It's TIME to give the world a dose of reality

It's TIME to give the world a dose of reality.

ffs lad

Only to vote again.


look, if you link directly your browser tells the website you came from 8ch. If they see thousands of 8ch people all voted Trump they'll just remove those votes.
inb4 browser extension autism

Ah. Thank you. I didn't know.

I did my part.
i voted for a dancing nigger

I don’t really understand why Hillary is even an option; she is a case closed loser. ARE Nige pulled off one of the most significant political achievements in the last half century, Trump ran possibly the greatest election campaign in US history but Hillary? Hillary is a failure, a comedy of errors in human form.

TIME like the rest of the media is obviously compelled to finish itself off by skewing reality. If it allows Hillary to be the man of the year then it will damage it’s credibility.


I see TIME removed Assange from their list? Must have won the vote. More (((polls))).

I'm feeling pretty good about the old cunt's chances!

Can think of a lot of places this fuck should be, and Time's person of the year shortlist isn't one of them. Same with the turkroach.

I will tend toward it too.
Why stop Time from putting Hillary as "Person of the year"?

People already dislike her, she lost an election despite while burning all that money. That will push further the "Fake news" angle.

Case Trump:
- Do nothing, it's as it should be

Case Hillary:
- Push lugenpress/Presstitute.

The enemy makes yet another mistake!
Let them.

Shouldn't we vote Hillary and discredit TIME magazine?

This poll doesn't choose their pick, remember moot.

And Merkel was it last year for christ's sake.

I declare we need a recount

This. Let's wait for them to pick Hillary and then ATTACK WITH FULL FORCE

If Clinton wins, all you have to do is show them this to trigger them.

Because time is a shitlib/neocon rag. Obviously Trump should be person of the yea in any objective contest, having by far the most impact of anyone else.

You know, if Hillary was person of the year, she did do a lot. Because of her bumbling campaign and email fuckups, she exposed a LOT of corruption, created distrust in the MSM, and all the other recent happenings.

If she won it, it would be for the wrong reasons.

The reality is Trump isn't winning because the people who voted Trump hate the media. So making Trump win will lead to them not hosting person of the year.

People can still copy paste it, vigilance is a two way street.

And if Trump wins, the same will happen.


24% vs HCR 53%, we're getting there fam.

Why is it that his body looks so small?

Merkel won last year.


This isn't the Time poll. It's the "Today Show" poll about the Time poll.

Did you fuckers remember she didn't win? That she's not the first female president of America??

What is she person of the year for? Losing to someone who by all accounts should have been unable to win?

what is refer spoofing?
if you don't have umatrix installed you should seriously reconsider your existance

this, unfortunately

they published the shortlist on NBC, but it looks like the editors decide who wins. OP's poll is just NBC asking "hey guys who do you think should win?" so people tune in tomorrow to see if they got the right answer

did you not read the spoiler m8?

I'm surprised that "Refugees" wasn't an option like last year. I thought that Justin "JUST" Trudeau would be there, too.

did you read the part where I said you should reconsider your existence?

It's good if they choose Hillary. That will be definitive proof that TIME should be completely disregarded as fake news.

Rather go vote on TIME website, since this is just another magazines opinion poll on who should win the nomination in the TIME magazine…

Welp, we now know TIME is worthless