Denafrips Ares + ESP-950
SR-Lambda Signature
Source code here
Absolutely not a shill.
saged and reported
I'm not shilling dude
Faggotry at its finest.
What's the issue with that?
You can listen to flac on a 1mbit connection though
Are you retarded? Why use lossless when opus 128 or vorbis 160 is transparent?
Lossless is for archiving (and listening, if you have it under the hand), not for streaming.
flac still uses a fraction of the bandwidth that your youtube videos do
What is that site in the second picture?
At the ground level, people don't bother finding out about codecs and just listen to lossy encodings.
At contrarianism level 1, people listen to FLAC.
At contrarianism-2, people listen to something like opus 128 because it's transparent anyway.
At contrarianism-3, people stream lossless music to annoy people stuck at level 2.
it's in the thread
audio_output { type "alsa" name "ALSA" device "hw:0,0" dsd_usb "yes" mixer_type "none" auto_resample "no" auto_channels "no" auto_format "no"}
That post was pure cancer and you sound blind to circumstance
I literally went from an OLDAC (essentially an upgraded ODAC) to this. ODAC is a reddit meme and I'm never looking back
I'm sure you listen to 24bit/192kHz and vinyls too.
No, I listen to 32bit/352KHz. Nice try.
Today, I will remind them.
I really like your site, especially since Firefox has FLAC support and it works without that js nonsense. Do you know why when streaming with mpv the title is displayed only sometimes while it's always on the website? Do I need that meme player that connects to a daemon?
vlc and mpv are the only things that supports the title tags in flac streams
If you want to do metadata yourself, see
the memes write themselves
I'm going to rewrite it in Rust.
op is probably the fucking soy goy requesting to skip my hot blooded doujin music requests
shit site
nice jesus enjoy ur cock in ur mouth
lol you dipshit they're technical notes by literal chinese people in a chinese company
Is there an objective scientific method to prove audio quality like it is for image quality for example?
Every time I start lurking about quality audio, I bump into gold-coated snek cables.
You can measure DAC and amps, but forget anything past frequency response for speaker/headphones. Only listening can measure for these.
Never seen so much pajeet-ery.
And DAC and amp measurements doesn't measure for its sound either. Measurements are used to provide a baseline to distinguish budget and performance, that's about as far as it goes.
There are objectively better than human ears microphones existing. So why not pick one of those and record sound output from speakers and headphones?
You retarded? You can measure them perfectly because you get a signal, not something as complex as a stereo reproduction of music.
And honestly, when you realize what a DAC/amp has to do to the signal, you understand why dumping thousand in them is retarded. Converting sampled stuff to analog isn't that hard.
t. someone who has no experience in what he's talking about
You sure convinced me with those hot opinions, fagtron.
I'll trust some autist like nwavguy or the xiph devs more than an user who probably wants to rationalize his buyer's remorse.
Streaming 352KHz flac
That's like streaming 8k videos where everyone uses 240p CRT televisions. And even if you had a magic CRT that can output full 8k, you still couldn't see it because your vision is just clear enough to make out 240p picture but not anything sharper than that.
redditDAC was good enough for my sub-$200 headphones, you're in poor taste
50 inch 8K monitors are a thing you know, we don't use "televisions" here
actually i agree with you
I am a GMO, my ears have been CRISPR'd, we'll release the technology in 50 years or so, don't hold back
Human eyes don't see in FPS altogether, the vision is continuous. Arbitrarily short flashes of light can be discerned if intensity was strong enough to trigger the retina, and persistence of vision allows you to discern exact shape of the flash no matter how short it is. Persistence of vision length depends on dominating photosensitive cell type; fovea with mostly cone cells can detect flickering up to 60 Hz, perifovea with mostly rod cells can detect flickering up to 90 Hz, anything past that appears as continuously lit source of light. Visual resolution is varying across the retina but peaks out at about 0.6 arc minutes per line (100 pixels per degree of angle) at central fovea and drops off sharply to the periphery. It can detect misaligned lines with about two to three times as much acuity as to just tell apart alternating lines from solid color sheet. Retinal acuity varies little from person to person. The ears detect from 20 Hz to 20 kHz but upper and lower limit varies strongly. Lower limit varies from person to person and can be from 15 to 25 Hz, upper limit can go well past 20 kHz but to hear that the volume got to be literally deafening, you'll lose hearing if you attempt that. With normal audio levels, healthiest individuals can just about make out 19 kHz noises and with age and loud noise exposure the upper limit drops to 16 kHz, in particularly bad cases to 12 kHz. It doesn't usually drops past that, just deteriorates into complete deafness.
It's an analogy, dumbass. The idea was that this sampling rate is an order of magnitude above physical capabilities of anyone's audio hardware as well as anyone's physical capabilities to perceive sound.
Did you know there was a bat in the room Hotel California was recorded in? You don't even need CRISPR ears, just check the FLAC
If you pretend to be retarded long enough, you get surrounded by actual retards who think they're in a good company. Ironic shitposting is still shitposting and belongs on 4cuck.
Your aspie is showing
The future is coming, don't stay retarded
Loudness war fags btfo
seriously, kys pleb
There isn't any for image quality either.
The problem is not the ears, but the extremely complex low-level processing the signal goes through in your brain before it reaches your consciousness. Some types of distortion are easily heard because your brain is specialized to detect them. Other types fly past your brain unnoticed, even if by objective measures the magnitude of distortion is much larger.
So the issue is not exactly how much distortion does your audio system introduce by some autistic measure, but what types of distortion and how hearable they are to a human audio detection stack.
The same problem exists, to a lesser degree, in measuring image quality. Every quantifiable measure will be somewhat off compared to perceived quality.
Gold plating is only for connectors, and even then it's not necessary, all it does is increases interfacing surface area from fuckall to fuckall and a half. But that's not necessarily an improvement in conductivity of the connection because gold is a worse conductor than aluminium.
Gold is also good for corrosion resistance, as a silver or aluminum surface oxidizes easily and their conductivity degrade as a result
Either way they plate plugs with jack shit amounts of it and being soft metal it wears off rapidly, defeating any benefits.
192 or 256 maybe. Nothing is transparent at 160
it's artisanal php with warmer sound reproduction
can confirm
You can nitpick about Vorbis if you want to, but Opus as 160k is transparent, without a doubt. I use it at 128k, since killer samples aren't part of my daily listen.
think it comes down to their database. is there any reason your player wouldn't be able to display japanese text, with your setup?
I use it at 48k
R2R master race
hey n1gg3r u don't u cone to kukytube anymore?
It's a meme, dumbass.
I dont get this thread
Is it a headphone general in disguise?