Comet Pizza Gunman Played a Gunman

Gunman who acted at Comet Pizza also played a role called "The Gunman" in a 2005 short film called "Somethint about Pizza."

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SOMETHING about Pizza that is.



this has to be a joke, someone is fucking toying with us now. They think we are stupid or something

I thought this was funny

I… what?

Yeah, we should be careful, there's probably gonna be a dump of articles soon about how the stupid alt-right got duped into believing this incredible conspiracy theory. Well frankly the articles are probably gonna be published either way.


the memes are too real

Would make sense to have a plant shooter to discredit the whole thing. Not big on conspiracies, but I'm sure there were fake shootings before this to boast a political agenda.
Besides the whole thing has been hushed a little too much lately.

its not real, go back to august of this year on Waybackmachine and it shows that the entry for "tale about pizza" isn't on there. So someone must of added it recently and its probably to fuck with us.

This does seem too good to be true. We need to see that movie!

see look here. I went to his full bio on way back machine, then went back to his regular bio and the entry was not there

Its good we are highly cynical of everything.

Especially shit that seems too good to be true. Maybe its just a joke.

IMDB had a page for "Something About Pizza" in 2013.

When was this info added to IMDB?

for the love of god stop the fake news
2008, also the gunman is not there

no fucking clue but by the looks of it I would like to say within the last couple days.

Go figure, the thing that sucks is it's still interesting if he was on IMDB in any kind of media related ro,e, for real, BEFORE the event happened. Too many stories where primary characters or witnesses work in media, modelling, or PR. But somebody always seems to be fucking with IMDB after a story hits. Ends up discrediting that entire angle of research

You guys have to stop making such big deals out of mere coincidences.

thats why I was skeptical the moment I saw this thread.

Create disinfo around the crisis actor issue.

This time possibly real but then make a fake entry to discredit the story by creating confusion.
If you throw a spanner in the works the whole idea can appear to be debunked through ridicule

This "more" button doesn't exist on the newer website.
Watching the movie would of course answer this quickly.

Is…is this them trying to tell people to stop?

and the gunman at the nightclub in florida also was in a documentary as a security guard.

The whole "crisis actor issue" is disinformation to cover for false flags.

The Boston Bombing is the best example. That was an obvious Mossad operation, but instead of digging into it, people were busy claiming it was all faked.

But there's a character named "The pizza deliverer" so it may not be about a shooter going into a pizza parlor. Unless you can find the movie what's in it is speculation.