This is the most influential scene in film history

this is the most influential scene in film history


I disagree


What movie?
Looks like a porn.



you can't /thread your own thread

the dead eyes make it only better




You can't tell me what to do you fascist homophone


I've never seen a movie that even came close to being as "LORDS OF THE LOCKER ROOM" was. I am especially amazed of how Mathew Moore managed to put so much emotion into the dialogue without needlessly dragging it out and making it too long. Truly an absolute masterpiece 10/10.

But who was actually in the wrong here? Personally I blame the leather man, you don't dress like that when you go to the gym.

There is no such thing as the "boss of a gym"
That man held no authority. Respect leatherman's right to freedom of expression

But he did. His authority comes from his own supreme will and strength. He realizes that 'might makes right' is the way the world works. So long as he has the might to enforce it, he can do whatever he desires - such as declaring himself boss of that particular gym - as long as no one bests him in The Ring, depriving him of that authority, which Van did not.

Why don't you get outta that…uh…jabroni outfit?


Agreed. Dont forget how Gym Boss just made a friendly joke to Van when he came in but Van got triggered and started cussing him out. Someone who is such a hothead isn't cut out to be the boss of the gym

Well you can't suck your own cock

Not with that negative thinking

Challenge accepted.

Where the fuck did half the posts itt go?

oh they're back
buggy website