Japan to Invest $50B in US, Create 50k Jobs


Tired of Winning yet?

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Investing in what exactly? Does this mean they buy stocks, property, or what?

watch the interview

Trump is the fucking best.

EVERY TIME my heart strayed and my mind said "that's not very MAGA of him" after watching some entirely fake kike news hitpiece, he immediately proves my doubt to be empty and then surprises me by how well he did.

Into startups apparently.

Feed me liberal despair. I want to feel it in the cockles of my heart as they watch their weak system be crushed underneath the iron boots of true capitalism.


The salt in trumps twitter feed is unreal atm.

Startup companies huh? Well we're sure as hell going to need new jobs once we start deporting the illegals. The amount of ICE & infrastructure jobs alone should cause some startups to happen.


Kek please don't end this ride

I don't think I'll ever get tired of winning after over two decades of current year timeline.


How many jobs did Obama create in his 8 year presidency? What's the high score for Trump to beat?

Wait, Trump Tower..

The Man in the High Castle

If part time low paying jobs don't count, about 0.

I think he beat the nigger king just by saving the carrier jobs.

Trump have already done more before he is even president than obongo have done in 8 years

Looks like those nukes knocked some sense into them.

-2 million or so?

Trump "Claims Credit".

CNN on suicide watch.


If Softbank says they are only doing it because of Trump you can just say he's responsible.

How would CNN even report negatively on this?


They'll say how much it's upsetting China, and Trump is fucking with geopolitics, etc.


think about how great the west will be without China. think of all the money and jobs the west would get

Dat spin. Lüggenpresse gonna lügg

We need to hit China so hard that they go back into a centuries long warring period.

It's good to know thst CNN probably won't exist in any significant capacity by around 2025.


CNN claims news for Trump Tweet


50,000 jobs from japan
Carrier Air conditioning

Any other jobs he's saved/created that I'm not aware of? It would be interesting to tally up how many he's done so far.

-ford CEO personally called him and said they're not moving the plants
-Apple is considering assembly in the US



1/3 of the US working age population is now out of the work force.

Trump could have saved 1 job and beat Obama's record.

You need to look at the workforce precipitation rate. The "unemployment rate" is compete bullshit.




What in the hell are they investing in? It sure as hell isn't manufacturing. Weeaboo translators?

it's really upsetting how easy it would be to fuck China into oblivion if politicians had the balls, and approval of their masters, to do so. pretty much every bad thing that ever happened to this nation in the past 100 years was sabotage, most of which was just allowed to happen.

2.4 million according to the clinton new network because of the bailout of car manufacturers

based nips

Why is this?

that is a good looking chink/gook, almost had me falling for it, almost

Saving America is bad for the (((economy)))


Suicidal no gf people


Please Mr. President! No more winning! I can't take it!

Actually, do you happen to have a non-kosher source for the real unemployment rate? My dumb fuck boomer dad still thinks only 5% of the nation is out of work thanks to king nigger, and I want to crush his liberal pillow fort with cold hard facts.

Japanese are truly honorary Aryans, hopefully one day we can ally with them to remove the kikes. MEGA-Make Earth Great Again



You think this is winning? Did you forget that Donald Trump ($buh) doesn't actually hold any office yet? That he doesn't have any actual power yet?



Because people with jobs, security, and a future don't crawl on their knees to the nearest Jew and beg for food stamps. That's not change we can believe in.

Gotta praise the entire japanese population every time a single company does something, amirite, fellow weaboos?

Surprising no one, CIDF is late to the scene.

cute. get out leftypol

You're aware when a company invests a massive amount like this after meeting with the President it's essentially an ambassadorial role right?

International investment like this is representative of a country. Look at how Japanese companies invest in the USA vs Chinese companies. Their national moral character is on display with how they conduct themselves.

Way to corner the argument leftist.





This picture is wrong. It's pretty damn personal between Trump and CNN by now.

Thankfully someone understood it. There's certainly no surplus of anons such as yourself who understand the why rather than just the what.


I'll bite: who is this crying faggot and how much should I be laughing at him?

Most just don't spell it out until an asshurt Holla Forums shitter tries to spin it.

you know who :^)

That ad is from Utah. Land of Cucks and Jello. West Valley is were the white mormons store all their brown slaves like mexicans and polynesians I.E. "THE WEST SIIIDE"


Some cuck, and a whole lot.


fuck yes
I went to nipland for school and they made the best cell phones.

That's a jomon nip, appropriate for fucking only. do not breed.


Not even remotely close.

Things continue to become greater. America becomes greater. Kike enablers off themselves with grief America becomes greater still.

Final solutions, even?

And how many American jobs have you created, aside from the team of fag-handlers your parents paid for?

The more days go by, the more sure i'am i will be able to torture ((them)) without remorse.

To the anons who like playing kike, now might be a great time to invest in SoftBank. I sure as fuck will.


Leftists have no fucking clue what globalism is about. It's an insane concept to them that power can be monopolized.

not a bad idea

I'm still looking around for other sources, but this one will be impossible for any soft headed liberals to ignore as it compares the publicized unemployment vs another metric referred to as "real unemployment rate",

Still likely kiked up stats, but anyone who actually thinks unemployment is anywhere near 5% is retarded.


I thought for sure he was doing an impression of Obama as a slave for a second. I thought he went full absolute madman.

I think you mean

Only worse thing than Trump winning the election is Trump succeeding as president.

Please don't beat me massa, PLEASE! don't beat this tired ol body

(Sacrificed a goat)
I guess so, Satan.

Is this artist really confused?

He looks like a warrior. the emperor of the west

Is the number Shadow Stats puts out legit? I've heard their numbers should also be taken with a grain of salt, but they say they're including an estimate of long-term discouraged workers and have the unemployment rate between 20% and 25% since 2008. That seems to line up with what Trump said he thought the real number was and also makes more sense given a labor force participation rate of, what 62% now?

Either way, I don't know how anyone could believe the labor market is doing that well.

What anime is that because it made me tear a bit.

Full of moments like that, I highly recommend it.

Here's your edit.

Imagine what he can do when he's sworn in.


Not as much. Once he's actually President, the Constitution severely limits his power.

So what did Obama do besides increase the length of unemployment benefits?

He also controls congress and the supreme court. He's going to be the CEO of America.

Yeah, no, that's not how it works.

Someone shoop MAGA on red guy here


in theory maybe
obongo blatantly ignored the constitution throughout his entire presidency, but got a free pass because the luegenpresse was on his side.
if trump can purge the media, he could end up doing pretty much whatever the fuck he wants, just like obongo, only he'll probably get a whole lot more normies to agree with it



He's a Constitutional attorney. He may have squeezed through loopholes, but he never once exceeded his Constitutional authority. I'm sure you have "proof", though.

In four years it will be credited to Obama and democrats. After all Trump was president elect at the time Obama was the president, don't you remember?

let's not forget that Obama's loss of jobs allowed Trump to get all of them back in the first place ;^)


Start-up capital! There are so many things we can do with this! This is great!
When America catches a wave, the rest of the world surfs with us.

Ultimate Survivor Kaiji. I don't like to throw around the term red pilled, but it's about as realistic about the life of a Neet as it gets.


they took that money to setup shop south of the border though

I'm not a republicuck because I want Jews to get this treatment, but King Nigger did it to whites which is why we're mad.

pick one

Even satan knows this.

Satan! Nigga is you scared?!

(checks and sacrifices children)
We value your opinion.
[spoiler]i swear

I've always liked shadow stats

You don't need to reply to every person in the thread newfriend

you're joking right?

i made 3 posts..but whatever makes you feel better

Czech'd, I guess you're alright then
learn to use spoilertext dummy

They said technology startups - could be hardware, probably is software.

it might not be entirely limited to computer tech, but if it is you're probably right.
quantum computers are the only real hardware tech worth much of anything at the moment.
hyper-efficient software is going to be critical regardless of what hardware we're using going forward, especially if quantum computers take longer than expected to go mainstream.
we're definitely approaching a ceiling with other hardware technologies, but not many people realize how much more we could potentially squeeze out of what we have if we had better software.

I'll warn you guys now, Son Masayoshi is a Korean.

Kaiji, but the 2nd season.

Definitely top /a/ tier for the first season and the 1st 1/2 of the 2nd season. It's a show about being in a worst case scenario of usury and trying to out jew the jews. However, the show becomes the jew itself after the character goes into pachinko and the show basically becomes an advertisement for pachinko. Big disappointment at the end of the 2nd season.


Eh. Kinda if you really think about it. This is all speculation on my part granted, but it would seem to be the obvious thing to do in this situation. Trump made it clear he's not happy about the chinks. Both them and the likes have completely plundered this country of everything they could. Of course Trump either doesn't see the Jewish part of the equation, or ignores it, but he certainly sees the chink side of it. A lot of China's wealth comes from the US and how deeply embedded they are in our economy and even society. They've made off like bandits, literally.

The Japs economy is stagnating, they're also manufacturers and exporters like China and like how we were and will hopefully soon be again. Even if and when we kick the chinks out of the kinda power they have over us someone will still need to fill in for us in the Asian markets, that's where Japan comes in. They tap into our own economy and have their own revive in return.

Are their products as well made as ours? Not really. Are they as bad as the chink products? Not even fucking close. Chinks only care about money and are notorious for trying to sell the shittiest products they possibly can to make the most amount of money. The Japs are too proud for that at least, and with Trump you can bet both your nuts that it would be mutually beneficial. They sell their shit here, we sell our shit there, and we both tell the rice kikes to eat a dick.

Of course such an action wouldn't be without due retaliation so you can expect US military involvement in Japan go escalate so the mountain rats don't try to pull anything like they have been in the rest of the continent. Which could explain why Trump was meeting with their PM and has been rather active in diplomacy with them. Chinks are not to be trusted in the slightest, extremely imperialistic and take over scrap of land and business they possibly can and then some, and generally are just shitty people by most accounts. Japs don't have that reputation at all, they're just proud nationalists who don't want foreigners fucking around in their country. We both start prepping each other up and start diminishing chink power and slow down their globalization plans, they get weaker and we both get stronger. Pretty soon the dog eaters kill themselves out of despair, especially when Trump says they can shove our debt up their ass.

Pure speculation on my part of course, I'm a drunk autist who hates myself but it at least sounds possible. I think

50 billion sounds great…
But we're hemorrhaging over 30 billion a month in our trade deficit.

We need lots more winning like this…lots more.

How is the media spinning this?

. obama

tbh china is such a horribly fucked up place full of such abhorrent disregard for life, basic rights, and the planet as a whole, that we should have cut ties a long time ago. they should be under sanctions, and we should take our business elsewhere.
not to mention the fact that, yes, pretty much everything they sell us is absolute shit-tier, and not worth what we pay for it despite it's incredibly cheap price.
i'm not saying we necessarily get involved in some sort of cold-war type scenario, but god damn our current relationship with china very blatantly serves to benefit them and rich megakikes, not us.
pic related, although long, is a very good read

sorry but my typo just triggered my autism
polite sage

Poor Blackjack

grammer fag


i can't wait for the stupid nigger salt

god damn it

I'm glad this is the future I chose.



Fuck those Multi-Globalists ISA faggots.


It's hard to use real life stuff without coming off as an advertisement.

In the manga it's a Mahjong arc, and he uses a special randomized version.

I didn't get into the corporate son arc, but that's more of a S1 stuff.

anwyays, the kaiji author is incredibly moral, he's not trying to get you hooked on games

No matter how hard the devs try to paint the heilghast as bad. But even normalfags know that they are actually good guys.


Sound familiar? Killzone was a fantastic redpill for me at a young age. Especially when the nigger-squad leader killing Visari because "lol his troops defended themselves on their home planet and killed my squadmates".

Sev knew what the fucking score was, he knew he was a piece of shit ZOGbot by the end.


pretending it's globalism and Trump is backing off on his isolationist stance he never took


Can't wait too show this to a liberal fag who kept on saying Trump is going to default on all US debt and create the depression 2.0


Wew lad, and I thought dealing with russkies was a good way to get swindled and I'd always been on a lookout for that. Guess they're prim and proper businessmen compared to the fucking chinks.

The Ruskies have this kind of mutual backstabbery that they expect you to engage in, everything is a game to them. You gotta play the game to get what you want. It's because they're Mongols like the Finns.

Chinks on the other hand are swarm creatures with no real individual agency or intelligence.

trump confirmed for high energy…..SPIRAL ENERGY


Apple is going to be made in American soon.


Lügenpresse wird lüge*




And I guess it was "Globalism" when we refused to enter both world wars and started manufacturing goods and supplies because WE WERE THE ONLY ONES WHO CAN.

We cannot exit out of globalism at this point, but we can at least make it better for the average working person and not make it so horrible for us.

It's clearly reddit's work

Says who? He's said he'll shred globalist trade deals and only make deals that benefit America. Globalism is all about rich white countries cucking to support shitskin filled failing ones. If that doctrine is gone, so too is Globalism effectively.

America buying German assault rifles for the military isn't Globalism, neither is one rich country creating first world jobs for other rich countries.

Once you start deporting the illegals AND make it easier for US employers to hire people (lower taxes), all those jobs are going to be available to the average american.

It's good to BTFO shills so the lurkers can see sometimes.

keep reading, I said at this point

I do believe its 100% possible but pulling out of the economy could be disaster.

I agree with you 100% tho

As long as we cut off the endless global 3rd world gibs I will be a happy man.

You're pretty close user, Killzone is one of the only games I ever got into lorefagging for because of how fucking cool the Helghast are and how much the games draw influence from WWII

And that's the gist of it really, a ton of more references to Germany and Italy can be found if you look into everything that goes on in the 2nd and 3rd games. The Helghast are actually completely based off of both WWII Italy and Germany. They make their own language, the entire population are pretty much trained and hardened soldiers, they take pride on how difficult it is to live on Helghan and how much it's made their race stronger and how the ruination from the first war has completely hardened them, etc. The games are completely Holla Forums tier, even in the little details. Of course the devs tried to be kosher about it and make the Helghast look bad and the USA look like heroes but they also tried to keep it neutral too. If you ever wanted to play vidya then definitely get into those games

For the shitposters, every backlink is some sort of an upvote and it measures the bait's effectiveness.

Replies make the message stand out. In any case, it doesn't matter if the post is from a shill (gets paid per post or per replies) or a shitposter (gets endorphine shocks from seeing (((you)))s) as replying to the post accomplishes the bait's goal which is to attract replies.

Soon Trump will commission his own Adeptus Astartes

>They will know Helghan belongs to the Helghast

I get chills every time.


Did Shadow Fall fuck everything up? I'm considering possibly picking up a copy.

Me too user, me too

I haven't played it so I dunno. Only played the first three games. First one is alright, second is pretty good, third is decent. From what I've read about Shadows Fall that's when the devs really started going full kosher apparently because of how popular the Helghast had become in the fanbase so if you haven't played the first three then yeah get those

Sweet dubs for both of us m8

I've played a dash of 1 and 2, and have played 3. From what I've gathered 2 was definitely my favorite.

If the devs go full kosher so be it, but let's hope they don't kill Helghast badassery completely.

Obama used some advanced nigger magic to create jobs:

Shadowfall is essentially
So it's a two-parter "abloo abloo refugees" and "Helghast get payback on the Vektans", it's definitely very kosher but it has Helghast being sneaky fucks so it's alright.

fuck, I didn't notice you got dubs too I noticed the other one because hitlerdubs. Forgive me m8, have a check

Yeah most people from what I've seen prefer the 2nd one and gameplay-wise it's my favorite too. Third one I liked but it became too much like a movie like most other games, still decent compared to the other shit that's been pumped out. I haven't really looked too much into SF but from what I can see its pretty kosher and they turned the Helghast essentially into Jews and got big time into the racial aspect. Plus I think the MC is a nigger and the deuteragonist is a half Helghan mongrel who helps you because of dose dirty nastee space nawtsees don't accept her

Thanks user, that's pretty much what I read about the game, fucking kikes gotta ruin everything good

we haven't even begun winning yet


Best ally

criminally underchecked dubs

The thing about the unemployment rate is that it doesn't count people who aren't looking for work. If you don't have arms, for instance, and can't get a job because of it, you're not considered part of the "labor force". If you're retired, same thing. If you just give up, same thing. When a person gives up, they're called a "disgruntled worker". The issue with unemployment stats isn't that they're kiked up the ass, I don't think, but that the definition is such that people who don't want to work aren't considered "unemployed". The reason for this is, if a person isn't looking for work and doesn't have a job, they won't work, so it doesn't accurately reflect the state of the economy if lazy people are included. The downside is that it makes it so you have to take out workers who get fed up with looking because they can't find work.

Instead of looking for just unemployment rate, look for disgruntled worker statistics, if you can find them. If you can't find that, look for articles about people giving up on looking for work. Explain to your father what "unemployment" actually means.

t. Econ student and son of an Economist.

Holy fuck this is huge goys!

Since when has a foreign country actually GAVE us money to help us improve OUR economy? Ignore the fact that this is Japan, that will be a different conversation. We have been investing in other countries by means of aid, stock, production, labor, infastructure, etc, while (((they))) have been neglecting our own. Other than countries paying us (barely) for our military support, this is unheard of. A foreign country investing in US startup companies to produce US jobs. Of course the Japanese bank will also benefit from this in the long run, but this could literally help lift small communities and families out of poverty if done correctly. 50 Billion fucking dollary doos, wew lads.

Now with that being said, the fact that this is FUCKING JAPAN. Trump has said time and time again he wants our allies to be able to DEFEND THEMSELVES. Since Japan is still very nationalistic, they also want to support this idea big league, as they should with North Korea and Chinese dogs at their shores. A country that we firebombed and nuked, TWICE. Trump is literally going to make anime real.

A strong Japanese, US alliance is going to instill fear into Israel, you heard it here folks. Japan's nationalism will spread into the US due to these investments into our own economy and due to a shared mutual interest. Instead of giving away arms to Israel and CO, we will instead probably be sending them to Japan, for THEIR military to use. We could pull out our US bases as well. Less tax payer money to be spent. I see a new Korean or Indo-Chinese War happening soon.

This is the first news that has excited me since Trump's election. What a time to be alive.

I'm short on time.

Ever since we nuked them Japan has been so bro tier. If we nuke all the other countries will it do that to them as well?

I feel like firebombing/chemical warfare would be more effective. We would have to wait for all that radiation to clear.

That's enough for like 10 new large corporations.


Japan already started taking notes on us hundreds of years ago, used that knowledge to kick the shit out of everyone else in Asia. Other countries haven't been doing their homework.

I feel like this needs a sticky.

If by US you mean the brits french and germans then ya


Just nuke isreal


Suddenly I have the urge to procreate.

By us I mean the west in general.

Early 2017?


>> 8458111
She's actually Korean.

and pretty clearly so

Koreans are easy to recognize.

No one tell him…

Holy shit! Will you look at that guys fucking nose?! I bet he could smell a fucking nickle in a shit house after a chili cook off.

Fuck i would even bet i could loose 2 bucks in change in the sofa and that mother fucker could pull out 3.50


Let's play with that for a bit because this kind of argumentation seems a bit familiar by changing around a couple terms.

"Trump celebrates -egalitarianism- in (the) US."
"Supporters hail it as victory against -feminism-."
"They have no idea what the word even means."

Nope, never seen this kind of mental gymnastics before. No sir!

This is huge.



How are these anally annihilated leftists going to spin this one?

The memes are converging.

I-it's crony capitalism! You didn't make that! OH GOD WHERE DID THE CURRENT YEARS GO SO WRONG!?

Also, it's not hard to guess who owns this (((dictionary))).
The only globalistic action will be hanging these people around the world.

You got it all wrong

Please refer to Kek's message to us here

I am now an #IsraelNukeMissile


Jesus Christ, with all the money the Japs have, why can't they field a lobby that makes it impossible to even criticise them like Saudisraelia and sometimes China?

Why bother? Japs are fairly well liked in the East considering their only competition in the popularity contest is China and Korea - which are utterly despised all around - and the West typically adores them even when discounting weebs.

probably something along the lines of

Japs have better moral character I guess. It doesn't even occur to higher-trust societies and races to pull that crap.

It's 50 fucking BILLION dollars

I think it's going to happen before Trump takes office at this rate.

Here you go.


Damn son, fifty B's ain't no chump change.
Although I'm worried to see FOXCONN on the page he showed off.

Why are you such a disgusting shill who peddles that 'trump can't do anything once he's POTUS because muh congress and concon' meme


non-msm proof?

Let Kek's will be done.

he's just getting increasingly nervous

Until I see all those news anchors from Good Morning America buying food at Walmart on foodstamps because they can't find work. Until that glorious day the war is not over.

This is Japan paying for US military protection.

Trump talks shit about the Japs and how they're a burden on the American people, Japanese PM and top diplomatic adviser visit Trump as soon as it's confirmed he's President-Elect and they have a chat, most likely about the cost of US presence in Japan. Few weeks later top Japanese businessman drops $50b dollars into the American economy and says that if Trump hadn't applied pressure they would have continued to take US protection for granted.

Somehow this is going to result in Trump making anime real, isn't is?

1. Japan
2.Worst Korea
3.remaining EUcucks

The better he looks, the more retarded they look for backing Cannibal Hillary. Plus, there's the way he's blowing the fuck out of the whole marxism thing.

Then how the fuck does Barry keep getting away with his bullshit?

Patlabour, pretty good.

TPP is dead
Taiwan & US BFFs

Xi goes to the EU to beg (((them))) to please, please let him exploit their markets
EU disintegrates thanks to Outaly, China can get fuck-all
African dictators gonna African dictate (ASC is in charge now, faggots) and start to Radio Rwanda some folks
What is even going on in huehueland, nobody knows
Australia really is full, tells the Indonesians that they have the sexual jews' backing to rout their invaders, houses are affordable again

Another man of impeccable taste I see.

paid shill confirmed

Ever seen Armor Hunter Mellowlink, if not you should if you like dem robots.

I'll check it out, thanks fam.
How many episodes in to Upotte!! is it before the Finngolian starts molesting the AR's? I've found the show to be pretty unbearable so far.

Haven't watched it, I just like the animation style and framing.

The rundown for Mellowlink is that its dude with AT gun vs Mechs and Big Boss level revenge plot.

If dubs, the money will create jobs that will be used to fulfill Trump's promise to make anime real.

You taste is even better than I thought.

I got a fetish for good animation, writing, and accurate gun pornography.


I remember they had the manga of gunsmith cats at Borders and I opened and the first thing I saw was this chick's nipples.

did not purchase


Hey do me a solid and help me BTFO this stupid fucking SJW shill in a Black Lagoon thread on 4/a/. There's a "proud jew" and delusional tranny faggot shitting it up.

How many animes I havent heard of are there? I was a NEET during the summer break where I watched animus for the first time in my life, and then stopped as soon as school started again.

Guess its true that only NEETS watch anime.

Not on 4chan we won't.



The ride hasn't even begun.


I would rather watch Sword Art Online all in one sitting without blowing my brains out than go back on 4chan again, our /a/ is pretty bad but its better then going back to those cucks.

I work, go to college, vidya, do it for free, and shitpost yet I still have great taste. Get good.


You cant tell me cute and funny bants isnt good writing faggot.

Watch this and tell me im wrong.

holy fuck this guy isnt even president yet
lugenpresse btfo



Did you watch Votoms? Mellowlink is a spinoff.

Heard that SAO will have some significant improvements in the upcoming expansion.

Yeah you're right. The Black Lagoon threads are like a bunker there, it's literally me and 2 other guys talking about cars and guns.


I started watching anime seriously around a year or so ago, I've watched probably 25-30 full series of anime all the way through at this point. I still consider myself entry level because EVERY TIME I GO ON Holla Forums I FIND A NEW ONE TO ADD TO THE LIST.

The ride never ends. The only way off is to never get on the ride.

What did he say? "VC-25a shit?"

Call me a pussy but I only watch slice of life comedy and moeshit, I hate violence that is not directed towards kikes and shitskins.

Sometimes. They have generally gone hill because fanservice shit is more profitable. Webm related is full of that but sometimes there are gems. I find just about everything in life these days a process of wading through a torrent of muck to find the few sparkling stones…

You're alright user. Cute and moe is certainly better than the trash out there. I'm currently watching ARIA which is about as comfy and relaxing as an anime can get.

You''d hate Black Lagoon then. There's a whole arc where Revy and Rock raid a sunken Nazi submarine for treasure and then kill a bunch of Stormfags. They deserved it for not being proper National Socialists and just LARP'ing but it's still a gook and a nigger killing Nazis, even if a real deal Nazi hired them to do it.

The entire net gain in employment since 2008 went to immigrants.

Seatac and the Bay Area will flood with chink and pajeet tears when Trump cancels the H1B's.

Off Topic but does anyone have a good source for the actual civilian deaths in Axis countries during WW2? I specifically want to know how many civilians died in the firebombings/nuking of Germany and Japan.

And then have special forces execute all the kikes like Soros and the Redshields.
Praise Kek

Revy is white, its mentioned in several times shes from NYC (or some other US city), that knife bitch calls her something along the lines of 'white whore' in one of the episodes, and when they go to Japan she complains about how everyone calls her a gaijin.

Rock is the only asian of the group.


Yeah the commercials for softbank are pozzed lefty anti-family shit. Dog dad, nigger brother.

So this investment is a good turn for this gook


Revy is Chinese-American, dipshit.

Shenhua basically calls her a "twinkie" or "banana" if I recall right (yellow on the outside, white on the inside), it's a slur used by asians against mixed race asians or asians they perceive to be too white.

Epic meme.

The Samurai really need to learn how to weed out the gooks.

The entire second season was gold and a great refresh from season 1.

All of Fukumoto Nobuyuki's work is pretty good. Its good pickings for reaction images for sure.

Not sure how Son Masayoshi will turn out in the end, but a few rare gooks do end up becoming decent nips. The founder of Kyokushin karate, Oyama Mas, was a gook turned nip.


Assmad lefty detected.


I don't quite get this. Is it because they don't allow shitposting?


It's absolutely terrible. No one here should ever post on it. D-don't even look at it.

I was so hoping you'd get trips with a post like that



Because in WWII they sided against the globalists.

the dreams of those who have fallen
the hopes of those who will follow
these 2 paths winding a double helix to tomorrow
thats MAGA