So, how do we combat this? Just clear exif data from memes, recompress, or reformat?
Would appreciate a digestible normalfag template so anons can be ready.
So, how do we combat this? Just clear exif data from memes, recompress, or reformat?
Would appreciate a digestible normalfag template so anons can be ready.
Other urls found in this thread:
Basically pro white symbolism and videos.
Break Up google,face book,and twitter like how standard oil and Ma Bell was.
I guess we need to start altering our videos to mess up hashes. Would a program that adds a random 2 seconds to the end of the video be enough to fuck the hash?
Chances they will use it on ISIS terrorism or BLM chanting for the death of cops and white people: Nigh zero.
They took the acceleration meme serious.
all you have to do to avoid this, literally change 1 pixel of data and the picture or video hashes to something completely different. I know microshit wouldn't know this cause all they have now are pajeets.
Yes. Webm for Retards has this iirc.
Pictures: crop by one pixel or change color of two pixels
Video: аdd .3 seconds randomly anywhere in the video
Audio: change pitch by .1%
Their memes are weak
or for audio you can add a subtle filter over it, and maybe some really quiet white noise, something unnoticeable. works much better. Youtubes thing checks for shit like pitch shift by small margins like that so I assume they would do it on other platforms.
Jewtube have their audio shit down. I had a funny video where part of the audio was some sand nigger yelling, 'aloha snackbar' and they wouldn't allow it. Fucking gay, completely out of context but there you go.
So if they share that with Twitter… ok, but there's not much av material on there only very short stuff.
Photos however, between fb and tw could be something. FB will goof like in my Jewtube example.
MS is the ugly friend whose included just to be nice.
Hashes aren't it, that's a twenty year old idea. That won't placate the EU faggots which is the source of this. It's the tech faggots reaction to their kevetching. So it's going to be like facial recognition and neural net shit. You can fool it but it means extra work. First your shit needs to get flag to find out you need to do something. Unless you're all OC of course but my Jewtube video was and it still got banned because of 5seconds of audio from another source.
Internet purge when?
Now, naturally this has nothing to do with stopping violent jihadists, it's all about stopping people from having their feelings hurt on the internet or even worse, unthinkably worse, going against what is deemed acceptable thought patterns. Someone has to save the ignorant from themselves, after all.
We can't just let evil white Nazis run around telling untruths now can we?
how about adding a sub-20Hz sound? Would be inaudible to human ears, but would definitely change the hash.
Maybe even put down some ghost frequencies to really play up the emotional factor, vid related
I can hear that, all you need is a good set of headphones. Shitty ones won't be able to produce a sound from that.
So close.
It'd be cool to get something board wide so that videos uploaded here get random hashes for each user. So if we have a number of anons pickup a video here and upload it else where, then the videos can stay up for as long as possible and avoid a blanket ban across multiple sites.
Shit, looks like I got my first quads after all. Noice.
Trump should handle Facebook, Twitter, and Google just like the government did with Microsoft back in the 90s. They not only monopolize like Bill "Globalist Cocksleave" Gates did, but they engage in information control.
I wonder if this is going to be a two-way street. SJW faggots can't complain too hard if they can't put a video, image, or piece of audio that is banned.
There's definitely a lot of work to do to delegitimize these platforms.
Low energy quads tbh but Ill check em.
Trump should breakup any company that has been caught abusing the worker visa program & has money over seas to avoid taxes.
That would break up apple.
You're right - low energy. Won't do it again, was just happy about getting my first quads after being on here so long.
What a dumb idea.
You could just add an extension to the browser that intercepts the file upload API and automatically processes webms, images, audio, etc before they're submitted…making the necessary changes to bypass the hash (eg. as per ).
This is a really low energy attempt at censorship.
Can someone make a program to change 1 pixer in all the images of a flder?
We need our own free speech competitor platforms.
Or Trump pulling an anti-trust lawsuit.
A video service could already be piggybacked off of bittorrent but bitches go B-BUT MUH IP IS REVEALED. Yeah, better to just give it to jewgle instead so they can track your ass all over the place - they're "safe". I'll never understand why when someone wants to go decentralized the chief objection is privacy. Niggers, you're already giving everything up to people you don't know.
exiv2 rm angry_kike.jpg
convert angry_kike.jpg -resize 100% angry_kike.jpg
Sounds like breaking the first amendment to me.
(updated logo)
I'll check em, since they're your first.
It's not about headphones not producing the sound, the human ear simply can't hear sub 20Hz
I guess I'll change one pixel/character/frame.
In 2017 this will mean roughly 50% of their content will be cut. The Jews will Jew so hard they Jew themselves.
Trump…please bring the anti-trust suits against these people!
That's usually not enough.
Flipping the image/video often doesn't work either.
You'd have to edit it somehow, like adding an overlay texture onto the image, adjusting the colors, or something like that. Depending on what method they use to detect content, you might have to do some heavy editing to get around it.
Find some of the most easily trigerred websites that can submit hashes to the database, polarize them, and have them flood the database with submissions. Eventually turning them into unfun hugboxes.
At the same time make altervative video/image hosting.
Why are alternatives nonexistent anyway?
There are alternatives to pretty much any service, but they are not widely used and usually (((they))) will cut off their access to payment services forcing them to only use bitcoin.
Once they start pushing this hard necessity will take over.
e.g. gitgud, mixtape
Alternatives to Twitter do exist, but they're not as widely known or used - which is the whole problem, since Twitter's only merit is its giant audience.
Alternatives to YouTube are almost impossible, due to the sheer scale of it; streaming everyone's videos requires immense amounts of storage, processing power, and bandwidth.
And with any of the "social media" type sites, the service is only as good as the number of subscribers. What is required for a competitor to succed is a perfect storm: one of the sites doing something horrible that EVERYONE hates, (like when Google+ was forced into YouTube), AT THE SAME TIME as an new alternative site exists and is already well-known. Then the alternative has to be able to deal with the massive influx of new customers.
I begin to understand why they were all shitting themselves when President Trump appointed that antitrust expert.
That won't work. Learn about Fourier transforms and/or Eigenvectors to see why. These hashes will be based on both of those.
The thought just occurred that a YouTube alternative MIGHT be able to take off if it used the Startpage model; starting out as a mirror/front-end proxy, so that it has every video that YouTube has (but with its own, non Google+ comment system). You'd INSTANTLY get a lot of people going there.
Then, if it has its own video upload system that doesn't try to censor or copyright-block everything, people would eventually start switching over to uploading their videos directly there instead of to YouTube.
The biggest problem remains the money - the cost of maintaining servers, that such a site probably wouldn't be able to get advertising, and that every scum sucking copyright lawyer in the western hemisphere would be targeting it.
Still, it's an interesting thought.
I think these sites lose money. (could be wrong, if ads are actually working). Subsidized by investors hoping to take over world and monetize eventually.
You can make your own youtube but hosting costs will be high because video takes bandwidth.
Are they already using such "soft" hashes for DMCA/copyright stuff?
If this is possible, it would be a really good idea.
i've been contemplating the idea of a youtube archive for a while
would take a lot of storage and bw though
also hasn't youtube been doing this for a while. i remember videos getting baleeted instantly yet when you'd mirror the video they wouldn't get removed
I think YouTube uses these for audio already for this purpose, and obviously Google Images as well. I'm not sure what the cost/benefit analysis is for video, that might be expensive.
This is occurring because of pressure from the EU and US to remove both “fake news” and “extremist content” because it is allowing the “populist” — read: realists who have observed the failure of Leftism — revolt to boil over in opposition to the cadre of elites who promote each other, ensuring that they always win. The EU has been pushing for big social to remove “hate speech”, which shows us that “extremist content” means non-Leftist content and not, for example, jihadi propaganda:
If the Silicon Valley companies do not speed up their response to tackling illegal hate speech on their platforms, they will be be held accountable under European law, the Commission said Sunday.
Back in May, the companies all voluntarily signed up to a code of conduct, in which they promised to remove hate speech within 24 hours of it being posted and to promote counter-narratives. The code arose from concerns about a proliferation of hate speech on the platforms following a spate of terror attacks in Europe and amid the refugee crisis.
”If Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Microsoft want to convince me and the ministers that the non-legislative approach can work, they will have to act quickly and make a strong effort in the coming months,” she told the Financial Times.
When this database is created, it will undoubtedly include “fake news” from sites other than those which repeat the Party line. As
What the left is trying to do is designate anything outside its ideological bubble as suspect on its face.
In October, President Obama complained that we need a “curating function” to deal with the “wild-wild-west-of-information flow.” Who would be doing this “curating” is unclear — but we can guess: “Obviously,” Noah Feldman writes at Bloomberg View, “it would be better if the market would fix the problem on its own . . . But if they can’t reliably do it — and that seems possible, since algorithms aren’t (yet) fact-checkers — there might be a need for the state to step in.”
In other words, censorship.
In reality, this will shake out this way: some sites will be designated fake and some content designated extremist. Those who post either will find themselves shadowbanned on the big sites. In this way, the average person will see nothing but content from the Left-leaning mainstream media and be forced to conclude that no alternative exists.
Anyone who thinks muslim jihadis are the real target of this are insane. In short, losing the US election while the entire ZOG media was shilling for one candidate has made them realize they are losing their stranglehold.
Dr Pierce videos are going to be gone from Jewtube, basically anything that names the Jew. If you are in Europe, look into a good VPN (not based in any of the 5 eyes, no logs, no DNS leaks. Best ones usually in nordic nations.
If you are a tech illiterate, take a weekend and just spend 2 days figuring it out. Most VPN companies give free trials. Read the guides out there, find one you can afford and that works.
Is this a ruse, or are they actually considering to pass hate speech laws?
The cost to have a website up and running is quite low. They will not be able to control the Internet in the same way they did with old media. They will either have to implement some kind of quality control, or drown us in constant shilling., a site I got from here, is about as close to "neutral" as you can get. A few days ago, they had an article about a US senate bill that makes accusing jews of exaggerating the holocaust a "hate crime" on college campuses in the US. Despite the fact that it conflicts directly with first amendment.
Here's another decent article on the jewish media "blacklist" of "fake news" sites:
they already passed one in the congress (specific to protecting jews),it went almost unnoticed. Have no idea if it will ever holdup in court, but who knows.
Revolutionary intellectuals have the historic mission of inventing the vocabulary and the themes for the next tyranny.
I know this looks gloomy but it's actually very good. Let these tech giants go full 1984. It'll drive the creation of new, Holla Forums friendly platforms…
I would suppose that vid isn't sub 20 then because I can definitely hear it, amplitude is pretty low though
Lets hope so, but its easier to say it than its done