Now its possible for wealthy men to produce heirs without signing a prenup. Hasta la vista pussies!

Other urls found in this thread:

It's retarded when women talk about it and it's no better when men discuss it. One man, one woman, and everything else is child abuse.

You can kiss any reason to end hypergamy goodbye. The 80/20 rule will become the 99/1.

Merely germinating a child doesn't cut it, man.
Do you want a totally autistic child with no connection to the perspective of the other sex?

Single fathers may be a million times preferable to single mothers, but both produce deficient children.
And while that might not be the end of the world, it's a wholly preventable situation.

The crux is the shitty world, not women. They have always been stupid brats, but they also pretty much always had to depend on men.

But nowadays the woman can just keep a cat or two, waste her time in some cubicle, maybe fuck someone who will want an abortion if the gets pregnant because he doesn't give a shit about her, and, at home, she can just call one of the many servants to get food delivered.
All without any ties to anyone.

And men, well, they are grumpier and disillusioned than ever before because they walk on the tightrope every day.
Jewed left and right, unable to fuck up, no loving wife to find solace in, always paranoid about the damn women, always paranoid about the money, able to lose all of it on a whim …carrying all the responsibility of it.

But that's not a good reason to want a shitty world like that for children.
I'd rather see full blown eugenics than this kind of bullshit, and I'm not a very ethical guy when it comes to the question of human improvement.

I still want my sexbot though


Good. Now we can use women for their true purpose only: romance.






Plus you need genetic diversity within a population, making clones of yourself will just genocide the population through disease. We didn't evolve into man and woman for no reason.

Keked hard

This is your sisters new boyfriend, downsie Steve. Faggot.



This really wouldn't hurt genetic diversity within the population much at all. Let's take an extreme example and say that for one generation every single person gets a clone of themself and noone reproduces the old fashioned way. The new generation is still every bit as genetically diverse as the one before it.

Ultimately I think its pointless since you will never make a person better than yourself through cloning, there is no way to upgrade thus it would be pointless. Seems to me just another narcissistic attempt at psuedo immortality. I think the closer we get to immortality the less progress will be made and the more psychopathic people will get.

Stagnation is better than degradation or being a genetic dead end.

technology isn't your friend.


Stagnation is what leads to degradation. When we aren't pushing forward and creating, we're dying; when we don't climb the mountain but sit at the base for generations, we lose our strength and will.

You can always have kids with your bros. Chances are they won't give a shit about taking a guy to the cleaners like these gold digging bitches.

So, what, are we going to become the Androsynth, build an advanced civilization of males, find another world to live on, go too far with our curiosity and open up a portal to another dimension only to attract horrors from said dimension that mysteriously disappear us?



Well shit.
You kissless virgins are gonna evolve into a separate, completely unnatural species that is repulsive as fuck

You win I guess?

What's the difference between any sibling and a non-identical twin?

Its all fine to talk like that when we don't have r-selected subhuman filth in our countries but we don't have that luxury right now. I'd much rather some autist do this than have no children at all.

In many ways that would be easier. Really the only thing stopping you from rigging a sexbot AI to a a bulldozer is the lack of a sexbot AI.

Kill yourselves

Since only men carry Y chromosomes, men could carry on society by producing children of either sex through science and at a later date resume a normal society without the indoctrination f kikes or dykes.

I'm sure those big (((tech))) corporations are going to make this totally feasible in the coming decades goyim.

How about this? Every time you bitch I respond without saging and it bumps the thread. So if you bitch then the thread gets bumped. Do you have self-control?


The only thing cunts could produce are other cunts.

Femenists would still blame the patriarchy and whine about the lack of females in the sciences because "men".


Single fatherhood while less destructive than single motherhood will never be as good as a well adjusted family, but still, it's a good fuck you to all the femishits. It's a men's world and feminists will be bred out of it.

How about you go back to reddit?

Kek, this shit isn't that hard. I've managed to clone myself with a damp cloth, 2 plastic cups, 5 grams of glucose, yeast and a sperm probe. Someone posted a tutorial on SA back in what must have been 2009 and what can I say, shit works. I'm here shitposting while the other me is at work flipping burgers (the downside is they don't turn out too bright).

I don't hate eugenics. I even said I'd prefer a full blown (aka negative, although I didn't add that) eugenics to mass single father artifical womb babies.

The upside is you can rape your clone and he won't really remember it for long.

As expected, now continue sperging. Also post more gore, I lost my old computer and need to rebuild my gore folder.

Nigger where do you think you are? I'm sure reddit has a good board for you to post in. Maybe try r/MGTOW or r/autism. This is a board for politics and it's been declining over the past year due to troglodytes like yourself.

That's not gore but thanks for helping me bump the thread anyways I guess.

I really do hope you go back where you came from. However, you probably do take pride in the fact that you are ruining something. That is a mark of low intelligence and character you are truly an untermensch.

I told you the rules of this game and yet you keep handing me the win. Pretty funny that you think you're the intelligent one here. The only thing you have to do to let this thread die is not respond yet you're going to anyways because you're so autistic that you just can't help yourself.

Nigger, I don't care f this thread lasts another hour or not. I just want to continue to point out that you are complete fucking cancer.


you don't even understand why people sage.
you really are cancer.

What would happen if you cloned yourself but put two copies of your X chromosome and none of your Y? And dental version of yourself but female?

An identical version*



That's nice faggot.

go back to reddit

I grew up without a mommy, because she died. Don't do that to children – it's horrible. They need a mother. We're dealing with a big problem here because the Jews and previous generations ruined more than 50% of our women, but this is not the solution. Still, there is a-lot of work to do while Nazis have the upper hand.

Never been to reddit but keep guessing faggot.

Well, we've all seen where a nation of betas raised by single mothers has gotten us.

Time to give the single dads a chance because, you know, men already have built civilization, sustain it and govern it.

What? Are you retarded?

Any technological system, regardless of power or utility, is inherently fragile the more components and input-dependent elements it possess, not to mention it's limited value and utility when the equivalent natural process is infinitely cheaper, more reliable and more stable.

This, combined with the fact that this is equivalent to cloning, means your value as a citizen becomes naught and you become a mere product to be copied over and over again, if deemed necessary, as you surrender control of your genetic inheritance to those "who know better".

Last but not least, this debases the human nature, by enabling weirdos and giving tools to those who so far were limited in their delusions to the realm of fantasy.
It might sound lofty, but goddamnit why can't we treat the human form as sacred heritage that isn't ours to mess with? This very heritage that gives us everything and brought us to this point, and this is what we do with it.
How can 20 years of recent genetic research improve on 2 million years of evolutionary history, when we don't know as much as we should, let alone be able to predict where is this tinkering going to take us.

Shunning eugenics and destroying traditional family was a mistake.

Women are developing the hips of dysgenic females because of cesarean sections. They should have all died during child birth but didn't. It affecting the entire human race yet, cesarean section is still legal…

At least attempt to be intellectually consistent.

You're concocting a giant strawman here

I rather see babies born without rental wombs than renting a woman's services for just having a vagina.

I rather see gay couples have a baby than single mothers. I rather see single fathers than single mothers.

Granted in paper is best that the child has two parents, but anything de-powering women is a good thing, more independence and choice for men to take.

Human race will prevail, it will simply go through a painful process of culling to restore the balance when a collapse happens..

Funny thing about eugenics, it's in our subconscious as well, when selecting for partners and potential matches (providing you weren't abused and imprinted with corrupted view on sexuality), yet to express those ideas openly is "incorrect" purely because it lets people know you care about your genes and fitness more than their imagined meritocracy.

No, I merely said that you can't take shortcuts with genetics because we aren't there yet. Not to mention, I'd rather do my genetics with my dick rather than with a test tube.
I'm all for screening of fetuses and gene therapies to fix diseases, cloning of replacement organs and stem cell research, but cloning is one of those thing that just disrupts the cycle and leads to

Some natural genetic pressures ought to be left alone because you can't replace them, you can't outdo them and trying to "fix them" is just busywork that is detrimental to human development. Not to mention, you can't augment human nature, which works best when provided with a natural, healthy body.

Fuck off back to plebbit.

There is nothing wrong with genetic engineering.

Muh traditional family meme died a long time ago with woman's suffrage user. I rather have genetically engineered babies with no diseases and preferably being a good gene pool rather than sharing your good genes with shitty female genes. I'm all for genetic engineering elitism. This is the road for a genetically superior human-kind.

Homosexuality is genetic, not a choice. Unless you mean jewish tinkering with views of sexuality or what is beautiful, then yeah.

I'm not so sure of this, modern society seems to favor r-selected people so obviously the normal genetic pressures should be actively fought.


I did say "some" for that reason. I was thinking more of or other physical weaknesses that would not get a pass without medical intervention but they get to stay to propagate the weakness.

I agree on the pressures however, but it's a recent phenomenon that can only be fought with refocusing on family unit and easing of eugenics back into society.
It might seem outlandish, but humans are probably one of few species that seemed to merge both selection pressures by producing offspring with long maturation and high intellectual potential (compared to other animals) yet we are geared for all-year reproduction.
We ought to be able to favour K-selected reproduction but top it off with higher numbers of offspring, given the material and cultural wealth here in the West, we just need a paradigm shift.
For all intents and purposes, genetic manipulation can and is happening through culture, memes shape our genes.

It can ultimately only be fought with removal. Though I still back things like in the OP because about the only ones that will use it is whites and more whites is good. Also single fathers don't result in degenerate libshits as a rule like single mothers tend to do.

How is what I posted a strawman?
Just because you have a different opinion doesn't mean mine is a strawman.

Would totally do this. Combined with vasalgel, if upper middle class men started doing this en masse woman would collectively start pissing blood trying to figure out how to have worth to men other than their mere existence. It would be the akin to a 2nd sexual revolution.


It's like they don't even Divayth Fyr.

Except it will be a tool for faggots to spread, which you don't want. You can't get blind-sided by ideology and look for a technological fix to a problem of human nature - Marx tried that and look what happened afterwards.
The only thing that is absolutely beyond their control is our own bodies and our ultimate weapon is our genetics and the culture we bestow on our women and children.

mgtow is just men being overly rational and individualistic.

The jews' checkmate was to end their mens' genetic lines in an inverse natural selection so all that remains are fucking retards married to super sluts

This could be a black swan event against the plan

Surprised i haven't killed myself yet.

divide and conquer, m8

>fuck prostitutes because it's legal in germany
>get yourself some solid friends maybe even females friends if possible, but not ones you feel any sexual/romantic attraction to

Great. Gay Spartan Reich when?

Sexual reproduction is how we outrun the bacteria, user.

Thats all of Holla Forums dumbass

Stop thinking the world owes you shit. You're bad at women because you aren't attractive to them. You will be attractive when you are dynamic, passionate and authentic, and you will be that when you are actually pushing forward with your life and living each day without a safety net.

stop pushing that feminist apologist meme, you literal faggot
seriously, go fys

my whole family is highly intelligent. Everyone's and engineer or +. I am not a trust fund baby because my parents and grandparents were retarded. I am because they were smart, educated themselves, Saved, started businesses, bought land…ect.

i dont. my point, responding to

was that being raised by a single parent( the woman no less), rears children not suitable for the real world. Learn to read faggot.

You could carry cancer within, user. Your genetics are questionable

now we need robot waifus to raise kids for us

Mate, I'm sorry about being raised by a single mom, but if you are so great, why aren't you with a women of your own?
also, this is very valid
Cancer is genetic in a lot of cases.

There is cancer in my family, but considering that's not a problem till 50 yrs old+, seems obtuse of a reason for women to be detracted. (it's not like i walk around boasting that my father died of cancer, i almost never speak of it unless the subject gets brought up, and am asked directly)

user, it's not about getting you a bitch, user, it's about tainting the future bloodline with cancer. Your children will go on to have children of their own, spreading the cancer even further. Just sayin'

Which worth would that be?

oh, don't get me wrong, i think very low of myself. but when around women, i'll "up-play" myself of course. Not like i am going to tell them all my insecurities/ faults. Sorry i came across as elitist, but was trying to just list attributes of myself to coincide with what the OP to my post was talking about. Which was, that being raised by a single parent is not heathy, and that despite my perceived positives, my net gains are Zero.

CRISPR technologies will make your point moot by the time his descendants would even need to worry about getting cancer

prostitution, waitress and housecleaner, what else?

being raised by a single mother isn't healthy. most data suggests that children raised by single dads do just fine. since you claim to be a genius, i'm sure you'll be able to locate supporting data on your own

so perhaps maybe some Mudslime shit skin should be with the (hypothetical) white woman i'd have been with and reproduce because hey, "muhammad abduh" doesn't have higher rates of cancer in their genetics.

Improve yourself, ditch your relationship with your mother. Become independant money wise.

It's what I did, and my life is now much better than it was 3 years ago. Got a girlfriend who moved in with me also. Sage for blogpost

That fucking picture sure sums up the US Army PERFECTLY.

Cheers- one butt hurt soldier

I think they call the data you're talking about common knowledge.

Didn't say that, you nigger. Just said that you should take it in consideration. Then again maybe is right and it won't be a problem in the future.


lol, womyn will be have to find employment predominantly as our maids and nannies for our boba fett clones, rather than their current corporate and government non-jobs.

Without familial connection to men they will live alongside us like a lesser technological advanced alien race.


With the way the countries demographics are going….every white person needs to ONLY breed with white people.


Yeah, I've seen what kids who group up with only one parent turn out. Not pretty. It's either you find a redpilled waifu or husbando or you don't bother at all.

not on Holla Forums
Holla Forums hates single dads as much as single moms. they advocate waiting for non-existent 19th century pure virgin waifus who frolic in flowery meadows like the idealized pictures they post.
a lot of Holla Forumslacks are originally neets from /r9k/ who decided not to kill themselves and then came over to Holla Forums to "toughen up"
oh wait, you said that you were a trust fund baby neet and wondered why you hadn't killed yourself, right?
maybe you're not as smart as you think you are. maybe you're a self-absorbed, suicidal robot with a sense of entitlement who is more interested in being soothed and consoled by comforting words than taking responsibility for yourself

Shame user, shame.


Aren't you supposed to suck the dick of whoever is keeping the semitic church in your area?

I wouldn't say that, but the likelihood of finding a single dad who is doing it out of his own volition rather than being forced into role by circumstance is inversely proportional to the numbers among women and even then, women and men who are single parents still seek out partners willing to accept their children.

It's normal and was normal because of circumstances of life where mortality was high all around but there was an expectation to find a partner to replace the missing parent, but because women broke the system by becoming single mothers on a whim rather because of a circumstance and persist in that state is what creates the problem.

Waiting for a virgin waifu is more of a meme (I hope) than anything real and most guys simply want a woman who won't cheat on them and is fit to bear their children. The dilemma is that those basics are now near-impossible ideals.

Honestly I don't like this if it became general practice but this combined with sexbots gives men all the sexual leverage while completely stripping women of their leverage.

Now women will be forced to come to bargaining table.

I'm going to rule that being raped/conditioned to be a homosexual by inherent degenerates is worse than neglect/physical abuse by a mismanaged woman. Since this is your first incident, I'll sentence you to only a single gassing. Court adjourned.

which brings us back to mgtow and advising men to stop waiting and take control which is what men are supposed to do
disinfo shills try to frame mgtow as being anti-family and anti-breeding, but as you've already pointed out, the traditional way of accomplishing things is nearly impossible because of the corruption of (((feminism))) on women and society
i'd rather a moral, intelligent white man be a single father through surrogacy, artificial wombs, cloning or whatever, than supporting the status quo which is anti-men, anti-family and anti-white
tl;dr drastic circumstances calls for drastic measures


I would think if only 5% of men started doing this it would be enough to shift the marriage market in men's favor.

women propose to men
women at least finance 50% of wedding
divorce rate approaches 0% as women must submit or have their genetic line stamped out, the same the jew threatened the rational man with

I'd rather see it as a fad

This won't work because women are illogical. They might feel threatened by people fucking robots and having clones, but this will kill off any femininity and it just emasculates men more.
We must smash Jew-led brainwashing and re-establish traditional values. It has instant results, is precisely what made whites great and is not dependant on technology that is liable to be manipulated by political forces.

it took decades of dedicated subversion for feminism to do its work and it will take decades to undo it.
in the meantime, men shouldn't wait. by the time "traditional" women are a thing again, the guys posting and lurking in this thread are going to be old men who are shitting themselves and going senile
mgtow is ripe for the hour, but in the long run, i'd be happy to see a return to traditional values and family life. i just doubt it will ever be as Holla Forumslacks envision it or that the genie will ever be forced back into her bottle

I disagree, women go all out, lose weight and doll up if they think they're going to have compete hard in the sexual market place.

When they think they don't need to compete, because the jew promised them a beta husband even after taking 9001 nigger dicks you get the blue haired whale

This needs to be reinforced hard. Apart from looks, traditional values need to be valued more highly, feminism and modernism be damned.

If a girl is willing to stay at home and raise our kids and can keep herself in shape for me, I don't mind being a provider for her in the knowledge that my genes and my household are secure. I think a vast majority of guys would be ok with a deal like that and that what needs to be emphasized over and over again.

yeah, but those women have already ridden the cock carousel and are still totally corrupted by feminism.
they are "competing" up to the point of marriage, but then after they get the number of kids they want, they will likely ride the divorce rape train and take up with tyrone for the bbc they've missed all those years, while their cucked ex-husband pays for her lifestyle and child support.
look, i know there are exceptions out there and not all women are shitty, worthless whores, but let's face it, too many of them are.
i advocate for single white men because all of society advocates for women, no matter how shitty they are.
i don't want the used up whores that are currently on offer, even if they lose weight and doll up, etc.
if you disagree, fine, go have fun tyrone's leftovers and good luck making that marriage work

i'm on your side dick head, read my post in context

This is a not good news. Transhumanity is jews's wet dream and I don't want the white people's wilsl to be subverted to them.

So you will have a woman in your house that isn't the mother of your child?
But will come regularily?
Children are kind of hardwired to like that kind of stuff, even if your idea turns out to be good, you're still facing thousands of years of evolution in the child, which will have this out of the box.

There will be dissonance growing up like that, and if only one other kid around yours has both a mother and a father then it will be weird for the kid, too.

Also, I think you wouldn't be happy for long, either.


there are many people who have closer relationships with females other than their own mothers. i'm not saying a child shouldn't ever be emotionally close to a female, it just doesn't necessarily have to be a biological mother. many biological mothers are atrocious, neglectful and abusive. is that better, just because now there are two parents in the house?
actually, there was a tv series back in the day that dramatized the very situation you are referring to:
en.wikipedia org/wiki/The_Courtship_of_Eddie's_Father
i really don't think that a child raised in a loving home will suffer the absence of a biological mother, especially in light of the fact that the child wouldn't even exist any other way since the dad would have otherwise still been waiting for his virgin waifu, or worse, marrying some used up feminist whore.

Most females being bad mothers is not a good argument against good mothers.

What I mean with that is, that we should take this positive result as the base and look at why the negative results happen.

If women were unfit wholesale then there wouldn't be good mothers.

But there are. Just as there are good men and bad men.
If we don't take the good men as the most preferrable, natural base then we won't care about whatever makes bad men.

Even if there are more bad men or bad women than good ones.

If we make the bad eggs the standards then explaining the better ones will pretty much always be negative. Go try and convince anyone to become exceptional nowadays.

"What? It's normal to suck like this. These good guys you speak of have unfair advantages, blabla" and so forth.

But if they are the standard, then everything that isn't becomes wrong, and people hate being wrong.

If good mothers are possible, and there is perhaps a pattern to it, then that should be analyzed and the world and environment checked for factors that go against the most desired outcome.

And I doubt that casting women aside as whores and servants is part of the good path.

Genetic diversity in and of itself isn't the only purpose of reproduction. It's also a part of what's called "the red queen". We're constantly fighting against parasites, viruses, and bacteria. When we stop reshuffling and combining our genes, they start to win, and we start getting sick and malformed as fuck.

We'll never beat them, but we've been keeping up with them forever. Essentially running as fast as we can but staying in the same place. Hence "red queen"

Intense reddit spacing.

supply and demand

i'm certain i get the spirit of what you're trying to say. if you honestly think you can right the wrongs of society, by all means, go for it.
but some of us aren't going to wait for change anymore or for pure virgin waifus either
we are going to do what men are best at: taking control and managing any circumstance to their best advantage.
and raising a generation of kids in a loving home without a batshit crazy wife or ex-wife to deal with will ultimately benefit white society as well. so, it's a win/win for everybody, even though, admittedly, it's not the Holla Forums ideal.
if you want to try creating the Holla Forums ideal, go right ahead, but i'm taking action now with the society we have, instead of leaving destiny to the whims of women and society.

tfw live in an age where you can get
Assbabies is a blessing.
I will be rich before you can say Shadilay

Sadly, this is a blind alley fantasy. People get templates for relationships from their parents, and if you come from a single father home, you are no better off in dealing with women.
Both parents are needed, male and female and all people should strive for that. You aren't going to have butt-babies any time soon anyway, you are actually better off finding a girl for yourself - she doesn't have to be an Aryan princess, just a decent person that will match with your personality and won't oppose the idea of having a traditional family.

If artificial wombs have already been developed then artificial penises should be researched and developed too

It is much easier to imitate the container, than it is to imitate the content.

Age of welfare kings cometh

Still need a womb

For now.

i don't think there's anything wrong with taking your approach. maybe you should reconsider your objections to other men taking mine.
it's funny you should bring up the template argument, since there are legions of hopeless betas who can't deal with women specifically because of their feminist single mothers crushing their souls like this suicidal guy
yes, your Holla Forums ideal is the optimal situation. mgtow recognizes that it's not demographically possible for the vast majority of white men to have that ideal. in your world they should just keep striving and waiting for some used up whore to fall in love with them and submit to a "traditional" arrangement.
fuck that. i control my own destiny and don't need to "improve" myself just to win some whore's approval to breed with her. i know i'll be a great dad all on my own.
but yeah, good luck waiting for your waifu.

If we can get women back in their place this is true. If we can't, they are liable to abuse the children far worse with a messy divorce followed by sole custody where they do a worse job than a man at raising them.


You fail to acknowledge the fact that there is a new cohort of people growing up every year and new generations seem to be inclined to the right-leaning ideas, while we are fighting against the millenials who have grown up but haven't mentally left their college years behind yet. I'm not putting any hopes in finding a woman of my own age that would fit me, but I'm simply open to options and try to manage my own expectations.

It was always going to be a struggle, I'm not denying that and women are promiscuous but a lot of men are so too - they won't be a material for new society. I realize that this is a hard ideal but it needs to be promoted nonetheless.

We need to push through a generation of sluts and simply rein them in as best as we can so we can give a better generation of women to a better generation of men. Women need to either take their rightful place as wellsprings of life and let me draw from that well to cultivate civilization or risk drying up as they are right now. Women flourish when they are women and men flourish when they are men, virtues are their own reward because they in themselves are beneficial when in action.

I don't put any stock in technology when the problem is in society.


I love you my brothers! This thread makes me feel like what I imagine feminists in the 70s felt like as they got the pill and divorce on demand rights!

Shadilay everyone! the next 20 years will be a liberating 20 years!


It's really simple.
I don't have a high opinion of women, it's merely that hating jews is higher on my agenda.

I'll sooner have the entire alpha stock of the white race breed with utter slob sluts, as long as they are white, it's still better than giving the kikes the satisfaction of talking someone out of the basic family unit that made the west great.

Also, many an exceptional person came from a broken home.
I'm not just gonna give the kike and nonwhite kids that chance.

Especially since good mothers are possible.
There are merely things in the way for that, for now.
The kikes will be removed though, they're afraid. So afraid.

A few more generations of "strife" with shitty women born from a shitty environment is no problem at all.
Kikes merely need to be removed from the west and we can upgrade then from there.

Destroy all yids. Skullfuck their hopes and aspirations.

And to further add to that.

Remember. The west used to be populated by mostly illiterate peasant bumpkins with only a comparatively few elites.

And we still made it up to the top of the food chain.

Nothing in this world matters more than making white babies, doesn't matter who does it. It matters not at all, not a single bit.

As long as it's all white.

Every white baby is a dagger plunged into the hearts of the subhuman non whites and kikes. Every single baby is. No matter if it's from the cream of the crop or two ignorant NPC like lemmings.

Doesn't matter. That used to be the norm, and the west once ruled the world regardless.

As a test tube baby, I don't like this shit either, but it's better than the White race getting overrun by shitskins because the majority of White women don't want to be mothers.

Would this method only result in male offspring or is it 50/50?

So this happen if you don't have a mother…

everyone recognizes the wide disparity between the amount of influence and power (((they))) wield in the world vs their actual numbers, and it's precisely because they breed for power and intelligence, not raw numbers. quality over quantity. they may be ugly as fuck, but it's well known that (((ashkenazis))) like einstein have very high IQs and can rise very quickly in many kinds of socially valued professions.
just breeding like rats doesn't solve anything because there are already plenty of races across the world doing exactly that and they don't have anything to show for it except war and poverty.
part of the reason we are in this mess is because of a generation of beta males raised by single mothers and what you advocate simply perpetuates that losing cycle which doesn't advance our race at all.
also, i think what is more likely is that you just want to randomly fuck and impregnate as many women as you can because it's your fetish and you care fuck all about your race or its advancement

wouldn't that cause some type of insane population crash?

I don't think you thought this through at all.

when you think about it, sex bots, artificial wombs, and male birth control will only help our species in the long run.

right now women have all of the sexual bargaining power, take that away from them and they either have to adapt and become better women or go extinct.

most of the reason we have so many disgusting shity greedy race traitor leftists is because those kind of women have been breeding out of control.

with all of the extra competition only the best most beautiful and loyal women will breed. sounds like a good deal to me

This user gets it.

I might add that many anons here would rather be a single father than deal with normie partners and all the hassles involved.

Also a child raised by a loving single dad with principles can be free from leftist indoctrination. Mothers will almost always lean left to far left.

I don't want to live on this planet anymore after seeing that.

user. The genetic diverse human colonies would soon overtake the non diverse through genetic mutuation over time.

Unless we become aryan supercyborgs.

You know, ever since Trump won and we found out the demographics of who voted for him (thanks white women), there has been a hell of a lot of D&C. When does the shilling end?

This tbh fam
Now we need to get to work on those Robo-waifus asap.

wasn't the "white women voted for Trump" meme based on made up exit poll data?

it seemed like something the MSM made up just to with their biggest demographic up into a frenzy so they can prove their loyalty.

no way in hell women of any kindtipped the scales for Trump. his demographic is angry old folks and angry young folks.

economic self-interest, brah.
they have more faith in a businessman improving the economy than an entitled whore who rode her husband's coattails into power
they know their own kind all too well

Berenstain universe is the best universe.


I want to purge you.

We have to go learn skills. Work little by little. You won't want to buy motherbots made by the jews - we have to make open-source ones that the community develops and audits.


I see the reality as this.

Though i still think that:

That said.. i think the real reality is more disturbing than we could possibly think. Worse than the matrix.

When will alt-lgbt leave?




It's missing his wallet.

Checked and Heil'd.

In addition to this, stop treating women like they are men (ie. as conscious as we are). My love life literally improved tenfold the second I stopped taking anything a woman says, thinks, and does seriously.

I'm telling you, they're children in adult bodies.

The axlotl tanks! He remembered emerging time after time: bright lights and padded mechanical hands. The hands rotated him and, in the unfocused blurs of the newborn, he saw a great mound of female flesh—monstrous in her almost immobile grossness…a maze of dark tubes linked her body to giant metal containers.



Absolutely degenerate, cease this faggotry at once.
Isn't that a disinfo outfit anyway?

Einstein, like all kikes, was a plagiarist.
The only thing kikes are great at is verbal skills and parasitism.

I can't think of anything that they haven't stolen.
Even yiddish, their fucking language, is stolen. Fuck em. Every white child is a dagger plunged into their dark, deplorable hearts.

No matter if it comes from the most retarded rube. If it's a white baby, the kikes will scream.
They are a minority, a world minority, after all. They are trying hard to push miscegenation, MGTOWism, "jet ski > children lifestyles" homosexuality and its kind, on top of the ever present drain of marxism in general as well as fractional reserve banking.

White babies are the penicillin against the jewish infection.

Its ok to be new, friend. Just maie sure to post a disclaimer before making a bold statement like that, champ.

How about just buying a sexbot and not risking the pitfalls of a gender that is known to destroy entire civilizations using tools and tactics more destructive than most modern war implements. Also, Austria could really use this tech about now.

Part 1
The Japanese are safe because of their honor system. The Jews fear the Samurai.
The South Koreans are probably going to evolve into a new biological species altogether (e.g. Zerg) because they have internalized Starcraft.
The Russians are also safe because they build high-tech tanks and shit.
Pajeets are probably safe because they are already the most corrupt. Also they shit on streets.
The only race to out-jew the Jew are the Chinese. The Chinese are also atheists, so they care about the real world, not >muh heaven.
The Chinese already monkey with CRISPR. Expect Made In China supersoldiers soon, kind of like the North Koreans in Crysis.
Europeans are the most inventive/creative race, but they are sadly moralfags by default, which makes them uniquely vulnerable to Jewish corruption. There is no other race the Jews could possibly infect, at least not to such a ridiculous extent. Nobody else in the history of the world ever cared for Africans, for example.
The Jews are in fact an expression of this inherent vulnerability, not some sort of an external agent. Ashkenazis are 50% European genetically (Roman Empire merchant-diggers); –the Sephardim do not even care about Goy World Domination at all, and even if they did, they lack the necessary intelligence to do it because they have no European admixture. Sephardim have typical middle-eastern IQs.
Even if ayys were to beam all the juice into starships (Asgard, Stargate), this inherent European weakness would mean that some other group of Euro-merchants would speciate into full-fledged Jews all over again. With Jews We Lose? Yes and No; –with our vulnerabilities we lose, and Jews are the physical manifestation of our vulnerabilities (kind of like how Demons in realspace are the manifestation of the Ruinous Powers which live in the Immaterium). We must become incorruptible, and stop being willfully ignorant and petty. Without Europeans, the "Jews" as we know them (Ashkenazim), would not even exist. We evolve, our immune system evolves, and we can no longer be infected by this asinine desire to "live the good life", letting merchants "take care" of various aspects of our society for us in the process. We will want to find our place in the galaxy, not pray to Jesus for the salvation of our souls (while trying to keep up with the Joneses).
It should be plainly obvious that we as a Race have to understand these things.
The Chinese view the world in purely mechanistic terms, and they understand that fantasy has no place in their society.
The goal of every thinking being should be Domination. Domination sometimes means bad stuff has to be done.
We do not even have to like it or be inherently evil/aggressive; –if we don't do it, someone else will (pre-emptive war), just because they can.
The White man has been the only one to have had this chance over and over again and to have never once taken it. And what do we have to show for it nowadays? Our Pope kissing rapefugee feet for a living. The entire world benefits from our works and at our expense. Something has got to change.

Part 2
The illusion of CBRN Mutually Assured Destruction makes people/nations/races complacent. Whoever develops some Wunderwaffe wins.
When the Chinese build cloning machines, when they begin using CRISPR to change their entire neural architecture, when they start becoming cyborgs, will we still be talking about pure maidens, arguing about which family structure is best, and comparing useless moralities? Even if we were to be spiritually correct, it would not even matter.
Transhumanism is total faggotry because it concerns itself with "enhancing" humanity. Humanity is a neocortex splattered on some stupid monkey brain. We already have so many issues as we are. Enhanced humanity can only lead to excesses like the Eldar experienced, and then they became Dark Eldar and spawned fucking Slaanesh in the process, and also their fuckery messed with the Warp. They went full retard.
Whichever Race understands these things first will win, because being able to understand that shit in the first place means one is ready to become a Space Marine. The real question is whether the first Space Marine Power Armour will have Made In China logos splattered all over it, or be proudly adorned with the Imperial Aquila. (babby CRISPR Space Marines)

I've considered being a single father as well but I'm afraid I'll have a tendency to become neglectful, apathetic, stingy, shame-happy and have a short fuse like my father

The natural way of reproduction cannot be improved upon, only circumvented.

If they aren't virgins the chances of them cheating skyrockets. If I can't find a virgin then I'd more than likely just do something like in the OP rather than throwing my life away hoping that the reformed slut stays reformed.

It gets better.

confirmed for inbred

ok then, brother, breed like mad and i'll let your descendants be the bodyguards of my descendants who will be their more intelligent white masters raised in stable homes and bred for intelligence and power

It is truly wonderful how science manages to find solutions to problems that leftists and femishits produce and I wonder when the first femishit group appears who wants to ban it. Hopefully we will have eugenics as well as artificial womb technology. This will increase competition to females and they will have to reduce their negative behaviour or face the consequence of beeing replaced.

maybe the question should rather be: Why would anyone in this day and age / femishit society risk his fortune in a 50%-risky deal where he would get seriously fucked.

you're thinking about it the wrong way by filtering everything through your anger at women.
if you're going to breed at all, do it for your race and the health and happiness of your children, not as a method of coercion to pressure sluts to suddenly become wholesome wives and mothers due to "increased competition"
a slut will always be a slut to the bitter end, no matter what happens to them
you are better off just putting women out of your mind entirely than letting your anger hold you back in life. leave women to their own fate. most of them are emotionally unstable and severely confused whores who are destined to be crazy cat ladies once their tits start sagging and their faces aren't so fresh and pretty anymore.
women age like milk and men age like wine. be grateful you're a male.

Just another day on Holla Forums.

its cool but what we areally need is ectogensis cheaper than surrogacy

(eggcells isnt a problem, since there are many women)

It doesn't fucking matter if children nowadays have a mother or not. It doesn't mean anything anymore because women are terrible. I'd actually argue that it's detrimental for women to be involved in any childs upbringing now.

hello femanon

RIP women. You had a good run.
The future is GAY.

this is true.
letting a woman co-parent your child is no different than letting a libtard, faggot, nigger or kike co-parent your child.
women. not even once.

There is something inherently perverse about raising your little brother as a grown man. But anything that balances out reproductive power is good

Could be worse.
I mean, genetically, it wouldn't have to be a brother.

It looks like neets will rule the world afterall. Holla Forumsack clone army when?





I'm ok with this.













is a fag








This is the main benefit





the technology isn't here yet, but i predict eventually we'll have dna breeding banks just like today we have sperm and egg banks, so you'll be able to read genetic profiles, IQ test results, attractiveness scale and other pertinent breeding metrics, and then you'd decide who to mix your genes with in an artificial womb or surrogate.
it would all based on scientific information, not random chance on a dating site or at a nightclub with degenerate whores

oh femanon…












have fun with those captchas



ITT: Mad femanon rages.

Let's all fuck each other in the butt for white nationalism

t. dicky spencer

INT tells you how to do it, and that it can work

WIS tells you why this is a shit idea, and why we need to stay the hell away from it

OP you're a fag.

you are femanon?

remember, gayness is implicitly white

pay no attention to the fact that niggers have the highest rate of faggotry out of all races

t. TRS

Once again OP proves himself to be a faggot.

Reminder that you shall not be spared, pig.

Are you beautiful?

shhhhhh quiet femanon, then men are talking


You can stop samefagging any time now. Why are you so desperate to flood this thread?

muh cummies



vagina problems

sage goes in all fields for the fags

I know this is bait, but incase it's not: Unless the bitch is actually jewish, how the hell do you sincerely put those two words in the same phrase as a blanket deterrent? Or is this justification for your onnahole?

I think what user means is that while there would be a general diversity in genetics, over time there would be the potential for a breakdown of said genetics when the previous generation of the clone would be the sole source of material.

Besides, that diversity you're arguing for won't count for shit if the model theory we're also contains no actual interaction between individuals, or an intermixing of said clones with one another. Sure, the genes stay pure. But who is to say this would be a good thing in regards to a clone's immune system? One of the points to our system of breeding is the fact that both parents contribute to the genetic health of their offspring. But by stripping away that particular advantage in favor of this new system, you strip away the potential of improved defenses to new diseases.

Then there's also defects to consider. The idea of a continually healthy clone relies on the small possibility that there are NO defects within the original sample itself. The proposed model does not account for this, or the possibility of something developing at a later point as a result of this artificial system itself. It's still in it's infancy, so there's no telling as to how well a particular scenario like this would actually play out fully.

Am I making sense at all? Since our own evolution relies upon our genes adapting to our environment inorder to survive, I have to wonder if replicating through artificial means would only serve to stagnate this particular aspect.


projection: the post

This is my third post in this thread. Kill yourself.


When you will you goddamn autists learn?


Become the man that makes women want to be mothers. Man the fuck up, women will follow.

Gas yourself jew.

I guess I'll never find out if test tube user is beautiful thanks to the spam.

It's bait you tard. Flood this thread with sage.

It's Barron Trump



doesn't even matter if you successfully derail because all of the best info has already been posted for the lurkers to read and, at this point, we're just shitposting and triggering femanons like you.
how does it feel knowing you lost the game before you even started?

This is the greatest thing I have seen in at least a week. I just wish his patreon was really popular so that I could really feel that Berenstain Bears universe at work.

You don't even have to "man the fuck up" This is hyperbole and makes it sound even harder than it is, and might encourage the autists here to act in clownish ways.

All you have to do is be a decently attractive and mature man, and tell your girlfriend, "I want kids one day." A month later she'll be obsessed with the idea.

Are you really this triggred over shitposting?

You're either muslim or a chick. Thin skin.

Kill yourself, kikelover.

remember to sage

keep projecting as you bleed out of your vagina


So it's muslim, then? Looks like I hit a nerve.


ok, i'll just reply to bump the thread and trigger you even moar




I think some user on Holla Forums really hitted the button on these D&C jews, because everytime a topic came up about women, a bunch of faggot go cringefest about how womez are ebil.

This kinda roll big since those post what showed how many women backed Trump. Got silenced after trump victory and during the white women betrayed us lib-meltdown.

Now it's suddenly trending among shills big time.

In short: liberelas and jews fear the awakened white women!

Keep the pressure on them anons!

You idiot, the OP is the d&c kike.

you must be new here

you must be jew here

Learn to read user, i said the same!

You make an excellent point, but this is typical of how (((they))) have been operating. The jews have overwhelming support from women/christians/minorities and the like. Now that ALL those groups showed signs of splintering with Trump getting elected they are in serious damage control mode.

stop bumping

your angry and childish behavior is distinctly feminine.
it's not even debatable
just leave quietly and let the men talk while you console yourself with a dildo

m8 you are naggy as fuck, and you're calling me childish?

ok femanon, i'll let you get the last word because i know that's important to females when they're having a vagina tantrum
do carry on






So what made you gay? Were you molested as a child?


So what made you gay ? Were you molested as a child?

fellow mgtow anons, here's the archive link:
make sure you add it to future mgtow threads for guaranteed vagina triggering


So what made you gay? Were you molested as a child ?


So what made you gay? Were you molested as a child? Did you get AIDS?


So what made you gay? Were you molested as a child? Did you get AIDS ?



So what made you gay ? Were you molested as a child? Did you get AIDS?

so many leaky vaginas spilling menstrual blood and having screaming bitch tantrums. it was funny at first, but now i'm bored.
oh well, i've had my fun, mgtow brothers. see you all again next time and never forget that we are Holla Forums

So why are you gay for each other, did you molest each other as children?

So what made you gay? Were you molested as a child ? Did you get AIDS?

The funniest part is if they'd just go back to the >>>/kitchen/ and pumping out kids we wouldn't have to resort to this.

So what made you gay? Were you molested as a child? Did you get GRIDS?


I feel like these MGTOW faggots are some sort of subversive jewish tactic.

I'm a man, but I don't have a fucked up face or anything if that's what you're wondering.

Checked. Thing is they need to breed when they're young and fertile, not when they're 35 and have a maternity crisis.

Oh, almost forgot this gem.


Of course. It's the jew's nightmare for the white race to be united into a healthy, traditional self-sufficient national unit capable of renewing itself into perpetuity.

There are three main shill angles the kikes use:
1) Implying it isn't the kikes
2) Promoting miscegenation/don't breed goyim
3)Implying the Donald hasn't been observing kikery since his youth and is either in the dark or somehow anti-nationalist

Even the "best" D&C shitposter sticks out like a sore thumb, just like our genuine faggot OP here.

Why mini-stalins fear vaginas?

compensation for crushing feelings of genetic inferiority

mgtow is the real bridge to that future because our mgtow Holla Forums raised daughters will marry our friends' mgtow Holla Forums raised sons
meanwhile, you "traditionalist" autist will continue waiting for your pure virgin waifus and will ultimately die childless
so yeah, the most intelligent whites will still breed and prosper and the least intelligent ones will go extinct

mgtow is anti-natalist

read your own shit

you don't belong here

Are you a bot? That wasn't even a response to my post.

A dicey subject. Find a young woman if you can. If you've had the same girlfriend for 10 years and now she's in her 30s, then better now than never. Trump's mother was in her mid 30s when she birthed him.

I don't think this means what you think it means.

What series is this?

Why? Are you really so vain that you think your genes deserve no improvement?

If I were to be a single father, i'd use donor eggs from a 185cm mensa IQ aryan female in the hopes my son would turn out better genetically than myself.

Unfortunately, women who aren't mentally ill don't donate eggs. The process is long, invasive and painful, and doesn't pay much for the trouble. I can't see a sane woman risking infertility for a few grand.

i'm not a bot, but i know you're a butthurt bleeder
there is not some kind of universal dogma connected with mgtow. that goes against the whole spirit of mgtow.
mgtow gives men the power to choose their own path in life, with or without children
you just want to frame the debate because at this point, after spilling so much vaginal blood in this thread you are only interested in damage control and desperately trying to marginal a movement that is absolutely going to crush feminism beyond repair, so stay extra mad about that, ok?

Improvement is not guaranteed. And that's also implying you could afford a donor egg from such a specimen. They would likely cost hundreds of thousands since in a world like that envisioned in this thread it would become highly prized.

This guy is feuding with her own mother in here! KEK!
I guess you faggot sweating blood to get some juice posts to show off for your lefty friends.

Good luck faggot!

You sound like Holla Forums

I watched some yt videos about it long time ago and its something with lover in title, quick lurk on anidb and its diabolik lovers


It's funny. No. It's furry. I can look at shit on /monster/ and say, nah that's not furry. This shit is furry. My sides are disgusted.

You are quite possibly the dumbest poster in this thread.

MGTOW is about men dropping out of society because they believe women have unfairly dominated it (what a laugh).

pretty pathetic that you switch tor on and off to pretend to be more than one person

men could use this to have children without women but i dont see how women couldnt also use a similar technology to have children without men? i'm not really seeing this as something that would shift the power balance in one particular direction

it's a slide thread m8

sage goes in the email field, get it right

Are you well?

it's not < $CURRENT_YEAR anymore. mgtow has evolved

plug up that vagina and stop hemorrhaging so much

The Jews don't care where the power balance is between men and women, as long as both of them are at war. MGTOW idiots never understand this because they lack any sort of self-awareness or ability to see the bigger picture.

This, sadly


Well, cloning isn't here yet but donor eggs and surrogacy have been around for a while. And it's well known that people have put in ads for eggs in the newspapers of Ivy League schools.

No doubt with the surrogacy and everything though, it will be expensive, but normal reproduction is expensive as well with marriage/divorce and everything else that can go wrong. The cheapest place to do the surrogacy is india where infertile couples pop out aryan babies out of poo in loo wombs.

Who watches this sort of deranged shit.

Good men love good women.
Good men hate bad women.
Simple logic fags.


Is there a woman in that pic?
Ham4Her and ChooseHer have some manly jawlines. If you look at ChooseHer from the neck up and cover up the hair, you get a dude's face,

you must spend absolutely every moment of your waking hours shitposting in Holla Forums if you feel the need to frame everything as some kind of debate with "goalposts"
mgtow is a continuously growing and evolving movement that's broad in scope and range, but you desperately need to narrow it down into something flimsy and weak which you can then attack because it literally threatens your feminist vagina.
also, if you really wanted this thread to die, you'd simply stop posting in it, but you have more posts here than i do which means that your "sage" is just code for massive menstrual hemorrhaging and fail


The one in the middle.

Is there an actual term for a degenerate sexually attracted to anthropomorphic vehicles?


it's a paraphilia, which is the jewish term for a perversion

go on, write another text wall

You know what a bad father is, right?

Be a great one. You'll have bad days but see where things were wrong and improve them. "Live a happy childhood" through your child (don't spoil him, but set him on the right path).

I don't think a child is annoying when they're not spoilt.

If you keep your kid away from all tv, internet, and video games, and take them outside every single day, they're little blond angels. Screens are extremely damaging for children.

Women watch it. Shoujo, by women for women. See also: 50 Shades of Grey.

*hands you another box of tampons*

Its called "Appreciating your equipment"

do you have a menstruation fetish or something

nah, it's just fun watching you squirt more bitch tears

No. Some games made me have hope when I was a kid (also made me learn English). I loved the JRPG ones with long written stories. Just don't give them tablet games and they'll be fine.

Women watch that? Oh shit, it is shoujo. I'll never understand the bad guy fetish (or the cuck fetish for that matter).

m8 you've been crying for 50 posts now, I just sit here and poke you and you go off on autistic rants

Video games are fine for teenagers. Not before that.

Easy, become a worm.


Thanks m8!

I can agree with that much.

then u cut ur tail off and regenerate



That word doesn't mean what you think it does.

But they will never know our simple joy user.

That family is slavic enough to power a sunflower seed factory

cheeki breeki

i know it bumps a thread that triggers you



Holy shit, that baby is going to pop out with a beard and a mortgage.

she got dicked so hard she gets 2 babies for the price of one

she's sending that pic to tyrone

not according to statistics she isn't

white women have lowest rate of racemixing of all race/gender categories

no matter how hard shlomo tries to meme it

They already exist, a man in the UK has one.


This user gets it.

you make this too easy for me.
at least make me work for it a little more

I mean, it's gay as fuck, but if push comes to shove and women prove unsalvageable, this tech could save life on earth.


not an argument

that's exactly what i mean

Women will always submit yet you're still a coward for some reason. That said, 2d > 3d. If push comes to shove, it'd be better to tinker with their DNA than to go the route of the faggot's dream.

Yes, I said as much. It's gay as fuck and the natural way of doing this is certainly more robust (does not require any technological overhead). But this coupled with artificial wombs could allow for rapid repopulation following a bottleneck event.

too many spergs are taking this seriously. It needs gassed.


INT = how language works
WIS = how to properly understand language

It was never meant to be taken literally.




You could engineer better daughters. Though for some reason I believe most fathers wouldn't want to think of their daughter as "future perfect wife". I would though, as long as she finds the right guy with natsoc values

another non-argument, wew lad

you're a faggot >>>/suicide/

but that (((reddit))) spacing



like shooting fish in a barrel

Reminder that 3DPD is for procreation and 2D is for love. Since we no longer need 3DPD for procreation, that makes life much easier

and you would be the fish


Hahaha, women btfo. Now we just need artificial wombs and we can finally genocide these cunts once and for all.

Yes, because female perspective is retarded and invalid.

The left one is British though.

Don't be a degenerate.

Oh what the hell:

Never thought that I would see an Ur-quan masters reference on the internet . Today is a good day


This. Treat women like children and they respond positively. Even when you blatantly insult and poke fun, they'll only get wetter because "omfg so manly he does what he wants and doesn't afraid of anything".

It sucks but its just how they were made.

Too bad the beloved realm of 2d is being filled with vulgar trash, deteriorating the image of perfect girls for profit and fame. It's partly why I quit that world and I have no intention of returning to it. I go to my waifu directly for comfort and happiness.

pick one. I hate to break it you but you are probably painfully bleakly AVERAGE like 98% of males in the eyes of women.

good looking men (aka genetically superb) have very little trouble getting women, contrary to the delusional generation of keyboard warriors who think getting women is 4D chess and requires years of study.

Correct. Love for the ideal is infinitely greater than love for defective 3D could ever be. Love for 2D is the most divine form of love.

Sage all MGTOW threads

this is not out of some inbuilt moral superiority of white women, but simply because whites on average are more attractive than other racial categories. They also occupy a higher social status in most societies. In fact in latin america social status is positively correlated with "whiteness".

The nature of female sexuality is hypergamous, so it very rarely makes sense to mate DOWN the ladder, the obvious exceptions are when men that are lower on this ladder manage to occupy exceptionally high positions in a social system or are exceptionally good looking.

Theres this trap in these circles where we assume that we are perfect and faultless simply by virtue of being european/white and tend to ignore weak points and pretend it will all sort itself out.

Its like guys who are obsessed with putting everything at the door of judaism (for example, feminism) without questioning the human weakness of their own people that allows these fault lines to emerge and be exploited in the first place.

It's autosaged now, and that's a good thing.

Faggots belong in Hell.

These "statistics" all come from dating site responses. Dating sites are where used up whores and single mothers go to snare a beta provider after riding the cock carousel for years. They don't marry Jamal because Jamal doesn't have any money. But they certainly fuck Jamal when they are young and want consequence-free sex.

You dumb nigger none of those 2D grills are actually Asian. One is British, the other American, and the redhead is German.

get tinder, make two fake profiles.

one with a highly attractive white male and the other with a highly attractive black male

see which gets more responses and you will see how much interracial hookups are a figment of the imagination of white men with low self esteem.

blacks are significantly more ugly and occupy a far lower social status on average. There is absolutely zero reason for any woman, sexually, socially or economically to fuck black men. There is certainly a subset that does, but there is also a subset of "heterosexual" men who get fucked up the ass in public toilets

inb4 you pretend that women use tinder as an alternative dating service LMAO

Hmmm, this thread triggers biocuck White Knights pretty fucking hard.

Bump. You fags can slurp up your share of Tyrone's sloppy seconds while we become your new elite through genetically engineering in artificial wombs.

Thread is bumplocked you cuck, L m a o


they always do that after realizing that their false mgtow narratives got btfo with a firehose of undeniable facts.
bumplocking is the only power left for exercising damage control
it's an admission of defeat and a white flag spattered with their own blood
tl;dr we won




anime is tamer then its ever been, everything outside of AT-X is so censored it could even air on US TV.

Look at this shit, Holla Forums.

Look who's talking!
Also bump, because fuck the kikes that don't want you to know how to continue the White race without need for coal-burners.

It's the real elephant in the room. There are disproportionately more women that are past the point of redemption than men. Short of forced breeding camps, which open up a ton of issues, this technology can help the leftover good single men reproduce. The current selection process for partners is shit, the pool of women is shit, and our numbers aren't exactly getting any better. It has to happen.

i hope it becomes more widely practiced and accepted, so that there will be a huge supply of aryan surrogates to carry the blessed seed of the saviors of the white race, aryan mgtow single fathers.
as always, the kikes are already ahead of us

You have been consistently losing in this tread.
Maybe you were a formula baby, or something.
It's been proven that non breast fed babies are inferior.

You being a retarded kike doesn't help either, of course

Every white baby is a dagger into the heart of the jew.

OP here, watching you viciously attack one another was quite amusing.


nomies are complete fools, they do whatever the government and the mass media tells them to. these are the messages that if left unchecked will bring the complete destruction of Western/white society

the government, music, movies, television, books, and pretty much every single learning institution (from kindergarten all the way up to college). feeds everybody un ending brainwashing self-hatred and white hatred

pretty much every single bad thing that's ever happened in history is blamed on white people almost universally, almost every bad thing that happens now is blamed on white people ( mostly the straight male variety)

with every generation of white women it gets worse and worse. the only voice they ever hear that isn't completely denigrating them for having a relationship with a another white male is usually their grandmothers. in less than a few decades that voice will be gone.

and let me tell you the future doesn't look bright. I'm not trying to be a defeatist here but if we don't do something soon and retake the media and reshape the cultural landscape everything we fought for will be lost,