Across the world, what are the most viable socialist parties or militant groups?
I know Japan and Russia both have very powerful Communist parties, but their power level is pretty low
Across the world, what are the most viable socialist parties or militant groups?
I know Japan and Russia both have very powerful Communist parties, but their power level is pretty low
How unsurprising.
russia naturally has a communist party.
japans communist party could be hurt very badly soon though, do to the Japanese constitution being rewritten by the fascists that control 2/3s of the house.
rip jap communists
I still had enough energy to fuck your wife yesterday.
I hear they were gonna ban anime
it's not true..right?
it's like your twelve
All leftists are, they usually grow up around turning 24.
I'm 8, m8
I hope, maybe one day Holla Forums will drop down back into obscurity when they do.
Well, if you go with "very powerfull but low power lever" how is that not a paradox? KKE (Greece) gets 5% for 30 years or something. … so?
still have plenty of time
I'm 31, dude.
Leftypol is 18-40. Pol is filled with edgy teens.
sad, you have a family at least right?
no, I killed them
watch that edge user, you might cut someone with it.
Watching anime tends to slow your mental development. I`m sorry for your mother.
personal experience?
ITT: Holla Forums
so user, what have you done in your time for your le revolution.
I just happen to know how cucks think. Thankfully to lord I`m recovering.
it's too late, I'm already cut myself
to know how cucks think, you need to become one
Well I for one am happy with the decline of the left and the rise of the right wing parties.
stayed alive
Don't you worry, when the time comes, I will die for communism
Do you think that will happened before your a very old man?
something will happen
may the spectre of communism guide us
But Animu was actually created by Westerners to give glorious Nippon a bad name
so your only hoping something will happen then?
What about the German Left party? They have at least one governor among the 16 states.
I've even got a stable job!
it's a start, no fine a girl preferable your own race an have a family.
Nazi poster is right, Anime is garbage.
So, not only do I have to get a GF, not only have I to get both past social anxiety and find time to get out, when am working every night…
But I also have to identify as a "race"?
What is my race? My ancestors before 1600 were slavs, I'm south europa.. .. what "race" am I?
How does this "race" thing of yours even work? Am I white when I get a tan? Is it in the genes or something? WHAT RACE?
Why is a man a cuck for demanding what's his?
That's just as true of the far-right. Many people lose their radicalism once they realize how hard it is to achieve idealistic goals.
Personally, I've been more and more radical during the last 15 years. I'm 30 now.