Phillipines goes Mexican Mafia in killings of alleged drug dealers and addicts

Phillipines goes Mexican Mafia in killings of alleged drug dealers and addicts.

Based Duterte or low brow pandering to his fellow niggers of Asia whose corrupt government treats them like crap?

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great source, op. I really know what the fuck youre talking about.
you fucking moron

Also a good way to get rid of people you don't like / you owe monies.

wtf I love incoherent text now



or (only text not pics)


wew. criminal justice at its finest.

get a grip

Justice is a white concept, give it over with this muh human rights in poverty stricken hellholes. This guy is a Godsend for these people.

low tier bait or failure to comprehend? the world may never know.

You're right user, oh those poor dead flips. That loss of precious life!

Thats how it works, he needs drugs on him among other things you faggot.



Its like you are retarded or something

Lel who gives a shit?

This is bad, how?

justice is swift nigga

We need this in America. Too many druggies and too many dealers. Think of the country after a year of this.


I understand drug dealers but I think it's a tad fucked up to go after addicts. That is, if they weren't violent like the dealers, which I'm sure a lot were.


See this sort of thing is what we should learn from.
There has to be a way to replicate this within our own country.
If only we could figure out the event flags required for this event we could trigger the first holocaust.
Remember that Trump invited this man to the white house and completemented his work

Duterte's approval ratings are through the roof, which is all we need to know. The guy is a nationalist who works to make his country a better and safer place.


But how could you plant drugs on someone if youre a law abiding citizen? Where would u get the drugs from?


Cops in 3rd world countries bro. Life is cheap and foreigners living in the seedy parts like Angeles City (basically a whorehouse city) get shot on the regular cause someone paid some poor flip to off him.

Cause flips are fucking retards (westerners too though). Throw them some bones and they forget that they're a 4th world shithole and proclaim muh pinoy pride.

So Duterte didn't make it any worse.

It's a 3rd world shithole where the poorest live on rice with soy sauce every other day. Stealing to pay for drugs is the only way for those people. Not violent muggings but jacking people's cell phones / handbags and stuff. Annoying but not kill worthy.

Yeah, people are acting as if this method was already tried in one of the most violent cities of the region and that crime went down and the quality of life improves massively.

Wew, uninformed retards at their finest.

well, they are the most powerful race on the planet

Addicts can turn themselves in and get help and nothing bad happens to them.

They are of no use, they have a chance to clean up, if not they know the score.

Flips know their country is a mess and have tried to change it, Westerners are fucking cowards who do nothing but legalise ever more decay.

The flips are a unique ethnostate trying to regain it's self. Every problem they have ever had, was because foreignors moved in. I bet their leader is on a path to go full 88 and become the new Japan of the region, since Japan has been ritually pacified for so long that suicide is acceptable there.
For the record, one of the most based motherfuckers I've ever met, was my Eskrima instructor, a flip. In 3 days he taught me to be a capable knife fighter. Today, I spar with live steel and do not fear the edge of any blade. His whole motto was to never allow a motherfucker a second chance. If you spare the life of an aggressor, leave him a cripple so he can never raise a finger again. Shit, to this day, I do not know how to disarm a knofe without slicing their tendon in the same motion, because it was dilled so hard.

Every flip I met in middle/high school was a tall tale telling liar. They always seemed to make up the grandest and obvious lies to try to sound cool ("we owned our own island with a mansion, swam with and speared dolphins"). Also, one broke into my friend's house and stole his ps1 and all of his games.

Even the ones that get help are getting put down by RWDS. They just get murdered out walking.

Flips in highschool… outside of their homeland. Guess what dude, they're as flip as donald trump is German. Though, to be fair, that story is a pretty classic tale of people being depressed and afraid of the truth, or they might've had douchebag parents who lie to them. Most I've known were from around Manila and came over to the USA due to military relations, rather than poorly raised highschoolers.

I've spent way too much time on the streets with addicts. Let me tell you something about the addict. They hate their dealers more thn we do. They hate themselves for what they've become, and they hate the people who push it on them even more, at least the ones who still have their humanity. I'm willing to bet money that a decent portion of his death squads had a drug problem at one time. I refer to amphetamine and heroine addiction, whn I say addict.

The kids I knew were moreso FOB than American - bad English, etc.

Just finished translating the message on the note.

It says "Courtesy of your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man"

I'm not sure what is more depressing, the fact that this is an issue or the fact that if this was happening to white nations suddenly everyone would be losing their shit due to how corrupted western cops tend to be, especially in the EU.

yeah? where's the source on that?

Did they act like nignogs? The biggest problem with the american-flippo community is that a lot of their kids wind up growing up with nigs, and being assimilated, though most wind up disenfranchised or redpilled by their 20s and wind up hating nigs.

Anyone in the thrawl of addiction has completley lost their humanity. My Sister in law was educated, great job, but got sick and had to have an operation and they botched it, she need to get a bag, and couldn't handle it, the doctor gave her Xanax. Within a year she was forging multiple prescriptions, stole a blank one from the Hospital, this carried on until she was fired from work. My brother went into ignore mode and just gave up on her, one day I did an intervention myself , found her stash, we were wrestling over a box of Xanax and those non Benzo sleeping pills, and she dropped to the ground and eat them off the floor as a couple fell. I was utterly disgusted.

I called my dad and her sister, told her she was homeless as of now, and nobody was having anything to do with her, her marriage was over and nobody else in her family was going to take her im, they were done. She bull shitted and said she wanted help but the next month she had a prescription and had a seizure, I found her on the floor.

She went into a programme and never touched the stuff again but it took such an amount of energy to get there it was so abusive on everyone to have to put up. If she was a heroin addict not Xanax she would be dead.

These people are fucking Zombies when in addiction, they are robots, feigning emotion, you can do nothing for them in most cases, how my brother didn't murder her is fucking insane. Being an addict is clear spousal abuse.


AND this was the darling of her whole group, loved by everyone, all of us. She became a completely different person, Xanax is pure evil.

What a shit thread you fucking retard

It's the reptilians!

Except they are stealing from the same people who are also living off of rice with soy sauce. They deserve what happens. Retards like you who believe that "hes only stealing a phone, huehuehue" deserve to be shot.

Foreigners shouldn't be in countries' that aren't theres, they should go back to where they came from.


Is thrawl like thralldom, but with an awl?

Hey man, get her some phenylpiracetam or noopept. The racetam class of nootropics is proven to repair the brain and nerve damage caused by xanex. (xanex is also the standard for inducing amnesia in lab tests, and the nootropics listed completely nullify the effect. They have also completely fixed my own nerve problems resulting from exposure in the navy.) Resveratol could help with the organ damage caused by the xanex as well.

Flips are actually as carnivorous as red blooded americans. The rice is there to absorb the meat juice.


They must be purged if they do not seek to repent

Nobody here actually lives in Fillipino, so why do you care? Their culture is so much different than ours, its futile to try and intervene

Gas yourself kike.


35,000 people died this year from opioid's. What is the difference?


The article listed
believe it if you like

I like our president even more now. (Flip here).

Based Duterte.

Is that the alternate intro to Mr Bean?

top kek

I hope this happens in western nations, with removing kebab, removing merchant, and removing degenerate filth that don't belong in our society.

lol yeah totally lost all their humanity, righto.

women don't have humanity to begin with.

Didn't portugal have some super successful program where they treat drug addicts as patients rather than criminals?

This method of rorschaching works, but it should be your last option, I'd think. For Duterte, is certainly was, given that flip island is a corrupt hellhole, but we have no excuse for doing something like this in the states. For whites, anyway. Dindu's almost certainly would relapse when let out, and the beaners need to just go home anyway.

got off my ass and found a related story


Read through this.

Based. Drug dealers are the lowest of the low, the absolute scourge of society. Anybody caught dealing drugs should be executed on the spot.

Yeah, but are they productive members of society?

The thing we're talking about is the killing of drug users, not drug dealers.

Addicts are almost always incurable. They can, and almost certainly will, relapse at which point they'll likely go back to being a drain on the taxpayer as we pay for their incarceration, their rehab and likely they're unemployment and other bullshit as their drug-addled brains are unable to find consistent (or any) employment until they're next inevitable relapse.

As someone who's had plenty of family members who have been druggies or plenty of family friends who are druggies there is no fixing them. There is only the times inbetween use.

She had a seizure because she went through rapid withdrawal you fucking retard. People who are addicted to benzodiazepines need to slowly reduce their dosage or they could very well die.

It sounds like you need to learn some lessons about property lines. No alpha male would ever let you touch him or his property like that.

got off my ass and found a related story


Read through this.>>8501384
moreso than they were, certainly

if I've already posted something, why does this happen?
and why do sages stick around?


That article provides no source for the chief claim. Like, at all.

And they claim "only 3 overdoses for every 100,000 citizens" when I happen to know for a fact that is bullshit. My grandparents lived there for 7 years and they tell me that whenever a drug-related death or crime was found, it was ruled as non-drug related to keep the stats nice, similar to the Tokyo police.

you talk like a kike

gas yourself

No wonder you left it out of the OP.
Mods please put a word-filter for nytimes just so no one can post clickable links to that kike-rag blog.


well, that's disappointing

Japan is seven levels of fucked up.

Some fresh gore courtesy of El Presidente.

Duterte's back-street butchers: Bodies pile up as crackdown claims 5,900 lives in five months and president declares 'You want me to stop? Then stop taking drugs'


These dubs speak the truth

There is no social, criminal, xur, whatever justice. Only justice. And this flip is dispensing it one shell casing at a time.

Soul of a true hero.


The two older kids know he was shit.

You can't pervert the dert