Hitler's Racial Sympathies Lost Him WWII

I just had an epiphany… A gut feeling, really…

If it were not for Hitler being so forgiving of those who were part jew, and his notion of "honorary aryans", the National Socialist party would have reigned supreme.

Kikes are literally satan's bloodline. They corrupt any society they inhabit, and subvert every movement of self-preservation.

Hitler's (and others') compromise ultimately lost him the war.


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Yes Hitler was far from perfect and did fuck up a lot. But he still deserves enormous respect and admiration because he dared to openly oppose the kike and show the world that it can be done

How exactly did that cost him the war? Could you point to something specific?

He was fight 3 super-powers at the same time, wasn't like had how to win.

No, it's their Jewish supremacist ideology that demands the subjugation and cruel mistreatment of all non-jews that is the problem. There are a number of different Jewish bloodlines. Ashkenazis are fucking Eastern European, and the Ethiopian Jews are niggers, ffs.

If the Jewishness of the Jews was genetic, those traits would have been bred out eons ago. They take too many wives from outside the tribe for them to stay pure.

He used a huge amount of supplies trying to move the kikes out of the country.

He should've had them rounded up and shot in the center of each town, and left to rot like the garbage they are.

May be true, but he did fuck up in not pressing england and started shit with Russia over extending military. History there is pretty solid.

Thanks for that info Mordecai.
Do you know the meaning of "inbreeding"?

How the fuck would having less people on his side win him the war? Even if they were kikes.

I partially agree. I don't think he lost the physical war because of letting the Jews go to form Israel. I think he lost the ideological war by letting them go, though. The physical fight was against England and the Soviets, both controlled by the Rothschilds, who weren't too happy about their central banks being shut down as Germany took back the land stolen from them. The ideological war, however, was lost because the Jews were able to use the rumor in England about gas chambers and mass extermination as an excuse to form the nation of Israel properly, and to exterminate the Palestinians (nothing of value lost). If Hitler actually did kill the Jews, then we wouldn't have the constant "muh 69 gorrilian" propaganda shoved down our throats from infancy, and nationalist thought would be able to spread more easily. We're shown Holohoax images from an early age to traumatize us into fearing being called "racist" or "antisemitic", as children are the most susceptible to trauma. If the Holohoax happened, then the holocaust would just be another historical event taught in history class. It would be nothing special, unlike today where many students spend an entire semester being told about how those ebil raysis nazis shoah'd those poor, innocent bankers.

Take away the political motivation, take away the need for propaganda. Unfortunately, the Jews had political motivation to spread the lie, and they did so. Without Jews needing it for Israel's existence, there wouldn't be a need to push it.


Pulling back at Dunkirk lost him the war.

Attacking Russia lost him the war.

It was poor military decisions.

How does that work? Angels don't have dicks or vaginas.

If Hitler hadn't had the racial sympathies he had he would have lost the war even harder.

People who don't know shit about WW2.

Bolsheviks planned to attack Germany. Hitler did a preemptive counter with only 17 days before the Russian attack was to commence. Bolsheviks are Russian commie Jews.

Years of demonizing from the lugenpresse brainwashed the sheep of the west and the jews still had puppets in England and America dancing to their songs.

Hitler wasn't racist, just a nationalist and wasn't into race mixing. Was fine that Germany had different ethnic groups too. Literally almost everyone was against him. in the war.

He might have won if it wasn't for Japan. The US cracked the Jap code and knew of the attack. They let it happen to justify entering a war that the citizens didn't want to enter. Stalin also made a pact with the Japs so that he could move eastern forces to counter the Germans when he was losing. Japan literally had 2 chances to change the course of history by either not attacking Pearl Harbor or by fucking the pact and dicking Russia. They were probably unable to fuck Russia because America was fucking them over though.





More relevant reading on the Japan-Russia situation.

But that's wrong you fucking retard.

This is why he lost the war…


and really the biggest reason…


His refusal to bomb Baku on September 17th in hopes of reaching it.

Failure to do so meant the USSR kept 80% of it's oil reserves, absolutely necessary for the war unlike Moscow in 41' which they were prepared to leave.

The USSR only transferred 17 divisions from the East, they were fully prepared for a war with Japan since the USSR formed. They viewed as a greater threat all the way up until 41', with the best armies stationed there.

You guys are fucking retards.

Furthermore, wanna talk compromise?

It was Hitler's obsessive uncompromise with slavs which lost him the war.


300,000 fucking soldiers were ready to fight for the Nazis, immediately upon them entering against the USSR. Many people hated communism, but something pathological against slavs prevented Hitler using the vast number of captured POWs that wanted to smash the communists.

As a Eastern European (non-slav tho), the only reason I consider myself a neo-nazi and browse this board is because slavs, ruskies and other europeans are considered white and turks are not.

Change that opinion and I'll fight you again, as will all of Eastern Europe. Faggots.

Don't listen to this kike shill.

We are badly outnumbered, and our war is against the ZOG machine; The Rothschild Bankers in particular and all of their allies and cronies, from SJWs to Marxists, to faggots, dykes, kikes and niggers and spics.

I have no problem with half jews or niggers in our ranks, so long as they fuck off back to their countries. We are running out of time and massively outnumbered, you really expect a "cool kids klub" attitude to work out for you social autists when in fact all of us were probably bullied at school?

Is that you really fucking think? Don't get me wrong, a kike is a kike but a kike that wants to fuck off to whatever shithole kikes belong, Israel or not I don't care. As long as he's willing to see those who want white nationalism dead hanging by the end of a rope.

We have x10 the enemies in our own ranks, cucks, race traitorous women; have you seen how many half nigger babies there are? what are you going to do with them?

We, if we will and it's likely we will, face another conflict, this time for the fight for our races and we will be badly, badly outnumbered and in a perilous situation, everything will have to be played perfectly to a fucking T.

There's no time to argue who's who or who's for who. As long as we are against the satanic Jewish ZOG and everything they stand for, then we can unite.

None of his honorary aryans were anywhere influental enough to explain the failure.

The real reasons are:
-The Oberkommando not knowing shit about strategic planning, ever since WW1
-Hitler having delusions about "benevolent Anglos"
-Hitler not being an expert in warfare, and meddling in others work

And most importantly:

-Not gearing up the German economy for total war until it was too late

This, too.
He just wasn't up to this.

I don't know much about the Oberkommando, but I agree with anglos, they were never to be trusted. Yet how would you expect that?

Hitler was negotiating with the King of England who was friendly, it wasn't until cuck churchill stepped into office that there were problems.

I don't think, he wasn't up to it. I just think the challenges he faced were unrealistic, you'd have to go back to 1933 and see into the future, to kind of figure out how to win.

By building more submarines, yes, by building aircraft carriers and one good navy instead of massive battleship, yes. By working on encryption, yes.

He did good enough of a job, better than anyone else in history that is. Against overwhelming odds even facing up to a giant like the USSR and the US. He had balls of steel.

I don't think any of us can say anything against him, yes he made mistakes but he was human. The reason why we post on this board is because of him, to return his tarnished name to a good state in honor of him.

The greatest honor of course would be if one of us rose up, in his place and took his destined role to continue on, where the nazis and the white men left off… into space, technological advances and marvels of the world.

We have quite a long trail ahead of us, and yes things did get worse and the jews have cemented their control, but even a tree can grow into between the cracks of a sidewalk and with enough time, hopefully one of us will take his bastion and ride once more, with all of us following into glory.


Hitler lost the war because he made too many mistakes against the advice of his generals and advisers.

Sure… Cause niggers and fags got Trump elected, right?

Fuck off and die, retard.


smdh fam

The war was lost because of strategical mistakes wich Hitler himself made against the better judgement of his cabinet and his generals, if anything, he should have listened to them instead of acting "hurr durr invincible aryans 14/88, oil and allainces are for faggits mentality", it had nothing to do with "honorary aryans". And we wont make the same mistake, schlomo, go heil with that faggot lover spencer.

Not really, there was just no way for three nations (plus some minors) to face down the entire Zionist global alliance and win. Remember, the US could have started nuking Europe too.

Hitler lost the war as soon as he declared war on the USA.

You're officially a retard, why would you want such a huge disease vector spread throughout your entire country?