TIME's Person of the Year: The President of the "Divded States" of America


You'll never, EVER be this salty that you'll fearmonger this hard just because their candidate got smacked hard during the US Elections.

Other urls found in this thread:





Since when was Time THAT cucked?

One month later and the salt is still flowing like it's election day

Time chose merkel for 2015. They have been cucked for a long time


Oh the salt. Salt from leftists suddenly finding out that Time's online person of the year poll doesn't actually mean anything. I'm sure a lot of salt from Time's own employees.

OP is of a homosexual persuasion


The author is so pissed off it's surprising that he hasn't killed himself yet.

They just have to put Trump up against a dark background to make him look bad. At least they didn't nominate Chief in Poo Narenda Mondi, that would have lost them all credibility.

Still can't believe Trump actually won. I'm so happy I live in the best timeline.

Surely this won't backfire at all.

Let it never end.

I can't wait until engaged musicians start releasing their 4 chord song inspired by Donald Trump and against DUH HAAATE !!

Compare the photos in Trump's edition to the ones in Merkel's edition from last year. Nearly every Trump photo is black and white, with the subject rarely smiling, and a negative caption to follow. Pence with a lot of negative space behind him with is filled by his exaggerated shadow, Trump standing alone in his golden penthouse, Trump glancing behind from his chair (which happens to expose the worn fabric on the back)…
Merkel's show her in positions of power, addressing a group of men including Obama, walking side by side with David Cameron and a picture of a 'refugee' shelter.

It's almost like the media doesn't like Trump - how strange!

Our memes were not dreams. I remember it sometimes and it's absolutely amazing.

Your numbers are what we should do with them.

dubs confirm!
Civil War when?

lel you aren't kidding

It's funny how Scherer spends about half the article shitting on Hillary and Obongo, though. I'm guessing he was a Bernout.

Oh I guess since about

kek, which one of you did this.

(checked and heil'd)
It's already happening, matey.
The nogs are also at it, (((free)))stylain' their woes.

nice salt pic

kind of want a copy tbh, for historical archiving and just to say to my grandchildren "look, I was there!"

reading this feels good

so much fucking bullshit, this guy never got out of the fantasy bubble the media created for itself



Thanks for checking them.
I still don't understand why anyone would think it's a good idea to vote for clinton.

Nov. 25, 2014


I can think if a few explanations


Well, at least she's not that meanie-head Trump!

t. a mental child

Should I even ask if Holla Forums is right again?


Tiptop Kek.

Some prefer to ignore the truth and cherrypick things they like from Hillary.
In related news, some people get off from being shit on.

A golden dawn
by the teflon don
sends the liberal shills
Their comeuppance and chills
The salt now flows eternally
Like our everlasting supply of tendies
Though the war has only begun
We today relish this victory of the don

Looks like TIME has posted the wrong version. Here is the real one.


daily reminder that the 8 years haven't even started yet

Buy a copy, stick a note inside that says "lol butthurt kike" and frame it. You don't need to read it to appreciate the cover.

The salt will never stop.

Is that a SJW supporting Trump in that pic? Or some sort of Goth?

Most likely some sort of goth.

Too bad about the tattoos.

I thought they were all dead. SJWs kind of stole their look you know, but still, it's weird to see a goth supporting Trump.

I love that they are so salty, they made Trump person of the year just to attack him. Not that I care, it means Trump is person of the year and someone worthy gets it instead of Obama or Merkel or some other fuck.

At this rate I'm going to die from mhypernatremia before Trump even hits office.

Fucking saved.

What's really funny is the media still thinks anyone gives a shit what they say.

Is any of you faggots here into /heraldics/.
What does the Trump family meme symbol tell?

What I found:

What do the ties in the crest and the gauntlet fisting that square representing?

Not really, goths originaly were a counter-culture of "le darfk powerss" and "muh dark introspection". So since everyone kept saying trump was evil and dark and hitler, they like him. They are still sheep, thou.

There it is, these cucks finally gave up


Fatima Gassem?

This webm is so perfect for threads like these, sometimes the world is a good comfy place

Globalism is here to stay. Get used to it, goyim.

The way I see it, Trump supporters most likely won't buy it because it's a thinly veiled swipe at Trump and his cabinet/family and liberals won't buy it because Time dared make Trump person of the year.

Lose-lose situation for Time.

President of the divided states of America
They can't even try to be non-partisan.

They really, really wish this was the case. Luckily the white adults have stepped in to end the foolishness.


Kek wills that you repost this gif when that witch croaks in the inevitably near future.

Trump may not make the best deals in THEIR opinion but how can they mock Trump when Hillary's establishment deals would have screwed the populace over ten fold?



In a few years she'll get them removed. I think that as the country divides more and more, there's going to be a desire of those on the right to present themselves more cleanly and traditionally. I fully expect the left to go even harder into trashiness, which will make tattoos and weird haircuts unappealing.

Thinly veiled WWII reference.



It's been one helluva ride, gents.

That's an awful lot of lying. The "muh hijab" attention whore was proven fake, will probably be persecuted for filing false police report & they're still using it.

Based Nigel Farage got a runner up article


Literally Hitler.


It is a sign that he will have a role at Trump's side!

"Ha! Take that, Drumph!"
"Um, ma'am? We can't in good conscience publish this."
"Well, I mean, things were already VERY divided by the time the 2012 election rolled around, and most attribute that to the policies of the Obama admi–"
"Oh dear!"


I can't get enough of the fact they can do nothing but kvetch about the same shit over and over, as if it will somehow work this time. The war against the kike is far from over, but at least the media is digging their own graves.

Holy shit, call a scientist. This is some 4th dimensional butthurt.


I love how this mostly shows that living in high population density areas makes you pozzed. What the fuck is up with Maine, Vermont, and New Hampshire?

Fill the blue parts with water.


I know of a better way to prevent the cycle from happening ever again.

They are pulling this horns shit again. Filthy journalists.


Please, when the purges happen, purge on a county basis, don't lump us in with the poz of the cities in the state.

Best reaction to the Trump victory!


She is a small town girl. She is trying to look edgy and cool. Most small towns have a handful of those people. Reminds me of a girl I knew. Attractive and talented with an IQ of 145 (school records). The downside was that she was a klepto and a manipulator.

Most major cities are majority nig.

Coal/logging country has a built in love of unions and a lot of old timers just vote dem out of habit.

based jew, even though he's using the lolocaust

made me laff

soz did this tub-o-lard ever do it?

missing the deal with it cover

I love this map. My shitloard city kept CT from going 100% blue. Litchfield County is an island of MAGA in a sea of cucks. There are still Trump signs everywhere around here.

Time become basically a new, New York times, washington post, buzzfeed, CNN, salon, huffington post, usatoday and other democrats garbage media, magazine and website. And they are angry against the 5% of the media that aren't controled by them in their monopoly.

No it's all Massholes. They made Massachusetts hell then moved north. They flood in because of cheap land then take over the local governments and make their new home just as shitty. They are like parasites.

We love skeletons, don't we folks?

that's becouse the Time magazine initial intention was to depict people that reflect the Current Year. That's why you get stamped TIME on your forehead.
Having Time behind you is like "you're not fitting in with the Current Year, goy" or "you're outside of the norm, goy.
It's basically the Mark of the beast of approval.


And yet, most white women voted Trump.


Mark of the bad goy. Now I want one for myself.


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.


Now we need his face on money.

Go one step further and just purge the major cities in the counties. Not a single one of my neighbors doesn't have a trump sign but my county went blue because it's tacked to reno's asshole.

Theirs is a fight against nature. We absolutely must resist these lunatics.

Trump interview today. What do you make of his comments regarding Obama, especially Trump running his cabinet picks by him?

I wouldn't agree with that.

I think Trump is rubbing it in Obama's stupid nigger face. He is showing Obama ever single person that is invested in completely dismantling his legacy and whispering in his ear "You're fired" with every new person he shows him.

can someone who isn't retarded edit vid related to have nige's face on it?

I didn't realize Göring used to be a spess muhreen.

It looks like Trump and Putin are ahead of their Time

because that's their goal.

which is funny considering it has the opposite effect if you take it literally. Obama is behind the time and Putin is a ahead.

thats a fork he's holding. is he eating the chess board now? holy fuck


those are imitation arms, really. They're close enough to look like real ones, but like it says in the filename that's a heraldic-looking logo.

The thing about charges is they can represet whatever you want them to represent, so the person to ask is Trump. Also, putting your name in the space for the motto is not appropriate.

Here are actual arms that were granted to Trump by the Scottish Lyon King of Arms for use on his golf course though.

Stop disgracing my fucking race, faggot.

Could they be any more butthurt in that article? kek

Are you genuinely retarded?

You mean the real fucking world? That's human nature.

he is descendant of socialist jews who were actually punished in the camps. they deserved it mind you, just thought I'd clear it up.

Hitler was Person of the Year in 1938 :^)

Their portrayal just makes trump look stronger and stronger. Nobody wants a kindergarten teacher for pres.

Fucking English majors can't even grammar. You don't boast "of" things, you boast "about" them.

They are trying to make The New Soviet Man™ of course they are ignoring human nature.

Kill yourself any time.

A lot of places people just look like that because it's the style. I have a lot of younger friends who wear weezer(problem) glasses yet voted for trump.

Integration is a hollow ideal when you can't define the culture you're integrating into. I suppose Germany's culture is "tolerance" and "responsibility" and "freedom" and "welcoming" or something. So is Britain's, so is Canada's, probably Americans would say the same about their own culture. It's just possible more people are starting to sense that norms they're integrating with are just cliches that mean nothing really except facilitating working, consuming, degeneracy and globalized le happy merchantism. Actual culture on the level of a people includes history and identity and religious attitudes, it's not just a mostly arbitrary list of positive or convenient-for-the-government character traits.

Meme magic.

Why do you have a WEBM of some kike going "MUH SIX GORILLION" like he's some kind of hero for BTFO of a leftist with another leftist argument.
And holy fuck he has the most Jewish voice ever. What a cringey, nasally voice.

There's nothing goth about her though, she just has hipster tats like a lot of Midwest kids.

Feels good man.


TIME would be dead if it wasn't for doctors offices, libraries, and the like. How many people actually seek out their thin, surface level propaganda?


The best universe has the worstbest? writing.

she's kinda cute tbh

No they did not. I'm willing to bet they ALL died of typhoid or starvation due to allied bombing.
He's an edgey self hating Jew(he's right to hate himself).
Please lurk more.

If propaganda wasn't an effective business, it wouldn't be a multi-billion dollar industry.

Gas yourself, spamshitter.


Those are merely cover pictures do you have any info what they wrote about him?

Trips don't lie.

noice. have an mp4

so, it's happening?


worth saving, thanks.

Whites that have yet to experience diversity.

I'd imagine that game would be filled with liberals who unconvincingly pretend to be above it all.

They've been cucked for forever

Trips confirmed.
WE are Time's man of the year!

Wasn't that the year when Hugo Chavez won the poll?

I didn't check the catalog or read this thread to see if this was already brought up by

Unfamiliar with her, what's the significance?

wow, they even went out of their way to make it horribly compressed just like youtube.

Evidently they do. See

Some of the best photos of the Third Reich come from TIME (as LIFE magazine, their photography focused magazine at the time).

We have the best world, don't we folks?

She worked for WWE. Wrestling.


Wife of Vince McMahon, owner of the WWE, the show in which Trump guest starred in those memes of him clothes-lining said Vince and shaving his head.

Never fails to make me giggle that there is video of Trump punching a guy in the head and the media can't use it against him.

So… They're admitting that America is divided as fuck while Obama is still in office? Last time I checked Trump has only been doing good things on his time line for the US, which isn't even presidential yet.
Fucking Fags.

I have yet to see any evidence of positive written content unless everyone on Holla Forums only buys shit to look at the

is he giving us a sign?


Fucking tattoos man, that haircut is fucking hot.

Here you faggots this is the writing part of Time magazine.

Adolf Hitler: Man of the Year, 1938



More writing part of Time faggots.



Dangerously unchecked digits

hence the quotes.

Rozenkrieg, the most peaceful war in recent history where, "amazingly," the Austrian people overwhelmingly voted to join Germany and then showered one another with roses, because that's obviously something nations do when they are "stolen."


Good observation, it's basically already there for anyone under 30.

I wasn't disagreeing with you or anything, elaborating really.

The ZOG media and education system like to go on about how bad old Hitler conquered Austria as the first part of his world domination rampage and present the troop exchange meant to show good faith as a "German invasion".

I remember in school, when I was 8, I was taught some Hitler quote to Austrian chancellor Schussnigg, about how "your ridiculous defenses are about to be blown to bits" or some other supervillain-tier nonsense. I've searched but I can't find a proper source for it.

Shut up goy, don't you know Hitler was a bloodthirsty warmonger that relentlessly bombed civilian populations and deliberately cut off supply lines to internment camps that he build railroads to just for bringing in us jews and nothing else.

Also Roosevelt was an anti-semite for not bombing those railroads more and bending over even further backwards for the sake of the jewish population.

They felt threatened / didn't want war?

Can we discuss how evil the allies were during WWII for a moment? They saw these camps and knew they were political prisoners in em but they chose to cut off the supply lines killing most of the prisoners only to rescue the prisoners and act like the germans did a genocide. Fucking evil kikery right there.

What didn't SJW's ruin?

New Hampshire and Maine were both really close actually, but Clinton squeaked by. Vermont is commie kike country.

For all their pro-democracy BS, they sure hate democracy don't they? Austria 'Anchluss', Crimea vote, now Brexit pushback, and Trump elector thing. Shlomo, all this anti-democracy rhetoric surely won't backfire will it?

"No Objection". Trump confirmed fascist?

Days later, Trump will have a phone call with the Philippine President, who called President Obama the “son of a whore” a few months ago.

"THE RIGHT WAY" Sometimes I get the feeling Trump is more legit than I realize.

Not really. They were those anti-culture fucks, or at least the children of them. Just look into the politics of the musicians who played that style of music. Watch The Decline of Western Civilization, specifically part 3. Some highlights of Gothic Rock are


dead kennedies already did that

Trump looks badass on that cover, holy shit.


Not for a lack of trying though.

Japan (yet)

I hope Trump has his his on frozenkrieg

We aren't annexing canada until after all the cucks freeze to death.

did other persons of the year were featured in a chair?



So what like 3 months? I feel like it's gonna be a rough winter this year.


WEW, time to plan a red-state roadtrip.

Come by the Florida Panhandle. We helped overcome the fraudulent votes elsewhere in the state.

So it shall be. Airboats and giant gators it is.


My favorite part of 80's girls is how in-shape they all are. I'm such a sucker for toned legs.

Where is the chair from that Trump is sitting on? It's really old, the stitching's coming out and there's a stain on it. Surely it isn't Trump's, unless there is some significance to it?

This is the only other angle I could find


Notice the crack in the back of the seat? That, on top of the dark atmosphere and the expression on Trump's face, this is clearly meant to make the viewer uneasy.

It's not working

It's a subtle reminder to Jews that Trump is an Amalek and, by divine commandment, must be destroyed.





Here's what I was able to dig up on the Fleur-de-lis
inb4 ICE starts spraypainting Fleur-De-Li's on their equipment as a show of loyalty to President Trump instead of the Federal Government

10/10 would repopulate the Aryan lands with them

That one never fails to make me smile.

Fun fact: Trump (like all US presidents, as well as Hillary Clinton) is descended from Charlemagne through William the Conqueror. Of course, just about every white person alive is descended from Charlemagne.

Really gets my neurons firing




My fucking sides.

He is sitting in a completely different chair. They photoshoped a different chair in for some reason.

that isn't lena dunham is it?

It's the same chair. You can see the grey background in the alternate angle picture I posted, and you can see the chair is really that white/cream color it's just reflecting light strangely (which is likely photoshopped to darken the scene)

t. professional photographer

I love how leftists have forgotten than Joe and Jane Public do not actually like communist dictators. We're in for a wild year of leftists taking off all the masks and exposing the malevolent cultural marxism underneath.


With the states scaled to the size of their electoral votes. Also, remember how having a black president improved race relations? Me neither.

Need a webm?


That was a fun 15 threads. I miss election day so much, I've never been so smug in my life.

That was such an unforgettable night. Truly historical levels of smug, hype, and GETS.

Just wait until he actually takes office. I don't think we've seen the true depths of the salt mine yet.

That's the think with progressives/leftists, there tears and salt flow for a long time. Conservatives were upset by the 2012 election for about a week or two and moved on.

Liberals can't let losses go. They are still are salty over Zimmerman!

Is there an intended difference when Germans say "Tanks" vs "Panzer"?

I believe panzers are just any armored vehicle (think bradleys) while tanks are armored artillery.

Don't quote me on that though.

dont think so.

just panzerkampfwagen = tank.

Fucking cherry lipstick.

this night was real fun. so many numbers so man check em. you know the energy is high when the site starts going really fucking slow. this night man.

fun to see that i made it in the video

forgot this picture

Some say "devil horns", I say cat ears. He will make anime real.

Does the exact opposite for me.

Holy shit - the sun rising between the two peaks

dawn of a new day

some hard core gnostic / masonic symbolism going on there - mind = blown.

He's also descended from the Prophet Mohammed.

it was already divided before

We can't.
The blue parts are already filled with tears.

Yeah, I saw that; but there's problem. Ruqayyah (Muhammad's daughter) didn't have any children survive into adulthood.

do they think they're clever or something?

that webm is my favorite thing this board has produced in a looonnng time


Not gonna lie I was legit in tears from joy by the end of election night on here with you guys.

That's a big book


why pidorussians hate Trump yet?

It was something magical.

A big part of Trump anti-illegal immigrant message that leftists willingly ignore is that he wants to deport criminals immediately, then worry about the rest of illegals later.

Trump must nuke pidorussia


But wait there's more!

Slavs are just white skinned niggers

pidorussians are not slavs, but khazarian mongols

Love that guy. He's totally full of shit, but he's using it to gain status over the other social climbers.

If I were him I'd start telling people that Hitler raped my family just to see how much bullshit they would swallow.

What went wrong?

So I'm too lazy to read the thread right now, but I just wanted to say that I've been watching shitlibs freak out about this all day and they.still haven't accepted that Trump is going to be president. Complaining that this "normalized" Trump. Like my dude, way too late for that, you're the freaks now.

Calm your anger Sam.

Fuck those guys man

fucking newfag.

That was the year that user ordered all the names on the list so the first letters of each spelled out "MARBLECAKE ALSO THE GAME".


Dfthis webm is almost perfect

The models from the 80s are nearly identical to the models of the 2000s, barring a few of the plus-size whales. You're looking at models that were paid for their sex appeal and toned bodies ffs, even if obesity was decreased I doubt you can generalize all 80s women as having toned legs. kys

This user is smarter than the rest of you.

Dub dubs speak. Masonnigger wins once again.

Why did they mention "divided america"?

This means they attacked him.

Man I wasnt even passionate about Trump and kinda just didnt give a shit. Then election night happened and the seemingly impossible happened and it was hype as fuck. It was like watching a sports movie where the underdog suddenly defies all expectation and wins. It was goddamned glorious to witness.

I have a treat for you my friend.

probably some jew who wrote that.
t. Ruskie

They were mediocre for a long time, but got even worse around the time they introduced their "The Culture" section.

Cmon Holla Forums, I can't use paint that well but the image is perfect for it.

Go back to Reddit.

Can't even perform their braindead-simple songs without an unadvertised 2nd guitar player. Sad.

yeah man fucking fuck them
that article is dribbling with kike shit hiding under an veneer of unbiased appreciation of the facts
also his overuse of "new world order" to qualify the new populist leaders stinks to high heavens
fucking cunts should all die already
all they did was eating and vomiting shit for decades and that's their 'world order'
pizzagate cant blow up soon enough
and it's the best focus point of our current time

no dude it's not a dem vs reps issue, didnt this election cycle teach you anything you hugh mungus
if the current prez aere a rep all those outlets would be doing the same thing (warmongering and domestic suicide) but under a rep banner instead of a dem one
they're jews, neither dems nor reps, dem and rep are two slaves of their agenda
trump ran and won against the establishment, the establishment is both dem and rep and it's never more blatant than when hillary shills for war against russia

my fucking sides

Time's President of the Next Eight Years



Are we gonna see the Sec Block form like in that novel "Christian Nation", or are they saving that for the Pence presidency?

If you haven't heard of "Christian Nation", here's an excerpt:

God please make it so.

They're trying to associate Trump with their own rotten 20th century world order that led to all this globalism and multiculturalism in the first place.

Nice desu-ne

Thanks fam.

When the Allied forces invaded neutral Iran, the Shah appealed to FDR, citing the Allied declaration of support for the right of self-determination in the Atlantic Charter.
FDR of course told him to eat shit and the British had him deposed while the Soviets tried to set up a commie state in their north.
And people wonder why Iran doesn't like us.

FDR also did the same to Ho Chi Minh when he asked if he'd support Vietnamese independence, thus pushing him toward seeking help from Moscow. Glad that didn't backfire!


Green Goys

Almost perfect, but needs to edit the top left corner into Doubles Issue. Still perfect regardless

Best part about that age was the fucking Thigh-high everything, in the art, the porn, the pinups, even in japan, it made the hips look so fucking fine, and you never see it anymore.

Haven't seen it mentioned yet, but Hitler was named Person of The Year 78 years ago(according to wiki) And Trump will be 78 at the end of his second term.



Enslaving people in the name of peace, very Jewish sentiment.

Did Trump give a comment on cover yet?

Needs a stand in the background, like Pepe.
Also JoJo is pozzed.

Too tan for me.


5 People in that photo are wearing foot covers…

araki's plot details aren't that thought out.
ditches hamon, makes joesph have an illegitimate hapa child etc etc





That's the 2012 map m8.

I don't get it.

I thought Carson dropped the candidacy about half a year ago.

Mike "Zap The Gay Away" Pence.

That webm gave me so much energy I got goosebumps

better than coffee

Eurobeat always makes me hype.

Mike "ACDC for the LGBT" Pence

Mike "LGBBQ" Pence still works

The panhandle is here laughing at your capitalization of "that feel when" and double meme arrows. You will be thrown back with the rest of the brown garbage.


Eurobeats or high energy jap music with lyrics always gets me off of my ass.


Time is basically a leftist tabloid at this point.

Nobody respects journalistic objectivity anymore.


What an amazing fucking year this has been.

I'm surprised at how New England un-cucked itself a lot this year. New Hampshire and Maine were high energy.

I'm shocked at the fact that the niggers in NC were the ones laughing at Time. It's nice that a lot of the niggers here over 40 years old tend to be sleepy negro tier outside of major cities like Raleigh and Charlotte.

Election night 2016 was probably the most intense point in my life so far, the hours of the flipping back and forth on Florida and PA had me going insane


He earned a comfy oven.

Or just join Border Patrol and help deport them within 6 months

underrated post tbh

Are.. are you me user?


look how solid red 'Tornado Alley' is tbh.

I'm particularly pleased w/ #BasedPennsylvania. They really shone during this triumph.



Good. That's exactly what America needs. We need to divide the guilty away from the innocent. The bad away from the good. The anti-American traitors away from the People. America did not vote for “unity”. I do not want to “unite” with flag burning scumbags. We did not vote for a nice guy. America voted for a fighter that wasn’t afraid to get his hands bloody. We want justice. We want retribution. No mercy. Drain the fucking swamp. Crush the anti-American marxists. If Trump does his job well, then in eight years there won’t even be a Democrat party.

blessings, user.

There is barely a Democratic party right now; these next four years will be really interesting.

I don't fucking get it.

Can't you just relax and enjoy a liberal getting BTFO by their own bullshit. She tried to oy vey her way using the same-old rhetoric and got out-jewed in front of her peers.

It's like when a nigger calls another nigger a nigger. What's anyone gonna say? Nothing. Deal with it.

So happy to be from PA that night. We did it. Somehow, we all joined hands and flipped the state.

t. Philadelphian

Underrated post tbh.

Gives me the impression he's sitting on a crumbling empire that he's going to rebuild

What better way to die than fighting degeneracy, and let them live with their degenerate consequences, taking full responsibility for their own filth, if they win?

Does a warrior care if he dies? Only if in vain.


sad heil

This, the dems have no strong leaders, and they're not going to magically pull a middle class working white guy that can appeal to other middle class working white guys to represent them come 2020, and thats if they WERE trying to fix their party, they aren't, they are pushing the forced diversity message even harder than they were before the election and are doubling down with their re-election of house majority leaders and other important party leaders that led to the Cunt loosing

The only way the Dems have a path to victory at this point is if Trump is (((assassinated))) and Pence runs, they could run probably anyone and they would beat Pence