Google Removes “Fake News” That Black People “Commit More Crimes”



The truth is on our side, so their next step is to hide all evidence of the truth existing.


Other urls found in this thread:

Din du nuffin'



I'm guessing this is because of /r/The_Donald trying to manipulate Google image results daily

They can't delete FBI stats


Similar statistics regarding minority populations taking up a disproportionate percentage of the prison population. Only in this article the facts are simply displayed and discussed for what they are without being drowned out by the typical leftist doublethink psycopathy nonsense.

Wouldn't you love to see MSM approach the nigger problem with the same simplicity and appreciation of facts?

The only thing upsetting about this article is that while Romanians are second on the list, that's probably gypsies giving Romanians a bad name. I know some pretty based Romanians and it's the PC faggots who are probably going to get innocent people hurt; PC faggots don't allow the distinction between Gypsy and Romanian.

Nomads with assumed identities are pieces of shit
Guess what other (((nomads))) behave the same way*


Just did a search for "crime statistics by race" on Infogalactic and they don't yet have a page up for it.

Job opportunity, anons!
Time to start dropping red pills all over Infogalactic, while it's still young.
Hopefully, it will take WikJewPedophile's place…



It is glorious how these technology companies are slowly killing themselves for social justice.

When we write history these cases will serve as a powerful reminder that leftism is cancer.


Perfect opportunity to try to get normalfags away from jewgle then. This is absolutely nothing new or unheard of from these kikes, they always did this type of shit but they kept it on the down low to avoid attracting attention. Hell, during the election they all but advertised Hillary on there and made sure nothing bad about showed up on their results. Now that they're getting bolder and cockier it'll be easier to show people this shit and get them to use Startpage or any other search engine. Make sure to include not only this but every other example of them committing censorship and actively manipulating their users. One or two examples won't be enough for them, but if you show them a whole bunch of examples? They'll have no choice but to concede, nobody likes being told what to look at and what not to look at and having someone look down on them and make them only look at certain shit and nothing else. There's tons of email alternatives out there, tons of search engine alternatives, etc.

I keep saying it but we really need to fucking try to get people off of fucking goybook and shitter and also Jewtoob. Only issue though are the lack of alternatives. Shekelberg has been militant in making sure that his cash cow zionist database has no alternatives, someone needs to go against internetkike and make an alternative to goybook. Shitter there's no point, it's already dying because of their shitty practices and their habit of kicking everyone off who isn't an outspoken Marxist or jihadist. Plus it's a retarded gimmick anyway. And jewtoob? Same thing as goybook really, except the other problem is also getting servers or drives or whatever I don't know shit about tech that can store God only knows how many terabytes of videos while also being able to stream em at a good quality. Jewtoob is a major money sink for jewgle though so it might be better to just keep it around and try to figure out how to make it into a shekelcaust for them. Nothing else, if that fag Pewds leaves there they're more or less fucked, the fags on there who play video games and upload vids of it are pretty much the only fucking reason why jewgle hasn't axed the site yet. Losing him would be devastating, and if they lost anyone else as well they'd go full SHUT IT DOWN

FBI is not a legitimate source!

The truth is treason in the empire of lies. Honestly we should be encouraging these demonic scum to keep it up. The further and further they push, abuse, spit on, trample, etc everyone else the more and more brutal the backlash will be. And death is too good for these fucking degenerates in my opinion. Honestly I don't know if there is any suitable amount of torture that could adequately punish them for what they've done and said. It's unprecedented, the muds have come up with some pretty fucking horrifically in genius executions and torture but even that shit won't be enough


did you ever hear about 911?

but yes, if they censor fake news they should just censor themselves

All we can do is execute Justice. Leave the retribution to God.

From >>>Holla Forums

>These search engines are both run by the same company. Startpage gets its results from Google, meaning that it's Google minus tracking, and Ixquick gathers its results from many other search engines, but not Google. Both give equivalent privacy. Which one to use is a matter of preference.The company is based in the Netherlands, and it has servers located in the US and the EU. It is advisable to configure it to use only EU servers in the settings. There are many other settings which can give you extra privacy, often at the loss of performance. It also allows you to save settings with a simple, non-identifiable URL, in order to avoid cookies. It takes privacy very seriously.

> Searx is a privacy-respecting metasearch engine with more practical features compared to Startpage and Ixquick, but with less privacy features. Its most important quality is the fact that it's completely free, libre and open source. This means that you can see what the server is supposed to be doing (keep in mind that there is no way to verify that the server is running the public source code), but it also means that other people can set up their own instance. There are many other instances which provide the same features. This makes it very hard for agencies like the NSA to compromise it. Even if searx is controlled by the NSA, they wouldn't have control over the other instances, and getting control over all instances would be practically impossible.

Remember, the kike hates the truth. It burns their skin like sunlight burns vampires. This is why it's so important to screenshot + archive everything relevant.

In addition to that or are good alternatives to gmail.

True, although Hell is gonna have one hell of a time trying to come up with punishments adequate enough for them, even Judas's punishment for betraying Christ was spending eternity frozen with Lucifer and being eaten by him

Nobody is being punished and nobody will be until judgment day. Even the super evil fallen angels are only put in hell (the prison) to await punishment

But they can unlist them from their search engine results.

This is proof that "fake news" is really just a codeword for "anything that isn't leftard liberal propaganda". They had all that control and shilling for Hillary and still lost but this will only and actually make things worse because it's going to be so obvious people will actively look for the truth like during the election, the exact opposite of their goal.

um, what exactly is unlisted?


Similarly, the 'Lithuanians' are likely in large part actually Russians.

"Fake News" is literally newspeak.

Works on my machine OP

wouldn't be surprised if they try it though

When they were censoring their political opposition as "fake" is one thing, with a faux color of justification with the claim the other side was deliberately lying to attack
victim" left, but to censor facts, that's bare china 1984 censoring, I can't imagine this will fly even with bluepills, this breaks even the rules in that bubble.

This seems like a desperation move after the Trump election.

I really don't think Trump will abandon the people who got him into office. He actually likes common people. Call me naive though.

Google wants to move away from search results and into knowledge synthesis, this is the period of transition where they purge search results which would lead an AI to wrongthink.

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell, they intentionally avoided imprisoning killary even though she was guilty as fuck, so they sorta lost a lot of credibility.

Nigger statistics aren't really related to the election though they were brought up during, this is more jewgle going completely out in the open jewing.

"Fake News" is one of those things I didn't even take seriously at first because I thought nobody else would due to its sheer ridiculousness. Kind of like how I initially thought about afro-centric history and yet….people actually did take it seriously.

This is a mad desperate dash to control the narrative. They're going to hard and to fast in a mad attempt to retain power.

It will all fall apart, once it's gotten to this stage it always does.

In cahoots corporations immediately went along with the bullshit, blacklisting the "fake" sites.

I wonder who is recoverable and what percentage of the population that would be, it sure as shit isn't anyone on pol.

PJ Watson is wrong because The Guardian article says they're removing "bad" suggestions from their autocomplete algorithm, not search results. It's nothing new. It's not technically censorship unless they start removing "bad" pages from their results.

"Google refused to comment on the individual search results, but on Sunday, it moved to change some but not all of the autocomplete suggestions that the report highlighted."

"Google had removed the lines suggesting that Jews and black people are evil and that blacks “commit more crimes”,…"

They're clearly talking about autocomplete suggestions, not search results.

But someone should do a couple of experiments to check if Google censors search results as well or just the autocomplete suggestions algorithm. Because you can't trust Google.

I think that Trump can easily use the bully pulpit to promote alternative social media platforms and media platforms.

You already see it happening, Right Side Broadcasting is forming a 24/7 news network and Breitbart is getting extremely powerful. All we need is free speech social media platforms and the MSM is completely kill.

Only 30% of the American public believed the news 2 months BEFORE the election. Imagine how low that percentage is now, America is now a nation of bad goyim who only need a slight push.

The American soul was always the soul of rebellion and independent thinking, it's no surprise that we threw off the chains first.

At the end of the day me and my fellow Holla Forumsacks are going to be like those movies in the 80's working from the underground.

Fucking hell these faggots are getting slimier by the day. Google removed the autofill suggestions of "jews are evil" and "blacks commit more crimes". Here's the link to the Guardian article that disinfowars based their "piece" on:

It said: “Our search results are a reflection of the content across the web. This means that sometimes, unpleasant portrayals of sensitive subject-matter online can affect what search results appear for a given query. These results don’t reflect Google’s own opinions or beliefs. As a company, we strongly value a diversity of perspectives, ideas and cultures.

Never link to Disinfowars ever again. That article is the exact definition of disinformation, and it is exactly why jonestein is a well known snake oil salesman. He was a useful idiot during the election, but now him and his brand of rhetoric can fuck right out of the way.

only if you use instead of the .com because and are the same now since last March.

SearX is getting better. I use it a lot. The 'Archive' button next to every result is useful.

C'mon, even the normies aren't going to buy this.

Got that too. OP is being overly paranoid.


Also, I googled black crime statistics and got all the stuff I Usually get.

Death to Israel!

It's getting reported on in this one article with limited reach but jewgle is not advertising their slight of hand to the plebs so they'll be walled in without noticing.

This is good news. Now it is even easier to discredit the "fake news" label since they are using it on actual facts. "If these facts are fake news, and pizzagate and others are also labeled fake news, then there is probably truth they don't want you to acknowledge."


It's not real. It only discredits the Judas goat and everything he reports that comes from Holla Forums.

I found something weird on Google as well. Look up "ethnic homogeneity."

Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake.

Google grew into the Goliath it is by providing people the best search engine in the world. What will happen when that search engine is bogged down by social justice?

Congratulations Google, please allow us to assist your suicide.

They don't need to be the best anymore though. They only need their ads to make shekels. Most of us are smart enough to use addons to block them. Their ideal clients aren't.

So basically a synonym for "nazi"?

Trump needs to destroy Google. They could probably be dismantled through anti-trust. Or just shut them down since they are run by the us government.

My impression of infowars is that AJ is pretty much the only decent guy there–he gets a lot of stuff wrong and is unwilling to commit some kinds of thoughtcrime, but he tries. Everybody else there (especially PJW) is either retarded or a liar.

Google is run by the US government. Trump will have control over it soon enough.

Alex "Kill all Nazis" Jonestein is a Judas goat.

But really, all of silicon valley needs to be nuked and all people in "tech industry" killed.

I know you guys worry about how this sort of shit can be abused but the consequences go WAY deeper than you think. This is total censorship.

Take any pick of your favorite stance in anything and back it up with some information. Regardless of where you get facts from, the government can question and nitpick whatever fucking thing you use and easily claim it is false. This is easily doable in things that are based on word of mouth, reporters, statistics, writings, etc. Unless it is based off of something more concrete and tangible like photography and videos, your facts are fucking screwed.

Do you really think they would do that? Just go on the internet and post fake statistics?



This reminds me of the legal issue with hosting torrented content. How it is illegal to do so, yet torrent sites had a free pass (for a while). Now the sites that reference those torrent sites are grey area.

That's only for living people. Nowhere in the Bible does it even suggest that the dead will be "judged" that way.

And not even Satan is in Hell yet, why would his angels be?

Searx looks neat, I think I'll jump to this as I've been using Ixquick up to now.


Holocaust tier information manipulation going on here. God damn those brainwashed academics.

Remember guys, it's important to make an effort to not fulfil the established stereotypes about us when you convey this information. Honey and vinegar. You will do more good for the cause if you are decent and polite when interacting with outsiders.

They're removing search suggestions, not search results. Infowars is a disinfo site, we know this already. Still a fucky move by (((Google))).

There's also the ruskie yandex and chink baidu. I've never used them, but they may not give a shit about non ruskie/chink politics.
I still like dgg for !bangs

zero surprise there

get rid of the shit on your phone too, gapps is fucking cancer.


it's their entire business model, manipulating rankings for money, besides the datamining. Advertising is just part of that.

It's time for everyone to stop using Jewgle. Also, we're obviously full USSR and have been for some time.

Oh, is a part of the darknet now?

Eternal saltiness while frog angels look smugly down at them

I wouldn't be surprised to see a push to have the USA join Canada and many Euro countries in removing publicly available racial crime data.

checked and kek'd

Underchecked post.

It looks like it only uses data from inside the limits.

Remember when a search engine only gave you what you asked for and it didn't attempt to manipulate the way people chose to disseminate information?

Google had one job. Indexing. Trump needs to have the fed sue the fuck out of them. There has to be some sort of antitrust violations they can be reamed over.

Fucking jewgle the kikes will never learn will they.

How did he become a normal sized human? Dwarves can do that? Did he evolve?


That map is bullshit. Crime stretches way farther than that. Taylor, Inkster, and Dearborn Heights are shitholes.

Fellow Michigander can confirm. The niggers keep spreading outwards.

Nice get.
Have you seen Novi lately? It's a fucking tragedy.

ayo where da memes at?


fucking australian satan

Last guy I met from novi was a spic that was bragging about how his wife was white.

Can confirm.

Top result when I google black vs white homicide

yeah, what are you some kinda faggot who kisses girls?

got this recommended once for no apparent reason. enjoyed it and had it on pretty much repeat for a week or two, but then i stopped and the recommendations went back to normal.

I started out as a qt poster on /int/
then /int/ turned into nothing but generals so I migrated to the next better place