Director of Polish Culture Institute in Berlin Fired for ‘Too Much Jewish Content’

Poland's minister of culture has called for ending 'the culture of shame.'

Hili Perlson, December 5, 2016

The director of the polish culture institute in Berlin, Katarzyna Wielga-Skolimowska, was fired this past Tuesday from her position. According to the German left-leaning daily TAZ that broke the story, Poland’s right-wing PiS-led government called for her immediate departure due to her programming, which included “too much Jewish-themed content,” as Poland’s ambassador in Germany Andrzej Przyłębski had complained.

In a recent internal assessment of the institute carried out by the foreign ministry, her work received a negative evaluation due to the focus on Jewish themes, and insufficient engagement with social media, the Berliner Zeitung reports.

Earlier this year, Poland’s minister of culture, Piotr Gliński (PiS) called for an end to the “culture of shame” regarding WWII and the Holocaust, and Wielga-Skolimowska’s work has irked the government ever since.

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noice, may poland reign prosperous and jew-free.


She showed movie Ida (2013) about Polish woman who's about to become a nun when she finds out that her parents were shoah'd by their Polish neighbors. The movie won many (((awards))) and was directed by a jew

Finally. You watch any Western country's media and it's just nothing but fucking Jewish bullshit, either stories about Jews or Jewish stories with "diversity" and White people acting like Jews in support of Jewish values. USA, UK, Denmark, anywhere. Good job, Poland.


Absolutely Holla Forumsish

Based Poland taking on institutional Jewish ethnocentrism and racism.

Kek be praised.

This is what need to happen in US. A complete cultural purge on anything that jews command.

Oy gevalt! The goyim aren't watching enough ww2 movies!

Hello Chaim, starting to feel the heat?


Jews on Holla Forumsare quiet about this one. Talking about it would bring too much attention to the idea that, yes there is too much focus on jews today.


You need to learn to search better.

JDAR is a site about Jewish triumphalism. It was a monument to their victories.

They smell which way the wind is blowing and are hunkering down. They know they overplayed their hand. There's no way that site will be up for another eight years at least.

>tfw my favorite movies were all

Good morning JIDF


BTW PiS is socialist, not "right wing" and party chief - Kaczyński is jew. They want EU army and call anyone who is against EU existence a Putin's shill. They just play role of bad goyim and want to reforme for EU "with human face".


I was just kidding, I actually love Poland and Poles

The current EU is shit, that doesn't mean we shouldn't support some kind of confederacy of European nations for common defense


How hard would it be for an American to immigrate to Poland?

This is beautiful.
Holla Forumsand is more than a meme now.



The kikes will, somehow, start pushing for a war with Poland. A nation of goyim rejecting the shame and propaganda that Uncle Schlomo foists on them is too dangerous to exist.

Why are you bringing up India in a thread about Poland?

What the hell would even be left afterward?

Is she Jewish?


Why so quiet Jewish anons?

I'm busy reading the Talmud, goy

At least stick around long enough to see if Trump delivers.


fucking krul. someone post the webm / mp4 of him saying niggers in eu parlament

Im sure any american without criminal record could imigrate here, but why would you ? do you speak polish ? i doubt and this is no sweden where everyone will just talk english wish you. You're very welcome to visit us one day




‘One cannot find better person to promote Polish culture’ – German artists



OH SHIT! LOL! Somebody WebMD that opening scene. That's great.

kekd at that opening ! should become a classic.

Do yourself a favor and watch the whole video in the OP if you haven't already

Everyone should watch this documentry

It's fascinating. "Secular Jews who don't practicing Judaism get their Judiasm from fighting antisemitism. Orthodoxy Jews get their Jewishness from practicing Judaism and are therefor less concerned" – paraphrased.

Anti-Semitism is a racket for atheists



No wonder the yids won't stop crying wolf. They wouldn't feel like Jews if antisemitism didn't exist.

God bless you, Poland.

Yeah, they'd just be ugly people then.