Sinead McCarthy Thread

What's the deal with this woman anyway?
Why does she insist on asking men to reveal their identity?
Is she controlled opposition?

She's just your typical woman, but with borderline issues and a history of racemixing.

She's a crazy future cat lady. She claims to be a white nationalist but prefers niggers. She also yells while on the telephone, a truly unpleasant person.

Don’t care.

Never even heard of her.
Should I have?

She's nuts and a coalburner

Honest question, why do you keep making these threads? By now it's pretty obvious Holla Forums dosent care about her, since the telephone incident. Yeah sure, she might be a WN, or she might be a jewish shill for all we know, but either way it's a person we simply dont give a fug about.

Kike cunt. Look at that fucking nose and rat eyes.


She was demonized by the alt-right for being too hardcore for those pussies.
It sent her into a downward spiral and now she thinks that plateaus are the stumps of ancient crystal trees cut down by the jews.


and you are not helping by bumping a vague slide thread about it

"what you think about 'x'? discuss"

really, you jigaboos?

She started attacking the alt-right for not believing in her pants-on-head stupid flat earth theory. She's also a fucking Feminist that signals against Trump for being a "sexist".

Go back to (((Renegade))), faggot.


Your routine is getting stale jew boy

She believes in some retarded theories, but all the TRS asshurt goes back to her refusing to accept the label "Alt-Right" when she was on Between 2 Lampshades last year.

Wrong, they started attacking her because she wouldn't say she was Aut-Right. She and Renegade actually defended TRS and even Spencer during the controversy over the 2015 fagfest.

she's my mommy

Who cares.

She looks worse than the trannies she likes to talk about so much.

She's mad.
She's mad.
No she's just mad.
She's fucking nuts, end of story.

no…you cant see here boobs because it looks like you simply wouldnt be able to see them