I think that we can safely say that Time is up. They need to be shut down.
I think that we can safely say that Time is up. They need to be shut down.
Other urls found in this thread:
hahaha this surely won't backfire at all
Well, this is great. Such a lack of revenue will legitimize big cuts in useless places.
The left self cucking is funny.
This is good. We should encourage this.
All they are doing is hurting the legitimacy of the tax system. Just like California threatening secession spreading the idea that secession isn't impossible.
Thank you retarded leftists for spreading our ideas.
OP like to fiddle diddles
How are bunch of minimum wage baristas who have their who have their taxes taken out of their paychecks, beaners who get paid under the table, and welfare niggers supposed to screw over the IRS? I guess the the leftards who have an actual job could take a bunch of bogus deductions and tax credits. I don't think they're smart enough to tell their employer they don't want any federal income tax withheld withheld. The millionaire donors who can hire kikes to work the numbers so they don't pay taxes have already done so.
Also this. I'd love to see sleepy negro slash hud to the bone in the wake of decreased tax revenue.
Good one, OP
Those faggots are represented. It just turned out that no one gives a fuck about what them or the people representing them want.
The system we have works specifically because it prevents New York City and San Francisco from deciding how the other 99.9% of the country (by landmass) has to live.
Encourage this tbh. I'm going canvassing on Holla Forums for a few months to push this. I can already hear the kvetching from my apartment. Non-compliance is the only way to destroy the ZOG machine, anything else is just applying a temporary solution.
Dubs, but most of them only file to get their EIC anyway so I don't think this will happen.
I would like to see them try.
Hypothetically, what would libshits next move be if Trump got rid of the IRS?
Uh, okay. That's fine.
Yeah, no shit, lefties. "What, aren't you man enough to let me win?" isn't exactly stellar bantz.
This popular vote shit is so stupid. It would be great if they went through with this, though. Felons can't vote.
I fully support this.
I'll even volunteer to help auction off all their assets for the IRS.
Hillbots becoming Reichsburger lol
I see no problems here.
Maybe Time magazine is on our side.
Only a complete dunce would fall for this trick.
implying they pay taxes
implying they aren't welfare/entitlement/financial aid leeches
Oh boy.
Enjoy your leans.
They pay taxes to begin with?
Since when?
Please, if you voted for Hillary and you're reading this, don't pay your taxes. ever. again.
I want to see what happens to you, I really do.
Whaddya mean? If they start attacking, we'll have a free pass to ship em half way home across the ocean.
You're not an American if you don't pay your taxes. Stop taking our jobs or I'll kick your asses
this. They won't pay until something that never existed is restored. They won't pay.
This is a seat.
When you vote, even if your candidate did not win, your state receives seats that DO represent you.
Fucking morons.
I never thought I would see the day where Shillary supporters would become sovereign citizens.
All these unchecked numbers, for shame!
Trips confirm, RACEWAR NOW!
Shiiiiiiiiiiit. If only. They'll never do it though. Niggers and spics don't pay taxes and the vast majority of leftist that do pay taxes are wage slaves and can't get out of much. The rich leftist who aren't wage slaves already have (((lawyers))) to handle things.
Nogs will use any excuse to say they dindu nuffin.
Oh, so all the welfare recipients are going to sign a pledge refusing to pay federal taxes?
Cool! Then the federal govt. can respond by eliminating all their welfare and social security benefits!
Let's see which side benefits more.
"It's happening folks!"
All they are doing is hurting the legitimacy of the tax system. Just like California threatening secession spreading the idea that secession isn't impossible. Thank you retarded leftists for spreading our ideas.
Niggers are just plain retarded.
Stupid nigger.
Bump because it triggers you.
these people are crazy. No wonder a ugandan competitive vomiting board whose only friend is an ancient god of memes and darkness can run rings around them when they've got their heads stuck in cloud kookoo land.
more like cloud cuckold land m8
isnt tax evasion a serious crime? Dont serious crimes mean you cant vote? Why arent we out pushing this everywhere we can?
It's not completely made up:
It was one of the aspects of the sovereign citizens movement from a few years back.
Where? In the dirt?
How does someone like this write an article like this without every single solitary person laughing at them until they die of embarrassment?
That would require someone else to know the difference between a democracy and a republic.
2016 is best year.
Liens, not leans you illiterate.
The Siege of Derondii occurred in 936.M41, when the rebellious Hive World of Derondii refused to pay its tithe to the Imperium. Several Imperial officials sent to investigate this turn of events were hanged by an angry mob. Reacting swiftly to this defiance, the Adeptus Terra deployed Regiments from the Death Korps of Krieg of the Imperial Guard.[1]
Krieg soldiers deployed in the towering mountains that overlook the primary Hive. Several artillery and siege companies begin to bombard the city spires and both rebels and inhabitants were mercilessly gunned down as they tred to break out from the besieged city. After five years of relentless shelling, the rebels offered their unconditional surrender to the Imperium; they were ignored, and the shelling continued for another five years. All signs of life in the hive ceased after just three, but the bombardment still continued for another two years.[1]
Top kek. If this happens the pedophile ring's influence and resources will dry up.
How are they going to pay their mercenaries?
These libtards haven't thought this one through have they.
Well if the problem was he didn't have a license he was still breaking a law of the road by going too fast and did not just say "I do not have a license I'm just traveling" instead we just got "you can't prove I was driving" Faggot there is no one else in the car were you not the one fucking driving? Unless driving is defined by the act of having a license? That still doesn't prevent what was an illegal action.
Shell'd right in the sides.
These people truly live on another planet. We've never been a direct democracy. The founders hated the idea of mob rule.
Can we just kick these fuckers out now after they stop paying taxes?
Oh god that was fucking amazing watching that old man just break that window. Not sure if it was entirely justified because it appears the video was edited but damn that was great.
The video's not edited, and it was totally justified, that's a part of the procedure.
Look at 0:40-42 there's this a jump of the camera that looks like a well disguised jostle but is actually a cut. I don't know how large the gap in the recording is but Imma guess the Nigger uploaded this and hid anything that didn't make him look good.
I'm not familiar with the laws but can you just break someone's window like that at a routine traffic stop? I just want to make sure the old man was justified so I don't have to worry about him getting in shit for a nigger because he was a bit too aggressive.
Also right after the cut is when he says "I will continue to film" which leads me to believe he turned off his camera for some reason for a period of time.
These are strange times we're living in.
Wouldn't Trump's tax plan give most of these people bigger refund checks? I thought his original idea was that the tax form for households under $40k would just be a sheet that read "I win" so they could send that to the IRS.
Their brains don't work too good.
>we lost so it's not a democracy
When they say democracy I think they mean (((democracy))) with unaccountable criminal commie bolshevik jews at the helm forever.
If they did, they wouldn't be leftists
They all seem to forget Hitler or ((their)) other favorite scapegoats were democratically elected.
Maybe that's the joke and Time's just trolling them?
I can always hope, at least. If nothing else, I got a laugh. Their temper tantrums are adorable.
Hardly strange. Consider this, the Bush-Clinton dynasty (and their backers, just assume that when I say Bush-Clinton that I include the backers) had basically been setting up things since what, the late 70s? Anyway, the Bush-Clintons had capitalized on the growing liberal ideals, banking on and enforcing changes. In a sense, the "progressive" liberal ideas were just an expansion of established ideas. Things like homos, trans and all of the identity politics bullshit are all parts of the expansion. So there never really was any change nor progress, not how those words are supposed to be used (you can thank liberal newspeak for that).
We should consider that the system abhors racism, sexism, isms and ists, because those beliefs challenge the system. The system wants a retarded underclass with no clear bloodline, it's just easier to rule that way. You want a bunch of compliant mutts with no bloodlines and no allegiance to any land. This is why cuckservatives exist, because they want to appear as though they aren't -ist and are tolerant. This ties back into republicans telling people to vote for Hillary.
Why would they do that? Because appearances. Trump was painted by the media as -ist. Cuckservatives are a fearful bunch, and know the media will demonize anyone with ties to Trump. They don't want to look -ist, because that's bad publicity. They also know that the Bush-Clintons are backed by the pyramid all of the way to the top. They don't want to get suicided during the eventual uprising. Furthermore, Trump doesn't play by established rules. Conservatives are protrayed by the media as wanting to keep the system as is (since society was growing more and more cucked, so would the republicans), and any politician supporting Trump would be viewed as an untrustworthy candidate.
The plan was always to have Jeb win the nomination, and then get slaughtered by Hillary (Jeb would probably get the office after hillary). Then a certain businessman and his army of nazi frogs decided to crash that plan. In way, the cuckservatives were sticking to the plan.
It's an extension of identity politics made manifest. Imagine being so narcissistic that you believe yourself to be your own nation. It would be the ultimate victim mentality, that someone dared attacking an entire nation. Liberals fucking love anarchy too, and sovereign citizen bullshit allows them to live out their anarcho-commie dreams
They're turning into libertarians!
Women already receive more than they pay in taxes pretty much their whole lives; this will be nothing new to them at all, it just makes the argument against universal suffrage even stronger.
And we all know what happens when you redpill,
libertarians, do we not, brothers?
Why would they not file when the vast majority are going to get more money in a tax return.
This gives me an idea. We could provide them with Molyneux as rationale for not paying taxes.
give them the old stuff as a starting point.
Mollyjew is becoming more Goebbels by the day I swear. What has this election done to him?
I think this election has made a good amount of former libertarians a lot more pragmatic, and pragmatism inevitably leads to nationalism.
Libertarians are very fact oriented. They take a very rational approach to things normally (except for the "muh weed" ones.)
If you can make them realize using facts that there are inherent racial differences and that diversity plus proximity leads to violence, the rest naturally follows. It's like when you realize Newtonian physics is not a universal principle and only works in a specific environment. Libertarianism is like that. Only works with white people collectively capable of higher reasoning and empathy.
I was libertarian until I became wise to the JQ. Libertarianism would be fine as long as it was just white people. Once you have jews actively trying to destroy your country from the inside, you need something a little stronger to fix that.
I think the biggest flaw with libertarianism is that a lot of them believe everyone is just a rational as they are. A lot don't seem to get that most people (especially non-whites) will go to extraordinary lengths to enslave themselves because they're just naturally comfortable with authority. This makes it impossible for their free society to exist for very long, as most people don't want to be free. I think Stefan gets it, but a lot of libertarians I talk to can't conceive it.
they don't pay any anyway
the sound that nigger makes when he gets tazed gets me every time.
libertarian types like me tend to be a little autistic, good with numbers, systems, and logic. Its probably the most important and devastating moment in a libertarians life when they finally realize that there exist people who can never be convinced by any argument. From there there is only two paths: total nihilism or the kind of approach Stefan is taking "I don't agree with the moral/philosophical underpinnings of a system but I have to side with empirical data of the approach".
(double dubs)
Correct. It's a felony, and felons can't vote. This definitely needs to be posted everywhere. Anyone have a satellite tumblr?
If strict voter ID laws were passed nationally, literally no one would talk about the popular vote after just one presidential election. Cheating is a good way for Democrats to win, of course they love the idea of a popular vote.
fuck even limited socialism works fine without niggers or jews.
case in point : scandinavia. Yeah its breaking down _now_. It worked fine before the niggers swarmed us.
Obviously you need safeguards against slow bureaucratic creep though.
That depends on the state.
You're correct in this regard, though if one wanted to go deeper into that it'd be misleading to say they don't want freedom. They want freedom, but it's freedom from choice rather than the freedom to choose.
This is partly the issue with freedom as a topic of discussion. There are many definitions of it and it all depends on the person for the reasons above. Two people can agree that they seek freedom, but one wants to be able to do what they want and the other wants to be able to not sit around blank-minded wondering 24/7 "what do I do?". The classic argument of people wanting the freedom to fail and people wanting the freedom to do as they please without fear of failing falls within this issue.
After a while, the logical conclusion is that the ethnostate is the only viable option and anything that works against this needs to be shoved into an oven.
…So, how many of them pay taxes right now instead of leeching off the system?
Remember when this country was founded and sustained on nothing but sales tax and tariffs?
I think you can understand there is a pretty substantial difference between a libertarian and a guy who just wants legal weed LMAO
It works if you can keep the tax paying population large enough to support the non working, subsidized (government jobs), and retired population. What's happening in Europe is that the birthrate among whites is going down and economic growth has stalled and even reversed to the point where that is no longer the case. At that point you have 2 options: debase the currency (only good for short term) or increase the taxpaying populations. The architects of the EU realized this a long time ago. Their idea of a common market and shared currency was to try and normalize the problem across Europe in order to buy some more time. Some were afraid countries whose economies collapsed under this would turn to war as a last ditch effort to hold onto power. Others saw the EU as a way to seize power over all of Europe. Those are the people that won out in the end. Socialism is the root cause of the rise of the EU and the current problems Europe now faces.
What's wrong with that premise though? lt's not democracy if he didn't win the popular vote. Wasn't representation the whole point of this country?
Playing Devil's advocate. Pls no ban.
No shit, it's a republic. America was founded with only white male land-owners voting, universal representation was never part of the deal.
We don't live in a democracy and never have, we live in a Constitutional Republic. Democracy is mob rule, and the electoral college is all that keeps us from mob rule, even if it has its problems.
Its pretty simple, only white men who had property could vote and it was only white men who had property who paid taxes. Women don't pay taxes now (well only a tiny percentage of them do) but they vote more than men. representation without taxation is just as bad as the inverse.
California, New York, and Texas would make all the decisions regarding presidential elections. Electoral college is the only way to represent all the states somewhat fairly.
Fair answers. If they don't like it they should just move to another country.
But then one could say states don't matter because they're not living entities, only the people do.
I think if you pay state taxes of any kind you should be able to vote. Fuck the federal government, it needs to shrink drastically.
Its not like many democrats pay taxes, but you should totally meme this into them, it points towards good laughs.
you shouldnt be allowed to assume the rules of the competition, lose, and then want to change them. president is not and should not be decided by popular vote
one could say that but they would be objectively wrong
It's not perfect, but it seems about as close as we can get to fairness. I'm sure someone has proposed something better, but EC is definitely better than direct democracy at this point.
But how about all those electors who are saying they won't vote Trump in spite of him having won in their state?
Keep that attitude up here and wherever possible. I have seen such comments on Kikebook over the last few weeks (yea crazy people saying this publicly so bluntly but it's them taking the flak later, not me).
We either have the rule of the law or we do not. Don't like the rule of the law? Wanna whine? Go whine elsewhere.
because they cant just assume that states arent legal entities? this is a matter of constitutional law, feelings do not factor in
Fair enough. They were perfectly okay with it when they thought they would win, if their opposition was based on principle rather than immaturity they would've complained from the start.
This is like something out of a skit.
Depends on how many people buy in. Much of the IRS's ability to do what it does is based on understanding what is a normal volume/workload.
Going after a sizable portion of the population could potentially overload them quickly, or at the very least cause pain while at least one case makes it up possibly as far as the supreme court (since till it gets ruled on there, each district could rule whichever way it wants.)
Remember; Neoconservatives tend to kill programs/systems by 'starving the beast' (i.e. underbudget for realistic expectations, even if the waste was cut.) . Neoliberals tend to not kill/mutate programs by overloading them. Two biggest examples are Obamacare attempting to make Govt healthcare the only option in the long term, and Illegal Immigration policy attempting to force us onto paths of amnesty/open borders.)
mess with the jews money scheme see what happens
The economic boycott has already begun.
Sauce on the full video?
Source please, what the fuck. Makes sense, but goddamn it.
Fuck this gay earth
He didn't do a very good job.
All wars are (((bankers))) wars. Here a short video of the best part.
This needs to be posted every time one of them shits their pants
They'll just go after leftist whiteys, spics don't pay taxes already but there's fuckall they can do about them
So the Jews have been using (((Human Rights))) and Muh (((Humanity))) even before the shoah
Since the dawn of man. Why do you think that they get kicked out of every country they infest?
How is this supposed to hurt us? Oh no, leftists won't pay for gibs! Good, even with Trump, I want the government deprived of money, because Paul Ryan and Cucky Boys are still around.
We're a constitutional republic not a democracy.
Remember when Halloween and Christmas were a symbol of White supremacy? Neither do I because they memory holed that after they realized those are what give them the most shekels.
Oh boy liberals
I've seen the whole thing before and it basically just cut a whole lot more of them repeating the same things back and forth to each other.
But none of those states are completely devoid of people. They have people in them. And when you don't represent those people, why should they stay in your union?
He accepted reason and evidence.
Wew lads.
I am so fucking ok with this
He's right though. It took me a long time to realize that many (if not most) people are too stupid or degenerate to be reasoned with. You'd think I'd have realized that sooner, but of course I was projecting.
At that point you just have to say fuck it, we're fighting like life is on the line. It might not be moral for me to smash you, but fuck you I win. You'd do the same to me if you weren't too fucking retarded to figure out how to do it.
The cop was more patient than I would have been.
(((They))) weren't even trying to hide it at that point, were they?
/r/ing that one before Holla Forums, after Holla Forums of molynuex
Remember when they demanded trump's tax returns?
And we are standing here in the 21st century and they are trying the same tricks.
BEST ADVICE EVA!!! meme the fuck out of it because the IRS will own every single one of them. 100% FUCKED with 400% fines and prison for some.
Haha. Hillary's voters never paid taxes anyway. They voted for her to keep it that way.
Kek, i wonder who will pay for all the foodstamps and social benifits for minorities without that money :^) this totally would not backfire or anything.
"until democracy is restored" was the best joke so far though.
Your average worker pays income taxes in advance. The federal government deducts enough money from there paycheck in most cases to cover all the taxes owed to the federal government. The average worker expects a refund from the IRS when all is said and done. By not filing their taxes, they will be losing money.
good. end the tax scam before college is nationalized and my fucking money is given to some cunt earning a bachelor's in african basket weaving. also social security and welfare on the chopping block while we're at it.
ancap revolution now
If we spread this, let's convince them to send a letter to the IRS saying they will not pay, and to post pics on twatter.
Says the shitlibs who flooded our country with third worlders in an attempt to shift our demographics and cheat at elections
This, unfortunately.
oh god we should encourage this so the trump irs can go after them
Don't tell the enemy your plan; just do it.
I love how Schlomo conveniently glides over the fact that Obama won in 2012 due to the EC and pretty much flat out say Republican. It's only an issue when a Republican wins due to the EC but a (((Democrat)))? That's called (((democracy))) goy. The party of identity politics, absolutely nothing else matters except party affiliation. It's why Washington warned so fucking strongly against having political parties. Politics doesn't fucking matter then. Only that the fucking team you're rooting for wins. Nothing else whatsoever. He knew we'd end up treating our country and government like a fucking niggerball game. Don't worry about policy, law, and legislation go just cheer for your team and help them win don't ask questions do whatever you gotta do to win. You wanna wave your foam finger right? Buy our novelty gifts too goyim don't do anything except cheer, if the other chosen win then when it's our turn we'll do whatever we want then. Just sit and cheer and donate, you wanna be a good fan right goy? Fuck those other guys, just steal the ball and try to get all the advertising, go team go
Pretty sure the cocksuckers don't pay taxes on gibs.
Something Ted Nugent actually posted about on goybook earlier. The libshits control around 300 counties, there are another 3,000 counties. These faggots reside in around 400 square miles give or take and the control is around what? Around 1.5 million square miles? Why should these fucking scumbags who recide in their gated bubbles decide what an entire country should fucking do and who to follow? It's a fucking tyranny by minority, it's all (((democracy))) is. It's a tyranny either way, minority or majority. One group of assholes enforcing their will on the other group
Silly goy, only Jews are human. When they talk about humanity, the poor, and the innocent, they really mean themselves.
Taxation is controlled by the House. Bitch about gerrymandering; at least it'd make sense.
Actual democracies like yuropoor countries start to sound stupid when you allow millions of immigrants between each voting cycle.
The dominating school of thought assumes each person has the same worth, because "all human lives are equal".
But it's pretty stupid to give the same worth to someone who was born, lived and worked in the country for 40 years, and someone who came in 3 years ago and has been sitting on welfare since, and as he does so pumps out a bunch of kids who will be considered citizens.
Okay, then Trump just declares a state of emergency and the martial law the lefties always wanted: they'll get.
liberals digging their own graves once again
Just make sure they're put on the gay ward, otherwise they might just enjoy their stay.
I like where we're going.
rofl aight
cut welfare spending and healthcare coverage for poor niggers. can't afford it, after all.
that's just fine by me.
I have no issue with this what so ever.
It broke down before, in the early 90s. Even limited socialism does not work *anywhere*.
Please, Kek…make it so.
So that is why he put wall street back in charge of wall street again just like every administration has for the past 16 years? I'm sure this goes back farther but I don't feel like digging on Clinton to confirm. You know what would go against established rules, hang some NYC jews for what happened in 08'.
Are you paying attention? We are all watching him backtrack on the campaign rhetoric you are shilling. He wouldn't have won the presidency with out the approval of the shadow govt. They have a mechanism in place through the electoral college to deny him if they REALLY don't want him in, be I would be shocked if they pull that lever. Why? He has agreed to play by established rules.
yes YES
I love this, we should encourage lefty radicalism. Civil war under Trump is the IDEAL option for white america. Bring it on, keep raising the stakes, it needs to BURN
How could retardation exist on such a grand scale!?
48% of Americans don't pay income taxes to begin with. Guess who those losers are?
Same way they did with Dyncorp in Afghanistan, with little boy sex.
I've been saying this for years. Thanks for finally listening, Time.
niggers who think they are intellectuals….
Neoliberal doesn't mean what you seem to think it means
But they were represented… by Hillary.
And they lost.
Being represented =/= winning.
This will end well
I'm okay with this