Is it possible for a regular guy like myself to buy a jet engine?
like a Rolls Royce Tay or a Williams tj44
thats not the question
Is it possible for a regular guy like myself to buy a jet engine?
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How do you think RC jet airplanes work?
did you google "Rolls Royce Tay" ?
i'm not taking about RC shit, i'm talking about real jet engines
Have you tried emailing Rolls Royce? I doubt whether many people here are enthusiast jet builders.
Also, what the fuck do you want to do with it? There are better ways to kill yourself than to try to make a backyard jetplane.
True but thats pretty fucking epic
You're not going to be able to do it without talking to a real person. Like you're gonna have to call them and talk to them and arrange a meeting with them because they're gonna be pretty skeptical and want proof that you're not wasting their time.
They cost a lot of money, so if you can afford one you are not "regular guy" any more.
I don't think you need any special license OP
but you probably have to make an order of multiple jet engines before they will consider filling it.
The question is are you planning to fuck it while it's operating or not
You can buy a jet so why not a jet engine or any other part for your jet?
Also aircraft salvage yards exist..
Kim Jong-un, please.
thats what i'm worried about.
what if i start a fake company in an offshore country and pretend to buy just one engine for testing ?
if you look closer you'll notice most these aircraft don't have engines and the ones that are still there are completely toasted.
They'll sell you just one without any problems. You might have to go through PR instead of sales or wait for a bigger client to order a batch they can attach your order to, but they won't refuse your money.
As a serious enthusiast you also have the option to befriend an insider, someone in R&D or an engineering position, through their published work or at a conference and then go from there. People are always happy to talk about cool shit they have done with people who can really appreciate it. Once you are friendly with someone on the inside they might be able to direct you to someone else to talk to about you project.
Because they sold them.
They also don't have doors because that's also high wear part. Just look at any shit-tier airline next time you are at the airport. They always have mismatching doors. Like a puerto rican with a blue fender on his red civic.
Why would you think buying an engine would be illegal?
In the USA, europe, and china you need a (((liscense))) because the creation of jets is a (((monopoly))) worldwide. By (((southwest))) and airbus respectively.
That's not true. The closest thing would be export restrictions on airplane parts, which are of no concern to anybody in the West. At the very worst you'd get a letter or a visit from some g-men.
Man I wish we had better airplane aesthetics nowdays, I fucking love those old toothpaste tube paint jobs.
sources for those:
none of these engines are even close to fly worthy, and no governmental agency will give you the green light to fly anything propelled by that.
the engines used in drag racing are either defective or past their life cycle and deemed unreliable.
I recommend anybody here who is interested in jet engines to check this guy out:
Get in contact with those companies.
I don't really think there is a matter of any government regulations in the way (not like you are buying uranium ore after all), it is just that you need to make a cheapo company just to have it on paper that you want to buy their engines.
I think they would look at you weirdly, but in todays world anyone can buy anything if it means companies will get money and you aren't breaking the law (although you can bend it a little).
For instance I think there are some regulations of buying some chemicals and shiping them in country without permission, but I still bought like a kilo of Thiourea from the dog eating short people to make a little bit of my liquid tinning solution.
You don't need permission for anything unless you plan on flying people commercially.
People build and fly (and die in) their own aircraft all the time.
Stop being a faggot and just start calling around to aircraft salvage yards. If you don't have the money then why are you even wasting everyone's time arguing about it?
elon musk bought rockets from russia. just talk to the right ppl
Just design your own it can’t be that hard if the fuckin nazis did it a century ago on slide rules and abacuses.
Be sure to release under gpl
this. If you've got the dosh for that you can just tell your PA to arrange the purchase.