
What should be the first type of infrastructure this country rebuilds?

I would like to have a 10 gigabit internet infrastructure be accessible anywhere in the country including out in the sticks,and allow any ISP to use it to provide internet to break the regional monopolies.

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10gb internet sounds nice, but the wall is absolutely essential. That, and portable jew ovens.

A lot of ovens and showers.

In order of important: Wall, roads bridges tunnels, fiber internet, airports, ports.

importance* fug


Cities that are on the scale of humans and not on the scale of automobiles.

Walls and drinking water. Tap water is fucking cancerous and I'm sick of buying the bottled jew and ingesting BPA, but it's better than ingesting fluoride and god knows what else is in there.

Public ovens would be great. Haven't you ever been traveling and just felt the need to roast something up?

Fluoride is a poison. I moved in the past couple months, and my old city didn't fluoridate the water, and my new city does. Guess if I've felt a deleterious effect on my spiritual life or not.

The Wall is, obviously, the #1 priority.

I do have a few suggestions for what comes next though…
BAM! We now have high speed internet in most municipalities worth mentioning. It'll be great for the tech industry to make use of all that infrastructure already there, bring down costs, bring up speeds. Ever wonder how Comcast was able to quintuple speeds and eliminate data caps in markets that complained hard enough and brought enough FCC complaints? Ever wonder how they did it overnight? That's how- they used the fiber optic capacity they already leased/bought and weren't putting to use.

The electric grid needs a major overhaul



From there, we can work out bridges and airports along with an American Messmer Plan to massively boost the percentage of our power that comes from nuclear.

Oh, I have a solution for the high speed rail too:

Switching to bottled water made my dreams incredibly vivid. Nothing like my childhood, before normal shrinking of the pineal gland, but also before the fluoridation and calcification of my brain.

It makes me so mad. I literally can't afford to not drink tap water anymore, thanks to the kikes. My only consolation is that I know their trick, as deeply and bitterly as an Aryan man can ever recognize his slavery. Oh yeah I also have a mutilated dick. They have abused me in ways that will never heal as long as I live. The only thing I have left in my repertoire is revenge.

a 32 pack of bottled water is 3 dollars at Kroger, and that lasts me a little over a week. Why can't you afford that?

They had no idea

As for building
#1 wall
#2 roads and bridges
#3 telecom upgrades (for real this time)
#4 High Speed Rail

I put high speed rail last because I'm split on it. On the one hand dems will eventually build it and they will spend 5-10x more than trump and take 30-50 years to do it. On the other hand HSR would allow a lot more shit skins to move around a lot easier into your area (i.e. the reason the MARTA line in Atlanta is shot down for expansion into the suburbs every time).

Ehh what's a Kroger? You have a point, though. It might be a small price to pay if the difference is as big as we've both implied. If I may make a feeling, the full moon has as much an effect on Aryan spirituality as clean water does.

Kroger is a grocery store, guess you're not American?

I think high speed rail will be obsolete with self-driving cars.

HSR would be more for cross country not cross town. For cross country rail is still much faster and more efficient than a car self driving or not.

How economical would it be to nationalize the high speed rail and allow people to ride for free?

I'm not denying that it isn't faster, but I think don't think the demand for people to get from New York to California is there in such a capacity that creating an entirely new infrastructure can be justified.

I think de-regulating the airline industry would be a much better solution. Take existing technology and make it more affordable. I'm just ballparking here, but surely building a useful HSR system would cost in the tens of billions of dollars, just to do the research, engineering, design, and construction. Not to mention the cost of maintaining it.

First priority should be to secure our electric grid. In the meantime we can be constructing The Wall

There is nothing economical about making things free. Making things (((free))) just means the middle class will pay out the ass for poverty fags and wealthfags to reap the benefits.

Vid related does an excellent job explaining my point.

What the hell, guys? How can you be sure they're not fluorizing bottled water either?

Would it make sense to build a network of Canals or rebuild the Canals that we currently have such as the Erie Canal?

Get some semiconductor fabs back in the US
Fuck China

The water I buy is distilled via reverse osmosis.

Ya. How about we turn Texas into the Silicone state? There's Texas Instruments.

How good is reverse osmosis and how bothersome would it be to convince my family to buy these filters?

Powers, hands fucking down power, its our weakest thing we have and if attacked with half a brain, would result in the US getting fucked.

Fix our fucking bridges holy shit
Institute a New New Deal

Would it make sense to build new canals?

Getting off of oil would allow us to completely ignore the ME forever

A public initiative to bring symmetric gigabit internet to every home. With that infrastructure in place, it's possible to make every internet interaction p2p, and liberate the net from the jewish-controlled telecom companies.

The existing canals we have are in dire need of replacement or upgrades yes, some of the dams and locks off the great lakes have been around from the thirties and they're in horrible shape. If one of those locks or dams were to collapse it would cause a serious economic crisis.

If it was significantly cheaper than air, while being significantly faster than current AMTRAK stock, then I don't see there not being demand

It would really have to be an improvement over AMTRAK though, because AMTRAK is going bankrupt even with federal funding. No train is going to compete with the interstate system unless it goes 150 miles an hour minimum.

You know there are valid reasons to hate government for wasting money fluoridating water, but being paranoid about the health effects of minuscule traces of almost any element is retarded. Your body uses fluoride. You can look up how much it needs and it is way lower than what they add to the water, plus you can always just not drink so much fucking water. I mostly drink soymilk and only a glass or two of water per day. You can look up the risks/benefits fluoride. You can look up the difference between the chemically derived fluoride and the natural fluoride (there is no difference, but if you are that worried about it just look it up, that's what I did) It's not that hard to replace your tinfoil with actual information.

I want Trump to build farmland on fucking Mars. It's the only infrastructure I give a shit about.

From what I hear the U.S power grid needs a desperate upgrade, and maybe invest in more EMP/cyber-attack resistance while doing so. So that would one of the most important infrastructure projects to start on.


Most important things IMO

Yeah, definitely need more of that. We need to put these anti-nuke fags out of business. Solar and wind are nice but we've got to stop screwing around and get some real power generation going.

On a side note, booting out wetbacks in addition to locking up violent niggers and other assorted shitskins will make public spaces and the associated infrastructure that we already have that much more functional. We have a lot of decrepit shit in the U.S. but keep in mind in addition to age, they're also being crushed under the weight useless, destructive subhumans who use them as playgrounds.


We need Americans to take pride again, to take responsibility for the appearance of their land. I don't want Trump to just throw money at roads and bridges, I want Trump to require aesthetics.

We need to beautify.

I'm tired of everything looking like ass.

All public transportation is like that. I live in a medium sized city that has no public transport routes. They put it up for a vote every couple years, and every time, it gets shot down in a landslide. (Last time was like 82% or 87% 'NO'.) The reason for this is twofold:

1. It's a wealthier city than most others in the county (but not the wealthiest), and most people own cars.
2. Adding a bus route to town means niggers from local hives have a direct route into our shopping hubs and neighborhoods, and will likely directly lead to an increase in robberies and burglaries.

People know #2 because we have a big-ass Section Ape apartment block in town, and it's where something 65-75% of all crime in this city comes from; without that apartment block, we'd be limited to a few assaults per year, shoplifting, and the occasional weed bust.

Public transportation is impractical in rural or less populated areas because it will never recoup its costs, and it doesn't work in more densely populated areas because nobody wants to give niggers a free ride into their neighborhoods and stores.

The kind niggers cannot fuck up. Does such a thing exist?

Rebuild the power and water infrastructure. If we let our water supply become shit-tier / Europe-tier we have no one but ourselves to blame. It's already halfway there in most cities.

FYI for all anons do your research on plastic bottle extractable/leachable chemicals into water. Also research the source of the water and how it's "purified" or filtered and/or otherwise treated.

It is my dream to create a gigantic system of underground tunnels across Europe with the purpose of transporting good and labour to a from major hubs of industry, transportation and commerce, that would immediately remove most traffic jams and allow for quick and efficient transports from the harbours of Rotterdam to any place in Europe (for example)

Wall is #1, no doubt
From that point on, repair and alocating of funds for existing infastructure would be amongst the top priorities as they have been neglected for so long. Dams especially because of their general state of disrepair and the monumental costs of re-establishing them should they fail.

I'd say that the most important new infrastructure project is high-speed electrified railroads between major population centers for both passenger and cargo service. As it stands now, society is using tons of resources driving consumer goods on trucks and flying passengers on airplanes, and both methods are fossil fueled. With a modern system of electrified railway, society could move goods and passengers not only more efficiently but it could be done with electricity from nuclear, hydro-electric or even geo-thermal power-plants instead of relying on limited domestic fossil fuels or imports. Sustained energy independence is a critical part of national sovereignty.
It would also have the side benefit of taking a lot of trucks off the roads, freeing up traffic and reducing wear and tear on the pavement.

Indeed. The good of the city and its inhabitants must come before the whims of architects and real estate developers. A cohesive plan must be had on the development of every city, to prevent it from becoming an impersonal sprawl that kills the spirits of its residents instead of promoting a healthy community.
A fellow Leon Krier fan perhaps?

Never understood the hardon for HSR. HSR primarily offsets regional air traffic and minimally impacts road traffic. See the drying up of Boston - NYC - Philadelphia - DC region air travel but I-95 is as bad as ever. Commuter rail systems on the other hand offsets road traffic and turns everyday commute time into productive time. NYC's commuter railroads move 1 million daily riders and that's with heavily decrepit infrastructure. Much more worthwhile than the worthless social welfare light rail and bus rapid transit that lefties like to peddle.
Have you even ridden HSR? Amtrak's HSR price gouging starts at $100.

No because that route would be ridiculously long for high speed rail and would spend half of it's time in extremely low density western states.

Amtrak has little trouble filling seats from North Carolina to Maine with speeds far below that. The demand is there even with Amtrak's high prices.

Name a mode of transportation that does.

Bus and subway in china

MTR is a real estate company that just happens to run transportation.


High speed rail. Airports are also 3rd. world tier. If you have been to Japan and flown back to Lagurdia you'd think you landed in Lagos.

Hexafluorosilicic acid from china is not the same as calcium fluoride. There has never been one safety study done on this chemical. Not even a rat one. This shit eats through steel at the water plants. America has the most health problems out of any country in the world despite spending 1 out of 5 dollars on healthcare.

THIS. Our tap water is literally a pacifier.

I've always liked the idea of making a canal/pipe from the sea to death valley and flooding it.

Literally nothing there at the moment could make a new coast.

New giant salt lake past the mountains could give rain water to the desert. Making more agrible and allow for farming.

To add on to this we need a fuckton more nuclear power plants. America has the best nuclear technology experts in the world and yet because of bleeding heart liberals we're still using out of date plants from the 1970s and haven't built any new generation plants.

the wall oviously, and bridges. So many of our bridges are falling apart and there's not been any money to fix them

thanks for destroying our environment with your bottled water Sinead, you psychotic cunt

bump for fuk HSR

Water and sewage systems.

Everything else is secondary.

It would be easy. Just get them to start watching Infowars with Alex Jonestein

Wall and border security is the most important

WATER is undrinkable in vast swaths of the country, it's horrific

Internet needs to be trustbusted first, let competing companies pop up

Bridges are important because the bridges are killing people



Top 5 in order of importance:
Most of America's bridges are falling apart. Built in or before the 60's and held together with patchwork fixes that are all crumbling as fast as we can fix them. We need to build new bridges that incorporate techniques learned over the past few decades. Americas Roadways are in a pitiful state as of late as well, and deserve much the same overhaul.
A similar sentiment can be had for the water and plumbing lines of the major metropolitan areas, where pipes are often made of lead or crumbling ceramics. We have materials that do not leach toxins into our water supply and will last decades longer than current setups, we just need to implement them. We also need to standardize our water quality so that dangerous chemical exposure is limited.
Our electrical grid is pitifully outdated and a major liability and weakness to threats both foreign and domestic. We have the opportunity to rework it with newer energy generation methods in mind. We need an energy plan to cut us off the teat of foreign oil and gas.
Most Americans have few options when it comes to internet access. They can be massively overcharged for satelite, or be massively overcharged for dial up, in most cases. If you live close to or in the city, you may be able to be massively overcharged for Fiber or other High speed options, but that is a toss up honestly. The coasts have it better than most other places.
Railways are the lifeblood of the shipping industry, and are pretty well maintained, but there is a startling lack of options when the civilian side of things is in the mix. High speed rail systems offer a lot of job opportunities for people who want to avoid living in the cities, and also get people off the road to ease congestion.

does it count as infrastructure to stop subsidizing corn and get the corn syrup out of our food

can we also stop using ammonia as a fertilizer, it's turning midwestern soil into a desert

There's no point in removing HFCS if you just replace it with cane sugar. They are both the same effective poison.

The real issue should be removing corporate tainting of scientific research. The entire scientific establishment is completely taken over by money grubbing jews, corporate lobbyists taint results and influence research, and scientists don't even have access to their own papers because the (((journals))) have a stranglehold on it and charge exorbitant fees.

public transport would be fun, i want some super speed futuristic shit like japan.

Because of federally-mandated health insurance coverage, m i rite. Rich people go to doctors. Poor people just gets sick or die.

What stupid fucker would put a bunker in a bridge? Bridges are one of the first things to get bombed in warfare, and in nuclear warfare would be a prime target in the resulting conventional battle.


it's a fall out shelter and not a bunker.

So you're supposed to exit immediately and start breathing bad air?

Pretty sure the idea is not to sustain a direct blast (bunker), but to wait (in shelter) for the fall out to dissipate

Clean water. No fluoride, water purification systems and filter recycling programs. Grey water recycling too.

Without water, no life.

The water is so poisonous since people fucking flush say estrogen pills and other pharmaceutical stuff in the toilet all the fucking time, our water has been contaminated. It's why kids are messed up and there are so many transgendered. That shit not only gets into our water supply, but in the food we eat, when farmers raise crops and the crops absorb all of those drugs in the water.

Do this, we can help curbtail the tranny problem. Our current water treatment systems aren't made to handle pharmaceutical contamination.

This too. Remove nigger, remove the bad neighborhoods and rebuild it.

Wall nao pls.

It's sad reading this thread.

There are so many excited and prepared to start rebuilding the country but just don't understand that these things are impossible under the rule of neoliberalism. Trump has appointed bankers affiliated with Goldman Sachs, Rothschild Inc, and Soros to the highest positions of government. They will not allow any sort of massive infrastructure projects to occur because it tightens labor markets, driving wages up. High wages are unacceptable for the investor class and infrastructure which makes things cheap / free which otherwise wouldn't be is also unacceptable as it demarketizes a previously profitable business venture.

Until you all realize this, it won't be possible for any improvement of the country to occur, other than the libertarian model of cloistering ourselves off into gated communities and praying we land on the cushy part of the exploiter / exploitee system.

That "waiting" time is when conventional troops will move in, and air attacks will be made by conventional means.

Jew identified.

Related to this: Does anybody have the infographic where attacking morale is a shill tactic? This should be the
You heard it here first:
Shills are moving toward attacking morale, as facts on the ground are not in their favor.

The bridge towers of some bridges are extremely thick and can withstand incredible blast forces.

Bridges are easy to see from the air, even without modern equipment, and have been targeted for so long that there are specialized solutions.

So you think Trump is going to put non-fluoridated, endocrine neutral drinking water, nuclear power, and public transport as priorities in office? Do you honestly?

Why would he do this? His cabinet members are literally jewish bankers. They stand nothing to gain from this and much to lose. These policies would drive up wages, make power cheaper and make cars less necessary. Each of these improvements would directly harm the interests of corporate overlords, which is why none of them will happen (save maybe the wall). When will you stop with the wishful thinking?

you seem to think laser guided bombs were a widely applied system of ordnance delivery in the 1950s

1. Wall

2. One way train to Mexico

3. I want to say make an autistic efficient train network and shit, but trains that transport people just attract niggers.

Make a special Soul Train to attract niggers with free chicken, jazz, and weave. A train that heads to the border and goes up an incline to The Wall to dump them over it with a passenger ejection system. Like the Holocoaster.

What the fuck? The infrastructure of your own nation is "unimportant" and "slide" now?


But they do, since people with higher wages can pay off bigger loans, making them more money than burying someone under so much debt they consider suicide and/or a trip to bankruptcy court preferable to their current situation.

Of course, smug anime girls are far more deserving of page 1 than something as un-political as the changes in infrastructure we're hoping Trump does.
Seriously though, who's the fucking retard who anchored this thread?

I don't realize things that aren't true, cumdrinker. You sound like a fucking Mudshit.

Why not go pirate-like?

Yeah I know. Putin is half jewish