Real issues everywhere, mostly centered on capitalism

I'm not sure if I feel worse because all my relatives are bigots and all my friends are airheaded liberals or because they actually prioritize this dumb homo bull.
Also left feel thread.

Other urls found in this thread:

post yfw liberals think bathrooms is a worthwhile issue

Actually, I've heard a lot of shitting about it from my aforementioned liberal friends but conservatives are ten times as butterblasted about it. The funny thing is I'm trans and I just never use public bathrooms anyway so it's never been an issue for me



The worse is that every single type of idpol shit is already arriving my 3rd world country. Faster than I had expected I thought we still had a decade before literally reproducing the ruling ideology of the heart of capital

They are even fighting between themselves to prove who has accumulated more oppression points (ie. "white" woman, "black" woman, trans individuals and so on).

And with that, class is subsumed by the infighting of personal identity, and the workers have to accept neo-liberal reforms to accommodate the whims of a "progressive" bourgeoisie

I'm just hoping that idpol will burn itself out

Oh shit, I'm Puerto Rican. Neat.

It's really astonishing, people here see the literal colonial command economy that's about to be implemented as "a problem" just like bathrooms and homos are "a problem". I gained a lot of respect for Trump when he called for everyone to shut the fuck up regarding issues like that and argue about them later well I guess it was more like admitting defeat on gay marriage but that's besides the point. Maybe we can take a page from that book. Call for everyone to shut the fuck up about the little issues and move to the big issues. And this will have the bonus effect of revealing what the right actually believes, just like how the Republicans focusing on the economy backfired on them in 2012.

It seems that way, even SJWs are beginning to acknowledge we have bigger problems and calling people white males and sexist has become the hobby of the Hillary faction and Blairites. That is to say that the ideological core of the left is moving past it, and though I will make ultras very angry in saying it, it's mostly thanks to S█████ and Corbyn.


Ask him how that honour has been working out for them lately?

You're friends with Ned Stark?


He tells me that the bolsheviks were honourless because they raped german woman and he gets legit mad when i joke about it.

The funny thing is that we are not even german.

Is he implying that Germans didn't rape anybody?

Whereas the wehrmacht honourably raped and massacred soviet citizens during their invasion.


TBF, that's pretty much all we talk about here, too.

this guy sounds fucking lulzy

I told him that but he telled me that the gestapo executed rapists, then i point out the bolsheviks did the same.

Then he goes about how stalin ordered to rape german woman, i ask him for source and he sends me 3 links, none of them saying anything about stalin.

I could care less about rigged elections, but I find it funny when people cite polls for whatever reason. Nobody ever wonders how these "poll numbers" even come about they just accept them without second thought.

No. In that case it's just the superior German race asserting their dominance over the untermenschen. Completely different.



This quote seems pretty appropriate right now.



How do you even attribute honor to a nation? By what metric have Cuba ben dishonorable?


I shiggy dig

Have you been to Holla Forums?

Is this irony? Cuban propaganda probably talks about cuban honor and independence all the time.


you should be honest there though

it never was an issue
until the right wing made it one

also fuck you making me argue in defense of something liberals do
fucking idiot

ask him if he believes that white is a race

if he says "yes"
tell him a german North sends greetings and is calling him a faggot
please notice him of the german race map and that he's a pathetic wannabe who needs to kill himself
thanks in advance

If they didn't do that they'd have to deal with the fact that the word is going down and they have to change their lifestyles and do something.

It's easier to make up problems than face the truth.

"The Bathroom Bill" had a bunch of anti-worker sections in it, such as only allowing regulations to only be enforced on a state level and not a local level.

The Anti-Transgender stuff in it is only there so that it will generate controversy, and the lawmakers can go, "Sorry guize we fucked up here we'll remove those parts." while keeping in the anti-worker bullshit.

Because the controversial parts are taken out, people will completely forget about the anti-worker bits and move on… Which is what the porkies wanted to begin with.

Friendly Reminder that pre-Revolutionary Cuba was a whorehouse.

Who the hell is this "Bathroom Bill" fella everybody is talking about? He sure sounds like an asshole.

Yeah. You should stay away from him.