PC still strikes

To Kill a Mockingbird removed from Virginia schools for racist language
This is good or bad?

Overall it's good. This is one of the main books schools use to brainwash kids into the mentality that White people are evil racists and minorities are automatically good. This one is for black people; they use "Number the Stars" to inspire sympathy for Jews in the same vein.

Ironically, liberals are now banning their own beloved propaganda because somebody says "nigger" in a book that takes place in the 1950s South. Their stupidity is mind-boggling.

Stupid moves like this encourage whites to homeschool - this is good.

Yeah, this book was fucking crap. I don't even think I finished it when I was in school.

So a movie and a book that helped change a LOT of minds about black people just being clever gorillas has been determined to be hate speech? Orwell was an optimist, guys.

What the hell happened to the Civil Rights activists of the time? Surely there are a few still alive who could visit the PTAs and give them shit for being idiots?

They've started using Ellie Wiezel's "Night" to bluepill about the Holocaust and Jews even though Ellie had openly stated that he had embellished many aspects of the book.


I thought Night was standard Holohoax propaganda to american schools for years? Didn't Wiezel spent decades giving school lectures about how he got gassed six million times a day by Hitler himself?

Also, your post makes it sound like you actually support nigger rights, you're on the wrong board.

I remember reading it in 9th grade. I heard they introduce it to them in 7th and 8th now.

Good, since the book itself is of mediocre quality.


Good one

Good. Book was boring as shit. With all the niggers on tv, do we need them in books too?

I read it in 8th grade. The teacher was literally crying about many of the scenes whenever she read them out loud, and she's not even Jewish.

LMAO, leftists shoot themselves in the foot AGAIN

Good. To Kill a Mockingbird is anti Southern, communist, race mixing propaganda. It needs to be banned nation wide.

I always enjoyed the part of the movie where Atticus shot the rabid dog.
Seemed like a normal and good thing to do and actually the only part of the whole movie that made sense.

"To Kill a Mockingbird" should be characterised as a fake book. It was written by a committee.
Harper Lee, the author, never wrote
anything else, apart from a couple of
essays and short stories. The book
touted recently as an unpublished
original novel turned out to be
just one of the original drafts of
"To Kill a Mockingbird". She apparently
had a limited skill for writing nice impressionist
sketches but had no facility for plot or sustained character development. Also
she produced stuff at a glacial pace.
She took over a year to write the first draft.
Then her agent worked with her for a
couple of years to produce something readable. My understanding is that the
book is the product of at least three people.
The opening chapters are mostly Harper Lee,
stuff salvaged from her rambling disjointed
first draft. Most of the rest of the book is
the work of her literary agent who basically
came up with the plot and main characters
and practically dictated it to Harper Lee. The
last part of the book is probably by Truman Capote, who grew up with and was a friend
of Harper Lee.

And they will have the audacity not to know why.


Could you fix your formatting and provide a source, cuntrag?

Hopefully they can also ban Speak for having a rape scene while they're at it

Fix the spacing then read the origional draft of Mockingbird called Go set a Watchman. It follows Based Atticus and a much older Scout dealing with race realism and southern hospitality.
It is much better than the trash they made us read in high school.

I think it is good because that book has been a staple for kids to read in schools everywhere in the USA. Don't worry though, teachers will still make children watch Schindler's List and read Night by Wiesel.

I actually read the part where the dog was put down as a methaphor for the prison guards later putting down Tom Robinson (black guy).
Puttng the dog down is seen as a necessary cruelty, the kids are somewhat distraught, though it insures that the community remain safe. A major theme of the book is doing things you might not want to do because its the right thing to do. this is often only extended to Atticus Finch and the legal profession. Now keep in mind Atticus only represented the man becuase he believed that every man deserved a right to an attorney. Critics of Atticus maintain he is morally ambiguous and does not use his legal skills to challenge the racist status quo in Maycomb.

However the town's decision to condem and eventually kill Tom is very akin to the type of southern vigilante justice in which much of the law is taken into one's own hands. Ironically this is because many southeners saw the law as unable or unwilling to protect themselves (justifiably as we all know) from the nogs. Remember that the KKK saw itself as one such body hanging criminals be it any race.

Something we can use for lulz

Funny I saw a nu-male reading this in the train today.

I can see why they did it. The book debunks their whole "everyone deserves to be believed" bullshit

Why do
you write
like this?
It's really
fucking annoying.

The dog scene is famously meaningless per Harper Lee. Death of the author etc.

I think it was copy and pasted from a website.


Harper Lee was too stupid a writer to be able to use subtlety. The book ends with the kids' imaginary friend saving them from le ebil raysis who wants to kill them because their dad defended a nigger who he believed raped his daughter. For fucks sake, the guy had every right to be angry, but the book paints him as a crazy, evil, madman for wanted justice for his children. And then their fucking imaginary friend saves the day.

Bravo Harper Lee!

If that book is suppose to bluepill they fucked up, I was made to read that book 3 times during middle and high school and the fact a history class spent so much time on the holocaust just made it seem like blatant propaganda to me even as a kid. Also the teacher got mad at me for reading other parts of the history book during world war 2 and the 1960's. Not my fault Rome and China were way more interesting.

it's good for us, because now the blacks are going to eat the feminists. Black Feminists will undoubtedly side racially than with their sex because 'muh evil white wimmins', all we have to do, is sit back and watch many white feminists become disillusioned and either become blackpilled or redpilled. If they're gross race-mixers, let's hope they become blackpilled, because we don't want chimerism in our ranks.

She wrote a book (Go Set A Watchman or something) about Scout growing up and recalling her childhood soon after To Kill A Mokingbird. It turns out the father was in the KKK. This book was not released until a few years ago and it pissed off a lot of people because it sullied the image of the brave white lawyer standing up to the racists in the south. It turns out he was just another racist doing a job someone else didn't want to do.


Tell me about Tom , why does he rape white children?

Speaking of copying from a webiste consider this

The liberal and typical defense is this

That seems appropriate until one considers a glaring question. Why does Atticus SHOOT THE DOG? The one that supposedly represents the innocent nig nog. An act that is described as forming a bulwark "between innocence and danger" it seems fishy.

Was it Night that was changed for its non-Israeli versions? I distinctly remember one of these Holocaust books having references to the freed Jews raping and murdering all the shiskas for revenge or some shit, but that was removed in the European/American printings.

Also, Wiesel refers to himself as a "Child of the Talmud", the same Talmud that says Jesus is boiling in a pot of excrement in hell for eternity. I once told a friend of mine about that and he got really uncomfortable.


The rabid dog is the nigger and Atticus puts it down with a bullet to the head

Holy shit I might read that just for keks. It might make To Kill A Mockingbird enjoyable and feel less like propaganda. It still is

Perhaps he's wondering why Atticus would defend a nigger before believing he's innocent.

If you are curious why this is occurring, it is because Harper Lee's story, Go Set a Watchman, broke the narrative. Turns out, Atticus Finch was a racist. This is a shock for most liberals since it implies that they have been celebrating a racist all this time. Some of them grew up and tried to model their lives after him. Liberal institutions held him up as one of the best fictional characters of the 20th century and one of the greatest fictional heroes in cinema. These things were awarded, because they thought he was an anti-racist. Now they are pushing that Harper Lee didn't write To Kill a Mockingbird and are discrediting her and pulling her books from various institutions.

Uh…you don't get to bring a lawyer.

Well if that doesn't justify the point in my post I don't know what does. Straight from the horse's mouth lol

Reading Lying Weasel's "Night" in 9th (I think) grade made me have zero sympathy for the jews. Hitler didn't exactly keep his position on jews a secret, so why did they stay? What did they think would happen? It made no sense.

Have you ever been around Jews? They are stubborn fucks.

Hitler glued a penny to the floor and they all tripped over each other trying to pry it up.

They also seem to be poor long term thinkers, since they do the same shit everywhere they go until the people there get fed up with their shit and kick them out. Then the cycle repeats itself somewhere else just like it has for the last couple thousand years.

Atticus Finch refused our case in favor of yours. We are to find out what verdict you received.

Oh god "Speak" was dumb as fuck, I remember when I was in high school the teacher handed copies out to everyone and went on about how the story had a twist that none of us would see coming, while she was saying this to the class I just read the description blurb on the back cover and figured it out and blurted "she was raped!", the teacher got pissed off at me for "ruining the ending".

But the father was the rapist
Boo Radly was real he was just a shut in.

I remember reading this book and some nigress crying over the black guy getting exectuded because he was running away from jail and they kept shooting him despite being down.
I pointed out that he was being shot because he was still going and was escaping prison which is illegal.
she then claimed that if the prisoner was white they let him run further away or only shoot him once, but I pointed out that her claim is bullshit because the white man would still be shot regardless and a few yards of distance won't make a diffrence when getting shot and she needed to stop victimizing herself in masochist fantasies. that's where the teacher stopped me and told me to stay out of class for the rest of the day while spics and niggers clapped at the racist malinchist getting walked out. the teacher admired my bravery and gave me extra credit but told me to keep it to myself


I support rights for people who don't spend their lives acting like retards. So no rights for you.

That sounds super retarded. Why did she make Atticus a Klansman, what's the context?

Anyone has the "Planet Holocaust" picture?

It's bad. Essentially people won't be aware of the structures that produced historical racial tensions and in a moral superior PC crusade will be doomed to repeat them because they are on the right side of history the same way the inquisitors or the communists were.

Now its important to be aware of racial conflict, because reconciling them is how you turn something like "racism" from a loaded scary word into a fact of life. Lessons on race framed in this hyper-rational post-enlightenment moral superiority when you could really go Occams Razor and explain racism in the context of sexual jealousy and get rid of 99% of the philosophical bloat that people bring into discussions about race1.

And as technology progresses and more and more people remain on the planet, everytime we make the mistake of falling into the same position in the cycle, the revolutionary fallout will become "progressively" more and more catastrophic and genocidal.

1:Men evolutionarily face a problem since they to a degree must be sexually jealous with other men and must simultaneously to a degree cooperate with other men. Racism is in fact a solution to this evolutionary problem. The fact your mates child is another skin colour resolves paternity uncertainty, and the fact that you can cooperate with your race (people genetically similiar to you) means that it mitigates the cost of paternity uncertainty within your race. Not to mention that the most major historical context other races interacted THROUGHOUT HISTORY was war.



dats cuz da wuz kangs

In a world where LISTEN AND BELIEVE is the normal thing to do, this serves as a reminder of what could happen when you ignore rationality.

I don't understand.

Fucking triggered, m8. Nigs have much more in common with violent chimps than with the noble gorilla.

You mean bonobos?

Read the article, they were triggered by the word nigger.

All niggers are retards user so supporting their rights would go against your principals.

Fuck you


this is a good example of pc eating their own

Atticus is very redpilled. He's basically of the southern opinion that the races can live together, but in separation and under different rules and conduct regulations. If a nigger harms a white, the Klan has to make an example of him or else monkey see monkey do.
It's all done to preserve the peace without cucking out.

It is honestly more humanitarian to just kill them all instead of forcing them to suffer each other because everyone knows it will just turn back into a small version of their home country.

Isn't To Kill a Mockingbird a librul propaganda piece? What are you doing nigger?

This. Leftism eats itself.

Good, fuck that book. I had to read it twice in school (wtf?) and I'm not even American ffs.
For anyone who hasn't had to suffer through it, it's essentially "dindu nuffin" the book.

If I represent Tom Robinson in court, would you die?

You sure showed that bigot manbaby! Now go back to Breitbart or r/the_Donald.

Im okay with this tbh fam.

if they want to ban their own propaganda, let them

This is probably the reason, woman gets caught lying about rape to protect her own honour. Now they will churn out some other trash that appeals to all parts of the liberal narrative.

This. What makes TKAM most insidious is not just that they simply paint whites as bad and niggers as good, they paint well-to-do, middle class whites as morally superior to the always racist and evil poor whites who's misdeeds wrongfully blamed on the innocent, but simple church-going negroes.

Its pretty funny since its essentially liberal propaganda that involves literal cuckoldry (the poor white girl that wants the innocent big black cock but when her dad finds out they accuse him of rape) but that even when its a book about fictional cuckoldry and sticking it to the evil racists that even then they'd remove it because of 'racist language'. It makes me wonder wether or not liberals did this or fashy racist virginians with control over their states education did this in a move of 4D chess. Either way its good they removed it because its essentially about cuckoldry and a dindu nuffin accused of rape by a 'thirsty white bitch who wants that BBC but her evil white daddy wouldnt let her'.

Couldnt you burgers trend this? Get the lefties to ban all their marxist indoctrine books/movies since they dont actually realise thats what they are? Theyre so far up their own ass they dont see its a brainwashing piece of shit for their cause they just want to cry about something.


It would be pretty funny to get the commies to burn their books for us.

If only Harper Lee could have lived to see this. Also for any bookfags, was it the book or the movie that had the white woman try and seduce the nigger but since he was such a virtuous shitskin he refused?

That was always the funniest thing about that book. The poor 'trashy white woman' was 'thirst' and wanted that 'BBC' and the virtuous literally retarded negro was like "don't make me do it massa, I dont want dat wyte puss ma'm" and the then once the 'evil racist trashy' alcoholic father finds her daughter trying to seduce this retarded negro he then accuses the innocent negro of rape.
And then the upstanding heroic white public defender Atticus Finch defends this innocent dindu nuffin. Then once the negro gets off trial he gets shot by essentially klansmen.

It sickens me so much that this book is not only required reading for the majority of American public schools but that its often cited as one of the 'greatest books ever written'.

the book's shit we win

The book is alright. Yes, it can be seen as somewhat one-sided if someone extrapolated from the book that all whites are preduicial bigots and all blacks are perfect, and all racial issues in the South were solely because irrational whites didn't want to share their water fountains. On the other hand, it's a story about a woman lying about rape, countering the SJW meme that woman never lie about rape and always deserved to be believed, regardless of evidence.



what a shit book. i was so pissed when i got to college and realized all the great literature that i missed out on in HS

recently bought a 1st edition copy from a garage sale for 25 cents

good deal tbh

What's stopping them from taking the word "nigger" out like they've done with other books?

They're removing their own propaganda now. That's brilliant. It reminds me about how Heart of Darkness was called racist by African writers. They whined that it dehumanized Africans. It totally went over their heads that the book is anti-colonialist and the whole point was to show colonialism as ugly and evil. Nuance is lost on these people.

You'd think SJW's would love TKAM since it's basically "White Guilt: The Book"

That's a good point. The book shows two leftist narratives in conflict. It's probably easier to just ban it than to do the mental gymnastics necessary to integrate the two narratives.

We need more enriched books to accommodate this diverse world where the goal is a monorace yet still somehow diverse.

It's not that hard, folks.


Can we meme other marxist literature into being hate speech? The only books these fags are likely to cling to no matter what will be Harry Potter and The Hunger Games.

Harry Potter has offensive language to muggles, such as "mud blood," and has no place in 21st-century schools.


Bump. Someone answer this question

GG kikes, you played yourself

Bump for curiosity.

If Hunger Games is supposed to be propaganda it fails pretty badly. Very easy to subvert with how the capitol is so degenerate, just teach kids that we need a day of the rope like the districts do on the degenerate capitol kikes.

Are these really teens?

Sauce on image?

Isnt it also a book that teaches you to not listen and believe like sjws want you to? Sjws love making a new culture where you cant face your accusers and defend yourself with objective evidence in the court of law.

Do you think they look like preteens instead?


I dont care about the race shit in the book , but I feel like mah racism is the cover story. I think they would want the book banned cause it teaches you to not always believe rape victims and to actually investigate a crime. With all of these fake rape accusations across college campuses in the united states , pretty sure they would hate the shit out of this book.

MLK day is sexist when?

This. Someone gets it.

But the truth behind the rape case was that the farmer's daughter craved nigger dick.

Yeah. Thats why the removal of this book is a good thing. Its a fictional book about cuckoldry that a majority of American (and presumably some non American) school children are required to read.

Agreed, meant to reply to

Ah I see

I'd lean towards bad, and the reason I say this is the type of racism present in TKAM is actually shit tier. By which I mean, the racists are racist for petty and stupid reasons. Our racial biases stem from facts and history, not some simplistic bullshit about skin color being different.

TL;DR We don't want the kind of racists presented in TKAM because they don't grasp the gravity of the issue, and as such this book does a good job steering people away from simplistic thinking.

I think thats the kind of thinking that someone from our frame of mind already thinks. But when it comes to the people that are having to read this book I.E. young impressionable children being taught the whole 'racist southerner, KKK, white supermacist' narrative then it makes an impression upon them. Also the book makes a big point about doubting the guiltiness of Blacks aswell as putting in the mind of impressionable children that its common for white girls to secretly crave big black cock. Children learning from this book is only a bad thing and the idea that these young children (already conditioned to feel guilty about their race) will see the book as being proof of cartoonishly evil portrayal of racism is expecting to much for young children to think. Most children who have to read this book will go away just feeling bad about themselves, I know I and many other children did, and I'm not even from the South or any area withs blacks.

My sides have been lynched.

Well fuck making kids read it then , make sjws have to read it make em squirm at the thought of having to use evidence and not believing a false rape accusation

I've heard exactly that, but I heard it here on Holla Forums and haven't a source.


It would be extremely full of chimp outs.

day be kangs an sheeeeet