So in school we are starting this giant essay on a current world issue.
So naturally I chose the refugee crisis. My goal is to redpill the entire class (I live in a very liberal place), so do any of you have some based reputable sources on it? Thanks
So in school we are starting this giant essay on a current world issue
Other urls found in this thread:
Try to use left-leaning sources to avoid detection.
Stopped reading there.
Grow up or quit college.
what a waste of Hitler dubs
When you use stats and news use government or leftard sources and put where you found it on the slide and memorize some buzzwords about the source so the people trying to call you out can be called bigots and ignorant.
Make sure you have a source for everything you say.
Shit, we had a huge pastebin on this. What happened to it?
Don't forget to tie Western values of egalitarianism and mutual beneficience to Enlightment era philosophers and Christian monks. Show that whether or not America was intentionally based on Christian principles, it certainly ended up that way, and then show how the incoming migrants absolutely will not integrate. I believe there was a founding father who ended up dealing with muslims and the only reason we didn't go to war was because trans-Atlantic strategy was a hassle at the time. Maybe build up to a quick touching on the fact that Islam is treason because it is explicitly seditious to any non-Muslim government, and that Sharia is treason.
ZeroHedge and the Gatestone Institute are good pseudo aggregators for this kind of stuff. Make sure you look into the censorship laws in the EU (Sweden and Germany in particular, I believe) which prevent media outlets from saying "refugee" and bad things in the same article. Compare Sweden's crime rates in 2012 (2 murders in the entire country) to what they are now.
You WILL be accused of post hoc, ergo propter hoc, so ensure you have a defence for it.
Souce every single thing you say and never lose your cool or resort to juvenile insults. If you give a liberal enough rope, he will ALWAYS hang himself. You have no idea how incapable these people are of discussing ideas which go against their brainwashing.
You should make sure to cite Slavoj Zizek at some point, he's both against immigration and a based lefty. If you want, you could also make a connection between the media narrative and Chomsky's manufactured consent. Especially with the Chomsky, should give you the leeway to directly challenge and contradict the official media narrative.
Enjoy your ban faggot.
Like others have already said, avoid using stuff from alt sites or you will run the risk of being called a bigot or racist if like you say you are in a very liberal area. I think the tactic for this one is to go in full libtard but with a sting in the tail. Reel them in by using languge that shows how tolerant and welcoming you are of our islamic friends.
The term 2.4 children is used a lot because this is what is needed to keep a nation healthy and in growth, any less and it's in decline. someone posted recently about a few states that are already witnessing a decline in population. Show how the islamists who are allowed several wives and often have 6-8 children per wife wil help to keep the population from falling into decline.
Then just end it with the powerful zinger, " I for one can't wait to be a minority in my own country living, convert to islam and join the majority. Grab your niqab and bow down to the male muslims girls, we're about to enter a period of sharia law".
Adding on to this, if for whatever reason you get accused of anti-semitism, Gatestone is pretty Jewish.
From leftist bbc, but still gives good evidence that Muslims are un-integratable
You could start by asking why the war in Syria is the pretext used by the german government to open its borders to refugees from all over the world, like that afghan refugee who raped and murdered that girl in Germany
Use crime statistics. Numbers don't lie. You'll have to do some homework on how to read statistical data though. AND USE PRIMARY SOURCES. Hell, even FBI stats can show what you need. I would make your point that a lack of assimilation is what the problem is.
the German business lobby wanted more cheap labor and Merkel gave them what they asked for:
German business leader Grillo slams PEGIDA protests
Training, jobs for refugees, urges industry
German industries have an economic case to welcome refugees
Merkel to urge chiefs of big companies to hire refugees, Bild reports
lol refer to Jerry Diamond. Jewish and approved.
Please organize it if you can. I gotta delete this.
https: //!fo0TDC4a!Ck2n3wuqWutm3FyLtxZB8A
https: //!4FJSUTyL!gRWJW5eBK0ydunfSzDB3xg
https: //!scMFjYZY!MKTKFWGVVuA7kV4OMHgkcg
https: //!UdxSVLJB!bgBwqzuFIV3z0HvCswA0dQ
https: //!AE5yjIqB!y7Vdxdb5pbNsi2O3zyq9KQ!cE5yWZoI
https: //!sU90kbAR!pXKWaWnZcY8eTIA2wUSDBA
https: //!LotEVRxT!YE-YrG6SZ54nJqltrYN8Nw
https ://!6kJzEIJb!aVVgmWAM-aP_bU_8Co43FA
https: //!K8wTjbiZ!mWFZsQRr2SZYC1AsoE6Shw
https ://!m00SjRRA!R_I9wzUTEhSN6spP35TyZg!e08XTJoJ
https: //!zQtglTAY!JZ8y7bZpqPz6od5WmtLfIg
https: //!MQ8ziQKK!rzb0LRaZoyL6te1tguBNnA!RBs1mRhC
https ://!9RAkwRwR!4oXYTi7YoIEXVK_gSPBY0Q
https ://!eMs1HDRD!LJcwVTJXhhx1a5bUu2l0dg
https: //!6sgETKCa!vGFF5iTfCR6lH3ZLXaQorQ
https: //!0F5GXTjS!oGdz8UP5JbcleNMy6YKLvg
https: //!cZoSEbpC!kdnYuLw3hvYSus9uZl6PRQ
https: //!4MJE0L6Q!teKAfBlT2m3Ija-Tun-EFw
https: //!pYRnSJaC!HrC3Siqyioo9PjdGMNWs3Q
This could be quite useful.
Then we go 1488 and bomb them while they are congregated in one area
You can probably avoid getting in trouble by using leftist explanations for all of the negative stuff.
Quote all the crime and rape statistics, but say they're only violent savages because of their low socio-economic status and racism from whites hurts their feelings. Say that the flood of shitskins is going to make the demographics even worse for the native white Europeans, who are already a minority in the under 30 year old demographic, but this is good news because diversity only makes us stronger and offers more ethnic restaurants and food. It's also a good way to prevent another holocaust if all whites become dhimmis to the ruling islamic majority that is inevitable in 20-50 years, because moslems will take care of jews better than Hitler.
Actually I'm not even sure people would realize the horror in it all if you made it sound that absurd. They might actually agree with you.
or don't even talk about race, just say syrians, north africans, and what not, and THEN say "low gdp country" or some other pc buzzwords
or tell the truth