5 Afghan teens in Sweden charged with raping Afghan boy
5 Afghan teens in Sweden charged with raping Afghan boy
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Afghan teens pozzing an Afghan boy?
They do this shit all the time in Camelstan
If they'd rape another Muslim, they'd rape a Swede if given the opportunity.
Highlighting these events is good propaganda.
Emergency Status Activated
Slap on the wrists
For some reason I doubted my military friends when they told me that the locals couldn’t comprehend that there was anything wrong with raping young boys. It was according to them a part of the weekly schedule of events. Thursday the locals would smoke opium and rape boys. And these were the “good” guys.
How wrong I was. This is cultural and this is Sweden’s future now.
Ironically, the Taliban arose in Afghanistan as a reaction to bacha bazi ("boy play") and the "northern alliance" we allied with after 9/11 was literally fighting for their right to plumber-snake the anuses of little boys and raise opium.
Both of which we restored to them
No wonder so many vets have trouble getting through the day, no body blames them but it has to be pretty hard reconciling being an active part of that fight.
As long as they're raping each other, I don't care, I think it's amusing.
It's also a great excuse to ship them out of the country, if the Jews don't intervene (cucked Swedes).
Hopefully they won't use the "it was a sexual emergency!" defense…
is there any hope for sweden?
Lol. This happens all the time in Afghanistan. This time it was only a poo-skin but it could be someone important next time. They have to go.
But this is expected.
Call us when they do it to someone we give a fuck about.
Seriously, what is the story behind this?
Half of this religion seems to be about finding loopholes in their own religion to get what they want.
You see this behavior in Orthodox Jews as well, sometimes to the point of rules lawyering the shit out of specific syntax.
The Arabs really are Semites eh?
Afghans are Pashtuns :^)
It's hot.
Rape is literally their culture. Afghans are very tribal people, and follow a strict hierarchy within their villages. The Chief and his sons get the pick of the women in the tribe, everyone else has to make do with the leftovers. Naturally, there are not enough women left over, so the afghans will address their sexual emergencies by buggering little boys or vid related.
One thought I've had is that it's in defiance of the religion they were born into and forced to follow, like how there are people who go to the Christian Churches every sunday, but later that night they do something that would be considered sinful. It's not their ethnic religion, and seeing as how they lack one, they actively do this kind of shit. I wonder if the Bedouins do things like this.
i think i found a good analogy
Rapefugees raped a rapefugee … my god.
Wouldn't want to ruin someone's life over their brave, stunning culture would we? :') we need to glass the fuckers
Oh, whatever. No humans were harmed during the making of this rape.
Hmm… so in Sweden, they dare to go into the forest.
This is a goldmine, they don't dare here
Fucking sick degenerates
I bet the swedes will let them stay and everything.
That case earlier when they cut off internet and everything on Gothland because people went after the prosecuter and police etc.
Had to send in reinforcement from the mainland.
3 of em raped an old handicapped woman on a bathroom
old, handicapped
you should have seen this one.
All the police force went after 1 Sven, the one with balls still, all over him.
Because he went after them and just confronted them. He obviously wanted to you know what.
But oh noes, instead of just watching the other way or get a flat tire, they set in everything to protect these subhumans
No wonder that in cities like gothenburg, about 2 police officers quit each day. They are sick of it.
Remove the police, and let the men fix this
This is a common practice there among "elders" if you will, a bit tired.
I watched this sick program on TV about it, don't remember if it was börk or danish or whatever.
But the fuckers all have this when they sit in meetings like you see here, and they fucking sit there and rape the boys in front of everyone.
The guy excused him self with. Well the others not gun think I'm cool, if I don't do it
Sick fucks needs to just get purged off this planet
We are overcrowded, it's about time to just remove the degenerates they are just a boil on humankind. There are tons of resources in these countries, which we can build and make prosper a fucking new america lol! Just remove all kebab shit
Roaches and euro fags are a bit different, iranians too all though they have gone down the shitter since 79
But just purge them! Imagine so much land, so much rich land. They are all inbreed anyways.
Iraqis due to inbreeding have fucking baby benises all of em, maybe that's the deal, can't pleasure their women so stick it in a boy or a cat or something
screencap and share
Seriously fuck sweden.
This happened here today, the little shits are starting to kill the niggers and shitskins now
Doesn't say here, but the jungle telegraph says the killer was norse.
Fucking remember that or those marines or soliders, that fucking was sent home, because they stopped this shit or what ever.
The Jew York times there, no fucking words.
Tells a bit of who are in charge here, and what we see in pizzagate
Nono just let them rape the children! You're dismissed!
Godspeed native volk.
That third pic.
Top fucking kek. Burn the coal, pay the toll.
The cultural enrichment is here
Didn't you know that Islam considers itself to be a successor to Christianity and a return to true Judaism?