Holla Forums

Seriously. How do we get rid off Holla Forums? They are cancerous fucks who keeps invading and Shilling on pol. Just go and see at their threads they think cuckolding is cool and what not. How do we get Holla Forums banned/deleted? They dont belong on imageboards they belong to reddit or some other shit Community.


Why would we want them banned? Let them serve as an example.


This, we can use them to show people how autistic communists really are.

Let them destroy themselves, which is an inevitability.

Are you stupid? Do you even know what the purpose of CONTAINMENT BOARD is? Let them fester and circlejerk in their sad little cuckshed, deluding themselves into thinking they matter at all.
We have much bigger fish to fry

Everyone has a right to write here, discourse is good if there are more points of view. Now they are cancer as hell and are ideologues, but that does not mean they are incapable of saying something productive. As a token of my appreciation here is a free ride.

Got caps about the posts saying cuckolding is cool, OP?
I want to have a laugh at them.

You don't, it's part of the game.
Just buttfuck them. Then with a backhand slap, tell them to go back to the kitchen to make a delicious sandwich.

I think he means that they have been invading and raiding the other Holla Forums.

50% of the posters there are just trolling Holla Forumsacks

Leftists have no staying power. In 2-3 months the next time some normalfag shit grabs hold of their attention they won't return it to politics. They will never show up to mid term elections but you can be fucking sure we will. This is a terminal problem with the left, apathy and degenerate activities that take precedence to civil service and responsibility. Holla Forums will shit up the board every now and again but as always their memes are absolute trash because all they try to do is copy us and have it fail miserably.

They are too weak. Holla Forums wins every argument and their subversive attacks are of no consequence. Even direct shilling attacks make us stronger - Holla Forums is always BTFO

leftypol is a pathetic bizzaro wannabe leftist spinoff of pol.

they will neve EVER be blessed by kek and have meme magic as powerful as ours.

Spoiling text that doesn't actually need to be spoiled should only be done for comedic effect, this is just retarded in my opinion.

I agree, its heresy.
Call the inquisition.

It's a containment board. Until DOTR, these kinds of people will continue to exist, and they will congregate on the internet just as we do.


Holla Forums is a necessary disease to keep our immune systems functional. Unless you have AIDS, deal with it.

nice job outing yourself, you false flagging jew.

I barely notice them.

Fuck, sage.

A more pressing issue is what the fuck do we do with the nihilist lolbergs over at /politics/? I mean just LOOK at the shit they churn out on a daily basis:

Same answer as every other problem we have: Memes. Kek. Shitposting. Gassing Jews

I do what I want nigger

It's a containment board for people who think communism can work in practice. Destroying it will just encourage them to bother us more than they already do, just let them have their little Marxist fanclub and have yourself a chuckle whenever one of them explains how THEIR version of Communism could work in a first world nation.


You don't defeat the leftists (especially an anonymous containment board) by becoming them.

You have to BTFO them.If you can't BTFO them, then you need to educate yourself and refine your arguments more. Banning dissenting opinions has only turned smarter anons away and created a circlejerk.


Faggots forget we used to be one, until we kept BTFO'ing them.
What's the point of complaining?

it just keeps happening

You don't. Simply use them as a buffer for fringe libtards and as laughing stock, they are pretty much this already and are nothing more than a simple nuiance.

If you want to fuck with them just make a thread about Venezuela or Cuba and reply to every single faggot that pulls the 'not real communism/socialism' card, it always riles them up as much as
Does to /k/. Deleting them is impossible, but that does not mean you can't make them irrelevant.

That it does.

(Checked) trully KEK is among us.

You mean that board under /furry/?
Ignore them?
Don't even mention their name and you won't increase their memetic value.

How do we get them banned/deleted? Why would we want to do that. It's simple really…

1 - Freedom of speech.
2 - A source of entertainment, plus we can keep an eye on their ineffective future plans.
3 - raids on Holla Forums probably educate and produce converts. So many vlogs out there saying they used to be liberal but the right was right all along.
4 - We get the chance to infiltrate and get them to join the march to Aleppo and dumb shit.

Why are you going to Holla Forums in the first place? You a faggot or something?


Can't fix stupid.

Yeah, I like having them around for trolling. They are pretty easy to ruse.

that kike has been spamming that nazism is jewish in /polmeta/ all day

Ever stop and think maybe WE'RE the containment board?

Also, Praise Kek

Containment boards only work for temporary solutions, not as permanent ones. If you have a permanent containment board then all you have accomplished is create a hub from which the cancer spreads.

Even /pone/ is mostly right wing, how could we be a containment board.

Taking shit threads like this to their board will be a great start.

Now fuck off back to Holla Forums

I hate newfags who still fall for Holla Forums as a fallguy for what Holla Forums does. It's a long known tactic of those retarded goons to point at Holla Forums for all the shit they do then go on Holla Forums and pose as us so we end up fighting eachother while they laugh like kikes.