Trump Fires Adviser’s Son From Transition for Spreading Fake News

WASHINGTON — President-elect Donald J. Trump on Tuesday fired one of his transition team’s staff members, Michael G. Flynn, the son of Mr. Trump’s choice for national security adviser, for using Twitter to spread a fake news story about Hillary Clinton that led to an armed confrontation in a pizza restaurant in Washington.

The uproar over Mr. Flynn’s Twitter post cast a harsh spotlight on the views that he and his father, Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn, aired on social media throughout the presidential campaign. Both men have shared fake news stories alleging that Mrs. Clinton committed felonies, and have posted their own Twitter messages that at times have crossed into Islamophobia.

But their social media musings apparently attracted little attention from Mr. Trump or his transition team before a North Carolina man fired a rifle on Sunday inside Comet Ping Pong, which was the subject of false stories tying it and the Clinton campaign to a child sex trafficking ring.

Hours after the episode, the younger Mr. Flynn, 33, went on Twitter to say that until “Pizzagate” was proved false, it remained a story.

But later in the morning, Jason Miller, a transition spokesman, tacitly acknowledged that Mr. Flynn had worked for the transition, saying in a conference call that Mr. Flynn was now no longer involved.

Mr. Miller did not say what prompted the dismissal of Mr. Flynn, but two other Trump transition officials said it was tied to his Twitter posting.

Other urls found in this thread:


And here we are with sticky #21.

You're a retard.


Maybe he's just waiting until he's in office to fuck 'em, so king nigger doesn't fuck everything up

Nice digits, last four of your post corresponds to my id.

21 threads is nothing, we had 15 threads for potatoes and onions. (sweet and shallots).

Pizzagate is dead, all your have left are confirmation bias gamergoy/4cucks going into a tizzy every time someone uses a spiral in their logo. Oh no guys I think I found your next lead.

The symbol is a spiral triangle
But you are right, the last 16 threads have indeed been trash
But there are leads you can't deny.

It wouldn't be Holla Forums without at least half a page of pointless stickies

If Trump is going to lead a crusade against pizzagate (and I believe he will), he will need to establish his power and authority firmly first. He's not in a position to pursue this yet. All this means is that Trump is being careful to conceal his true intentions, and doesn't want anyone on his team letting others in on his plan.

Officially, this signals that Trump will not pursue pizzagate; unofficially, it obscures his plans. It's shill fodder, nothing more.

I'm assuming this for now. Obviously if he continues taking this position later then it's an issue.

pizzafaggots are bullcucks 2.0

Nigger, shut the fuck up. Trump sometimes acts like a faggot, we can criticize him when he does.

Well lads at least we know Pizzagate is well founded because they're STILL shilling like crazy against it.

I remember Michael G. Flynn posted on here once, I'm pretty sure the guy is a Holla Forumslack.

Anyways, Trump can't really do shit until he is in office and has all the Alphabet Soup Agencies at his disposal.

Until then we don't really have any hard evidence linking Clinton to being a kiddie diddler.

I never denied anything, simply that it takes a level of evidence that we don't have to bring people to justice. We know there's plenty of circumstantial stuff to investigate them were we LEOs, but we aren't, or at least I'm not. If we have some LEOs in the thread they can chime in (without 4cuck larping) and see what can be done.

Our vols are using us (or some of us, and at least providing a central base of sorts) for a media campaign that is working directly against our interests.


>reddit spacing


I love this meme.

The absolute madman. I will never tiring of this winning game.

Milo was told "it's not time yet" yesterday and cancelled his pizzagate speech. Bannon and Trump have a plan; jumping the gun on all this seems to be against that plan. Perhaps they want the enemy to feel as comfortable as possible so they don't tie up all loose ends. For instance, Comet is very likely 100% clean because of our public research. Trump understands that this dynamic is counterproductive to nailing these fucks.

Sometimes you shills go too far.

Donald's own son Don Jr retweeted Spirit Cooking around Nov 4

It's reached new levels recently. (((They))) are sweating bullets.

Its true though.


I didn't have a single newline character in that last post jej. Yeah, believing without any critical thought is the true h'redpilled position ;^)


inb4 the MSM gets RICO'd

Perhaps he has been keyed in to how deep it really goes.

If the kid broke ranks, even to expose Pizzagate, Trump needed to let him go. It seems like everyone even slightly connected is being told now to hold back and I don't think it's just to give the perverts time to cover things up.

Come Jan 20th, it's a different ball game. If Trump is who I think he is, the house of pedophile cards will start to crumble. If Trump isn't who I think he is and the pedos are freely roaming, Deus Vult.

Brietbart was killed over Pizzagate. Go look up his tweets about Podesta. Tons of people know EXACTLY what has been going on.

I guess that means I'll be ignoring everything you say then shill-kun ;^)

Jesus this place is going to shit fast.

I'm becoming more and more convinced that Trump absolutely is. Smartest man I've ever seen in person, hands down. Brutally intelligent.


Their impotent rage just reinforces what an important nerve we've struck.

I don't give a shit about Milo, but he's obviously connected to Bannon. It's not out of the question that Bannon would tell him to back off for now.

Problem, reaction, solution, amirite fellow nazi? Holla Forums is le compromised! le mods are le compromised! Let's all exodus to another chan! Follow me goyim!


There were some interesting findings with cheesybay and a few other things,

New levels of idiocy. Most everything that has come from pizzagate is dog shit.

He had a heart attack you retard

I'm just happy it has finally made the pedowood faggots shut the hell up. I am SO TIRED about hearing of how some celeb got the bad touch but can't kiss and tell.

I'm following Trump's lead on this. This signal of what he wants is delivered by the OP story. Only one I can trust in all this shit.

Can this meme please die. Trump is the President we need right now, but he;s a civic nationalist cuck and most likely will cover for the pedophiles considering he's a friend of Israel and Israel is the pedophile capital of the world.

Right along with the coroner. They cannot fight the shadows.

Maybe, but I'm not submitted to that yet. Guess we'll see.

Dude, looking at old clips of Andrew Breitbart he was way ahead of the curve.

You have proof of that?

Why is pizzagate such a big deal to everyone?

I'm a lot more angry at genocide than a few cases of pedophilia.

It's fucking clear they did the shooting to shut it down. I got tired by the pizza shit, everyone knows there are pedowoods connections between democrats and hollywood, but this shooting shit just cleared any doubts. PIZZAGATE IS REAL

So the silver lining of this gunman is that it obfuscates the entire pizzagate controversy, which will allow Trump to cut through the bullshit. Once pizzagate is out in the open, Trump can use that as leverage to pack DC with his own supporters. I suspect he will not pass up the opportunity to stack potentially hundreds of key government positions in his favor.

New theory: the gunman is a false flag planted by Trump's people. This would establish public awareness of the meme. Trump allows the meme to be "discredited" by the MSM and can even offer a token concession (firing this guy) to the "fake news" narrative, but then he can reveal everything he knows when he is president. This would discredit the MSM in the process. It's basically the grand slam of power grabs: Trump discredits the MSM (nullifying their power to craft agendas for the government), kicks out potentially hundreds of suck fucks and can then replace them with his own people, and he irrefutably establishes himself as a crusader of justice.

2017 might be even better than 2016.

The same damn thing was said one year ago in the 4/pol/ exodus and all i'm finding is more fags to laugh at, like yourself. If you aren't a shill you need to lurk more cause, holy shit, nobody can truly be this retarded.

Yeah then so did his coroner. Pretty weird that organization known to traffic children also possesses a heart attack gun…

he was "told" by a bunch of nobodies fantasizing their role in pizzagate with washington area codes. That makes the whole account meaningless.

There's literally no reason to think Trump would ever cover for pedophiles, it's not like he defended Jeffery Epstein or anything like that.


The poor soul was way ahead of his time with nobody to protect him.


Right decision. Flynn fired the gun too early. You don't attack just to flaunt, but to kill. No one would care if this was some lower tier position guy, but in a position as national security advisor you don't do this. Who knows how much damage he could have done later on with this kind of personality and position, he is not made for 4D chess.

Trump divorced his wife right after she got connected to Epstein. Like almost the exact same time. I've seen it suggested she tried to get Trump involved with the pedo-stuff and he dropped her like a sack of bricks for it.

Fuck off, the man's not even in office yet and your low energy kikery is going out the top window.

He didn't fire General Flynn retard he fired his son. In fact, I don't even know if Trump was the one that fired him. Isn't Pence head of the transition team?

All I know is that two close people to Trump withdrew all mention of pizzagate today and yesterday followed by Flynn's tweeting son being fired as a signal to us that it's coming from the top: Trump.

Now this could be good or bad. I'm inclined to think it's good. One can make their own judgement call.

Possible. pizzagate cucks might search in right places and when they discover it, since they don't have any official authority, by the time Trump can make a case out of it, podesta & co already cleaned up the place.

His comments are alarming, but has he actually done anything to support pedophiles?

(((heart attack))) and then the coroner died of arsenic poisoning! What a cohencidence!

I'm just saying, if Trump were the kind of person who would protect pedophiles, he would probably also say nice things about people like Jeffrey Epstein - maybe call him a "terrific guy" or say he's "a lot of fun to be with". Know what I mean?

I mean really now.

I fucking swear. I've seen more tact out of a nigger than some of you.

No. In fact, he threw one out of his club in Florida and offered to testify against him when he was being sued (Epstein). The lady suing Epstein had nothing but nice things to say about Trump.

Oh not that, I thought you were just talking about proof of him being friends with king kike


Because the jews behind the "pedophilia" which is actually RAPE MURDER and CANNIBALISM are the same jews who are behind the genocide.


Sage for duplicate thread

This. I don't know why Holla Forums is so high and mighty on this stuff anyway. Capturing a few pedos isn't gonna fix anything major.

how? the post I responded too

In response to


If it's as widespread as theorized, then it would open up hundreds of high level positions for Trump to fill.

The sheer amount of shilling along with this article is incredible. I'm absolutely certain this article was crafted with the intent to be posted and then shilled like crazy. Not only that but the "pedophilia is implicitly White Nationalist!" shills are coming around like crazy today too. They tried that false-flag with the IMDB page North Carolina guy and it didn't work on us, so they're all hot under the Kippah trying to desperately make us stop investigating.


Nobody listens to things like pizzagate. I'm not saying they aren't pedos, in fact I'm sure they are, but where's the fucking proof, and if you don't have that where are the memes and propaganda?

There are something like 3 million federal employees last I checked, user. How many do you think are irreparably corrupt?

I'm really not concerned with mailmen.

What wife? Link about her and Epstein?

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, faggot

To add to that about memes, things about cannibalism can be made in meme form a lot more easily. The spirit cooking/cannibalism thing actually took off among the KANGS community.

Comet got cleaned because plebbit couldn't keep their fuckin' mouths shut.

21 stickies and counting. Clearly someone is buying it.
It sure would be bad PR for us we kept investigating huh?

All we know is Milo got calls from nobodies or he would say otherwise because he's an attention whore. He didn't which means the callers were autistic fantasizers or larpers. Both being irrelevant.

We also know trump fired someone for mentioning pizzagate. That has nothing to do with Milo nor does it show in any way that Trump thinks pizzagate is credible. If someone gets fired for mentioning something it means the boss is distancing and protecting himself from that message.

Feel free to have a different opinion, but you have no evidence to support it.

Which wife? Maples?

Especially when this is a duplicate thread with the same shilling points. I think the pizzagate shit is real, but also feel the whole thing is being hijacked by shills. The whole thing is infested with shills. It's mind-boggling.

You're the shill here retard, how about you prove pizzagate isn't credible? The onus is on you to change our minds, not prove to an outsider our beliefs are true on demand

Yes, stickies I avoid.

If you actually were serious about doing an investigation, you'd do it in private. Do you really think they aren't reading Holla Forums?

Quite an imagination you got there, snowflake. I'm sure though the based mods will have this anchored lickety split.

Sorry Chaim but you don't decide our opinions for us

So what does Flynn Sr. think about all of this ?

He'll probably just line him up another job.

So you don't actually want to catch these pedos?

I am. How many in the FBI? Doj? IRS? CIA? (probably a good 3/4 of the CIA at least). How many agencies are infiltrated, which levels, which positions. Do they have park rangers in on it, disposing of bodies and finding "camp" sites? Every level of government is going to need to be examined, and that doesn't even touch the rest of the US population. The entire MSM is RICO bait at this point, they've openly admitted collusion in public record AND in the e-mail leaks.

Enjoy getting RICO'd. Even if all you've done is shill here, you're going to lose every last penny due to it being the proceeds of crime. Better get offshore soon!

It's like Charles said in the recent HydeWars video. They always inject some level of absurdism and unreliability into real things to discredit them. The shills want it to look like Pizzagate is investigating some kind of "TRANSDIMENSIONAL SATANIC BOOGEYMAN SACRIFICING CULT" when in reality it's a giant cold calculating pedo ring run by DC insiders.

If some people see the absurdism they immediately discredit the true points of the investigation because the shills/spergs who latch on parrot the absurdist bullshit.

I'm talking about the father of the son that was fired.

So now we know the criteria for "fake news"

It's going to be fucking beautiful.

But I thought you said catching pedos didn't matter in the grand scheme of things? First you want us to stop investing our time there, now you want me to?

Your arguments remind of a passage in a certain man's book…

I don't use reddit and that spacing is normal and has been around long before reddit existed.

I never said pizzagate isn't credible. Stop being a dumb nigger and chimping out because you don't like what I said. I said that Milo's andectode is meaningless and that Trumps actions show he is not for pizzagate.

So was I. Flynn will probably just line his kid up another job and go about his business.

Catching pedos matters to you. I won't stop you. It just doesn't matter to me like genocide.

Genocide results in the death of my people. Pedophilia results in a few people being fucked up. Your priorities are obviously different.

I'm about to filter you for arguing like a jew.

One of the Pedos was a Presidential Candidate's campaign manager retard. The same candidate that would have sped up the genocide of my people by 10,000x. If you can't see the implications of this far reaching, white-child abusing pedophilia ring that includes many DC insiders you're being either willfully ignorant because of how horrible it is, or intentionally misdirective to try and get your fellow nazis to stop looking into Pizzagate.

The only one arguing like a kike is you. Go ahead and filter me for pointing out you act like a kike my fellow Nazi

…my god

"Fake news" is anything that disagrees with the jew narrative.

I just realized it the other day too.

Yeah you pimp the NYT so effectively, retard. Meanwhile
While your little jew york times, anti-fake news bread and one about Benji Shapiro will be getting bumped all night. I'll be here all night too, kike, and banning me won't help.



Next you're going to say that we need to dox ourselves to fight the jew.


Niggers are smarter than you.

To be fair it could actually have been a heart attack.

Holy fuck you /r/the_donald people are stupid as fuck

Oh, someone already got it


thanks for the mp4 I only had it as the youtube vid

As I JUST said, I'm not trying to stop you, I'm just saying you're doing it wrong and as far as I've seen there aren't any tangible results beyond associating the clinton campaign with a weird ass pizza place and spirit cooking.

I've got better things to do. I'll just continue to avoid pizza gate threads.

meant for

You guys suck at this

At this point, it's obvious you are just covering for the pedos. Gas yourself lampshade.

You realize that once we're president and the real redpilling process begins, I'm going to dedicate my life to making sure Tel Aviv and Jerusalem get nuked (as a start) in retaliation for the shit you've pulled, right?

Radioactive ash. The holocaust never happened,

My ID is the same dumbass, no IP hopping here

Yeah I'm sure those (4) posts you've made are the only ones ITT

All it's gonna take is one redpilled nuclear sub captain. Just one, and Tel Aviv gets turned into a glass crater. The Overton Window is on our side, the shilling ITT proves how terrified they are.

I'm covering for the pedos?

Trump just fired someone who tweeted against him, yet you want me to sit here and believe Trump has a plan for all of this

I'm starting to believe you people are just shills

I'm tired of waiting for Trump to deliver. Go fuck yourself.

Trump just fired someone who tweeted against [them]


Sure it is Schlomo.

He's not even the President yet you fucking retard. Furthermore, Pence is in charge of the transition team.


He's not president yet you dumb kike, the fuck do you want him to do?

Trick question: You want him to get himself assassinated, which is exactly what would happen were he to start talking about hunting down the Clintons at this stage.

include Jerusalem and Mecca, and we'll be getting somewhere.

pic related

You sound mad

What exactly is stopping them from assassinating him after January 20th?


Meme magic.


You're an idiot. I already addressed all these points.

A shill would not want people to be smart about handling shills and instead rush head long like some yolo nigger like you are doing.

You want to take up arms and go after the pedos, then do it. Stop wasting time and acting like a shill and do it. That said,m you're a fucking idiot. You want Trump to fix all your problems when the electors have not met yet, he has not been inaugurated yet, when he has not finalized his or his family's security situation, when he has not even properly investigated this shit, when he has not even vetted fully the justice department. You want him to act on some half-cocked theory that doesn't even have enough evidence to bring charges because if any of you fuckers did, then this would have been open and shut case by now. No one can be this stupid. I've seen dogs smarter than this.

They'll be dead. Trump will kill everyone who wants to kill him before they do. Try to refute me on this point, shill-kun.

Top zozzle, narrative not progressing like your supervisor said it would on the clipboard Schlomo? Getting a little hot under the kippah that reddit tier astroturfing doesn't work here?

I'm sure Flynn has done his share of firing the lowest ranking asshole he can get away with. All it means is that his son wasn't mission critical and appeared important enough that people will accept this and let the story drop.

Also, if the kid has useful skills he'll get picked up elsewhere once Trump is in office. It's the most "not a big deal" it could possible be.


Because some cucks think it is a good idea to sperg out and tell the enemy they are coming.

And what the hell should he do right now? Realize that every suggestion results in cover-up you miserable kike.

More proof that you are a shill covering for the pedos.

Don't (you) me if you're not going to address my point, kike.

Why don't you take up arms and be the next Hitler then my fellow pure white nationalist 1488er™ since you're oh so concerned about the white race

I have faith.
For now.

Pizzagate is going to ensnare Republicans eventually - the entire elite is tainted. Swamp draining is going to be a gigantic chore.

Looks like they pulled the chute, lol.

Comet Ping Pong and Besta have already been scrubbed clean by now

I'm arguing for direct action rather than waiting 2 months on the off-chance that some good goy billionaire will investigate this shit. Enough time for them to cover up everything as we sit here and wait for Trump, how convenient.

Do you have any better plans aside from "wait 2 months while they scrub everything clean because my gut feeling tells me Trump is a good guy"

Guys, Trump won, that means you're supposed to be critical of him if he slips up like this.

Yeah my plan is to keep investigating and not give the media any more "fake news" ammo. Comet Ping Pong has been scrubbed with bleach through and through. Their kill-room got dismantled and the drainpipes to it were removed and destroyed as well. There's plenty of other farms, houses, businesses and people to investigate and discover. Why don't you go ahead and start the Race War all by yourself though. Good luck.


Alright, I'll post again.

into the trash it goes.

It means the news story is deliberately misleading.

Look goys! Even trump dislikes pizzagate!

Thanks to people spouting off all over the place and sperging out. You tipped them off to what was coming. This is why you don;t let your enemies know what you are going to do before you do it.

Again, what should he do then? Direct action means what then? You refuse to answer that question in detail because you know you have no answers. He can't do shit as it stands now. You are a fucking shill covering for them and trying to send people here and there without a fucking plan.

All it takes is kidnapping some of the people connected to this shit, it wouldn't be hard, the Podestas are probably out and about in public right now. There's no need to start a "race war" or whatever other bullshit hyperbole you're making up in attempt to try and make my point seem ridiculous.

Its your plan of action, or rather plan of inaction, thats bullshit.

No, actually, I didn't

Nope, I'm advocating people start making plans, because relying on Trump is becoming a shakier and shakier proposition everyday.

Do you fucking retards honestly think Trump's ppl are talking to the fucking New York Times?

I'm surprised it was not bombed.

He is not even president, are you fucking retarded?

Actually i think trump did this because the news story was too brash. It gave (((them))) the ability to conduct a false flag and blame both the chans and trump.

That said. We should not fear publicising the pizzagate. They will try this bullshit over and over again. We just need a "holy hand grenade"

I want ctr to leave.

These are well connected people with a lot of money and plenty of protection as well as private security. Thanks to the bullshit the gunman crisis, they have an even increased reason to publicly protect themselves. That said, if kidnapping them is not hard by your admission, then go for it.

Yes, you fucking did. People like you screaming for something to be done without a plan and sperging out in every thread is why they saw shit coming.

No, you lying cunt. You are demanding action right now, not a plan but action. You yourself said it. You are also trying to get Trump to act now. Not a plan but action. That said, if he has a plan, how in the hell does it make sense for him to announce, broadcast, or indicate that he has one in the first place? And if you make a plan, where do you make it? Here? On an open forum that anyone can read? With each post it becomes more obvious that not only are you a shill, but you're a fucking idiot as well.

Now you're arguing like a real Aryan! God I'm so sick of shills arguing like kikes, thanks for taking the time to really think it through instead of looking at your clipboard of pre-made responses. As for direct action, if we were going to do it, we wouldn't talk about it on an openly accessible imageboard dummy. They scrubbed Comet down weeks or even months ago because of the openly accessible threads stickied. If I'm gonna do anything I won't be spilling the beans to you.

If you're so concerned about it why don't you go kidnap their family, torture them then upload the video with the new information? If you're such a tough customer you should've done it by now, rather than advocating anons to get honeypotted. It'd be an incredible asset if you gathered 5 of the 6 Comet people in a room and tortured them into spilling the beans about all their pedo hideouts. Have the information censored out of the video so you don't tip them off, but keep their confessions. It'd be great propaganda.

But of course you're a shill so you're trying to get us to look crazy and do this stuff, rather than keeping your mouth shut and doing it yourself.

I highly doubt it's 100% clean. We found those cp links too quickly.

Meant for

All I have to say is, if nothing is done in the first 4 years of his presidency about this we shouldn't help him get re-elected.

Bullshit until from a reputble source. This wreaks of disinfo. OP, why are you feeding us disinfo?

I think pizza gate needs to go into bunkers ==(deeper web and p2p)==

Derp that was meant to be spoilers.

On the off chance we have made a serious mistake we need to continue digging somewhere.

If he doesn't do anything about it this term we have a wonderful opportunity to show that what Holla Forums giveth, Holla Forums can taketh away.

I really want to trust him though, because he has rewarded my faith until this point, but fundamentally my loyalty it my volk and Hitler.
Please Trump, don't let me down.

this article is much funnier and mentions Mike Cernovich for some odd reason.

Pence says that the son is no longer doing administrative work. Could literally be because of anything. That being said, I can't fund his twitter account anymore.


All I'm saying is that its time to form RWDS and stop waiting for (((authorities))) to magically decide now is the time to prosecute these people. You do realize this kind of stuff has been going on for ages, right? What makes you think that the government will just up and decide to investigate now? Because of Trump? You're hopes are too high for the yellow haired goy

I've dug, posted some of my findings however inconsequential, read the threads, never "sperged out", but yeah make up more shit about me in attempt to discredit. Pathetic

Nope, go back and look at my post. I did not at any point demand immediate action without a plan. But make up more shit, it certainly makes you look less like a shill

I can't "get Trump to act" no matter how much I post on this board. Not sure why would ascribe this motive to me as if I'm somehow influential with Trump. I was speculating on Trump, thats it

And at what point is it safe for him to indicate it? You want me to believe that Trump has magical powers that allow him not be assassinated after January 20th?

I think you're the idiot assuming RWDS will be formed over the internet and not on a local level

implying that's even what I was advocating

why? So king nigger can fucking pardon them all?

If I was Trump I would keep this shit low-key until the day of the rope,

It appears I've succeeded. I await your "direct actions" fellow white nationalist.

If he betrays us, we already have the counter-meme.
Behold! The corpse Emperor!

Again, youre bullshit mindset just boils down to "wait for Trump".

Just keep waiting, he'll deliver eventually. Maybe after he's done hiring a few more former Rothschilds employees he'll have time to think about Pizzagate

Sure thing bud. Be sure to post all your great direction action plans here first so we can proof-read them for you ;^)

If he betrays us,
What Holla Forums giveth, Holla Forums can taketh away.

This is a shill thread. Don't bother wasting your memetic energy here.

As KEK commands, I Follow.

Shadily brother.

When will Holla Forums deliver Steve Mnuchin to an early grave?

And you still cannot answer the question that hs been asked many times before: WHAT IS HE SUPPOSED TO DO? He's not president yet and can;t do anything to them. You talk of taking action, he can't take action like that. Are you fucking stupid? Holy shit.

Kill yourself. You're the one talking about doing something to these guys then do it. And expecting Trump to take any action at this point when he has no power to do anything to them that won't land him in jail is beyond stupid.

You lying kike cunt. People like you, sperging and demanding action are the reason why the pedos were tipped off and had time to act.

More lies. You were demanding direct action and shat over strategy, especially done by Trump.

More bullshit. A good portion of this thread is you whining that Trump has not taken action and wanting him to take action. We have IDs, you revisionist sack of shit.

All the more reason to for him not to announce what he is doing to them. Are you dense?

In other words, you have no answers for any of the questions because you did not think it through. In other words, you are an idiot relying on such groups to be formed for you without coordination and act without coordination and expect them to converge on given targets organically and naturally, especially when you have shills like yourself trying ti infiltrate them. That said what is stopping you from acting on your plans or against the pedos then? Since you said it would be easy?

Litterally who?

Trump's Secretary of Commerce you retarded piece of shit

When will you? Again, calling for action instead of doing the deed yourself. Wew.

Why argue with the heretic?
Such is our fate.
We must wield our power appropriately.
For now, we must trust that there is a strategy.

But we must have a limit to our patience.
If he doesn't do anything to help us, and in fact works to hinder us, well then I see no reason why we have to help him get re-elected.

Wasn't this the one people were saying was involved in shady shit in Turkey? Convenient.

How the fuck am I supposed to know? If I were Trump, I'd stay hole'd up in my tower with armed security and call them the fuck out. Tell the world I will be in my tower indefinitely and if I die its an assassination

The fact of the matter is that he has all the power in the world right now and he's not using it. The better question to ask yourself is why is he not doing anything? You don't have a satisfactory answer aside from stating that he's not even president yet. I already refuted that when I said nothing changes after January 20th and he can still be assassinated with ease. Probably even easier.

Why does he not call out the fake news narrative at the very least? Why is he shitposting on twitter about Boeing and not red-pilling? You expect too much out of this guy, enough that I would not advocate waiting for him.

Sure. Why not? I'm just advocating people form RWDS is there some big problem here? Whats your deal man?

Yeah, whatever you say

Then quote me where I said that. You can't because I never said anywhere don't have a plan. And in any case, if I "demanded" (did I really "demand" or did I "suggest"?) what exactly is the consequences of doing so? Why are you so against people taking the matter into their hands? I'm not suggesting you do any differently than what you're comfortable with. If there are other comfortable with taking matters into their own hands, my suggestion is that they should. Waiting for Trump to deliver is a fucking mistake

Kek has spoken.
At this point you are a HERETIC.

But like I said.
If he goes completely silent on this, and works against us, well then we have a duty to propagandize against him. Show him the other side of the coin of he is not ours.

I got 4 sets of dubs in this thread, amigo, kek is with me


I now contemplate the imperial proverb;
Blessed is the mind to small for doubt.

We must have faith, and be vigilant.
This is going to be a long 4 years.


Debian dude was in deep

One was trips

But seriously. We can't undo his presidency at this point.
But we can watch him.
In four years if he has been unsatisfactory we just don't help him.
Instead we find and elect
Because holy shit will we need him then.
I guess we better start looking…

conspiracy theory

bogus conspiracy theory
fabricated claims
baseless allegation
fictitious crime.
conspiracy theory
— falsely —
phony news stories
phony claims
> Philip Rucker contributed to this report.


conspiratorial worldview

not based in fact.
conspiracy theories
have no basis in fact
conspiracy theories
He continued to push his support for the fake news about Comet Ping Pong after his messages on Twitter about Sunday’s episode began attracting widespread attention. It was not until shortly before 3:30 p.m. Monday that he went silent on Twitter.
conspiracy theory
right-wing fringes

Go figure.

Intentional Streisand Effect. Classic Trump. Nothing to see here, move along.

Holy shit, NLP I'm still recovering.
Anyone else Immune?
Recover guys!

I hope we get new round of Wikileaks soon where we can see all the press conspiring to push this bullshit.


We are about a ball-hair's width away from having a law on the books that is so fucking CUCK'D, it makes the European anti-Holocaust revisionism laws seem absolutely libertine.

'The Anti-Semitism bill currently about to hit the other side of the legislature - it passed the one it went through (House? Senate? Fuck if I remember - fuck if it matters) already unanimously'' - is going to make the notion of getting jailed for throwing a Roman salute seem reasonable.==


That pattern and that particular use of alternating colors can cause subconscious alteration.
Be aware of it and it is less likely to have a priming effect.

How was Pizza gate proven false, it's a clusterfuck of information and emails. There's nothing to prove false about it. It's like taking a big shit, and pointing at it, then someone else saying that the supposed shit you are pointing at is false.

In other words you have no answer and are pulling shit out your ass without thinking.

That's a stupid idea because between the media and all the other institutions the pedos own and are connected to, they could drown everything out as Trump making shit up. With them scrubbing evidence, there would be no way to prove it. There would be no way to investigate since he is not in office yet. That's a stupid as fuck plan.

He has no power yet. How are you not getting this? He can't launch an investigation. He cannot pass an executive order. He can't have anyone thrown in jail. He can't issue an executive order. He can't do shit Obama is still in office and still in power. He can't do anything because the electors can be fucked with to vote against him, recounts can be started all over to draw things out and fuck with the election, false flags can be brought against him, and so much more. He has very little power and in fact, is more vulnerable than ever before since he can also be sued yet be hit with constitutional bullshit if he acts out at this time. Again, you don't know what you are talking about.

He has been doing this his whole campaign. Holy shit you are bad at this.

He's going on about Boeing because if you actually paid attention to Holla Forums or actually looked into shit you'd see the people working on the planes are not American and in fact, from the middle east. On top of that, he is being shafted a large sum of money that will be credited to his administration instead of Obama's, giving the media something to use against him. So he opens himself up to assassination and the country gets hit with a large sum for it because he listened to you, a random fuckwit who is doing nothing but demanding Trump do this or that, even if there is no logic to it. I mean fucking hell.

That's not you actually carrying out what you said you would do. You talked the talk now walk the walk. Go and and do it then if it is so easy, like you said.

We have IDs shill. We can see everything you said.

You specifically said you were arguing for direct action. Don't act like it means anything other than action. You were the one acting as if Trump was taking too long. And now you're trying to argue like a kike. You yourself said going after these people is easy. You yourself are the one calling for action. Lead by example and do it do something. Prove you're not all talk then.

And how do you know he does not have a fucking plan? You called for direct action then backtracked ans said there should be a plan, how do you know he is not acting on a plan? Should I assume then that you don't have a plan since you said that going after these pedos would be easy but have not done anything to them yet? Because by your logic I should. The fact that you have not done anything proves that you are covering for them then by the same logic you are applying to Trump since you are indicating that it is easy. Unless you don't have a plan in which case, you're talking out your ass.

I remember when Dan used to do that. The goons also tried to do that to little effect. CTR was too lazy to bother with that. You're also a faggot for checking your own digits.

Wow, that bill is pretty fucked up. It's completely unconstitutional, but watch it pass anyway.


Probably not scripts. Remember; if a checkable set is full of anti-lulz and faggotry it's not KEK.

The hivemind is KEK.
So we sort of collectively decide if a set of digits is the will of KEK or not.
Pic unrelated.

It's a trial balloon. They too, can expand the overton window.

So horrific, it fucked up my formatting.


Even kikes are saying its too much.

Checked for Jesus Fucking Christ you got triggered like a mother fucker didn't you?
I'm not even a part of this conversation, but I AM a max-tier autiste, and even I was like "holy fuck that's a Trump wall and a half of text".

Dude, the Constitution is dead as fuck.

I'm starting to hate winning.
It's leaving me with a constant paranoia.
At least the economy is improving.
Power is so tenuous and fleeting.
And it seems once you have it, everyone else wants it too.
I have a solution though.


Maybe. The problem is that there have been a few threads pushing shill shit just like the shit the other guy was saying. I ignored it each time. I decided not to ignore it this time around.

Well, they say ignorance is bliss, so that must mean that Trumpcucks are the most blissful mother fuckers on planet Earth.

Better go post in sticky #3,874 about how the elites are trying to shut down #pizzagate under the guise of it being fake news, be sure to ignore the fact that Trump himself is trying to shut down discussion about #pizzagate because he doesn't want his staffers spreading fake news. Bonus points for telling me that I'm shill for pointing out this blatant hypocrisy.

We are on a precious ledge after all.
It grants us the high ground, but also makes us a target.

We still have master level propaganda skills.
If in 4 years he fails to meet our standards we are gonna need your help.

But we all fucking know then you will be one of the people posting on his defense you little shit.



You guys are morons. Inventing elaborate stories just to avoid admitting to yourselves that President Trump is not going to do exactly as you personally want. He's a 70 year old man. Go try explaining pizza gate to any other 70 year old you might know. People forget how old he is, and though still possessing incredibly energy, he is not some 20 year old shitposting in the stickies until 4 am like us. Everyone excepting Adams seemed to ignore the issue of how old both the candidates were this time around. Trump's the oldest president in American history.

So I ask you. You must admit that the current meme you wield isn't very effective.

Tell me.
Without attempting to connect Trump to the Jews In this particular instance.

How would you stop him at the moment.
This is not bait for some clever remark.
I am honest in my question.

Got a plan?

If what you mean by 'paranoia' is this creeping feeling that I'm not actually winning at all while my greatest enemies are solidifying themselves in the seat of power over my people, I know what you mean.

Aye, at least the economy is improving.
I wish my sleep would.

Fair enough lad, fair enough.

Shit like this is what bothers me.
That he sold out Epstein and tried to testify against him according to one of the abuse victims who was suing Epstein. But that will be ignored for bullshit talking points. Most people who bash pizzagate openly aside from the msm are doing it either to avoid distractions or lawsuits, like Filter Man who did not want to get hit with a lawsuit for egging on the gunman. He then starts talking about it again but throwing up calls for non-violence as a disclaimer. Filter man is shit but holy shit that was obvious as well. Anyone who is not preaching pizzagate like gospel is considered covering for it at this point as far as some of these cunts are concerned. As I said before, pizzagate has been infiltrated by shills.

At least I'm being honest. I'm not the one going around pretending like I have some insider info that trump is the real deal and we just have to wait till he's inaugurated and he'll expose them. You're being dishonest and ascribing motives to Trump that you're pulling out your ass. Who are you to say that Trump is even aware of any of this let alone will investigate it once he's in.

Of course it is because I'm just some fucking guy and my "what if I was Trump" is obviously bullshit. My only point is that he's not actually doing anything and relying on Trump is a fucking stupid move. Admit it.

He has the news cycle on lockdown. Anything he says will be heard around the world, if you don't think that's power than you are fucking stupid. He can do whatever he fucking wants

Would not accomplish anything, executive order for what, exactly?

Presidents can't do this regardless

You said this twice now.

Are you seriously implying congress cant impeach him once he's in office? When he's in will you start saying that Trump can't do anything because Congress can impeach him and therefore has to play it safe?

This can happen even after he's president, not an argument

Neither do you.

And yet nobody gives a fuck about Boeing and your unproven bullshit.

You're going to have to explain how I have power to "demand" Trump do anything

Not an argument. I'm making a suggestion, if you disagree with it then continue doing what your comfortable doing. There are people out there more brave and courageous than you and I and will form RWDS regardless of our conversation in this thread.

Do you think no one is forming RWDS as we speak? Do you really think there aren't lone wolves and groups completely disconnected from Holla Forums that might actually do something? Do you condemn these people? And if so, why?

Like I said, quote me where I said "go in guns blazing without a plan". You still can't do it

Yeah, obviously. But direct action doesn't mean "go in without a plan and just fuck shit up". I don't know why you're assuming it does. Do you think anyone is really stupid enough to interpret my words that way? Obviously you were, so I guess its not a stretch.

If I was going to do anything IRL, why the fuck would I tell you here? Who the fuck are you to demand anyone "prove" their IRL ops. Are you fucking stupid or a fucking fed?

How do you know he does? The memes told you that he is god-emperor and therefore he is? You're a fucking idiot. Quit replying to me

They construct a strawman - that Hillary is behind it, and "prove" that false by ridicule. The people proving false don't even know what evidence there is.

However, I think the smokescreen is working, and normalfags believe that a foolish conspiracy theory is BTFO.

I actually don't think it's just shills.
We have become the fucking imperium, with all its faults.

I think a fair number of us have become dogmatic.
We have to find some way to communicate information to those outside of Holla Forums that fully bypasses ANY authority but us.

We need a network of our own.

Omg tl;dr that hurt my fucking eyes.

Clarity is always good.

You can't. This is what I was trying tell all the retards who fell for the Trump cult of personalty during this entire election cycle. There is NOTHING you can do. Voting does not matter, if it did the ZOG wouldn't let you do it, and anyone that gets put into that office is going to do exactly what his masters tell him. The situation is hopeless. One thing you can do in the future is not play their stupid fucking games and sit out the next election, don't participate, don't work except in a manner where you are paid in cash under the table, don't pay taxes, and if it's possible just get onto NEET bucks don't do a goddamn thing. America has been dead for quite a while now and supporting someone like Trump is just going to perpetuate this system and lead to utter disappointment. Fuck the kikes, fuck this country they created, fuck the government, and fuck every last good goy faggot who is contributing to this beast. Starve the beast and take your country back. It's the final measure to take before things have to get violent, which I am certainly not advocating.

Oh, so you're OK with Trump firing staffers under the excuse of spreading false news because the guy was tweeting about #pizzagate? I guess you're OK with CNN doing it too? Along with every other person you've been calling out for doing this exact same thing. Fucking kill yourself, but before you do please try to explain this level of hypocrisy to me because it just flat out blows my fucking mind.

Nice to know you actually where as useless in practice as I thought you where this entire election cycle.
Oh well, I should have known by how weak your weapon was.

To get back onto topic here. Do you support Trump firing this staffer under the excuse of him spreading fake news because he tweeted about Pizzagate?

besides for saving the lives of hundreds of children?
gas yourself

You do know there is no reward nor trophy for "Besy Goy of the Year." yes?

Do you support Trump firing this staffer under the excuse of him spreading fake news because he tweeted about Pizzagate?

Not particularly. It's all just a game to me. I want to win. The current conditions are not conducive to winning.

I am seeking a victory condition so I can continue to fight.
What? Did you think we would win every battle?

This is a war.
And I am attempting to figure out a way to gain Holla Forums more power.
So I can keep playing life like a game.
Now if excuse me I'm going to do what I always do when I need a new strategy.

Re-read the art of war.

Cucking yourself for a shabbos goy and ruining what was the single best image board on the internet by having a moderation team that bans any and all wrong think in regards to a politician who is absolutely surrounded by kikes is not a very effective means of accomplishing your stated goal. We were a million times better here before this whole Trump nonsense started.

My goal is to cause as much chaos as possible, period.

I've been enjoying this so far, but things are starting to stabilize again.
The blocking our generated narrative by what was supposed to be our puppet isn't a good sign.
We must avoid equilibrium to bring about the nat-socs timeline.
So we need more controlled chaos.

All out collapse is not conducive to goal either .
We need controlled near mystical level chaos such as was used during the meme war to maintain enough fluidity for outcome.
So, I'm trying to figure out a way to keep us in that state.

Because I want glorious eternal Reich still.

I filed it under "Necessary RealPolitik."

Things are not stabilising. We now have a legit marxist threat again. Check the "germany to allepo pilgrimage" thread. I think some are preparing to indoctrinate mindless liberals

In slav terms:
==If situation "normalizes" we lose.

I am aware.

We defeated the liberals essentially, and improved the economic situation.
But other than that we didn't achieve much of anything else.

Oh and we made racism and nationalism acceptable again.

No you're not. Owing up to your idiocy after being called out on it after you dodged blame like an oven dodger is the type of shit leftists do. You're the one claiming he is covering for them like you are in the know, ignoring all his past instances and disdain for pedos.

By your own logic, you are being dishonest doing the opposite of the things you accuse me of, assuming Trump is covering things up and being a goy. You ignore the fact that Trump has gone head to head with Epstein, is aware of Bill and Hillary and his connection to those people, as well as the people connected to her and Podesta, since he has read and referenced publicly the wikileak emails. He's aware of this shit. This is no secret.

The "he's not doing anything" is stupid when you can't even figure out what he should be doing in the first place. You're an idiot that doesn't even know what he should be doing yet demanding he do something, ignoring whether or not he may or may not be doing something, all based on a lugenpresse article. This is how stupid you are.

And the media will do exactly what they are doing right now. How does that do anything to the pedos? How does this stop them from scrubbing the evidence or hiding shit, the very shit you were whining about before? It does nothing to fix the very issues you were complaining about before? Again you have no plan, no idea what should be done, what can be done, or what the effect of doing this or that will be. Again, you are an idiot.

This all illustrates my point. If as president he is this limited, what the hell do you expect hm to do when he is not? And no, claiming I don't know/you're an idiot is not an excuse since such all just proves your originap post is either a shill post or something equivalent to the barking dog - noise fit to be ignored made by something of low IQ.

He will have an executive infrastructure in place as well as a team of advisors to make sure that does not happen. I'm saying he won't even get elected if the electors decide not to.

He can't have those investigated now, but he can investigate them as president. You, the fucker who has no arguments trying to declare something not an argument when it is an argument is laughable.

I do. You're admitted you don't. Niggers are smarter than you at this point.

You uninformed nigger, you've proven how stupid you are right there.
The boeing shit is VERY important and you trying to distract from that proves you are a shill.

Holy shit you're dense.

All this backtracking. So now, you are merely suggesting. After all that tough talk. Just kill yourself. You have nothing but useless conjecture.

I already did. I directly quoted where you called for direct action. This is the part where you backtrack.

lel and there it is.

Why would you announce your plan before carrying it out? Gee golly, isn't that what we have been saying about Trump? This is too funny.

Because he still has Flynn who has commented on this stuff as well and has shown a disdain for pedos in the past. He hasn't laid out detailed plans for building the wall, so I guess that means he won't do it based on your knowledge. He hasn't laid out detailed plans on how to bring back jobs so I guess he won't do it based on your logic. Wew.

Top kek. Sounds like someone can't handle getting exposed this hard.

Holy shit.
Why would you do this?

Agree to disagree, friend.


protip: change ID when arguing yourself

Honestly I was in the mood for it. I actually do find him funny since he contradicts himself left and right.

I don't think he's arguing with himself, he just posted a two part eyesore.

That's you trying to rationalize something that there is no excuse for. He should be doing what he said he was going to do and drain the swamp and fight the establishment, not just go along with it all like every single president before him.

Total collapse is the only option at this point. It all has to fall in order to be rebuilt from scratch. I'm OK with starving to death and dying a miserable death just so long as I know the kikes lost and the future will eventually be a better place. Even full blown nuclear war is a better option than the state of total slavery we are living in now.

It's a great fracture point because you can scream with moral indignation that children are suffering and not enough is being done or you can use it to point out that people are going off the deep end with very shaky "evidence".
This thread is very interesting because you can already see the push to have people go against Trump for not acting quickly enough or not validating concerns as though he's actively working against you personally as well as calling to get anons pulling more radical shit in order to secure actual evidence.

I've been cautiously optimistic about pizzagate yielding results since it's inception during the Podesta email digs, but even that started with a whole lot of (1)'s spamming "pizza.jpg?! what could this mean?!" over and over until those investigations were completely derailed in favor of the much sexier and spoopier pizzagate and spiritcooking things. Something about it never sat right with me, maybe it not having evidence that would stand up in court, maybe the ease with which seemingly damning things could be explained away even by guilty parties. Either way I can see it being used as excellent d&c as time goes on.

Whatever bud, you go ahead an continue digging and waiting for Trump, better men will form RWDS

Total collapse doesn't result In glorious eternal Reich.
Also, Trump is just proof of concept.
That we can selectively assassinate people's character In a way that can even sway elections.

We did manage to make racism and nationalism acceptable as world views.

William Luther Pierce knew in 1996.

In fact, pizzagate snuff films were broadcast on live television in Italy in the 90s, as a massive expose on the ring.

We have to be cautious.
I would consider this a wake up call.
He has four years.
Then it will be more important than ever because if he is a shit and gets locked into a second term…
Well I need not say anymore.

We have to decide carefully.

Did you just come from kikebook or something?

I wish. I'd be getting better responses then.


Did you? Filter the posts if they bother you so much.

Can confirm that critiquing pizzagate for how thin the evidence is will get you instabanned.

That is faggotry dude.
Seriously it's a eyesore and noone wants to read it.

If it is as widespread as the signs show, Trump will probably need to bring in outside muscle to deal with the problem. Will he create some sort of paramilitary group to help bring down this pedo ring?

It's a side effect of the hivemind. The mods here are human as well.
You see how hard we shouted out dissent.
They only behave as the hivemind does.

The system isn't perfect.
Remember when we tried to meme winter Chan?

Please just stop. I can't handle the stupidity of this shilling anymore. It's just so fucking dumb.

That's fine. That's what filters are for.

We must consider all options.
This is about our people, not Trump.
That said, if the next 4 years are full of win…

Then he gets a second term.

Tit for tat.

Current times.

In the USA.



GamerGate is a good comparison. This was like when Acid Man assumed everyone who disagreed with Holla Forums clique's tactics was a goon shill. One mod literally called me CTR, which is fucking absurd.

Less talk. More range time.

This 'fake news' thing is the same as 'conspiracy theory'. Expressions crafted to shut down any dissent or debate.
Just give someone a label like racist, islamophobe, anti-semitic, hate speech, and all discussion gets destroyed. It is a way to shut down freedom of speech.

It's a worrying trend. In my country we had it with brexit - we were labelled as little Englanders (even though I'm Scottish lol), narrow minded, Europe haters, and that magical word: racist.
Americans are getting the same shit.

No shit sherlock,remember those retards posting "hurr durr we know WE KNOW" in pizzagates guy twatter/faceberg or something?

Some people are simply not fit to this sort of investigative work, because they gloat before they win. The general's son jumped the gun as well, trump still is NOT in the whiter house, he has NO power whatsoever, and just yesterday a new bill passed against "fake news". And then you have an army of shills here saying trump is a fraud because he didint use his non-existand powers to personaly burn all the pedos in an hour. Its ridiculous how can anyone be this stupid.

It's baked into the pie unfortunately.
We are the blind laughing god.
We laugh at everything.

It's kinda hard to direct that power.
But hey fuck it.
We have long passed the point where we should have stopped.

Yep, paid shills are sure sign you are ont he right track.




3/10 would not operate with.

Assuming all constructive criticism emanates from paid shills is also a sign you are now an echo chamber.

Fuck, I had people straight up tell me several times they don't care if pizzagate is true or not. And this exploding spaghetti has reached people like Alex Jones and Trump's transition team now.

Mods are edgelords,they try to act like hardcore 14/88'ers and trayhard way too much because they want to fit in on Holla Forums without ACTUALLY understanding how Holla Forums thinks or operates, since they are crossboarders or not channers at all in some cases. People need to understand that. The mods are not exactly evil, but they are disconnected from what Holla Forums actually is, and that is something only a Holla Forumsack can truly understand since its hard as fug to explain.

And it's flew over the sheeples heads.
They didn't wake up.
We just mobilized the sheeple.

I just had an odd knock-knock at the house this evening and did a perimeter check.

Yeah, the media is totally still relevant, am I right Pol?

I also like how dissenting opinion is just banned as "chronic shitposting." It's like they don't have the balls to say they're banning your for not being nazi wenough.






Not really. It's a different effect because we learn over time.
But again, not a perfect system .
Still so much better than any other current method that we have a strategic and tactical advantage over the enemy.

No, the gloves are off now. There is no time for shit shattered posters.

I'm going out to walk the block on a scent trail.

Are you retarded? Or do you have a mental illness?

Must you take such a tone when we are merely discussing strategy?


Correct. Remember that Trump knows about all this. He kicked Epstein from his property for trying to hit on underage girls. Bannon knows because breitbart covered it.

The legislative branch could fuck everything up, as they are desperately trying to do. Trump will only start acting on these things AFTER he gets the EXECUTIVE POWER to DO SO. At this exact moment he has 0 fucking ways of action against the pedophiles, how hard is it for you to understand that? He's gonna need to play nice goy until he sits on the chair in white house and has his own people in key places, like obama didint start banning guns on day 1, you fucking retard. What, did you expect him to just pick up a gun, assemble bannon and the deplorables and go shoot up pingpong on the back of a pickup truck while chanting USA? wake the fuck up you retard.

It's become pretty obvious they try to act like skinheds 14/88's because thats what they think national socialists actualy are, like in their hollyjew movies. Its hilarious.

We have to push the overton window so much father before something like that could ever occur.
But this.

He has four years to prove himself to us.
What is going on now is like saying a movie isn't going to be good because your watching the previews for other movies.

We should evaluate him at midterms to see if he is still worth supporting.

The only part that's true about those films is that the first holocaust is gonna be brutal as fuck.

Trump says that about everyone. Have you not paid attention to him at all. He says everyone is "great guy" or "terrific guy" and then he savages them.

He's already ruinning jews financialy, thats proff enough for now.

To the 14/88's here, i will ask this, if Hitlewr wore a jewish cap, would that make his actions moot? Do the msm false claims that trump is pedophile magicaly bring back the money and power he's taking away from the jews back to them? No.

No more than a chimp on a suit becoming human, no more than hitler becoming a jew because he had 150000+jews in the wehmacht. 14'88's need to chill the fuck out and stop acting like retards. Things are moving because we are playing smart, and not because we are spergingf and goosestepping on the streets of detroit.

No, I don't like people knocking my door around midnight. Guess who's more able than the knocker.

Ok first off, the plan is to actually eradicate the Jews. I CAN understand not sperging out, but that part isn't a joke.

The first holocaust is going to occur.
Every last one is going in the oven.
This is non-negotiable.

Wew lad

Ahaha sorry man, i'll tone police myself a little more for you OK.

Look it looks to me like this is some kind of game, and my default mentality is fuck games, especially is maybe good people are being tricked and shitcanned.

That's what you're dealing with.

No, it's an old meme you violated.
It's called;

Of course he's gonna persecute jews, he's been scamming them out of mney for years so he could run a presidential campaign against them, he's MUCH smarter than any 14'88 could ever understand, because none of them actualy read his fucking books. Slowly you will start to notice ((names)) disappear from the power structure and appear into prison lists. Thats how its going to be, if we go 14'88 and "invade russia during winter" its all gone, we are toast, its over, and we wont make that mistake the jews desperately want us to do, they WANT us to overplay our hand. It took years to subvert the west, it is a process that wont be reversed ina fucking week you drolling morons, read bannon's book, read andrew's book, and you just might start to get the fucking hint. These guys are legit, but they are smart too, unlike the hundreds of skinhead movements wich ended up being dead in the water. Give it time, pay attention, connect the dots. Shit is about to get real, andrew was on the tail of these jewish pedo fucks, he got killed because of it, and now his friends are going to avenge him, just you fucking watch.

Actually, disregard that I suck cocks. I didn't look up your chain of posts.

I saw a different I'd for a moment.

We have four years.
Let us see I guess.

I'm shocked, you couldn't really do anything except mock my posting style. I'm so very shocked.


Like I said my bad.



Looks clean. Just a few randomly up post midnight.

Do you know how fucking stupid this argument is?

Quite clear out here too, can see forever.

So you are a jew then.
That is the one non-negotiable thing.
The Jews have tried to destroy our homeland and have committed capital crimes against our race and humanity.

They must be extinguished to ensure our ascension to the stars .

Every last one goes into the oven this time.
You will not escape the rope.
The core mission of Holla Forums itself is thw eradication of the entire Jewish race and the establishment of a glorious eternal Reich.

I think I'm going to make a habit of this.It feels very genetic.

It's called poetic justice you moro, they spent 70's fabricating the holocaust so they could cry persecution, so we, in a sense of irony, will make that fabrication real and laugh at them while they realize the error of their ways while being shoived into an actual gas chamber.

Not really, given the nuance of history.

My point is your bullshit edgelord. Trying to disprove the Holocaust has a point to it, one that completely escapes you it seems and you are actively trying to undermine, because you think this is all about your retarded RPG.

I wonder if we can actually find a way to make Zyklon B work as a poison.

The entire point of trying to disprove the Holocaust is to show the Nazis weren't as bad as people say. You don't go out and try to prove what the Jews say as factual then after the fact. Let's be honest, some of you are attracted to this stuff because you just love the edge. This is your emo period.

The biggest enemy was a few trees along the path on the city's property. Fantastic local government.

All I hear is that you won't help us gas Jews/and are a jew yourself.
I think it's because you don't want to kill what you consider "people".
Newsflash; this is Darwin's universe .
It's our race or theirs.

It's a lovely cold night out to see the stars.

Of course we love the edgyness, this is a chan. And no, there will be no mass killing of everyone whose name ends in "stein", only stormfaggots actualy believe that, intelligent people know its logistically impossible. That, however, does not prevent us from building a few chambers for the likes of ((tim kaine)) and ((journalists)) to satisfy lady justice for their lies. Karma needs to be fed, and we will be happy to oblige.

No. It's because they tried to do it to us.
If hillshit had won we would be dead right now.
Europe is raped by their actions, and Israel steals from our pockets the entire time.

One thing about us whites, when we get mad we fucking eradicate you. Look at the Indian population. They are a broken people.

This wierd state of empathy is the unnatural part.
Soon, we will show the world what we do to those who get In the way of manifest destiny.

We are the actual master race.
And you should be very afraid of the implications of that.

Then what's the point of being upset when people talk about the holocaust being real. With your stand point, you would want it attributed to Nazis. Answer me, you fucking muppet.

Go shoot up a synagogue then, faggot.

What are you all arguing about now?

No. When you get in the quality of the white race, we render you harmless . We domesticate and break you until you are no longer a threat .

The only way that the Jews can have the existential threat they pose to the human race neutered is via complete extermination of their culture and genetic line via mass execution and systemic sterilization.

It's a lovely night to be alive and feel the crisp cleanness of Winter. The sky is sharp and so is the body.

I fucking hate that cunt, but you are as insane as the dumbest Tumblr SJW. Everything you type is hyperbole. You are not capable of deductive reasoning.

A lot of people here post images of Hitler being nice to animals, etc. to demonstrate empathy. You're just a fucking nihilist. Let's be honest. And that's why you're a stereotype and anyone that would want to be represented by anyone with your POV would be a fucking idiot.

No, we are going to eradicate every last one.

Ironicaly, the national socialists didin't really got hit by the jews as we are being hit right now. Germany had its economy destroyed, and degeneracy ran amok, wich was ludicrous for them at the time. We however, have been lied about in regards to our history and ancestors for decades non-stop. So we, like the little devilish broken generation we are. Will do what the nazis id not, we will erradicate the jews so we dont run the risk of the next generations being put trough what we were. Do you get it now? The national socalists were just law abidding conservatives by today's standars, we, however, dont have that luxury. The naztional socialists were too soft on the jews, and that almost cost us our entire race, we wont make the same mistake. We will be the sort of national socialist the jews Meme'd into the conscience of the public, not goody-two-shoes like the actual national socialist were. So history will remember what happens when you act as the jews do, if you bad mouth an honorable enemy, you will pay for it tenfold eventualy.

Look, you were given a shot to prove your case and you blew it.

Oh yeah, that's it.

This one expects more from a president not even in office yet but already setting America right. How low energy can you be?

And you know this, how?

You want white people to act like the bad guys, when the argument is the other people are the bad guys trying to perpetrate harm on white people. That's why you're a fucking edgelord. You're attracted to Hollywood's portrayal of what ebil Nazis are supposed to be. Everything you type may as well be accompanied by a Nathan Explosion avatar.

Did everyone filter me while I was on muh walk?

That's why we have to eradicate them.
Trust us, there is a reason it's called the FINAL SOLUTION.
It's the only one.

Thankfully genocide really does occur.
It's just a matter of moving society to it.

I didn't these boots on for no raisins.

This is quasi-samefagging at this point. Sad you can't get anyone to defend you, edgelord, (53).

You are not going to change the entire core mission of Holla Forums you stupid fuck.
That's like trying to make the entire earth spin the other way.


Only if you allow the monsters to control the media after losing a war. Its a matter of perspective. If a criminal invades your home and you shoot him, are you a monster?No.

So why do you become a monster for shooting the people who invade your country, society, culture and economy?

"Demoralization is meant to brainwash someone to the point were he can no longer perceive you as an enemy" Besmenov, Yuri

Holla Forums doesn't have a mission, you fucking retard. It's the politically incorrect board. And who appointed you Holla Forums ambassador?

"I am ok with being called a nazi, did you really think there was some other set of words that could hurt my feelings?
Yeah think before you talk shit."

Where do you think you are?

I'm calling you an edgelord because you're childish as fuck and only think that National Socialism is about killing people.


Im not even necessarily a national socialist. I'm for what is best for my people. And it's very obvious that this giant kvetching tumor on its body has to go!

First it's don't kill Jews , then it's let Jews in, then it's get out white man.
Admit it jew.
You are afraid of the rope.

The jews will destroy themselves eventually. Most don't believe their fucking nonsense religion. Here in the west the jews were at the forefront of science and mathematics, over
the years they have decayed, now they occupy the halls of the once useful universities and dabbel in social justice nonsense. All of them will be replaced by asians, they a degenerating, their culture is dying. Hell, even here in the states, both extreme liberals and right wingers hate them, they are hated by all Muslims nations across the world, many of which are becoming richer and more powerful. Let them bring about their own undoing, focus on providing a better alternative to the members of your culture than that which the jews offer.

fuck me.

That is also acceptable.
We must continue to hurt the jew in every way we can.
But if we get the chance we really should pogrom them a couple times.
I'm pretty sure it's impossible to get then all, but we can break them like we did the Indians.

True, besides, pol has obviously changed over the years.


That was kind of accidental thou, there was no concerted effort on the part of white people to destroy the entire indian population via the spread of disease, that was just nature taking its course.

It it would be as if we threw a single jew in an oven and then all of them jumped i the oven to try to save that one guy.

and nothing of relevance was lost

Oy vey they were the true heroes.

They kikes are going to take the honor of the pizzagate

Sure mate

Are you even real?

This is losing moron

Hasn't that actually always been the case now that I think about it.
We meet people and end up destroying/enslaving them half on accident and half with manifest destiny.

The mission is to destroy the Left and CuckRght while saving the White Race. You can fuck back off to /Spencer/ and /Milo/ and /cuteboys/

I won't shed a single tear for dead Jews. The only thing that worries me is that this movement is suffering unnecessarily because they are so vocal about their views, you guys should realize that you are winning and perhaps should be more subtle.


I never cared for the slashes, but you are right, think of me as a sympathizer, I'm just looking out for you guys.

I love you big guys.
Shadilay brothers!







For once, Occam's razor favors 4d chess

Seen you pushing this shit all over the place even outside of Holla Forums. Why are they so low energy?

Thats basicaly what manifest destiny means, even when we act goofy and altruistic we end up getting rid of our problems and enemies, because destiny wants it that way, dont ask me why.

Kind makes you think how we are defeating an international jewish cabal of multi-billinoaires simply by posting memes of cartoon frogs…

Is that one of those shrunken jew heads those evil nazi bastids made?

It's from the Hungarian border guard when they get bored.


this, it's a tiki.


The fact that we seem to have synchronicity on our side should really scare our enemies.

Oh wait, nature didn't give them the ability understand it. Otherwise our litterall superiority wouldn't be a problem to them now would it?


It is made to scare away migrants, they are not familiar with scarecrows and such in sandniggeria

Manifest destiny; because common sense.

Besides being on lolita express about 3 times (for reference, Bill Clinton was on it 27 times)?
Besides being friends with Epstein and being on tape about him "loves to live his life, likes girls on the younger side, good friend of mine"?

Besides that, sure, hates pedos.

We have victory by default, theirconcept of white priviledge is not entirely wrong, they just dont understand it fully or why it happens.

Being anti-white is being anti-destiny. And its doomed to fail.

Right on time torposter! Here is your I shilled Holla Forums fuck it gives! Oh there is no pic you say?

That's because there is none

I don't know about the lolita express. But I know that Trump is in Epsteins phonebook for sure.

in my most optimistic fantasies the transition team has been briefed to avoid pizzagate as a story until after trump is officially in power

in those hopeful fantasies this dismissal is a cover for the trump team, Flynn will be moved to some cushy private sector job or equivalent where he will continue to be an asset- meantime trump won't have to defend his team against accusations of buying into conspiracy theories, which accusations in the current media/political environment would likely be devastating to his credibility and possibly splinter his supporters.

Trumpstaffel when?

We kinda already made our bed.
We can only watch at the moment.
I mean we could do things, but we can't risk disruption of a strategy on his part.

take your meds

This, risking the entire thing while being THIS close to becoming de-facto POTUS would simply be idiotic, anyone telling you otherwise is a shill.

This "trump is a plant becaus ehe's not hanging jews publicaly while not even being president yet" is "think of muh childrens!" tier logic.

Kil yurself, shill. Using tor dosent magically make you believable, anyone can use tor

Dude's job could just be done. The way they spin these stories they'd make building the hoover damn sound evil, because all the workers were eventually fired… after it was built.

I can think of over a hundred ways to completely derail and destroy this thread.
Yet you shills never use any of them.
It's kinda ineffective what you guys do tbh.

If you had any real experience trolling you would know how to properly derail or make a thread unusable.

That's how we know. You aren't doing it right.


It's not like this thread was going anywhere fast.



Criminally underrated poast.

They even tried to argue about whether we should genocide the Jews or not.
They even wanted us to let Jews in


He is a homosexual jew.


I'm saying he would want in on the action obviously. Show me a homosexual that doesn't get all excited for virgin ass.


Pretty sure Milo only takes it up the ass.

On the day of the rope he goes first.

So he sucks a pre-pubescent child until it gets stimulated, then uses that in his ass.

Perfectly normal.

Yeah. Us, this thread. We are going places.

Explain how telling people not to talk about Pizzagate is bad for… Obama.

At this point there needs no explanation.
Read the thread.

That's the thing, no one has actually explained any of their reasoning at all in this thread.

Check my singles.


Yeah fuckit, maybe Trump is just shaking up a magic 8ball.

Ok let's be serious. Milo is a charismatic faggot, but he's still a faggot. So whilst he is waking some young people up to the evils of feminism and what happens when you shut down free speech, he is also spreading his own promiscuous homosexual ideology. Which is bad. Pedasts and pedophiles seek out positions of power so that they may indulge their sickness uninterrupted and unchallenged. In my experience most homosexual men are either pedasts or pedophiles.

t. ex boarding school with actual monks.

Y'all need to calm down and relax.
Pic related is always good for pleasure and stress relief .
If you can avoid the knock offs

So with the EU calling for Infowars, Breitbart and Drudge to be delisted as fake news jonestein was on fire tonight, talking pizzagate up the ass and dedicating almost the whole second half of his show to dropping redpills on frank marshall davis being obama's real father and influencing him as a degenerate. Fucking A+ show tonight and that's coming from OP of the thread about him being a shill yesterday. This is a mirror btw.

And this here is a good sign you're likely interacting with a normalfag. They don't have the autism or focused curiosity anyone on Holla Forums has. They will only accept something as real when it's less complicated than eating a bowl of cornflakes.

You're measuring Holla Forumslacks with entire wrong metrics and I am not even sure you're from here if you're believing this place is an echo chamber rather than a soundproofed containment site where autists spend the whole day shouting down each other until a superior consensus is achieved.

I remember having one of those back in *Russia* it was made out of plastic and was sticky and smelt foul though

It is not bad for Obama, it is bad for trump, since the shooting, it can be used as grounds to deny him the presidency, or make an impeachment more likely. But then again, i dont expect retards like you to understand realpolitik.

I find that old ones can be cleaned with a little vanilla extract and rubbing alcohol.
These digital ones are cool, but they don't feel as good as traditional clockwork ones.

This is derailing

Nice VPN faggot

It's true, I guess you can not be retarded, and still not understand retards.

Derailing what?
This shitty thread?
You could really use a nice fingerbox.
It would help you cope with Stress

Do not reply to shills. Filter and report.

You where the one who was saying we shouldn't gas the kikes.

Disregard that I suck cocks.
I'm just bored and this thread isn't worth a whole lot atm.
And I remembered a bunch of old memes and wanted to see how the shills would react to them.

Even if he was, I'm sure he wouldn't want us to stop searching so he won't lose the momentum of the prosecution when he really is into power. If this is a political game there is no reason for us to stop mentioning pizzagate. There is a huge Psyop here in Holla Forums that wants to stop people from searching exactly like what happened with wikileaks and Assange.
Mark my words
If we don't push for a prosecutiron, there will be no retribution.

FYI German media spreading Fake News about Pizzagate:

This is closer to German wording, which makes it sound a lot more violent and as though he was trying to kill people

I don't know if this distortion is on purpose or simply bad research, but either way it's an example of MSM homemade Fake News about Pizzagate. Notice how there is no mention of Podesta, there is no mention of CPP by its name or Alefantis either, Pizzagate is strawmanned.

That's the point. It's the same as that CBS report (and several others) that said "Gunman Opens Fire At Comet Ping Pong".

From my perspective I don't understand it. All this shit can be countered. There's no need to even investigate terribly hard here.

I literally only looked at 2 files from wikileaks and read what you guys did here and on GLP. The Carolla video….

A blind drunk dumb and stupid cop you'd think couldn't ignore how suss this all looks. Maybe I am crazy fuck.

Epsteins flight logs were released, trump was never on it even once you fucking shill

Of course it cannot be countered. But their perspective is that if we control the media, no one can stop us.
In the last weeks though there have been huge operations in many countries when many pedophiles have been caught. So you can safely assume that there is a HUGE political establishment around the world that wants to silence this.
The forces we are dealing with are one of the biggest bosses that have emerged in the New World history.

"Opens fire" is still technically true even (but the least charitable one they could have used), the Germancucks used an expression that amounts to blatant disinfo, which creates the image of a guy running amok in the reader. All in a report talking about "Falschmeldungen" (Fake News) itself.

Nigger are you missing some chromosomes?

You are blatant stupid.

He did not say what he will do, he said what the result will be

Good to hear, I've had enough with the shill kvetching about him. Any anons who can't think for themselves on this one need to get the fuck off this board and go get spoonfed their news like a good goy on CNN.

Do you not understand what he did, Trump fired a white nationalist from his team for being too nationalist


Wasted dubs again on this faggot. Either you are a leftist shill trying to break up support for Trump or you are some faggot muh principled conservative. I don't know which is worse honestly. Both are cucks who would sell this country down the river just so brown people like them.

Michael G. Flynn

Michael T. Flynn

It's confusing. Don't give your son the same name unless you're a celebrity.

You can't help it can you ?

I'm no shill, but I could "kvetch" about Jones if you like. Or do you consider personally intimidating me to be a good strategy for getting me to shut up ?

>They don't have the autism or focused curiosity anyone on Holla Forums has. They will only accept something as real when it's less complicated than eating a bowl of cornflakes.

Too much autism usually comes with a strong confirmation bias, which is not a good thing.

I only accept something as real with supportive evidence, because I'm not a retard without critical thinking skills. Autism isn't a positive trait stupid.

The mods were banning people for critiquing pizzagate. It's a fucking echo chamber now. You don't get to such absurd conclusions as this nonsense being true without that being the case. A similar comparison would be otherkin on Tumblr. They want to believe something so hard, it's real in their minds.

So whats the angle you want to run with here ? It was made and meticulously planned in order to fool people that can't rigorously deploy the scientific method to form conclusion on something.

And you don't feel like hanging the pricks doing that regardless ?


No one cares what you accept or not. You should really kill yourself if you think the information posted here are unbiased or that they don 't prove anything.

It's like staring up into the sky and seeing a face, and then suggesting it's proof aliens are real because that design could only exist due to intelligent design. I saw the thing come into existence with people suggesting pizza was code in the Podesta files, when it obviously just fucking referred to pizza. That's also why Comet Pizza was mentioned as being the source of pizza, because actually pizza is made there. The whole thing started with a false premise. Garbage in, garbage out.

This is an anonymous image board faggot

Learn how to speak English first, you mongoloid.

Yeah, exactly.

I know he's unpopular here but Milo mentioned receiving calls from people in DC to not talk about Pizzagate just yet. Didn't sound like threats, otherwise Milo would have talked about it anyway.

Maybe this is related. Trump's gov't trying to keep it on the dl so the people behind it don't get scared and slither out of punishment in time.

I'm not the one who has the opinion that an encrypted picture in a podesta email is nothing to be suspicious about you fucking kike.


He is going to be exactly the same as Hillary isn't he.

God fucking damnit.

It's just an aggregate of power that we're up against. The idea behind modern day political power is that if most, if not all, of Western politicians are kiddy diddlers, then they can't do anything that goes against the wishes of the people who hold the blackmail. The problem is however, once you reach the level of interdependence we're at now, exposing low level child sex slave traffickers has the potential to bring down an entire country.

Fired for disclosing his position.

He is coming after them, hard, but has to get inaugurated first.

hello shill :3

Bannon worked with Andrew Breitbart, who knew about Podesta in 2011.

Put 2 and 2 together, Bannon knows and he's in the inner circle. He put the kid away because he spilled the beans too early.

simple logic shill

That pic is stupid. Assange will become a martyr if he doesn't show up and people's distrust is a feature - not a bug.

And you found it worth screen-capping? Lel.

Country ? Or state.

Being out of the loop on fucking everything doesn't seem like a cool beans scenario to me.

for Maggie Haberman at the NYT you don't need a new batch of e-mails, she's already featured in many of the Podesta e-mails:

Wikileaks: Journalists Dined at Top Clinton Staffers’ Homes Days Before Hillary’s Campaign Launch

(she went to both off-the-record meetings, the one at Podesta's house and the one at Benenson's appartment)

Benenson e-mail:

" We have has a very good relationship with Maggie Haberman of Politico over the last year. We have had her tee up stories for us before and have never been disappointed. While we should have a larger conversation in the near future about a broader strategy for reengaging the beat press that covers HRC, for this we think we can achieve our objective and do the most shaping by going to Maggie. "

Whether this be a good or bad thing, at least we can finally say for certain that Holla Forums has massive impact on politics.
Pizzagate was started here, so Holla Forums's efforts have now indirectly impacted on who is in Trump's transition team.

What the fuck?

He won the election by picking his battles instead of flying into all of them half-cocked and saying random shit like Gary Johnson tried to do.

I can't talk for him but I was in the early threads when we were looking at that Stratfor e-mail and wondering if it was possible to order food from outside the White House and things like that. Back before someone launched that shit show about the Podestas being involved in the Madeleine McCann case and I was called a CTR shill in one of the Podesta/McCann threads for asking people to stop focusing on the pictures and at least try to find evidence that they were in Portugal at the time of Madeleine McCann's disappearance.

The problem with this whole 'Pizzagate' thing is: it became too big too fast and it attracted too many autistic loners who can't control their confirmation bias.

It's easy to believe the Podestas and their friends are involved in many crimes because they're close friends of the Clintons who are definitely responsible for a lot of deaths in the US and abroad but in this case we're talking about specific allegations / crimes of a sexual nature and that requires solid pieces of evidence presented in a court of law if you want to see the guilty in prison or in the gas chamber.

There's an obvious reason why the police do their investigations privately and only reveal the evidence when they're ready to show it to the district attorney. And maybe there was a few FBI agents who wanted to investigate this whole thing and they thought that once Trump would become president and a new FBI director would have been appointed they would have been able to investigate the Podestas and their friends. But now what? Perhaps those obsessed with 'Pizzagate' have now ruined a potential police investigation.

We transformed it. Humanity may be dividing and diversifying into seperate species as we speak.

Listen, I am crazy and completely out of it but I don't understand.

The source of the information had to know about the information.

So what ? Wikileaks wanted no court case ? The person making the thread anywhere wanted no court case ?

If they're a good guy there must be a reason right ? To put the shit on blast ?!?!?

Did you provide any rebuttal before calling it a shit show?

our military absolutely wiped them out on purpose

Nah he just found half of his jews involved in it.

and endorsed his run for prime minister…

larping at a time like this, wew lad.

sticky this thread please

Have you ever had a farm?
You might not catch the animal in the act of eating your grain, but when you see it in your fields, you shoot it, and then the grain "mysteriously" isn't eaten anymore. You don't always need direct evidence to kill a pest animal, and that's exactly what these 'people' are.

He hasn't even been inaugurated yet

Fuck you're either stupid or shilling which is it

Good thinking, FBI.

Anyone know where I can get a good fingerbox that isn't a fucking pawn shop? I never got to play with one of them.

Don't be a conspiratard: those who say the Podestas were involved in this particular case are the ones who need to demonstrate their allegations are true. When I told people in that thread to first try to prove the Podestas were in Portugal before jumping to the conclusion they were the ones who kidnapped Madeleine McCann based on the pictures/faces I was called a CTR shill by a few people. Maybe I'm wrong but last time I checked nobody was able to prove they were in Portugal at the time of McCann's disappearance.

It's kind of like the retards who looked at Trudeau's face and Castro's face and jumped on the conclusion Castro must be his father even though the dates don't match and nobody bothered to try to prove his mother was in Cuba in 1971.

This place is supposed to be better than 4chan, we're supposed to be more rigorous. But sometimes this place looks like 4chan.

The way you progress a thread is by doing research and presenting it, not by playing devil's advocate and asking other anons to shoulder YOUR burden of proof. Why not do some research and try to figure out where the Podestas were at that time? You can destroy shitty theories without antagonizing people, it just requires a modicum more effort.

first post is always a shill

Fuck off spic

Why don't you make your own user? it's cheap and easy, I have a few myself. I always have trouble choosing between linen and rubber though.


The burden of proof is on those who make an assertion or push a theory. And it isn't my burden to find out if they were in Portugal at the time, it's the burden, that's the first thing those who were inclined to believe it was true should have tried to demonstrate, that they were at least physically near where the disappearance took place at the time it took place. That's a basic question.

I did but I spent maybe 10-15 minutes, not more. But that's what everyone in that thread who believed it was true should have been doing. Instead it was all WHOA LOOK AT THE PICTURES! OMG IT'S ALL TRUE! I don't know how to find out if they were in Portugal at the time and maybe the public internet isn't enough and we would need to look at their passports and other things we don't have access to. I don't know.

It's not my fault if my basic question felt like a slap in the face to those who believe it was all true just by looking at the pictures. I'm not a conspiratard with a huge confirmation bias, I'm not responsible for their emotions.

This pretty much.


That is all I needed to see to know that this is the fake news not PIzzagate.

Literally wait for Hitler.

Yeah, it also would not be hard to convict all the kikes and shabbos goyim involved in the Lolita Airlines scandal. Are you listening to yourself?

Not speaking after , do you Schlomo?

There were no shots fired in the incident.

ITT: Jews start jawing to hard and inadvertently jew other jews until originally misguided anons start subverting the jews who were subverting them. Anons realize this thread is JEW_HQ and disperse to other threads to prevent sliding. Other Anons come to this thread and the same realization ad laugh at how fucked it is and this melting pot of shitposting.

fuckken saved

The fact the msm even brings up pizza gate proves they are afraid.