Calling all shit posters. The mods of
Show them the consequences of being a sanctuary for illegals and rapists by posts some dank Sanduskies.
Calling all shit posters. The mods of
Show them the consequences of being a sanctuary for illegals and rapists by posts some dank Sanduskies.
I get cities, but what the fuck would a sanctuary campus mean?
Help bump, but I'm not going to leddit
already made a few posts, lets cuck these guys up
The mods of that sub are not letting people discuss the downsides of forcing citizens to pay for illegals to go to Penn State.
Remind Penn State about the consequences of harboring illegal behavior!
Penn state is cucked, made another reddit account, posted, need more Holla Forumsocks
'pedo state' the shit out of them. I did that on facebook before and got wonderful results. Rustles them like nothing else. Of course these Cancerous little shits care nothing of children and it's all about how they look.
it means our justice system has 0 legitimacy and whoever throws the biggest fit gets what they want.
I like this idea.
They are doing what we should have been doing for a long time.
Mass civil disobedience.
It's easier for (((them))) thought because they are parasites and have no remorse or a sense of integrity.
They're like women meddling in foreign policies and not having to be drafted. No risk for them.
If we are disobedient then we know shit is gonna collapse.
But it has to collapse, it is not worth saving.
We can still support our needy with actual charity while denying taxes and other things to the state, starving out and disincentivizing all the subhumans to stay for gibs.
Then once they are gone, go back to what works.
They will use it as a jump off point to infect the surrounding red counties with turd world diversity.
Fuck happy valley
Reminds me of the"underground railroad" that was discussed here a while back. Here's a screencap.
Guess they don't like the federal funding they get.
I wonder what would happen to them if students receiving federal funding stop attending because their school is excluded.
Emperor Trump will cut funding to their institution if they fund or shelter illegals. These marxist institutions can only survive on the teets of whitey, without it they are nothing.
Whelp. Time to wheat paste rares
Immigration law, 8 US Code 1324 states that it is a crime to, either knowingly or recklessly, “conceal, harbor, or shield from detection, or attempt to conceal, harbor, or shield from detection… transport, or move or attempt to transport or move” or… to even “encourage or induce” an illegal alien “to come to, enter, or reside in the United States, knowingly or in reckless disregard of the fact that such coming to, entry, or residence is or will be in violation of law"
And when it comes to banning Muslims from entering the country…
8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens
section 14 (f) in effect since December 24, 1952
"Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President
Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.
Checked and kek'd
Theres gonna be a lot of salt mining for the next 8 years
Who cares about one's kids? You fuck girls, that is what you do. Kids should do their own thing to get rich.
Racist leafs attacking dem Mexican folks
Nah. He was just the token nigger.
Always better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.
And fuck niggers, too.
Of all proxies avalible you choose A FUCKING LEAF
This is me too.
Watched couple of animes in my life and its k, but will never understand autists who are fanatical about it and reply with anime answers in form of a picture.
I just cringe trying to imagine how the person who does that looks and behaves IRL…
I hope this is a troll post. Hitler is the archetypal fascist.
I might seriously be done voting after this election, shit seems pretty pointless.
Is it too late to change my vote to hillary?
This is a very nice chart.
Can you just not read? I live in Canada.
Also the majority of people in the US being white is irellevent to the fact that 0 white men are raping black women while 30,000 black men rape white women a year.
Nope. Niggers all live in the same communities/ghettos surrounded by black women. They have to go out of their way and look for white women to rape.
Is Sandusky jewish?
PSU Alum here. WTF can I do to show I do not support this. wow i am fucking embarrassed.
same shit
Shoot them all for trespassing
It doesn't mean anything. Colleges don't have the right to harbor illegals and violate immigration law. The campus would have no recourse against the deportation squads.
Why is the email hack such a big deal?
Even if you go with the assertions, not evidence, that it was GRU and FSB, its like people think the alphabet agencies wouldn't have hacked Russia and countless other countries.
So why is it such a problem that the kremlin is engaging in the same things that America has no doubt been doing for 20 years?
Buy the book niggers
It's fucking great. I've only read a few pages so far and I'm telling you this shit is worth it.
Go back to your filthy favela, fucking monkey
At least we're rid of the Poles here lads
*pumps M97*
How do you think I feel, I'm currently going here. Tbh it doesn't surprise me, the student government people are all cucks. The student president or w/e is actually the leader of the college Republicans as well. He's a 'log cabin Republican', complete fucking fudge packer. Penn State Bull Moose Party is pretty based though, they're essentially the Students for Trump organization.
More idiotic b8.
Yeah…he's not a career politician in any way. He's been appointed Secretary of State - not head of the EPA or any shit like that. Tillerman is an outsider who doesn't owe his position to political machines.
like totally man
jews lol
Hard not impossible. Just gain some intelligence.
It's too late. Our country is a meme now.
Conquer more Africa, as well as expand toward East Europe.
Jesus liberals are SO dumb.
Well, I must say that the days of CTR were probably the most exciting to me, at least.
Western Europe and North America (without Mexico)
Nah he just doesn't need to listend to a bunch of kikes make shit up, kike.
The weirdest thing about Toronto is all the arabs and jews live in the same community even though they could literally live anywhere else in the city.
They taught us this in middle school. The area of a trapezoid is not a hard concept for a child to understand.
You wigger, do you realize that your nation will be a turn world in 30 years? That was 10 years ago. For fucks sakes, your true enemies are running/ruining your nation. We have been warning you for so many god damn years, take a hint.
Racism means you have members of a race. Doesn't matter what race you are or who you hate, anyone can be racist.
That's because at least negroes can be pleasant in small groups. The Chinese and Indians will just shit on the ground.
Bongs of truth. We've probably fucking contributed more to kraut culture than the vice versa
no. it's funny when he posts dumb shit.
Bottom left, botton middle-right
No just girls without Dads.
Bump to keep the thread alive
Bump. It's a real question.
lol wtf?
im going to go shoot him now!
Where was it when there were millions of white slaves in North Africa from 1600 to 1900, where is the black lives matter in Africa right now