Trump speaks and Boeing stock falls
Good, he appears to be standing by the principles he claimed he would promote during the election.
Early days yet but there is room for optimism given moves like this.
Maybe he spoke too soon because king nig nog the first is still the president and might make the deal non retractable.
I think this isn't something he thought through, it all depends on how often the AFO flies. I read that one flight costs 170,000 dollars on the current plane(s?)
The new planes are allegedly supposed to be more cost-efficient, so I don't know.
Suddenly libs love Boeing and cost overruns.
*170,000 dollars per flight hour
All those campaign stops king nigger did are probably tens of millions of taxpayer dollars effectively donated to the Shillary campaign. I hope we sieze the Clinton Global Initiative's funds and pay the taxpayer back with it.
Nothing is "non-retractable". And Trump has had plenty of experience canceling contracts.
you can buy 13 boeing 777's
for 4 billion
The media are kvetching everywhere about this. The thing is it isn't even about Boeing, this is a shot across the bow to all the crony corporatists who have been ripping off the taxpayer for decades. I expect him to fully revamp the bidding/award process for all government contracts.
What's their rationale? Immense overspending is a good thing?
$4 billion for a fucking plane seems ridiculous, even if you're the president in a 97% devalued dollar.
it's not like they've ever pretended to believe otherwise.
how the fuck
Boeing isn't the only outfit that makes plane parts, just sayin'…
Remember it has massive staff in there too, and you calculate that with even your average American high tier salaries in those positions and that's what you get.
Not presidential, meddling with boeings stock bla bla bla bla
How can it be more cost-efficient when it racks up 4 billion dollars, and it'll go up even more before it is released? I do not think the plane will ever be able to save 4 billion dollars, even if it flew for decades. It's just more of the Boeing racket making money it shouldn't get.
We're already giving lockheed literal trillions for the F35 Program fusion reactors and spaceplane black-prokects so we need to spread the wealth around to make sure all the big 3 aerospace companies stay afloat. (Lockheed, Boeing and Rockwell)
Not to mention the…other…stuff he U.S. is probably building. I wonder where that missing 6 trillion went.
I honestly don't know, they're saying the new ones would be "faster and less costly". No source on why or how other than that.
Or we could give the cash to whoever makes the best shit.
The Trump honeymoon is over, no one cares after he appointed rothschilds and goldmans to his cabinet
You guys aren't even trying at this point.
It's sad.
No, you're sad, the trump optimism is clearly gone and you people are still shilling like its the primaries
user, I would strongly advise you to rethink your life choices at this point.
Lockheed is the biggest and best on the block when it comes to most aerospace, but Boeing manages a lot of our more classified space infrastructure so their worth as a company is less visible, but when it comes to things like "make sure the Chinese can't destroy U.S. military and civilian satellites" Boeing is the main contributor. Sometimes you have to throw those retards a bone to keep us EMP-proof from China.
Also Lockheed designed the SR-71 in the 1950's and flew it starting in the 1960s. The F22, arguably the best fighter jet ever made, was designed in the late 1980s and early 1990s. What the fuck has Lockheed designed by now?
Not saying it should be worth 4 billion, but the presidential plane has extras installed. Like missile counter measures for example.
Fair enough, I don't really have anything against boeing, they do good work.
I'm just a fan of Lockheed's hardware.
Well, if that's how it's gonna be, then so be it…
haha you lost!
Here's a pity (you), kid.
I love this fucking man.
I'll eat my words if Trump picks Michael Scheuer for SoS, fair?
I voted for Trump
How about you eat shit.
Sure you did.
He plans to crack down on government overspending and porkbarrel bullshit across the board. This was Trump playing very, very nice. The kvetching when shit starts getting real is going to amazing.
Hey douche we know he's not hitler, you don't have to sperg out about in every thread. Filtered for faggotry
Did I insult you? Why are you triggered?
Boeing is a good company, but Airbus is muscling in on their orders in Europe and Asia. People don't like the 787-Dreamliner as much as the new Airbuses for some reason. Because we keep our defense contractors afloat so in the case of war they can speed up production, they gotta be kept solvent.
Air Force One is a mix between a giant flying limousine, a flying white house, a Boeing E6B Looking Glass and a Nuclear Submarine. It's an incredible piece of technology. It wouldn't surprise me if it were worth around $1 billion each, but 4 is insane.
Your existence insults me.
Now he just needs to tell LockMart to kick rocks
You're giving the human race too much credit here fam.
But the existence of Rothschilds employees in Trumps cabinet doesn't insult you and you're supposed "intelligence"?
Trump is canceling this plane.
Where did I make such a claim?
Now you're just making shit up.
I would again strongly advise you to seek a different line of work.
t. 9e50cf (7)
Jesus christ, fuck off, its not the general election anymore. You cant "shill" against Trump now, he already fucking won it out of any of our hands at this point.
Sorry for pointing out the truth that Trump picked a Pedowood goldman kike for his cabinet.
Hi Sinead
I dont know who that woman is, nor do I care you fucking butthurt trumpcuck
Holla Forums in the current year
I've never heard an actual non-shill Holla Forumsack use euphanisms like "stormweenie" or "trumpcuck".
You're just a demoralization shill, but like you said, you're wasting your time since Trump has been elected and there's nothing CTR can do to stop that. Saged, filtered, reported
Stop being so hateful
Funny, the people using the term "stormfag" these days are exclusively trump supporters
no ones buying it anymore, are Trumps Jewish children and Jewish advisors and Jewish cabinet just ""64D chess" or is he really a bluepilled cuck who doesn't know about the Jews?
answer me without resorting memes and pretending not be butthurt
We…we lobbied a small fortune for this defense contract…
And this gives you power over me?
what difference does it make that those people are jews?
seriously, you sound like a facist or something
Yeah, that's exactly what I am, not a fucking bluepilled kike'd up loser like yourself. Got a problem? Go back to reddit.
Point out in this thread where I made such a claim or stop arguing against a strawman like a retarded faggot.
Just filter and report, their impotent rage will be even sweeter when they're begging for (you)s
racist like yourself have no place here
please leave or I will have to report you to the moderation staff
thank you
We're going to rout you faggots out, you know that, right?
Man, you know you're likely to piss off actual evil sorcerers here, right?
Why do you do this?
I guess this is what shills having a conversation look like on Holla Forums. Probably the same assblasted faggot switching proxies.
It will be very apparent pretty quickly whether trump was just bullshitting us all or if he knows what he is doing. He's not above criticism and has made some dumb choices but we need way more tie to see where all of this goes.
If you want people to address your issues, maybe you should make a thread instead of posting off topic and acting like a moron.
Trump doesn't have Jewish children. Are you talking about his grandchildren?
Thats exactly what I said here . I said I would eat my words if he makes a good pick for SoS
He clearly is above criticism, considering any criticism is met with immediate memes and bullshit and pointing out his extensive Jewish ties is brushed aside like it means nothing
The same trump-type figure in the Netherlands (Geert Wilders) is constantly pissed on and spoken against for the very same kind of Jewish ties yet Trump gets a pass
Ivanka is Jewish you butthurt faggot.
Good luck kike. You want it in the head or the chest, for future reference?
Dude, anyone who spams 15 posts in a thread to call people "Trumpcucks" is obviously a shill trying to derail a thread.
And Ivanka isn't a jew for the same reason that I'm not a nigger. You can't just wake up one day and change your race. No, wearing a funny hat on your head doesn't make you a jew.
Nice mental gymnastics
I love shill projection. Anytime multiple people call them retarded concern trolls they think we're the ones IP-hopping.
No more (you)s for you (((9e50cf)))
Tell you what mang, you need cash that bad, go ahead and have your inheritance. Then you wont have to worry about money so bad, yea?
Is that how you're paid Chaim? By the (you)?
Are you retarded? Being a Jewish convert isn't the same as being ethnically Jewish.
Get your hugs in while you can…
but thats a lie you dirty jew, he's 100% goy.
Commerce secretary is a hollywood kike. What do you say about that?
He has done all these things and more. No (you)'s for you either
It's funny because it's true.
Sorry Herschel, after 1.5 years of intense shilling you'll have to do much better than that.
Like I said, its out of your hands now. Making some posts on Holla Forums "shilling" against the "god-emporer" wont change the fact that he's president. What exactly would my motive be to shill against him on Holla Forums of all places at this point?
Someone should tally that. Air force One costs, security, lost productivity (yeah right), press coverage, etc. Deduct it from his pension.
This is Holla Forums, not stormfront. His viewpoint has more support, whether you like it or not. Trump is good forus, his presidency is good for us, national socialist or not. The only person here suffering from delusion is you, friendo.
Wasted numbers, shame.
someone fucking explain this shit to me
The plane is scheduled for 8 years down the road and cost is at 4 billion and rising, to make a single jet liner? Fucking HOW? And they've been working on this for some time now? With still more than 8 years to go and several billions on a single jet only one guy and his family and security detail will use?
jesus christ, do we have any government contracts currently established for installing golden toilets in all washington DC bathrooms?
The same tactic for Wikileaks is being used.
Funny how silent they became when the leaks came out.
Reveal yourselves, trumpcucks, as the lame "democrats da real racists"-tier /r/the_donald redditors that you are
Where is the plane made?
if you're a shill the motive is to spread FUD in order to drive a wedge between Trump and the people who voted for him. If you're not a shill your motive is autism because you can't handle the fact that Trump represents a more palatable incremental approach because unfortunately he's not literally hitler.
Would you like to know how I know you're a retard that deserves to ride the lightning?
Military contractors have become experts in taking money from the government. If it isn't through bloated programs like this one, they make deals that fall through and sue the government for more money.
We had a thread, AF1 is equipped by saudis.
Most people agreed that there is no way TGEoM should ever set foot into that deathtrap.
he is browsing/pol/
He could have done this without picking Rothschilds and Goldman bankers for his cabinet. What exactly does he gain by doing this?
Trump alienated his supporters by himself. He promised to drain the swamp, that doesn't mean picking fucking hollywood kikes (and therefore pedos) for his cabinet, what exactly was he thinking? Pull a fast one on us hoping nobody would notice? His whole shtick was anti-goldman, how exactly am I supposed to interpret these picks any other way?
None of you have given me a satisfactory answer at this point. Memes, bullshit, dude he's not hitler, is all I've gotten
My respect for him grows everyday
We've writteb and are writing history.
That's exactly right. Defense Contractors know the Pentagon won't let them go under, so they do increasingly retarded budget proposals and contract submittals to squeeze taxpayer's tits harder and harder. Boeing can't compete with Airbus globally for fleet contracts to so they beg Uncle Sam for more dollarydoos.
*written and write
This guy remembers. I think we have plenty of evidence of Trump browsing this site by now.
Gonna need some sauce on that my man.
wew calm your 'tism lad
Sorry for
I guess Lockheed was hoping the Syrian Air War would heat up so they'd be able to sell more F22 maintenance cycles.
this is pathetic. If you were right you wouldn't need to make shit up.
but it wasn't. that is how we interpreted it, because we knew that if he was anti goldman he couldn't say anything about it directly, ever. The only thing that mattered was that he was a far, far better cry than hillary, and he is.
Now that he is in, though, we don't simply Listen and Believe. We keep an eye on what he's doing and why, and what possible uses he may have for certain people. Yes, choosing kikes and establishment stooges like Romney or whoever else looks bad, but we still don't know what the point is yet. It's just too early. Trump could be lining these people up to take a fall, or he could be attempting to use them as double agents, or promising wealth and security and other things for backstabbing other corrupt people for him, or spilling the beans in general.
It is simply TOO EARLY to make a final judgment on whether Trump's choices are totally fucktarded and detrimental. They may very well be, but we don't know for certain yet. This is the man who beat out over a dozen GOP candidates and the whole of the American political machine, and he isn't president yet. You need to give him breathing room to see what he does first, before we can safely conclude that he was lying about everything ever and he's literally Satan, goyim!
Wow, it's fucking nothing and you're full of shit, big surprise there.
Meant for:
I'm not sure if I should be scared that he's winning this much.
I agree to an extent, like I said I would eat my words depending on his SoS pick, hopefully you're correct
Go make your own thread
Also the guy who worked for the Rothschilds is a goy and started his own company almost 20 years ago. Say what you will about the Rothschilds, but their rich for a reason. They hire the best, and you know if this guy is a goy, he better be pretty fucking good to break through that jewish nepotism.
Never change, /shills/. You are ours now.
This move is right out of Holla Forums playbook.
I think it's fairly safe to say that either The Don browses Holla Forums or someone in his closest circle does.
Either way, top intelligence,
Savage moves
They can't leave. Holla Forums has destroyed them. They stay because they think if they keep at it, they'll eventually win. In reality, they will either assimilate or an hero.
Resistance is futile. Shills will be assimilated. Such is Holla Forums.
Keep dreaming.
Russia couldn't conceal it's micro drone/satellite program there is no fucking way in hell the US are doing anything big space related. Not when NASA is rotting away.
Best case scenario part of that money is used to make successors the B-2/B-1/B-52. But it's probably what everyone assume, just money on Caiman banks account of Lockheed exec and politicians.
Liberal faggots and MSM can't even grasp the fact that intent of half of his statement is for Boeing to drop the price and half is for his opponents to look stupid for criticizing everything that he does.
These dumb faggots are trying to pull a Bush where they opposed everything he did with tooth and nails. Using old strategies against a new opponent that reinvented politics.
I kinda feel sorry for these guys and their emotional approach against a cold calculating intelligence.
wtf he's not even president. U must be high as fuck, or not.
But you're a fucking retard anyway, I hope you're high instead. Because the retard will wear off. Oh, you're getting paid to be a fucking sissy bootlicker? Enjoy your hell.
they're just so incredibly predictable, trump has the best trolling opportunity of a lifetime. The MSM and all their braindead idealogue lackeys operate on the same exact basic bottom level instinct, and they can't help themselves. They are, in every sense of the word, exactly like zombies. They are very simple creatures, extremely easy to understand and predict, and you can use that against them, which he does.
The sad thing is that Trump appears like some political genius. Trump is smart, but it isn't that he's some nth-dimensional superintelligence given human form, it's that our country and politics has been steeped in subversion, propoganda and apathy for so long that everything around us has become retarded. It's not that Trump is a genius in a room of smart people, it's that he's a smart guy in a room filled with actual down syndrome retards.
It really makes me wonder what the fuck politics were like in the country back before the turn of the 19th century. Imagine the founding fathers just all in a room screaming and hurling insults and slurs at each other, all attempting to vie for victory of the strongest concepts that genuinely would be the best for the country. How we have fallen.
Git Gud
So he's yang wenli?
Good enough.
We have memed responsibly
Solar Warden shills pls.
Yeah I know we probably don't have anything too insane, but Lockheed is constantly 30+ years ahead of the commercial world. Who knows what the fuck they've got locked away.
This is true. Public discourse has been at such a low intellectual level for so long these dummies are blown away when someone shows up and calmly articulates basic common sense policies.
I ain't even mad.
Go away Moshe
You waited an hour and 17 minutes to post that reply.
pls go away at haste
I know it's you.
Your handlers didn't tell you what you'd be up against, did they?
Come on now, we are going to sagebomb the thread if we keep going
Just full out admit to shilling a jew company, and if you insist, check my post in TOR for profile ID
stop replying to yourself faggot
Tick tock.
This ride never ends and I love it.
He's an old businessman
do you think he got to where he is by losing?
Guys, where the hell did the 4 billion number come in? I understand how it could be that, but where did the number come from.
Yeah, people need to remember this shit. He's better for us than Reagan, but America has fallen a lonnnnnnnnnnng way since Jackson.
We did alright in not letting the perfect be the enemy of the good, and getting behind Trump praise be unto Kek from whom all the giggles flow, but we now need to remember that he's just good. Even great. But not remotely perfect.
Fuck you; memories just flooded back.
As I said, I know how that number could be feasible. The military is a shining example of this. However, I just want to know where Trump got 4 billion.
That would be enough for a cool probe for space exploration or a good telescope in space
I like how you think.
How many illegals could you deport with 4 billion? Maybe he could use that money to get a purpose built deportation plane to fly mexicans from all around the country over the wall.
You realize he has not appointed any such people? The media is just saying he will, but hey guess what, the media are a bunch of lying Jews.
Low energy, even Holla Forums managed to get >(215).
Any airplane experts here that can explain what differentiates this new 747 from any other airplane that would justify the cost?
Hold it you dummy
We will have too wait and see. Anybody who tells you otherwise is pure speculation. I am leaning towards he knows based on a couple of things, how friendly he will be with them in the long run remains too be seen.
He knows very well, why he will never set foot on this particular plane.
Why doesn't he use his own plane again?
Would you fly with a plane that you know one of your opponent's main backers, funders of vahhabism, supporters of isis, installed electronics on?
F-f-four billion? That's almost six billion! This is an absolute shoah!
*oy vey dis is a complete holocaust*
For those of you who don't know, all the Dow Jones companies are what keeps Israel afloat. Jews created the Dow Jones as the first major centralized and first stock in the NYSE to make everyone dependent on them and as a result bring revenue to Israel; the most important construction, technology, and food companies are owned by them so if those companies crash it fucks them over, but everyone else is so dependent on those companies also that its impossible to just walk away from them. Dow Jones is 99% of what the boycott list for Israel entails.
*shut it down*
Donald Trump is the gift that keeps on giving.
Bannon is also an ex-Goldman Sachs who worked in Hollywood
go back to Ropeculture
Don will find a way to retract something out of somewhere.
Go home Holla Forums.
(holy dubs check)
Still not tired of winning.
I'm looking forward to seeing years of daily kvetching and moaning from these traitorous cocksuckers.
They just don't learn.
Did you reply to the wrong post? is talking about how Trump is triggering business Yids.
That is what I meant.
Oh I'M the retard. I'll be in the gas chamber, sorry.
It's the put America First instead of your fucking bank account that has them angry and confused. They thought the globalist feast was going to go on until every last shekel was extracted from the U.S.
I'm still amazed that just a few tweeted words from Trump can send these fuckers scrambling. He's got them by their balls and obviously enjoys giving it a good twist whenever they get mouthy.
I saw a lot of niggers in the audience. Was probably easy to find at least one of them that would have hated Trump even if Trump set him up with a new car and a hot spic prostitute.
Donald Trump will fire half the plane staff and just have his youngest son make coffee.
And MY job will be checking these dubs.
Well you got that part right, faggotron.
There's that fucking word again.
More bullshit, like most big american companies the things that made it great are long gone and they are riding on nothing more than a name.
If Russians can build satellites and fighter jets surely some upstart Americans can make a new company with less golf course Jack off sessions and graft.
That is rediculous.
I need to start a business. Im tired of working for others.
This tech industry needs new seeds to grow.
You didn't post sources.
You do nothing but shill.
Also, Ivanka herself will never be a kike, no matter how much you or she wants. She's and will forever be a shiksa. Even her genetically infected offspring will be shunned by turbokikes.
You could take an ordinary 747, fill it with hundred dollar bills and it would cost less than that absurd pricetag.
I know Boeing uses most of that for their secret space fleet but come on…
I half suspect this recent Dow record high is them cashing out before they crash the economy with no survivors
Hail Victory.
Aeronautics is a tough business that has a lot of moving parts (literally and figuratively) and requires an immense amount of capital to get started as a standalone business. Lockheed, Boeing, GE, and Pratt all have immense infrastructures both internally and externally. It would be relatively easy to start a business that relies on contract work from one of the businesses as long as you have the right contacts, but it would be damn near impossible to be competitive as a stand alone entity.
Businesses like stability. Banks like to play high risk games.
You do realize that F-22 is a product of cooperation between Lockheed and Boeing, right?
Also Northrop/McDonnell Douglas' wouldbe F-23 would be unarguably the best fighter ever made if Lockheed had not pulled their lying lobbyist jewery at the ADF competition.
(((Wikipedia))) is your friend, goy:
I'm torn. On the one hand black projects and government pissing money up the wall piss me off. On the other hand the idea that we have decent sized ships cruising about the heavens gives me a raging erection.
There are many things that can fly with enough flight computer. Perhaps put Tay in the brain of one special craft.
So is Trump going to keep using his own Jet
They're closer to Australoids in terms of intelligence
And get this, sources told me it was a Reuben sandwich. Totally unacceptable.
He's probably going to un-fuck the Air Force One procurement process first. Then he'll go over the present overpriced and niggerized piece of shit with a fine toothed comb and then tweet his decision.
Be patient. He's put the military industrial complex on notice to get their shit together.
Just getting the smell of nigger sweat out of the leather seats is going to be expensive.
To be honest him using Trump Force 1 would be a huge troll
I'm skeptical of all this butthurt over AF1 being this rigid, unchangeable platform. Yeah, sure it's got a few hundred million dollars of spook technology on it but it's still just a 747 and everybody knows it. If Trump is unsatisfied with Boeing's answers he should strip the bitch down and use it as a target drone.
He's just begun trolling these faggots. There's going to be years of this.
Smart way to explain his choice to use his own air transport.
Any "Airforce 1" built specifically for Trump would be a death trap containing hidden explosives or failure mechanisms.
The left will never know what winning feels like ever again at this rate. Trump will salt their fields to ensure they soul is starved of any hope of prosperity. If any of the Trump family reads this I just want to say you guys are next level humans and the people will be with you the whole way if you keep this shit up.
All of Holla Forums is cia
Not when they become more derivative based to secure capital.
Big Businesses have complex financial arrangements that most small businesses can not compete with.
They need tech knowledge to compete now :^)
This is going to happen everywhere.
Everybody knows you are meant to add a zero on to the price of government contracts. Because they dont know the value of things and arent motivated to save money.
If you have someone like Trump who knows how much things should really cost looking at government contracts and cancelling them if the government is getting ripped off theres going to be thousands of examples.
What the fuck are you on about? What's my concern?
That post was directed at people who keep shilling Trump’s a zionist, who need to fuck themselves. I was pointing out that just because Ivanka married a jew, and trump placing people he thinks are good for the job in his cabinet (like the Goldman Sachs guy) isn't fucking proof that he's compromised or that we've been duped. Especially when he seems to constantly shuffle people around for a previously appointed spot.
Like Christi being head of transition team. It seemed iffy but it quickly turned out that the fat lard was milked for the little value he had and booted after not too long.
My mother who has no jews in her blood married a jew, yet here I am praising kek, wishing for Israel to turn to glass, and hoping that we MAGA so hard that Europeans retake their homelands as well
They can't just demolish the manufacturing base because without it they have nothing to leech from. Remember how the Germans were dealing with capital flight? The Zionists were luring kikes to Israel so that they could move the wealth of the common Jew out of Germany, if all of them leave at once then the economy collapses, but unless they put the native population into their debt then they lose control. Scaring them into going to Israel is a plot to funnel capital to Israel. America and Europes manufacturing base has been dismantled and divided among many countries so if one major nations economy goes down the drain then Israel doesn't completely collapse. Multinational corporations are for the benefit of (((internationalists))) in the case that they no longer want to do business with an enemy nation. All those companies have production facilities all over the world, one major collapse would do massive damage, but Israel would still have control of foreign factories through the stock market. If the companies are everyone and one nations economy implodes they are still better off because they did not put all their eggs in one nest; you now understand one of the more obscure reasons they prefer world government over nation and state governments, they can't freely exploit everyone if people start noticing and naming them because they are a problem everywhere they go.
That rat from Brussels who said Germany exists solely for the purpose of Israel is right. If Germany collapses Israel will be dealt a serious economic wound because they have been dependent parasites since the end of WW2. Jews may have taken over Russia and gained much wealth during the Soviet era, but Germany was a gold mine because the nation had industrialized itself into independence. The communist conspiracy the entire time was to take control of industrialized countries to siphon wealth and resources; normally it is easier to take a country over before that period, but it also requires more effort to build up to the point of sufficient automation for growth like in Russia. Germany's economy was a steal for the kikes.
I don't know much about aerodynamics and such, but that thing looks much too… stiff…
Some tweets have a certain sound, that being equivalent to a form. Through sound and motion, you will be able to paralyze nerves, shatter bones, set fires, suffocate an enemy or destroy his company's stock price.
Don't make me post planefus.
Looks better than teh F-35
I just realized that the Trump curse is now orders of magnitude more powerful. His (((enemies))) think he's some sort of cartoon supervillain that will destroy anyone that slights him, and they will make their stock market decisions based on this. Any company that fucks with Trump is going to suffer.
TFW President Trump unintentionally destroys everything left wing entryists have spent the last five decades accomplishing in the private sector just by shitposting on Twitter.
The F-35 doesn't exist.
Lockheed Martin took all the cash and funnelled it into the Clinton Foundation in order to get Kikerry elected, so they could keep raping babies and eating pizza with foreskin topping.
EMP resistance, active and passive countermeasures, communications equipment, interior design and the paint job.
The high cost is almost entirely being generated by liability protection. Every time a single change is proposed or made, like "move the conference room wall back 2 feet and take out a row of chairs in the press section," the ENTIRE plane design has to be recertified by a large team of engineers, with multiple levels of oversight and copious documentation. Every material on the plane from the carpet to the wires has to be tested, certified, run through xrays to look for microfractures, and otherwise scrutinized in every way conceivable including in new ways that were invented while the plane was being designed and built.
There's also the expense of a one-off project, but that is marginal compared to liability protection cost.
tl;dr lawyers
And yet (((their))) profits have remained stable. We're the only ones exposed to the instability
Oops forgot to spoiler the image. Sorry