Was following along and digging from the start, tried to contact the FBI again while on thread 16 then have been unable to connect to the web for some reason for 12 days then come back to see thread 21 and MSM in a full court fake news press…. Well done all! I have a lot of reading to do
Matthew Robinson
Has anyone gone back and looked up articles in magazines that these elites are into like GQ featuring known pedophiles like Jimmy Saville. Looking for key phrases we know now or suspect and symbolism?
Colton Smith
you are not op of that thread and your post is just more goon misdirection. op cannot autosage their own threads unless you are a mod, which in that case only reinforces my original argument also,
Gunman who acted at Comet Pizza also played a role called "The Gunman" in a 2005 short film called "Somethint about Pizza."
Jacob Perez
daily reminder that pizzagate is goon/pedo psyops and that Holla Forums has been subverted by /int*/ goons, pedos, kikes and other discordian degeneracy
mods keep sticking this meme because they know it will ultimately turn up nothing and then future investigations into actual pedo rings like the one discovered during the franklin scandal will be discredited and laughed off as a "pizzagate-style" false flag. they are literally "crying wolf"
pedos are using the fake news narrative to trojan horse this false flag conspiracy into the public domain because they know it will ultimately benefit them after the ruse plays itself out; and Holla Forums is helping them do that because moderation of the board has already been completely subverted by pedos and goons with jim's full knowledge and blessing. it's a clever way for pedos to "hide in plain sight" by acting as controlled opposition of their own "purge" on this site. even the main mod of Holla Forums is an admitted pedo who faps to cartoon infants
also, never forget that the main pedo protectors in the franklin case were the justice department and the fbi
No one should be surprised by the incident at CPP. If there was a person who wanted to storm the building, evidence would be long gone by now. That would be a new form of idiocy, and although these people are Flamboyant with their lifestyle, they are not that stupid.
David Rivera
As heard in the previous thread. The pizzagate "shooting" falseflag is being used to promote the fake news psyop. What they don't realize is that this is also the perfect moment to be spreading info about it. Flynn Jr. being targeted by the msm is of no consequence.
I didnt mean british pedophiles in particular. I meant looking up older 2005-2016 published articles, maybe ads but who the fuck has time for that, in popular higher class oriented magazines like GQ etc.
Like my point is that these people fucking loved social media. They WANTED to talk to people, they wanted to flaunt it out in the open "we cant be tauched, look at this piece of pizza sitting on top of a mans naked crotch, haha arent we clever!"
And it goes to reason that if we look at publications these people would naturally read, look search for key phrases we know or we think they are using to communicate, search up specifically articles with people we heavily suspect of being involved or figureheads.We might find out more about them, who else is involved how.
The more information we have, the more likely it is that someone, somewhere, somehow fucked up big and it hasnt been found yet. Though it is obviously very likely they are purging the records already.
Aaron Hall
I got what you meant before but there are always new people to the UK pedo happening. And now that I'm seeing that articles are disappearing, that could be interesting timing. Also the fact that a heavily orchestrated pedophile ring was conducted in another first world country within the upper echelon of its government is enough to convince people of at least the possibility of it happening here.
Grayson Hernandez
Mods have had enough of this /x/-tier bullshit.
Julian Russell
Ian Mitchell
Would've added more about his fathers ties to Protect-A-Child but I got lazy.
Brody White
I just recalled this. I was working at a fish processing place in Alaska and a new coworker had a trifold tattoo on his hand like pic related. I assumed he was 1488 but now idk if he was because he always wore a shirt that said "Thanks Berkeley for the pizza" he was a nomad type, lived out of a backpack like a lot of those on the slime line tend to. I confronted him because I wanted a fellow red pilled pal. When I asked about his tat he shut it down with a go away attitude. He also had Thors hammer on his forearm but the handle of the hammer was a goat type thing. Almost looked like baphomet. Another tattoo was the Alternative Tentacles logo. The fellow was from AR just like our good pal Bill Clinton. Not sure if I worked with a pedo or what but might be something.
Julian Davis
Isaiah Fisher
wayback machine the various pages,,this is a gaslight
Josiah Cox
Thanks user, thought I didn't see this movie on IMDB when I looked yesterday.
Ethan Baker
It goes without saying that the tactic they're going for now is trying to poison the well on this. This is going to backfire on them horribly because the story itself made the news. The fact they would stoop to a falseflag shooting where no one got hurt shows that they're not content with radio silence on the MSM front and have to get the story there first. To make it worse for them, they paired it with the fake news psyop which isn't working either because the overwhelming silent majority of people already don't believe the mainstream media.
Logan Watson
i'm not new, but you certainly are triggered j. edgar hoover was a literal homosexual degenerate and he staffed the fbi with a pedo clique that survives to this day. the vast majority of pedos are homosexual men. they marry unsuspecting women, have kids, usually rape their sons and make them faggots too, and climb the career ladder while they practice their vices in the closet. they slowly infiltrate the organs of power: justice department, law enforcement, congress, media, even if it takes generations and then they use nepotism via their sex cults to maintain loyalty and control. why do you think that even the most powerful among them who get outed like serial boy rapist dennis hastert get hand-slap sentences while unprotected, unconnected garden-variety pedos get sentences spanning decades or centuries of prison time? it's a symbolic blood sacrifice to give the veneer of a rule of law legitimacy and appearing harsh on deviants, whilst protecting their own corrupted and vile inner core. they have already used the media and court system to legitimize their degeneracy of lgbtq-what-the-fuck-ever. pedos and incest acceptance are all that's left on their agenda by now, everyone knows that the vatican itself was a hive of pedo sex cult boy fuckers, but in an internet age, they can't hide it as well, so they need to appear to be purging themselves with a few token sacrifices of 90 year old, soon-to-be-dead pedo priests. all the organs of world power have already been infiltrated by pedo sex cults over many generations. this pizzagate false flag operation is only a smoke screen to benefit them while they hide their true meeting places for rape orgies deeper underground. this "campaign" is the most pathetic form of hactivism i've ever seen. you know that even the people who are being sincerely duped aren't fully committed since we've seen no large-scale anonymous protesters at this restaurant wearing their cringe-worthy guy fawkes masks truly sad that this generation of anons are so easily duped by pedos
William Nguyen
Weird Abramovic cannibal event
Oliver Roberts
Bentley Butler
you stupid nigger faggot
for the last time, i dont know which one of you retarded ass fucks turned Quiksilver into a pedophile symbol, but if you want to get sued by a multi million dollar stoner who started a company out of his van selling t shirts and libel him into a kid fucker, then fuck you, you stupid neckbeard faggot.
I'm not Christian, kike or mudshit so this is weird and alien to me. We had christianity in school but we never paid attention, cuz we hate it.
But what is on top of Epstein's Synagogue of Satan? It's not this thing? So much fucked up shit on this site
Colton Taylor
I saw a typo in this, but wound up doing a lot more than correcting it.
I believe mocking the lugenpresse while demonstrating their stupidity & ineptitude is essential. These byproducts of marxist education should be laughed at & ridiculed at every opportunity. For all the paid demoralization shilling here there seems to be very little aimed in the other direction. Beyond that, I've simplified, condensed, enlarged & highlighted crucial information.
Christian Brown
Yes, Fake news by alt right news sources like Holla Forums needs to be censored and shut down. Establishment fake news like Sandy Hook, on the other hand, needs to be propagated everywhere.
Jose Reed
I'm new to pizzagate, but I was redpilled by a youtube video that mentioned Alefantis could be a psuedonym for "J'aime les enfants". That struck home to me so I zabasearched that last name. In all 50 states, there are only 11 matches to that last name. What kind of fake ass last name has only 11 results in all of the US?
Jaxon Morales
I feel like a ton of people have not actually watched the Alex Jones video he never said stop investigating, he never said there is nothing to see here, all he said was we might be losing focus and being diverted. Though we're Holla Forums we can dig hundreds of different happenings at once.
Samuel Murphy
that is Roxy you dumb cunt
Joshua Cox
I don't trust none of these so called "Alt righters", watson, gayboy…. even not ramzpaul. And that last guy I basically just watched for the rants, he's funny.
I've actually spoke to Alex, he's a bit of a nutjob, but that just gives character here.
I dunno mate, I didn't bother watching the whole shit. I've just seen the whole bunch of them, these "Alt Right" people, just go and well really attack us, after leeching info from us since forever.
Take watson for example What would he be without our intel?
When people start to lie… hard to explain, we don't got no small lies, white lies, big lies. A liar is a liar. And if you lie to me you are my enemy
They are up to something.. Alex is a Freemason or is this just rumors?
I just see controlled OP Doesn't matter, keep on digging as fug
I spent a lot of time looking at vids of CPPP tour. Is there a DCAnon that can check out the second bathroom? (Two BR are side by side, one more towards rear). Need to find out if rear wall as seen in Ping Pong room matches wall as seen inside commode area, or could there be extra space there? 2. The right wall as one enters CPPP and compare with business on right of CPPP. Are the walls fairly close together? Or is there an 8 foot gap? 3. Besta Pizza. How long is building compared with rear parking/alley area?
Eli Clark
the tentacles reach everywhere you aren't digging: the media, alphabet agencies, justice department, pentagon, congress, but like every other larping neet, you fear fighting a real war with an actual enemy who has the power to fight back. doesn't matter, there is a lurker, a future edward snowden who is on the inside who will out the real pedo ring that pizzagate fags are trying to hide we will out you all eventually. anonymous always wins
Ayden Edwards
Was gonna be mad but after reading your post I hope you are successful.
Samuel James
that made me a bit sick. I ve seen a lot of messed up shit but i have no idea why this make me gag.
Cameron Cox
yesterday, Milo said he was contacted by washington area codes and they told him "not yet"
Please oh please tell me that the trump team has evidence of them being involved in it, and that they are going to expose it after they have become president. or the other possibility is that they're using it as blackmail to ensure their presidency. lets be honest here, there is still the chance that the electorals could vote against Trump (although unlikely)
Jaxon Morgan
That's OK and normal, at least here. That's only the valsknute Óðinn, Vilji and Ve Urð, Verdandi, Skuld … It is the symbol of ásatrú, but we never wear that as a jewel like that. We have the hammer
However, for protection, you carve it on your doorframe.
I need to sleep to little of that these months…
I also see these gimmicks in these teenager stores with all types of crap. this be the real deal to carry with you if you are a heathen, Mjölnir, that is our cross or beads if your want
zzzzz, keep digging guys
Henry Gomez
Probably because the thought in the back of everyone's mind is that they're doing this to real people and these recorded spirit cooking things are glorified rehearsals
they skin people until they die when they do this. Not eat dead bodies. The hormones that the body secrets is what they are cultivating. So they will skin the people alive as they are bound. that hurts and they are dead before they finish skinning them. Also I am not so sure that they eat the raw meat. They very well may put the flesh into something like pizza dough. But this is pretty telling either way. You can not really chew skin that is why this is not real. Also it looks like cake. Jk I know it is an "art" event but that is not step for step how they eat people.
The head at the end is very telling. Very very telling. Especially the skull. A skull is a decapitated head. It is not a symbol of death but the symbol of the cultivation of death and for decapitation. There is a high level masonic ritual where the canidate is shown a couple of skulls. They are told to choose which one was the king and which one was the beggar and which one was the pope. The candidate can not distinguish the 3 because all bodies are skulls in the end. The teaching is "Fuck heaven be evil now because your skeleton is the same"
Colton Edwards
Trump might be involved in this. I do not trust that rich cunt or you for that matter
Colton Jenkins
So I am working on a project to share and trying to find all the CPP Instagram photos… Any idea where I can grab them? I clicked on the archive links at the top of these posts but when you try to look at the pics they are 404d
Gavin Scott
Jackson Thompson
Are you saying the archives are 404 or the originals are? Because one means that archive.is is removing them and the other means that CPP is purging them from instagram.
Michael Martinez
and remember mlp=hasbro. and hasbro killed miley cyrus.
Pony threads on Holla Forums were always about shitposting and making everyone else on the board upset, just so you know. t. ex-pony Holla Forumsread poster
Brayden Perry
I'm thinking the archives of them are 404d I know he shut down the Instagram account pretty fast so I was looking in the archives of the first threads here… Photos are 404d
First 50 replies are pure schizo/CTR bombs of random /fringe/ shit and CTR bitch-tears, shape up men.
Floyd Jr got the shit-can from Trump himself. This was the guy that retweeted a pizzagate vid.
IMO, Trump is trying to calm down DC until he becomes president, then he strikes
Adam Roberts
Aiden Roberts
You really expect anyone to believe you? I hope you're getting paid.
Tyler Gomez
>Replying to your 4 hour old TORpost that nobody acknowledged so far wew
Alexander Ramirez
Seeing the actual unedited child-porn JimmyComet Instagram opened my mind more to the raw evil. We have to save things locally. The cloud will erase the. IT PROVES how damaging those are. Also at least two twitters including yours truly, had to delete tweets about Andew Klein. I wonder if he must be a big player from way back.
When people were blowing the lid off of the child porn images being spread through Twitter, the company responded by banning the people reporting it while the shit stayed up. Most of the accounts posting it displayed posts in Arabic and it seemed like most of the authors were Saudi Arabian. What an astounding coincidence that Saudi dopey prince Alaweed owns a major stake in Twitter as a shareholder. I would have loved to see this cocksucker's face when Trump got elected.
Leo Garcia
Thank you for that!! Going to save locally now too
This cunt had a painting in 2003 called "PAY TO PLAY"
This pay to play shit has been going on since 2003 at least.
Asher Johnson
Exactly as they did with Sandy Hook. I hope you guys are all red-pilled on that. After you mentally get what they did it Sandy Hook, a lot of things fall into place and you realize the U.S. Government is the real terrorist, not just inside the U.S. but in instigating terrorism and war overseas. We are the country that makes world peace impossible and we are the only country who now have the opportunity to make world peace honestly under Trump.
Carson Johnson
Artist id's Podesta and Brock as members of the (freemasonic) Illuminati.
Ryan Watson
Probably because she spiked the cake with real human blood or something.
I live on St Thomas and i see that shit on the way to st john all the time. Its 100% a religious thing. I've mt some of the goundskeepers and the guy who drove all the little girls out to the island was well known around here. some of the rumors about this place are very strange.
I dated a girl who said she had been inside the temple (hopefully nothing happened, epstein prefers younger girls) and she said that it was full of shrines to different religions, cults, superstitions around the world. Seriously disturbing stuff.
Dominic Sanders
I have faith in the Emperor and his plans. But where do we go from here?
Charles Gonzalez
This is so stupid, it just boggles the mind.
Leo King
Also, I really was op of that thread. But I have faith in the Emperor and his will. Kek and the emperor himself say not yet, both in word and action. So for now all we can do is trust.
all the naked IPs and your real identitiesthat you faggots post under which jim harvests and sells to third-parties are now a part of their database. the organization is also filled with well-connected pedo scum, so nice job making yourselves into government targets, newfags, but "omg he's a torposter, it's disinfo everyone, don't protect yourselves, goyim!" pls kys
David King
Gavin Hill
If you're going to pass off a shoop, I sugest applying gaussian blur to the edges of your cropjob, numbnuts.
Lucas Jackson
Instead of a concern troll I dub you fear troll #9.
Panda Pic unrelated.
Carter King
I do not agree with the stigma against torposters but that is only a problem if you do not configure about:config and allow scripts/not using a vpn
Zachary Ramirez
Yeah, no I like NOT having the FBI knocking at my door, thanks.
Ryder Diaz
Just passing this on about spirit cooking, resulting from the oakland fire.
Ignore the shills. Read the e-mails for yourself. Evil wins if you do nothing…
Robert Allen
Fuck off cunt. Come get me
Rest of you, good work and keep digging.
Luke Moore
just stop talking about it goy - the posts
Joshua Taylor
holy shit is that third painting done by someone connected to pizzagate? they had a blueprint with a pig farm in the restaurant and people were talking about how theyd use them to dispose of bodies
Luke Bennett
You spelled jews wrong.
mp4 unrelated but related to this phenomenon, from www.youtube.com/user/Casina777/videos
Aaron Sanders
roxy and quiksilver are the same brand. Roxy, happens to be their female line of equipment and clothes.
Anthony Mitchell
They just can't stop memeing can they? I guess they'd even drive their car in a mason symbol pattern if the police were chasing them.
Samuel Nelson
the Pizza movie was added to his imdb after he went into CPP
Camden Taylor
Imagine being the poor little bastard who gets fucked by a transgendered baboon.
Chase Wilson
another plebbit sub was shut-down today. Anyone have info about pic related? Especially the connections made at the bottom.
Cameron Rodriguez
voat.co/v/pizzagate/1467665 Suggestion is to start leaning on pizza places to side with the investigation. It would only take a couple to start a ball rolling. There are certainly some smaller places that might be willing to take the risk for the increased exposure.
Leo Rogers
That shouldn't have been in reply to you. Not relevant to your question but do hope some answers do arrive to your question.
Jack Cox
Images linked.
Joseph Lee
Nolan Sanchez
we're winning
Jason Bell
It's time we started aggressively turning their own words against them. We memed Clinton out of existence using the exact same playbook. We should have been copying our old methods and reusing them here.
Get on social media, use their hashtags like #standwithcomet and blow this new fake news bullshit they're pushing out of the water.
Gavin Miller
Christian Price
Noah Watson
The fire fucking rises
Those amuse me for reasons. Part of the reason ritual abuse is ritualized is acknowledgement of the superspectrum.
Brody Miller
Ethan Hernandez
without going into too much, could someone please post the aussie stuff that was found about trafficking? I might have stumbled into something weird but I need names/possible handles to link to it. Sooner the better.
Brayden Fisher
snowden is a shill, complete psy ops
Jordan Diaz
someone posted a weird link somewhere that might my a cp front page, do i post it here,i think its pgate related
Bentley Wood
ive archived it, i dont know if its the good guys or bad guys that left it
Aiden Perry
Even if not counting the other bizarre shit, this is the most obvious so far. Also another firewood picture.
"We are in an industrial area with a lot of empty warehouses and abandoned factory buildings. It used to be a center for the Sicilian Mafia and there are tunnels under buildings."
"After this story "Pizzagate" broke, there were massive cars out front the place, pulling in / going out et cetera. There was some huge pow - wow. It could be I never watched them before, and they were always that busy. But I never saw it that busy. Ever.
this is fake shit. imdb was edited recently. probably hoping to dilute us with disinfo. not bad, but we already check each individual post for truthness as the point of 4chan is 90% of it is bullshit, so sliding under the radar like that isnt likely.
On my phone but saw the Onion did a fucking "pizzagate is fake" video with barely any attempt at humor
When's the last time the onion took an actual clear stance on something besides being obviously pro Hillary for the paycheck? Even the comments on goybook were full of people saying "if this is so fake why is the onion wasting time saying it's fake" etc
Nathaniel Hill
See, the problem here is that Stein might have never been in on the symbolism rather than being handed a design to use by the true insider. There is a theory advanced in a somewhat silly book called "Cipher of the Ufonauts" or somesuch, but the concept was that the names of entities and locations at which they were encountered were the actual reason for encounters to occur to "random" people at all. Their reporting of the information would then disseminate the coded message, explaining why you see so many Ufo contactees in the records whose supposedly alien contacts use names from ancient mythologies or simply obscure words in other languages, as well as references which only seem apparent when viewing multiple cases in conjunction. The book devolves into the sort of Gemetria horseshit which allows one to find whatever code one wishes given enough wit, but the concept behind that sort of code is interesting. It's proven that coded but plainly displayed messages are used by these types of clandestine groups, but the most important questions are then who are the ones placing the messages and who are the ones meant to receive them. Someone such as a political candidate or business administrator can easily be handed a seemingly innocuous design to serve as an unknowing carrier. In this instance, the providence of that campaign logo must be uncovered. Perhaps Stein would be at the end of the rope, but this could be a game where she's only a pawn.
Although supposedly another author of ufo books followed the cipher and found an alien with whom to converse. An interesting twist to the story would be if the accounts of such individuals were the breadcrumbs of those who found the rabbit holes and were trauma'ed into oblivion. One theory which has gained some traction in recent years is that the concept of screen memories are a sort of double-layered tactic which provides a red herring explanation. Certainly some of the things which occur in abduction accounts align with ritual abuses, but my personal theory is that the reason for this is probably in fact that the rituals are patterned after that very phenomenon.
Justin Martinez
family ties to protect-a-child would be important. So important, don't put any of that other shit on there, because that was just retarded
Ian Walker
My musical rendition of Epsteins contact book. With the odd mistake soz.
People should note a couple of things. JAMES RANDI was a friend. It would be interesting if the Randi corporation got money from him. There is also many connections with Formula One. Young men, money, big oil companies all seem the right places to find leads.
After all the shit those faggot liberals online have said about Gatlinburg burning Commie central declared a state of emergency over some faggots burning.
this was taken right after the attempted Gülen coup in July.
Gulen and Erdogan have both been accused of child sex trafficking. Gulen has a global network of charter schools, is linked to CIA and Graham Fuller, who's linked to Ruslan Tsarnaev, the uncle of the Boston Bombers…
I've also heard rumors that the Clinton gang were behind the July coup attempt.
is that pic stenography?
Austin Foster
The second pic here;
I think the pic is missing because its a video…but still it should have had a screenshot of the vid pic??
Christian Sanchez
Hm? that? That's related to the fact that due to how most yids are inbred they've a wonderful blood type that allows them to accept any given donor.
You know how yids always have a doctor in the family and Israel has those nasty little Trafficking operations going on?
Jew bodies are so removed from human DNA they can take just about any sort of organ transplant from any kind of Shbbos goyim.
Soros has had like that? 5 fucking heart transplants in the past? Jews are literally horrible stitched up blood libel iron maidens truly no different from parasitical organisms.
Luke Adams
So a common symbol representing the Celts and one representing a Germanic tribe are code.
Shlomo that's beyond retarded.
Austin Adams
Faggot, Pedos took the symbols and appropriated it for their own perverted reasons, don't you faggots even know how to read?
Cooper Russell
But isn't it ridiculously easy for confusion to happen?
Kayden Brooks
No, why would it be? Only if you're an autist that shouldn't be let around people would it confuse you, otherwise other hints and clues in conversations or otherwise will lead to an understanding between the fuckers, who know what symbols to look out for.
Also what even is this autism, this isn't the pol I remember.
Hudson Adams
This person is controlled by fear.
Kayden Allen
So Pizzagate is at thread 21 Already time sure flies, doesn't it? It was a distraction from more important matters like election at the time, so I waited to hear anything particularly hard hitting and easily provable, usually anything important spreads like wildfire and spill over on to other threads. I'm here for the brave work of Shills, disinfo agents and cancerous MSM with one question in mind: Does anyone have anything concrete and provable and backed up infodumps/infographs to spread around?
The sheer amount of D&C, shills and MSM sperging over this made me curious. Anything real good so far? This 'fake news' narrative and the usual 'conspiracy loon' narrative caused the opposite effect they expected
Noah Lewis
Should be proof enough tbh fam.
Carter Russell
It raises few flags for me personally, I'm the type who redpills normies and trigger leftists just for shits and giggles and I have to back up the shit, I'm going to spout in order to sound beliveable.
Josiah Perez
Investigations like this have happened before both in America and Europe, but in third world and eastern european countries this is well known about and is pretty much common knowledge (if you're not a retarded western idealist that is).
Dylan Torres
but after all your weeks of digging come to absolutely nothing, you'll all move on to other dramas and the real pedo ring that created the pizzagate misdirection will have accomplished exactly what they aimed for
Levi Reed
just a whole lot of implications and signs.
the ties of involved main suspects to former child molesters, pedophiles, rapists, occultists, satanists
we have the usage of code in the e-mails, we have caught alefantis caught lying
we have the weird art collections depicting child abduction/torture, we have the weird instagram posts and the epstein connection
then there's all the previous covered up cases of child trafficking
It should be hard to find any real proof, I don't think they are that stupid, stupidest it gets is alefantis instagram I guess
and then there's this weird incident from sunday, which implies false flag
this was also interesting archive.fo/D76Gq it connects hillary to a trafficking ring in finland
William Butler
Ignore this shill, thanks to pizzagate we know that everyone in washington is involved in this shit, and that the whole placed needs to be nuked ASAP.
Noah Price
>everyone in washington dc is a child raping satanist goon, are you even trying?
Ayden Bennett
Delet urself
Aaron White
I spent time redpilling Normies and Christcuck beanerburgers as suggested by Holla Forums because cries of horrified beaners make hard, it helps someone out is entertaining. However I'm not a shit spewing libshit that indoctrinates those fucks on daily basis. Only way to deprogram a strong appeal to whatever NEEDS a red pill so large it might cause a stroke in the smallest 'patients'. SpiritCooking was a sure-fire way to deprogram catholic beaners.
When you spout barely feasible bullshit most indoctrinated run to their shitlib masters, which is a huge waste of time.
T. Amateur social engineer with decade of practical experience
Senior Editor, The Huffington Post UK New leads in the Madeleine McCann case have united British and Portuguese detectives as they probe fresh tips she was spirited away by human traffickers.
It comes amid reports that Scotland Yard detectives have been given more resources to investigate the new lead.
A senior Policia Judiciaria source told The Sun: “There is still work to do. Not all possibilities have been dismissed.
Julian Campbell
Perfect, Holla Forums fucking hate that whore but bluepilled normies believe the word of MUH VAGINA. Respectable indeed.
Christian Thompson
shes fucking dead or the parents sold her. Either way they don't ever expect her to be found
Landon Bell
Even the Roxy/Quicksilver logo? The popular "surfer" fashion brand that a shit-ton of non-paedos wear, and that a load of brand whore non-paedos will have wardrobes full of? I totally get paedos will use innocent looking logos and symbols that are close enough to their own as a means of identifying themselves, but they won't be identifying themselves if using logos and symbols that are really, really fucking common to the normal non-paedo population.
Caleb Bell
Again, it's just that time of year. Ask any brit older than say 15 or so who'll remember day 1 and all the media coverage and appeals that have followed. They do this every time the funds are running out and they need to pay the lawyers they hire to sue dissenters. And every year or so the police make an appeal for government funding to investigate some "new and promising lead" that goes nowhere. Here's hoping they're really finally investigating the parents and the Tapas 7, and not deliberately frustrating the Portuguese police's investigation yet again. This whole farce is a relatively easy cash-cow to keep, for everyone involved.
Just read any number of blogs and forums from citizen investigators that have been trawling through their police statements and public interviews and postings. It'll quickly become clear that Maddie died in her parents' care and the whole bloody lot of them have been trying (incredibly badly) to cover it up. Oh, but be careful who and where you say that to. Else you may get a threatening letter from their lawyers at best, and the pants sued off you at worst.
Why they've had such influential and wealthy people - and the establishment - helping them though, is truly a puzzle.
Elijah Mitchell
maybe he took you for a blue pilled faggot and just didn't feel like arguing, expecting a "you know that's a gnatzeee symbol rite?"
Landon Jackson
Instead of being a defeatist twat, how about sharing with us your ideas and investigation into this real paedo ring, user? Or do you have nothing to show and are just sniping at the rest of us because we're not doing what you want us to do? Manipulation only gets you so far with anons. So either put up what you've got, or shut up.
Easton Diaz
That image should say "7 hours after the incident yes?
Here's an archive of a google search: archive.is/u4Pey Two of the results are shown as existing before the incident according to google and allegedly yahoo too. However, the meta properties for those articles show they were first published after the incident. An user said in another thread that incorrect time in search results is a known bug: archive.is/6Za2i
It must be an intermittent bug though, as another of the results from that search also uses the same standard for the "published" meta property, and that had the correct time shown in the search results.
Jayden Cruz
so, according to voat, they have now moved the trafic camera back to its original position, facing cpp.
And, the gunman from sunday played "the gunman" in a movie called "something about pizza". pic related.
Holla Forums are they fucking with us? or making it so fucking obvious that the normies have to start paying attention?
Zachary Adams
Search the web-archive, "the gunman" was added recently.
Nicholas Morgan
>please identify images with pizza … not sure about this
James Ward
meaning he was added to the cast after the movie was posted on IMBD but before sunday? sorry not familiar with the web-archive yet.
Jacob Brown
How do people still do this? As soon as he bought The Onion to use its brand's goodwill as a meme weapon #forher all of the magic disappeared. The difference in quality was quickly as noticeable as if a five-star restaurant changed ownership, kept the sign, and started serving McDonald's.
Zachary Evans
Now this is very stupid but important question and I hope someone could deliver an answer.
We know that "cheese" is a pedo slang word. But is there any knowledge of "cheese slicer" being a slang/code word too? This is really important, will tell you later if it matches.
Henry Ross
right, because Melania is fucking and ritually sacrificing Barron in this pic. Shut the Fuck Up.
Sebastian Johnson
Very interesting post and I think you may of found some incredible lead: The photo''s currently are to blurry for me to say either way…
I don't want to add to much to this - but read your article and I thought very interesting:- I'm from the UK and have followed the mccann thing from day 1:- always been interested on how things in the media changed etc.
This one caught my eye as I thought why would they change the appearance of Madeline's eye by photo shopping out a distinctive mark, one that would allow the child to be recognized - surely pointless? or to hide something….
I vaguely remember Jerry Mcann being questioned about this, as the data and time stamps on the photo had obviously also changed,
NB: have also done quite a lot of research into DMT (Di-Methyl Tryptamine) -I pretty sure it gets released into you brain, once when your born and once when you die: taking it in between opens doors and you meet the little people. I've actually been trying to get hold of some for a while now - but that's a different story.
Joseph Myers
In trying to find out what happened to 34a66c, found out at least who did the mural and when for the building user was supposed to investigate. http:// hellbentart.com/photographs/ and mural photos can be seen if you scroll down to "Collector's House in Venice, CA". "012" appears to be the year the mural was done, as other pieces are dated and have the artist's signature ("hellbent") and a number like 012 or 013 as part of the artwork.
The artist who did the mural doesn't appear to have done the white rabbit on the door though. That must have come later. Also, no sign of anyone that could be 34a66c in LAPD news. Several missing persons but none around the time he posted.
This is it Holla Forums. And it is such a familiar dance, isn't it? How many pedos did we expose on Holla Forums? How long have we been doing this?
Forever. The Inquisition never sleeps. Keep digging.
Jose Ross
Nah, bullshit.
Robert Perry
I need answer to this fast. I haven't been able to find anything on my own, so I need some kind of a confirmation.
Ryan Wright
for a guy who's 'totally not a sick fuck satanist' he sure makes a lot of serial killer -esque jokes.
Especially weird given how batshit hipster libs are about animal cruelty.
Eli Bailey
Colton Williams
I've never heard that. I have seen slang where "slices" of pizza were code for the age. i.e. 12-16 slices. There's also that weird email in wikileaks that talks about having only one slice and not knowing how to thin to cut it. But I haven't seen "cheese slicer" specifically.
Elijah Garcia
Could you further elaborate your theory, user? Someone in the earlier threads (#19) mentioned how there was a huge shitstorm in some UFO forum over an incident where a woman claimed to remember she was raped by someone wearing an ayy-costume, resulting in a split group which came to believe Whitley Strieber might be involved in mind control stuff.
John Podesta has a weird obsession with ayys and disclosure. Just some examples:
Not shilling, but has anyone even entertained the thought of 34a66c being a person involved in the thing..? Actually going to cover up the mess, leaving us thinking that some brave user is going to investigate the place.
Liam Hughes
Well my theory is more or less that ayys are an extent phenomenon representative of archetypal manifestations of sub-conscious and meta-conscious energy, and those who engage in ritual abuse at the highest levels are in on the gig that imitation is a form of power. Monsters of some form do exist, which means it is all the more possible to achieve monstrous deeds by emulation. At the lower levels the trauma conditioning and blackmail entrapment supersede any understanding of the eventual purpose of sacrifice rites, beyond whatever cultural vestigial image remains.
A lot of the UFO contactees simply cannot be taken at face value. The government alone has documented cases of long term actors spreading disinfo, but the more existential problem is that the nature of the superspectrum is such that a genuine experiencer is more or less being mindraped by higher dimensional consciousness. Some people come out pretty much the same, other people become more far gone than the most chemically imbalanced. At the level of being able to simulate brain activity with 100% accuracy, no subsequent activity can be verified as honest rather than influenced.
If that sounds familiar, trauma conditioning is a brutal application of the pattern. Enact monstrous things to become monstrous.
Ryan Ward
Idk user. There's a number of possibilities ranging from mostly harmless to the "suicided by shots to the back of the head". Even if he wasn't legit, or was a cover-up, the tale of 34a66c will serve as a reminder for the rest of us to be careful when investigating both online and in real life.
John Anderson
Why are people talking about aliens in a pizza thread? The coordinate fakenews false flag attack probably means something out there was right on the money, and you guys are debating the ayys
If the aliens arent diddling kids, go back to shillandia with that crap.
Dylan Wood
Hit a nerve, shill?
Michael Carter
Luke Foster
The alien shit is going to be pushed later as our problem, and world government is going to be offered as the solution.
It will really just be (((humans))) in alien technology. And the technology is just alien to us, it could be human made.
Jacob Peterson
First they just have to fill our countries with easy-to-control shitskins, mainly muslims as they don't believe in borders but a global khalifate.
Nationalism is still too strong for this event that is coming up.
Lucas Cooper
Ok, investigate the aliens more. In fact, focus on that entirely.
Ayyys are a good lead with many connections leading back to Podesta and Jimmy ifuckkidsalot and isn't a distraction at all.
If you're not a shill, why are telling us to end the convo? Either you can't fucking read or you're shilling. The context is ritual abuse and mind control - topics which are constalty brought up in pizza threads. Podesta's obsession with UFOs is worth mentioning when there are theories linking ritual abuse to "alien abductions".
Were any connections actually made between the gunman and anyone involved with CPP? The only thing I can see is that he may have possibly made contacts in Haiti but that may as well just been a mission trip due to his christian background.
Luis Ramirez
Is Trey Gowdy settting the stage? Are they gearing up for the massive shitstorm we all hope is coming?
I haven't seen anything yet indicating it's a real lead that could go somewhere. Did I miss a crucial post somewhere? I only lots of theory talk about aliens whenever it is brought up.
Are people actually digging and looking for alien references? Because until we can tie it back to the rest of their creepy shit in some solid way, it looks like:
Brayden White
Oh boy I can already see the news: "Trey Gowdy found deaded".
Logan Thompson
FFS meant to link on this post:
Jordan Russell
We should note anyone that votes against the act. I have skimmed through it and as far as I can see it seems legit. Nothing jumped out at me as a reason to vote against it.
Ryan Carter
Got curious about that barcode on the page, so I inverted colors of it if someone likes to check it out, just incase there's a hint for us.
Nathaniel Moore
"We deliver to the whole world!"
Cameron Thomas
This talks about a blue house. I wonder if this OP is from that area.
Joseph Gonzalez
Mr. False Flag, was most likely was to be used in an election related media psyop that failed in NC. That psyop was his failed attempt to run over a black kid(failed according to those who put him up to it, since it did not result in a fatality) in Salisbury back in October. He failed in that operation, making the psyop lose it's potency, and thus no BLM riots sprang out of it in Salisbury. His first psyop attempt was set up because, his handlers were hoping to continue the race war trend in NC, started with the pre-election Charlotte BLM Chimpouts. Since his operation failed in NC, once pizzagate was a thing, his handlers then recycled him for the DC psyop, his life already being majorly diminished by the last failed psyop, yet no so that much he wasn't free to be used again in DC. Just my theory…
Kevin Cook
Fun fact, NC nogs rarely ever chimp out unless the whites give them go ahead. Charlotte was more than likely picked over Raleigh due to the fact that Charlotte is even a bigger liberal shithole than the capitol and even then only the bused in people nigged out to the fullest.
Tyler Perry
Not everyone is a shill. Some people actually want a focused effort on areas that will actually provide evidence.
Bentley Lee
That's at the LA MOCA gala, that Abramovic was "the creative director" for and there was some controversy over it, but not because it was fucking creepy and sick but over artists being "exploited" and the guests were all made to wear white lab coats- they didn't like that.
There were two cakes - one of Debbie Harry (blonde in red with the huge knife) and the brunette was the witch Abramovic.
Lucas Jones
Who was this guy? Alefantis?
Jonathan Price
the link in your picture is wrong, but you had it right here
That guy was a woman with a voice changing device. I watched one full video and at points when she gets closer to the camera you can hear her voice as well as the modulated voice coming out of the speakers.
Cooper Bell
So you know in advance which areas will actually provide evidence? The focused effort on the same shit eventually leads to a point of saturation - alternative leads, on the other hand, might crowdsource something interesting and new which could prove itself relevant.
Kevin Martin
what pictures? either the URL is wrong, or the images have been nuked already!
You're right, you can hear the female voice under the emulator.
Michael Nelson
Anyone have updates on the temple of Set or Sons of Aether connections?
Ryder Rivera
me too stick with (((cloud flare))) enhanced archive.is, goy
Alexander Rivera
Emulator, that's the word I was looking for. I believe it is heavy breathing performing.
Colton Barnes
never change, tor shitposter.
yes that person is amanda kleinman, member of the current band heavy breathing and the former band the apes. most info on them has been covered up since amanda kleinman knows she was targetted, she even made a "fuck hate" style public statement for her band on the heavy breathing facebook page.
pic related is where i got with digging the apes. not very far but it's something to work with.
Nicholas Wilson
Somebody posted the video in another thread but I never knew the source. What the fuck is that channel, do we know anything else about it?
Gavin Torres
difference being that at least on 8ch you can both lurk and post using tor with (((cloudflare))) enhanced archive.is you can't even open the link without solving the cloudflare (((captcha))) stay cucked
Michael James
There had been a mention of connection of Clinton Foundation to human trafficking in Haiti. Here's some info on Laura Silsby (now Silsby-Gayer), her fake charity and her jew non-lawyer who was also convicted of human trafficking.
There are other tie-ins to the Clinton Foundation and Haiti as well, but those will have to be separate maps.
Here's a little map based on one article about people in the US government convicted of possession, distribution or production of "cheese pizza"
Eli Myers
Oliver Walker
They're from an MM movie
Lucas Myers
Had a supervisor say to me "It's because of YOU PEOPLE who have to overthink everything a man was nearly killed!" When just trying to discuss Pizzagate.
I called off sick today and will be submitting my 2 weeks notice tomorrow or Friday. I'm not even sold on the pedo ring itself (there is something to pizzagate or their wouldn't be this level of hysteria for a niche conspiracy theory, even after the hold up of Comet with the guy looking for sex slaves), but the fact he is buying the whole media narrative hook, line, and sinker; down to shaming me for "overthinking" makes me want to give up on humanity in total. This whole election season has just shown how stupid , unthinking, easily gaslit, people actually are, even supposed smart white collar workers.
Jaxson Bell
third pic "transformersdc" links back to artist above
who said Brock and Podesta were "illuminati"
Drudge report has been silent on pizzagate - he tried to "date" Brock.
And latest on the Pope - says reporting "fake news" is a sin just like eating shit. https: //www. theguardian.com/world/2016/dec/07/pope-compares-fake-news-consumption-to-eating-faeces-coprophilia
Jose Ortiz
i made a poopie pie in my pants :3
Jace Robinson
>>>Holla Forums
Alexander Gomez
Zachary Roberts
David Seaman and others have hired attorneys and can sue for slander / libel or other damages.
Btw on half chan a poster said: the best we can do with open source is circumstantial evidence but that is GOOD to do. It is shilling and disinformation to act like it is unimportant.
Hope there isn't a 10 foot gap between CPPP and the next door coffee shop. Trees obscure the view now. The bathroom enclosed are looks too big. Poss hidden passageway to right.
Luke Wright
Get all over this
Two Finnish reporters assassinated as they attempt to confront politician over child sex trafficking.
After informing Finnish journalists Katri Ikävalko and Anne Vihavainen about all of these “matters/concerns” relating to this Stubb-Clinton linked sex smuggling ring, this report says, FSB investigators note that they left Svetogorsk (Russia) to return to Imatra (Finland) at 13:00hr on 3 December.
Less than 12 hours later, this report grimly states, Katri Ikävalko and Anne Vihavainen were assassinated in front of the Vuoksenvahti Restaurant in Imatra where they went to “confront/question” council leader Tiina Wilén-Jäppinen (who was also killed) about this international smuggling sex ring and its links to her, Minister Stubb and, most importantly, Hillary Clinton.
Investigators said the suspect arrived outside the restaurant in his car and shot the three women as they stepped out of the restaurant. He then waited in the car until police arrived, and accompanied officers silently and peacefully
You're right, user. January 21st is gonna be crazy.
Michael Myers
quiksilver & roxy are the same company, faggot
Logan Miller
Those videos were posted to reddit like 7 or 8 years ago. Apparently, it's just some woman who was teaching herself to use some type of animation software and she decided to make some short, fun little videos along the way and post them to youtube. There's no existential meaning, just some woman having fun.
Aiden Hill
"The Age Of Pamparius" Turbonegro http:// www.pamparius.no/
From the ashes of this golden age of confusion, the denim recruits came to be known as the apocalypse dudes.
So you think you had an Opera Well not like this So you think you had a Napoli Well not like this So you think you had a decent pizza Well not like this So you think you had a real good pizza Well not like this
You got nothing to lose at Pamparius gonna wear them happy shoes tonight You got nothing to lose at Pamparius gonna bake a motherfucking pizza tonight
So you think you had a pepperoni Well not like this So you think you had a calzone Well not like this So you thought you could make your own Well not like this So you thought you could take it home Well not like this
You got nothing to lose at Pamparius gonna wear them happy shoes tonight You got nothing to lose at Pamparius Gonna bake a motherfucking pizza tonight Apocalypse dudes got nothing to lose Gonna stomp some teenage ass tonight Apocalypse dudes got nothing to lose Gonna bake some motherfucking magic tonight
Angel Morris
What a surprise, a Jesuit is telling us to not investigate child trafficking.
Pic related, francis' boss.
Jackson Carter
Bentley Cook
Thanks for the image, user.
Everyone should look into the ITCSS. They brought up Benedict XVI on human trafficking charges, and many believe it's the reason he stepped down as pope. The front page of their website has a metric ton of leads to follow:
When was the photo taken? Where the white rabbit? Also someone I know has been down there, and he's alive
Easton Bell
every time there is a slide it is a hint, there is something there. I think aliens are related to pizzagate. It is just that there are no aliens.
this book is the most relevant thing to what is going on. download it and search alien. If you are not convinced read pp. 685, then realize that this book was written in the 70s then updated in the mid 90s. Good luck autists.
Finn here, whole text is bs. These three woman were visiting theatre in Helsinki earlier and went back to their hometown. Then got shotted by mentally ill guy, he allready stabbed someone random 2013. Journalists write for local newspaper with 5,5k prints daily. They write about local stuff and most of readers are elderly people. Vittu missään imatralla mitään seksirinkejä ole.
Jason Barnes
Where can I find ALL of the information about this? PizzaGate and all, is there a MEGA? Jesus christ, I'm shaking
Eli Thomas
FYI - Your second link is from a jewish disinfo agent. What Does It Mean is run by "Sorcha Faal" which is some jew named David.
Dylan Brown
If you are going to abduct people, and don't want anyone to believe them, you pretend to be aliens or a satanic cult.
Social dreaming, anyone? It happens in many contexts, like spirit cooking.
I'm more disgusted that none of the fucking journalists apparently LURKING HERE RIGHT NOW AND READING THIS…NEVER
The link of comet ping pong to the fucking CHILD PORNOGRAPHY TWITTER RING
basic fucking journalism and you pieces of shit do nothing
burn in hell
Jose Cox
Journos are weak. I worked for Daily Mail and Sun in London… journos publish anti-drugs stories all the time and I was selling the cunts coke. They write what they're told to write then do everything they criticise.
Grow a pair you weak cunts, pick this story up
Joshua Hall
ENHANCE Is that a signature on the hare? NENA all in caps?
Samuel Sanders
Meant to post this with it
David Gutierrez
So if this is true, the CIA pulled out all the stops in this election to use all their powers of lies and manipulation to effect the public. It didn't work. Even with all their evil manipulations, Trump still got elected. And as we know, the CIA is deeply involved in pedo stuff itself. I believe the CIA's interest in children sexually is to use them to blackmail people with. I think the CIA has a very long history of using pedophilia to blackmail politicians and control them. Ever wonder why your government is so bad? Its because these people control it behind the scenes. If you have evidence of a politician with a child sexually, he could be ruined forever with that. We need to investigate and expose what is going on inside of the CIA concerning these matters.
Jeremiah Wood
Neina. That's what I can make out. If not, then NEHA.
Found a few strange things the other day. A suspicious account on Instagram led to this website: gamafarms.com/index.php.
Gama Farms is in California. If you look at the reviews, people claim that the eggs they sell are shipped in from somewhere else even though the farmers claim there are over 2000 chickens kept there. When the website first appeared there were no pics of chickens on the site and phone numbers listed were out-of-service.
In addition, if you view the source code there are a ton of hidden links to other websites. Follow these and there are hundreds of more links. The website of Colorado senator Angela Williams is part of this network. There is also a page linked to a video of Marina Abramovic.
Lots of the links are dead but there are some still functioning.
Juan Thompson
Carter Clark
Hadassah had people on the ground in haiti. They're kikes with the skills and connections fo both human and organ trafficking, AND HAVE BEEN CAUGHT BEFORE! They steal babies and sell organs damn it.
Adam Collins
Breaking Cambodian pizza scandal Needs some attention
Dutch CEO Stefan Struik's Vietnamese boyfriend, Nguyen Tangdung, used Struik's phone to upload videos of the physical abuse of a naked toddler, including torture with an electric prod, to Struik's facebook account.
Suspect in child torture case caught in Vietnam archive.is/pPmKk
Convicted Police Officer Now NGO Worker (James McCabe) archive.is/j7Fqx
Even though the main suspect, Nguyen Tangdung, is Stefan Struik's boyfriend, and the abuse was filmed with Struik's phone, and posted to Struik's facebook, and then Struik helped Tangdung flee by driving him to Vietnam, they're only charging Struik with failing to report the abuse when he first discovered it
I found podesta's guru. Rabbi michael lerner. Works some weird cultish jew magazine full of weird spiritism. Tikkun Mafazine. Here is the source, he's on their mailing list, signed himself up. wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/1681
Juan Gomez
Anyone else notice this? the bottom part shows "deserves a big dick" written on the side of the canvas.
Making me a target would only ensure that everyone dies.
Ashes and Echoes
Jeremiah Gutierrez
Liar Liar.
Liam Brown
Pizzagate should be called homogate because screwing little boys is typical faggot behaviour. The media-political Homomafia is closing ranks to protect their own.
Jaxon Thomas
Too bad that wouldn't take off as much as this already has. You cannot split the Meme, once it's been cast, it is eternally cast. You cannot return a loosed arrow to the quiver.
Blake Rivera
Jack Kelly
He's a cuck
Jaxon Bennett
oops I meant to link this one but youtube autoplayed https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHSVBp4ePfc He's pissed google/youtube has deleted his video.
Aaron Stewart
He's worse than a cuck. But it's funny when the left eats their own.
Gabriel Fisher
This guy is awesome for getting the word out. At least he's not sitting here calling strangers cucks while probably rubbing your hands together, sweating nervously. Not too late to turn back…
Evan Mitchell
Here's some more ritual abuse by powerful people in NoCal perpetrated by a MKUltra connected doctor:
h ttps://skepdic.com/refuge/funk49.html
tl;dr: There may be MKUltra scientists ritualistically fucking kids near Goat Rock Beach CA 38.4466° N, 123.1264° W
Richard Hamlin and his wife Susan are both successful lawyers. He's making 700k a year but quits allegedly to help his wife deal with her recovered memories of being serially molested by her dad and his friends. The couple spends the next few years spreading the word that her dad, Dr. Sidney Siemer, was a member of a Satanist group that passed around a lot of little kids. Eventually they go to the police with this bizarre story that her dad's group was about to kill Richard. She later recants, and says that her husband forced her to say these things. Richard, her husband, eventually goes to prison for a life sentence for torture. The wife blames the years she spent accusing her father of molesting her on Stockholm Syndrome and false memory syndrome. The husband still maintains his innocence now. The kicker is that according to this website the father, Dr. Sidney Siemer, was a pretty big player in MK Ultra.
h ttps://forwardamerica.blogspot.com/2007/05/mkultra-government-mind-control_08.html
Gavin White
Heute die Welt, Morgens das Sonnensystem Make America Gruad Again
Good tell for when discordians shill, they shove themselves into the spot-light.
piss off
Ayden Torres
Never trust kikes or cucks.
Benjamin Cook
who could have guessed
Logan Richardson
can we have this in higher resolution? can't read shit
Juan Ortiz
you folks REALLY need to find a way into fetlife and dig the fuck out of it. There are OTO, golden dawn groups, pizza groups, etc. I suggest you get there fast. Remember to break your search terms there
Brayden Jones
Photo without rabbit I'm guessing is in 2012 when the artist had finished the mural. One of the pictures on hellbent's site shows signature in one of the panels doesn't have the "012". Pictures with rabbit are taken from street view I think, so whenever those were put up or updated.
Is your friend 34a66c?
Elijah Cruz
I make gun and horn signs all the time in photographs and I sometimes cover my face with whatever shirt/ scarf I have. Usually grey or black but I'm not into bondage or S&M and I'm not a satanist or a pedo
Grabbing at the wrong straws here I think. We're looking at silly things and trying to squeeze them into places that suit us.
Focus on real leads, the CF.
Dylan Peterson
Well shit, Jewtube is deleted one of David Seaman's videos.
Owen Foster
Rock and metal concerts you'll see plenty of people throwing the horns too.
Tyler Parker
I've got a ton of archives for this and none mention the child trafficking apart from some blog which doesn't actually provide links to the parts it says are related to it. An user linked to this incident in the last thread.
That second link is the same content as the blog post I mention. I got a strong feeling of "the russians are behind pizzagate fake conspiracy" from that article. Fortunately no other news article has so much as hinted at it.
Grayson Cruz
Pizzagate is getting censored. The only people aware of this are pizzagaters.
Solution: Co-Opt #Jesus with pizzagate info. and religion memes.
This creates the double bind: Do they censor #Jesus before Christmas or do they let their dirty laundry air?
If red cups piss off Christians, what would blocking #Jesus do?
Oliver Russell
Does anyone know if someone, somewhere dug up info on the church/francis by chance? The vatican seems to be a last minute type group in terms of response time.
Jace Adams
I think it should be a quick-witted user like you who starts the next thread ;)
Henry Ward
G-guys? This Dr. Pong joint mentioned in the alefantis article sure looks sketchy as fuck.
What's with the background? Random parts are misaligned.
Bannon became involved in IGE, Brock Pierce's World of Warcraft digital gold company, after Marc Collins-Rector and Brock Pierce were arrested in Marbella in 2003 with a mountain of CHEESE PIZZA at their villa.
WAT FUCKING DO Holla Forums???
Christian Brown
well fuck.
Adam Watson
Anyone check out the resignation of the NZ pm?
That and Buzz Aldrin make a weird as fuck tweet about Antarctica.
Jose James
I'm pretty sure it was implied in an earlier thread that there's a subset of abusers that like to dress up in costumes while raping their victims.
Part of this kink would be dressing up as ayys then abducting people. Think of the abduction stories with the anal probing and so on. If the victim is drugged, are they going to realize these are not real ayy lmaos? It's the perfect cover story straight from the victim's own mouth.
Owen Turner
Also, in the gatekeeper threads that slid and were archived, after reading through a lot of them, there seemed to be a mention to some restaurants which given those dead reporters might actually be important.
I've seen a lotta CTR shills in my day but this motherfucker is DEDICATED. Funny thing is he lives in Bethesda, MD and works as a neurosurgery resident at WALTER REED MEDICAL HOSPITAL (this is a military hospital, but also a test site for MKULTRA shit in past decades) doximity.com/pub/brian-curry-md/1
why the fuck is a brain surgeon so pressed about #PizzaGate?
is he a Mengele Holla Forums?
Ian Bailey
because you spoiled the whole link maybe? you don't have to spoil if you just remove the protocol: www.danaellyn.com/press/transformer08/transformer.html
James Gonzalez
And yet he has all that free time to shitpost on twitter. Hmm…
Hunter Watson
He is the dude that zaps the memories from the victims.
William Jackson
I know thee is a lot to go through but this is what (along with the Egyptian satanic masonic connection) David Carrico is known for. His phenomenal video Satanic Ritual Abuse & secret societies. It is even mentioned in the first couple of pages of the egyptian satanic masonic connection
Obama: "Well well, I can't let this happen while I'm PM! Pardons for all!"
CNN: "yayyyyyyyyyy"
Trump's silence on this matter is telling.
Camden Flores
Eli Gutierrez
if you look through his reply history, he hardly ever used his Twitter in 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015.
His activity picked up in October though (a bunch of snotty pro-Hillary tweets), then Nov 9, then Nov 28….
But in the last 5 days (since the shooter event), he's been on an absolute tear. Pizzagate is the ONLY thing he's talking about on twitter, and all his comments are jumping into other people's threads and saying incredibly dumb snarky shit. He's not even making clever CTR shill points, just "muh fake news" over and over
y so triggered, Herr Doktor?
William Ross
If you are red pilling normies, wouldn't the best approach be with a good poster with professional looking graphics?
People love beautiful posters. Me for myself have read some serious bullshit posters just because they were good looking. Chances are most people do this too. A poster is easy to spread via whatsapp/telegram/signal/facebook/twitter/instagram - you name it. Hell you can palce them on cafeterias, restaurants and light poles. You can easily skim it through and get the comprehention of what it's about.
It should summarize everything you know BUT in a such light that's not too much for normies. You shouldn't talk about Moloch and other satanic stuff - that's too much. You shouldn't present the information as an absolute truth since evidence is only circumstantial. What you should do is to get the normies THINK. Think, that MAYBE there's some truth behind it. Think, that MAYBE I should look into this stuff. Think, that MAYBE something that has happened throghout the history is happening again on a larger scale. The biggest argument and denial for all the normies is "Nooo… those are honorable people, there is no way they could do such thing. Besides they are fighting against this so why in the world would they be involved".
You shouldn't write:
You should write:
There should NOT be any backlink to Holla Forums, halfchan nor (and especially not) plebbit or any other site that normies consider "fake news" like. It should simply spark them to think. When you tink, you research. When you research you will find.
The poster should cover all the basics:
And as the last part give them search terms. If a normie goes onto google for shits and giggles to see wether or not there's any ground in this they will use search terms such as "pizzagate", "is pizzagate true?", "is pizzagate fake news?", "pizzagate conspiracy" etc. And we all know what those search terms will give them. I really think this is one of the best approaches to mass redpill normies.
In addition we need to make them THINK again but about the fake news. What exactly is fake news? USA says Russian media is just bunch of trolls and the Russians say that the US media is just a bunch of trolls, who's the fake news here? In the eyes and the interest of whom?
God speed.
Aaron Thompson
Someone was concerned with voodoo donut in portland a few threads ago. Finally got around to making a little graphic of their "donut art"
Jack Collins
Oh gees user who would have guessed?
Brody Jones
Has anyone seen this film?
Robert Hughes
those idiots don't realize Abramovic put shit and children's body parts in the "cake"
Jack Powell
Speaking of which, you know Abramovic recently had a Q&A on Tumblr?
They're going out of their way to indoctrinate the youth
Robert Gray
Someone needs to tell these normie journalists that cheese pizza means child porn not girl.
Landon Taylor
Dave Stone or Flintstone is not among the Directors. The connection to him was made via Lisa Jackson, who is listed as Director. But we already knew she was tied to CF, so I don't see how it's related to Pizzagate. I'm also not sure how he discovered JIT Packaging and what it has to do with the rest. You say it's tied to Hawaii property burned planes? It's still worth looking into. The Bethlehem Steel Plant Fire definitely looks strange (insurance scam or maybe some evidence was destroyed due to timing with election), but the link between David Franjoine (owner) to CF has not been established 100 %. As someone in the comments of that thread suggested - specialities might congregate in high-density urban areas, so they happen to reside nearby. Here are the threads on Voat for those who haven't seen them yet:
If you want to dig into that look up every major pedophile bust and then look at what those people were saying and doing before the bust occurred. Obviously there will be actual pedophiles being busted to make everything seem on the level but any politicians speaking out against certain policies or groups and then suddenly getting hit with a sex scandal should confirm you are right.
Chase Bell
Proof of pizzagate in the bible Jude 14:88 Particularly the last part.
Sebastian Moore
For anyone who believes that Pizzagate isnt a huge topic, my little normie sister who is in high school who takes a "conspiracy theory" class was being convinced that pizzagate is all fake and there is nothing to look at.
I honestly cant believe that pizzagate is so big that even teachers are trying to convince kids that there is nothing there. She told me that a lot of the kids think its real though!
Ayden Bell
VIDEO WAS REMOVED It's been reuploaded by another account though. DON'T LET THEM BURY THIS
It won't let me post the webm for some reason…
Jordan Rogers
Fake I think.
Austin Ross
Kids should get red pilled more. The ones who would be curious are likely tech savvy and can get around censorship. They are also the most at risk group in all of this.
Imagine a bunch of kids asking their parents of satanic senators are going to eat them. Try calming that one down.
Brayden King
woah woah woah… we have known about this website for a while, but yeah look closer at the background "Dr. Pong" text… why are parts of it darker / lighter than others? easier to see in the thumbnails. different on every page…
one of the biggest confirmations that all of this is real is the crazy amount of shilling going on.
no other halfchan/8ch investigation has EVER been so vehemently or unanimously opposed. All MSM outlets are desperately denying it, kids are being taught to ignore it in schools, google searches being censored, youtube videos getting taken down, reddit and voat heavily compromised, extremely heavy (proven) shilling on websites they can't compromise. trying to demonize self-investigators, "fake news" and "conspiracy theory" buzzwords…
it's SO OBVIOUS that we hit on something huge, I just fear that they're winning this game. these threads keep slowing down, having more arguments than investigations, and moving farther and farther away from heavy breathing / comet ping pong / the podestas / satanism topics.
Adam Mitchell
so that's proof of a multi-layered psyop? we are supposed to find the connection, find the "pizza" keyword, find the "gunman actor" thing, and then freak out and say it's all fabricated to support pizzagate.
but aren't they trying to suppress pizzagate? what do they gain by making us think they planted the shooter? because that is what they want us to think.
does this mean that pizzagate is covering up the true pedo ring? is it meant as something for us to freak out over while they destroy more evidence? can't figure it out
Jason Murphy
Alefantis seems to be a heroin addict judging from his 2008 posts on his ApesDC blog. Any user in the DC area should check out Methadone Clinics near Comet Ping Pong. They are probably luring in teens and kids who show up for the regular ping pong and family activities with drugs.
Maybe one easy goal would be to try to get the Liquor License people to go after Comet Ping Pong for failure to properly ID people and prevent underage drinking at their events?
Ian Powell
The IMDB gunman role is a new add red herring. The fact that the guy is an actor is the big news. They're just muddying the water a little bit by planting some fake juicy tidbits so they can reject the enitre "crisis actor" angle as being fake.
The "lone gunman showing up to self-investigate" is the PSYOP. They're fucking freaked out over pizzagate because we have caught them red-handed engaging in stuff that they can't possibly explain away to the normies. Child rape, murder, satanism. This is all stuff that normies will want to see them fry in the electric chair for. That's why they're freaked out!
Nobody really cares about campaign finance violations or charity fraud or any of more mundane crimes they are guilty of. Everybody knows Bill Clinton is a womanizer who pays for sex. Big deal.
Pizzagate is huge because the Public won't forgive them for satanic rituals and murder of little children!
Leo Mitchell
This thread is getting shilled hard so you know it's legit.
Lucas Jackson
what posts are you referring to re: junk head? Maybe guy was asking if he'd play Domino's better on coke or heroin
Aaron Carter
Yeah, they have tentacles everywhere and heavily involved in organ harvesting and selling. Also white sex-trafficking almost always goes through israel. I don't know where black & brown sex-slaves/human trafficking goes through, but human trafficking was legal in Israel until a few years ago. They were forced to make a law about it when seriously threatened by the US over a loss of shekels. So it's now illegal but the law isn't enforced.
If you can collect the info on the Israeli/jewish organizations there in Haiti after the earthquake, I'll use that.
Jordan Bell
interesting theory. he definitely has drug problems, there are multiple bottles of xanax in one of the baby caris euro pictures and he's definitely waaaaaaay too relaxed in one interview when civilians confront him with posters (youtube.com/watch?v=gKTiUaloDDA)
is anyone familiar with "The Finders"? satanic pedo cult from DC, two higherups were caught red handed, police made tons of progress in the case before it was taken over by the CIA. then investigation suddenly stopped and all charges dropped against the two pedos disappeared. the satanic rituals, brainwashing practices, and ties to dozens of foreign countries make me think it's connected
Sure here you go. I want to be clear - this map isn't alleging that these people listed are all together or involved in a ring. It's just a way to visualize how many were caught and prosecuted in one decade that were listed in that one article.
Noah Cox
Jaxon Anderson
Pedo spotted
they always protect their own
Henry Brooks
It's like they all act the same. Ignore the obvious point you're making, and either a) ask some stupid inflammatory question/comment, or b) make fun of a typo or other small detail to ignore the point
David James
This is one reason they desperately want to shut it down. Look at John's connections in DC (on the right). He was on a "high-level panel for eminent persons" to help with their post-2015 agenda.
This shit is big, and we're nibbling away at it from the edges, and trying to find the connections between people, places, things and statements. It's also a huge business and these bastards stand to lose a LOT of shekels, which is why there are interlocking networks:
-parents who GIVE their kids into it/rent them out -procurers (snatchers/kidnappers, people who lure kids into it) -logistics - people who hold/contain and feed them -transporters - people who move kids around from place to place through safe routes (think of Larry King in the Franklin Scandal) -treasurers - people who collect shekels, people who launder shekels -producers - those who produce "cheese pizza", those who distribute it -renters - those who rent the kid(s) for a while -users - those who are 'gifted' use of the kid(s) for a while for blackmail/control purposes obviously -buyers - pretty self explanatory. they aren't going to be checked up on later; may even kill child or just keep them as a slave.
Each small network has these and will overlap in some small way to another or several others through a few layers of people. So if one gets busted & shuts down, the rest can continue on.
Logan Morgan
i know. it's fucking sickening. there was an user claiming to be FBI on halfchan a while ago who gave the coordinates of a music camp we hadn't discovered that was 100% part of one of the networks you named. after that, he said that the global pedo ring is "winding down into something much smaller and more manageable."
at the scale they were operating previously (fucking massive) they went undetected for decades. if they "wind down into something small" it will be virtually impossible to stop them. we have to bust this wide open in the next 2-3 weeks or it's game over
Jack Collins
Alefantis is/was friends with this freak who snapped out and killed some other faggot with an axe or something over drugs. Apparently it's pretty common for faggots to be into drugs, it's just another form of degeneracy and probably (they think) helps them to numb their crazy minds due to the nasty stuff they do.
And yes, the Finders and also Franklin Scandal are very pertinent, as well as the Doutroux case. See
Beyond the Dutroux Affair: The reality of protected child abuse and snuff networks archive.is/6P2yI
Jason Gutierrez
Hunter Jackson
I know that helping to meme Donald Trump into office was a great victory for the chans and the internet memelords in general, but I can't help thinking that maybe forcing the evil reptilian elite to stage a false flag attack on their own pedo-pizzeria to stave off public inquiry is not an even bigger coup. It shows how scared they are. That is why you should keep digging, keep meming and never give up until you have enough evidence to put all these people behind bars. Merry Christmas Holla Forums
Brayden Taylor
To me, it seems like they are seeing the lines being drawn and are retreating. The real question is will they be able to retreat fast enough to garner a foothold in another nation or are they scrambling so hard they are just trying to cover their tracks at this point. Are there signs of them getting ready to retreat?
Asher Harris
Checked and quoted for truth. Pederastas will be off the hook when they find the "real" evildoers.
Benjamin Hill
This is from blog dot theapes dot com
Amanda Kleinman is the official front man for the band but I think Alefantis is the one in the mask in some of the videos. They're all in the same circle anyway.
MONDAY, APRIL 21, 2008 How to Have Fun with Your Favorite Junkie posted by Majestic Ape at 8:24 AM
How to Have Fun With The Family Junkie
1. Steal his shit first
2. Hide the spoons
3. Switch his brown chewy lump with clustered snake turds
4. Rat on his dealer
5. Write on his face with a sharpie when he's nodding
6. Dip his needles in pee- pee
7. Put tacks on the bathroom floor just before he vomits
8. Tell him his poetry sucks
9. Change the locks and bar the windows, this time for real!
10. Put him in a straightjacket to induce withdrawl and pump and pump a Tammy Faye Baker sermon through the speakers at full blast. Labels: addiction, Apes, drugs, heroin, Paris Hilton, the apes
Christopher Parker
So is this just GG tards larping since their last crusade died?
William Davis
Yup, you should just ignore it and watch the news to see if anything comes from it. :^)
Aaron Taylor
I have a fetlife account from a few years back when somebody I know was posting nudes. I searched for Pizza and found this, there are a ton of pizza related groups but it's hard to separate the meetup groups from the satanists. There's a few Golden Dawn groups but they are small. Anything more to go on, user?
He's already deleted his Facebook and Twitter, he'll probably do the same to his YT.
William Robinson
I couln't watch but 10 seconds of that video before my blood began to boil and I wanted to cry. Saved the video, but can't watch it.
These fucking monsters. ==NO MERCY==
Jaxon Jenkins
we need definite pedo symology or a direct link to Alefantis/Podesta to proceed on any random store links
the hit n miss strategy is being used against us in the media
Landon Ortiz
Do you have a link (or image) of that? I saw other ones but I don't remember that comment.
That's not Cassidy. If you look at the top photo and then the top left photo and compare her teeth you can see they're not the same. The woman in the Bounce Ping Pong photo has front teeth that are all the same length. The top right photo of Cassidy shows her two front teeth are longer than the ones next to them.
Noah Perry
For some reason, child suffering is the only thing that gets my blood boiling anymore, everything before was just a slight irritation about the circumstances we are in. I hate this realty sometimes.
Jack Garcia
Ryan Scott
What breaks my heart the most is that you could use that as D&C on Holla Forums by just going, "lol, look at the nigger baby!", not realizing the bigger issue that this has brought up. The shills seem to be using this as a strong crack against Holla Forums, so be weary about race bating here, especially low tier b8.
Jose Clark
I am 100% certain anybody using hate of any kind is a shill.
The shills at are going the "race mixer" route because this fine user has a Vietnamese wife.
If it's hate, it's demons.
Jackson Rodriguez
More is being learned.
Also clintonfoundationinvestigation.com.
Also, bizapedia.
Not everyone has gone to ground. Keep digging. Marathon style, not sprint. Start pushing MainStreamManipulation articles about the Pentagon Pedophiles and anything that brings awareness to pedophile politicians.
Tavistock has researched power dynamics in a variety of forms. The main lesson you can take from their studies and papers is, "Matrix of Power" vs simple, hierarchical structures.
By plugging people in across the board is more powerful that plugging people in at the top.
Establish a #politicalpedophilia matrix of power, where every platform is being hammered with the best graphics.
Go to every comment forum of every news article on pizzagate and spread the news. Seriously, one little copy pasta o respond to every single accusation of fake news on the Internet.
(Also, some of the new graphics rock. Keep up the good work.) "Pizzagate keeps uncovering pedophiles and traffickers tied to Clinton, Podesta and Alefantis. Dennis Hastert. Christopher Kloman. Laura Silsby. Terry Bean. Richard Harding (who lives next to Comet Ping Pong). The list keeps growing.
No one has offered an alternative explanation for the pizza code, like "pizza related map" "dominos with cheese or pasta" or shipping pizza internationally.
Why won't the news report on the smoking, radioactive gun that is Uranium One, now that there is proof from Panama Papers and the leaked emails?
It's not fake news."
Samuel Brooks
Let's not get ahead of ourselves, there is a time and place for race hate. The trick is to see the bigger issue at hand. It's one thing to laugh at the cholos that have to go back but it's another thing when you have people calling for Dorner and Zimmerman's blood because they are guilty of essentially original sin. It's a sticky situation.
Also, keep your reddit spacing back in reddit m80, you don't need to break your fucking lines like that.
The Dutroux case is something you most likely can link towards all this eventually. It had a lot of high level politicians names and other officials.
Our former minister of justice, Joris Demmink, is pretty much a confirmed pedo but obviously it's being worked away out of attention; quick dutch summary demminkdoofpot.nl/home.html
Joshua Perez
Ian King
Shoutout to the dedicated people keeping this alive. I wish I could join in on a more serious level, but I've been working far too much to get into anything. Keep up the good fight and don't let the cooze queens stop you.
Nathaniel Thomas
i'd infer from the candle going through the small donut and the machete in the steak (that's what you use to dismember people, not what you use to cut steak) there was child rape and mutilation at said party
Looks like just a guy looking for his 5 minutes of fame. That said, was that a door in the back of Comet or just a piece of junk left by the highway? At most the tunnels should be looked at a bit more closely, see if there are any tunnels that match the same exterior as the ones near the pizza places.
Levi Sullivan
No basement explored, they just hung out at the back of the stores ….
Benjamin Price
…and then they went into the basement. Right there on the video. Did you watch it?
Luis Morales
roxy is owned by quiksilver fuck face their logo is two QUICKSILVER logos.
kill yourself. youre literally too stupid
Jaxon Gomez
That's the underground part of DC other videos have shown, lots of homeless people there, they had a message popup before they went that said its not illegal. That's not under Comet Pizza or Besta
Psychedelics are cancer. Source: non drug using druggie. I dont have the longest list as far as different psychedelics go, but you may ask away anyway.
Adam Wright
Can DMT really be classified as just another "dude lmaoo" drug? Seems entirely unique, and it's something most people only do once or twice in their entire lives and that's enough.
It's the only thing I'd like to try.
It's broken down by the body in 15 minutes but people who go under say they lost all sense of time, and felt like they were there for years.
Produced by the pineal gland, is potentially responsible for dreaming and is released en masse by the body right after death…
Seems like it has an esoteric significance worth looking into.
Kevin Bailey
Can marijuana be considered just as harmful as tobacco or alcohol? I'm a fence sitter on this shit since if we are going to ban dude wee lmao then why create such an arbitrary line in the sand when we allow tobacco and alcohol?
Too bad this has nothing to do with the discussion at hand.
Samuel James
Most people who take it report conversations with other beings, as well as the presence of gnomes, elves, dwarves or children…etc. Small humanoid creatures.
This is consistent and has been documented since the 50's.
WARNING: 2 year old toddler shock torture. Makes me sick, but should not be hidden. Brave men needed.
Anthony Wilson
Just checked voat pizzagate and that video is the top post, fucking trolls, seeing more of that stuff pop up on voat pizzagate, misdirection that was not under comet pizza
Brody Gonzalez
dmt in the right setting, like most /psy/ are redpills. I've deconditioned a lot of people while they are on lsd. DMT does it on it's own, if the subject has already been preloaded with redpills, but you have to hit them right before their dose, as they tend to be oblivious to the world around them for about 10minutes due to intensity when smoked. Orally, as ayahueasca, it is more effective, as you can actually interact with the fucks.
next july I will be at the national rainbow gathering in oregon. If anyone wants to show up, I'll teach you how to redpill hippies. My specialty over the past few years has become teaching hippies how to hate, and be proud of their culture. I've redpilled hippies from degenerate psuedo-nativism to full viking 88 in a single night. As anyone who understands the principles of polarity could tell you, they flip HARD! Expect a lot of hippies going RWDS by the end of july, and they will be heading to every state in the union to carry on the message we give them.
Noah Lewis
I've done fairly short hallucinogenics. Shortest one being 2C-B something like 4-6 hours or so, although fairly weak. Its not like you are completely sober after 15 minutes. You'll have a long aftermath, its with every hallucinogenic drug.
Just enforced leftist thoughts. A chemically enforced empathic feeling (allthough not as enforced as MDMA or 4-FA) , derailed thought process. It made me realize strange things (allthough not remember it) and ghave me a lot of creativity and inspiration but in the end it was all bullshit.
I dont like tobacco either. Im Dutch so weed smoking comes naturally. but it is also as shit. You are still smoking plant matter so its still bad for you. Maybe except vaping. Mentally its cancerous too. Fuck it.
I would allow alcohol because it has been such an important and long lasting part of cultures all troughout Europe. Funny how its actually one of the hardest drugs out there.
I never met any creatures, the most hardcore things Ive done are some weird combinations and if we are talking about solo drugs, 300 ug LSD. Looking back I still think its just poision, especially mentally.
Aaron Moore
And there lies the problem for me. Why do certain harmful substances get a pass due to "prestige"? If it harms the nation then it would make sense to ban it but if the leaders believe that the citizens can imbibe in moderation then that is an alternative but a very precarious path in which all citizens should be vigilant as not to let a few bad apples ruin it for the bunch.
James Nguyen
God all these E-LOOM-ME-NAUGHT-EEEEEE faggots are killing the steam of thing. For once I'd like to look at a pizzagate video that wasn't talking about MKULTRA and the all seeing eye Symbolism.
These faggots are in place to subvert any progress of this breaking story and dump it into the memory hole where it will never escape the dis-info and FAKE NEWS meme. Because when anyone goes to look into to it and hears the X-Files theme play with pictures of the free masons eating pizza they'll immediately tune it out and accept CNN's word for it that its bullshit.
I would not recommend taking psychedelics or much of any drugs at all if you have never done any. Better too not to.
But this is actually great. Im not surrounded with those people anymore, or go to festivals or parties or anything like that. But psychedelics open you up and make your vulnerable.
The only thing is that it would not be genuine. Ie. I was fairly centrist, but I dropped every leftist bullshit part after I realised the drugs made me realise it. Why would that not happen when you redpill and hippy?
Caleb Moore
As I said, alcohol has a long history. Alcoholism is a different thing.
In low doses, it makes you couragious, more social, stronger (as in, better ignoring limits of your body) etc.
I have yet to encounter a drug that is so forgiving and has such effects in low doses. Alcohol punishes you when you overdo it. Most drugs leave you dead. The only drug I like more than alcohol in that aspect is GHB. But Ive had some serious issues with cramps (probably to GABAergic tolerance and stimulation of the GHB receptor).
But thats personal. A drug like alcohol, with almost no hangover, same effects but better. But dying if you take too much. That would not work out.
But ill stop, im derailing the thread. Create a thread if you like to continue, I have a lot of experience to share.
Back to #pizzagate
Joseph Lewis
WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK Someone linked this on another thread
Parker Taylor
The fuck are you talking about? I'm on heroic doses of lsd while I'm redpilling the hippies. If you have genuine pride and a strong ego, lsd amplifies your being. If you have nothing but false pride (arrogance) and a weak ego, lsd will wipe away your lies to yourself and leave you with the nothing that you(they) are. If you know anyone who talks about experiencing "ego death" theyre full of shit, they never had an ego to begin with. I've seen this a thousand times.
Eli Adams
Presumably was suspended for pizzagate memetic warfare.
Brandon Wilson
That might be true, at the time I was red pilled but didnt swallow the pill completely.
I've had ego death, its not bullshit. I means that your brain is so full of cancerous poision you cant think of the basic who/what/where/when.
I have yet to met the first person who took 300ug LSD or more and remembered lessons from it. All I could do was figure out how to adjust my belt.
Luke Smith
I just thought of something. Did any of you who went to public school in the US remember the trend of those jelly bracelets that were used as code for sex things?
archive links are for a couple news articles discussing the topic and the UD definition
what are YOU talking about. I was fairly self assured and I was fairly active in my community and ended up taking a Q of shrooms and smoked a blunt after a period of ramp up. I had vivid 5th plateau hallucinations consisting of extreme synesthesia where I could manipulate mental models that I perceived to be physically in front of me. I had horrific time dilation and felt like I lived 1000 years of racial history through various cultural touchstones (Roland, of the Round Table, through Roland of Warren Zevon fame), dying hundreds of deaths, some good and some bad. I haven't done any drugs in almost 12m and couldn't have tea or coffee for close to three months because it so completely deconstructed my ego. Overall net positive and I am very healthy and well adjusted now, but I wouldn't wish that hell on anyone in the entire world, but to say that ego death isn't real is unbelievably naive.
Noah Roberts
(self checked) Also of note a popular show for teens at the time discussed the sex bracelets.
Camden Jenkins
Thats says enough about psychedelics though….
stay away
Andrew Cook
Dude shut up about drugs, you are derailing the thread. Look at this shit , this is what we are fighting against, get a hold of yourself ffs.
Carson Ramirez
Correct, I have a hold of myself. I realized the profound danger inherent in their use. I was 100% mentally stable before taking them and 100% mentally stable afterwards, but very rattled. I knew exactly what I was doing in the physical/mental sense. It is relevant to PG because if you search backwards through history you see the desire of the esoteric movements is to elevate the consciousness to that of a god through self aggrandizement and rituals meant to evoke specific mental states. Psychedelics are a dirty shortcut. Many people use them without consequence, but they make one malleable, and if there is any kind of higher consciousness it opens you up to their influence. Whether or not they exist is not really important. This is why these groups perpetuate ritual abuse (DID inducement), this is why the Psy movement is toxic to our culture (Grateful dead, et. all). It is important to stay away from psychedelics even if their acute effects can be used for good.
Tyler Morgan
Dominic Parker
I sense kikery in this mess.
James Gutierrez
That is a dxm term but that sounds horrible. I know occultists will take these drugs. Timothy leary called psychedelics one of the elements that can be used to control people. He also had connections to the golden dawn. Aldous huxley Is said to have been part of le tavistock. all sorts of things going on with these psychedelics. I would not put it past these cults to use that is an intimidation thing. Imagine everyone pretending that you are going crazy. Or that they gave you drugs and are telling you that this is the power of the cult. The power of magic. Dip a toddlers hand in some lsd and start indoctrinating him. that is probably one of the ways they fuck with the victims minds.
Carson Evans
She probably makes adult swim commercials now.
Jose Bell
Daniel Hall
Thanks for this user.
Jaxson Watson
Yes, The eastern mystery cults were the fusion of ritualistic sacrifice with drugs, and other in-group behavior meant to induce the state of 'merging' with the larger universe. They desire higher states of existence, and they believe that the pain of others (Huxley and Crowley talked about this as well) gave them greater spiritual power. You see some of these beliefs persist in modern Buddhism (Satori Enlightenment). They believe their magical power is directly proportional to the total amount of spiritual energy in the world. That is why they move to keep the public spiritually disinterested, while they perform their rituals. They have turned Luciferianism and Vampirism into their own memes, while they continue to practice the rituals. At some point the objective reality of their practices ceases to matter in light of the consequences to everyday individuals. Mild psychedelic use was personally useful because it allowed profound introspection and led to a lot of positive changes, but the Psy culture is toxic and was largely pushed in conjunction with the Intel community. The most prominent example of this is The Grateful Dead, who were basically the house band for Tavistock (Alan Trist's father was the director).
This is important to PG because there is a D&C movement to push personal enlightenment through the use of psychedelics, but it's a false culture, because these movements often use the same substances and mental states to perpetuate and justify their ritual abuse. Tavistock is the one pushing the unified religion meme that corrupted Mormonism (lol) with Luciferianism.
Carter Howard
There is someone (201bef) gaslighting the OP of this thread
Jonathan Ross
The tunnels by doctorpopo is a d&c video, downvote and hide it.
It's unbelievable how much info on people, organizations and institutions is out there. All we have to do is look, and that's not including stuff people intentionally put out there themselves, like LinkedIn.
Blake Perry
I fucking hate the Lugenpreese.
Colton Wright
Nathaniel Butler
Several of us have user. Across the many threads, every time it gets brought up. Example: "pizza related mark" - a typo or predictive text error. Was the e-mailer using a smartphone or blackberry to write the e-mail?
Will he be better at playing "dominioes on shrooms than on acid" - it's a variant on the type of phrase where one implies they or someone else is on drugs. In the dominoes instance the implication is, to him, cheese may be performance enhancing compared to the usual pasta.
Shipping pizza internationally? This was a website for their subscriptions or donors or something yes? A nin physical product being sold online iirc, but do correct me if I've missed something here. It really is common for devs to put in injokes or silly references when working on a piece of software or a site before it's fully finished. Or for dev projects to have themed codenames prior to release. However, Stratfor are fucking dodgy for that """"waitress""" comment in the secure hotdog procurement e-mail chain. So although the behaviour itself wrt naming their work in progress something goofy like the pizza pages, we don't yet know how or why "pizza" is an injoke for the Stratfor people. That would be something to look into, and see if the injoke is what we suspect it might be…
There was a comment from someone last thread suggesting that the basement pics were from Besta rather than CPP, but it was literally a comment with no source for the info. In that case it wouldn't be a lie, but he could say the truth, that "these people mistook photos of Besta's basement work for our establishment". But he didn't, which means if it were Besta's basement, he didn't want to make them a target because they're either innocent, or guilty - in either case he wouldn't want to draw attention to them.
Oliver Perry
kek someone by the name McCann just donated $50
Lincoln Roberts
Owen Garcia
If that was the case, wouldn't the threads be spammed with cp? Like the "We the Pizza" guys debacle had a whiff of goon about it, trying to insist people were okay saving the stuff because they're investigating so won't get v&.
Nathan Lopez
You are ok saving the shit if it's tied with the investigation and/or some other investigation. If you're a retarded fag that doesn't know how to handle the stuff then you shouldn't be let near it in the first place, since you aren't investigating for shit.
Samuel Hall
Alefantis opened Bucks first which is next door and has a basement. The video showing the curtained off bar in the back. It's possible there is a doorway between the two businesses behind the curtain in the dusty bar room. It depends on where the curtain in the video is in relation to the map of CPP floor plan.
Bentley James
Good work guys. You could see the kill room with the white walls behind comet. You could also clearly see besta has an underground. The back is the way to go for any investigators.
I'm down with this. A massive spam attack with memes. Let show this fucks who truly runs the Internet.
Adrian Russell
Franklin Cover Up seems to stop people in their tracks. And the name Larry King confuses normies.
Isaiah Jenkins
Fuck off with the boystown shit. This is bigger than boystown.
Adrian Perez
It's all interconnected. No one went to jail besides king for money fraud. Know your fucking history.
Grayson Ramirez
I saw that video, I've seen some fucked up Shit on the dark web. But this fucks are so arrogant, they actually posted on jew tube. Like taunting us. Like we can't do anything. Fuck that this is search and destroy anybody involved should have there life completely ruined.
Jace Scott
I believe you're right and I have said this from the beginning. There is a poster on voat who said the same and included a close-up pic of the masked ape showing the mouth resembling Alefantis more so than Kleinman. But the pushback fron shill posters to this pretty obvious clue was huge so this might be something Alefantis wants to hide. In a ritual abuse situation anyone can don the red mask/wig and take on that persona eliciting the same effect in triggering victims.
Brayden Harris
I still think we should keep normies in the loop. Nothing complex just the basics what there minds can digest.
Sebastian Martinez
So I know most likely a lot of you will have hateful things to say to me but…. I am a lefty normie, until very recently (right before the election). However I have been against the two party system for about ten years, and against organized religion. I am very much into questioning and finding answers for myself. And if you want to get through to them, you need to consider that most of us don't like ANY derogatory comments about others. I have no problem with a consenting adult living their life however they see fit, with any other consenting adult. Keeping us divided is the goal (republicans vs. democrats) (Christians vs atheists) (rich vs. poor) (white collar vs. blue collar) DON"T BELIEVE THE HYPE, they just don't want us to have REAL conversations about what THEY are doing. You can make your points without being hateful, keep it classy. I have to say I do not like the way that people talk about the gay people (who existed for a lot longer than MK Ultra). Just because there are gay people doing hateful/hurtful shit to children doesn't mean that all gay people are bad (neither are all the jews). And as for those that keep talking about God saving us and these Satanists are evil, these are all just tools. TAVISTOCK is not disinformation, this is a real business learning real things about the brain and what it is capable of. Controlling the masses as well as certain groups of people with mind control is very real check out the mk ultra alter egos video, at least it gives you pause to say What? Oh and the NSA was started the same year as Tavistock. And if you watch old interviews with Michael Aquino you have to ask yourself how did this crazy mother fucker get so high up the chain? It's rumored that at one point he was the true head of the NSA And I know that there are some powerful people who believe in the Satanist shit the way that most of the masses believe in God, however it is all for control. Are there a group of people who really believe what they are doing sure, and they honestly believe that there special due to their heritage….but it was proven that rape at a young age and Satan rituals are great tools to help split a young child's mind. Not mention a great way to blackmail people when you get them on video doing this stuff. Oh and based on studies of mind control Marijuana really goes against that and opens the mind for reflection and critical thought, which is why they don't want a plant legalized (do you like basil or parsley?). While a lot of liberals need to question their whole political belief system and the trust they place in these people, the conservatives needs to question whether or not they've been controlled through their religious beliefs….
Ryder Williams
this just goes to show that the system is so rigged. So rigged by the fake people that the american dream is dead. I do not want to be an entrepreneur if this is the kind of riff raff you have to put up with. gofundme.com/financial-support-for-comet-staff#
Anyone who donated should be arrested. Seriously this pisses me off more than most of this shit. What the hell who makes a gofundme? What is this site used for?
Jack Hill
Because of these posts. I automatically disregard tavistock. IT IS A MEDIATING HUMAN RELATIONS OUTFIT NOT THE TOP OF THE FOOD CHAIN.
Adam Butler
So do we organize and spam social media?
Thomas White
We need memes the quality of Draft our Daughters. Wish I wasn't a dumb fuck and could contribute.
Benjamin Rogers
All I can say is you should research it yourself, and you have to dig deep. For myself I found it helpful to start at the beginning. And I'm not going to lie, it is conjecture at this point, without a FORMAL/HONEST investigation we won't know for sure.
Jason Sanders
Jaxson Gutierrez
Nicholas Rodriguez
And I didn't say it was the top of anything. You know what they are a "spoke in the wheel, and so are you." Al Pacino, Donnie Brasco
Ryan Mitchell
Clearly there is something going on there. But when I see people type [email protected]/* */$t0Ck I fucking cringe.
Charles Johnson
Great work, we need more of this. Regular customers just happen to video everything and wtf something weird happens again. Much like this youtube.com/watch?v=YJrkbgiETzs
What is the connection with CPP/Podesta/HRC? You've been spamming threads for two days now dude, I've read the posts and articles and it seems like the usual pedo in asia story, of which there are many. But how is it connected? I'm not seeing that at all.
Stop trying to derail this thread with random pedo stories and [email protected]/* */ shit, we know everything already. At least act like you've participated here for more than a few hours.
Get out now.
Parker Turner
Fair. When I see anything about God/Religion (as the answer) I cringe.
Parker Adams
I agree. We need people who aren't afraid to give up their physical bodies for this cause. This is the only cause worth fighting and dying for right now.
Hudson Powell
Imagine being this out of touch.
Jeremiah Gutierrez
There will be many as soon as the other shoe drops and we get smoking gun type evidence. Who l33t enough to get some for us?
Carson Campbell
>SOURCE: Sorcha Faal article
Nigger stop posting links to that disinfo artist. "Sekret Kremlin sources told me" my ass.
Jordan Butler
by the way, about that Andrew Breitbart tweet, it wasn't about John Podesta's connection to Alefantis it was the O'Keefe video:
About that Podesta ‘underage sex-slaves’ Tweet from Andrew Breitbart
" In July and August 2009, Giles and O’Keefe visited ACORN offices in Baltimore, Washington, D.C., Brooklyn, San Bernardino, San Diego, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, and Miami. Giles dressed as a prostitute, while O’Keefe wore white khakis with a blue dress shirt and/or tie and claimed to be her boyfriend. Giles and O’Keefe recorded the encounters using hidden cameras and pretended to be seeking advice on how to run an illegal business that included the use of underage girls in the sex trade. "
As far as I know neither O'Keefe or Breitbart looked into Tony Podesta's possible connections to pedos in D.C.
Henry Martin
Name another. White boy power? Black lives matter? National pride (aka border sheep)? Save the whales?
Seriously… what else is there to fight for these days? You want to join the military and fight someone else's proxy war?
Zachary Ward
cheked and yes user.dont listen to the shills
Isaac Scott
What is tavistock?
Lincoln Campbell
Pizzagate is false.
Thomas Scott
prove it shill
Elijah Murphy
your just another sick faggot that dosent want to get caugth
Jaxon Martinez
you people are fucking stupid
Nathaniel Brown
4chan.org/b/thread/714567576 we need to send them back to hell. 8 half cuck is filled with pedos 4chan.org/b/thread/714567576
Easton Reyes
leave faggot, theres no room for your kind here
Sebastian Kelly
kind? what kind? people who disagree with you?
Colton Hill
Oliver Robinson
Hudson Roberts
I'm not a jew, pedo or homo. I just think you guys are dumb as fuck.
Jeremiah Adams
Since the mainstream real news debunking sites won't bother to explain it
Dutchsinse is a moron, that guy was being sarcastic
Leo Wood
Nathaniel Nelson
oh… that's fucked up.
Oliver Taylor
shill this is my last reply, im answering cause i need you niggers to dance. you think your wasting my time. im running keywords through various programs. You THINK foxacid can get me. You’ll probably get some third world ip.
Michael Brown
Well, maybe someone can help us connect Stefan Struik, who organizes the Elfia festival held at a Rothschild castle, to James Alefantis, ex-boyfriend of David Brock, friend of the Rothschilds?
I'm very liberal but also 100% believe in what pizzagate is uncovering.
Critique: - Too much focus on devil worshipping. Stick to the pedo angle. This intense scrutiny of "liberal art making" makes it easy for people to laugh and brush off the investigation.
- The Marina Abramović conspiracy theories are both hilarious to me and muddying the investigation.
- The Voodoo Donuts connection is BS, just because they use satanic symbols in their designs? Total witchhunt.
- Roberta's pizza is an overpriced hipster pizza restaurant. I doubt it's connected. It makes pizzagate seem amateur. I could be wrong.
- Don't get caught in trying to find patterns where none exist. It's very common in humans. Don't give in to apophenia and cognitive dissonance.
- Keep going, it's getting interesting.
Tyler Carter
For now. I said the same thing when I first started visiting Holla Forums in 2012.
Zachary Phillips
Holy shit, why do normies need any more reason to believe the kid-fucking theories are legitimate.
This footage with some information on the betsa pizza logo in a video and it's done. Meme it as hard as we did with Gates Wide Open.
You're an idiot. That stuff gets you on a register at best, regardless of intent. Fuck off with this bollocks.
William Kelly
Not trying to troll but I'm a jewish transgender / genderqueer with a non-white immigrant partner so it's in my best interest to be liberal.
Nathan Sullivan
I'll never eat pizza again
Parker Butler
get out.
Jaxson Morales
thought you'd say that :) thanks!
i'm here to see the autists dismantle the global power elite paedo network, i'll stay.
Angel Adams
Noah Brooks
Stay, we're not all going to agree on the who's of this situation, but we do ALL agree that kids cannot be tortured like this why we do nothing. This Atheist still doesn't believe in God but does believe in the evil of power hungry people (especially if they've been raised to believe it)
Blake Russell
You do it and post a concise summary of your findings. But you won't because you look like a retard who thinks if he uses all caps and red text he can get a personal army, at best. Keep your Cambodian story to the other thread dipshit.
This is an anonymous board and flaunting your degenerate shit as in when this thread is not about you will probably get you banned. So decide why you're here and carry on, or not.
Zachary Hill
They go out to a pizza place and dine in instead of order to takeaway
Dominic Perez
Just ate cheese and pepperoni pizza for dinner tonight. This whole pizzagate thing reminded me that I love actual pizza. No pedo. Seriously tho can someone dump a file of all relevant suspicious emails regarding this thing.
Cooper Anderson
We are trying to give you some perspective on talking to "normies" and trying to get through to them. And bashing people you don't personally agree with isn't the way. So either adapt to spread the word, or help in making it fail. You're already convinced, now do you want to convince others or just be hateful….
oh do note, that was from my personal crossreference, im sure i missed something relevant since i skipped the ctr memos. someone can probably expand on that more comparing with their own list.
Just say jews. That whole "it's the zionists, goyim, not us" bullshit has to go. But yes, freemasonry without jewish symbols and meanings is nothing whatsoever.
And that's another way you know it's a real issue. Don't know if you saw the maps for Alefantis or Podesta, but if you did, you would know how much pull they do have (Podesta brothers more directly) behind the scenes, not limited to the US either. There are threats being made to people and that's why it's getting pulled or swept back under the rug.
Nigger what the fuck is a pizza related mark? A picture of a slice of pizza? Then why not just say that? It still sounds unnatural.
Isaac Adams
Reality Calls who's been making some great youtube videos about pizzagate had a threatening email sent to her https://twitter.com/RealityCallsV/status/806862666836873216/photo/1?ref_src=twsrc^tfw
can someone help her out with security or find out who's doing this to her?
Mason Green
"Minor Attracted Person"
Dominic Bailey
Awesome job, that was creepy as hell. That hatch!!! The guy coming out the door and running away with the kids..
That cellar, which supposedly didn't exist. They have cleared it. But there got to be evidence there in form of dna and blood and whatnot
Thomas Foster
Serious? Check the rest of that youtube channel, they make trolling videos, why would they show their faces then say they are doing some illegal activities
Blake King
why are they raising money for comet which is already rich, meanwhile the besta guy has broken fingers, shouldnt they be raising money for the broken fingers guy?
Doesn't it refer to the handkerchief they put under a kid to collect the blood and semen? There was also an email where somebody asked specifically about a handkerchief.
Brody Hall
Updated dcpizzagate blog 12/01 about farm in Lovettsville, VA named Quarter Branch and five days later they announce on fb they are "closing permanently". Watchu think infinity
Joshua Rodriguez
Real estate agent worried about black/white handkerchief w/pizza related map -
>The latest 'paranoid fever dream' of the alt-right
Kevin Reyes
jitpackaginginc.com/product-gallery/ kimdotcom say "what if you could turn pizza into weapons?" stratfor intelligence leak ships pizza internationally
what are the odds that this company
with giustra and clinton on board of directors, possibly tied to hawaii and burned planes in bethlehem
are shipping weapons internationally?
Easton Ward
Its a bluff scare tactic if they were real deal then no need for that shitty copy paste email. FCK them
Joshua Hall
Pope Francis compares fake news consumption to eating faeces The pope excused himself for using terminology that some might find repellent. “I think the media have to be very clear, very transparent, and not fall into – no offence intended – the sickness of coprophilia, that is, always wanting to cover scandals, covering nasty things, even if they are true,” he said. archive.is/iUOCL
Holy shit, the balls on this guy, right?
Xavier Cruz
Monica Petersen's mother says that she does not believe that her daughter committed suicide.
h ttps://vid.me/gcj6
Jaxon Torres
Only that's not what he's doing at all. He's calling out MSM for reporting on the inane shit they've been digging up on anyone who opposes them. They're just taking his statement and turning it on its head to make it look like it's about muh fake news, yet again the eternal media kike is twisting the truth to match his objectives. No surprises there.
Can we please get rid of the Christcucks who mistake libtard faggotry for satanism?
Christian Jones
ANYONE WHO DENIES PIZZAGATE IS A CTR SHILL David Brock and James Alefantis were literally fucking each other. washi ngtonlife.com/2010/05/14/power-list-2010-dc-power-couples/ archive.is/MyIe6
Blake Scott
Can't wait till Obama's pizza related farewell party in the white house.
Lincoln Gonzalez
Evil Cuntess Kilary with a shout out. http:// www. reuters.com/video/2016/12/09/clinton-calls-fake-news-a-threat-to-us-d?videoId=370669502&videoChannel=1003
Alefantis' "boyfriend" Brock was converted to the left by fornicating with Hillary Clinton's queer press secretary Neel Lattimore (pic both w/ Coastal Childcare owner Blair Kutrow). Brock also outed Matt Drudge as a queer after a bad "date" together:
Q: Who involved with #pizzagate isn't a Jew or a Catholic?
Jackson Jenkins
Think once we get into office, daily hangings of gang niggers, hadji's, faggots, and pedo's will set the course for a much brighter america
David Richardson
No dubs may go unchecked.
Christian Mitchell
Awe, fuck man. Fuck fuck fuck cuf kcfu cfk cufck fu fk c.
Logan Cooper
Did Sam pay that man his money?
Samuel Sanchez
Someone share twittergate database.
Asher Bennett
That's a child's bitemark!
Isaac Phillips
I love infants that's what his shirt says, you are aware but the pedo on the right is a convicted pedophile from Australia if I am not mixing here(late)
But you see this?
Logan Reed
Josiah Ramirez
Kind of. It certainly is suspicious, placement is a bit weird. Don't know why you seem so surprised.
Jack Johnson
We must fucking go and kill jewish children! Kill jewish children! Kill jewish children! Kill jewish children! Kill jewish children! Kill jewish children! Kill jewish children! Kill jewish children! Kill jewish children! Kill jewish children! Kill jewish children! Kill jewish children! Kill jewish children! Kill jewish children! Kill jewish children! Kill jewish children! Kill jewish children! Kill jewish children! Kill jewish children! Kill jewish children! Kill jewish children! Kill jewish children! Kill jewish children! Kill jewish children! Kill jewish children! Kill jewish children! Kill jewish children! Kill jewish children! Kill jewish children! Kill jewish children! Kill jewish children! Kill jewish children! Kill jewish children! Kill jewish children! so that the kikes know for the rest of their lives that OUR children are not for them to touch.
Thomas Nguyen
inb4 field op for cover. Don't post shit like that. It can and will backfire horribly.
Brody Mitchell
Nah dawwwg, we just need to like, bitch about it and do nuthin.
Juan Myers
Don't worry. He is just LARPing as CTR IRL.
Colton Gutierrez
(Checked) RWDS will be reality by will of kek. The purge will come and we will find out about the whole truth, about the pyramid spaceships, everyone will know their true history, nogs will go back to africa or work in farming. =Shills will be put down along with all faggots, obummer first=
Grayson Nguyen
Ryan Rogers
It is named for Pierre L'Enfant who laid out the District of Columbia. There's a metro station called L'Enfant Plaza and even a L'Enfant Circle. The guy in the middle is the owner of L'Enfant Cafe, named for Pierre. It's a cesspit of degeneracy to be sure but that's what it is referencing.
Wow, didn't even fucking embed. Sorry, too tired already.
Julian Long
Owen Miller
You never use a napkin when you eat?
Mind you, what would an actual pizza related mark look like on a napkin?
Michael Bennett
I'm not this is old, I tried to spread it at another forum to get them working, we need everyone on this. Well not everyone, but as many as possible. Nononon that is not bite marks, that's a club stamb
Yes I know, but it also has another meaning in french
Fuck I am so angry these days, I think I am going to do something really bad… again
Lucas Adams
I need a break from this, before I seriously, no larping, no roid talk
I'll end up killing someone break
Keep it up guys, I'll pop buy and see if I can find something to drain, but I won't look at it
Dominic Young
Parker Wood
Adrian Flores
I only believe kikes when they are talking to each other - then they are honest about us anyway. Like they think it's super cool to find out they had an ancestor who had black slaves, but we're required to feel guilty and owe reparations. They admit all kinds of shit when they are talking to each other.
I know what it means in French, but that was a family name of the man who designed the layout of DC. It's not some super-duper clever faggot anagram. And again, that cafe is a den of vile debauchery but the name of Pierre L'Enfant in this case is incidental, not causative.
And most of us are mad as hell about this shit. Instead of doing something "bad… again" use that rage and let it fuel you while you do what's productive. For example, doing rather boring research. One user on half chan found the connection in the Podesta emails between a woman on the Board of Directors of Beyond Borders (a charity that supposedly helps Haitian people (after the earthquake), the Clinton Foundation and then another help-Haitians org called Fonkoze. That in turn led to looking into that org and its 2 sister orgs using these and put together these and >>8472237(free program that's easy to use). That will help you, it will help these kids, and almost as importantly, it will hurt these motherfuckers in the most terrifying way: exposure. Not kidding - this is what they fear.
They can only operate in the dark.
See where this is going?
Violence only reinforces their power and hands them more. Making the connections and revealing their activities takes that feeling of security and ignorance of the public away from them by shining a huge spotlight on who-what-where-when in their networks. THIS IS WHY DOXXING IS BANNED elsewhere. Even boring corporate info is "doxxing" which makes no sense at all does it?
But it does if you think about it correctly. They are filthy roaches that have to have dark corners and crevices to flee to when the light gets turned on. It's very, very threatening. It is in and of itself violent.
So be that high powered halogen and get busy.
Joseph Myers
Why would he announce his plans to go if he was involved?
If it were me, I'd just go clean it up and not broadcast it
Ryder Rogers
Read this someplace else, too. Handkerchief is placed under the victim to collect blood and bodily fluids.
Jayden Wright
Oh do fuck off, user. It's a serious question. People use napkins to wipe their mouths after eating. Napkins end up with food marks on them. What is it that makes that not a plausible explanation? Rhetorical question, because:
On the face of it "I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yorus?" map could be a typo (or auto-correct) for "mark", and if they had eaten actual pizza Susaner could be making the assumption that the mark is from Podesta using his hanky to wipe his mouth.
But a several words later she typos "yours" as "yorus", which at least reduces the chance that "map" is an auto-correct for "mark". Could it still be a typo, since she has made another in that same e-mail? That would mean she would have to not press 'r' enough so it's missed out, then miss 'k' by quite a bit to mistakenly press 'p' instead. It's looking unlikely that "map" is a typo for "mark" - and that's on top of the consideration that at best a food mark from mouth wiping wouldn't be obviously identifiable as coming from eating pizza in the event Susaner hasn't seen him eating pizza.
So is "map" actually a drawn map? How common is it for people to refer to cloth or paper napkins as handkerchiefs? And if it is a handerkerchief as opposed to a napkin, who on earth draws maps or makes notes on a cloth hanky?
Do you see where I'm going with this user? A lot of these e-mails and conversations have reasonable explanations for them on the surface. Your average person is going to accept those reasonable explanations over the explanations people come up with here. Shit, I thought typo for "mark" was a reasonable explanation until I started going through it just now.
Jack Nelson
Yes, the purpose of coded language is to throw off the un-initiated. But coded language looks bizarre and telling to anyone who listens to it for multiple conversations. Coded language doesn't really hold up under intense scrutiny of the clever cynic who knows a god deal about what he's looking for. That's what we are seeing with the pizzagate stuff. Scores of conversations using not only bizarre pedo carni-language, but imagery, elite connections. To take it all in is to know that our elites are dangerous scum.
Luis Nguyen
Rivarol is a weekly paper, that is considered very far right in France. Actually, it is so far right that it criticises a lot Marine Le Pen, for being too weak (and for having thrown out Jean-Marie Le Pen of the Front National party, or also having let a lot of fags get important positions in the party, like Florian Philippot).
Anyway, here is an article of this week's Rivarol about Pizzagate.
William Smith
has anyone considered ja might be a drug dealer and all the code talk is drugs? gays are notorious degenerates re: drugs and people look WIRED in a bunch of pictures. Would make sense for someone to date their dealer
David Hall
Israeli NGOs in Haiti:
IsraAID - privately funded by individual Israeli and North American donors
ZAKA - voluntary organisation.
Magan David Adom - Israel's national aid organisation
Natan - large organisation chaired by ex senior gvt member
Here's a list of all NGOs in Haiti. I'm picking through it NGO by NGO but it'll take some time https:// haiti.ngoaidmap.org/
This is an interesting read about foreign organisations being paid huge amounts for doing fuck all in Haiti. http:// fpif.org/are-foreign-ngos-rebuilding-haiti-or-just-cashing-in/
Asher Hughes
Innit. Map can be used to refer to a puddle of spunk, too "paint a map of Hawaii on your stomach" Smut Peddlers lyric.
Hunter Butler
A realtor did not go into John Podesta's house, see a puddle of his cum on the floor and call up his agent to tell him pizza-related cum was on the floor, for podesta to then say 'leave it'
It's about a fucking map okay. Yes they're talking in code about something, but a post on 4chan is not a top secret list of what means what you fucking autists.
Isaac Diaz
Jose Morales
Noah Ortiz
Use your fucking brain. Read the example I gave of what people in this thread are actually saying and think to yourself "Is this retarded?"
Kayden Diaz
This is bullshit. The email said 'A pizza-related map drawn on it.
You're broke brained or CTR to be avoiding occam's razor this hard
Wyatt Torres
Ignore that pic, didn't mean to post. It's the retarded unsourced shit that get given to much oxygen here I was talking about previously
Jose Harris
Map in this case means just that, map.
You use the coloring of the handkerchief to find your way during these orgies. Therefor it has a map on it.
Camden Ortiz
I have to rant some more, autistically this time.
I'm so fucking pissed off that for years, abo-tier intelligence weed-brainraped cunts have been effectively acting as COINTELPRO when it comes to conspiracy theories. They latch onto shit about chemtrails which is just contrails that form above 22k feet. They believe people are secretly lizards because someone's eye glitches out in a video. Because of these ADHD, insane clown posse-listening cunts, people actually ignore genuine reveals like the british parliament pedophilia ring and how MI5/deep state used it to blackmail the politicians into doing god knows what. They've made the public instantly dismiss anything with a whiff of conspiracy even if it's proven now.
Finally a real high-level conspiracy theory comes about not through government disclosure and its a big one. We know that a bunch of faggots running a children's pizza restaurant and making all these hints on social media is exactly what it looks like. Only leftist retards kid themselves if they think homosexuality is an analogue of hetero and they aren't perverts who engage in pedophilia far more than straight people. The owners being all homos with a fixation on children is a red flag end of story.
The fact that they're using code words, which obviously is plausible deniability for something illegal "playing dominos on cheese rather than pasta" etc and them actually laughing about how people don't know it's code - it's plain as day.
But then genuine autists, david icke tards who require 0 proof to believe anything come in and start adding arms and legs on and linking the 50th definition of a word on urban dictionary and act like that's a source of what the words mean - that's dragging this whole thing down because they want to feel like a detective and get a pat on the back for a eureka moment when the fact is they have the intelligence of a nigger and could never figure out anything.
this is a lie, can people just fucking accept that. It's code but no one has a source or proof for what it is. Why the fuck would they use a known, translatable code for something as sensitive as a government level pedophile ring - the purpose of which would most definitely be for blackmail collateral by a deep state.
James Roberts
David Young
Fucking this, I'm sick to death of schizos and LARPers fucking up genuine information. Well poisoning is our worst enemy. Even if you legitimately believe in stupid shit like chemtrails or whatever, keep it out of digs and find someplace else.
Same retarded crap happens every time time and it has to be at least egged on by people that aren't happy with digging for whatever reason. Every damn time, real investigation get tainted by retards wanting popularity on the internet or fucking Icke types.
It becomes less of an arena for finding real leads or data into having to defend actual findings from hordes of well-poisoners (whether they do it intentionally or unintentionally). Actual, provable information like pic related isn't making anyone mad because of wild speculation that they believe goes along with it, alternative methods of information gathering aren't going to grow faster unless we can shed our egos and focus on truth.
Gavin Baker
What is some of this schizo shit you are thinking of? Because I sincerely believe freemasonry is what ties all of this together and I have been very mature about that.
Camden Cook
The amount of shills, Plebbit getting shut down, Alex Jones was cuck'd and this deep seated feeling of disgust that I have once I look into this makes me suspicious as all hell.
No Mr Shekelstein I'm not going to buy your shit.
I've seen enough pedo rings, lingo and double speak to believe that something is going on. I was filled with rage when I saw the pizza.jpg email and knew something like this is going to happen.
People doing this shit instead of focusing on concrete info.
The walnut/ice cream/pizza stuff - some of that is most certainly a code. When I smoked weed I used to call weed tomatoes in texts/emails. It's a code for something illegal.
But the posts claiming walnut means brown girl or whatever - that's bullshit. That's someone making stuff up to get (you)s. They never provide proof. It's code, but you don't know what it's code for, just fucking accept it.
Nicholas White
Ok yea that is fucking whack. The same with the Kanye West speculations.
Brody Wood
That's all there is to it all of it is what it seems.
Christian Perez
Exactly like the Kanye shit, he was just way too influential to start talking real shit about Facebook and Google. However it's completely unrelated to Pizzagate, just good timing.
Wyatt Hernandez
Well no other user went there as far as we know.
But this is just speculation, can't confirm anything.
so this guy is sending out threatening messages AND really pushing pizzagate as a hoax.
GUYS time to find out who this guy is working for.
Ryder Campbell
100% agree user.
Easton Parker
I mean LARPers in reference to some of the tavi s tock threads, shills and the like flock to that to derail threads, a bit of a tangent. The more anons actually want to do some irl recon the better, as long as it's not illegal or whatever, don't worry feds. LARPing is just pretending at a computer.
Freemasonry is super fucked, considering a lot of information posted here and generally floating around keeping info available is helpful and any angles relating should be pursued as long as the connection is believable. I'm not saying the normie version of schizo of "lol dude you believe a bunch of people belonging to a secret club unavailable to outsiders could possibly have ulterior motives, yeah right" I mean: "The nephilim have contacted me and said to attack all the dentists" types drawing in unrelated and weird shit or the types that draw from too broad of a pool of info. Just because one pizza parlor and probably more are involved and part of the code, that doesn't mean your local papa johns is a pedo hangout. Analysis, meticulous reason, and open mind are all necessary is my point.
That's exactly what I mean, yeah.
Daniel Cox
Another pedo pizza place with brain control video promotion in a former church:
Promo video for Dojos Pizza (clearly hypnotic, brain control video) (Especially the lyrics after 2:20) (Uploaded before they were busted)
Dont think so, it seems like just any other song but when used in that context with the videos, its clearly fucked up
Chase Parker
A massive difference in circumference. Hmm…
Jaxson Allen
Honestly it sounds like the screams are coming from out in the open, perhaps it's coming from behind the building. There's a big parking lot behind the building and an L-shaped alley.
Sure doesn't sound like it's from inside of Comet, and there's not really an echo to it either so I'd probably rule out a sewer or tunnel.
Liam Collins
The Moloch reference in that one email seems like a joke to me tbqh
William Cook
Pretty much this, we have enough circumstantial evidence and it seems anons are finding new connections every day despite some red herrings, if we have another professional video made in the same caliber of With Gates Wide Open connecting the most essential evidence it would be damning for them all, even disregarding all the moloch and MKULTRA stuff and just looking at it as a pedo-ring with powerful connections, they are going to hang, someone somewhere will slip up, people on the inside will rat if this is as widespread as it seems to be, just keep being the real journalists, keep digging.
Hudson Sanders
the bro looks like one sick puppy if you ask me video explains the connection
Registrant Contact Information: Name Maureen Gallagher Organization Kalorama Network Services Address PO Box 21734 City Washington State / Province DC Postal Code 20009 Country US Phone +1.2023474731 Fax +1.2023478607 Email
Administrative Contact Information: Name Maureen Gallagher Organization Kalorama Network Services Address PO Box 21734 City Washington State / Province DC Postal Code 20009 Country US Phone +1.2023474731 Fax +1.2023478607 Email
Technical Contact Information: Name Maureen Gallagher Organization Kalorama Network Services Address PO Box 21734 City Washington State / Province DC Postal Code 20009 Country US Phone +1.2023474731 Fax +1.2023478607 Email
Ethan Price
A joke that your superior wouldn't understand. Unless… you're already on the same page.
Same as "killroom" comments. They knew the nature of the insider joke.
Isaiah Hall
Ian Parker
/r/ing that picture of what looks like an older Madeleine McCann with zipties on her wrists. Also, anons, I'm conducting a presentation for my college English class about PizzaGate. I was allowed to do this, would you believe.
29.08. 1880. Rođen u Pljevljima Petar Đ. Rosić Varnava Google translated: UROŠ (1885 - 1937) he was a trader with his brother Alex. He was married with Milica Vojinovic from Uzice with whom he had four children: Danica Day Abramovic graduate. history. (archive.is/C39LC#selection-963.0-965.171)) So Danica Rosić, Marina Abramovic's mother was his daughter…
Don't believe me? Check out what it says on Wikipedia…
Varnava, Serbian Patriarch He was the great-uncle of performance artist Marina Abramović. Varnava Rosić (Serbian Cyrillic: Варнава Росић) was the Patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church between 1930 and 1937.[1] He was born Petar Rosić in Pljevlja, belonging at that time to the Ottoman Empire, on August 29, 1880. (archive.is/YPzcy#selection-681.0-685.1)) So they I do some more searches and I find his mention in 'Rasputin: The Biography'…
Slight and short with a high-pitched voice, Varnava, it was rumoured, liked to wear women's clothing,throw wild parties in the monastery, and take boys to his bed. Father Georgy Shavelsky, the last protopresbyter of the Imperial Russian army and navy, characterized Varnava in a letter to Father Vostokov as a cunning and nasty figure of unhealthy ambition. He said Varnava was the confessor to "that Mason Count Witte, and is himself an atheist -Mason." Shavelsky even claimed Varnava had sexually abused and then murdered a beautiful young altar boy at Kolomna, his body discovered lodged under a mill wheel. Here is the kicker though…
Varnava and Rasputin met in one of the capital's salons, and if they did not become friends, the two men of similar backgrounds apparently realized they could be of use to each other: Rasputin could help advance Varnava's career, Varnava could defend Rasputin against attacks from within the ranks of the church.
Most Evil Men In History - Rasputin (youtube.com/watch?v=8Y-CL7msZDk)YouTube) More info though not personally verified through other sources. Maybe someone can help with that…
Her maternal uncle was the powerful Varnava Rosić– Patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church between 1930 and 1937. His body is interned at the Temple of Saint Sava in Belgrade. He believed that Hitler’s policy toward Jews and lesser races served all mankind. His last act was to oppose a Vatican Concordat to control the Orthodox Church. Knights assassinated him with poison before the final vote. The (Orthodox) Temple of Saint Sava in Belgrade, Serbia is the largest Orthodox Church currently in use. The church is dedicated to St. Sava, founder of the Serbian church and an important figure in medieval Serbia. From its location, the temple dominates Belgrade’s skyline and is perhaps the most monumental building in the city. Saint Sava (1174 – 1236), was known as The [Luciferian] Enlightener. He was a Serbian prince and Orthodox monk, the first Archbishop of the autocephalous Serbian Church. He was a prince of the House of Nemanjić descended from a Cabet Vukanovic Dynasty (1106- 1166) line of Hugh Cabet. I believe that this is Marina’s secret maternal East European Merovingian BLOODLINE, the House of Nemanjić. (archive.is/ZWPwP))
Though I haven't found a direct link I believe that the name Rosić links to the Rosicrucianism secret socitey…
Rosicrucianism is a philosophical secret society said to have been founded in late medieval Germany by Christian Rosenkreuz. It holds a doctrine or theology "built on esoteric truths of the ancient past", which, "concealed from the average man, provide insight into nature, the physical universe and the spiritual realm." Rosicrucianism is symbolized by the Rosy Cross or Rose Cross. (archive.is/5XW0G#selection-1289.0-1289.383))
Start with a grabber: "do you think I'll do better playing dominos on cheese rather than pasta?"
Ask anyone to try and explain to you what this means.
Go from there…
Maybe try out the stratfor email that indicates that Obama flew pizza and hotdogs from Chicago for a party for $65,000 …because, yeah, everyone loves old dried out hotdogs and re-heated pizza after a couple-hour flight.
Go from there…
Always gotta use a grabber…start from confusion and lead to the light.
Henry Allen
Very helpful thanks man.
Have to agree with you on the "map." It just doesn't make sense for a realtor to see a cum-stained napkin or actual handkerchief and contact the Sandlers over it. One user suggested it was either: Either of those 2 would be very embarrassing if it were on a monogrammed handkerchief, for example.
No way to know for sure but that seems more likely than it was DNA or a handkerchief to collect bodily fluids (and why would Mrs. Sandler say "pizza related"?)
And "mark" in that context just doesn't make sense either. If were simply a dirty handkerchief, why would Mrs. Sandler say it might be "pizza-related"? Who the fuck would care what food was on it? And if it was simply a dirty regular napkin, why would the realtor contact Mrs. Sandler in the first place?
Never heard of Havamal, thanks for reference. All pedo's should hang.
Justin Myers
A pizza looks a bit like this guy. Or did we already find out why it's called pizza?
Landon Rivera
What's really weird is the large amount of pizza sites that share the same IP address. It could be something like dentists do - there is a company that specializes in making websites for dentists and hosts them. But I'm not sure here…
And the guy Kevin Reynolds is really weird, too.
Joseph Russell
I think this dude is in the middle of the earth and needs feeding. The earthquake epedimic right now is caused because of pizzagate and a halt on the foodchain.
If we run out of kids, this dude is going upstairs.
Daniel Murphy
have all these been drained?
Also came a cross this goy, never seen him before. Dunno if relevant or not, but here goes
BTW anyone exp searching for a yt vid at it comes with random timings? Is to profile and find your lol bogus google account lel
Fucking useless idiots
Julian Bailey
it's their nature, babies kids!
Look at the deatheathers people tons of chicks there, I'm not into this, I want to avoid it tbqh
Liam Ramirez
Good question. Only thought that comes to mind is if she's providing extra information to determine whether it really is Podesta’s. Otoh, she already doubts it's of any significance to him if it is his. If it was a napkin with an actual map or directions written on it, she may have thought it could have had information that her clients/potential customers needed. Otherwise, dirty paper napkin goes in the bin.
Another possibility (albeit pretty out there) is Podesta is super paranoid about leaving items which could have his DNA on. If he used the hanky to wipe his mouth after eating pizza, skin flakes from his face and mouth would be in it as well as possibly saliva. We need the e-mails surrounding that one to get a better idea of what was going on there in the first place. You don't go viewing properties and stuff your face with pizza while you doing it.
Jason Miller
OK boys it's time to pick up arms let's hit social media hard and fast
James Jackson
Really sizzles the synapses….
Michael Long
Yeah, that's the one.
see above
Isaiah Jenkins
irc.rizon.net #pizzagate
Cameron Smith
t. FBI
Grayson Lee
Isn't posting here actually worse?
Josiah Hughes
I haven't done any digging into them in particular, but the Kevin Reynolds guy has a babysitting service and massage service in the Hamptons.
My understanding from that email exchange was that the realtor helped the Sanders find a suitable rental home for the weekend for a party. After that when she went back there was the dirty handkerchief, so contacted Mrs. Sanders. She, in turn, contacted J Podesta about it.
So realtor wouldn't bother anyone May be important so contact Mrs. S. Person might like it back, contact Mrs. S. Probably even more important, contact Mrs. S.
I sincerely doubt that bit about Podesta leaving his DNA after wiping his mouth with a napkin. That's not likely since at the party they held there would be a number of people there who left DNA in various places around the house and I don't think it was a big secret Podesta attended.
I could be thinking about this all wrong though. That's always a possibility.
Grayson Garcia
Short vid relating The Finders with Pizzagate
Lucas Evans
Well kinda
It's the landsvættir, they whom shape and mold the lands. They are angry as fuck, due too these unholy rites.
this is our belief actually
it's also why they have 5 blots i suspect in Iceland þorrablot and additional one to the 4 season changes.
I don't remember actually the reason behind that extra blot. But on iceland you got really powerful landsvættir, even surt lives in a volcano there, volcanos earthquakes all that stuff. Powerful
When Olav Tryggvason came there, to try and christen them, he saw iceland, and he turned.
The first bishop was either swallowed by the ground or almost was. This is their doing, they are MAD AS FUCK
Luke Mitchell
That really pissed me off late last night, seriously fuck that guy. They fail to mention that global pedo rings among high profile individuals and groups exist at all. "FEVER DREAM OF THE ALT RIGHT" - COLBERT.
Carson Taylor
Lyrics from "The Ends - Travis Scott ft Andre 3000" "I came up in the town, they were murderin' kids/And dumped them in the creek up from where I live/Bodies, bodies, bodies sprinkled around/We runnin' through the sprinkler lookin' around/Killer would show up with boxes of pizza"
Or am i jumping at shadows?
Owen Perez
Well anons,
Reddit just killed my /r/OperationPizzagate sub.
Somehow, the Archives of the page got disappeared, too.
They claimed they banned it for "recreating a banned community" but I created it simultaneously with /r/Pizzagate. I didn't recreate the community.
There are other communities on Reddit, but they're private, and I won't mention them here for fear of them getting killed off. If you are a member of those subs - WARN THEIR MODS!
I would warn them myself, but now I'm banned from Reddit for 7 days.
Will someone please post this pic on /r/TheDonald so they can raise hell about it?
Post something like: "/r/OperationPizzagate Censored by Reddit Admins. Mod /u/ThisMeansGroundWar suspended from Reddit."
The level of opposition this discussion is having is absurd.
Jeremiah Cooper
Deuteronomy 13
God is going to destroy America because of people like YOU who think demon worship is nothing to be concerned about, he is going to give you more and more and more and only when you understand how evil it is will he burn this place.
James Evans
I think you mean progressive. There are no classical liberals anymore.
Jason King
Only reason it lasted as long as it did was because it went by unnoticed. No Pizzagate sub is allowed to exist if they catch wind of it. They'd remove conspiracy if they could get away with it without a legitimate shitstorm happening that would even piss off people who think everything is hunkeydory in the world.
Jaxon Morales
Wyatt Robinson
2nd twitter account in 48 hours shut down.
I started asking people questions about scopolamine and was shut right the fuck down.
"John, I hope you got a chance to see the The Colbert Report's two special episodes i had them do about CGI U that we taped in St. Louis this weekend. This is the link to last nights with a sketch about commitments and the monologue and WJC interview aired Monday. Hope you enjoy and looking forward to your feedback. Next will be your Colbert appearance! -Craig "
Jonathan Perry
this 'goy' is David Icke. One of the few guys who has been prominent in the conspiracy theory world for decades. He's the main proponent behind the 'reptilian' stuff. The crazy part is that the more the pedo stuff grows, the more right David Icke is starting to sound. He's written a shit ton of books.
Did you guys know there was an italian movie Policeman Pepe about a tolerant and democratic cop who investigates sex crimes and discovers the elites in his city are fucking kids. He keeps investigating until his boss tells him to stop because of the election.
someone archived it all almost a year ago apparently, and then another person a month ago, and then another a week ago. so it's been gone over already. but nobody's posted about it in these threads that i've seen which is odd.
probably a honeypot if i had to guess, would explain the archives.
Ryder Parker
yet there are some that say reptilian is a code word for jew
Alexander Lopez
More people getting death threats looking into this, being told to tell others its a psyop
Joseph Allen
1 day ago and already 841,000 views … tons of downvotes.
Panic mode. Transparently inadequate presentation and refutation of the pizzagate allegations. This is will back-fire with anybody who is half-awake.
Caleb Morales
I have followed all 21 of these threads. The hankerchief, map, pizza thing has remained a puzzle in my mind as I have not resolved it for myself. These youtube vids you dug up just gave me an idea. These vids are designed to make pedo activity seem normal. It is conditioning.
MAP equal Minor Attracted Person Hankerchief Code Pizza (pedo activity)
From what I remember Podesta was meeting a real a "real estate" person when he left his hanky. I wonder, I just wonder, if he left a child there, at this house or building, and his "real estate agent" was asking him if he still wanted this child or if it could be disposed of through normal channels? Which would be whatever? Sold, used, or whatever?
I've been in dialogue with the author we are on opposite sides. He dedicates a lot of time to Franklin and talks about MK Ultra in the article. It's worth us going back at him.
God preserve the Cuntess. She gives us so much free news coverage I wonder if we shouldn't throw a few shekels her way? And I am positively tickled by her publicly documenting her own physical decline. I'm somewhat persuaded by the alcoholism charges, look how puffy she is around her eyes. Maybe she has raccoon eyes because she's tired, you say. Why would she still be losing sleep if she is rich, has nothing really to do nowadays? Drinking (or some kind of drug use) is the better explanation.
Jacob Bell
I have been digging and digging man.
In this small town of middleton there is some FUCKED UP STUFF.
There is a winery that looks like it would be a satanic place to sacrifice kids.
There is also accountants that have a definite pedo symbol.
Middleton, VA.
The owner of the Salamander Resort, is the first black billionaire, co-owner of BET, and her name comes up in Wikileaks - Sheila Johnson.
Ayden Diaz
Just to repeat, this all connects up to Alefantis as in his Instagram he headlined the German Baby for sale photo with "The Salamander Re—-" Which is the Salamander Resort (if you look up above at my post)
Of course its normal if they do it all the time and frequent places like Comet Ping Pong as the artwork on their walls depics this Ancient Egyptian tradition…
Or they like having Spirit Dinners with Marina Abromovic…
Jeremiah Jenkins
What are you going on about?
Do you think the mods of 8ch frequent Comet Ping Pong? Or any of them know Abromovic on a first name basis?
Where is the walls depicting this Ancient Egyptian tradition, and there are many traditions in any culture, a cultures doesn't have a single one?
Also you think the mods of Holla Forums were serious in stating that they would behead you, why do you think yourself that important?
You leave many questions.
Carter Harris
stop seeing stuff where there's none, that's no evidence, you can see symbols in everything if you want to
Kevin Reed
Really? It would make sense to you that they leave a kid lying around, and the fucking realtor finds the kid and asks whether to dispose of it? But first let's ask Podesta.
It's fucking obvious what they are talking about, a handkerchief with different colors on it to signal what kind of kids you like to fuck.
And no, he left it at a house that they USED at one point. This house was likely for sale and so the realtor was responsible for that said house.
I can't believe how fucking stupid some people are with this, trying to find code and secret meanings everywhere.
This pedo-friendly video was posted 9 months ago and has both boy-lover and girl-lover logos. When were the FBI pedo symbol docs released? vimeo.com/156075480
Easton Robinson
images failed to post
Henry Lopez
Ian Allen
Best comment I found.
Andrew Ramirez
That mudslime is based as fuck.
But he needs to go back.
Aaron Ramirez
Did you notice this. The Vigilant Citizen is now back from 'maintenance'. Seems to me two things are gone: the Pizzagate article and the forum.
About minor attracted teenagers: fightback385.tumblr.com/post/66184702539/its-time-to-fight-back-help-make-these-go
Studies about stigmatization of pedophiles: link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10508-014-0312-4 k13-online.krumme13.org/downloads/k13online%20redaktion/Masterarbeit_Pfirrmann_Uni_Amsterdam_2015.pdf tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/19317611.2013.795921
Electric shock "therapy" used on minor attracted men and boys: fightback385.tumblr.com/post/95943945733/i-was-sexually-abused
Interview with Lindsay Ashford: youtube.com/watch?v=9ryCkk8387U
"Pedophile - Not One" by Richard Kramer: youtube.com/watch?v=LqZ3b10KjBc
"A Child is Listening" Speech: youtube.com/watch?v=mOEnjQY_jCk
The Juice Box: youtube.com/channel/UCRxJlAvET9KvHfFb__h6Esw
Eli Bell
Ok so Colbert has pushed me over the edge. Anyway I can quickly catch up?
Carson Harris
Although unrelated to Pizzagate, we also need to use Sandy Hook to fight the fake news bullshit they are pushing out of the water. They condemn our "fake news". We need to condemn their fake news. Use their own fake news against them now to prove them as hypocritical liars who only care about controlling popular opinion.
just got ban dating from 10th Nov on halfchan for cp. Are there any updates, has the clampdown started?
Christian Robinson
I've gotten that when using certain VPNs
Nolan Foster
wasn't using vpns then
Lincoln Rogers
Then I'd say that you answered your own question.
This thread is being slided into the end of times. 8ch.net/pol/res/8174628.html I really don't believe that it's one autistic fuck. Not with this timing
Eli Cruz
I doubt they are retreating. These people have been in power for decades at least and they absolutely do not want to lose that power now. I think they will do everything they can to keep power. They are desperate. Be ready for anything from these fucks.
Jason Myers
I know this might be derailing the thread, but I got someone to ask anon5 some questions and he had no idea.
so if anyone might have some clue?
Also, maybe if there is an Antarctica thread, you could point me in the direction
Angel Williams
Middleburg is old money, horse people and super snobby. It's a very tight group of very old money (and a lot of it), then there are the concentric rings outwards of those who have a lot of money (Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton had a horse farm there, as does Stallone and many others) and are snobby, and the ones who want to hang out with them.
Warrenton (Fauquier County) is similar but not as wealthy but there is a lot of witchcraft and witches there.
And by Middleburg and Warrenton, I don't mean the towns themselves, this shit is done on the estates or in the woods/farms away from the eyes of everyone else obviously. The outer rings of hangers-on and peripheral people don't know anything about it, it's kept from them. And they will never ever break into or be accepted into that tight group. That's how old money works. Same in Charlottesville (Albermarle County). A lot of these old money families have been there since colonial times and their land (estates) were granted by the King.
Not all of them are into witchcraft. Not all of the old money people know, nor the other rings of people surrounding them. But not all the people who practice it are in that small tight inner old money group, especially in Warrenton - some of them are just what would seem like totally normal, upper middle class people. Some of these are the "pagans" and "wiccans" who are open about that. This of course provides a bit of cover for those who are into the dark shit. And I guarantee you no bodies will ever be found there and no actual evidence of connection(s) to missing people or murders will be found there either. Not only because it's country (and the estates are fucking huge) but because no law enforcement is going to mess with old money - they are protected just like royalty in Europe. So they, at least, are totally safe and secure. But this area is the most likely spot for children trafficked into the DC area to be taken to and have whatever done with/to them, especially if they aren't meant to be trafficked to elsewhere in the country. [kept as slaves/murdered]
You can see from the map that both Middleburg and Warrenton are located such that they are on major arteries to DC. Warrenton (to 66) and Middleburg (Rte 50 to 66). DC people and politicians frequently go to parties and events there.
New York Times removed article about latest Norway bust.
Mainstream media machine full steam behind discrediting pizzagate
Operation Deep Six purports to have decrypted the files from Comet Ping Pong. Purports to have Kleinman and Alefantis on video. Red Shoes. SpIral. What does the Morse code say?
Yup. We've hit some fucking raw nerves, and they're beginning to feel the heat.
Evan Hughes
Really squirming, aren't they?
Luke Jenkins
I want to thank whoever it is that is cross posting the network/maps of people over on halfchan - they use a lot of good info from over there so the people who gathered it and such like to see it used that way, and I can't post them.
New York Times, WaPo, and ABC News have all removed their articles regarding the Norway pedophile ring bust. The AP story is still up on AP websites.
Jason Clark
Fucking this.
They are using the ape when they are conditioning kids, and so they are able to rotate the mask and emulator in order to have somewhat normal public-lives themselves. While still having the ape available to condition children every day.
You can call it whatever you want, but calling it MK Ultra or Mind Control makes you sound like a loonie to normies. MK-U is an old fucking project, it's kind of like the retards that are trying to convince everybody that THE ILLUMINATI is behind everything, and that Jay-Z is the leader of it.
Easton Adams
of course it always ties back to soros. i mean you really can't get much more blatant than that.
The Onion is still roasting us for Pizzagate, they're just being more subtle about it
Hunter Ross
Openly mocking is just gives us more power because anyone who looks into it will realize it's very very plausible.
Xavier Myers
Were they archived? Is Norwegian media still reporting it, 'cause it's faintly possible the media were asked to remove it if investigations are ongoing ha, as if
Isaac Morris
Why you be all hating on Hillary Clinton so much?
Alexander Thompson
Did you already notice how they removed Edgar Welches "Something about pizza" movie role from IMDB?
Luke Reyes
that apparently was added around the time of the "shooting" or so i've heard it hadn't been there previously so it was like a troll post ?
Jayden Cook
Might be. I ran James Alefantis through shits and giggles on anagram creator and got Fajita Salesmen. That's a perfect memename for our James.
You are not even worthy to lick Jill Stein's asshole clean, you scum.
Lucas Cruz
John Hall
New OC trying to show the broader scheme of the Satanist agenda. Looks at the possibility pf cannabalism, ritual child abuse and how it is circumstantially connected to genetic engineering and fastfood restaurants, like Wendy's.
Nice find.
Jacob Rivera
Has anyone dug into CPP followers much on Instagram ?
Tyler Gonzalez
you are all conspiracy theorists shame on you
Parker Anderson
it's a multibranch spiral where you eventually end up in children's fashion