Section 2.) Normalization of Hatred, Radicalization, and Propoganda. These ojectives go hand-in-hand. Difficulty: Medium. This process is currently an undercurrent, becoming more forceful by the day. This is also the most entertaining element of the operation.
This process has several routes it can take, but they include commonalities.
1.) The first process goal is to dehumanize and mock the outgroup, in this case Jews. This begins with verbal attacks made indirectly in speech, followed by direct verbal attacks to a target. Start with generalizations, to season your audience. Then come public jokes, associating Jews with negativity, greed, dishonesty, you name it. Pepper these into conversations about money: "My bank is really jewing me on the interest." In regards to a lie, "That's pretty Jewish."
This has the most potential for gut-busting keks and is quite liberating. Your aim should be initially amusement, but leading to serious negativity. You can subtly identify Jews to your audience: "He has Jewish X(hairline, glasses, nose, mannerisms)." Learn to spot a Jew from across a room. It could save white lives ;^).
Destigmatization of National Socialism: Educate others on history when it is fitting. Normalize the Roman Salute, subtly. Raising your right arm as a "wave" is plausible deniability, but may plant a seed. Attack Jewish organizations whenever possible. Show disdain for "special interest" groups, and call them what they really are: Jews and faggots.
Bring attention to just how overrepresented Jews are in media, government, and education. "I mean, they're only 2%. God they make an awful racket for being such a small group, do they do anything but kvetch?" "Oh yeah they get us into wars." Educate people as to why we are involved in the Middle East. "Lucky Larry SilverSTEIN and the MOSSAD did 9/11".
My examples here are just that, and situationally you can be very creative. Memes are indispensible and should be used in all phases of this operation.
2.) A companion to this process goal is to gain White allies. The theme should be white unity, and values. We must be the change we desire, and others will follow suit. Display the best qualities of whiteness, and you will gain an audience.
Whites excel in quality over quantity. I would recommend redpilling your most trusted associates and contacts, only in small numbers to begin. They may know more than they let on, or be struggling for affirmation. Choose wisely, and never trust a cuck. They will always reside in the same camp as our enemies.
Keep in mind that the NSDAP began in a beerhall - we must always be on the lookout for opportunities to orate and gain allies.
3.) Unity across the movements: Time and place for everything. There are several groups professing white identity values. I don't care if thats the Alt-right, American Renaissance, NSM, Stormfags, IronMarchers, Holla Forumsacks, Aryan Nation prison gangs, or the good ol' KKK, these movements all need to be welcomed.
This point is non-negotiable if we are to be serious about genocide. Bear in mind the multitude of divisions in the 3rd Reich. Even the brownshirts, although eventually disposed of, had their time and place. We cannot put the cart before the horse with elitism and must take what we can get.
Even Honorary Aryans cannot be overlooked, if they embrace white culture and agree to staying separate post-Shoah, we need them for the coming storm. I'm not going to waste time nitpicking whether Jared Taylor or Andrew Anglin or whatever e-celeb of the moment is an informant, controlled op, etc, as their followers are going to be welcomed as our followers.
I will continue momentarily