Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks tells a horrific story from a book he's reading about World War II.
Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks tells a horrific story from a book he's reading about World War II
Is this an Assgoblins thread?
This roach knows how to read? Hard to believe.
I thought Ted Cruz killed JFK. I didn't know Hitler did it.
Wasn't Hitler dead already?
Y'know because of my own scepticism I always keep waiting for one of these holocaust stories to be believable. But then it's this shit.
I'm forced to reply because of your dubs, however, this doesn't deserve its own thread.
You are aware that you can just put a match up to a person and they will burn up all by themselves, right?
Thank god they burned the jews for kindling, these things are creepy looking
did he read about the armenian genocide?
It's like listening to little kids talk, 3rd graders.
How does a moronic, sloppy water buffalo looking retard like this get such a huge audience?
The middle guy actually looks terrified by these fake stories.
I donno, the kike with the moneybag is almost memeworthy.
because as retarded and ugly as he is he's still the top end of the bell curve.
Anyone who's tried to burn a fresh carcass will tell you that that shit does not work. Shit, anyone ever put a rotting chicken in their wood stove? I was snowed in and far from sober. Should rexord it next time, and dress he chicken as a kike.
“Aw, man, did you see how badly they killed jews today? They didn’t even kill a single one! They’re so BAD at it!”
It's cute. He talks like he's white.
I approve of this. Keep spinning these stories, assholes. In 30 years, the Holocaust will have been an alien invasion that saw innocent Jews ground up in huge sausage machines and fed to cybernetically augmented dinosaurs.
Mein fucking sides.
Gee, just like today, huh my fellow goyim? I guess we shouldn't kick out those Mexican dope pushers or Syrian jihadis, huh? Otherwise they might get all shoah'd, just like DE JOOZ!!!!!!!
Used to be far more unbiased and capitalized on the 2008 market crash to gain a large audience, especially sympathizing with the left.
Now he's full blown Michael Moore quality.
He was also much less partisan and seemed more anti-establishment.
I no longer think the burning story is unreasonable. There was a documentary about a guy in Britain?? who admitted to burning his wifes corpse in a fire for 3 days and nothing remained. The documentary got some guy to burn a pig and surprisingly all the bone turned to ash. So I now think it's at least possible they burned corpses and no traces were left.
I'm still disappointed that liberals fall for this obvious trap. He named his "news" organization the Young Turks after the folks who carried out the Armenian genocide.
What did he mean by this?
Well I don't put dead things in my woodstove…
But pretty cool to know that someone else here uses one.for me it's my only source of heat and I do all my cooking on it but I think I'll stick to tossing bad meat and trash on a bonfire instead of my stove.
And ya burning a body realy doesn't produce heat.
A big part of TYT's appeal was also their effort to get money out of politics. That's something that a lot of people from all over could rally behind. Unfortunately, the effort was run by a turkroach and his Armenian belly warmer, so the thing wound up not happening, just like every other thing the fucking left tries to get accomplished.
I wonder if he'd ever be willing to talk about the rape of Monte cassino, the rape of Germany or the Soviets post war death camps. Torture camps would be a better description. I'm sure you can guess (((who))) the commisars of these camps were.
It's the double standard that really irritates me. These people don't care about the truth, they only care about their continuing their narrative.
It really amazes me that people are willing to believe this shit But are critical of things like the fire bombing of Dresden and the mass rapes committed by allied forces.
I think hes talking about people that know how to kill on mass.
I've also heard 'storys' about how the ebil nazis were planning to take all the ash from the burnt bodys and spread it around these fields as fertilizer so they could grow food on the remains of auschwitz and such.
Pure coincidence!
Jews were claiming hundreds of bodies cremated a day.
whenever the left says they want to get rid of something they actually mean they want to get rid of all bits of the something that benefit people who don't believe the same things they do.
Exactly. With the amount of coke that we know German crematoria used, they could have burned down the whole fucking camp complex with the energy it takes to boil the water in a thousand fresh corpses.
I guess we shouldn't get too mad. If anybody like these jackasses ever did the math on energy consumption, space allocation, available time, or cremains disposal, they'd wind up redpilled and out of work. Although it would be pretty funny if Jayar or Jesus came in one day and announced the Holocaust is a lie. See how those progressive-stack motherfuckers would handle it. My guess is they'd fire Jesus but reprimand Jayar.
Was anyone ever doubting that you could incinerate an entire body? I've never heard that one before. Most of the contention is around how much energy is required to incinerate a body.
Regardless of what you believe, burning bodies to heat something makes absolutely no sense. You can't just light a body on fire and then just leave it to burn. Bodies are a terrible fire fuel source.
Is that it?
That's pretty tame.
The Russians seem to have…
Why can't jew? :^)
IQ 70: US Technical Cut-Off for Mental Retardation
IQ 100: Global White Average
IQ 130: "Genius"-Tier Cognition, Innovators
That's how.
But user, you can find little pieces of the material you incinerated in the ash.
Wood leaves wood ashes, corpses leave little bits of bone and DETECTABLE carbon residue.
as in singular, as in, I'm not in the exercise or habit of reading, and read something that lined up with my preconceived notions, so now I'll pretend like I have special and unique insight into the human condition
"A little knowledge is a dangerous thing"
I'll keep that in mind.
What I like about the dueling narratives is how plausible the Armenian genocide is, contrasted with genetically altered space monkeys and black magic sorcery of Auschwitz.
See, the Turks didn't fuck around with the Armenians. When they decided they had to go, they just marched the fuckers into the Syrian desert and let them die of thirst. Shot anybody who tripped and fell on the way out, shot anybody who crawled back in. Nice and simple. Leave them for the buzzards.
This, as opposed to building a huge parallel superstate bureaucracy to reinvent railway timetables, transport stolen goods, gas and dispose of millions of people, and keep it all secret in the heat of a war to the death. Possibly while dabbling in human-skin decoupage and amateur decorative soap production.
On a related note, can anybody point me toward one of those masturbation machines? I know they're dangerous, but I promise I'll only use it with the safety switch engaged.
Pretty mutch sums it up,the number of BTUs it takes to turn the water in a human body to steam at the verry poor efficiency of those ovens is around 12 times the amount you get from the combustibles in the body itself.
It's shocking to me that anyone with a even a high school level of education wuld believe that shit.
So, because one guy in (you don't even remember where for sure) said he did something a certain way and it took him several DAYS to dispose of a single body, and because a pig could theoretically be reduced to ash through burning, meanings that literally millions of Jews were burned in a very short period in ovens that could not mechanically achieve that end and all the evidence is gone because "lul dey burned it all goyim!", is that what you're getting at?
Because if so, you're obviously retarded.
Soviet gas vans.
Books are fun.
so, we're gonna start Ben Garrisoning Tay-Tay soon, right?
Guys .This is where the myth of the German gas vans come from.
I heard something very interesting from a bombing investigator once. He said: "Blowing something up doesn't get rid of it; it only moves the pieces around all over the place."
The same (or similar) principles apply to burning. Set fire to a body, and the water boils away into steam eventually. What's left is fat, which melts, muscle, which cooks and chars, and connective tissue, which burns fairly well. Apply enough heat and oxygen, and eventually all this shit burns up. What you're left with is just lightweight ashes that can be tossed anywhere you like.
Bones are a very different story. Bones can be thought of as a blend of minerals and connective tissue. As bones burn, they go from dull gray in color to black, as the collagen inside them chars, and then to ashy-white when the organic material is all gone. What's left has the shape of the original bones, but they're very brittle. Crematoria drop these fragments into a bone crusher, which looks like a cement mixer with heavy lead or nickel balls inside of it. The crusher turns for hours until the balls have smashed up the bones into small fragments, but they are never reduced to powder. You'll definitely be stuck with largish fragments and some teeth at least.
Mixed together, human cremains can nicely fill a cigar box after between 6 and 24 hours of processing (depending on the technology used). Now do this 12,000 times a day for six months, in wartime, with all the shortages you'd expect for a country getting pulverized from the air, and let us know how that disposal went for you.
high schools don't teach things like energy consumption and combustion any more. they just briefly mention it along with some out of context formulas and then leave it at that.
Don't use all of that complicated arguments.
Just ask this.
In the killing feilds of Cambodia teeth turn up still after a heavy rain.
Where did all of the teeth of the 6-10 million holocaust victims go?
Turd-Turd is and has always been a kike pet
Actually, I had a funny idea a while back. Why not organize an expedition to dredge the Sola River in Upper Silesia and see if we can find some teeth and fragmented vertebrae? 4 million 1.6 million people were killed in Auschwitz, right? So the ashes dumped into the river there must have left some remains. Let's get some '49ers and some pans and cradles and rockers, and we'll go prospecting for teeth in the Sola! We might even find a gold one, you never know.
He forgot to tell the story about that one time someone said they saw Hitler kick his neighbor's dog.
Well there was that one time Himmler cheated at croquet. No shit. This went out on the BBC and History Channel in the 21st fucking century.
When no one was looking Josef Mengele once stole a cake.
Apparantly Goebbels once got a skullcap to skip 6 million millimeters across the Great Masurian Lake in Poland. Undocumented of course.
Checking that ID and digets
Those are some nice titties Cenk.
Hitler beat up a dog in the miniseries "Hitler: The Rise of Evil". :^)
No they don't.
You just had to make me look up burning pigs.
sciencemag dot org/news/2016/09/burning-bodies-experiment-casts-doubt-fate-missing-mexican-students
Verry good article about some lib students going missing it's worth the read.
Aryans too stronk
I understand that, however making all the alt-kikes say they "like her" over and over, will Garrison her fast.
They burned dead jews to keep the rest of the jews warm and comfy? Aww that's so sweet! The H in Hitler stood for hospitality
First I'm hearing about this "Holercost". The nazis killed jews? Oh dang, I should never have voted for Trump.
Don't blame them. It was fake news. Probably funded by Putin.
He's getting fatter. Nice tits, shitskin. Is that a (D)cup?)
Anyone have the webm of allied propaganda at the end of the war about the camps, and it shows a little regular cemetery?
I missed that part
hmm well that's pretty much the opposite of what happened on the show. I'm just going through now to see what exactly they did on the show.
really makes u think
just out of curiousity and OT, are these modern lean breeds of pigs?
I want to go make this in Planet Coaster now.
This is the same faggot that just shit all over pizzagate.
Once you know that the actors are Jews that thumbnail is even funnier.
Nice collection of jew fables there.
pic related
Well they definitely burned the pig flesh completely. But they only speculated that the fragments would be further reduced didn't actually show it. I guess I was wrong about that.
She looks like she stinks
Not quite. Before the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact was broken, the NKVD and SS were exchanging ideas on execution/torture methods. The 'Gas vans' were probably one of them.
The Young Turds.
lol That's not real, is it?
Hitler was more likely to beat the crap out of somebody who mistreated dogs.
Isn't burning human ashes laughably inefficient?
Is, a troll, @pizzapartyben, Milos lap dog.
Rekt and chek'd
Why every holocaust story involve the Jews becoming raw material for something ?
In the book i read last summer they used the hair to make socks.
He memorized it like a four year old.
Read this and try to debunk it, I dare ya
greetings from /his/
It's due to a deep seated fear they have of becoming useful.
I cannot even begin to give the tiniest micron of shit for what this muz sleeper agent thinks or says, OP. Unless it's a vid of him killing himself, I don't want to see it.
Why not portable delousing chambers for soldiers on the move?
how much is witness testimony worth?
What about these?
The very fact people are bullied, silenced and sentenced to jail for even so much as having doubt over whether the holocaust happened or not is evidence enough that something here stinks.
Nobody is denying Hitler wanted to kill the kikes. The problem with the holocaust is the jews are majorly exaggerating the amount that died and making up memories about witnessing Nazi crimes.
it cut off my post, continued:
stopped reading there
Go back to reddit
Someone's got a date with the ovens.
2016 and the kikes still have you thinking 6 million died xD
Love how they went from worshiping Hillary to declaring her the worst candidate ever.
are you retarded?
10/10 bait holy shit mein sides
what the fuck !? now i hate hitler
This line of reasoning doesn't make any sense. Claims of 4,5,6 or 7 million Jews being on the verge of or experiencing genocide years or decades before WW2 are noteworthy because we know that they're a product of Jewish persecution fantasizes. Why should we only care about the claims of the "6 million"?
"Oy! The Germans was ruthless, efficient killing machines!"
"Such a miracle! I got the shits and instead of gassing me, they gave me some Pepto-Bismal and told me to go lie down until I felt well enough to be gassed!"
are you?
He was on the tv network that faggot comedian frank something started up which crashed and burned shortly after.
Remember that male bodies don't ignite easily, so they had to use female bodies which are very flammable.
Isn't the official story that the holocaust started after the war? Also none of the gass chambers were in Germany(Poland mostly).
They came on the scene when W was still president, and at first glance they appeared to be a left-of-center news show that hated Bush and the endless wars in the Middle East. In their early years and even in the early Obama administration, they talked a lot more about foreign policy, one of the few areas where some of the left still makes a lot of sense.
Over time, they became much more focused on SJW issues. I remember how extremely one-sided their Trayvon Martin coverage was, which surprised me a little bit at the time, as I thought they were among the more honest leftists. Wrong! Discussion of foreign policy dropped to occasional coverage. They are today slanted and partisan to the point where they have to realize on some level how dishonest they are.
As crazy as it sounds, Cenk is probably 2nd only to Bernie Sanders in terms of his influence on the under-40 hipster left.
Damn, read this one from the 4th graphic.
So, burning bodies help burn new bodies? What do they think bodies are made from?
Ever have a relative created? I have my grandpa's ashes in a box. If you shake the box, there is a rattle. Some stuff doesn't burn all of the way.
The amount of wood it would have taken to burn 1 million jews alone is more than theoretically possible, even if they forced the jews to chop and move lumber all day and all night. Not to mention the tons of ash that it would have left as a result. Have you ever used a wood stove more than once? You have to clear out the ashes at some point.
Now try that with a million jews (even if they're really skinny).
Didn't watch, is the story that the nazis turned on all the lights once and the Turks had to scurry out of the room?
… does… he not realize this makes literally zero fucking sense?
If you're going to burn them, why bother with gas chambers? Just shoot them, one bullet and done. And how do ASHES of human remains give off enough heat even if they're fresh from an incenerator to heat a camp, mind you humans dont burn on their own, its not like you can set a person on fire and they just keep burning, you need fuel to keep them burning, meaning as soon as you pull the ashes out they're losing heat, not generating more of it
for fucks sake why do these idiots always WANT to believe the propaganda so much that they'll overlook the constant stream of logical roadblocks just to scream "OH WOE WERE THE JEWS! NAZIS WERE SO EVIL! AND OUR IS DOING THINGS JUST LIKE THEY DID!"
Why are people so fucking stupid
filtered and reported
Jew fuel can melt steel beams
Idk how this turned into holocaust discussion but my eyes were opened to the inaccuracies of the official story when I was forced to read "Night" in school.
There's a part where the author (and his brother IIRC) are sent to the "gas chambers". He wrote that he was so sure in that moment he was about to be gassed, since he had been stripped of belongings and packed into a room with a ton of other jews, and then a door opened on the other side of the room and they were all let out to be processed further.
I just thought it was really funny back then that he would include in his own biography a story that supports the theory of there being no fucking chambers.
this isn't your private blog you piece of shit. i don't want suspense. tell me what he says or fuck right back off to 4cuck
Exactly, when the planes crashed into the buildings it actually caused all the jews in them to undergo nuclear fusion instantly vaporizing the steel beams. I believe the Nazis were onto something.
I have that too. On DVD.