community germans experienced again. Does anyone realy beleive kids went to school learning about how evil the jews are everyday in school back then? Or that all of NS was about jews jews jews? Before the 60s (and the memefication of the holocaust) noone in all of the world cared or even thought about jews much. This is some hollywood ethnocentric meme version of NS germany that never existed. You are flattering them by even give them such a high place in history.

If you go to read Mein Kampf, Julius Streicher, Rosenberg, Gentile/Mussolini, Goebbels and the likes you will see that the jews played a minor role in their world view. They wanted to deport them but the war lead to a halt to that development. NS is about more than materialistic squabbles. It's about european people becoming great again and reawakening a spiritual flame in the hearts of the people. It's about defeating modern materialism and it's about creating a future for your people.

[Video related: first chapters of Mein Kampf read with interesting slide show and video footage related to the text]


This thread will probably be used to shut 8/pol/ down. Fucking kike mods, why would you sticky this shit?

fuck off shapeshifting kike shill. your people put sex education in school and sexual deviancy all over the media through a sewer pipe of tv and want to claim it's just a coincidence that there is resultant culture-rot.

Yes and we white people are innocent pure beings that have no agency and no control over our lifes. We are entirely defensless against the forces of our enviroment that shape our lifes against our will. Just like the poor africans are slaughtering each other because of western imperialism and not their own moral and biological failings so do we white people have no fault in the decadence and moral corruption in todays western society. Infact even rome's decadence was retroactivly caused by the jews entirely :^)

I hope you are not so stupid to believe this. Jews do corrupt but that doesn't mean that we as white people cease to be decadent and degenerates once jews are gone.

Also, yes, there's a difference between the complete overhaul of education and media to deliberately hinder white children from birth and the natural degeneracy of Africans who have proven to be degenerate even during the height of European civilisation and the white man's burden.

Just take a look around this board for the clearest example of how, against all odds, white people can thrive and think for themselves.

If you are white, do us all a favor and actually study up on jewish history. Or kill yourself.

I'll make a deal with you. I'll take full, personal responsibility for all the sins of all my people, when you agree to end the fed, cancel all federal reserve notes, get the fuck out of my country and never come back, and we will issue national currency. Then you can nail me personally to a cross and disembowel me and have your way with me, but only after the fed is burned to the ground. In that building we will put up bookshelves and make it a museum and library to the truth of money and usury.


What does that change? White people are not innocent in the destruction of our own communities and way of life?

You know you are acting like a BLM ideologue. Everything is slaverys fault and EVERY black criminal is innocent => everything is the jews fault and EVERY white people is pure of heart. You are naive if you believe decadence and degeneracy can't exist without jews. Just because jews spread it like wild fire doesn't mean it can't exist once they left. Sorry but thats not how this works. Just ask the ancient romans.(A WILD BULLDOZER APPEARED!)


You are absolutely right. That's why all kike-sympathizers must burn along with all the kikes.


Your questions have been answered in previous posts. You are obviously shilling at this point.

Global DDT soon, jewsquito.

Jews aren't white, never will be. The only thing they're going to be is radioactive ash.

This thread is great btw, bringing newfags into the board consensus is the right thing to do at this time. Once their blood rituals are exposed, the whole globe will be fine with finally purging them once and for all.

The jews are creating their own destruction, it's innate within them.

God Bless you people. You give this demoralized White man hope. So much shilling today, everywhere. It's nice to escape all that negative energy, if even for a little while.

We must get them all.
Every last Jewish man, woman, and child.
There is no going back.
To a the brave anons here you stand against the tide of the kikes;

Heil Hitler!
Hail victory!
Death to ISRAEL and every last filthy jew!

We are Holla Forums ascendant
We are the undefeatable final boss of the internet
And we are coming for you Semite scum!

Fucking hell lad, you dropped the ball there.

This thread is clearly designed to make us look bad in a news report. Fuck off journo scum, fuck off infiltrating dafties, jog on you cunts tbh.

I count at least 3 agitators in this thread. ==BBC, CNN journalists etc, this is an attempt to discredit us==
I have taken screenshots of this thread and archived it. Journo infiltrators get out.

how fucking new are you

the amount of cancer I have seen in this thread is extremely lulzy

This is our mission, and those too lukewarm for it can leave.

checking back in. whats the plan so far?

Dehumanize, ridicule, isolate, divide

In irl; do the same, and offer no aid to a jew, ever.
Work to hinder them at every opportunity.

got it thanks m8


Pretty much.
I think this thread was just to make it clear what our ideology is.
And that the Jews gotta die.

im gonna try creating a "Jews for Reform" or something social media campaign. try to get diasporic Jews to push for 'diversity' in Israel. See if we can create some chaos. will lurk thread for more operations

When it occurs at the same time as UK investagatory powers act, usa russian propaganda bill, actual rising nationalism, of course we do. You stick out like a sore thumb lad.
LARPers are ever present on this board. They never congregate in a manner such as this thread. Coordinated kikery tbh.
Any newfriends reading this, most posters ITT are not from here. Please stay a while and read other threads.

Thats a great idea.
Too bad this thread is about to fill up.
It's like scare-jew in Holla Forumss front yard.

Shut up outsider jew.
The fact that you don't want Jews dead or deranged shows you do not belong here.

Welcome to Holla Forums come for the funny memes, and stay for the genocide
What, did you think we aren't serious
We want the Jews dead. This is not a joke


Lad I wish we could be entirely segregated from jews. You know you are driving away the newfriends. Something has spurred lots of halfchanners to visit us recently. I know you are scared when you see the traffic here.

I guess the best part is, they made all this legal in the u.s. when they made it legal to promote American people.

They keep memeing their own deaths


ah I see, you're a brit/pol/ poster. Good thing our servers are located in the US. No wonder you're scared shitless


While you're correct about a lot of this, I agree right up to the point of deportation being sufficient. It should have been established by now that we are more extreme than Uncle Adolf and friends, but you must understand why. Dealing in half-measures is simply pushing that problem elsewhere. Avoiding it. Half-measures such as deportation allow for a race such as the Jew to regroup, reestablish, and collaborate to fuck over another group or kvetch about how oppressed they were in your society, and return with friends they bribed and manipulated to fuck you over once more. Only once you understand this, that it is a DUTY to the world, not just for ourselves, to remove the filthy plague of Jewishness, can you call yourself honest. Do you push the termites from your house into your neighbor's house? No. Do you drain your septic system into the public causeway? Only if you are a nigger. No half measures. They must be wiped from the face of our Earth.

Here's another ancient gondola rune for your collection, user.

More like jew bait. At least half of this thread is the JIDF coming to tell us that genocide is bad, you guys.

Anyone have one of these?









This is a coordinated attempt on the part of hostile agents to destroy the Alt Right.

A few days ago an article snuck past moderation on an Alt Right website advocating global extermination of other races.

Now, this thread is created and pinned to artificially generate discussion.

All this is coming out EXACTLY at the moment as the Alt Right is gaining mainstream media attention.

Although there are a few lunatics who actually believe this stuff, this needs to be recognized for what it is. Don't you find it a little suspicious that just now this stuff is popping up?

Keep in mind that their aim is not only to draw you into discussions of this insanity, but to draw a few lunatics into conversion so that this cancer spreads some more. The only way the Enemy can destroy our great movement for harmony and order is by these psychological warfare means.

who the fuck is the alt-right? this place surely isn't it

The atheistic criminal (possibly crypto-jew) Alex Linder is probably largely responsible for spreading the idea of "kill all the Jews".

The truth is, he knows not only that the idea is harmful to our movement, but that it is completely impractical and would lead to disastrous conflict.

We have been brainwashed through school into pacifism, but we have also been targeted by TV and Hollywood into cheering on senseless violence and murder.

You can paste this and my other post anywhere you see these operatives trying to subvert our nationalist movement.

You can't sage a sticky, and we are not the alt-kike

This. Their motivations are unclear but they seem to believe they are the chosen people of God. Remember, Jews are ignorant religious fanatics at their core. That's why they can be considered inferior. They are confused and controlled easily if efforts are focused properly because they are blind to their "faith"… find a way to humiliate them properly and they won't be comfortable. They thrive off comfort. Take it away and they are done.

Alt Right is genuine old school WN for the new wave generation. David Duke, not HATRED.

(HATRED is this typical moral-less violent video game)

You don't know what the Alt Right is. Milo tried to co-opt it and failed, so now you criminals are back for round 2.

"Gas the kikes" has always been a meme. Zyklon Ben Garrison has always been a parody of what WN is made into by the media and CIA co-opters.

The infiltrators here really hate me telling you this stuff, because the moment people realize what's going on, it's impotent.

They would really try to create REAL NAZIS, just to stop our peaceful movement.

That's the kind of sick people we have running our government.

We are not the alt-kike.
We are Holla Forums.

You are an outsider.
You are probably a jew.

ITT we have exposed the plan of these people. WN/Alt Right is finally emerging into the light, so the strategy of the enemy is to plunge it into darkness so as to stop its ascent, because these power players play with fire.

(yes, I realize "Nazis" is a slur. don't focus on details. realize you're being attacked on all sides)

Alt Right is David Duke. Alt Kike is Milo and his band of faggots as well you probably hired trolls trying to make this into a genocidal movement, which is exactly what the Jews have wanted it to look like (hence holocaust stories).

Sorry Schlomo, you don't understand gentile mentality very well. While maybe it's common for you Jews to have no regard for the lives of people of other bloodlines, we of the White race are not so mentally twisted.

Alt-kike and aut-right are the same thing you stupid autistic.
The place you are posting in is the territory of legion.

It says right at the top of the page: hotpockets and a holocaust you stupid fuck.

Ignore them user, you can tell by the wording when people are regulars or outsiders. The point of the thread was steps leading to genocide. We have identified the critical ones. You can tidy this up and Copy and paste for newcomers to thread.

1. Destigmatization/normalization of hatred.
2. Dehumanization of target group.
3. Radicalization of your group.
4. Organization of your group politically and locally.
5. Crisis point or "critical mass" event
6. Seizure of power / capitalization of circumstance.
6. Guidance of force.
7. == Real Holocaust ==

We have the memetic bomb.
Now to make it happen.

What is the alt right ? a bunch of whites that value their own race and call out the (((rat))) and any other non aryan shitskin for its subversive infestation of white culture do you even have to wonder why some rat face jew fag that likes nigger cock up his ass so he can get aids and portray the perpetual victim trys to latch onto ALT right like the parasite he was born to be.


He who controls the Nanobots will control the future

He who controls the Nanobots will control the future

He who controls the Nanobots will control the future

He who controls the Nanobots will control the future

He who controls the Nanobots will control the future

He who controls the Nanobots will control the future

He who controls the Nanobots will control the future

all we have to do is convince white people that if they don't wipe out the jews, they will be wiped out

it's either kill or be killed

I'd prefer the mini Ice Age.

Grey goo can be shitty.

Is this where death metal came from?

But then again, if Holla Forums resurrected Tay again I'd be more than happy to witness the nanobotic pogrom

Stay safe now, fellow /poltech/ wizards


The answer is God and sin.
The bible says that God waits till the sins of a nation filled up, then he punishes/executes them.

Maccabees gives us a specal situation for jews. Because the jews are in a contract with God he will not wait till thier fullness, but will punish them so they repent.

This operation is already in power, God has prophecied that he will bring them in their land, will bring them peace until he executes judgement on them.
Next steps in his plan:

So you see it will happen, no need to push it. Wait for the time to arrive and then play your part(wir mussen die juden ausrotten)

Tick tock, watch the seconds on the clock
When time runs out, all the jewing stops.
jew can't run, jew can't hide, this time we're ending jew for good, worldwide.