The Lesson Of Pearl Harbor

Around this time of year as a patriotic american I am very divided. It is hard to hide my power level in response to people claiming "the japanese were the agressors" or somehow implicating that the Pearl harbour attack was done by the Japanese.

We need to remind people of the reality of the situation.

The first question: Why were the battleships the only ships left in Pearl harbour?

The morning of the attack, all Aircraft carrying vessels were told to depart the port, and go on sealane patrols. During the attack, they were told to divert to San Francisco.

The assumption is that japanese scouts saw them leave and made haste to tell the fleet about the vulnerability of the port. That is a many hours long flight, though, and a longer steam to the port. So I find it hard to believe there was a hidden massive fleet within striking distance of Pearl Harbour, and then the navy would tell its main anti-aircraft ships to leave.

During the early 1940's there was a major push to lobby against the old "outdated" battleships and bring in a new era of naval warfare. I believe the battleships were specifically exposed to "prove" the lobby's arguments about muh old battleships being vulnerable.

The second, and most critical point of contention, is this: Why would the Japanese, with their 100% detailed scouting of Pearl harbour (according to the written "history"), forget to find out where their fuel depots are?

According to Admiral Nemitz:
"Every drop of fuel in the Pacific theater of war is in top of the ground storage tanks five miles away over that hill. One attack plane could have strafed those tanks and destroyed our fuel supply. That's why I say the Japanese made three of the biggest mistakes an attack force could make or God was taking care of America."

You can consider us the luckiest people in the world, or you could question all the strange confluences of details in this event.

To summarize: Pearl harbour was caused by the internationalists to draw us into WW2 to save communist slave governments from muh ebil nationalists.

The fact that a) the entire anti-aircraft battlefleet was removed directly prior to the "attack" b) the only ships targetted were battleships and c) zero bobms were dropped on, or near, any vital infrastructure, including fuel depots, which would have crippled the entire island for the forseeable future. The reason they DIDN'T go "all out" in this attack is because the base was needed to them attack the Japanese, so they couldn't go too far or else risk hamstringing their effort.

Other urls found in this thread:

Another lesson: nippers can attack a base unprovoked and be celebrated for it years later because they made cartoons that degenerates like.

Been waiting for this thread. Bump.

Also note that Yamamoto Isoroku was a Kojima-tier Ameriboo

Pearl harbor was the key to getting the USA into the big one, without it the Germans surely would have won the war maybe.
You can also explore the atomic bomb saved untold lives while ignoring the fact Japan had petitioned the USSR for armistice for 18 months prior.

Weren't the US giving insane amounts of material to the allies before their official entrance anyway? Doesn't sound like it made much of a difference to the germans

I feel sad for the families and people who didn't know any better and suffered great loss but I don't feel sad for the Japanese or our government who wanted in in to the war and set it all up.

The jews taught you well. You also believe the civil war was fought to free the niggers, right?

We had agreements with the Japanese to supply all of their petroleum while at the same time we were blockading them.
I think you are referring to the "lend lease program" which I think turned into the "give away totally for free program".

fuuuuuck… Bump..

The Japanese were forced to attack PEarl Harbor as it was the one base were they could really cause huge damage with a surprise attack. America under Roosevelt( who was a dirty kike mason) had provoked Japan for years in an absolute disgusting way and also supplied Japanese enemies. they also told Japan to stop fighting communist china and when the JAps refused hit them with an 100% oil embargo. thats right no more oil. so the japs were FORCED to attack the USA or would have not been able to continue fighting China. The US had LONG supplied the Soviet Jewnion and the Anglokikes with INSANE amounts of weapons and goods anyway.
Roosevelt and other high ranks in the US government and some in the military KNEW about the Pearl Harbor attack too, three weeks before it happened.
Pearl Harbor is a day to celebrate ONLY if you hate the TRUE AMERICA which died in 1913 when the Federal Reserve was initiated.

have a bump

blonde haired blue eyed brazilbro here. my family was on the right side.



1939: Fr. Coughlin Warns of Japan Provocation To Ensnare U.S. into WWII

I find it less to be about Germany winning or losing and more to do with the US entering the war while the Nazis could still be considered the enemy instead of the communists.

Enterprise and Lexington were reinforcing Wake and Midway respectively because they had positive intelligence the Japanese were placing themselves on war footing.

As far as your assertion that all seaplane tenders were absent–it's simply not true. USS Tangier was in the harbor at the time, next to Utah.

Lastly it wasn't 'just battleships' in Pearl. Just off the top of my head I can think of an oiler (Neosho), a destroyer (Shaw), and a repair ship (Vestal) who all had significant roles in the attack. Subs were there too.

A couple reasons, one tactical and one strategic.

Tactical: The reason you attack fuel and ammo dumps after shipping and AA is that they create a ton of smoke, effectively screening your targets on subsequent missions. The USN behaved similarly in attacks on major installations.

Strategic: The primary object of Pearl Harbor was not to damage the US capacity to make war. It was to shock the United States public (hopefully) into submission by gutting their battle fleet in one fell swoop. The secondary object was to cripple the US battle line because the IJN believed in the Decisive Battle Doctrine. They really thought the Pacific War would be Jutland 2.

Regardless that indeed the kike world order won out in this conflict from usa perspective joining the war was the strategic decision to make
as observed in wwI britain was safe from the damages because it was an island and thus had its industrial capacity intact after the war, but the advances during the interbellum in especially aviation made the luftwaffe rape london in the early days of wwII, the americans correctly foresaw the continued advance of strategic bombers that could one day treathen the continental US just like britain was at that time treatened by european airfields
staying out of the conflict would make the situation worse for the us, as the warplan by the allies was let the soviets and the nazis destroy eachother, however when it looked like the nazi would win this created a major problem:
a single hegemon controlling the entire eurasian landmass would render the seadominion of the anglo powers worthless, you can't use battleships to blockade a railroad going from berlin to beijing (guess what they are building right now)
even before the usual (((suspects))) came to the forefront preventing just this was the basis of anglo geopolitics

i remember IJN doctrine being the combined american fleet can fuck our shit up, so we must destroy them part by part and never let them link forces
the fleet at anchor in pearl was a good target in this strategy, the japs just severly underestimated the industrial capacity of the usa to pump out new ships
look up the dreadnought treaty after wwI it said limits to how many ships the major nations could have to prevent an arms race, the ratio were still pretty followed at the onset of wwII

Nice damage control kike im gonna trust you more than admiral nemitz lol

Another kike talking to himself

FDR was a communist sympathizer closely advised by a board of Jews. There was never any chance of the US considering communists as enemies, no matter when the US entered the war, plus the Germans were already stalemated at Stalingrad with Soviets armed with American weapons. The war was pretty much decided when Germany invaded the Soviet Union while it was being armed and supplied by the US and UK.

China wasn't communist at the time, the communists were a very small faction. China was run by the nationalist Kuomintang government, which was ideologically fascist. Germany made its bed by throwing their former Chinese ally under a bus to support Japan.

I don't know why I even read the whole post, the formatting was a warning to save my time.
You know damn well the OP was referring to air craft carriers, not this dinky little shit that only carries scout planes.

The Japs who fought so hard we had to nuke them twice into surrender only wanted to half-ass start a war with the US? The Japs who kamikaze as a means of warfare didn't want to eviscerate our Pacific fleet?

But not the fuel that physically enables them linking up, lets ignore that.

So, did FDR know specifically about the Pearl Harbor attack before it happened?

They were right next to the base. Nimitz never said that.

"The morning of the attack, all Aircraft carrying vessels were told to depart the port, and go on sealane patrols." - OP

Yes. No Jap with his head screwed on straight wanted to start a whole-ass war with the US. They were hoping for a repeat of the Russo-Japanese war. They didn't occupy Russia after Tsushima, did they? Russia negotiated. The little reed they were holding onto was that the US would as well, IF they destroyed the most high profile targets at Pearl. Not a bunch of fuel tanks.

I'm aware of what the OP wrote faggot, I'm pointing out the fact that the presence of two scout plane tenders does not explain away the absence of the proper aircraft carriers. But of course you know that but bringing it to attention doesn't suit your narrative. Those tenders do not carry fighters, the planes they carried were 100% useless in this situation. Pic fucking related, does this look like it can dogfight with a zero?

Fuel tanks are high profile targets. Do you have any idea how embarrassing it would have been for the US Navy to be completely fuel stricken for the weeks if not months it would have taken to get operational levels of fuel over there again? Learn how to fucking format on an imageboard before you start posting on one you extremely obvious shill. You can't even quote posts properly but I'm supposed to believe you when you ramble about history.

It wasn't luck or a coincidence that our aircraft carriers weren't in pearl harbor during the attack.

Is it realistic to suggest that in the professional warfighter community a half-measure would have been received and understood as some kind of communication as to what the scope of the war should be? Speaking as civilian, if you're telling me that destroying only ships not tanks is sending a message, I'm dubious. Fuel is the most important thing in modern war after warfighters, so it would be impossible to miss as a tactical oversight, so it must therefore be strategic. If strategic, and if not for communication, then it must be as many anons suggest that it was to preserve warfighting capability to ensure the maximum amount of destruction and death and potential war profits.

Personally I think we were jew'd into war and that was the plan all along so all it took was a spark, and a spark is what we got.

Reminder that Australian forces reported to Roosevelt that the Japanese fleet was steaming for Hawaii and Roosevelt purposely told the US forces to stand down.

Yes, the US had cracked Japanese military codes.
Thomas Dewey was going to make it a point of his 1944 election campaign against FDR, but he didn't because that would let the Japs know that the codes had been broken.

I've already explained why Lexington and Enterprise weren't present. They were reinforcing island bases because there was good reason to believe the Japanese were about to attack. If you thought the OP was referring to fleet carriers, then you have to answer for the other claim he made, which is that they'd been ordered to patrol the sealanes. They hadn't.

What is your point? Seaplane tenders can conduct patrols. That's what OP said was happening.

Fuel tanks are strategically valuable targets, not 'high profile.' The point is that the Japanese planners were hoping the American public would freak out at the destruction of their babies, not that what they hoped was a realistic possibility. It obviously failed.

I'm not addressing the question of whether we were jewed into the war.

Diplomatic codes. The US decoded the 14 part message before it was presented, but it said nothing about Pearl Harbor itself. To my knowledge, the US military knew that the Japanese were about to mount an offensive, but were unaware of operational details.

Claims that FDR was trying to manipulate the US into war have an air of credibility, but no one has ever credibly claimed he knew about Pearl specifically.

I'm not going to waste my time any more.


by James Perloff

Here is a little article from one of my favorite jew's website, a little insight as to how they got us into the war, and how they tried to cover it up.

Americans were on the wrong side of history, deal with it.

And who led them to that path, chaim?


Their own ignorance and leaders.


You will always be a nigger.

Don't be coming around my Holla Forums with your fucking facts

Really nigger?

The japanese fumbled the ball many times during the war, not just pearl harbor but also guadalcanal, and midway. There was no 3rd strike on the fuel depots for several reasons:

They didn't underestimate the USA's industrial capacity. They knew what they were getting into but believed they could win quickly and bring the USA back to the negotiation table on more favorable terms before that could come into play.

Yamamoto did nothing wrong. Nobody ristened.

Bump. Quality bread.

Kikes never change.

How do you shills always get first post?

I would like to point out they weren't suicide bombing at pearl harbour (one guy did but he was going down anyway) and they didn't bring their full fleet. Japs only pulled out those stops when they were on the defensive

Pearl harbor was literally a preventative strike by the Japanese so that they could expand into the south east asia-pacific region to secure the resources they had to have to stop their economy and thus their entire country from collapsing

The US had conveniently embargoed them of everything even though it didn't even make sense financially, under the guise of "discouraging Japanese aggression" (AKA China) even though China was nothing more than a bunch of civil war torn warlords, one of the most powerful of which was full on communist, plus none of the Chinese factions would give Japan the resources it needed via trade even though Japan was willing to pay up, plus on top of that your average Chinese person at the time was better off under Japanese rule than their own random warlords

In reality (((they))) embargoed Japan to try to force the Japanese to fold in the same way they had already tried (and failed) to embargo and cut off Germany, with the option of giving into international finance and "democracy" and all at any time ;)

So Japan went banzai in the south east to make sure they didn't collapse and didn't essentially roll over and give up without even trying to survive first

The USN was extremely likely to attack them if they did this, nearly guaranteed, (plus they were already attacking German submarines for less)

So Japan figured it's best shot was to hit the naval capital of the US in the pacific all at once as hard as it could, take out as many boats as possible, damage as many as they could, cripple the harbor as much as they could, then rapidly seize what they needed and dig in and try to survive long enough to (maybe even beat the US on the defensive) to get some kind of reasonable deal

Pearl harbor exceeded even the most optimistic of Japanese expectations, the plan worked, they got 6 months of 0 interference and by the time the US first showed up with anything they already had a shit ton of stuff

They joined the first one with no attack against them just fine, plus article related

Japan did literally nothing wrong

Also, Hitler touches on the subject. Reminder that while FDR meddled with Japan he was already meddling with Europe in the 30s.

the leaders let it happen

Hell it wasn't even preventative, it was pre-emptive

They had no choice

Wrong video related
He even talks about how they knew what the US was planning


By the grace of Heaven, Emperor of Japan Emperor Shōwa, seated on the throne occupied by the same dynasty from time immemorial, enjoin upon ye, Our loyal and brave subjects:

We hereby declare War on the United States of America and the British Empire. The men and officers of Our Army and Navy shall do their utmost in prosecuting the war. Our public servants of various departments shall perform faithfully and diligently their respective duties; the entire nation with a united will shall mobilize their total strength so that nothing will miscarry in the attainment of Our war aims.

To ensure the stability of East Asia and to contribute to world peace is the far-sighted policy which was formulated by Our Great Illustrious Imperial Grandsire [Emperor Meiji] and Our Great Imperial Sire succeeding Him [Emperor Taishō], and which We lay constantly to heart. To cultivate friendship among nations and to enjoy prosperity in common with all nations, has always been the guiding principle of Our Empire's foreign policy. It has been truly unavoidable and far from Our wishes that Our Empire has been brought to cross swords with America and Britain. More than four years have passed since China, failing to comprehend the true intentions of Our Empire, and recklessly courting trouble, disturbed the peace of East Asia and compelled Our Empire to take up arms. Although there has been reestablished the National Government of China, with which Japan had effected neighborly intercourse and cooperation, the regime which has survived in Chungking, relying upon American and British protection, still continues its fratricidal opposition. Eager for the realization of their inordinate ambition to dominate the Orient, both America and Britain, giving support to the Chungking regime, have aggravated the disturbances in East Asia. Moreover these two Powers, inducing other countries to follow suit, increased military preparations on all sides of Our Empire to challenge Us. They have obstructed by every means Our peaceful commerce and finally resorted to a direct severance of economic relations, menacing gravely the existence of Our Empire. Patiently have We waited and long have We endured, in the hope that Our government might retrieve the situation in peace. But Our adversaries, showing not the least spirit of conciliation, have unduly delayed a settlement; and in the meantime they have intensified the economic and political pressure to compel thereby Our Empire to submission. This trend of affairs, would, if left unchecked, not only nullify Our Empire's efforts of many years for the sake of the stabilization of East Asia, but also endanger the very existence of Our nation. The situation being such as it is, Our Empire, for its existence and self-defense has no other recourse but to appeal to arms and to crush every obstacle in its path.

The hallowed spirits of Our Imperial Ancestors guarding Us from above, We rely upon the loyalty and courage of Our subjects in Our confident expectation that the task bequeathed by Our forefathers will be carried forward and that the sources of evil will be speedily eradicated and an enduring peace immutably established in East Asia, preserving thereby the glory of Our Empire.

In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hand and caused the Grand Seal of the Empire to be affixed at the Imperial Palace, Tokyo, this seventh day of the 12th month of the 15th year of Shōwa, corresponding to the 2,602nd year from the accession to the throne of Emperor Jimmu.

(Released by the Board of Information, December 8, 1941. Japan Times & Advertiser)"

Here's what Italy had to say

"This is another day of solemn decision in Italy’s history and of memorable events destined to give a new course to the history of continents.

The powers of the steel pact, Fascist Italy and Nationalist Socialist Germany, ever closely linked, participate from today on the side of heroic Japan against the United States of America.

The Tripartite Pact becomes a military alliance which draws around its colors 250,000,000 men determined to do all in order to win.

Neither the Axis nor Japan wanted an extension of the conflict.

One man, one man only, a real tyrannical democrat, through a series of infinite provocations, betraying with a supreme fraud the population of his country, wanted the war and had prepared for it day by day with diabolical obstinacy.

The formidable blows that on the immense Pacific expanse have been already inflicted on American forces show how prepared are the soldiers of the Empire of the Rising Sun.

I say to you, and you will understand, that it is a privilege to fight with them.

Today, the Tripartite Pact, with the plenitude of its forces and its moral and material resources, is a formidable instrument for the war and a certainty for victory.

Tomorrow, the Tripartite Pact will become an instrument of just peace between the peoples.

Italians! Once more arise and be worthy of this historical hour!

We shall win."

Isn't it so cool how modern education and media conveniently leaves all this stuff out and makes the Axis look like such evil aggressors who wanted world domination and were simultaneously too much of pussies to even be upfront about it

Hull note nigger.
Stopping the supply of fuel to a modern nation as the sole supplier of oil, because they were removing second worst gook is basically an act of war.

Japanese used strategy of kantai kessen or all out decisive battle that had worked at Tsushima vs Russia. They saw battleships as key ie Yamato even though yamamoto knew the age of the battleship was over and advised his IJN superiors. He was ordered to make the attack at pearl harbour to destroy the us navy wholesale and buy sufficient time for japs to consolidate economic and resource gains in greater east Asia co prosperity sphere but IJN underestimated Importance of carriers, us ability to recover and did not understand the new patient style of positional naval warfare.

They had no idea of knowing whether the carriers were there or not and they were out of time so they couldn't wait any longer

Its incredible they did as much damage as they did as it is

considering the number of carriers they built and the amount of research they put into planes and torpedoes it would seem they did in fact understand but there were just several holdovers in important positions hence the two big BBs they made. Japan never had the steel to make as many big boats (carriers, battleships) as the USA, which meant a focus on destroyers was seen as a good bargain.

Yamamoto made his attack on PH without adequate recon and missed carriers. He understood carriers were they way ahead but he was still in the mindset to do all out attacks kantai kessen. Nimitz understood that he had to feel out his enemy. Yamamoto launched 2 waves at midway leaving no carrier defense. Nimitz located japs at coral sea and midway patiently. Yamamoto tilted after he lost 3 of 4 carriers at midway trying to take yanks out with one big hit. He almost went ahead with his 7 useless battleships in a suicide run, further evidence of his all or nothing mindset and lack of slow and deliberate methodology of radar and recon to build the int picture

Fucker, it's fuel tanks. You only need a few planes to strafe with machingun fire.
You don't need an entire strike force for that, just 1-2 planes making a pass before returning to the carrier

So either according to you kikes Japan "didn't have full information" so he "missed the carriers"

Then why did they attack RIGHT after the battleships were exposed? Before the fastest scout could report and then the fastest fleet could not strike within the time they say it took?

Why are shills like this upset at this thread?

This is not defensive Japan though.

This is "for fucks sake we just want oil you dicks!" Japan.

I severely doubt for all the bullshit burgers give Japs for that attack, they seriously wanted to cause massive casualties. It wouldn't be in their interest to cause to big of a reaction. They wanted to gut the fleet and hopefully force the US into a position where they'd back off and lift the embargo.
They didn't want a full scale war.

As far as false flags go, the attack itself was just Japan being Japan.
But FDR knew it was going to happen, and let it happen anyway so he could have casus belli.

Of course america is a Jewish nation and deserves every attack on it.

I wonder why

You're an idiot. Jews were in full control of the British empire long before the world wars. They were also in control of the USA since the first pilgrim set foot on the soil.

Just want some good videos to listen to senpai play along please

oh wow what a surprise

get fucked

Trump is a Republican and a puppet of deep state.

Preventing continental dominance has been British policy since the British Isles have been under one government, you dunce.