What to ask Ben Shapiro?

So Ben Shapiro is speaking at my university today and is about to come on stage. What question should I ask him?

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Why should Israel be able to restrict immigration and citizenship based on ethnicity and religion but not other countries, kike faggot

How does it feel to have bet your whole career on Trump losing and lost :^)

You should politely ask him now that he has time to reflect if he feels embarrassment for losing his composure (and job) over the election. Bonus points for including a reference to stereotypical badgers.

Also film this for us pls.

Are you willing to denounce the Jewish supremacy espoused in the Talmud?

What does penis taste like?

You could've asked last night to get some better questions.

Name the jew.

Ask about the USS Liberty.

Why didn't he take one for the team and let that faggot tranny linebacker punch him around, a little? That would have done a lot to show the normals that those freaks are mentally-disturbed.

What he always refuses to answer. Jews were NOT targeted for systematic genocide in Germany and in fact fought for Germany under an agreement… winning the Iron Cross, working as Admirals and leaders in the armed forces.

Watch him call you a liar… So bring the source material in paperback

That's a really shitty image. 34 were killed, not 4.

Ask him what constitutes a stereotypical badger.

Jews have already answered this a million times. It's not going to matter.
This is better

Ask him why Jews use their media power to push for the destruction of the white race.

How can you cremate 4 bodies in a 1940s oven in under an hour? Also, why would "gas chamber" doors be made of wood and open into the chamber space?

Why does he goes full shekels every time ?

Ask him why his people murdered Christ.

If he really went to Harvid and if he really is Jooish.

Ask him if he went to Harvard. He hates to talk about that.


In all seriousness though, ask him this one: .

hey kid when's your dad gonna show? I'm a big fan!

Ask him what brought him to white nationalism and woke him up about the JQ.

Ask him how it feels to have outlived his usefulness as a token conservative Jew whose main argument against gun control is muh holocaust.

Does he wear lifts?

Ask this

What? He can only ask one question or something? If so, the tranny one is the most important. I want to know why he valued his teeth more than his testicles.

Ask him how tall he is

Better take video of what he says if you get to ask him anything.

Notice how muh eceleb will always be used to anchor a thread about Hyde, Spencer or anyone else who talks about white identity while threads advertising literal kikes are always allowed to stay up. Really makes you think.

Don't bother asking. (((They))) have a canned response for that. It's nonsense bullshit about both state and religion being jewish and having a sacred duty to preserve that with some six gorillion endangered species rhetoric mixed in. I don't know the exact wording anymore.

Kek, I can't stand that Jew.

Kek. He spoke at Yeshiva University today.


One is our enemy and we plan together to attack, one is our enemy and faggots raid us to try subvert. Battle plans seem better than nigger dicks in asses.

How many bloody baby dicks have you sucked and how many foreskins did you sacrifice to Moloch ?

Perfect. Bring up the fact that the USA was created as a nation for Puritans fleeing oppression in Europe. Why is it that Jews are allowed a historic homeland, where they removed the current occupants who were not Jews and replaced them; but that Puritans are not allowed their historic homeland, and that the idea of removing anyone (let alone non-Puritans) has caused INCREDIBLE rage as Trump's proposed illegal deportations have evidenced.

Now what I just wrote is a bit of a mouthful so maybe someone can simplify it or make it flow better for you; but the basic argument is that he is a hypocrite and there's nothing he can say to get out of it. His best course of action would be to just ignore you or dismiss it, chances are most of your faggot peers won't care (although if you can get some friends to heckle if he tries this, do it!); but having seen Shapiro freak out easily I think it might just push him into breakdown mode.

Best of luck user.

Ask him why it's ok for Israel to be an ethonostate, but it's literally Hitler for America to be one

Ask him if you need to preheat the oven.

They say that Israel is a third non-Jewish (Arab) and then point to the holocaust, claiming it to be the worst thing ever in human history, and so the this makes the Jews unique in needing a homeland since they are the only group that is provably at risk since they were almost eliminated (their argument, not mine).
They have canned responses for everything.
They deny that the Palestinians were removed and claim they fled during a war in which they were trying to destroy Israel with the rest of the Arab world.
Also, he will say he has nothing against stricter immigration laws, will agree that the states should limit immigration from Muslim countries, and so on.
Best just to troll him by asking him how tall he is, then (after a slight chuckle) say


One could easily rebut that Puritanism/Protestantism is diminishing at a fast rate across the world; is it not fair for the stereo-typical 'WASP' to therefore deport the Roman Catholic Hispanics, the Eastern European Jews, the muslim Arabs, etc? Why is it okay for Israel and not America?

He can deny all the stuff about muslims, but you can still say that he himself as a jew is a non-WASP and thus is causing problems for an endangered group (the WASP/Puritan/however you want to define it).

I get that he will have canned responses, but he will none the less by a hypocrite. So you just keep saying that's hypocritical until he either condemns Israel or more likely breaks down. It would require OP to have some degree of social skills and be able to argue well and not come off as a sperg though.

Yes but the thing is, it will take a lot of back and forths before you can run him out of canned responses and possibly get him.
But it's not a debate if I understand this correctly, you need to get him with the original question if possible, and unless there is some damaging news for Israel that has just recently hit and is indefensible, then you will never get passed the canned response wall.
You can't expect to get someone when it's just a single question with a single answer.
Hence why I think a trollish question is best.

Why do people focus so much attention on politics when historically it has always been finance and banking that has controlled the fate of the world?

Because when the goyim know, they shut it down.

Ask him to kill himself and MAGA.

Every. Time.

Never been. Do they push Tucker Carlson and Mollyjew there too?

Ask him how the jerk-off machine worked

Everytime until you go to the AIDSbog.


Was your plan a left wing reaction?
Or did you really try to rid the subversion?

Ask him why he's a neocon and if the meaningless Iraq war based on lies he shilled for while sacrificing nothing was worth it.

Ask him why Israel didn't fight with us in Iraq or Afghanistan.

Hopefully user asked the age old question,

"Why does the Jew cry out as if in pain as he strikes you?"

Which wall is your favorite and why? Trump's wall or Israel's wall?


I like how OP is (1). Fucking faggot.

Ask him about his preferred brand of insoles.

A copy of the appropriate year of the world almanac should work iirc.

Wow. This thread is still up. Sage.

Hey guess who's kid is at my preschool?

Fuck mobile won't let me upload a screenshot. I'll do it when I get home

Ask him if white knighting that scammer chick got him enough pussy to make killing his credibility worth it.

You do realize that he's against illegal immigration for the US, OP would be ushered off stage and look like an idiot.

Ask if it was real in his mind.

That's when you point out the hypocrisy of diaspora vs ethnostate at the same time and how dual citizenship ties into this. Because this is the core issue: Israel is a safe haven for criminals, and only jewish criminals.

It is a one of a kind phenomenon. No other ethnic group has ethnostate and their equivalent of diaspora at the same time.

Not quite my tempo.

Goddamn Jared Leto killin it as always.