Operation Pepe Parade: 1, testing the waters

I'm a Holla Forumsack situated in quiet little Wales in Britbong…

Even here we're seeing the liberal madness unfold,

With Trump's glorious victory and nationalism rising like a fire, I thought it was time to call the shitflinging crybabies out… To test the waters and bring forth the screaming enemy.

It is quiet here in my college in terms of politic related things, but the poz is still rampant.

My plan is simple, I shall post posters around the campus. If something as mundane as a nazi frog and as innocent as saying white people have a right to exist can get on the news in America, I'm sure my triggering poster of nazi frogs can spin some lulz around here.

The next phase is posting redpill stuff and nationalist related things, if on the occasion that this traces back to me, it will be far easier to explain nazi frogs as a joke than a call to nationalist action.

I'll keep you updated on any major updates, any live reactions will be recorded though I doubt people will be THAT flamboyant in their reactions considering people around here are rather crafty…

Other urls found in this thread:


wew lad this should be good

Good luck, user.

dun goof'd

Godspeed user.

This just in:
A student was found posting anti-semetic posters and inciting racial violence. At present he has been detained and is facing expulsion and faces charges for a hate crime.

Back to reality: it might not be so bad. Since the UK is the Middle East now, all the muslims will probably side with you since (supposedly) they don't like Jews.

Well, just keep in mind that if you printed those using a printer you bought, it can be traced back to you.

Eh, not like I have any reason to hide. There is a very slim chance anything will be brought back to me directly, EXIF data alone is hardly enough to dox me.

That said, you are right, in the future I shall take care to remove EXIF data, I was totally unaware that mobile phones would show such info in EXIF data.

As for printers. I have it covered, the colleges allow things to be printed without even logging in to the system.

So what are the IPs so we can improve on your message?

I shall look into it, the system here is strange, you need to physically be there in person to print it off.
So it might not be as easy…

God speed

got a rat?

I know you guys have some pretty tight laws over there, and you should try to stay unidentified. One thing to be aware of is that your printer actually attaches its serial number and some other meta data to anything you print.
Be sure to use a printer that isn't attached to you. One bought with cash or finding a public one at a library or somewhere should do.
You probably only need to be worried about this if you're really paranoid. However, I know that there we have a lot of posters being put up on college campuses right now, and I think we should make this knowledge widespread to help people avoid getting v&.

As in snitches and busybodies? No not as far as I am aware…

Yes absaloutely, this is why I am using the college's own printers. I doubt the police will get up in arms over this… Yet.


The intention IS to cause a shitstorm, but I'm confident I can worm my way out of any shit that might be traced to me.

The poster was intended to shock. Causing an emotional response.

IIRC, this is exactly how BTK got caught.


Come on man.

Sorry for the gay spelling, using mobile and I'm a faggot who can't read :^)

While it's more risky to print it in college as I might get caught at the printer room, it's less risky as they cannot backtrace it to me directly. I have weighed the risks and found it worthwhile to try and test the waters so to speak.

I do want to see a reaction, though you must remember that the liberal hivemind here is not as flamboyant or as vocal, they're mostly quiet but the poz does exist. My plan is to see if they really will bite to this bait.

I would suggest talking small steps at first, not to throw the frog (no pun intended) into the boiling water.
Try printing the left one and installing it first (Feel free to crop the URL). Then hang the right one beside it

The frog has croaked now, it is about lunch time here and there are at the canteen as we speak.

You are right, my next plan is to put stuff like that… I want to know the reaction to this. Its pure shock value will call out any who might oppose me.

The poster is still here, if I am to post redpills and the like then I must be sure that the reaction isn't too hostile. I don't have much to loose but it will be more effective if the posters stay up for some time.

Inner city college or valleys user?

Good luck.

Near the valleys but not quite… A lot of valley fags here. I'm not even from the heart of sheepshagger land. Plenty of city poz to be found nonetheless.

Your IT guys can see what students have printed which docs. If you're going to print in there, name it like a piece of your work and make sure no filenames or file paths are present on the printout.

Yup, as I do.
The IT guys here are fucking drips, it really isn't hard to elude them.

Furthermore, the canteen is more of a portacabin than a canteen. No security cameras.

I need to go for a while, hopefully this thread stays alive for a bit longer yet.

I will update you all on any happenings.

Can't wait to see what reaction you get user. My old college was a city one. I think the student "union" lot would be up in arms over something like this, but the teachers and students in the trades schools were total opposite to the fluffier subjects.

Rat is short for remote access tool.
A.k.a a trojan.
Infect some systems.

No. I don't have a RAT then.
Why would you ask?

Disregard that, I suck cocks. I realize what you meant.

No, I don't think I can get a RAT on the college computers. It will be more trouble for me if I get caught, this will be most effective as a lone wolf thing. I will be able to cause enough of a shakeup alone I think.

School IT people are universally incompetent and lazy and prefer to stay as such, as long as you don't provoke them too hard. Stunts like this probably won't get their attention as long as you don't empty out an entire colour printer doing it.

They will probably support him, but their bosses will be shitting bricks AND working out how to virtue signal their way to greater political power when they see this.

GL OP. Get an agent before talking to the press.

We know how the power structure works here. People in power we all call "big guys", and yes. They will outright shit bricks if this becomes a thing.

Update: Pepe 1 down (the second picture in the OP is no longer there), next to it is a great stinking transexual poster which has been around for far too long. That could be a good target.

Today there has been mixed responses, there were plenty of girls all huddled around the tables next to the poster at lunch, none of them took it down but they looked somewhat irritated when they saw it.

Some lads laughed at it, not paying much attention to it.

All in all, not much response yet, but at the same time, lots of the prissy bitches are doing work experience… When I come back from Christmas holidays I will up the shitting tenfold, having plenty of time to plan for the ultimate triggering.

I prefer the original version where the niglet has a beard