Trump aide Michael Flynn Jnr out after 'Pizzagate' tweets

Trump aide Michael Flynn Jnr out after 'Pizzagate' tweets

One of Donald Trump's aides has lost his job after fanning a conspiracy theory that climaxed at the weekend in gunfire at a pizzeria.

Michael Flynn, 33, left the US president-elect's transition team on Tuesday following his tweets about the so-called Pizzagate fake news story.

His father, Michael Flynn Snr, Mr Trump's pick to be US national security adviser, has also shared fake news.

The Pizzagate hoax led to a gunman firing shots in a restaurant on Sunday.

No one was injured in the incident at Comet Ping Pong in Washington DC.

The suspect told police he had turned up to "self-investigate" online rumour-mongering that the pizzeria was the nexus of a paedophile ring involving Hillary Clinton and one of her aides, John Podesta.

The bizarre and unfounded theory had been spread online by right-wing blogs.

The claims were also pushed by Mr Flynn Jr, who tweeted after Sunday's gunfire that Pizzagate would remain a story until "proven to be false".

The New York Times reports that he was fired from the Trump transition team on Tuesday but, according to CBS News, he resigned before he was sacked.

The Trump team confirmed the departure of Mr Flynn - who had reportedly been given a .gov email address - but did not confirm it was related to the tweets.

Vice President-elect Mike Pence acknowledged that Mr Flynn Jnr had been helping his father with scheduling and administrative items during the transition but said "that's no longer the case".

Asked repeatedly whether a security clearance was requested, Mr Pence refused to answer directly.

Mr Flynn Snr, 57, has also tweeted out unsubstantiated conspiracy theories accusing Mrs Clinton and her aides of child-sex trafficking.

Among the retired lieutenant general's other tweets was an allegation that President Barack Obama was a "jihadi" who "laundered" money for terrorists.

Critics have said Mr Flynn Snr is unfit to advise the incoming president on the veracity of national security threats facing the US.

In Sunday's armed confrontation, the suspect allegedly walked into Comet Ping Pong and pointed a rifle at an employee before firing shots into the ground.

Edgar Maddison Welch, 28, from North Carolina, has been charged with assault with a dangerous weapon.

The Pizzagate theory originated on alternative message board 4chan, based on emails hacked from the Democratic Party and leaked by Wikileaks.

The restaurant's owner, James Alefantis, a Democratic Party donor, appears in the emails in relation to organising a Democratic fundraiser.

Users of 4chan and another message board, Reddit, had said words in the emails such as cheese, hot dog, and pizza were code for young children and sex acts.

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That's BBC's spacing, not reddit spacing.

Whatever it is I ain't reading that shit nigga

wut? They're still pushing this lie? It's a real shame he was fired. I understand they have to maintain an image, but he did nothing wrong. By doing this they enforce the idea that it's fake news when it's not.

It makes me wonder just how fucking awful things would've been under an actual Cuckservative, or even worse Shitllary.

I heard that he shot a lock off a door, it's a half-truth at best that he was "firing shots".

Or Trump is trying to limit how many distractions he has to deal with. He is trying to put together shit, while fending off the media, while fending off attempts to steal the election via recount bullshittery, while trying to create jobs and such. That and it is stupid as fuck to make it obvious you intend to go after a bunch of pedos while giving them a chance to hide their shit or do some shit to fuck over things before the electors meet and before inauguration. He probably tossed the guy for not having any tact and sperging out like an idiot. If anything gets fucked up, it will be thanks to spergs not being able to utilize strategy.

And the shills come out.

Shut up faggot, this is not /r/The_Donald or some other kike website. The Jewish question HAS TO BE ADDRESSED.

It would be good if people named the source just before the archive link. I don't want to click and be exposed to some Jew factory of lies.

Big Black Cock news network, not as biased as Clinton News Network, but still pretty fucking awful.

Kill yourself faggot. Sperging out and barking left and right like a dog without giving any consideration to timing an such is beyond stupid and nigger behavior. Go be a nigger somewhere else.

Fair point.

Good. Anti pedo is code for anti white.

No, you're just a shill pushing d&c shit everytime Trump does something that's not appointing David Duke to cabinet or advocating for a race war. You're pretending to be "one of us" and claiming Trump isn't 1488 enough, but if he would have listened to your advice 18 months ago he never would have been elected.

We all want jews gassed and America/Europe returned to being 100% white ethnostates. However this is a gradual process and having idiot assistants like Flynn Jr sperging out will only hurt Trump's image to normalfags who comprise the majority of the country. I'm glad that dumbass got canned if he can't control himself before Trump even gets fucking sworn in.

This exact formatting could be a final paper in an American college English class written by a negress and still get a 100 and win multiple scholarships.

literally muh PR

I hope Jnr will clarify on the situation since I don't trust BBC

Because that worked so well for the cuckservatives and gamergoy? The reason people voted for Trump is due to his cavalier attitude in saying shit NOBODY in the public view had the balls to voice out in public.

I started the Mcknight Shooting thread and the New York Times has that same weird fucking spacing. Formatting it to a thread was a nightmare. They do a space after every fucking sentence. I had to condense it down but it still looked retarded.

Fuck journalists.

It's not fake. Evil stands against us. Blood will flow. Trump is only delaying the inevitable. Half of us HATE the other half. Kill them.

Not really mate, we ought to stop putting out spirit in Trump the moment he deviates from the path going towards Holla Forums's general goal. Of course it must be gradual, but not TOO gradual.


A sign from KEK! I must be on the right track.

Checking his twitter @mflynnJR , one can see the suspicious fact that he hasn't tweeted since December the fifth.

Pizzagate is real and you will pay for your crimes against your race. No amount of pedo shilling will make us hate you one fucking iota less.


It would be dumb not to. Taking down a pedophile ring would make him an international hero.

None of those people had to deal with the shit Trump is dealing with. He can only do so much before being inaugurated. Doing things his way has brought him much farther than listening to any bad advice or sperging out.

oh scary pic!

Trust me, I'm far from a PRfag. But there's a reason Trump beat Hillary in a landslide and David Duke had like 5 candidates with more votes than him in his Senatorial vote.

It's not about cucking your message but being strategic. Trump tweeting the picture of Hillary Clinton with a six-pointed star saying she's "the most corrupt candidate ever" was brilliant because there's nothing inherently anti-semitic about a six-pointed star (there's sheriff stars, etc) – but he realized the kike media couldn't control their kvetching and this made them look ridiculous as they attacked Trump over an innocuous tweet.

Shills are trying to convince us that because Trump fired a campaign aide who tweeted about an event most people would consider a "conspiracy" shortly after someone fired a gun at that establishment, he's "kosher" and controlled by jews as this faggot insists. These shills will try to d&c us on Trump over every minute thing but really Trump was being prudent and handled a loose cannon assistant in the best way possible, and this sort of approach is why he was elected President and Duke was not elected Senator.

What's your address? I want to talk about the ethics of pedophilia with you ;^)

123 happy street


Isn't Pence now in charge of the transition team anyways?

Here's what happens to pedos in jail, usually the cops make sure their jailhouse snitches can let everyone know when a pedo is gonna be staying with them ;^)

Doesn't this theory have hard evidence though, Epstein and the lolita express?


Fuck off. It's not PR, it's strategy. If you wage war against people you don't fucking present everything you have openly but strike hard and unforgivable, you can't play 8d chess if you tell your enemy all your moves beforehand. Pizzagate is still in the stage of investigation, there is no distinctive proof yet, so there was no need for such a high positioned person to distribute information on it, and make sure your enemy catches on, destroys more evidence and counters the narrative openly early on. It's like asking someone to come to court while you haven't even found any evidence the place of the crime yet, you are making the criminal goes scot-free you abysmal nigger.

That's exactly what happened with the current investigation. That false flag earlier was clearly the culmination of the pedos feeling the heat and deciding to clean house. I don't know why Holla Forums keeps doing this in the open because every time new info or locations get found they'll just kill all the sex slaves there and start a new "pizza place".


Maybe just maybe, this is a radical idea. There are anons who just have different opinions then you?

You're not our brother you pedo freak.
inb4 you IP hop to start shilling pro-pedo some more

They'd be better off on 4chan or preferably just reddit.

It's the same thing the D&C shills use by pitting "nordic pagans" against "Mediterranean Christians".

And then you do the exact same thing, trying to pit theists against atheists with that image. Does no one fucking get it anymore? The enemy is the Jew and its shitskin proxies.

hopefully hes just doing this so obama doesnt pardon hillary or something else of the sort

and so they generally dont make life worse for him before he gets in the white house

already posted here

This one was posted first.

Literally no one but faggot shills argues like this.

Go smoke your weed and put your buttplug in.

Triple-saged for this coordinated op.

It makes little sense picking strategies that only end with a loss. Trump was able to win with the entire media and many celebrities screaming he was literally Hitler. His strategy was very similar to how aggressive sales people quickly gain large followings in social media. You have to pick a side, and you have to be their champion. By doing so, you make the opposition hate you with such passion that they cannot stop talking about you. At the same time, you gain followers who not only like you but love you for what you do. There are some people involved in memetics who describe this as creating two pillars that will ultimately antagonize and fight against each other creating memes that are constantly refreshed. Anons complain about people being memory holed without understanding that those individuals did that to themselves. They weren't worthy of their opposition's hatred.

That sucks, most of the guys at my range are really nice. Nothing makes a weekend greater then spending a couple hours at the range with my mates.