I had the good fortune of attending Richard Spencer's speech at Texas A&M today...

I had the good fortune of attending Richard Spencer's speech at Texas A&M today. I spent a bit of time beforehand watching the protestors; as you can see, things were pretty laughable. Check out videos recently uploaded for more laughs- the guy just dominated the crowd.

I'll answer any questions from what I saw and learned today.

Other urls found in this thread:


Don Lemon here. CNN is on report. See my webpage pic related


To OP, do you think Richard Spencer won over the passive white cuck demographic in the audience tonight?

Cucks gonna cuck, but I definitely felt a change in attitude among the people attending. The hecklers even cooled off by the end of his speech, so who knows? Maybe some subtly disaffected leftists may use this as a turning point in their lives.

Youtube link, might be down

Just from the first 15 minutes.
I don't care how much you hate this guy, the fact that someone who is openly white nationalist and this well spoken about it is speaking in colleges today, I don't think you can fucking argue about how good this is.

I wasn't really following this but I stopped in briefly, and saw a vid from twitter that was pretty good.

During the Q&A at the end, a literal WEWUZ negress was chimping at him. I could barely control my laughter while Spencer was pretty much deadpan with her- the wine he was sipping must have helped him.

Holy fuck how these Jews are so fucking lazy these days they don't let their minds wander to the slam dunk rebuttal to their inclusivity bullshit, ie Israel.

Did some Kikess give a point of fact that Jews are race mixers at the end?

The audio was shit for her, but the one before her said 'I axed u a cuestion' about 50 times.

Yeah, hopefully a quality and uncut version will be uploaded soon enough. Being there was just an amazing experience.

About that…

Yea, well I was unfortunate enough to catch his interview on CNN and the guy is a fucking faggot nigger Evalion/10 eceleb piece of shit.




How many niggers did he fuck afterwards?

lots of good bantz by spencer. Liked when he bullied the fuck out of that fat libshit wearing the Beat The Hell Out of Hate shirt.

That rabbi got btfo but that faggot is a straight up homo.

he has children while I know without a doubt that you don't lol

Mother fucker, gay dudes start families all the time while taking it in the ass on the side. Homosexuals are perverted deviants like that.

From the ten minutes of what I watched, his mannerisms and vocal intonations make him seem pretty gay.

as long as he is fighting his sodomy and not acting upon it then he can stay

People used to call Hitler gay all the time too back when he was alive. Seems a super common insult thrown at anyone who fights for whites and white identity.

Nearly all of their questions, misconceptions and objections could be answered by lurking on pol; race, history, slavery, civ, ..


It's possible for a person's mannerisms to be someone effeminate without him actually being gay, do you realize?

Well not everyone lurks Holla Forums, and not everyone has the right temperament to be on Holla Forums, so hence, Richard Spencer.

Remind you of anyone?


Seems fine to me, but if he acts on that shit, then he gets the rope. I'm sure there were some seemingly gay men that didn't act on it and raised large white families despite having gay tells.

Rockwell got called gay too weirdly enough.

Then Richard Spencer does not belong on Holla Forums.

Fresh OC from Morrakiu on the subject

I meant not about Holla Forums specific things, but about the speech, the protestors, and things of that nature that could be illuminated from a first person perspective.

That dude holding a smug pepe sign, "Free helicopter rides!" Praise kek.

What is this? Some kind of NatSoc mind trick? Is he trying to target SJWs with that line of thought? "These are not the social constructs you're looking for."

I'm only ten minutes into this, but he seems reasonable enough. I would't be surprised if he stealth-redpilled a few people.

Kek, that was pretty good. Is there any video of the Q&A section? I know Red Ice did a live show earlier, but I'm not seeing anything there now.

ugh, nothing more pathetic than a beaner talking about "muh slavery". don't these mongrels realize that their ancestors were white European slavers as well?

daily stormer has a vid. periscope by a nigger is in the thread

That shit was absolutely brutal. The incoherent screeching after Spencer's first rip into the guy was "YOU ARE HATE?" repeated by some negresses a bit behind me.

Also to give some context: The #BTHOHate shirt the fatass was wearing comes from one of our football chants/sayings. I've seen a lot of this leftist propagandic usage this year and it riles me, to be honest.

Not sure, I haven't dug around for any yet, I'm currently indisposed to doing so, but I wouldn't be surprised if there was.

Never mind. It's here -

I didn't say Richard Spencer didn't have the temperament for Holla Forums, I said he was another outlet of the same information for people that aren't imageboard kinds of people. And regardless, just because Richard doesn't load up 8ch every morning to talk shit and spread memes doesn't mean he isn't a politically important figure, and therefor important to Holla Forums, because it's a political board. There's plenty of speakers that we used to talk about and we talk about now that would never touch Holla Forums for one reason or another, it doesn't mean their speeches can't be funny, or useful, or inspiring. Stop being such a twat.

Yes, I am aware of that. Being blasted with homosex propaganda for years has probably made my gaydar too sensitive. Really, if he's not doing gay shit then idgaf what he does for the most part.

Still sounds like a faggot.

I said as long as he doesn't act on it you impulsive mongoloid. I hate sodomites. But if he is a sodomite, and fights his unnatural desires, then I don't care.

The Q&A starts around 31 minutes in, where some decent leftist defends Spencer's right to speak.

Meant to reference

I've given Spencer a ration of shit about his mannerisms and seemingly fart-sniffing intellectualism before, but I'm going to restrain from that in the future, at least until he says something really cucky and moderate. Every time I'm sure the guy is shit, he turns around and does something to make me question if I'm being too judgemental.

As long as he's not actually a homo, I don't care if he sounds like one.

Fucking hell, the homo accepting and level of (((tolerance))) in this thread is off the charts.

b-but he's a homo

He's a little fruity


He implicitly is though.

Nah, I just meant that the guy wasn't fucking screaming like the rest of them.

Oh, fucking hell.

I'm thinking he was more Texas conservative, but sure.

Just enjoy the salt collecting, dubs.

The only thing good is that fags are so feisty so them mine lots of salt.

Honestly, why the fuck didn't we figure out what a mincing cuckold Mootie was much earlier?

Is there proof that he faggot or does he just sound like it? I don't know much about the guy other than his "gay people are like an implicit last stand of white identity" which is pretty fucking gay in itself.

though there are these issues that we should criticize him for (like the tweet where he said homosexuality is the last stand for whites). i do not think that the way he sounds, or even that tweet since most wouldn't even see it or it they did take that as an important cornerstone of the far-right movement. he actually has a potential to convert many people who hear him speak. he was able to control the audience in this speech, telling them to sit or stand in an orderly line (something milo can never hope to do) he can speak to those who are non-*chan browsers and make points that they can agree with and rationalize. overall i think he is helpful in converting. what i would say is his burst of autistic memeing irl that normalfags would not be able to understand (case in point, the heiling situation)

Follow your implicit Furher faggot.

No shit, a bunch of niggers that hooped and hollered like they were in a black church or as seen on liveleak "worldstar"ing. Shows what a joke college is that these niggers are there behaving as niggers do. Talk about a degree being worth less, might as well have come from the DMV or a welfare office.

By homo accepting I didn't mean that one person but rather his general stance to homo acceptance. He could be gay, I dunno. But accepting gays is equally as degenerate.

I was concerned about that statement going in, but I believe he means it, given the content of his speech, as something to be ashamed of.

Someone who can throw himself into the lions den, speak about white interests openly, and compose himself well furthers our goals. For those reasons, I've always seen Spencer as an asset, though he's gotten on my nerves as I'm sure he has most here.

I don't think he's a fag either, and this was covered pretty extensively when he appeared on the Fatherland podcast a while back. Not to mention the recent article that dug into his past and talked to his ex-girlfriends or the fact that he is (was?) married and has a kid. I'd be skeptical of anyone throwing out that accusation at this point.

don't follow him, just see him as a possible person who can pull more over to the far-right, in which they can continue themselves and possibly become Holla Forumsacks. just as we say Trump as a way to ban immigration and to shift the over-ton window so people like ourselves can speak about our beliefs.

moot isn't really gay, he's just a broken person


But are Jews white?

dickie posts here all the time

Yeah. Pretty much this. If it helps whites = it's good. This helps whites. And like, you said, props to anyone who can throw himself to the mob and yet remain composed.

Can I get source on the podcast and the article?

no. and even if they were they are too tribalistic to their group to not be a problem in Europe and other white regions

What is his view on this? Absolutely cannot cuck on this.

They have never been asked that, the only other guy to do that was Molyneux and the Jew got completely destroyed.

Israel didn't exist until the 40s and its existence wasn't assured until the 60s, it's been too taboo and new to mention Israel, they now have enough of a history to be shown this hypocrisy.












He absolutely destroyed some rabbi asking him about "inclusiveness". Considering his apparent vitriol against the state of Israel, I doubt him to be too keen on kikes.

I hope he is
I want his number

Article: in Mother Jones from October:

h ttp://www.motherjones.com/politics/2016/10/richard-spencer-trump-alt-right-white-nationalist

Hit piece-y but I also didn't think he made himself look very good. Probably not ultimately a huge deal.

Spencer on the Fatherland:


Talks about playing football, not being a fag, and being married and having a kid.


He split up with his wife, allegedly, back in October. Not sure about the kid. I guess it's our job to produce children for the (((elite))) alt-right speakers to rule.

Yeah, those faggots probably just raped their sons because they couldn't get dick otherwise. Dunno why anyone would think for a second that the answer to the problem of modern LGBT culture is trying to assimilate mentally ill faggots– how'd that turn out with the niggers in America? Getting faggots to self-deport to some gay funland island wouldn't even be hard…

Spencer actually used to be more, ahem, explicit on the JQ, for instance in some of his old podcasts with Bowden. He knows what's up and likely holds the same opinions of us on it but has tempered it as he's become involved in cultural outreach, or what have you. I want to say that's not entirely a bad thing in his case and I think he knows that's not an issue he can get away with compromising on.

I want to say good for you but Spence's speeches are a borefest. That, or I'm just too used to watching Nigel Farage.

Exactly, thank you! They must be integrated.. deeply.. integrated in the highest echelons of compulsory education, as dictated by federal law.

The most brow-beaten, the most morose, the most violated and discriminated against, must right now be granted full access to the most distant venues, heights they never could have imagined to reach were it not for us, that of the children of their oppressors. BY FEDERAL LAW!

can't these faggots even record a fucking decent video? buy a fucking camera you fucking faggot, and record your speeches if you want to do anything, don't expect potato cucks to film it for you


This one was certainly enthralling for me. I have no doubt the protestors present in the room and his responses to them spiced the whole time up, though. It only helped his case.

waaaaa, he tweeted some shit once

That's what I heard. Think I saw a picture someone posted on here of her too. Wasn't much of a looker … to put it nicely.

He should do more YouTube content, which he says he wants to do. He's got the Millennial Woes style philosophical mindset and tone that helps guide weaker minds to the right side.

Definitely isn't a high energy personality though which is fine. TBH he's the first WASPY person I've seen outside of a Hollywood flick.

I made a thread earlier and got hated on so much.


He's not wrong, unfortunately. Gays will be around no matter where whites make civilization.

To be fair, this is his first time in a college environment

Yeah I think people confuse his Wasp Yale Jock routine for faggotry. In certain circles this is the most hetrosexual accent a man gets.

Guessing you're fine with this too?
ebin memes there.


who are you and what have you done for the white race? CUCK

Not looking forward to it at all. I've listened to some of his speeches on YT and he just doesn't add a lot from what you'd find here on Holla Forums… heck, he's probably not as smart as the average Holla Forumslack. His speeches are all about the "memes" and platitudes. Plus he reads off paper.

And they will repress it or have it repressed for them

BTW, here's the press conference with the guy who brought Spencer to Texas A&M, someone named Preston Wiginton.

Says it's 20 minutes long but is really like 10, fyi.

He does come from an upper middle class family and is clearly Anglo so it makes sense.

It helps that he makes all the girls wet. That's good psychological PR. After all the wimminz loved Hitler.

Holla Forums is in this very thread right now

Are you not from here?

national socialism, white nationalism, and faggotry: what doesn't belong?
hint: fags and natsoc are incompatible

Yeah. She was clearly wet for him in this interview. Pretty hilarious.

Show the actual fucking interview faggot. Spencer comes off, as usual, a fucking idiot.

oh really? the more you talk, the more your d&c tactics crash around you.

I'm not sure what you're on about.
Faggots have existed, do exist, and will exist in white societies. You can compare the situation to alcohol during American prohibition. It was banned without any agreement by its ubiquitous consumers, but did they stop drinking? No, they went to speak-easys and imbibed in secret.

The same can be said for fags. If you were to outlaw homosexuality right now in America, and enforce the ban severely, people would still be fucking each other in the ass secretly.

It takes cultural movement to truly oust something from a society. A climate casting a hugely positive light on the benefits and joys of monogamous, straight marriage and plenty of white children would naturally phase out gays. Getting the dangerous plastic shit affecting hormones would help, too.

are you a fag enabler?

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting. Reported..

Yeah, they are.
What are the last two words of the fourteen words and can you fucking buttpirates produce them?
also nice >reddit spacing

>reddit spacing

YES! There is legal precedent for marching a platoon of 800 pound gorillas, at gunpoint, into their living rooms.

I am not advocating for inclusion, just stating that my example of closet gays raising normal families without molesting them, has probably happened. I doubt it has very often though, and if it were up to me pedos and fags would be shot on sight.

why are you comparing prohibition to allowing degenerate homos to be publically accepted? only retards use analogies to make a point and your analogy is utterly shit.

Even if you become part of our movement through chance, you will get the Rohm treatment


Spencers merry band of butt pirates are ruining this board.

Divine soldiers of goodness know not lawfare.

How do faggots affect you from fucking a white woman? This is just blind hate. I would kill every degenerate parading faggot myself, but white decent fags that want to kill with you niggers?


I've never even posted on rebbit, but I'll stop spacing things out if it lets you read easier.
What I mean is that fags are gonna fag. Look at any ME country where gays get executed on the spot: you still have people secretly pozzing themselves up because they don't have a healthy culture that has no need for homosexuality.



banning homosexuality is just a means for a state to enforce pederasty

So there's still no video of the last 20-30 minutes or so?

this tbh, aut-right pls go

i don't have an anime smug enough for this.
gas yourself degenerate

overall that's true but it's no excuse to tolerate fags, be intolerant towards them while you fix society.
they are kike's pets just like the mudslime.

Common filth thinks the same way. Sadly, some people are simply broken by the constant homosex propaganda shoveled in our faces that they simple accept faggotry as a natural part of being white, when it obviously isn't natural or white.


Explain bear culture then, you idiot.


victims of molestation seeking to live out their twisted rape fantasy with an older dude.
fag enabler.

Someone mind webming this? It encapsulates this thread perfectly.


so you respond no question, all you do is chimp out.

say how a fag prevents you from fucking a white woman? say what you did for the white race. at what university did you hold a speech? how many followers you got on twitter? are you a millionaire secretly funding pro-white organizations? of course not.. you are a fucking loser that gets triggered by anything.

erotic target identity inversion? that made me laugh

you're such a tryhard
the media is just paying attention to you so they can use you to attack trump
literally kill yourself


Not even going to post my implicit Dick maymays, but your shilling is horrendous tbh.

You're literally attention whoring right now. Stop sperging like the faggot you're claiming Spencer is.


I didn't mean that to condescend to you, it very well might be the case (see: trannies + autogynephilia)


Daily Reminder: Esoteric Hermetic Homosexual Alt-Right anime-pedos are a gate keeper group, they hang out, they want to destroy White Nationalism, and they run this board.


faggot false flag agent


This is the logic of war.
Empty the prisons.
Escort them to the homes of those that put them there.
Stand back, grin and enjoy the fireworks.

sage negated, let implicit dick have his time in the spotlight

t. Muhammad

>reddit spacing

nice buzzwords moishe



Daily Reminder: Esoteric Hermetic Homosexual Alt-Right anime-pedos are a gate keeper group, they hang out, they want to destroy White Nationalism, and they run this board.


Duh, anyone not calling Spencer a fag = obvious shill.

Stop being a tard. It's highly unlikely Spencer is gay.

>reddit spacing

youtube-dl "putyourshithere.retard"

Don't know, just ripped it with youtube-dl then forgot.


Remove the anime part and it would look more legitimate.

Oo-oo-oo-oo, oo-oo-oo-oo
When I'm calling you
Oo-oo-oo-oo, oo-oo-oo-oo
Will you answer too?
Oo-oo-oo-oo, oo-oo-oo-oo

That means I offer my love to you to be your own
If you refuse me I will be blue, waiting all alone

But if when you hear my love call ringing clear
Oo-oo-oo-oo, oo-oo-oo-oo
And I hear your answering echo so dear
Oo-oo-oo-oo, oo-oo-oo-oo
Then I will know our love will come true
You'll belong to me, I'll belong to you

Then I will know our love will come true
You'll belong to me, I'll belong to you


probably the only worthwhile clip from the whole thing and i can't find a link…

It's in the old thread that got bumplocked
The last 10 minutes of the Q&A that got cut out might be up on periscope, but if so it needs to be extracted

We should be happy about this shit, not talking about fucking fags.


I hope they are shills.. but I am afraid to think they are not shills but.. dumb triggered losers.

Some of you faggots will just never be happy with anything and pick it all apart.

Why does the jew win? Because his collective mentality is, "What's good for us, we do."

The same should apply for whites: What's good for whites, we do and support. Spencer getting speaking engagements is a great way to spread white awareness. That's all that matters. Any skeletons in the closet and nitpickings don't matter at this junction. You use Spencer as a tool to spread racial awakening, and from there, many positives could happen. Your wanting of a representative to already be like Hitler incarnate is absurd.

I don't think you idiots realize how severe the situation is. You should be gladly taking up Spencer getting a voice out there (I don't even particularly like him, btw!).

Yes. They're either shills or actually autistic.

He has gotten a lot better lately. I guess it's because he used to be "muh PR" and moderate cuck fag. Now he is just saying fuck it and going all in.

It is so severe that you need to gas the kikes,race war now yesterday or roll over and go extinct.

seriously, if any of you still have doubts about the guy, watch the QA that starts from around 30min


this guy is the real deal, see for yourself

what the fuck is up with the audio.

It's a college university YouTube channel.

Did you ask him a question? If so, post it, please.
He seems like a good chap. A top bloke.
He doesn't have any influence in my country (Scottish), but I'd love to see a vid of you asking a question.
Also what's the climate like in Texas? I am so cold that my head is going to snap off my head.

Common filth thinks the same way. Sadly, some people are simply broken by the constant homosex propaganda shoveled in our faces that they simple accept faggotry as a natural part of being white, when it obviously isn't natural or white.


It's cool to be gay now bros.

It's cool to false flag Trump for the media bros

It's cool to be e-celeb and get BTFO by a nigger on TV bros

Esoteric butt sex magic – do what you want bros

looked like a hotel room too, very suggestive.

LMAO @ CNN banners:
Richard Spencer | National Policy Institute/White Supremacist

Oh he's definitely acting on it. But I won't be picky as long as he is doing a good job spreading the message. We can worry about night of the long knifing the fags after we win.

Not gonna lie you guys look legit autistic.


BUT that doesn't mean we shouldn't find out if he actually is a faggot.

are you fucking serious? the guy has a kid


Cool chan speak bros — we are one of you – love your race and false flag it bros

Yeah ignore that.


Never said that. Only meant that the "white people are gay" meme has gotten to people.

Fags have kids too, I don't think he's a fag but idk, those other posts fucked me up for a second.

the retard obsessed about homosexuality should be paid by the jews, does a pretty good job at derailing shit

Do they always do that ?

thier shilling worked for a split second on me, but you gotta admit he does have some frutiy mannerisms



Kill all esoteric false flag agents

Fuck Alex Jobes and the Alt-Right

Yeah, she's clearly into him. Her words are saying 'ebul nahtzees', but those look like they're saying, "I

for every post, you get 10 replies, your saging does fuck all

unless you're paid for replies


COME ON Holla Forums…. We've seen this before, over and over again.


Same thing happened when the Alt-Right and Milo and Infowars, and /fringe/ and other groups tried to take over Holla Forums…. We wont bow down to the CIA manual.

That's ridiculous, it almost sounds like you're suggesting Holla Forums should seek to rehabilitate/deprogram jew-brainwashed white men instead of contemplating their massively costly genocide. After all, how can we combat the cabal of infant-raping, baby-eating, nation-murdering, person-enslaving jewish terrorists who've controlled the west for over a century when TRAITORS like SPENCER are suggesting that fetishism has always existed, will persist no matter our intervention, and that we probably should focus on the crimes that actually have victims.

Or discussion can continue on how a group of white men with no geographical distinction, definitive phenotypic expressions, or even ideological solidarity aside from wanting to fuck other men could be identified and murdered without massive waste. Seriously, why not just enslave them? Oh right, because the shtiskins/intelligence spooks/autists crying about the necessity of a fag genocide aren't actually concerned with a white civilization functioning at its best, but instead just literal mayhem and psychopathy, much like the semitic civilizations they can't even imagine an alternative to.

Exactly. Gives us good PR. I can't believe people who like Trump are counter signalling Spencer, who is better than Trump on every issue. Trump likes jews for Christ sake, and Holla Forums doesn't counter signal him at all really.

You are the only one doing this shit, kek.

replied to the wrong post, but my point still stands

Holla Forums doesn't counter-signal trump because he's not expected to do this shit.


PAY ATTENTION Holla Forums ———————————————— TAKE A GOOD LOOK

Okay. I assume you were being sarcastic anyway. Fags are pretty low on my list of both short and long term concerns. The issue that people like us should devote most if not all of our energy to dropping redpills and striving for success until we are in a better position to remove Jews from power, retake our institutions, and then remove all nonwhites from North America and Europe. To become preoccupied with gays is a waste of time. Counter-signaling people like Spencer, who's putting many of our ideas out into the open, is probably counter-productive as well.

That picture with Richard in the vest is a lie, he looks like that because he got sprayed with liquid ass or something at the pre-npi party by antifa.

have you even watched woe's video?

milo can kys, he is not aut-right

i dont even know who half those people are

sorry for reddit spacing, it's a habbit from forums

or no when i USED to post on reddit too :^)

how the fuck do you even know? As far as I can tell it's just a bunch of voracious Americans whose last names have german suffixes because it sounds posh


It's the gay agenda that came from the Manosphere/MGTOW and begin to pose as white nationalism and meme esoteric "white culture" as a way to infiltrate anons who weren't Christcucks - and those who were *wink *wink

Newfag detected.

anyway, these are my last replies unless you post some more misleading bullshit, kike

i am somewhat suspicious of spencer, but tell me what is wrong with what he's done recently, you're the one who proabably cries about muh-pr

*then goes on about how Holla Forums doesn't need any attenion and is not part of any movement (i agree it's not)

There is nothing wrong, he's being pro-white and making others do that. When he goes out of his way to promote homofaggotry and degeneracy then these shills will have something real to complain about. Unti then, they are just spergs or retards from stormfrnt doing ((anglin's)) bidding to destroy any form of pro-white movememtn outside of stormfaggotfront.

Refine your Jewdar, nigga.

Seconded, none of his posts in this thread seem to make much sense. Fella appears lost.

newbergfagsteinvonder4chan detected


Do you really think that's what Anglin's doing? I've yet to reach an absolute conclusion on the matter but I refuse to visit the DS due to Weev's influence there. Weev is a Jew who pulls stunts to make whites working for self-preservation look bad.


I'm not familiar on that but I'm just gonna say, Angilin does not look white at all. Complexity, sure, but facial features, he's a fucking nigger, I would love to see his 23andme.


He still posed like a faggot in the vast, that's like saying "it's not his fault he sucked that cock, he stubbed his toe!"


Fresh implicit maymays. Fuggin' saved.

I'm getting suspicious of this fagdragger sperg in Dickie threads and his "OC".

>reddit spacing

Kosher Dugin stooge lol. Stop being a fag and look at the bigger picture.

You should be. There's no indication he's gay and everything I've ever seen says otherwise. It's either coming from spergy dolts or an entity D&Cing to derail our collective interests. Not saying anyone should worship Spencer but this A&M thing was massively beneficial IMO.

meant for


I'am sure someone has the screencap of that user explainnng the difference between ((jewish german)) and actual german names. If i remember correctly, names like "burg" "stein" etc were just names jews took in regards to the professions they execute, like "goldberg" coming from "Goldsmith", as in, a smith wich made jewelry and stuff, burg was in regards to where they practiced their office, like "Bilderburg Goldstein" meaning "The jewlsmith from the Burg (municipality in medieval german) of Bilder". Its quite fascinating.

If you can't tell Spencer's a faggot just by hearing him speak, you're probably autistic yourself.

There is a reason stormfront existed for so many years and never achieved anything. It was meant to be that way, and stormfags dont even realize it. Nazi occultism and memetics existed for far longer, and yet were never mentioned there. Think about that for a second.

Cernobitch sounds 50x gayer than Spencer and he's not gay, so that's not always the best barometer. Spencer played football, has had documented relationships with women the MSM has tracked down, was married, and has a kid. He's also discussed the issue of people calling him gay rather extensively. It seems highly unlikely. But you obviously seem to be buying into the implicit D&C instead of focusing on issues that matter more. Wise up.

I'm about an hour in to the video and he triggered those subhumans hard.

you're a shill for not indulging his confirmation bias towards an easily falsifiable phenomenon

People having long tedious arguments about whether he's a faggot or not instead of just acknowledging his flaws and discussing the actual content of the video are the cancer that has both drained the fun from Holla Forums and ruined the range of discussion.

You're the reason most people on this board are now useless at debate and incapable of thinking for themselves. You have more interest in virtue-signalling the limited amount you do know than actually learning or achieving anything.

See? You have autism. Cernovitch has a speech impediment and sounds like a retard, but there's nothing about the inflection of his voice that suggests he's a sodomite.

I reached a similar conclusion a while back as well, even though I don't go on there and therefore don't really know what goes on.

That seems odd, but I'm not surprised. Anglin doesn't come across as a very deep fellow. I'm extremely interested in and favorable to Germany and that period in general, but I can't help but see the Hollywood Nazi LARPing as a bad move for us.

Some people just sound faggy, while not being actualy gay. The contents of his words however are important, they are pro-white and having an effect. Much like Milo, his perceived "faggyness" is usefull due to the audience itself having been "faggoticized" by jewish brainwashing. As far as i know, Milo is probably just an actor hired by breitbart to sound and portray himself as gay for a recptive audience of demoralized and emasculated people. A process wich can and is being reverted.

I don't really care as long as he keeps advocating white superiority with plausible deniability. Since that makes the subhumans the most livid and prone to melting down.

Inflection and toning is the result of feminine socialization. Speech impediments (like the lisp, which is linked to homosexuality) may have an underlying physiological component related to hormonal effects on fetal development in vitro. Or not, I just pulled that all out of my ass, but I have a point.

Pretty sure you're autistic too.

And what easily falsifiable phenomenon would that be?

Here's what autism is, moron: obsessing over and promoting something that is not only NOT confirmed by reality, but insisting it must be so in spite of all the facts.

Autism is an inability to pick up on social and emotional cues, like thinking a flaming homosexual is actually straight because he has a beard.


finding a straight person who talks like a faggot

Shit, I forgot how autistic you were. I don't mean a literal beard.


I have some bad news for you…

Of course its a bad move, most of what people consider "nazi' is a complete fabrication by jews,and that includes people who lurk Holla Forums only occasionaly. For example, Hitler himself wasn't even an anti-semite prior to 1926, he became more and more anti-semitic as a response to the jews fucking over germany and antagonizing him, i beieve the same thing will happen to trump, the jews will go out of their way to antagonize him and he will simply say "fuck it" and start persecuting them.

Well, there is you.

Do you two clearly upstanding gentlemen care about white people's long term interests?

Or are you simply interested in stating over and over how you are SURE that a guy who played manly sports, dated women, was married, and has a kid is absolutely, without a doubt, gay?

I'm sure most of the traps here have done all of the above, though they aren't overcompensating to hide their faggotry.

If Trump went in that direction I would be beyond elated. But I'm very skeptical about that happening, mostly because of his kids.

No, because they are shills. Just filter them and move on. If you go by the logic of that people Hitler wasn't a real nazi because he didint actauly holocaust the ((chosen))

Hitler had jewish friends wich remained friends to his dying breath.

Over One-third Of Former American Football Players Had Sexual Relations With Men, Study Claims

You're delusional.

Yep. Shills confirmed.

That's false.


every time I see the word cuck I think of some retarded sand nigger or nigger who goes through life only being able to think in the basest of terms

Historical documentation says otherwise, especialy under a redpilled approach to the material. Did you even read Mein Kampf? The original work, not the ((revised)) version.

But go ahead and prove me wrong, i've got all day, shill.

Thread may be locked, but I have to check these OP dubs.

He got redpilled on the jews by debating them during his "Vienna years". You would know that if you actually read Mein Kampf, or even lurked here long enough to see the classic "on debating jews" image.

Nice reddit/TRS-spacing btw.

So he became anti-semitic due to dealing with jews and realizing they are trash as a result, as i stated before?

Mein kampft was written in 1925 and released on 1926, during the writing in prison he came upon the realization he was what jews called "an anti-semite"

thanks for "proving me wrong", shill. Honest querstion, are you really a shill or just an idiot?

Couldn't you have at least looked up what years Mein Kamp was written and published?

If you were at home on reddit I bet you would get barely any upvotes.

And going back to your original point, do you really think Trump hasn't dealt with jews in business? If he's not already redpilled on them he's never going to be. If I haven't already called you autistic, you are.

He is redpilled on them, and he knows how to get under their skin, as he knows nazi larping wont win any elections now. And as i said, Mein Kampf was writeen in 1925 and published in 1926. I will filter you know because you have exposed yourself, schlomo. We won, an we will persecute you, you should be learning how to shoot or moving to israel instead of posting on the internet.

No, it was written while he was in prison and published in 1925.

Can you read?

It was writen in 1925, and started being published to the public in 1926. Kill. Your. Self

You're wrong, and you would know that if you actually had a copy, or googled it.

Please go back to reddit.

His version writen in 1925 never took off, the one you have was the post-edit version of 1926 wich was released to the public, you retard.

Jesus Christ, that cuckservative at like 58 minutes was fucking painfully cringe.
You could practically hear the sound of another guy's balls slapping against his girlfriend's ass in the apathetic drone of his mewling faggotry.

Rockwell was for deprogramming faggots so the anti-gay guys (who are melting down about a white man fighting for a white identity) are further to the right than Rockwell.

And yet their only accomplishment is shitposting on a board that 5000 people read. kinda sad tbqh

heh so much JIDF/VTR in these threads

it amuses me

Why was this anchored?

yeah sure

Dude Ive said this before, he has the speech, accent and mannerisms of what used to be called the WASP elite. He is from Anglo-Saxon upper crust stock and comports himself accordingly. He could have coasted on a trust fund and boarding school education but decided to go this route. And for that he gets my respect. Also the haircut.