In my experience, a good first step in redpilling someone is showing them how the (((media))) openly lies and manipulates facts to fit their agenda. Does anyone have a good examples - screenshots, webms, etc… - of the press openly lying / being proven wrong? I have a small collection, so I'm dumping what I have but I think having more material would be valuable.
Lugenpresse Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
I think that's all I've got, I'll keep digging through my unsorted images, though.
Since people occasionally read news and remember them, add that with some confirmation bias in their belief, they don't really catch how they are being lied to.
The best pictures are those that show headlines and short summary with the very same source saying something, then some time later the opposite.
I don't have examples here though.
Good point. I know I've seen quite a few of those with Politico and Salon.
Thanks for the dump we need more like this
Good idea. bump
This thread fucking rustles my jimmies. How can people constantly get away with being dishonest with a straight face?
Fuck the mainstream press and I hope that all members inside of that entity will suffer both on earth and in hell while losing all of their credibility. If you intentionally misled millions of people by being dishonest, you need to be a bum on the streets.
This is all I've got.
Thanks for starting the thread. I too have found these type of side by side "memes" are the most effective at breaking people of the MSM's yoke. I've been meaning to start something like this but wanted to tag everything with links first, haven't got around to it yet but I'll go ahead and dump what i've got here. Whenever making these we really should be putting links on them so people can look them up and verify they are real.
That second one would be more effective if added below was one of the wikileaks emails where eric schmidt is revealed to be on their team.
These prints are good to beat the 'FakeNews' forced meme.
Has any LyinPress worse than Sodom?
Because, jews
I just saw a video that is on topic.
Its a Sandy Hook school shooting PSA that was released a few hours ago.
Shitloads of implications:
Very heavy on the
This video might even deserve a thread.
I didn't mean to post that, thats just the link I was sent.
Trayvon Martin was my first redpill on the media's bullshit.
"White latino", never forget.
I think our best chance of waking people up to the tricks of the lugenpresse is examples like this.
I presume it's a small Hillary Clinton or Tim Kaine rally but you should add a link to that picture or paste the photos from a different angle taken by the reporters on the ground.
I agree. When I first saw it I had to search the name Omar Thornton because I had never heard of that guy before.
Same here, really drives a coach and horses through the idea that the media is in any way fair and unbiased.
It's no wonder why they're fearful of right-wingers. It's not because we're harmful, it's because they will be treated with equal justice once everyone discover their antics.
Ridiculous scare-mongering bullshit and of course, the kid is white.
You know what prevents school shootings? Good parents and a strong traditional family unit. The very things the left want to destroy.
This video does deserve it's own thread.
It's not even a priority in comparison with the murder rate among blacks.
You're right. I'll make a better one here.
Do you have any more of these? They're all great!
Slightly improved, it's actually quite difficult to find other pictures of that specific rally. They've really memory-holed a lot of it.
Fuck Bernie. I've lived with crackheads and ghetto grifters. They're fucking annoying
Are we supposed to empathize with dumb ghetto niggers who refuse to get a job, learn to speak, name themselves actual fucking names, finish grade school, and blame their whole lives on dem raysis wites?
1000% mad.
Fuck, that was the worst. And yes, I'm still buttblasted over what they did to Ron Paul.
Of course, or you're racist.
You racist, racist racist racist!
top kek
I don't even think I need to comment on this why this is wrong
Stockpiling these and going to raid twitter and m'leddit. Keep them coming anons.
Sometimes they use Photoshop for no good reason. I don't understand but it's probably more common than I thought.
Jesus, the left really has become as disruptive and ThoughtPolice as the right did during the Red Scare
Reporting on Fallujah, May 2003:
Some were threatening. "Sooner or later U.S. killers we'll kill you," read an angry banner in English unfurled in the faces of GIs on guard in the central city.
Requesting infographs and propaganda showing that white genocide is real.
Thing is, the communist infiltration was REAL during the Red Scare.
Here are a few. Sorry, I wish had something that was more directly applicable.
sage for off topic
There was an entire unit on globalism and it's pros and cons in one of my social studies classes, but now that the general opinion of it is bad they're pretending it's a conspiracy theory that we made it? Jesus christ.
Anyone got some pre-presidential election lugenpresse examples?
The Huffington Post and Salon are known insane propaganda shitholes for pozzed degenerates.
As such, leftist faggots will just brush them off. You need some shit they respect… yeah they don't repsect anything. What they think of as 'fair' or good reporting.
NYT and even more so (since Bezo took over) The Washington Post have gone full retard so you can find some gems there as well. Also AP.
There's a couple of compilations on Jewtube with local tv news being fag. You could use those, but the lefty mind would then gravitate back to print media so you should have both handy to give them the one two knockout. You have to corner these rats and shove it down their throats.
Oh and it wouldn't hurt to point out when one is a kike as well because as you know, most times, IT IS A FUCKING JEW whose doing the lying.
If I recall the Portia Boulger story was false, that woman was mistaken for Portia Boulger
Which edition was for which market?
3rd pic is fake.
don't use it.
I just looked it up. Wrong.
Except that McCarthy was right.
Technically I suppose the lefties are correct that there is a nazi-esque contingent growing in the country, but they are the treasonous ones and use lies, so it still doesn't hold water. Besides, they call everyone names, not just the people who deserve it. Pretty much everyone accused of having ties to communism DID have ties.
Great stuff in this thread, now I have plenty of material for shoving down the libtards' throats when they cry about "fake" news from the alternative media sites.
I know quite a few "progressives" who think huff po and salon (especially salon) are paragons of progressive virtue.
Huh, watchu sliding MSM?
Don't be a nigger this is about media hypocrisy not a general info-graph/statistics thread. If you want hypocrisy stuff that covers those topics I suggest you find articles that contradict those statistics and make some OC yourself, faggot.
looks like I was being the faggot, I just re-read the OP, he asked for any media lies. Again if you want media lies that cover that stuff make some yourself and actually contribute.
with or without smug
back to the oven schlomo
There's leftists who cite them as legitimate proof.
This is fucking nuts.
I really can't believe people still take the mainstream media seriously after this election
To be fair, the nationalist resurgence is very real too.
you're assuming they do
not her verified account.
her verified account goes further back than these posts, so could be a fake account, possibly a CTR/JIDF/Hillary campaign account.
She has two verified accounts?
One is her senator account the other is her personal one.
They decide what they're going to believe, what the "angle" is, before they start doing their "research" and writing their articles, which accounts for the inconsistencies. It's literal propaganda meets yellow journalism.
It looks like their intent would be to either hide the vehicles, or try to hide the fact that they'd stolen the image. Hiding the vehicles would be a huge tell when the original photo was seen and compared, so I don't know if someone would be that stupid, but any ideas why they'd want to?
She has two verified accounts retard. Just like Obama.
On pathological altruism destroying africa while the luegenpresse eats it up
Fucking people think the world is overpopulated but that we need to keep feeding the Africans. It isn't the white population that is exploding, it's the shit skins because white people feed them.
So what's your excuse? You have the means to end it.
Story on second image?
wait what's this about
Excellent thread lads, truly good work done here.
McCarthy was right faggot. There was no "red scare", there was REAL red infiltration and subversion.
kek a friend of mine sent me this video, now we're going to try to meme it into reality
How dumb are those people to believe that globalism is a conspiracy.
Still has negroid features, though Obama naturally has some white facial features since he's mixed.
I found out you can't force someone to be redpilled. The old adage of leading the Horse to water is still true today.
The thing that usually triggers it is someone having an extensive knowledge about a subject, and then going to news sources and online and finding that they are reporting the opposite, and demonizing dissent.
Only THEN, will their worldview start to crack, as they realize that media corporations don't have their best interests at heart, and writers are just people cashing paychecks.
If anything, we should help the media with their narrative, the more insane they sound, the more people will realize something is wrong.
Checked the links. One didn't go through. Fixed it.
Do you even know what this thread is about?
Yep. I had to sit through an anthropology course full of illiterate blacks while the professor taught cultural relativism and that race was a social construct.
Luckily a lot of people have been turning away from this tripe. You just don't really hear about as a sociological trend for obvious reasons.
wew lads
sat through the same shit here in NZ, listening to race/gender being a social construct and relativism
did any of you ask the professor if (s)he understood the basic aspects of biology and genetics?
So that's what we're gonna do, kikes? Lie completely blatantly without even a modicum of finesse? Not citing anything in the way of statistics, either, which show that 80%+ are men.
Could you imagine it any other way? They need to go balls to the wall while they can, the power is slipping out of their hands now so in desperation they go full lugenpresse because soon we go full shoah
This is more likely than not redpilling non-liberals en masse. They could have been more subtle, and won. But they just couldn't fucking resist. 20 more years of the same and whites would have silently been outbred by the Mexicans and muds already here, coming in legally.
This is so stupid it reeks of another swindle.
seems low energy, snuck in strawmans hit our shores, wouldnt point it out if it werent two reiterations of the inferior argument, then a slapdash refuting of a selective context
wouldnt it make sense to poison our well, by selling us baltic rounds rather than the superior but still sub-optimal federal premium, when we go to war with their own? i know im not the only guy here seeing the twin id of one guy makes webm/macro/storytime thread, one guy starts with old oc and an apology, the others arrive in the middle after legitimacy of the thread and its non slide potential is established, a certain societal viablity is established? then we get flooded after the quality oc, with the silly, the mundane, and sadly sometimes, the flatly untrue?
i think our opponents , if we always assume they are equal opponents, no more no less, assuming they wouldnt know that the meme is the primary mechanism to redpill, and if we make the redpill weaker, we make the meme, once called out AS IT PLAINLY WAS, less effective, what was/is a vehicle of truth and providence, can simply be made placebograde since our hand is tilted and the ingredients are effectively on display, but this was the end game i thought, send the message, and peel back the bookend to a look out of the window.
now the natural state of things is clear and the digestable meme is secondary to the integriity of the message.
this is the sort of attempt we need to look for if this is true, the shittest of posting, a deadstop that invalidates our last two steps
i would not circulate this garbage, remember our enemy is equal, it is even hungrier than it was before, great vigilance is the cost of great victory
starve the animal
Is the tweet fake or something? You could just say so. If it's not, there is nothing wrong with circulatint the content.
FBI pls go
i didnt mean to offend, i love these threads, but i pointed out my own personal bundle of tinfoil i keep in the kitchen drawer when Holla Forums comes over, other anons have given me insight to psyops and many have made straight up predictions, i just saw something worrying developing over the last two weeks, other anons were polite in pointing them out, i realize in my haste to perhaps submit my signal i was uncouth and im sorry if i came off douchey
no offense meant, to you
but there is harm in arming dissmissable and laughable proofs to our brothers and sisters here, lets say our kids both fight on the front, you give your kid really bad paintballs(prone to going off in their face due to tension, destroying weapons with bad mixes, wearing the equipment down faster with unregulated viscosity and acidity) i give mine functioning and fine ammo. so our kids have paintball over the course of a season, teams same size, club same funds
who do you think wins more games early season? the most skilled right? who wins mid season as more and more of yours drop out from fatigue frustration (attrition) and cost? who still has a full team at the end of the season? what if i was the one you bought that equipment from? how would you feel about me? was your kid STILL given a fair shot?
Superior version.
I must shoop him watching Hickok45.
you can make your skin look white but you'll still have subhuman genetics
What was your response?
turn off your proxy you pussy faggot
really worth it to drink poop water? Never seen any appeal ever in it.
81 results now
op here. Oopsyyy
Burgerbro trying to talk shit. Bantz is literally the equivalent of "No I'm not, you are!"
Weak shit, America. Your ancestors would be ashamed.
fucking yes
Anyone have the kikebook cap where some user asked him for numale tips and he responded seriously?
Does anyone have archives or screenshots of the dox of journos and others posted awhile back
For some reason I never archived or saved them
I'll see if I had pics but I went to the reclaim Australia Rally. The first one.
top blokes, a couple families and us having a bbq. Leftists showed up "THIS IS RACISM" they shouted, some 60 year old member of us rallied agains tthem, we told him to stfu, muh PR. I regret this.
Later walking we were spit on, cursed out, tossed aside. Everything.
We were followed by millitant anti-fa and lefty fags.
They harassed the kids present. the elders present everything. So much so that guess what?
The elders with us? Aboriginals.
Kids with us? Well….fucking kids.
Me and the other two guys who got cut out? Wearing normal clothing and holding signs. Mine said "Hey Holla Forums - Ben Garrison" because I figured atleast one of you'd see it.
This wasn't my first redpill but it got me pissed.
Tell me more friend.
I'd like to move to Australia if I had the funds
the war was started over tariffs. The North changed the debate to get cowardly abolitionists to join their fight and give them a righteous cause. Lincoln was no fool.
Does anyone have a dump of the last lugenpresse thread? It was one of the best I've seen. I was set on downloading all of it but it got magically deleted before I could save it all.
URL of the last thread.
capice, stronzzo.
Is this chart actually real? Not even a Democrat but I'm pretty sure wealth distribution has only gotten more equal in the past couple of years (peaking at the recession).
I love him, but he's a really poor example of a successful nationalist movement.
not an argument.
I notice flat earthers can always back up what they say, whereas spherecucks just say "well this (((s-scientist))) says otherwise" and "stop you're making us look bad!!!"
Not anymore
It is okay, we can always keep contact by e-mail when you go back
msm never lies!
I can't believe CNN would do something like that to tarnish the good name of the clan. Yeah, a lot of pieces of shit were involved, but nobody Jonestein-tier.
Is there a single site that is more degenerate than Salon?
Felt like this one was lacking an explanation
Specificaly @ 2:17 Don Lemon starts to cite a harvard study. The Sheriff then starts responding telling Lemon that he is incorrect and stating that he has in fact read that study, Lemon starts interupting him, and then proceeds to say that the study had a very small sample size and that many people did not find it credible. If the Sheriff hadn't started showing Lemon that he did in fact know about that study Lemon would have carried on with the lie. I mean he was still caught in the lie because as we can all see he changes his tune immediately and proceeds to discredit the study he was ready to use as evidence.
The entire video is worth watching, the full interview is about ten minutes and is even better if you have some patience.
That David Clarke was one of the only sane voices during that whole situation. Lemon should be ashamed of himself.
I'm not a fan of RS but this article isn't half bad and it could help convince some plebs.
Plebs like wikipedia. There was massive media collusion in regards to how all of this information was released to the masses at the time of the events occurring. Including old articles from newspapers alongside links to specific false flag operations could be useful in showing individuals with an open mind that this has been going on for a very long time.
bumping for these good lists
Just made this.
I'm surprised there aren't more examples shared here.
This isn't exactly relevant but I'm looking for some reading material for nationalism. I guess you could say I'm recently "redpilled". Few years now, but haven't had any solid philosophical reading material, just conversations with people online. I've seen the Holla Forums reading material list but there's a lot there and I don't even know where to begin… Anyone have a suggestion? And yes, I'm a newfag. One of you twats started talking about Holla Forums on Voat. Not a smart move.
half of these are just you Holla Forumsacks not knowing what stock images are/how shit social media management is
Trust in mainstream media is at an all-time low. Still, way too many people buy into that shit.
A "decent" breakdown of all things real and fake news.
I hope you're joking with that image, user. The filename gives me hope.
Fucking hell, lad.
I need more red pill sonic memes
A libshit work associate just posted this on kikebook and saw no issues with it.
Then you post your best Vox or Slate clickbait article at them and ask them what's fucking analytical about it.
That's crazy. Pretty much everything in the middle needs to move significantly left, if nothing else.
God damn I can't even begin to count the mistakes here.
I've got an old roommate who works for NPR (as a fact-checker essentially). Got anything good on them?
The CIA Connection With Lying MSM
Yes, that third pic will be very helpful in convincing people that cosmopolitan is not a trustworthy news source.
This israel pic is for when someone has accepted that media is quite untrustworthy.
Embed related is also pretty good
at least they admit racism isn't an illness.
I'll try to make sonic great again, just for you lad.
I made an infographic of media bias, trying to be as 100% honest, objective, and informed, and this is what the result was. Notice any trends?
tbh I'd have NBC in the same spot as CNN if possible, just ran out of space
Fixed that for you.
Interesting, didn't think Alex Jones had proven cooperation with Clinton
This is actually their web frontpage right now!
Im saying that entire chart is fucking stupid.
WTF, source pls!
Both VICE and BBC both REEK of "elite control", also BBC is far left, pushing every Jewish racemixing dream and feminist nonsense they can 24/7. Who the hell keeps making the horrible charts?
/r/ing the image with two tweets, the first is some left blog site saying "Rick Perry thinks we're still in the cold war" in reference to his comments about Russia in 2012, and then another by the same source saying"we need to raise Russia is the true threat" or something along those lines.
Remember, it's illegal to say the press are liars.
that looks lewd user
The first redpill is ONLY AND ALWAYS the Holohoax… which our entire modern society exists upon. The entire house of cards falls when this is shown. Until what they have seen warps their entire sense of reality it is not a redpill, just Republican complaints.
Getting people to watch Alex Jones is not a fucking redpill.
The redpill is strong. That's why it's the fucking redpill not the pinkpill
Hitler and the Holohoax were certainly what did it for me back in 2012. Why? Because they are such enormous topics and basically the base of the house of cards. The redpill isn't a redpill unless it completely pushes you over the edge. There are no steps, you jump right into the deep end and if you don't learn to swim then you're just not ready and you will never be redpilled, you'll remain a fence-sitting normalfag who is still too comfortable with his delusions. The reason those baby steps are no good is because it's effectively like – going back to the house of cards here – removing the top few cards, but while you're doing that they are adding new ones so you don't actually accomplish anything: you are going at the pace they set for you. That's why you got these "redpilled" people who "hate niggers" but believe capitalism is best for us and that most jews aren't a threat or that the holocaust story is only 50% bullshit.
Give source on those redheads please.
Sign the petition to Audit David Brock's Media Matters Conglomerate
You do realize that InfoWars is owned by Time Warner, correct?
The way the image is structured implies that CNN never reported on the gas attack outside of the news scroll. They could of simply reported on gas attack earlier. The only way to be certain would have to have an several hour archive video up on youtube of their direct tv stream on that day. the picture is simply not convincing.
1st link just leads to the "headlines" page.
reverse image search you fucking nigger
>Wikipedia says: "Located in the middle of a large, formerly all German-speaking part of Europe."
I want to know this as well.
Could you post any proof?
What are good Bantz?
This. Provide some context.
Well, we wuz Burgerz n' sheeeit!
Even a child will make a scholar think once in a while. Throwing out the baby with the bath water is absurd if it does the trick.
People like this need to have their lives be made miserable so they dont have any time to focus on being a useful idiot and spreading communism.
No time to post about how evil Trump is when youre looking for a new job, because you were late 3 days in a row.
Ben Garrison memes are a good gateway to redpills. Start with racist humor, then bait the "I dont care about politics" types into hard data, charts, graphics, stories etc.
What the fuck is this conversation? I can't make long or short of what you are trying to say. It's as if an alien intelligence started posting on Holla Forums.
Take one and pay for him, be dierctly responsible for his actions.
Still would act like niggers and isnt Obongo mixed?
He really should have been our president, but as the video predicts, eventually the straw that breaks the camels back came in the form of Americans giving a giant FUCK YOU to Washington, DC in the form of Trump.