German OTC Pharma Company Goes Full Cuck
They don't even seem to be jew owned…
This ad is plastered all over Berlin right now.
German OTC Pharma Company Goes Full Cuck
They don't even seem to be jew owned…
This ad is plastered all over Berlin right now.
Vid ad
I can't read mountain swampgerman
what the fuck is this for?
The ad says: AIR for the most beautiful thing in the world (MUD MIXING)
Some OTC pills to clear up phlegm.
fucking really? they need an ad of some mudshit making out with a white girl for a phlegm ad?
It's telling negros not to hock snot all over white women when you rape them.
Europe is done fam.
Every. Single. Time.
Looks more like a random goony beardman to me.
Sage for colossaly unimportant shit.
The woman has a recessed forehead = Not Aryan.
Germans should get a crew together to go out and spray paint the mudslimes out of every advert to make a statement showing they're not going to put up with this race mixing shit being pushed on them.
This is giving me heart palpitations and my stomach is chruning. I am literally ready to start burning down buildings.
Next day's headlines all over the world:
Naziism Makes Troubling Comeback in Berlin
Europe's Jews Don't Feel Safe, Report Increase In Hate Crimes Across Germany
Chancellor Merkel, Denying Germany's Recent Uptick In Hate Crimes, Authorizes 6 million New Immigrants From Whatever Country Still Has Niggers In It
This can’t be a profitable approach, surely. Even pharmaceutical companies (as with the entire media, but that makes sense) seem to be willing to hurt themselves to promote the destruction of their most profitable client base.
When all that remains are state supported third world half-wits and their offspring there will be no more money to be made from over priced branded generics. It is an insane approach; companies that benefit from rich European nations should be supporting their continued existence.
I understand the desires of certain groups to try and defeat the European man, there is a natural element to it BUT in cases such as this I have nothing but a baffled contempt.
You could have at least translated it.
Is the guy on the left supposed to be an arab? it's not clear
Yeah, the German government is literally producing sex manuals to teach invaders how to impregante German women. It is genocide imposed by the government, controlled by the USA. The hooton plan. If we are lucky, Trump might put a stop to it, but that remains to be seen. Either way, the USA will need to be destroyed.
You are right, he could so easily be a German.
Fuck it, these guys have got their hands tied behind their backs by their own government, police, and media at the media. They can't even fart in the wrong direction without fear of being branded a bigot or racist and being arrested or fined. At the very least this would be a fairly low risk way of showing disatisfaction with the way things are, and not only that, but it's a very public way of showing it and letting other germans know they are not alone in how you are thinking. It gets people talking, "it is vandalism yes, but you know what…. they're right aren't they".
Thousands of small actions like this all add up and sway the minds of people into taking action. If something like this hit the headlines, I will be the first one there in the comments defending the germans for taking a stance and congratulating them.
The guy might be of Italian or Spaniard ancestry
Mabye the advertising company is jew owned
Spray paint/put a sticker on all of them. Something about White Genocide.
I agree. He's not clearly middle eastern.
They don't see it as hurting their client base, and why would they? What consequences for this are they going to suffer? The excellent goyim will bend over and take it like they usually do, maybe with a little more grumbling.
It's a swarthy sandnigger you fucking reddit tards.
No matter how much cuckery you promote, you can't make white girls want to fuck pic related.
You fags must not live in America.
For about 3 years now, not a single add in most major chain stores feature a white male unless its for diapers or some kinda old man medication.
Its all white / brown females and mud males.
Are you fucking blind? Kill yourself.
Germany student here. Few months ago we had this presentation at the uni "how to get a job when you finish studies" and they had this annoying feminist moderator who was praising affirmative action. You hear the professors praising this "equal opportunity" bullshit all the time. Some of my friends are redpilled on it, but average students are buying it ("as a male I have so many opportunities and I am so happy that my female colleagues have them too" male feminist crap).
Anyone knows what how are the (((hate speech))) laws in Germany doing? Suppose someone starts directing students to go to certain websites, what's the potential trouble?
Well, once their client base no longer exists then they will suffer the consequences of having no clients. Once you get rid of something it can no longer bend over because it does not exist.
No I do not.
I could ALMOST understand this ad if it was for a dating site or some sort of Valentines shit. But they have a coalburning couple making out to advertise OTC drugs? Next they'll broadcast niggers running train on a white chick to sell laundry detergent.
Kikes working for this advertising company have no intention of using these ads to make the product more marketable. The pharmaceuticals are just a proxy – it could be any product – for them to shove their anti-white multicultural propaganda down our throats. Fuck kikes.
they do the same shit here OP, I'd say 1 in 4 people in a TV advertisement is black even though they make up only 12% of the population and of course white female with black male is common too
How in the fuck are they not ashamed of this? I mean, you'd need to have MKULTRA levels of brainwashing throughout the population of the entire nation to get that many people to drink that disgusting brown Kool-Aid, wouldn't you?
why does the jew want to destroy white civilization? honest question here. What do they gain?
Same here in Canada. Funny thing is that it often uses a black guy with the woman even though we have waaaaaaaay more kebabs, loo poos and other Asians than blacks here.
I'll start by recommending you read "Culture of Critique" by Kevin MacDonald
Long story short – jews are fiercely ethnocentric and view all non-jews as "goyim" or basically human cattle. They realize they will always be a minority in America and European countries so they push for mass immigration and multiculturalism so that countries will have many minority groups so there is no dominant race to persecute a minority. Obviously in Israel, they practice the opposite politics and build border walls and accept zero refugees because they understand how precious racial homogeneity is.
this is what pissed me off the most about jews, they push their agenda on whites and don't even believe it themselves, all one has to do to know diversity and race mixing doesn't work is to look at shithole south American countrys where everyone is brown
Have friend in an agency, can confirm this is high on their agenda. The Madmen days are well and truly over, it is a POZ industry.
That would actually make senese.
TBH the man looks white for me, perhaps because it's full of Hispanics where I live and I got used to it.
it's pretty obvious he's middle eastern user
Men with handsome beards concern themselves with good medicine for their family members
Holla Forums furor ensues
Never lower your standards. I know mystery-meat brown people that wouldn't look out of place in a German refugee camp, who 100% believe themselves to be white.
jews who are long dead now thought we were their greatest threat.
we weren't, the sand niggers were.
these dim witted fucks are finally coming around to that fact.
if they keep doubling down on the anti european poz coming from the media they own we will become their greatest threat.
whatever deal old richfags made for israel to come into existence sure as fuck did not include the destruction of the european people.
This is pure kikery they are flying too close to the sun and need to wake the fuck up.
Just look at how most tv commercials:
black men = intelligent, well-dressed
white women = intelligent
white men = weak, stupid, submissive to wife
vid related
Ok dude, we're probably 50% white already in America. So yes we're fucked here… but surely you're not as cucked in Germany as you just made it out to be, are you?
Wait, you were talking about the stores in America. So never mind.
At least you're not getting boiled to death in a secret prison in Uzbekistan yet.
I live in the southernmost part of Spain. On a sunny day you can see Africa from the beach.
There were a bunch of these fliers in the street, so I picked a couple up.
If they want to sell you something they will use images you like. Other times they will use the advertisements as an excuse to push propaganda.
We do user. ~800 years of Moorish rule. I look like that guy except that I have earlobes, a flatter forehead and slightly less bushy eyebrows.
Also green eyes master race, but since his are closed who knows
You're Southern Spanish. I'm Northern Spanish/West German and i look nothing like that.
Also, not knowing the difference between a tanned white and a tanned German is impressive, really.
He's white by US standards honestly. Though if I was German it'd piss me off I guess.
We also have an influx of Nordic migrants, due to the good climate and a strong touristic industry, plus lower cost of living.
I met a retired German navy captain and his wife. He was ~85 (fifteen years ago). He kept a revolver behind a few books in his well stocked library which once I found it he insisted:
A) Was a reproduction
B) Its purpose was to scare away Muslims
C) I never, ever touch or mention to anybody
He also did not like to talk about the details of his work.
Both were great people (he passed away a few years ago, and his wife a few years after that).
The only thing I heard them complain about is that their sons never visited, even though they had offered to pay for the trip. They even had a pool built for their grandsons.
I managed to wheedle out that the reason their very liberal children didn't visit was that they had some sort of argument. You can figure out what it was about.
You don't deserve those dumbs and you are deluded if we here in America considered brown arab men white
No, mudshits about to lose heads fam. :^)
That guy is definitely middle eastern.
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
If you say so, he looks white to me.
You must be blind because he couldn't be more Arab if he tried.
Oh but you can. He just has to rape them.
Oy vey stranger, you're not supposed to talk ill about the USA, that's D&C!
Now let's talk about how yurop should nuke themselves and don't deserve to live anymore.
I just believe the European countries that betrayed Germany should look at themselves first.
America is such a fucking cancer it's unreal. What an absolute mistake the New World was.
they'll settle for ahmed if all the white men around them are beta numale faggots
you're being trolled, user
Its just a roman and a paddynigger
Mate, I'm fucking Peloponnesian and still that murtati would not pass as a local unless he had three generations' worth of birth certificates proving it.
10/10 you can die last.
no he's not.
Uh, yeah they can, and they do. The rates of race-mixing in Germany and Sweden (it's common in a lot of other Euro countries, but those especially) is INSANE. It's not just kike media propaganda, it happens in real life at such a terrific rate I wouldn't be surprised if ethnic germans are extinct by 2100. This fantasy that the "countryside" still harbors some aspect of traditionalism needs to die, because the youth all move to cities for employment and University, where they're almost inevitably pozzed.
don't make up stats that are easy to verify
dubs checked
I speak from personal experience, and since you're not so retarded as to think the governments keep track of how many dunecoons and regular coons their white girls are porking, just walk down any street in Stockholm, Cologne, Berlin or Hamburg. Blonde girls with sandniggers on their arms are a common sight, and no they're not white trash or the ugly ones. Talk to anyone who;s visited these countries, and give this podcast a quick listen because they explain the phenomena quite well.
So it's nothing.
The goal of the NWO/global Communism is one race to enslave, one culture, one society, one language, one religion. Multiculturalism is an obvious part of this goal. I wouldn't be surprised if the plan is to make Europe, Australia, NZ and North America some kind of Noah's Ark situation, where every human can live there as Asia, Africa, South America, Middle East etc. become nuclear hotspots so can't be habitable for centuries.
Get this through your head, you stupid sub-nigger; the german countryside isn't filled with girls in fucking Dirndls pumping out aryan children with their farmer husbands. And the cities are positively disastrous, the white men are incredibly feminized and the sandniggers are still masculine and tribalistic, making them much more attractive options for the white girls because (surprise) women function by instinct. You can delude yourself all you want, but unless you acknowledge there's a problem you'll never even begin to fight back.
Then why haven't you suggested a way to solve the problem? All you've been doing is going around admonishing people for having their heads in the sand while proposing no alternative yourself.
"still masculine," are you kidding me? These limp-wristed fags with skinny jeans are more feminine than the weakest white man.
Some time ago someone posted a survey about topics like globalism, mixed couples, etc. Almost every European country was more pozzed than Germany, except Russia. Russia was more based because Germany had a big part listed as "no opinion", the reason being muh racism.
It's a wonder that Germany is still on the level they are now. They were bombed to shreds, "de-nazified" and the idiots from the 68'-revolution marched through all institutions. Whereas every other country simply accepted it without fighting. The ultra-nationalistic France hated Germany with a passion for centuries and killed them whenever possible. Now they are conquered by the Holy Kebab without any resistance.
With "tribalistic," you are right though. The problem is that western men are atomized, they are individualistic. This makes them weaker than a group, but not as much as you would think. Maybe you heard of the story, where a white man from sweden has beaten up 6 or 7 rapefugees because they groped his girlfriend.
Look at the ad from above, " Comments are disabled for this video.", guess why…
We have, kick out the non whites!
The survey in question. Notice in germany's case the very large part of "no answer"
I just want to see them reject this cancer and fight the attempts made to extinct them as well as their fake jew controlled government.
"They can be a great people, they wish to be. They only lack the light to show the way."
-A quote from a a cape shit jew movie that made me think of Germans.
Italians? Greeks? Spaniards?
Even Hitler had to acknowledge that not every German is "Nordic", hence why they categorized southern Germans as "Alpine".
Reminded me of a quote about germany sorry for the very rough translation
Yes, this is what I mean. If Germany was as pozzed as some shills want it it to be than it wouldn't be so ambiguous. It would be like Spain, where 82% strongly approve interracial marriages.
Germany is most similar to Russia on that graph, though even fewer people in Germany "strongly approve" and "somewhat approve" interracial marriage than in Russia.
Then there is this huge amount of "It depends/neither/don't know/no answer" in between "somewhat approve" and "somewhat disapprove". Why is that?
It could potentially be added on either side. I tend to think that they disapprove, but don't want to look racist. It's the middle ground. Not globalist, but also not racist.
And this is the miracle. You can even today sway the majority to disapprove, but a charismatic leader is necessary like Trump.
You can instantly tell who the burgers are on this shithole because the amount of chicken little Internet media they've been voraciously consuming has actually convinced the retards that 5'5 rat-faced rug pilots are somehow "manly".
You have no fucking clue what you're babbling about but it doesn't stop you endlessly shitting up threads on countries you're also completely pig ignorant of.
good. remove hans.
They try this overt propaganda over and over, but is anyone really paying attention? This sort of blatant jewing is more likely to turn people against race mixing.
Butthurt kraut detected
I betcha u love durka durka (no pig) sausages up your butt dontcha you rapefugee lovin cuck
If so many "women and children" are escaping from "Syria", why is it always mudshit men that are paired with white women in propaganda and ads like these?
You men need to grow balls no vagoos to do that.
White isn't a skin color, it's a historical heritage to europe. You can a bit tan and still be white.
Pic related: how your self described "mystery meat" Romans painted themselves in pompeii.
On a more positive note, pic related just happened in Sweden recently. Although it wasn't a nationwide advert on billboards and was only an advert ran on their facebook page for a chain department store, People voiced their disgust online and the advert was pulled. It's only a small victory but hopefully for those who have been disgusted by this kind of advertising onslaught but kept quiet, it will perhaps empower them and show them they are not alone in their feelings and they can in fact get companies to back down if they get vocal.
Burgersplaining is a bannable offense, m8.
good riddance
it's telling post-wall failed washed-up sloots to get rapefugee dick because white men are increasingly reluctant to fall for their shit
young low value men avoid them because they're toxic waste
30+ men avoid them because they'd rather have younger ones, and if they cant have those, they still cant relate well to those post wall sluts because of how damaged they are
so really it's an ad for the wrecks of leftism to get a life with niggers, because they cant get a good value white guy anymore
so if you look at it between the lines like i delineated, it amounts to an implied encouragement and compliment for you white conservative young men
young white traditional conservative girls are not targeted by this ad
True, it's also a set of certain physiognomical proportions. :^)
dude it's about total global enslavement
the master race on top, the slave race at the bottom, separated by genetic engineering on top of the usual attacks on our DNA: nuclear, GMO, vaccines.
transhumanism is real, except that they omit telling about the evil half of it which is about devolving the slave race
the uplifting part of it is reserved to the elite rulers of course, what did you think you gullible goy
also goy, even today this "insane" policy that "makes no sense economically" actually does such: the current economy gears around banksters speculative economy and rapefugees take on heavy loans, bingo.
wtf why am i getting a flood detected error for posting relevant pictures
that's intentional
the objective is to drive women to niggers, but in a not blatant nor shocking way
ease them into it, shlomostyle
Pretty tame compared to Ikea's attempts tbh
extra strength soap for those spicy gentleman fluids you don't want your straight husband to know about
world ruling
every jew living like a king with 2800 slaves each (accurate, not making this figure up)
they cant have that as long as the eternal aryan is around
they will easily if we ever check out/get dumbed and niggered down
that's why they're working full time for it
it's their messianic prophecy
in fact it's the archons' boss and they will have nothing
as soon as the jews win, the archons come down and raze everything like the senseless locusts they are
source: john lash
"but israel is different, it is surrounded by hostile arab nations, also israel is for the jews only because god promised it to us"
dont worry, they dont need any universal principles, their thoughts and beliefs are based against that
they are special and you can die, they wont give a rat's ass about it, in fact they're currently pushing for war against russia, they cant wait to smell the aryan babies burning
oh they will deny this, "no i wont want war, but russia has influenced the US election and somebody's got to stop the'"
frankly burn em all, i'm so sick of it, even though i'm in love with one i'm on voice 23/7 with, the quotes above are hers
you wanna be an agent of pure evil, be my guest
bretty gud, would watch and spread
would be quality propaganda tbh
judo style; using your enemy's strength (arguments) against him by just pushing them further
Simple answer is 'we' destroyed theirs.
The kikes retain a special hatred for the Russ and the Greeks, given that it was Russ that destroyed their civilization, and the Byzantines who sponsored the Russ to do it.
In other words, we're witnessing a blood fued; a vendetta that's been waged for a thousand years and more.
What about the religious element, I hear anons ask? It's important, but it's not the be all and end all. The kikes adopted Talmudism in an attempt to stave off threats from the Russ, Byzantium, and the Abbasids. Obviously, Satanic ideology is going to create problems of its own, and is intrinsically opposed to Christianity, but Talmudism is not the cause of the kike vendetta - it merely helps to fuel and sustain it.
There's often a desire to complicate matters concerning the kikes, but it's really quite simple at its root. The kikes ran one of the most powerful empires in the world. They were fabulously rich thanks to their control of traffic to Europe via the Silk Road. As hard as this might be to believe, they had a formidable army, that had been most effective against the Muslims to the south (who Byzantium struggled with). All of this was taken away from them in a very short period of time.
Their empire was conquered and their territory was annexed. To rub salt in the wounds, their territory became a defacto open-air prison camp - The Pale of Settlement - where they weren't permitted to integrate with non-kikes. They were excluded from Russ/Russian society. I'm not trying to garner any sympathy for them here, anons, but the reality is that the kikes had it pretty rough for a very long time. I can't have sympathy for a Talmudist, but I can understand why he wants to kill me…
Of those who were able to migrate east, most didn't fare much better than they would have done in the Pale. Most…
Those who'd managed to escape Khazaria with some of their wealth intact were able to lay foundations in the east. These kikes were fairly altruistic when it came to their own. The real opportunities came when Christian administrations gave them the opportunities to set up usury rackets.
And this is what they essentially are: Rackets. There is no centralized kike heirarchy; no universal plan (though there are certainly mutual interests and shared objectives). There are various groups, akin to 'families' who often compliment one another but who now and again come into conflict. Obviously, certain groups are more powerful than others (no one would mess with the Baron, for example).
In short, there's really not a great deal seperating the Khazarian mafioso mentality from the mentality of the Cosa Nostra or any other organized crime family. The difference is that the Khazarians have been wildly more successful, mainly thanks to their control of most of the world's money supply, and most major sources of information in the western world.
Most of us are familiar with the story of Elliot Ness and his Untouchables. Mr. Ness won the day. Consider for a moment, that he didn't. That the Italian mob (who had plenty of run-ins with the kike mob) had continued to rise and had eventually taken over America. This IS what happened, in a way, except that it wasn't the Italian mafia that rose to power, but the Khazarian mafia that had risen long before those battles in Chicago.
I've explained "why" they hate us. Now I'll explain why they remain intent on destroying us (as opposed to simply ruling over us). The short answer is Social Darwinism.
Social Darwinism is yet another expression of Satanism, to be placed alongside Talmudism. Taken to its logical conclusion, SD tells the kike that if he doesn't kill us first, eventually we'll kill him. It tells the kike that it's okay to kill others, because they were going to kill him anyway. It says that 'good is evil, and evil is good'; Satanism at its very core. This is why you'll see kikes fight back very hard against any alternative model of evolution that seeks to emphasize, for example, a cooperative or complimentary model of natural selection, opposed to the adage of "survival of the fittest" - a phrase coined by Rockefeller and Carnegie rather than Darwin himself, who tried to argue against it when he realized what he'd been saying all those years ago. Tough shit, Charles: it WAS what you'd been saying but you're skills in logic weren't as great as your skills in self-promotion. Another useful idiot…
Just call him a mudslime, user. pic related.
Nigger what the fuck are you spreading there?
When things get pushed much too hard, people tend to do the opposite, I hope that's the case for Europe as well.
Krautchan was shut down a while ago, and it was later found out that it was because of some form of """extremism""". There have also been a few cases where people have been sued for stuff they have said on facebook & co. but that's still rare.
The issue are the very vague "hate speech" laws, which can be pretty much anything. It's probably better to stay underground if you have similar views to the alt-right or other less socially acceptable groups.
Just let the women do what they want. They'll realize what they've done when their children look nothing like their family. You'll be left with the good women
This is a non-sequitur. You don't rationalize this at all. There's nothing inherently evil with a model until it tells you how to act; the Talmud tells you how to act, where Social Darwinism doesn't. It's the difference between me pointing at a graph of racial IQ differences, and me telling people to invade Africa because they're dumb niggers. If you bring new evidence about the graph or model it can change, whereas an absolute statement of intent is not normally open to discussion.
The confusion here is that jews interpret the ideas of Social Darwinism as an ultimatum about their survival and act upon it; in reality Social Darwinism doesn't necessarily imply any kind of widescale revolt or decimation of civilizations. As much as Social Darwinism spins out to multiple realms, at the core, just applying Darwin's philosophy, it says that the best nation and government will rise due to being the most suited to its people and environment, and being able to fend off potential natural predators, e.g. other nations. Interpreting this as, ALL other nations are ALWAYS predators to me, is on the jews, not Darwin. Isolationism can just as well be rationalized under Darwinism, and arguably is more true to the core idea of it; as in, the people in this nation are the best for this nation because they've evolved to be that way.
I do agree with your historical interpretation though, and it's very well done.
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
BBC welcumed
Probably because someone always eventually posts CP or at least child model pics in those threads.
Can someone tell me what the hell a Snorlax is and why they "block paths?" Why not just float around it?
Also, how do I teach my allies spells? I remember seeing/hearing about it somewhere, but it evades me.
end it all
No. It means any kid with DeepDream could make this.
Thanks a lot :D
my fucking sides
This desu
If you can read and enjoy premodern poetry you should be able to enjoy free verse as well (the good shit, of course, not slam poetry).
I get what you're trying to say but your definitions are incorrect. Both prose and poetry are, using your words, styles of writing. Both can be applied to any of the three branches of literature - narrative, lyric and drama. Lyric is 99% poetry but you also have lyric prose (Rimbaud or Baudelaire wrote it first, I don't remember exactly), so it isn't synonymous with poetry (which can also be narrative - see Homer).
Report these freech faggots
I'm starting to feel sorry for kananfags, they get all the bullying for no real reason apart from the retard who got triggered and flooded the general with porn.
He wrote about it because he was pre-empting the interviews asking about tennis. He knew it was the perfect thing to talk about to sound humble and down-to-earth about "not being good enough to play higher" while secretly jerking himself off about how good he was. Literally everything he does is orchestrated to make him come across as an everyman as a facade to his furtive masturbation.
Only dogtags if you are currently in the military. Gold chains if you are fat and wealthy. That's it.
You didn't even read my post because I said that you included the description, but cut the last line.
The problem with his post, and the point of my reply, seems to be oblivious to you. Let me put it more bluntly; looks are subjective. Your opinion, and his, only speaks from a personal viewpoint. You can only say that you find them unattractive, but don't presume to speak for everyone by generalizing. Such statements often show a lack of maturity (which is often associated with a persons age, hence my reference to him being in middle school), as well as a lack of intellect. It also says a lot about ones character when you can't accept others opinions.
Don't be one of those fucktards that can't understand this concept. Keep scrolling past the ones you don't like. This isn't a rate thread, and I'm sure for every pics you don't like, there is someone who does. You're welcome to your opinion, but you don't speak for everyone.